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3. Needs Leaders who can effectively

L1: PLANNING, ORGANIZING, AND reinforce learning
STAFFING - These leaders encourage
their employees to learn and
think creatively
Learning Organization
- Not restrained from
- An organization that
entertaining different points
constantly transforms and
of view
innovates itself through
learning and knowledge
- All members are
Became prominent in management during
encouraged to take part in
1920s and 1930s
solving critical issues.
- A social group that has
- Nothing is kept secret
well-coordinated processes and
activities for the purpose of
Three (3) Elements of Learning
achieving its objectives.
- Functions entail the structuring and
grouping of jobs ensuring that
1. Supportive Learning Environment
these are performed by qualified
- Employees are not afraid to
and competent personnel.
voice out their opinions
- Employees are not judged
- They are not overstressed
- Clarifies the line of authority of
top-level, middle-level, and low-level
2. Availability of learning Processes
management and avoids confusion
and Practices
among employees as to who their
- Generation, collection,
immediate superiors are.
interpretation, and
dissemination of
The organization process:
information relevant to the
company’s operations
- Include technological
trends, development of new
product ideas, training, and
education of employees.
- Ensured that information is
shared with those who need
Organizational Design and Structure 2. Departentazation
- Grouping of similar
Organizational Design functions, jobs, and tasks
- Identifies the essential tasks and into departments
operations of the company - Functional: personnel and
- focuses on 3 aspects: work tasks related to a single
activities, reporting relationships, company operation are
and departmental grouping grouped together
options - Divisional
Organizational Structure Departmentalization: based
- The framework that shows how on product, service process,
each component of the company geographic location, or
relates to each other. customer

Configurations and Elements of 3. Chain of commands

Organizational Structure: - Communication and work
relationships between
Mechanic Structure employees and managers.
- A rigid and tightly controlled - Indicates who reports to
structure that resembles whom.
bureaucracy. - 3 underlying principles:
- Decisions are mostly made from Authority - right inherent in
top to bottom. a managerial position to
- Its advantage: maximizes give directions
efficiency while minimizing costs Responsibility - an
Organic Structure obligation to perform duties
- More flexible and highly adaptable. assigned to an employee.
- The organization is decentralized Unity of Command -
and less formal. Employees are requires that an employee
given broader responsibilities should only report to one
based on the current needs of the superior.
4. Span of control
Six(6) key elements - The number of employees a
manager can effectively
1. Work Specialization and efficiently manage.
- Jobs are divided into steps
or individual task 5. Degree of centralization
- Employees specialize in a - The extent authority and
specific task or aspect of decision-making is given to
the job or operation a small group of people.
Centralization - when major Divisional Organizational Structure
decisions are made by top - Concentrate on their own division’s
management. performance. Geographical,
product, and customer.
Decentralization - when
lower management is Multi-focused grouping
allowed to make important - Combines both functional and
decisions. divisional structures

6. Formalization Matrix Structure

- The process of - Used when both technical expertise
standardizing jobs and and product innovation are crucial
establishing rules and in meeting organizational goals
guidelines that guide
employees. Two(2) Types of matrix structure:
Functional Matrix
Simple organizational structure: - Organizes the company in a
way that gives functional
Owner/Manager managers primary authority
Employee 1 | Employee 2 | Employee 3 Product matrix
- Assigns greater authority to
- The most basic structure. It is the product managers
applicable to small businesses
when the majority of the power and Matrix Org. Structure
decision-making rests on the - Combines features of functional
owner. and divisional structures
- Often used in larger companies
Functional grouping Ex:
- Grouping together similar functions
into departments

Vertical Hierarchy
- Employees follow a chain of
commands and top managers
delegate tasks to lower-level
managers and employees.
Horizontal grouping Other types of Org.
- Eliminates the complexities of 1989 - Henry Mintzberg “Minzberg on
hierarchies and divisions. Management”
- Establishes a structure with little or
no levels between employees 1. Entrepreneurial org. - focused on
- Promotes flexibility and quick the chief executive, the staff is
response. small and informal.

Team-based Org. Structure 2. Machine Org - Decision-making is

- A horizontal design that organizers centralized and there is a
employees into teams whose distinction between line and staff.
members perform varied functions.
3. Diversified Org. - central
administration is called
headquarters and there is a set of
semi-autonomous units or

4. Professional org. - standardized

products and services and
employees usually do routine work.
Virtual Network Grouping
- The latest approach that takes 5. Innovative org - a modern org.
advantage in information and Which is flexible and doesn't utilize
communication tech. planning and controlling systems.
- Company is structured as a group
of departments that are loosely 6. Missionary org. - the mission is the
connected through electronic main focus of this type of org.
Network Org. structure Organization Theories
- Hires only a few employees which
amounts to lesser cost for salaries ● Bureaucracy
and benefits - Max Weber, 1800
- Formal rigid structure and
legitimate authority in orgs.
- Associated with formality,
rigidity, and low

● Scientific Management
- Frederick Taylor
- Analysis of jobs by - Act of making employees
identifying and evaluating accountable for their own actions.
specific task.
Formal Org.
● Systems Theory - Rests on authority and
- Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy responsibilities
and Kenneth Boulding, 1950 Informal Org.
- Collection of parts that are - Personal relationships established
coordinated in among employees.
accomplishing a particular

● Contingency Theory L2: STAFFING IN THE

- No single best way of
managing an org.
- Integrates all management
approaches and identifies a Staffing / Human Resource Management
specific approach to be - Acquiring and developing human
applied in the situation resources that willcarry out and
perform the various activities of the
- Allocation of tasks to employees

Delegation of Authority
- Allows subordinates to do tasks
outside their regular work, enabling
them to exercise a certain level of

Three(3) elements of Delegations:

1. Duty - bound by the duties
expressed in function and
objectives of the org.
2. Authority - The manager’s
authority over his subordinates
should be clearly defined.
3. Obligation - express willingness to
fully accept their responsibilities.


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