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Digitalising Water – Sharing
Singapore’s Experience

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Digitalising Water – Sharing
Singapore’s Experience

NG Joo Hee
Chief Executive
Harry SEAH
Deputy Chief Executive (Operations)
PANG Chee Meng
Chief Engineering & Technology Officer

PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

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Published by IWA Publishing
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First published 2020

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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Chapter 1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A Digital Roadmap for the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Singapore Digital Water Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 2
Why digitalisation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Charting a Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Absorbing Lessons, Making Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Into the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Integrated Water Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter 3
Digitalisation in PUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Creating Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Efficient Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Better Work Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Improved Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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vi Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Chapter 4
The digitalisation framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Building the Right Wireless Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Harvesting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Breaking Down Silos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Supplementing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Translating Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The Power of Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Mirror Universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
The Road Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 5
Cybersecurity: the backbone of digitalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Systems and Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Training and Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Back-ups and Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Security Fit for Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Chapter 6
The human element in digitalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
A Utility-wide Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Basic Training for Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Zeroing in on Data Analytics Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Setting Sight on Design Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Valuing People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 7
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Digitalisation Takes Centre-stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
At the Forefront of Digitalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

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Over the last decade, almost every aspect of our lives has become digital – from how we deal
with finances to the ways in which we are entertained. Pervasive availability of powerful and
interconnected technologies, including the Cloud and AI, are leading many businesses and
governmental organisations on a journey of digital transformation.
While new technologies have disrupted traditional business models, they have also created
immense opportunities for new products, services and new business models that are more
sustainable and cost-effective. These changes are set to impact almost every sector, including
The IWA Publishing Digital Water Book Series collates perspectives, experiences and best
practices to enable its readers to develop a strategic response to the possibilities offered by new
digital technologies.
This first book in the series is compiled by Singapore’s National Water Agency, PUB. PUB
is an internationally renowned, award-winning statutory board that manages Singapore’s water
supply, water catchments and used water in an integrated way. The holistic approach adopted by
PUB has resulted in a lower dependence on external water sources through diversification,
including through desalination, stormwater storage and high-quality reused water.
Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience outlines PUB’s vision and provides
examples of some of its digital initiatives. Here, digital becomes an integral vector in an
integrated water management approach.

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_vii

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viii Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

As digital disruption continues to reshape business domains, organisations will be under

pressure to adapt to change. Doing so will allow them to take full advantage of the
opportunities ahead. The IWA Publishing Digital Water Book Series will, hopefully, offer
your organisation some perspectives on the effective execution of digital strategies for water
It is meant to support you as you become more proactive in the digital domain, help you turn
digital threats into opportunities, and allow you to leverage digital to create competitive
advantages and to enhance performance.
The book series will not be limited to addressing new technologies or systems. The most
successful digital transformations depend equally on the sound strategies for management of
processes and people. This will be a focal point in future volumes.
We hope you glean useful insights from this series, and ideas that help you along in your own
digital journeys.

Professor Vladan Babovic

National University of Singapore
Editor-in-Chief, IWA Publishing Digital Water Book Series

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Water – specifically, the lack of it – occupies a special place in the Singaporean consciousness.
We simply do not have the space to collect and to store enough of the rainwater that we will need
for later consumption. Water scarcity compels us to turn to recycled wastewater and even dearer
desalinated seawater in order to quench new thirst. Indeed, the enduring sustainability and
security of Singapore’s water supply present, no less, an existential challenge for the country.

Smart Water
Imagine driving a car which has neither speedometer nor fuel gauge. This is essentially
analogous to what water end-users find themselves in today. The water meter outside every
Singaporean home is the dumbest, albeit highly accurate, of sensors. In order to keep track
of water consumption, the consumer needs to physically sight the meter dial, make a record
of the counter reading, and then return and repeat the same at a later chosen time. As
physical verifications of meter readings are cumbersome and costly, they are done
infrequently. For billing purposes, water meters in Singapore are read every other month.
Any more often would make it uneconomical.
The challenge for PUB Singapore is to give our customers the water equivalent of the
speedometer and fuel gauge, and so empower them to become smarter users of water.
Battery and wireless technology, together with cloud computing, have improved to such an
extent that a computer-enabled water meter now costs no more than the brass block of old.
Yet, such a smart sensor that can measure, register and wirelessly transmit usage data to

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_ix

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x Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

remote servers, which in turn calculate and analyse before proceeding to inform the consumer
almost instantaneously, promises to change the game entirely.
Our tryouts of smart water meters show that those who receive timely usage information are
able to meaningfully adjust behaviour and become more efficient users, saving water and
money in the process. These experiments have convinced us that the digitalization and
constant availability of water use information will help to change consumer behaviour,
leading to significantly reduced consumption. They also confirm that that our broader
ambition to digitalize Singapore’s entire water system is a worthy and worthwhile one.

The Future is Digital

There can be no denying that future of water is digital. If machines can do something faster and
cheaper, and perfectly all the time, why deploy an expensive human – who invariably gets tired
and is prone to mistakes – to the job? If computing power can help us make better decisions,
why leave anything to chance or human foibles? Remote sensors of all kinds – which are
now inexpensive, reliable, and work round-the-clock – can make real-time system-wide
surveillance, something manually impossible, imminently achievable. The digital future
Hence, the entirety of PUB Singapore is on a grand pivot, away from the slow and
burdensome ways of the past towards a future that is smart, speedy and precise. Many
systems are getting built, many processes have been re-engineered, and many jobs have, is
and will be transformed. This is happening across the length and breadth of our organization,
in our plants and in the field, on the frontlines and in the backroom.
Indeed, there is no other way around this, and we know we risk becoming redundant should
we opt to shy away from the effort. And so, we have chosen to put digitalization at the centre of
PUB’s transformation. For if we do not learn a new set of kungfu, we will be unprepared for, and
be beaten by the future.

Peter Joo Hee Ng

Chief Executive
PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

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Chapter 1

Singapore’s water journey is at a crossroads.

For decades, the city-state’s national water agency PUB has diversified and
expanded its sources of water to ensure a reliable supply for residents
and businesses.
In the 1970s, the nation began a massive effort to clean up its rivers and
waterways and increase its catchment area to collect rainwater, adding a new
source of water to its imported water from Malaysia. The country’s water
catchment area now spans two-thirds of its total land area, including 17
reservoirs island-wide to store rainwater.
When the technology to reclaim used water improved and became more
affordable in the 1990s, PUB set up a team to explore its potential application
in Singapore. After the utility completed extensive tests and audits and found
that it could produce high-grade, reclaimed water in a safe and sustainable
way, NEWater was conceived and introduced to the public in 2003. Just two
years later, in 2005, PUB added a fourth national tap with the opening of
Singapore’s first desalination plant.
The creation of the Four National Taps, namely water from local catchments,
imported water, NEWater and desalinated water, has cushioned Singapore’s
water supply against dry weather and reduced its water vulnerability. Along
the way, PUB has also inculcated water conservation as a way of life,

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0001

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2 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

decreasing the average water use per person per day from 165 litres in 2000 to
141 litres in 2019.
Singapore’s innovation and investment in its water sector has made it an
internationally acclaimed city for integrated water management, as well as an
emerging global hydrohub. It is a leading centre for business opportunities
and expertise in water technologies, with a vibrant and thriving ecosystem of
about 180 water companies and more than 20 water research centres
spanning the entire water value chain.
As with many other nations now, however, it faces a confluence of water
challenges in the coming years.
Singapore’s water demand is slated to nearly double by 2060, from its 430
million gallons per day currently. The country is also bracing for climate
change, which has already led to more intense rainfall and longer dry spells,
impacting rainwater collection and flood prevention efforts, as well as rising
sea levels.
Digitalisation can help alleviate these and other issues. It enables water
utilities to collect vast amounts of data, analyse it and produce meaningful
insights for more informed and better decision-making. Utilities can also
automate processes for efficiency and reap other benefits.
PUB Chief Executive Officer Ng Joo Hee has said: “Digitalisation gives us a
huge opportunity to advance our mission in previously unimaginable ways. It is
absolutely a gamechanger.”


In 2018, PUB unveiled its SMART PUB Roadmap to digitalise Singapore’s
entire water system. This will optimise the utility’s operational capabilities to
meet the nation’s future needs.
The roadmap outlines PUB’s key projects in four major areas: smarter
water quality management with artificial intelligence and automation; key
network improvements with predictive intelligence; integrated customer
engagement with water usage data; and smarter work redesign with
automation and robotics.
In smarter water quality management, the utility has started pilot trials on
technologies such as a fleet of cost-efficient and highly versatile robots that
can continuously monitor the water in Singapore’s reservoirs.
In key network improvements, PUB has assembled a hydrometric network
with water level sensors and flow sensors, together with a constellation of

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Introduction 3

Closed Circuit Television cameras (CCTVs) along waterways and throughout

These, together with other sensors have vastly expanded Singapore’s ability
to monitor the condition of its water network. Prior to these digitalisation
efforts, manual checks could only reveal the condition of the network at
specific points.
Now, PUB can oversee the network in real-time and in minute detail. With
digitalisation, the utility can further reduce leaks and non-revenue water, both
of which are perennial problems in the water sector.
PUB is also keen to empower customers with near real-time information on
their water consumption to encourage better water-saving habits and encourage
behavioural change towards conserving water. A previous smart trial with smart
water meters installed at about 800 households achieved average water savings
of up to 5%, due to early leak detection and adoption of water-saving habits
which was largely driven by the in-app gamifications. By 2023, PUB will
install smart water meters across seven locations in Singapore as part of the
first phase of the Smart Water Meter Programme.
With automation and robotics, utilities can also redesign work processes to
make them more efficient. PUB is testing out automated lab analysers, which
can test two to three times more samples than human operators in the same
amount of time, and allow analyses to be carried out around the clock. It is
also exploring virtual reality training for operators, and other digitalisation
These and other digitalisation projects will help PUB to become more
efficient and productive, preparing itself to be a smart utility of the future.


Despite its dividends, digitalisation is not always easy or straightforward to
implement. The choices in systems and technologies can be overwhelming,
and the upfront investment needed may be daunting, particularly for
utilities in smaller municipalities. Given the impact of water supply
disruptions, utilities may also be risk-averse and resistant to change.
In Singapore, PUB works with both the private sector and academia to
commercialise innovations. It co-invests with organisations, and opens up
some of its facilities for real-world tests, which are isolated from the rest of
its network for safety.

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4 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Mr Ng said: “We hope that what we’re doing in PUB will encourage and
motivate others to embrace digitalisation too. The technologies are available,
we have been successful in our projects, and digitalisation can solve many
problems for all of us.”
The following chapters will take a deep dive into PUB’s digitalisation efforts,
highlighting the deliberations behind its decisions, showcasing its projects, and
underlining the infrastructural, cybersecurity and human elements that water
utilities need to consider in charting their own paths forward.

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Chapter 2
Why digitalisation?

As water utilities consider whether they should invest in digitalisation, they

have to answer one decisive question: why do it?
For us in PUB, the road to digitalisation began with the confluence of two
growing trends.
On one hand, Singapore’s rising water demand, growing operational costs of
supplying water, looming manpower shortages in the water sector, and new
challenges such as climate change presented mounting problems in need of
On the other hand, advancements in digital and information
communications technologies were transforming the global landscape, and
could offer water utilities new methods of enhancing their productivity
and efficiency in planning, operations and service delivery without greatly
impacting costs.
In short, we saw that digitalisation held the answers to many of Singapore’s
incipient water issues.
By embracing digitalisation, we aim to become a smart utility that will
continue to meet its mission of supplying good water, reclaiming used water
and taming stormwater for people.
With that in mind, we came up with four major goals to guide our
digitalisation efforts: to create value for the utility through new capabilities,

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0005

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6 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

more efficient operations, a better work environment and improved

customer service.
By setting out these four broad objectives, we have been able to focus our
research and investments, plan our digitalisation journey in greater detail, and
consider more deeply how to collect and use data in innovative ways. Data
collected by one department within PUB would also be useful for others,
while linking different data sets could lead to fresh insights to improve
operations across the board.

This higher-order thinking has also enabled us to set a general path for our
transformation while leaving room to capitalise on creative projects that yield
multiple benefits. As an example, we have placed sensors in Singapore’s
factories and sewers to detect illegal discharges.
The data is not only used for enforcement actions against errant firms, but also
shared with water reclamation treatment plant operators, to give them more lead
time to adjust the plant operations.
Between 2021 and 2023, we will also install 300,000 smart water meters in
homes, commercial buildings and industrial sites across Singapore, as part of the
first phase of the Smart Water Meter Programme. The smart water meters will
provide near real-time water consumption information, replacing manual
readings taken every two months. This endeavour, too, will reap many
different dividends for both our customers and PUB.
With these smart water meters, our customers will be able to track their daily
water usage via a customer portal, empowering them to be more
water-conscious and use water more wisely. Our customers will also receive
high usage or potential leak notifications and be able to fix leaks more
promptly to reduce water loss and save money.
At the same time, our officers will be able to break the data down into daily or
hourly readings, and into zones and sub-zones. By looking at the difference
between water supplied to and used by consumers, our officers can find out
where there is unaccounted-for water, enabling them to identify leaks and fix
them earlier.
By leveraging digital technologies, we also plan to encourage behavioural
change towards water conservation, optimise water demand management and
achieve greater operational efficiencies. In addition, knowing demand patterns
can help us to proactively plan our systems to better serve customer needs.

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Why digitalisation? 7

Deputy Chief Executive (Operations), Mr Harry Seah, noted previously: “All

these digitalisation projects and others will make us more effective in our
operations, save costs and result in fewer problems and complaints from the


As we continue to implement digitalisation projects, PUB has also gleaned
insights and many other valuable lessons. From our earliest projects, for
example, we found that showing employees how digitalisation will improve
their work-life balance is key to winning their support.
When organisations promote digitalisation, they tend to focus on benefits to
the bottom-line, such as productivity gains. Employees, however, are more
concerned with how digitalisation will affect their livelihoods and
working environments.
They may resist digitalisation due to fears that they will lose their jobs to
automation. Utilities need to address this, and show that digitalisation, far
from threatening their employment, will actually boost their work-life balance.
By inviting employees to give feedback on proposed digital systems early
and regularly, utilities can showcase how the systems will help them to do
their jobs more effectively and potentially even shorten their work day.
At the same time, employees can also suggest crucial changes. While many
people may expect digital systems to be perfect from the moment they are rolled
out, that is rarely the case. Each system also has to be tailored to the specific
needs of the employees who will use it.
For example, when a firm hired by PUB to design its Catchment and
Waterways Operation System demonstrated the various dashboards to the
different groups of operators who would use it, the operators requested
further amendments that would enable them to carry out their job scopes better.
With every digitalisation project, we have also encouraged employees who
benefit from it to share their experiences with their peers. Such
word-of-mouth has done more to change minds and win hearts than the
utility would have achieved with a management-led approach.


As we look to the future, we see an increasing need for digitalisation. As cities
aim to meet their residents’ water needs while fulfilling other goals, such as

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8 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

limiting greenhouse gas emissions, they will have to become more nimble and
tap into emerging technologies.
Through digitalisation and analysing data such as water consumption
patterns, utilities can achieve real-time management of water, avoid
over-producing water, make their treatment processes more efficient and save
on resources, including electricity and chemicals.
We are already making advances on all of these fronts. Going forward, we
will use digitalisation to step up the use of automation to replace laborious
and repetitive tasks, so that it can free up manpower for higher value-added
activities such as problem solving and developing new ideas. We are also
leveraging artificial intelligence to support operations by reducing the time
taken for decision-making and actions through analytics and automation.
These strategies will alleviate a looming manpower shortage caused by
Singapore’s persistent low birth-rate.
Closed circuit television cameras, sensors and other surveillance technologies
will act as eyes and ears to monitor water treatment plants, so that our officers
need to do fewer physical checks, freeing up time for other tasks.
We will also automate repetitive and low-value work, such as scrutinising
invoices for mistakes, so that employees can devote more time to
higher-value responsibilities, and focus on improving their parts of the
water system.
Digitalisation will also broaden our menu of options to tackle problems such
as flash floods. In one instance in 2019, heavy rain had led to flash floods at
Craig Road yet again.
While the conventional solution would have been to widen the drain at the
road or build a culvert, analysis of data collected during the downpour and
computer modelling pointed to a much less disruptive fix: constructing a weir.
Erecting the weir took just one day, and when equally intense rain poured in
the area a few months later, there were no flash floods. With digitalisation, we
had more informed options to choose from, and averted a tremendous amount of
unnecessary work.


Ultimately, our goal is to create a single efficient water system (Figure 2.1),
where all of the processes that monitor water use, collect and treat used
water, treat and produce drinking water and distribute it are optimised at the
system level, rather than segregated based on function or department.

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Why digitalisation? 9

Figure 2.1 Core functions and outcomes of PUB’s digitalisation efforts (IWMS: Intelligent Water
Management System).

Human employees can harness digital systems to make this a reality. Both are
essential for the journey and to reach the endpoint. While digital systems can
solve many problems, they must be guided, operated and maintained by
people with the right domain expertise. They are not a replacement for people.
Mr Seah emphasised: “Digitalisation is an enabler, but people have to make
the decisions. Digital tools will give you more data to work with, more informed
options and more confidence in optimising the system, but it comes down to
people in the end. If we want water utilities to operate to the best of their
ability, we need both people and digitalisation to work hand in hand.”

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Chapter 3
Digitalisation in PUB

When setting out on our journey towards digitalisation, our objectives were to
create value through new capabilities, foster a better work environment,
improve customer service, and generate more efficient operations. To this
end, we have initiated projects across the length and breadth of PUB to
achieve them.
In our transformation so far, we have created digital management systems,
customised tools on the market for our specific needs, and launched research
to engineer the next generation of digital products for water utilities. In many
of these endeavours, we have benefited from the expertise of our partners in
industry and academia.
Even as we continue to digitalise PUB’s operations, our efforts have
produced results and could be useful starting points for other water utilities to
embark on their own digitalisation journeys. From crafting a roadmap to
putting it into action, here’s a look at how PUB has developed, tested and
implemented digital innovations to achieve each of its four objectives.

Every day, PUB manages a complex water loop that aims to collect every drop
of water, reuse water endlessly and desalinate seawater to meet the needs of

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0011

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12 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

homes, businesses and industries. While we have continually refined our

strategies and technologies, digitalisation offers opportunities to bring our
operations to the next level.
By tapping on digitalisation, we have incorporated new processes into
established routines to make our work more efficient, found fresh ways to
better monitor the health of our assets, and accomplished other
breakthroughs. The following projects are some examples of how we have
deployed digitalisation to create value in our operations.

Optimising the water system

Although Singapore has four national taps, namely water from local catchments,
imported water, high-grade reclaimed water known as NEWater and desalinated
water, it is up to our officers to determine how much of each tap to use to satisfy
the nation’s demands every single day.
These decisions are determined by factors such as the projected water
demand, weather forecast, system constraints and the available capacity of
each water treatment plant. Treating rainwater costs less than desalinating
seawater, for example, so it is financially prudent to supply more water
through the former than the latter if that is possible.
Throughout the day, PUB officers also monitor the water situation including
weather changes, unexpected fluctuations in demand, and other possible
disturbances such as plant failures. They have to make necessary adjustments
to the plants’ load dispatch to ensure that the demand is met and the water
system is optimised.
To manage this process as smoothly as possible, our officers used to spend
up to two hours at the start of each day planning how to fulfil Singapore’s
water demands while minimising costs and meeting operational constraints.
They drew data on the operational situation from PUB’s various
departments and formulated a plan for the day based on standard operating
With digitalisation, this time-consuming process has been whittled down to a
mere 15 minutes. An artificially intelligent program now analyses data collected
by sensors and manual inputs by PUB officers to determine the best course of
action for the day.
The system’s ability to quickly process new data, cycle through “what-if”
scenarios and continuously optimise the supply of water, has also given the
officers the confidence to expand operational boundaries.

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By lowering the service reservoirs’ required start-of-day water level by 5%,

for instance, we have cut our energy use for water treatment and pumping
without affecting the supply of water to customers.
The digital system, jointly created by PUB and Singapore’s Government
Technology Agency (GovTech), generated significant savings for the utility
in 2019, by optimising water transfers between reservoirs and the production
of water to meet demand. It has also reduced the time that officers spend in
planning operations by 64 man-days per year.
This implementation is just one example of how PUB has tapped into
digitalisation to add value to its operations. PUB is also using digitalisation
tools to create new value propositions, from a closer and more predictive
look at the health of individual pump sets to smarter system-wide
surveillance of the drainage grid.

Monitoring asset health

Pump sets are an indispensable part of every water utility. They keep water
moving, inject chemicals into the water, and perform a range of other
functions. PUB has more than 2,000 of them across Singapore, including
transfer pumps at pumping stations, process pumps, and pre- and
post-chemical dosing pumps.
Since 2018, we have been using low-cost vibration sensors by Proaspect
Solutions at the Chestnut Avenue Water Works (CAWW) to test their
effectiveness at monitoring and predicting the condition of the pump sets’
(Figure 3.1). The sensors take readings on a regular basis and generate
alerts via SMS to engineers when vibration threshold values are exceeded.
These instances are further analysed to predict any impending component
In addition, these sensors also monitor pump sets during start-up. Measuring
and reviewing the pump sets’ characteristics during the start-up phase may
reveal any impending start-up problems or faults even earlier, to enable early
action to prevent equipment failure.
To capitalise on this, we are embarking on a sensor analytics project with a
local firm that will capture vital operating data from the pump sets, during
both their start-up transient state and their steady state operations. It involves
the creation of an artificially intelligent system that will analyse the collected
data to detect signs of impending failure and identify the specific fault ahead
of time.

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14 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Figure 3.1 Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensor installed on pump set for condition monitoring.

Such faults can include imbalances, misalignments, looseness, system

resonance and rolling element bearing defects, as well as electrical induction
motor faults like rotor defects and static eccentricities.
After an initial learning period, the sensors and analytical system will go into
an evaluation mode where they will look for significant and sustained deviations
in the pump sets’ vibration behaviour from the established baseline.
PUB and Proaspect are also programming a low-cost system to analyse the
electrical current signatures from the pump sets. By studying the captured
phase voltage and current signals of the pump sets’ low-tension motors below
600 volts, we will have another way to uncover imminent motor and pump
mechanical faults.
Beyond preventing failures, a predictive maintenance sensor analytics
system also improves maintenance regimes by allowing maintenance to be
carried out on the pump sets based on the equipment’s condition, rather than
at fixed regular time intervals or based on their accumulated running or
operating hours. This will optimise our maintenance costs and enhance
operational reliability.
Apart from these projects, we have also been trialling smart sensors by ABB
to monitor the condition of low-voltage motors in our plants. These sensors

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measure motor vibration, skin temperature, magnetic field and acoustic signals,
and transmit the data for analysis.
Operators can also check the status of the motors via a mobile application,
which colour-codes them according to their condition for easy review, with
red indicating critical issues that need to be addressed immediately to prevent
imminent failure, yellow signifying that the motor should be watched closely
and serviced at the next possible opportunity, and green meaning the motor
is fine.
Moreover, by combining data on individual motor energy consumption levels
with plant operating information, it is possible to cut energy costs by adjusting
appropriate motors. This project will also refine maintenance regimes, as with
the pump set monitoring endeavours.
As we continue to harness digitalisation to better monitor the health of assets,
factors such as the equipment’s criticality, replacement lead time and cost will
remain key to the decision-making process. Through these projects, we can
pre-empt failures instead of reacting to them, minimising operational

A smart drainage grid

As we move to reduce or even eliminate asset failures, we are also taking a wider
look at managing our drainage system in a more pre-emptive manner. Since
2009, we have built up a hydrometric network consisting of more than 260
water level sensors and more than 80 flow sensors in waterways, and an array
of closed-circuit television cameras along the waterways and across
Singapore. We also have access to the National Environment Agency’s
rain gauges.
While PUB currently uses these instruments to issue flood warnings to the
public in advance and alert staff to anticipate and manage floods better, more
can be done with the data. By correlating these various strands of data, we
can generate insights into how the various parts of the drainage system are
performing, and thus improve our drainage planning and maintenance
programmes on a strategic level.
For example, abnormally high water levels in drains and canals during
smaller downpours, which were not observed for past downpour events of
similar magnitude, may indicate choking or blockages downstream. By
flagging these, we can investigate and resolve localised drainage problems
via targeted maintenance, before they result in flooding during heavier storms.

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By analysing water level trends at various waterways, and correlating that

information to rainfall intensity, we can also identify drains that are
undersized and may need more drainage capacity or alternative measures to
prevent floods. Correspondingly, the drainage capacity of various sections of
drains and canals would be known.
These insights are intended to be achieved as part of PUB’s Smart Drainage
Grid system (Figure 3.2), a data analytics system that consolidates all of the data
generated by our sensor networks into a single database, that is updated in near
real-time. To ensure that erroneous data is not used for analysis, the system
automatically filters such data points, as well as flagging potentially
erroneous ones which are then reviewed.

Figure 3.2 Map view of the Smart Drainage Grid.

The system was completed in June 2019 and is now operational, with
ongoing enhancements from user feedback. PUB officers have been using the
system for rain event-based analysis (Figure 3.3), to detect anomalous
drainage performance for targeted maintenance to be carried out where
necessary, and temporal performance analysis to generate insights for
strategic drainage planning.
In addition to the examples as described above, PUB has also attempted to use
the system to track the surface roughness of drains through the analysis of the

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Figure 3.3 An example in the Event Explorer for the Smart Drainage Grid.

water flow-level response, as well as the rate of urbanisation in Singapore’s

In the longer term, we can use the insights from these analyses to update our
drainage planning parameters and norms in the Codes of Practice on Surface
Water Drainage.

Detecting toxic pollution

While the drainage system harvests rainwater, a separate sewer network
collects used water for treatment and reuse. PUB is digitalising the used
water network too, to detect pollutants that are accidentally or illegally
discharged into it. Such contaminants can harm the biological processes in a
water reclamation plant and the production of NEWater.
We have imposed requirements on high-risk factories to install monitoring
units for pH and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at their final inspection
chambers to ensure that they comply with effluent discharge standards in
Singapore. These monitoring units have deterred illegal discharges containing
highly acidic or basic chemicals and prohibited VOCs.
To further protect the used water treatment system, we have worked
with the National University of Singapore (NUS) to develop a Microbial
Electrochemical Sensor (MES), and trial its use.

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The sensor works on the principle of bio-electrochemistry, where high

concentrations of toxic heavy metals and cyanide in used water cause the MES
system’s electrical voltage to drop, triggering an alert to designated officers.
Deploying these sensors will discourage factories from illegally dumping
trade effluent containing cyanide and heavy metals, such as copper, nickel
and zinc, into the sewerage system. They will also provide early warnings in
the event of accidental or illegal discharges of these pollutants, so that we
could act quickly and take necessary enforcement actions.
In 2018, NUS formed a spin-off company called EnvironSens to
commercialise the technology. We are supporting EnvironSens through a
larger-scale demonstration of 100 units of improved MES systems. Learnings
from previous installations were incorporated into a re-engineered system,
and maintenance regimes were optimised to drive down the cost of the
technology with partial funding from the National Research Foundation. As
of March 2020, 66 units have been installed at factory sites (Figure 3.4).
At the same time, EnvironSens is developing an Internet-of-Things platform
to transmit and collate real-time data from the 100 MES units, and a web-based
dashboard to present the data.
With the dashboard, our operators will have a map showing the status of
the installed MES units, and will be able to access their individual

Figure 3.4 Image on setup of MES system at one of the industrial sites. (Source: EnvironSens
Pte Ltd).

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maintenance records, trigger records and other information. The MES network
will also notify the operators through SMS and email when an alert is triggered
in the MES units.
The novel MES system could even benefit water utilities beyond Singapore’s
shores. The real-time and online sensor is the first of its kind, and could find a
huge market globally, including countries such as China, India, the United
States, Vietnam, Australia and others.
With the four projects outlined above, as well as others that are ongoing or in
the pipeline, we are transforming how we manage our water supply, drainage,
used water and other systems. These digitalisation advances will prepare us
to better meet new challenges, standing us in good stead for the future.

Beyond creating new value propositions, PUB has relied on digitalisation in
other ways to make its existing operations more efficient. By tapping on
sensors, data analytics and predictive tools, we have revolutionised our
management of the Marina Catchment drainage system and Marina Barrage,
which are two key pieces of water infrastructure in Singapore.
We are also trialling a predictive control system to better manage a key part
of our used water treatment process, and digital twins of treatment plants that
offer engineers the ability to explore how various actions would impact plant
operations before actually implementing them. These projects and their
benefits are outlined below.

A computational breakthrough
The Marina Catchment is the largest in Singapore, with an area of 10,000
hectares that spans the most urbanised areas in the country. A combination of
open-channel and closed drains make up the drainage system that flows into
the Marina Reservoir, along with five major tributaries, namely the Singapore
River, Rochor Canal, Stamford Canal, Geylang River and Kallang River,
which includes the Whampoa River and Pelton Canal.
From 2015, PUB started collaborating with SUEZ Environment to build on
their combined experience and construct a sophisticated system now known
as the Catchment and Waterways Operations System (CWOS).
The CWOS fulfils three functions: optimising the operations of the Marina
Barrage with an eye to maximising raw water storage while minimising flood
risks in the city’s low-lying areas; monitoring water levels in the upstream

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catchment; and monitoring and anticipating the quality of water in the

catchment’s reservoirs and waterways.
The CWOS assimilates more than 350,000 data points every day from
various sources, such as rain gauges and water level sensors, as input for its
operational dashboards and analytical and predictive models. To improve its
accuracy, it has an algorithm that identifies and filters out anomalous data
points that are likely to be errors.
The PUB-SUEZ team made separate dashboards for the CWOS’s three main
user groups, specifically staff in charge of drainage operations, water quality
management and modelling, and the Marina Barrage’s operations.
The drainage operations dashboard draws users’ attention to areas with high
water levels or rain gauge levels during downpours, so that they can best
allocate manpower and response vehicles for such events.
Since the CWOS was deployed in 2017, it has provided actionable insights
for over 170 storms, where rainwater accumulated to more than two-
millimetres-high in the Marina Catchment.
The Marina Barrage operations dashboard uses current and forecasted
conditions in the catchment to advise operators on the number of pumps or
gates to be operated, taking into account constraints such as the operating
range, delays or continuity. Its benefits have been validated in more than 150
The water quality management and modelling dashboard has three
integrated water quality models that automatically render water quality
forecasts. It also sends alerts when water quality sensors exceed pre-set normal
ranges, so that water quality engineers can diagnose and solve problems quickly.
Apart from these dashboards, those using the CWOS can access a data
explorer module to conduct more detailed analysis of time series data,
generate reports and export data. The CWOS’s ability to automatically
produce and send reports, such as water quality daily reports and Marina
Barrage post-event reports, has further reduced staff workload.
The automated reporting can even be customised for reservoirs and sent to
specific recipients on a daily basis or after rain events. With this capability,
reservoir management engineers no longer have to spend an hour each day
logging into the system to extract water quality data, identify trends and
prepare reports for the implementation of mitigative actions.
With the successful roll-out of the CWOS for the Marina Catchment, we are
developing an integrated dashboard that will provide a holistic overview of its

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overall reservoir operations, as well as an individual dashboard for each

reservoir’s operations.
Among other improvements, the utility is also upgrading the water quality
management and modelling dashboard so that the system can identify water
quality issues, conduct source tracing island-wide and aid in inter-reservoir
water transfer operations.

Advances in aeration control

With Singapore’s water demand set to increase in the coming decades, finding
ways to treat used water more cost-effectively is also key. We are piloting an
advanced monitoring and predictive control system (Figure 3.5) in the
Integrated Validation Plant, which was constructed to help the utility assess
the feasibility of deploying new and innovative technologies in water
reclamation plants and other PUB facilities.
The advanced monitoring and predictive control system enables us to better
perform a crucial step in the used water treatment process: aerating the water so
that ammonia can be removed from it.
This aeration control system has a self-learning algorithm that studies the
ammonia load in the influent used water every 15 minutes. By collecting this

Figure 3.5 Aquasuite advanced monitoring and predictive control system.

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data, it can establish and update the ammonia load pattern every day, and
generate predictions for the load up to 48 hours in advance.
These predictions are fed into a second algorithm that determines the
corresponding amount of aeration required for each train of the water
reclamation plant.
To ensure greater accuracy, the prediction algorithm rejects sensor readings
of the influent ammonia load that are probably errors, so that these do not
derail its predictions. Through soft sensoring, it replaces such readings with
historical operation data, and it also recalibrates itself by including data
manually input by PUB staff about the effluent’s ammonia load.
The pilot has shown that the system has a prediction accuracy of 88%
and can reduce the amount of aeration needed by 15%, compared to
the current approach where controllers take in readings from dissolved
oxygen sensors and ammonia sensors to determine the amount of aeration
By serving as an efficient autopilot solution for this part of the used water
treatment process, the system can also help to address the potential shrinking
of the pool of available skilled operators in the future.

Digital twins
While predictive systems offer a glimpse of optimised systems in the future,
simulations are a safe space for operators to experiment with “what-if”
scenarios for various purposes. With Japanese engineering and software
company Yokogawa, PUB designed an integrated system with three
functions that is now being trialled at the Lower Seletar Water Works (LSWW).
The Operator Training Simulator (OTS) supports self-learning which allows
trainees to familiarise themselves with the plant’s processes and operations
based on step-by-step instructions for various malfunction scenarios (e.g.
water quality deviations, plant equipment failure). The core of OTS is the
dynamic simulator of the process which features rigorous models, can handle
large processes on a plant level, and can perform high-speed simulations.
OTS also allows for instructors to lead, monitor, and evaluate the trainee’s
performance through an instructor platform.
Two other functions, called the Logic Check-out Platform (LCP) and Mirror
Plant System (MPS), enable maintenance and operations engineers to study,
modify, test and validate process and treatment changes, before applying
them in the plant.

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Currently, our engineers manually calculate the effect of proposed process

configuration changes, and may unintentionally miss out interactions between
tightly-coupled subsystems due to the complexity of the water treatment processes.
The LCP delivers wider, time-varying and accurate simulations of the results
of process changes. With it, our engineers can better evaluate modifications that
are proposed for maintenance or operational needs, and react quickly to any
potential consequences of cybersecurity attacks.
As a water treatment plant’s control system and configuration will need to be
updated continuously throughout its lifecycle to cater for new equipment,
modified control algorithms, better user graphics, enhanced safety logics and
other developments, the LCP will aid in ensuring that these changes are
carried out without disrupting the plant’s operations.
The MPS, on the other hand, demonstrates the outcomes of water treatment
input changes. Water treatment depends on several factors, including the raw
water’s quality and the chemicals used to treat it. Currently, programmable
logic controllers adjust the treatment processes according to the quality of the
incoming raw water, but this is a reactive approach.
Plant operators can be more proactive with the online MPS, which is a digital
twin running in parallel with the actual plant. It collects near real-time data from
the plant’s local replicated historian server, and simulates treatment processes.
As the MPS has detailed information about the plant and its operations,
including the size of equipment and flow rates, operators can use it to
accurately see how various actions would affect the plant’s water treatment
performance before they apply the best operation method.
As an example, part of the water treatment process requires dosing raw water
with a chemical. Plant operators need to decide not only how much of the
chemical to use, but also when to use it. By running “what-if” scenarios on
the MPS, operators are able to determine the optimal amount and time to
carry out dosing.
By providing digital replicas of water treatment processes and scenarios, the
integrated system can strengthen our operators’ maintenance and operational
skills. As with the other featured projects, such digitalisation will help to
make our operations safer and more efficient.


As sensors, robots, drones and other technologies become more sophisticated,
they can help water utility operators by carrying out repetitive and

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labour-intensive tasks, or work in environments too hazardous for

human employees.
Over the years, we have developed machines and systems to lighten our
workload, arm our staff with better tools, keep them safe and upgrade their
skills. This investment has created both a better work environment and happier
workforce, and will also prepare the utility for a future where Singapore’s low
birth-rate and growing economy may lead to manpower shortages.
The following projects are a snapshot of our efforts to improve the workplace.
From a smart Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for tunnel inspections, to a
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) system to track spare parts, these
demonstrate the breadth of possibilities for water utilities.

Unmanned inspections
In 2008, PUB completed the first phase of its Deep Tunnel Sewerage System
(DTSS), which is an underground superhighway for used water management.
The construction for DTSS phase 2 is underway, and when completed in
2025, DTSS phase 1 and 2 will comprise a network of trunk sewers leading
to two major tunnels that criss-cross Singapore to transport used water to
three centralised water reclamation plants.
A 48-kilometre-long deep sewer tunnel was constructed during the first phase
to convey used water by gravity from Kranji in the north-western part of
Singapore to Changi in the east. The Changi Water Reclamation Plant
(CWRP) sited at the end of the tunnel treats about 900,000 cubic metres of
used water daily.
To ensure that the DTSS continues to convey used water to the CWRP for
treatment, it is necessary to carry out regular inspections on its corrosion
protection lining, comprising a High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) lining
and a cast-in-place concrete lining.
As the tunnel is located deep underground and carries used water, hazardous
vapour is present within the tunnel and it is dangerous for humans to enter for
inspection. It is also impossible to shut off or isolate the tunnel, even for a short
period of time.
To overcome this problem, we worked with UAV developer AeroLion
Technologies to design and produce a UAV that can fly in the tunnel over
the water and conduct the inspections in their stead.
While many UAVs exist in the market, we needed one with customised
capabilities, as the tunnel is long, with space constraints and completely dark,

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with its entry and exit shafts situated in remote locations. In addition, Global
Positioning System signals cannot be received in the tunnel.
In the first stage of the UAV project, the team custom-made a UAV platform
with on-board sensors, including navigation cameras, omnidirectional
inspection camera, range finders, accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer,
magnetometer and methane gas detector (Figure 3.6). It also has illumination
LED lights to provide lighting for its cameras in the tunnel’s pitch-black
Beyond the hardware, the team devised real-time three-dimensional
navigation algorithms that would work based on the navigation cameras’
sensing, and programmed them into the UAV’s on-board miniature computer.
A launch and retrieval mechanism was also invented so that the UAV can
be safely launched and retrieved from the bottom of a vertical shaft. In an
inspired touch, the mechanism also acts as a communication relay between
the UAV and an external Ground Control Station to solve the non-line-of-
sight issue.
The UAV has been flown successfully into the main DTSS tunnel via its
shafts. The team is currently improving the UAV’s location tagging accuracy

Figure 3.6 Design of the UAV for DTSS Inspection. (Source: AeroLion Technologies Pte Ltd).

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and expanding the variety and quality of its data collection. Part of this will
involve adding more gas sensors and a Light Detection And Ranging
(LIDAR) sensor.
In addition, plans are underway for more advanced image and data analytics
to automatically generate and visualise the UAV’s inspection results, with
adjustments to make it stronger, more efficient, and more convenient to use.
When ready, the state-of-the-art UAV will be a key component of PUB’s
maintenance toolbox, enabling the utility to carry out man-less inspection in
the tunnel.

Automating tests
Apart from taking the place of people in potentially hazardous environments,
robotics and other digitalisation tools can also shorten the time that water
utility operators spend on repetitive and manual work.
To meet Singapore’s growing water demand, we must plan ahead and
expand our water supply infrastructure and networks. This will in turn require
the testing of more water samples. To cope with the higher workload, we
have introduced a manufacturing execution system to integrate the various
testing processes and automate them, from data collection and sample
preparation to the actual testing and reporting of the results (Figure 3.7).
Previously, PUB staff had to manually prepare the samples and test them on
five different instruments for six parameters. Now, the manufacturing execution
system receives instructions from the existing Laboratory Information
Management System (LIMS) on which tests to carry out for each sample,
executes the tests, and sends the results back to the LIMS.
This change has given staff more time to focus on other work.
The manufacturing execution system has also eliminated human errors and
enabled tests to be conducted around the clock, greatly improving
productivity. The test results can also be more easily traced through the
system’s software.
Furthermore, the manufacturing execution system was designed and
constructed to allow for potential modifications and expansions. For instance,
an additional online analysis module can be supplemented to double the rate
of analysis. More parameters can also be added to the system to maximise its
testing capability. By instituting this system, we will be able to handle more
tests cost-effectively, and ensure that the results are reliable, accurate and
traceable, in the long run.

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Figure 3.7 The TPUB Water Analysis System. (Source: Labman Automation Ltd).

Tracking spare parts

A similar effort to automate the counting and tracking of spare parts has also
been very successful. Keeping a well-stocked supply of spare parts for
different types of maintenance work is crucial for PUB’s mission, but took up
an inordinate amount of time in the past.
Officers had to manually record the details of each spare part and its
movement – from arrival to disposal. They also needed to set aside a large
amount of time for the monthly stock-taking exercises. The manual
management of the spares was cumbersome, and occupied hours that could
be better spent on other tasks.
Digitalisation technologies such as RFID systems are capable of carrying out
the tasks in a more efficient manner (Figure 3.8). PUB trialled an RFID system
at Choa Chu Kang Waterworks (CCKWW), which has more than 30,000 spare
parts in its store.
The parts were tagged at either item or batch level. Large parts, such as
motors and pumps, received individual RFID labels. Batch items, such as
nuts and bolts, are kept in trays, and an RFID label was affixed to each tray.
RFID gantries, and wall and mat antennas, were also installed as part of
the system.

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Figure 3.8 Inventory check using RFID system (2 images).

The trial also involved customising a web-based program with online

forms and specific modules, which included those for registration and
withdrawal of parts. Supervisors could approve these requests online, get an
overall view of the store’s supplies at any time, and be notified when stocks
fell below predetermined levels. These functions led to better inventory
The RFID system also allowed for a more efficient stock-take process. With
the system in place, our officers slashed the time needed by up to 92%. This
included the time spent on transferring data, which not only made the process
faster but prevented errors as well.
The RFID system also had other benefits aside from streamlining the
management of the spare parts and making the various processes much more
efficient. With the gantries in place, it could detect unauthorised withdrawals
of items from the store and alert officers.
With the CCKWW pilot validating the usefulness of the RFID system, we
have integrated it into our wider Asset Management System (AMS).

Health and safety first

As the technologies behind wearable smart devices mature, they can also
revolutionise other aspects of water utilities’ operations, and make work
easier and safer for our staff. When working on-site at water treatment plants
and other facilities, PUB employees use a buddy system to ensure their
safety. This arrangement, however, is not an effective use of their time.
The utility is trialling wearable safety trackers that would replace the
buddy system without compromising on safety (Figure 3.9). These devices
help track our employees’ locations through GPS and geo-fencing, both
indoors and outdoors in real time, and have distress buttons that can be

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Figure 3.9 Wearable safety trackers.

pressed in case of emergencies to alert the plant’s control centre to send

immediate help (Figure 3.10).
Taking advantage of this location-tracking capability, virtual geo-fencing can
also be applied to different areas in the treatment plants to spot unauthorised
loitering or wandering around in buildings and process areas. Each tracker

Figure 3.10 Geo-fencing intruder alert system.

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can also double up as a token to grant or restrict the employee’s access to

fenced areas or secured rooms such as electrical switch rooms and process
unit tanks.
The pilot project at the Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant showcased
the trackers’ effectiveness but also highlighted potential obstacles to their
deployment, including the relative infancy of low-cost wireless solutions for
indoor uses. PUB is now in the midst of a larger trial involving more than
150 trackers for its staff and contractors in the Ulu Pandan plant and
Chestnut Avenue Waterworks.
Through this trial, we will evaluate various modes of low-power
wireless communication, and further study the process management and
logistical aspects of implementing the trackers, with a view to using them in
all plants.

Augmented reality
PUB has also created an augmented reality application that runs on Microsoft’s
HoloLens to digitalise maintenance processes.
When our officers carry out troubleshooting, routine servicing or corrective
maintenance work, they usually bring along some form of documentation,
such as printed manuals or photographs on their handphone, to refer to
on-site. Finding the relevant information can be time-consuming, tedious and
inconvenient, especially when they must go through the materials page by
page while completing the task at hand.
With the augmented reality headset, they can easily access and view
equipment’s technical documents and specifications on-site. They can share
their field of view with these remote colleagues and experts, who can in turn
project technical documents and images, and even draw, on the operators’
field of view.
The application also has animated demonstrations of maintenance procedures,
complete with three-dimensional models, to guide new or inexperienced staff on
how to execute them safely and properly (Figure 3.11). This function will be
invaluable in training staff and refreshing their skills.
While documents and drawings for older equipment and plants had to be
digitalised from their original paper format, this is unlikely to be necessary
for newer generations of equipment and plants. Additionally, as augmented
reality-enabled headsets and glasses gain more powerful processing

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Figure 3.11 Use of AR to support on-site maintenance work.

capabilities from hardware improvements, they will be able to support more

sophisticated visualisation applications.
The diversity of these featured projects shows that water utilities can harness
digitalisation in a variety of ways to enhance employees’ ability to perform their
duties at work. Far from being a threat to their livelihoods, digitalisation can
help utilities to look after employees’ well-being, and aid them in discharging
their duties more quickly and effectively, empowering them to achieve a
better work-life balance.


Ultimately, a water utility’s goal is to serve the people. To better carry out
its mission, PUB has also initiated digitalisation projects to improve our
customer service, solicit more feedback and provide our customers with more
real-time data to help them to curb their water consumption.
Some of these innovations, which include the widespread installation of
smart water meters and the deployment of robots to patrol key installations
and reservoirs, are showcased below.

Smart meters for a smarter system

Between 2021 and 2023, as part of the first phase of the Smart Water Meter
Programme, we will install 300,000 smart water meters in new and existing
homes as well as commercial buildings and industrial estates. These smart

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32 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

meters will transmit near real-time water consumption data, as compared to the
manual meters that are currently manually read once every two months.
With this near real-time data, we will be able to identify and fix leaks more
quickly, optimise our water production and network management by
matching supply to demand, among other advantages.
Customers will benefit too. They will be able to track their daily water usage
via a customer portal, empowering them to be more water-efficient. Customers
will also receive high usage and potential leak notifications, enabling prompt
action to fix any leaks.
PUB can also illustrate to customers how their water usage measures against
others and similar household units. Both self-comparisons and peer-to-peer
comparisons have been found in studies to lead to significant decreases in
water usage. PUB will design the means, such as customer portals, to push
such data and enable comparisons for customers.
Apart from furnishing comparisons, we are also looking at gamification as a
potential way to encourage water conservation. By turning water conservation
into a game, complete with virtual points for achieving specific goals, more
people may be motivated to use water more efficiently.
Such gamification techniques are also more likely to draw the attention of
teenagers and children, compared to more traditional water conservation
campaigns. People who cultivate water-saving habits from a young age are
more likely to practise them throughout their lives.
PUB has already validated many of these measures in two smart water meter
trials conducted in 2016 and 2018, respectively. The 800 participating
households reported an average of 5% water savings due to earlier leak
detection and adopting good water-saving habits.

Ensuring security with robots

Beyond water operations, we are also responsible for maintaining the security of
our public reservoirs and key installations.
PUB’s reservoirs are frequented by Singaporeans and visitors for their
scenery and a host of activities, such as water sports and fishing. To
safeguard reservoir water quality and ensure the safety of visitors, our
officers regularly conduct patrolling and surveillance duties at the reservoirs.
Over at our key installations, PUB outsources its security needs to a security
firm, which provides manpower and surveillance technologies, such as closed

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Digitalisation in PUB 33

circuit television systems, that are monitored at the Integrated Operations

This arrangement has become increasingly difficult to maintain because of
the security sector’s growing challenges in hiring and retaining people.
Furthermore, the costs of training the employed security guards to the
required standard have increased over time. This means that the existing
security model which is manpower-intensive may become unsustainable in
the long run.
Digitalisation, specifically in the form of intelligent security robots for
patrolling and surveillance, may be a long-term answer to this problem. We
are working and partnering with security vendors to develop robots to
complement and augment current patrol and surveillance operations. One
such robot which is currently under development is the O-R3, an autonomous
mobile robot equipped with video and audio capabilities.
Unlike human security guards, the O-R3 is able to patrol the area
continuously without becoming physically tired or mentally fatigued. It can
move autonomously and avoid static and moving obstacles, and has various
functions for security work, including a 360-degree camera system for live
video streaming and real-time data collection, and video analytics to detect
PUB has successfully tested the O-R3 in two different environments: Bedok
Reservoir, which is open to the public, and Lower Seletar Waterworks
(LSWW), which is a restricted area. Bedok Reservoir has many visitors,
including children, joggers and cyclists, whereas the human traffic at LSWW
is minimal and consists mostly of PUB’s staff and contractors. The two
separate trials tested the O-R3’s capabilities in two very different
environments, each having its own challenges and issues.
At Bedok Reservoir, the O-R3 has been tested to augment PUB’s reservoir
surveillance efforts to deter illegal reservoir activities when members of the
public go near the reservoir edge (Figure 3.12). The public embraced the
O-R3 during its trial patrols at Bedok Reservoir, with many people taking
pictures and videos of it, and sometimes even with it.
Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, safe distancing measures have
been enforced to reduce movements and interactions in public and private
places, to minimise spread of the virus. In response to public feedback on
non-compliance with safe distancing measures at the reservoir parks at Bedok
and Pandan Reservoirs, we also saw an opportunity to deploy the O-R3 to

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34 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Figure 3.12 O-R3 on Duty at Bedok Reservoir.

operate as a Safe Distancing Ambassador. The robot patrols around the reservoir
and broadcasts messages in four languages, reminding visitors to refrain from
gathering or loitering at the reservoir parks and to adhere to safe distancing
The eventual goal of deploying these surveillance technologies, namely
robots, off-site monitoring, may seem like a distant reality today, but it may
be the reality in future.

Automated alerts for flood risks

As part of its comprehensive drainage management and control system, we have
installed over 200 sensors in key canals and drains to track their water levels.
While such digitalisation has improved our operations, we have also used the
sensors to offer the public a flood risk alert service, via SMS or PUB’s
MyWaters app.
People can subscribe to get alerts from up to three of the sensors. They will be
notified when the water level rises above 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% of the
selected waterways’ depth, and when it drops below the respective alert levels.
With this automated system, subscribers will be forewarned, and can take
precautions against, potential flash floods at the earliest possible time. Such

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Digitalisation in PUB 35

alerts are a prime example of how water utilities can use digitalisation to
improve customer service.
As the sheer variety of projects featured in this chapter demonstrates, water
utilities have many options when it comes to digitalisation, and they stand to
reap gains in customer service, productivity, and many other areas.
Incorporating digitalisation will make a utility’s operations smarter, and is the
smart choice.

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Chapter 4
The digitalisation framework

With each of its digitalisation projects, PUB has gained valuable experience that
can be applied to our future efforts and help other utilities in their digital
development. Our journey to date has highlighted the importance of a few
key considerations and principles, in particular, that should underpin the
digitalisation journey.
To digitalise their operations, utilities must have the technologies in place to
collect data, infrastructure to transmit and share it, and analytics to make sense
of it and turn it into actionable insights (Figure 4.1).



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Figure 4.1 The digitalisation process.

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0037

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38 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

As every digitalisation project is different, choosing the right combination of

tools each time is crucial. For long-term use, the hardware and software should
also be designed with continuity in mind, so that utilities are not locked into any
particular protocol or vendor.
PUB has made these and other fundamentals part of its digitalisation
framework for crafting and executing projects. This framework, detailed in
the following sections, could be useful for other water utilities.


An appropriate, robust and secure wireless communications network is one of
the most important components in digitalisation. Without a reliable and
secure way to transmit data, all of the information collected by sensors,
drones, robots and other technologies has no way of being analysed
and operationalised.
There are many communications networks in the market today that cater for
different uses and applications, such as 4G, Wi-Fi, LoRa, SigFox, etc. When
deciding which network to use, water utilities should consider the required
network range and transmission rate, size of data to be transmitted, the
network’s power consumption and latency, and other factors.
Security should be a pivotal concern. our systems are governed by data
classification frameworks and stringent government cybersecurity policies,
especially for systems that are within Critical Information Infrastructure (CII)
installations. We therefore only deploy wireless infrastructure that meets the
mandated security standards.
In our digitalisation projects to-date, we have used different networks for
different purposes. We have relied on NarrowBand Internet-of-Things
(NB-IoT) networks for outdoor positioning, and Bluetooth beacons and
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) gateways for indoor positioning.
At the Integrated Validation Plant (IVP) located in Ulu Pandan Water
Reclamation Plant, we built a BLE network for asset conditioning monitoring
because of its low cost, ease of deployment and ability to facilitate real-time
monitoring of assets for predictive and preventive maintenance. We also
constructed a LoRa network to support the tracking of staff and contractor
locations via smart watches as the network offers coarse positioning based on
signal strength at relatively lower cost.
PUB also installed a Wireless Process and Environmental Sensing network to
monitor pipe corrosion, hydrogen sulphide gas, and the level and flow of

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The digitalisation framework 39

streams in sewerage networks because it provides reliable communication with

radio frequency mesh routing capability, and overcomes interference issues in
plant environments with dense infrastructure.
In some cases, we have turned to hybrid solutions. Networks may not be able
to achieve full coverage within treatment plants, especially in some indoor areas
and basement levels. These may become dead zones, preventing devices within
them from transmitting data.
As an example of how PUB overcame this problem, we used NB-IoT for
outdoor positioning and a BLE-based solution for indoor positioning, both
integrated into the same wearable tag used for personnel tracking, in addition
to increasing the number of repeaters and gateways.
We are also looking ahead to anticipate our wireless communications needs
and opportunities. From 2020 onwards, we will deploy Wi-Fi networks in our
water treatment plants to ready them for potential IoT applications such as smart
wearable devices, equipment sensors for asset management and robotics
We are also identifying bandwidth-intensive applications, such as virtual and
three-dimensional augmented reality applications, drone surveillance and
control operations at reservoirs, and real-time video streaming analytics, that
could benefit from the 5G network that is expected to be rolled out across
Singapore starting in 2020.

With technological advancements in recent years, water utilities are also now
spoilt for choice when it comes to data collection devices. PUB has tried,
tested and used many of them, and is trialling many more, including the
vibration sensors to monitor and predict the condition of pump sets covered
in the previous chapter.
PUB has established a smart water grid system called WaterWiSe. The
development and implementation of the near real-time system was initiated in
2013. Today, there are 346 sensor stations island-wide to track in real-time
the pressure and quality of water, including pH value, conductivity and
turbidity, in the potable water network. By the end of 2020, we will install
another 130 sensors and expand the coverage to our NEWater and industrial
water networks.
By keeping an eye on the pressure in the network in real-time, the sensors
have eliminated the labour-intensive work of installing temporary pressure

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40 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

loggers, pre-empted problems such as potential leaks, and detected pipe bursts,
which generate pressure transients.
By 2025, we will integrate the sensor data with data from the upcoming
smart water meters network, to create virtual district meter areas for better
leak detection. This will also aid in the dynamic forecasting of network
We are also investigating other types of data collection devices. Currently, we
send staff out on small vessels to patrol reservoirs. This is labour-intensive and
provides only limited spatial coverage. Furthermore, water quality monitoring
at reservoirs is done via stationary profilers and the manual collection of
water samples for laboratory tests, but both methods offer only information
about the water at the sampling locations.
On the other hand, drones can be used to carry out aerial surveillance
operations. They can monitor large water bodies quickly and analyse images
to flag anomalies such as algal blooms. They can also fly over pipelines to
spot leaks and inspect confined spaces such as sewer tunnels. Drones
equipped with cameras to capture illicit activities, hyper-spectral cameras to
monitor water quality, and thermal cameras to discern water leaks could keep
watch over much larger areas with far more efficiency.
Beyond sensors and drones, robots can collect data too. Apart from the patrol
and surveillance robot featured in the previous chapter, we are also utilising
remotely operated vehicles for underwater inspections and robots for the
inspection and repair of big sewers.


Collecting data, however, is just the first step. As in other complex
organisations, departments in water utilities may harvest data for their own
use and fail to share it with other departments. Breaking down such
information silos is crucial as data gathered by one department may be useful
to others, and consolidating all of the data could lead to new correlations and
practicable ideas.
PUB’s ongoing project to upgrade our Intelligent Water Management System
(IWMS) is a prime example of this. Currently, the system integrates some data
from key operations systems and is mainly used for rudimentary operations
monitoring and reporting.
The improved IWMS will integrate both operations and non-operations
systems to analyse data from across the water loop to enhance our service

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The digitalisation framework 41

and engineering operations. This will enable the IWMS to serve as the
underpinning system for operations at our Joint Operations Centre (JOC),
which is the nerve centre for all real-time and on-demand critical
operational decisions.
The IWMS will also have new functions that demonstrate the possibilities
that arise from aggregating data. For example, the IWMS’s new incident
reporting function will replace the existing email reports submitted by our
officers. It will allow officers to report incidents and subsequent updates
through their mobile devices. Our officers will be able to pin locations, attach
documents and capture images while managing the situation at the incident
site. We will also have automatic approval workflows to streamline incident
report submissions.
With this new function, our officers will be able to track incidents efficiently
from initial reporting to escalation to closure. Information captured in the
module will also be automatically available for analysis and review in the
After Action Review Portal.
During each incident, all of the information necessary to manage it will be
consolidated and presented on a single Operations Dashboard for the
convenience of the officers-in-charge, the JOC and our senior management.
Our officers managing the incident site will be able to share real-time status
updates to the dashboard via mobile devices.
If there is a potable water supply disruption, for instance, information such as
the relevant pipeline pressure sensor data, indicative leak location, number of
affected customers, PUB resources at the incident site, and real-time updates
from the response teams will be displayed on the dashboard.
In the meantime, a Customer Response function will automatically assign
resources to incidents based on the nature of the incident, the officers’
expertise and location. The JOC will no longer have to manually deploy
resources, resulting in more efficient assignments.
PUB officers responding to customers will be better equipped with
information such as the customers’ profiles, support resources’ location and
time of arrival, similar cases in the vicinity, checklist for investigation and
other data through their mobile devices. This will empower them to better
serve the affected customers.
After incidents occur, the After Action Review Portal will enable the review
audit of operations, as well as capture findings, track open items and remind
departments to follow-up. It will also facilitate further analysis, such as
insights into the frequency of specific types of incidents.

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42 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

As PUB works to centralise its data and maximise its use, we are also
supplementing the data with soft sensors to mitigate instrument errors.
For example, in used water treatment, process automation is highly
dependent on instrument readings. Errors in the instrument readings could
lead to problems in the treatment process and poor effluent quality.
While maintaining the instruments would help to prevent errors,
keeping them pristine is easier said than done. Dirt and micro-organisms
found in used water can cause instruments to clog and foul. Electronics
are also corroded by the hydrogen sulphide gas generated from used water.
Soft sensors would help to mitigate faulty readings from instruments. These
are not physical sensors, but inferential software models that use historical
data, easily measured variables, or a combination of the two to estimate
process variables.
Take water flow rates as an example. A soft sensor can derive the flow rates
by looking at the number of running pumps, the pumps’ speed and their
energy consumption. It can also produce dissolved oxygen estimates by
analysing data related to incoming mixed liquor suspended solids, the
influent flow rate and distribution, influent ammonia level, valve positions
and air pressure.
Having soft sensors would help water utilities in many ways. If an instrument
fails, its readings can be replaced by soft sensor estimates. Growing disparities
between the estimates and instrument readings would also alert operators to
issues, either in the instrument or in the corresponding treatment process, that
need to be addressed.
In a trial at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant (CWRP), we tested the
accuracy of soft sensors for dissolved oxygen against their physical
counterparts. Before maintenance was carried out on the physical sensors, the
soft sensor estimates were more accurate. After maintenance, the readings
were similar.
The only limitation of soft sensors is that their accuracy would drop after
a certain amount of time, as they ultimately rely on physical sensors,
which, as explained, are difficult to maintain in mint condition. Even if
soft sensors make use of historical data, if the physical instruments supply
erroneous readings over a prolonged period, their accuracy will inevitably

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The digitalisation framework 43

For this reason, soft sensors are best used for detecting faults, and as a source of
replacement data for short periods of time. Based on these merits, we will adopt
soft sensor systems in the CWRP and IVP in late 2020. If these are successful,
they will eventually be used in all water reclamation plants in Singapore.

After data is collected and verified, it needs to be analysed and turned into useful
insights that can be acted upon. This is why water utilities must also invest in
enablers for process and system optimisation, such as video analytics,
machine learning and digital twin technologies.
To digitalise security at PUB’s waterworks and water reclamation plants, we
are commissioning a system that will apply video analytics to video camera
feeds. The intelligent system will have facial recognition capabilities that are
powerful enough to identify more than five people per frame, and do so in
under 10 seconds.
With these capabilities, the system will be able to flag unauthorised access to
areas or buildings, or detect loitering within restricted areas.
Upon detection of movement within a restricted zone, the system can instruct
cameras to stay focused on the source of the movement, whether it is a person or
vehicle, and track it until it is out of sight. These camera live feeds will be
grouped and displayed on the camera monitoring workstation for security
Our staff can also use a search function to isolate all recorded footage that
contains a specified attribute, such as moving vehicles or a particular face.
They can then play the results according to the time sequence and track the
movement of a person or a vehicle through different camera views, or display
the results in thumbnail format.
By spotting personnel who are not wearing safety helmets or vests – the
colour of which can be regulated by PUB to facilitate such detection – the
system can also be used to enforce safety rules in the installations.
In the future, we may also expand the system’s functionality so that it can
uncover defects in pipes and solar panels, observe the progress of
construction, pinpoint leaks via thermal imaging, and handle other
While this video analytics-powered security system is under development,
we are already using image analytics technologies in other operations.

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44 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Our Silt Imaging Detection System utilises image analytics to turn CCTV
cameras into sensors. The CCTV cameras are located at construction site
discharge points to public drains, and the analytics software alerts staff to
changes in the colour of the site discharge.
This digitalisation upgrade saves our contractors more than 100,000
man-hours every year and over $500,000 annually for the utility. It has also
increased the capturing of non-compliance occurrences.
PUB’s Fish Activity Monitoring System (FAMS) depends on image
analytics technology too. We use fish as a means of monitoring water
quality at waterworks and service reservoirs to ensure a safe supply of
drinking water. FAMS analyses the fish motions and alerts operators when
it finds signs of distress or abnormalities that could indicate changes in the
water quality.


With data analytics and machine learning, water utilities can also produce
predictions based on available data and take a more proactive stance in
operations. While most utilities now fix problems after they are alerted, with
more accurate predictions, utilities could be forewarned of potential issues
and even prevent them from happening. In this spectrum, PUB has partnered
with different solution providers to deploy data analytics and machine
learning tools to aid the predictions in its vision of smart plants and
smart networks.
In used water treatment, we have worked with Royal HaskoningDHV and ST
Engineering Marine to trial the Aquasuite PURE software to improve effluent
quality while reducing energy consumption, and to integrate ST Engineering
Marine’s Sensemaking algorithm for predictive maintenance into Aquasuite
Aquasuite PURE predicts used water flows, monitors performance
and controls key treatment processes by using artificial intelligence and
machine learning that predicts influent flows and continuously optimises
The Sensemaking software employs a proprietary data analytics algorithm to
perform condition-based monitoring on platform machineries, and it also has a
decision support engine to provide recommended actions to operators. It uses
various analogue parameters to analyse and learn from past failures to predict
the time to the next failure, calculates the effective operating hours of the

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The digitalisation framework 45

equipment, and gives a recommended time to the next maintenance, which may
differ from the scheduled maintenance.
Leveraging on the capabilities of data analytics and machine learning
for water treatment applications, we are also collaborating with Mitsubishi
Electric to develop an artificial intelligence guidance system for both
precaution warning and set-point guidance at Bedok NEWater Factory (BNF).
The aim of the system is to warn operators in advance of impending process
anomalies, and to recommend the relevant control strategies (i.e. set-points)
for process troubleshooting. This helps to bridge the “knowledge gap” that
new operators might have, while they are familiarising themselves with the
plant processes.
A smart Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to
be developed by Surbana Jurong also studies interactions between various
parameters at the Choa Chu Kang Waterworks to anticipate process
anomalies and pinpoint their causes.
Data analytics and machine learning could also transform leak detection
processes. Currently, PUB verifies leaks in its potable water network by
flagging anomalies in pressure transient and acoustics data collected by
sensors in its WaterWiSe system, and then manually combing the vicinity of
the anomalies.
This approach, however, generates a high rate of false alarms. In order to
zero-in on the leaks sooner, we have partnered with software firm Bentley
Systems to develop a solution to single out anomalies and localise them in
near real-time using machine learning.

Digital twins are the third major group of process and system optimisation
enablers. Utilities can use virtual copies of plants to simulate the
consequences of various actions, whether to better guard against cyberattacks,
ascertain the best option in an array of them, or train operators to prepare
them for events such as power or equipment failures.
Apart from the PUB-Yokogawa project covered in the previous chapter,
PUB has put in place a whole plant simulation platform co-developed with
the Jacobs Engineering Group in the CWRP, and another one with Royal
HaskoningDHV in the IVP.
The Jacobs platform replicates CWRP’s processes, including its process,
hydraulic and control systems, and liquid and solid streams. It retrieves

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46 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

real-time production and process data from the control and monitoring system,
analyses the information to strip out errors, and feeds it into the digital twin to
study the plant’s performance and make predictions.
By comparing its predictions of the plant’s performance to the plant’s actual
performance, it can alert operators to irregularities that need their attention. It
can also look up to five days ahead, estimate the likelihood of specified
events, warn operators of imminent deviations in treatment processes and
poor effluent quality, and recommend steps for rectification.
These capabilities have enhanced the resilience of operations at the CWRP.
As the simulator runs independently of the plant’s actual systems, it can also
be used for operator training, and to safely evaluate operating strategies
before these are put into practice.
For example, if the operators have to lower the solids retention time in the
bioreactor to take some volume out of service, they could use the simulator to
determine the impact on the quality of the secondary effluent, and how
increased waste activated sludge production could affect the thickening and
digestion processes.


As we continue on our digitalisation journey, there are still many avenues that
are ripe for exploration. With the data from the upcoming smart water meters
network and more detailed rain forecasts, we could better project sewer flows
and the intake of water reclamation plants. Data from other agencies and
even other water utilities globally could also be helpful.
To make the most of digitalisation, utilities need to ensure that they are
collecting relevant and good quality data, and have data scientists and their
domain experts working hand-in-hand.
When creating and trialling systems, utilities should deploy them when the
accuracy reaches 80%, and then continue to refine them based on feedback.
No system, especially machine learning ones, will be perfect from the
beginning. In digitalisation, as in many other endeavours, the most important
thing is to start.

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Chapter 5
Cybersecurity: the backbone of

As PUB embraces digitalisation, we have also continued to make cybersecurity

a cornerstone of our policies, plans and projects. While cybersecurity has always
been a critical priority for us, our increasing degree of digitalisation has
necessitated more expansive and stringent protections, cybersecurity training
and failsafe measures.
Across the globe, the risk of cybersecurity attacks and breaches has risen
in tandem with digitalisation, due to the interconnectedness of devices and
physical assets. In 2019, a report by technology firm Siemens and data
security research centre the Ponemon Institute found that cyber threats to
both water and electric utilities are becoming more frequent, severe and
About half of the 1726 utility respondents said that their organisation had
experienced a cyberattack in the past year that led to the loss of private
information or outages in operational technologies. About half of the
respondents expected another attack in the next year.
Malicious attacks can impact water utilities in an array of ways. In Australia,
a utility was infiltrated by a disgruntled former contractor who used his access
to release nearly one million litres of raw sewage into rivers, parks and
residential grounds.

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0047

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48 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

In the United States, a hacker stole 2.5 million records from a utility by taking
advantage of a wired connection between an Internet-facing payment
application server and a computer system that served operational and
info-communications functions.
In Britain, a utility discovered that an employee in its third-party call
centre which administered online accounts and processed telephone payments
was bribed to redirect more than £500,000 in refunds to overseas bank accounts.
The list goes on. To protect themselves, water utilities must make
cybersecurity a priority. Israel recently successfully thwarted a major
cyberattack against its water systems in April 2020, which was a
synchronised and organised attempt at disrupting key national infrastructure.
PUB has invested in its comprehensive cybersecurity policy, and put in place
systems, processes and training to enforce it.


From the beginning, our infrastructure is designed and built to resist
cybersecurity attacks. PUB has a Water Sector Policy that includes provisions
from Singapore’s Cybersecurity Act and best practices from the United
States’ National Institute of Standards and Technologies. These guidelines
ensure a baseline level of protection for its assets.
As a matter of policy, for instance, systems are not connected to the Internet
or cloud technologies to limit their exposure to malicious actors.
When each plant is being designed, it has to conform to a cybersecurity
design framework so that cybersecurity measures and allowances are
embedded from the start. This includes conducting threat assessments for
systems to determine their vulnerabilities and address any security gaps
before the systems are installed.
Within installations, biometric systems restrict access to control rooms and
server rooms, incorporating multi-factor authentication mechanisms for
critical zones.
Internal control systems are air-gapped and allow only the unilateral flow of
information to external networks, preventing hackers from tampering with the
plant controls to cause harm or catastrophic consequences.
Apart from these and other protective measures, detection systems are
put in place to alert operators to potential intrusions and breaches, such
as valves that switch on or off without their instructions, and attempts to
export data.

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Cybersecurity: the backbone of digitalisation 49

Such forethought is crucial as retrofitting plants and systems to boost their

cybersecurity is much more difficult and may require processes to be
temporarily shut down, affecting operations.
As an added precaution, we also conduct penetration testing when there are
major changes to systems, such as software modifications, as well as annually,
to make sure that the systems remain robust against cyberattacks.


All our staff also undergo cybersecurity training to inculcate basic safety
principles and practices. These include using only secured thumb-drives to
transfer data, as external ones may contain malware, and not clicking on
emails from unknown senders, as these may be vehicles for phishing attempts
and other forms of cyber intrusions.
Our shift leaders who supervise operators are taught to recognise signs of
cybersecurity incidents, such as unexpected changes in pump operations or
water quality readings. While hackers may attempt to hide their tracks by
manipulating sensors related to the operational processes they are trying to
hijack, the data derived from other sensors may expose them.
Our Instrumentation and Control (IC) engineers who are in charge of
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems as well as
operational and maintenance ones receive even more training, including a
five-day programme that covers cybersecurity defences and what to do
during attacks or breaches.
PUB has also assembled a cyber emergency response team that consists of
cybersecurity professionals and specialists. This apex team steps in when a
cybersecurity incident is unable to be solved by the operators, shift leaders
and IC engineers.


Despite our best efforts, some cyberattacks may succeed. To minimise the
consequences, we have also invested in recovery measures.
Our industrial control systems have redundancies, where in the event if one
system or component is shut down, there is a backup system or component in
place to ensure that operations function as normal.
Moreover, data and system configurations are backed-up regularly and saved
offline so that these can be deployed for continuity of operations, reducing the
time needed for recovery.

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50 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience


With cybersecurity attacks and defences constantly evolving to battle each
other, we have also taken steps to ensure that our protection systems remain
up to the mark.
In 2015 and 2016, we worked with iTrust, the Singapore University of
Technology and Design’s centre for cybersecurity research, to establish the
Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) and Water Distribution (WADI) testbed
The SWaT testbed replicates a six-stage process for treating water. The
WADI testbed, for its part, comprises reservoir tanks, consumer tanks, raw
water tanks, a returned tank, chemical dosing systems, booster pumps and
valves, instrumentation and analysers. It also takes in a portion of the SWaT
testbed’s reverse osmosis permeate.
Together, the two testbeds form a complete and realistic water treatment,
storage and distribution network, providing researchers across the globe with
an industrial-grade and one-of-a-kind platform to conduct experiments and
research to validate models and theories about cyberattacks, and to test the
robustness of cyber protection methods.
After years of intense research, several patents have been filed for novel
technologies aimed at detecting cyberattacks from multiple angles and
enabling systems to recover from them quickly. These include a system that
creates unique “noise fingerprints” for sensors, to detect deviations that are
caused by sensor spoofing attacks.
As cyberattacks become more innovative, cybersecurity measures need to
follow suit. The SWaT and WADI testbeds are essential in helping PUB and
other water utilities to stay ahead of cyber threats.
Beyond a commitment to cybersecurity research, we will also continue
to upgrade the cybersecurity competency of our staff. For instance, we
have partnered with the Civil Service College Singapore to craft a
competency framework for officers whose primary work is in cybersecurity,
to guide them in building up and updating their store of knowledge and
Such professional development is also essential as there is a shortage of
capable cybersecurity personnel, who are in high demand not just in the
water sector but in many other industries. This is partly because cybersecurity
has traditionally focused on information technology rather than operational

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Cybersecurity: the backbone of digitalisation 51

For this reason, it is often easier to train plant engineers in cybersecurity.

Their domain expertise in water utility operations is also advantageous when
it comes to designing secure systems for use in plants.
Looking ahead, we will also enhance our security operations centre to boost
cybersecurity. The centre currently follows up on security alerts that are
triggered in the water network. In the future, we will harness machine
learning technologies to expand our capabilities, allowing better detection of
anomalies that may indicate cybersecurity attacks and breaches.
We will also gather intelligence on cybersecurity attacks, espionage, malware
and other threats globally that have befallen water utilities or may potentially
endanger them. Such analyses will serve as a leading indicator for PUB’s
cybersecurity risks.
Networking and sharing of information with other organisations are also
priorities. PUB already shares information and best practices with other
utilities and agencies, and gleans the same from them, through study trips,
events, conferences and meetings such as the annual Singapore International
Cyber Week.
We are also a member of Singapore’s Operational Technology Information
Sharing and Analysis Centre, which is a threat information sharing hub
for companies and organisations in the energy, water, and other critical
information infrastructure sectors.
Members can securely exchange details of operational technology and
information technology threats and attacks on their organisations, to prevent
and quickly mitigate and contain damage caused by malicious actors.
The threat of cybersecurity attacks and breaches should not deter water
utilities from embracing digitalisation. By taking a proactive approach to
defence, they can minimise their vulnerabilities, and forge ahead to seize

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Chapter 6
The human element in digitalisation

Ultimately, the success of our digital transformation rests on our employees.

Although digitalisation is about making use of hardware and software, it
can only succeed if it is supported by people, both in spirit and in execution.
A water utility can only transform itself into a smart utility of the future
if the change is led by strong leadership and buttressed by employees at
all levels.
In PUB, the push for digitalisation starts at the top. The utility has established
a Smart PUB Steering Committee chaired by the Deputy Chief Executive of
Policy and Development and Deputy Chief Executive of Operations. The
committee’s work is also coordinated by PUB’s Chief Information Officer.
To inspire employees, PUB’s senior leadership has also highlighted the
vision of a digitalised utility in speeches and townhall meetings, where work
is simplified, and made easier and more efficient through automation and
other technologies, where employees can achieve better work-life balance.
In 2019 alone, PUB’s senior management hosted over 200 town hall meetings
with over 3,000 officers across the organisation. Through these gatherings, they
shared the impetus for the utility’s digitalisation drive, and emphasised that all
officers play a role in the endeavour.
The senior leaders also helm key transformation projects throughout
the utility, such as the upgrading of the Intelligent Water Management

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0053

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54 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

System, leveraging their presence to boost support and momentum for


To encourage buy-in from the rank-and-file, all internal communications and
publicity for the digitalisation movement are designed to showcase our
transformation vision, the reasons for the need to change, how officers can
participate, the rewards for participating, and how digitalisation can and must
take place across all levels of the utility.
PUB also has a one-stop innovation portal for all officers called the PUB
IDEAS Exchange. In this portal, our officers can view, learn from and
contribute to all ideas, including proposed and implemented ones, and
prototypes created by their peers.
For every realised idea with cost savings, up to S$15,000 is given to the
officers behind it, to motivate all to continue innovating at work.
We also recognise the efforts of our officers through internal newsletters and
features, and an annual Service and Innovation Day (SID) to recognise the best
innovation and service staff in the utility. Outstanding ideas in the past year
also qualify for the Chief Executive Innovation Awards for additional
monetary awards.
The SID is particularly important as a platform for staff to relate their personal
stories on innovation and digitalisation, which in turn inspires and motivates
others to join the utility’s journey. These stories often have common themes
of determination and teamwork, which reinforce the values that are needed
for success.
The SID is also accompanied by an Innovation Exhibition featuring the latest
innovations and technologies that are being incorporated in PUB. Having such
an exhibition demonstrates to the utility’s officers that change is real, and is
happening concurrently across the breadth of operations, to excite them about
the benefits that they will experience in the coming months.


While enthusiasm for digitalisation is essential, so is having the relevant
knowledge and capabilities. At PUB, providing employees with digitalisation
training tailored to their job scope and responsibilities is a priority.
In 2018, the Singapore government set the goal of training all public service
officers to have basic digital literacy by 2023, and basic competency in digital

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The human element in digitalisation 55

skills. The Public Service Division (PSD) set out a Digital Literacy Framework
that outlines the basic standards required of all public officers to work in a
digitally-enabled workplace.
Guided by PSD’s framework, PUB’s Singapore Water Academy (SgWA),
which offers training for water professionals locally and internationally,
formulated a digital literacy training approach contextualised to the utility’s
needs. It has three tiers of standards that specify the digital knowledge and
skills required by different job grades.
The academy has sourced and crafted courses to train officers in these skills.
These include Digital Workplace courses that cover technology and data
literacy, data protection, cybersecurity, technologies shaping digital
transformations, applications of data analytics, hands-on training in data
collection, and much more.
As of 2019, about 75% of the PUB officers selected for the courses have
completed them, and we are on track to finish the training by 2021.
As change management is a critical skillset for senior leadership, project
leaders and other change agents, the SgWA has also rolled out courses in
this field.


Building a future-ready data analytics team is also necessary for water utilities to
make the digitalisation leap. Many organisations are only ‘data-aware’, where
their employees simply make spreadsheets and compile them for reporting.
The goal is to be data-driven, where decisions are made through data, where
machine learning and forecasting models are heavily utilised.
The SgWA, together with the InfoTech and Digital Transformation
Department, has contextualised the Singapore Government Technology
Agency’s Data Science Competency Framework to introduce a data analytics
training framework aimed at giving staff the relevant knowledge and skills to
make data-driven decisions. This framework has several proficiency tiers that
are mapped to PUB’s job roles based on competency requirements.
The plan is to create a large base of officers with basic proficiency in data
analytics, and spur officers with interest and motivation to attend data
analytics courses to further deepen their skills and knowledge.
PUB also plans to train a group of data analysts to be highly proficient in
business intelligence analytics, and to produce data engineers who can design
and actualise big data architectures.

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56 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

To accomplish these objectives, we will organise basic data analytics training

for all our engineers and executives, and place data analysts in various
departments in intermediate and advanced data analytics programmes.
With a strong data analytics culture within the organisation, our staff will
cultivate the habit of using data and its insights to support decisions, and thus
improve the utility’s performance.


We are also implementing training to equip our officers for design innovation.
Such innovation involves examining and rethinking work processes to increase
productivity and achieve other work targets. Data analytics is indispensable to
gather evidence and validate assumptions during such exercises.
PUB’s InfoTech and Digital Transformation Department has partnered with
the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and SgWA to
curate a six-day course to impart officers with the design innovation and data
analytics skills required to facilitate work process reviews and their redesign.
The course fosters a collaborative approach involving multidisciplinary
teams working within the organisation to come up with fresh perspectives to
improve its products and business processes.
It also includes a data analytics bootcamp to instruct officers in the subject.
After finishing the course, participants will have foundational knowledge of
data analytics and be able to apply design innovation tools while taking
charge of transformation projects in their departments.
The inaugural course was conducted in November 2019 at SUTD for
37 officers.

Going forward, we will also devise more opportunities for PUB employees to
work alongside contractors in the development and implementation of
digitalisation solutions, to give them more hands-on experience in the field.
PUB Chief Executive Ng Joo Hee stressed that the utility’s people are its most
valuable assets.
He said: “We have to maximise the full potential of our people, and
enable them to lead and to innovate for extraordinary results. We have to
give them the best training and development throughout their time with PUB
in order that they can be as high performing as possible. Organisational
change doesn’t happen by itself. It needs to draw strength from a common

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The human element in digitalisation 57

vision. It needs to be sustained by a pervasive culture that embraces change.

The need to change, how to change, what to change, and what to change next
has to be communicated up and down our organisation, such that even the
lowliest operator in the farthest outpost knows that he too has to do things

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Chapter 7

When a football team is down by one man, the remaining players need to play
smarter and adjust their tactics to win. That is the analogy that PUB Chief
Executive Officer Ng Joo Hee uses to explain the importance of PUB’s push
for digitalisation.
In the near future, some utilities may need to learn to work with fewer
employees due to ageing populations and low birth-rates. Other countries
may face different forms of resource restrictions, such as a growing lack of
rainfall for harvesting, treatment and use due to climate change. Digitalisation
can offer solutions for these and other issues.
In this publication, we have summarised PUB’s key learning points from
its digitalisation journey so far. Building and choosing the right infrastructure
is paramount, and this refers to not just hardware such as wireless
communications networks and sensors. Software systems to break down
information silos, and to aggregate, supplement and analyse data, are
crucial too.
As utilities construct their infrastructure, they must also make cybersecurity a
cornerstone of their plans. This means ensuring that cybersecurity measures are
considered and built into plant design from the very beginning, and additional
technologies are vigorously tested before they are implemented in
operational systems.

© IWA Publishing 2020. Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Author: PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency
doi: 10.2166/9781789061871_0059

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60 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

Moreover, manpower is the difference between failure and success. PUB has
appointed a Chief Risk Officer and a Chief Information Officer to helm new
departments leading its digital transformation to become a smart utility of the
future. Its variety of training programmes will equip staff with the skills
necessary for this transformation.
The projects featured in this publication also underline the benefits of
collaboration. In PUB, research and development and industry development
have been brought together under one Assistant Chief Executive, to bring
discoveries from lab to application as quickly as possible.
By forging partnerships, utilities can also mine the rich lode of expertise and
resources in firms and research organisations, and in turn offer real-world
testing facilities to speed up the commercialisation of innovations in water to
the marketplace. As the saying goes, many hands make light work.


Many water utilities are on the path to digitalisation, signalling the growing
recognition of its potential.
Umgeni Water, a utility in Durban, South Africa, deployed digitalisation to
improve its water resource management and better protect customers. This
included pairing hydrologic models and monitoring devices to optimise
storage levels in dams and reservoirs.
The Las Vegas Valley Water District, the government agency that supplies
the Las Vegas Valley with water, turned to digitalisation to locate leaks. It
uses leak detection devices to listen for sounds and vibrations caused by
water seeping from its distribution lines.
By monitoring the pipes continuously and fixing small leaks before they
become larger, the agency can prevent major water supply disruptions, and
has extended the lifespan of the pipes.
Anglian Water, which provides water and water recycling services to more
than six million people in the United Kingdom, is partnering with
engineering firm Black & Veatch to create a digital twin of the utility’s water
treatment and distribution infrastructure in the Newmarket region.
Artificial intelligence (AI) with predictive and analytic capabilities will be
embedded into the digital twin to support the utility’s decision-making in
the region.
In Malaysia, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB), the state of Melaka’s
water supply company, is increasingly relying on digitalisation too. It has

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Conclusion 61

installed a Geographic Information System (GIS) that contains consolidated and

regularly-updated data about its pipe network, including pipe sizes, materials
and connections.
When customers call to report pipe malfunctions, an automated locating
system allows SAMB to alert the nearest repair team to reach the site
within 20 minutes. The team checks the problematic pipe’s details through
the GIS on-site and orders replacement parts immediately. This has
reduced supply downtime from up to 24 hours previously to 3-4 hours
Like PUB, these and many other utilities have made digitalisation a core
component of their operations, and an essential part of their future.


As our digital evolution continues, we are also keeping an eye out for promising
nascent digital technologies, and ways that these could be adapted for
Singapore’s current and future needs.
Blockchain, for instance, is beginning to be trialled in several utilities
worldwide. In California in the United States, tech giant IBM is working with
non-profit organisations, other firms and researchers to test the use of
blockchain, sensors and other Internet-of-Things technologies to monitor
groundwater usage transparently and in real-time.
The sensors transmit water extraction data which is stored by IBM’s
blockchain platform to serve as an append-only, immutable record. A
web-based dashboard available to farmers, financiers and regulators enables
all parties to track the groundwater usage, and individual users to trade their
allotted usage.
AI chatbots can also answer water users’ questions quickly so they do not
have to be on hold with a call centre or search through pages of information
on their utility’s website. Northern Ireland Water’s AI chatbot handles 2,500
to 3,000 customer interactions monthly, recognises customers’ questions 92%
of the time and answers correctly 70% of the time.
As digital solutions become more sophisticated and new ones enter the
market, PUB will evaluate them and possibly even help to develop several of
them, as we have done in the past and continue to do today.
PUB’s Mr Ng noted that the utility’s digitalisation plan will propel it wholly
and firmly into the world of digital technology. He said: “There are many
changes that are underway throughout the length and breadth of our

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62 Digitalising Water – Sharing Singapore’s Experience

organisation, and we have every intention to press ahead and persevere with
these changes until they become the new normal in PUB.”
He summarised: “We cannot carry on as usual. We have to change, and we
have to change now. Our water mission is too important.”

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This book
book provides
an overview
an overview
of the digital
of the tools
tools available
in the in the
market market
as well as
as well
the impact
as the impact
of digitalisation
of digitalisation
on the water
on thesector
water by
sector by
PUB, Singapore’s
PUB, Singapore’s
Water Water
PUB Roadmap
PUB Roadmap
in 2018into2018digitalise
to digitalise
entire water
water system
to improve
to improve
the utility’s
the utility’s
and meet andthemeet
the nation’s
future needs.
future needs.
This bookThisshares
book shares
drive, highlights
drive, highlights
the deliberations
the deliberations
behind behind
its decisions,
its decisions,
its projects,
its projects,
and underlines
and underlines
the infrastructural,
the infrastructural,
and humanand human
elements elements
in digitalisation
in digitalisation
that other
water utilities
need toneed to
consider consider
in crafting
in crafting
their owntheir
own forward.
path forward.

To guide
the digitalisation
efforts, efforts,
major goals:

• to create
• to create
value for
the for
utility through
new capabilities,
new capabilities,

• more• efficient
more efficient

• a better
• a work

• improved

• improved
work environment,

and and

With these
to able
focus research
their research
and and
plan their
their digitalisation
in greaterin greater
detail, and
and consider
more deeply
more deeply
how to how
to collect
and useanddata
use in data
in innovative
ways. ways.

ISBN 9781789061864
ISBN 9781789061864
ISBN: 9781789061864
ISBN: 9781789061864
9 7817899 061864
781789 061864
ISBN: 9781789061871
ISBN: 9781789061871
(eBook) (eBook)

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