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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CBCSISCHENE 1acrvs9 = | | ‘Question Paper Version Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination, Jan/Feb. 2023 Environmental Studies (COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES) @ Time: 2 hrs.) E grxs: 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CAND] 1. Answerall the hundred questions, each question 2. Use only Black ball point pen for writing / darkeni:¥lhe circles, 3. For each question, after selecting your answer Wag keltge appropriate circle corresponding to the same question numbegion the OMR sheet. 4. Darkening two circles for the same quest ower invalid 5. Damaging/overwriting, using whit the OMR sheets are strictly prohibited. 1. Which ofthe following isa possi ecoayatem? 4) Animal Plants Human beings 6)Fish 2. The largest reservoir oft is 8) Oceans ») Atmosphere) Rivers 3. India has the world’s ogPhich of the following 8) Manganese Mi ©) Copper 4) Diamond 4. dentify the non aggwablgource of enerey frm the following: 2) Coal Fabel ©) Wind power —-d) Wave power 5 owing Wrminologies is not associated with the vertical structure of Understory _—e) Forest oor ==) First floor 6. ing is cause of class of biodiversity? eradation 'b) Invasion of non-native species 4) Allofthese 7. @ Airpollution from automobiles can be contioled by Sting .) Electrostatic precipitator ) Cyclone separator WelBollector <4) Catalytic converter the solid waste consists of large amount of organic matter and if the moisture content is high, which ofthe following methods of treatment will be ideal? ) Composting b)Palletizing ¢) Incineration 4) Recycling 10f8 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18CIVss 9. Chemoby! Nuclear Disaster occurred in the year 9) 1984 ) 1985 €) 1986 ) 1987 10. The primary cause of acid rain around the world is 8) Carbon dioxide ') Sulphur dioxide ©) Carbon monoxide €) Ozone 11. World Environmental day is held every year on 2 June S* b) October 2) April 22% @ 1" 12, Ozone layer thickness is measured in mm b) em PDodsonunit a) 13, First ofthe major environmental protection acts to be vas ) The Water Act 'b) The Ai ©) The Environment Act a) Noise Rules 14, Blue baby syndrome is causes duc to a)Manganese—b) Ozone ©) Sige a) Nitrate 15. World Earth's day is annually celebrated on ) April 22" by June 5* 4) May 1" 16. ‘The most important fuel used by nucleer a) U235 6) U-238 aus 17. Which ofthe following is abiotic ecosystem? @) Fungi Solar light ©) Temperatore Humidity 18. Abiotic component inclu 2) Soil ) Temperature ©) Water a) Allofthese 19. The word “Envi rived from 8) Greck ) French ©) Spanish 4) English 20. which Bt 6 /absorbed by green plants ftom the atmosphere? a) Car +b) Water ©) Nat 4) All of these 21, EugophicRion is ay quality of water in lakes bya ‘carbon cycle ©) the result to accurmilation of plant nutrients in water bodies 1 walpr purification technique ay consumer is a) Herbivores b) Carnivores ) Macro consumers 4) Omnivores 20f8 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18CIv: 23. Which among the following isa climatic factor? 8) pressure b) humidity ©) temperature 4) allof these 24, Biodiversity can be broadly clasified into how many types? 92 bs 93 ae 28. Hot spot areas have « 8) Low density of biodiversity ) Only endangered. ©) High density of hot springs 4) High density of bod 26. About ‘% ofthe carts surfice is covered by water. 53% ') 19% 71% a 27, Deforestation means 2) preservation of forests b) destructtbp$ forest ‘©) monocrop cultivation &) agrigul 28 When did National Disaster Management Authority fo 8) 2000 6) 2005 2) Ajo 2015 29. Disasters an event arising out of ) result of hazard event 6) causes of disaster event 30, The scientific study of earthquake 1) seismograph «) both @ and b 31, South Attica is loading i 8) Copper ') Diamond ©) Silver 4) Gold 2. Feame into existence inthe year. 0) 1980 ‘6) 1987 3. ¥) Restoration 6) Restore 34. iodide is based on the 'b) Collision-coalescence process 4) None of these 35. pollution is due ization ) Deforestation 6) Afforestation s)aandb 5. id waste from bathroom and kitchen js called b) Domestic sewage torm water @) Runott 30f8. BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18CIVS 37. BOD means 48) Biochemical Oxygen Demand ) Chemical oxygen demand ©) Biophysical Oxygen Demand €) Allofthese 38, Which of the following soures is surface water? 2) Springs ) Sueams ©) Deep wells A) All ofthese o 39, Which of he allowing is biodegradable? Plastics Domestic sewage ©) Detergents @ aade 40. Basing sounds known to cause 4) Mental distress b) High choy ©) Neurological problems © allo 41, “Minamata Disease” is caused due to a) Lead ») Arsenic ©) Mereury 4) Cadmium 42. Altemative eco-friendly fuel for automobiles is 4) Petrol b) Diesel 4) Kerosene 43. Population explosion will cause 4) Biodiversity ecosystem ©) More employment fof these 44, Which of the following ishaving indensity? 8) India ) China SA, 4) Wester Europe 45. Demography is the study off a) Animals behaviour ») Population growth ©) River 4) None of these >) Ble’ | 46, Forest are called as 8) Air purifier lungs _¢) Oxygen reservoir) COs absorbers 47. Which of the fltowing ity thatthe urban people enjoy? air ’b) Better communication access 4) None of these at 2 is en air pollutant? b) Oxygen 4) Particulate matter expired drugs are disposed of by ») autoclave 4) chemical disinfection b)Red 4) White 4ofe BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT sh. 3. 56. 87. 60. 18CIV! Which of the following element make e-waste hazardous in nature? a) Land b) Glass ©) Plastic ) kon ‘What is the hazardous pollutant released from batteries? 4) Arsenic b) Barium ) Cobalt ) Cadmium @ ‘What isthe term used for reuse of sewage sludge? 8) Compost ') Solids ©) Biosolids 4) Sludge Reduction in brightness of the famous Taj Mahal is due to a) Global warming b) Air pollu ©) Ozone depletion Al E.LA. can be expanded as ) Environment and Industrial Act Bevis ipact Activities ©) Environmental Impact Assessment Important Activity Organic Farming is Farming without using pesticides and cf ilieer ») Enhances biodiversity ©) Promotes soil biological activity 4) All of these Bio-remediation means the remo jnants from a) Soil Wastewater ©) Groundwater ‘4) Both soil and ground water Plants use _ esi. 8) Oxygen 'b) Methane ©) Nitrogen 46) Carbon dioxide What is the maxi le concentration of fuorides in drinking water? a) 10mei ¥)1.25 mglh €) 1.50, mg/ 1.75 mg Forest i ka is found in a) We ) Bandipur ©) N 16) Mangalore esh water available im the earth the percentage of surface water is about b) 10% ©) 5% 4) less than 1% is caused by 010208 b Virus teria ©) Fungus Sof8 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18C1V! 63. Te India groundwater resources are rich in 2) Plains of river Kaveri and Krishna) The Decean platcau ©) The Gangetic plains 4) The plains of Netavati and Kapil 64, The required iron content in drinking water as specified by BIS is, 8) 300 mast 1») 30 mg/h ©) 3mglt 4) 030 met 65. Molasses fiom sugar industry is used to generate 2 8) Biodiesel ') Hydrogen ©) Bioethanol 4) Biomethano! 6. Wind Farms are located in 8) Riverbasin b)Plain area ©) Hilly area @) Valley a 67. Biomass consists of a) Lignin ©) Cellulose 68. Natural gus contains ) Carbon dioxide ©) Methane 69, Anti wbacco day is mentioned on a) 31" May 931"July gust 70. Population explosion will eause 1) Socio-Economic Problems, Food Scarcity ©) Energy crises 1) AlLof these 71. In geosynchronous orbit ch gpatelite is about 2) 36,000 kins ') 10,000 kms ©) 50,000 lems None of these 72. The Aie Prevent 9 oF Pollution) Act was enacted inthe year. 2) 1987 ©) 1991 4) 1988 73. Kudee taka was closed due to 2) River at to biodiversity bk ©) Rah 8) Serio 74. On ‘Gandhi Jayanthi which andolan was launched by our Honorable Prime Minister ) Swedeshi b) Sarvashikshana Abhiyana Suvaagrama 4) Swach Bharath \emational agreement signed in the year 1987, to protect stratospheric ozone is known as :) Montreal protocol b) Kyoto protocot ) Earth summit 4d) None of these 6of8 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 82, Go green 18CIV! ‘The explosion of First Atomie Bomb was done in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 9) 1946 1) 1986 ©) 1945 4) 1947 ‘A dangerous pesticide which has been reported to cause physical deformities to fople of Kerala and Kamatala states 8) Endosulfan ) Fluorides ©) br 4) Dioxygene Visible portion of EMR ranges between 2)04-076um— Yy105-T25}m 680-140 pm 2 ‘Data representation in Raster data is by a) pixel points, ©) latitude and Jongitude )none ofthese In water treatment, alum is used for a) softening ') coagulation. 6) fitati fisinfection GIS stands for a) Geostationary Interact Sector ») Geos ligicar tion Systom ©) Geotechnical Information Society 4) GeothermMpinvestigation Site LPG is amixuure of a) Nzand HS ©) Propane and butanes and CO: ‘The Tiger Conservation Project was st 3) 1973, ) 1975 4) 2000 ‘The leader of “Chipko Movemer a) Sunderlal Bahuguna ‘Medha Patkar ) Vandana Shiva '4) Mahatma Gandhi Which ofthe following is Fly.ash? a) Vehicular exhaust ) Sewage ©) Thermal power p] 4) All of these ‘The permissible age OPRYLfor drinking water as per the Indian Standard is 4)6109 2)65 1085 ©) 61085 65075 in which ted 125 means 8) Surface water ) Both (a) and (b) mies saturated due to over irigation by soit 4) Atmosphere b) Atmosphere water 4) Ground water 708s BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 1scIvs 90. Bio-remediation means deliberately introducing micro organisms to break pollutants, 8) Soil, ) Waste water ©) Ground water 4) Both soil and groundwater 91. The Kamataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) was established inthe year. a) 1974 ) 1982 6) 1973 4) 1983 92. Which of the following is not apart ofthe hydrological cycle? « 8) Precipitation b) Infiltration 1) Transpiration ) Perspiration 93. Firs International Earth Summit was hold at Usa, b)Russia ©) Rio-de-Janerio Johann ‘94, Which among the following has highest percentage of value 4) Anthracite ) Peat ©) Lignite 98. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in a)Leat ©) Roots 96. The two major components of ecosystem: ‘) Adiabatic and isotropic i and climatotogic ©) Cyclic and biologic tie and biotic 97. Geothermal energy is & a) Heat enensy ©) Curent enerey 98. The average life expec a a) Decreasing, ©) Stabilizing @) Not changing 99. The universal d Rights was proclaimed by the UN in te year. a) 1946 1987 ©) 1948, 4) 1949 100. The objedily oF tlBbusfea Child Development Service (ICDS) are a) ') Heal check up and referral services ©) Pre-sligol education 4) All of these « Bots BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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