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Shaping My Global Worldview: An Autobiographical Approach

Written Portfolio Assignment Unit 1

EDUC 5810-01 - AY2024-T5

Department of Education, University of the people

Date: June 26, 2024

Growing up in a multicultural family and community has profoundly influenced my perception

of other cultures. My parents, who hailed from different cultural backgrounds, imparted a rich

blend of values and traditions. This diverse upbringing laid the foundation for my understanding

and appreciation of the world's cultural mosaic. Through personal experiences and interactions

with various cultural groups, I have developed a nuanced worldview that embraces diversity and

fosters global interconnectedness.

Family and Early Influences

My mother, a second-generation immigrant from Mexico, and my father, whose family has deep

roots in the United States, instilled in me the importance of cultural heritage and respect for

differences. From a young age, I was exposed to Mexican customs and celebrations, such as Día

de los Muertos and traditional cuisine, alongside American holidays like Thanksgiving and the

Fourth of July. These experiences cultivated a sense of belonging to both cultures and

underscored the beauty of cultural diversity. My parents emphasized the value of education and

curiosity about the world, encouraging me to learn about different cultures and their histories.

Educational Experiences

My formal education further expanded my understanding of global cultures. In high school, I

participated in an exchange program that allowed me to spend a semester in Japan. Living with a

host family and attending a Japanese school provided firsthand insight into a culture vastly

different from my own. I learned about Japanese customs, language, and societal norms, which

broadened my perspective and challenged my preconceived notions. This experience taught me

the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability, as well as the value of cross-cultural

Influence of Teachers and Mentors

Several teachers and mentors played pivotal roles in shaping my global outlook. My high school

history teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, introduced me to the complexities of world history and the

interconnectedness of global events. He encouraged us to think critically about historical

narratives and their impact on contemporary issues. His passion for history and commitment to

fostering global awareness inspired me to pursue further studies in international relations.

Additionally, my college professor, Dr. Nguyen, who specialized in Asian Studies, provided

valuable insights into the cultural and political dynamics of East Asia. Her mentorship and

encouragement to engage in cultural exchanges and research deepened my understanding of the

region and reinforced my commitment to global learning.

Community and Social Interactions

Growing up in a diverse community also played a significant role in shaping my worldview.

Interacting with friends and neighbors from various cultural backgrounds taught me the

importance of empathy and open-mindedness. Participating in community events, such as

cultural festivals and religious celebrations, allowed me to appreciate the richness of different

traditions and fostered a sense of unity amidst diversity. These interactions highlighted the

shared values and commonalities that transcend cultural boundaries, reinforcing the idea of a

global community.

Personal Values and Beliefs

My personal values and beliefs have also shaped my perspective on global cultures. I firmly

believe in the principles of equality, respect, and inclusivity. These values guide my interactions

with people from different backgrounds and inform my approach to understanding cultural
differences. My belief in the importance of cultural exchange and mutual learning drives my

commitment to promoting global awareness and fostering intercultural dialogue.


In conclusion, my knowledge of myself and my context, including my values, beliefs,

experiences, and education, has profoundly shaped my worldview toward other cultures. The

diverse influences from my family, teachers, mentors, and community have instilled in me a

deep appreciation for cultural diversity and the importance of global interconnectedness. As I

continue to learn and grow, I remain committed to fostering a more inclusive and understanding



American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

NEEF. (2023). National Environmental Education Foundation. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Education. (2023). Retrieved from

(Note: The references provided are indicative and should be updated based on the actual sources

used in the paper.)

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