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Some people say that the children’s behaviour is becoming worse because they

are influenced by the social network such as Facebook , YouTube ….To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Bài Làm
Recent years have witnessed the dramatically in the usage of social network
such as Facebook, YouTube.. particularly among children. This has raised
debate over whether this phenomenon has negative influences on children’s
behaviour or not.While acknowledging the reasons behind this thinking, I
contend that social network has distorted the children’s behaviour and sifting
out the contend and supervision from parents is recommended
On the one hand,besides the social networks there are many factors which
have impact on how children behave and the social networks,to some extents ,
are not completely detrimental to children’s behaviour . The foremost reasons
behind this could be that there are many kid contends such as animated films
containing many life lessons and this can greatly attribute to the development of
both children’s mind and their behaviour. Take the famous animated film ‘
Doraemon’ as an example, as it mostly aim at children, its contend is funny and
besides that are the meaningful lessons which promote children’s independence
or encourage them to be a good child.However, bad change in children’s
behaviour can not be solely attributed to the social network.The surrounding
environment also has impact on how a child behaves, they can be affected by
the way their parents do and adopt their bad habits. Therefore, the belief that
social network is solely attributed to children’s bad behaviour seems
On the other hand, social network introduce several risks, particularly
concerning the bad contends which are posted on public on Facebook or
YouTube, alongside the possibility of being addicted to it . Regarding the
former, without being sifted out some programme or films which show
inappropriate contends related to violence, sex, drug abuse could be posted on
social network. Thus the children may adopt some bad habits or sensitive
information which can distort children’s mind and behaviour.With regard to the
latter, without supervision from parents children can be addicted to social
network and spend most of their time on it.Consequently, in the long term it can
influences children’s behaviour making them be quiet,reserved and taciturn.
In conclusion, while there are justifications for the belief that the social
network is not completely detrimental to the children’s behaviour and it still
brings about some benefits.I would contend that the bad contends and the
possibility of social addition,as well as their long reaching impact should not be

Marginalize : làm cho thứ j đó it quan trọng đi

Detrimental to : có hại vs
Adopt : làm theo học theo ( bắt chước )
Sift out : phân loại
Taciturn : ít nói , lầm lì
Reserved : kín đáo dè dặt.

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