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 The Internet is a huge collection of networks, a networking infrastructure. It
encapsulates millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which
any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both
connected to the Internet. In other words, it is a worldwide system of cross
connected computer networks, connecting millions of devices through which
exchange of information such as data, news and opinions etc. is possible.

 It utilizes the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to aid billions

of users across the globe. So, TCP/IP can be called the backbone of the Internet. It
is considered as a network of networks that consists of thousands of private and
public, academic, business, and government interconnections. The Internet is often
considered as “The Information Highway”, that implies that there is a straight and
clear way of obtaining information. It connects thousands of computer networks.
Each device connected to the Internet is known as host, and is independent.
Through telephone wires, Fiber optical cable and satellite links, Internet users can
share a variety of information.

 The Internet is defined as an Information super Highway, to access information over

the web. However, It can be defined in many ways as follows:

 The Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer


 The Internet uses the standard Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

 Each device connected to the internet is identified by its unique IP address.

 IP Address is a unique set of numbers (such as which

identifies a computer location.

 A special computer DNS (Domain Name Server) is used to give a name to

the IP Address so that the user can locate a computer by a name.

 For example, a DNS server will resolve a name to a

particular IP address to uniquely identify the computer on which this website
is hosted.

 The Internet is available to each and every user across the globe.

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 The methodology of Internet was coined in 1969 and has undergone various
technological & Infrastructural amendments that are discussed below:
 The origin of the Internet devised from the concept of Advanced Research Project
Agency Network (ARPANET).
 ARPANET was designed by the Department of Defence of The United States.
 The primary motive of ARPANET was to facilitate communication among the
different bodies of the government.
 At that time, there existed only four nodes, formally named Hosts.
 In 1972, the ARPANET spread over the globe with 23 nodes located in different
countries and thus became known as the Internet.
 By the time, with invention of new technologies such as TCP/IP protocols, DNS,
WWW, browsers, scripting languages etc., the Internet provided a medium to
publish and access information over the web.

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 The Internet covers almost every aspect of life, one can think of. Here, we will
discuss some of the advantages of Internet:

 The Internet allows us to communicate with the people sitting at remote locations.
There are various apps available on the web that use the Internet as a medium for
communication. Users can find different social networking sites. Following are
examples of few Social Networking sites:
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Yahoo
 Flickr

 Anyone can surf for various kinds of information using the internet. Information
related to different topics such as Technology, Geographical Information, Health &
Science, Social Studies, Information Technology, Products etc can be surfed using a
search engine.
 Apart from communication and source of information, the internet also serves a
medium for entertainment. Following are the various modes for entertainment over
the internet.

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 Online Television
 Online Games
 Songs
 Videos
 Social Networking Apps
 Internet allows us to use many services like:
 Internet Banking
 Matrimonial Services
 Online Shopping
 Online Ticket Booking
 Online Bill Payment
 Data Sharing
 E-mail
 The Internet facilitates the concept of electronic commerce, that aids the business
deals to be processed on electronic systems.

 However, Internet is evolved to be a powerful medium of information in almost all
areas, yet there are many associated disadvantages discussed below:

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 There is always the possibility to lose personal information such as name, address,
credit card number. Therefore, users must be very vigilant while sharing this type of
information. Users must use credit cards only via authenticated websites.
 Another disadvantage is the Spamming. Spamming corresponds to the unwanted
emails in bulk. These emails serve no purpose and lead to obstruction of the entire
 Virus can easily be spread to the computers connected to the internet. Such virus
attacks may cause the user's system to crash or the user's important data may get
 There are different websites that do not supply the authenticated information. This
leads to misconception among many people.

 Intranet is defined as a private network of computers within an organization with its
own server and firewall.
Moreover we can define
Intranet as:
 The Internet is a system
in which multiple PCs are
networked to be
connected to each other.
PCs on the intranet are
not available to the world
outside of the intranet.
 Normally each company
or organization holds their
own Intranet network and
members/employees of
that company collaborate
via access to the computers in their intranet.
 Each computer in Intranet is also identified by an IP Address, which is unique
among the computers in that Intranet.

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 Intranet is considered as a very efficient and reliable network infrastructure for any
organization. It is profitable in every aspect such as cost-effectiveness,
collaboration, security, productivity and much more.

 Communication: Intranet facilitates easy and cheap interconnection within an

organization. Employees can communicate through chat, e-mail or blogs.
 Time Saving: Information to be shared on Intranet is shared in real time.
 Collaboration: Information is shared among the employees of the organization
according to the need and it can be traversed by the authorized users, comprising
enhanced teamwork.
 Platform Independency: It is possible to connect computers and other
devices on the Intranet with different architectures.
 Cost Effective: Employees may see the data and other documents through a
browser instead of printing them and distributing duplicate copies to the employees,
which considerably decreases the cost.
 Workforce Productivity: Data and information is available all the time and can
be accessed through company workstation. This aids the employees to work faster.
 Business Management: There is a provision to deploy applications that facilitates
the business operations.

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 Security: Since information distributed over on intranet can only be retrieved

within an organization, therefore there is almost no possibility of being stolen.
 Specific Users: Intranet targets only exclusive users within an organization
that is why, once can exactly know with whom is he/she interacting.
 Immediate Updates: Any changes implemented to information are refl ected at
the same time to all the users.
 Issues: Apart from several benefi ts of Intranet, there also exist some
problems. These issues are described in the given diagram:

 Intranet applications are the same as that of Internet applications. Intranet
applications can be also accessed via a web browser. The only difference is that,
Intranet applications reside on local servers while Internet applications reside on
remote servers. Here, we've discussed some of these applications:

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 Document publication applications: Document publication programs facilitate

publishing documents like manuals, software guide, employee profits etc without
using paper.
 Electronic resources applications: It offers digital resources such as software
applications, templates and tools, to be distributed across the network.
 Interactive Communication applications: Like on the internet, it is possible to
have email and chat like applications for Intranet, hence providing an interactive
communication among employees.
 Support for Internet Applications: Intranet offers an environment to deploy
and test applications before placing them on the Internet.
 Internet vs. Intranet: Apart from similarities there are some differences
between the two. Following are the differences between Internet and Intranet:

Intranet Internet
Localized Network. Worldwide Network
Doesn't have access to Intranet Have access to the Internet.
More Expensive Less Expensive
More Safe Less Safe
More Reliability Less Reliability

 Extranet refers to a network
within an organization, using the
internet to connect to the
outsiders in a controlled manner.
It aids to interconnect businesses
with their customers and
suppliers and in turn allows
working in a collaborative

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 Extranet is implemented as a Virtual Private Networks (VPN) because it uses the
internet to connect to corporate organizations and there is always a threat to
information security. VPN facilitates a secure network in public infrastructure

 Key Points
1. The packet is wrapped at the boundary of networks in IPSEC compliant
2. It utilizes an encryption key to associate packets and IP addresses as well.
3. The packet is decoded only by the IPSEC compliant routers or servers.
4. The digital information is shared over VPN via VPN Tunnel and this process
is called tunneling.
 VPN utilizes Internet Protocol Security Architecture (IPSEC) Protocol to facilitate
secure transactions by implementing an additional security layer to TCP/IP protocol.
This layer is implemented by encapsulating the IP packet to a new IP packet as
described in the following diagram:

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 Extranet has proven to be a successful model for various kinds of businesses even
if they are small or big. following are few of the advantages of extranet for business
partners, employees, suppliers, and customers:

 Apart from advantages there are also some issues associated with extranet. These
issues are discussed below:

 Where the extranet pages will be held i.e. who will host the extranet pages. In this
context there are two choices:
1. May host it on the user's own server.
2. May host it along with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the similar way as
web pages.
 But hosting extranet pages on a user's own server requires high bandwidth internet
connection which is comparatively very costly.

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 Additional firewall security is required if the user hosts extranet pages on the user's
own server which result in a complex security mechanism and increased workload.

Accessing Issues
 Information cannot be accessed in absence of internet connection. However,
information may be accessed within Intranet with no internet connection.

Decreased Interaction
 It reduces the face to face interaction in the business which results in lack of
communication among customers, business partners and suppliers.

Extranet vs. Intranet

The following table shows differences between Extranet and Intranet:

Extranet Intranet

Internal network that can be accessed externally. Internal network that cannot be
accessed externally.
Extranet is an extension of the company's Intranet. Only limited users of a company.
For controlled external communication between Only for communication within a
customers, suppliers and business partners. company.

Internet Services
 Internet Services allow us to access a huge amount of information such as text,
graphics, sound and software over the internet. The diagram given below shows the
four different categories of Internet Services.

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Communication Services
 There are different communication Services available that facilitate exchange of
information among individuals or groups. The following table provides a brief
introduction to such services:

S. No. Service Description

1 Electronic Mail: Used to send electronic messages over the internet.

2 Telnet: Used to log on to a remote computer that is connected to the internet.

Newsgroup: Provides a forum for people to discuss ideas of common
Internet Relay Chat (IRC): Allows the people from all over the globe to
communicate in real time.
Mailing Lists: Used to organize groups of internet users to share common
information through email.
Internet Telephony (VoIP): Allows the internet users to talk across the
internet to any PC equipped to receive the call.
Instant Messaging: Offers real time chat between individuals and groups of
people. Example: Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger.

Information Retrieval Services

 There are various Information retrieval services facilitating simple access to
information available on the internet. The table given below provides a brief
introduction to these services:

S. No. Service Description

1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Enable the users to transfer fi les.

Archie: It's an updated database of public FTP sites and their content. It helps
to find a file by using its name.
Gopher: It is utilized to retrieve, search, and display documents on remote
VERONICA (Very Easy Rodent Oriented Net wide Index to Computer
4 Achieved): VERONICA is a resource based on gopher. It facilitates access to
the information resource saved on gopher’s servers.

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Web Services
 Web services facilitate exchange of information among applications on the web.
Through web services, applications can simply interact with each other.
 The web services are offered using the concept of Utility Computing.

World Wide Web (WWW)

 WWW is also known as W3. It offers a medium to access documents distributed
over several servers all over the internet. These documents can consist of texts,
graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks. The hyperlinks facilitate the users to navigate
through the documents.

Video Conferencing
 Video conferencing or Video teleconferencing is a way of communicating by two-
way video and audio transmission with help of telecommunication technologies.

Modes of Video Conferencing

Point - to - Point
 This mode of conferencing connects two locations only.

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Multi Point
 Such mode of conferencing established connection between more than two
locations via Multipoint Control Unit (MCU).

Internet Protocols
Transmission Control Protocols (TCP)
TCP is basically a connection oriented protocol and offers end-to-end packet delivery. It
acts as a back bone for connection. It exhibits the following key features:
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) works at the Transport Layer of OSI Model.
 TCP is a reliable and connection oriented protocol.
 TCP offers:
 Stream Data Transfer.
 Reliability.
 Efficient Flow Control
 Full-duplex operation.
 Multiplexing.
 TCP offers connection oriented end-to-end packet delivery.
 TCP ensures reliability by sequencing bytes with a forwarding acknowledgement
number that indicates to the destination the next byte the source expects to receive.
 It retransmits the bytes not acknowledged within a specified time period.

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TCP Security
 TCP facilitates the following services to the processes at the application layer:
 Stream Delivery Service
 Sending and Receiving Buffers
 Bytes and Segments
 Full Duplex Service
 Connection Oriented Service
 Reliable Service

1. Stream Deliver Service: TCP protocol is stream oriented as it permits the

sending process to send data as stream of bytes and the receiving process to
retrieve data as stream of bytes.

 Sending and Receiving Buffers: It may not be possible for the sending and
receiving process to produce and obtain data at same speed, therefore, TCP needs
buffers for storage at sending and receiving ends.

 Bytes and Segments: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), at the

transport layer, groups the bytes into small entities, or packets. This packet is known
as segment. Prior transmission of such packets, these segments are encapsulated
into an IP datagram.

 Full Duplex Service: Transmission of the data in duplex mode simply defi nes
the flow of data in both the directions at the same time.

 Connection Oriented Service: TCP facilitates connection oriented service in

the given sequence:

 TCP of the first process informs TCP of the second process and gets its

 TCP of the first process and TCP of the second process and exchange data
in both the two directions.

 After completion of the exchange of data, when buffers on both of the sides
are empty, the two TCP’s destroy their buffers.

6. Reliable Service: For sake of reliability, TCP uses an acknowledgement


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Internet Protocols (IP)

 Internet Protocol is connectionless and unreliable protocol. It ensures no guarantee
of successful transmission of data.
 In order to make it reliable, it should be paired with reliable protocols such as TCP at
the transport layer.
 Internet protocol shares the data in format of so called a datagram as shown in the
following diagram:

 Points to remember:
1. The length of the datagram is variable.
2. The Datagram can be segmented into two parts: header and data.
3. The associated length of its header is around 20 to 60 bytes.
4. The header contains information for routing and delivery of the packet.

User Datagram Protocols (UDP)

 Like IP, UDP is a connectionless and unreliable protocol. It is not required to make a
connection with the host to transmit the data. Since UDP is an unreliable protocol,
there is no mechanism for ensuring that data sent is received.
 UDP distributes the data in the format of a datagram. The UDP datagram contains
five segments as shown in the following diagram:

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 Points to remember:
1. UDP is utilized by the application that typically transmits a small quantity of
data at one time.
2. UDP provides protocol port utilized i.e. UDP message consists of both source
and destination port number, that makes it easier for UDP software at the
destination to divert the message to the right application program.

File Transfer Protocols (FTP)

FTP facilitates copying of files from one host to another. FTP facilitates the mechanism
for the same in given sequence:
1. FTP defines 2 processes, namely, Control Process and Data Transfer
Process at both ends, i.e., at client as well as at server.
2. FTP creates two different types of connections: one is for the purpose of data
transfer and another is for controlling the information.
3. Control connection is established between control processes while Data
Connection is established between <="" b="">
4. FTP utilizes port 21 for the purpose of control connection and Port 20 for the
purpose of data connection.

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Trivial File Transfer Protocols (TFTP)

 Trivial File Transfer Protocol is also utilized for the transfer of the files but it transfers
the files with no authentication. Opposite to the FTP, TFTP does not differentiate
control and data information. As no authentication exists, TFTP has no security
features therefore it is not recommended to opt for TFTP.
 Key points
1. TFTP utilizes UDP for data transport. Every TFTP message is transmitted in
a separate UDP datagram.
2. The first 2 bytes of a TFTP message defines the type of message.
3. The TFTP session is started when a TFTP client requests to upload or
download a file.
4. The request is transferred from an ephemeral UDP port to the UDP port 69 of
the TFTP server.
 Difference between FTP and TFTP
S. No. Parameter FTP TFTP
1 Operation Transferring Files Transferring Files
2 Authentication Yes No
3 Protocol TCP UDP
4 Ports 21 – Control, 20 – Data Port 3214, 69, 4012
5 Control and Data Separated Separated
6 Data Transfer Reliable Unreliable

 Telnet is a protocol used to log in to remote computers on the internet. There are a
number of Telnet clients having user friendly interfaces. The following diagram
elaborates that a person is logged into the computer named A, and from there, he
remotely logged into computer named B:

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Hyper Text Transfer Protocols (HTTP)

 HTTP is a communication protocol. It defines a mechanism for communication
between browser and the web server. It is also known as the request and response
protocol as the communication between browser and server takes place in request
and response pairs.

HTTP Request
 HTTP request comprises of lines which contains:
1. Request line
2. Header Fields
3. Message body
 Key Points
1. The first line i.e. the Request line specifies the request method i.e. Get or Post.
2. The second line defines the header which reflects the domain name of the server
from where index.htm is retrieved.

HTTP Response
 Like HTTP requests, HTTP response also has a certain structure. HTTP response
1. Status line
2. Headers
3. Message body

Basic Internet Terms


While every computer has its own unique address, every user using the Internet has a
unique address called a domain. A domain recognizes one or more IP addresses. An
example of a domain is and is part of the URL such as https:// The standard top-level domains are:

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 com - Commercial business

 edu - Educational institutions

 gov - Government agencies

 mil - Military

 net - Networks organization

 org - Organizations (nonprofit)

There are additional top-level domains that are now recognized on the Internet. They

 aero - Air-transport industry

 biz - Businesses

 coop - Cooperatives

 info - Unrestricted use

 museum - museums

 pro - Accountants, lawyers, physicians, and other professionals

 tv - Television


A piece of software such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer that allows a computer
to access and display documents, view pictures, hear sound, and view video clips from
the World Wide Web.


Mail that's electronically transmitted by your computer. As opposed to snail mail, e-mail
sends your messages instantaneously, anywhere in the world. It has the capability to
send messages at any time and to anyone.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The standard method for downloading and uploading files over the Internet. With FTP,
you can login to a server and transfer files (meaning you can "send" or "receive" files).

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The first page that is viewed when the browser starts. It is also the page of a Web site
that provides the introduction or content with links.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the set of rules by which Web
pages are transferred across the Internet.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

The Internet is composed of local, regional, national, and worldwide computer networks.
Each computer on the Internet can be identified by a set of unique numbers that is
called an internet protocol (IP) address. The IP address is composed of four different
numbers separated by periods such as

Link or Hypertext Link

An underlined word(s), phrase(s), or graphics on a Web page that transports the reader
to additional or related information on the Internet.


A terminal emulation protocol (or Internet program) used to connect a computer to a

remote host or server. Telnet is one of the oldest Internet activities and is primarily used
to access online databases or to read articles stored on university servers.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

An addressing scheme that is used on the Internet to locate resources and/or services
on the World Wide Web. Basically the URL is the address of a computer file that has
been put on a computer server to access the Internet.

Web Page

A single hypertext file or a page that is part of a Web site.


A collection of World Wide Web pages or files.


It is a series of letters and numbers that identify a location.

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Refers to all computer networks on the internet


The act of moving from page to page and website to website online.


illegally copying copyrighted software, music or movies.

Spam (electronic junk mail) :

It is an unwanted email from someone we don’t know.

Website :

A collection of “pages” or files linked together and available on the world Wide Web.


This is a file that has been added to an e-mail.


A real-time communication over the internet.

Cyber bullying

Sending or posting harmful or cruel text or images using the internet or other digital
communication devices.


Small pictures that represent the program on your computer.


To leave a message on a newsgroup or bulletin board.


A request for information about certain topic. It is what you put in the box when you
type something into the search engine.

Blog (Web Log)

Usually defines as a personal or noncommercial web site that uses a dated log format.

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An animated faces that express different emotions


This is where all of the messages that you send are kept.


A special software package that connects to a network and provides data.


To search for information on the web in a random , non-linear way.


A way to quickly access a favorite web site by saving it in your browser.


A popular term for someone who accesses computer information either legally or

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A company that provides internet access to customers


A mass mailing sent as Instant Messages to users.

Hypertext Markup language (HTML)

The coded format language used for creating documents on the world wide web and
controlling how web pages appear.

Cookie :

Also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie.A small file downloaded
by some web sites to store a packet of information on your browser.


A list of websites the people are using a particular computer have visited.


Proper use of internet.

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A program that extends the capabilities of your computer.


An electronic version of a file on your computer.

Domain Name

A name given to the numerical or internet protocol (IP) address of a web site.


This is a system that creates a special “wall” used by network servers to separate their
intranet from internet

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The standard method computers use to communicate via the world wide web.


An online scam that attacks the browser’s address bar.


An online scam that uses e-mail to “fish” for users’ private information by imitating
legitimate companies.

Streaming (media)

The exchange of video clips, sounds or other types of media over the internet.

Transmission Control Protocol/ internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

The protocol or conventions that computers use to communicate over the internet.

Zip File

Large files that have been compressed to make them easier to send over the internet

List of most popular browser

 Firefox

 Google Chrome

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 Microsoft Edge

 Apple Safari

 Opera

 Brave

 Vivaldi

 DuckDuckgo

 Chromium

 Epic

Best Search Engines in The World

1. Google : Google Search Engine is the best search engine in the world and it is
also one of most popular products from Google. Almost 70 percent of the Search
Engine market has been acquired by Google. The tech giant is always evolving and
looking to improve the search engine algorithm to provide best results to the end-user.
Although Google appears to be the biggest search engine, as of 2015 YouTube is now
more popular than Google (on desktop computers).

2. Bing : Bing is Microsoft’s answer to Google and it was launched in 2009. Bing is the
default search engine in Microsoft’s web browser. At Bing, they are always striving to
make it a better search engine but it’s got a long way to go to give Google competition.
Microsoft’s search engine provides different services including image, web and video
search along with maps. Bing introduced Places (Google’s equivalent is Google My
Business), this is a great platform for business to submit their details to optimise their
search results.

3. Yahoo : Yahoo & Bing compete more with each other than with Google. A
recent report on tells us that Yahoo have a market share of 7.68
percent. Although a leader as a free email provider, this is declining significantly though
with their recent acknowledgement that User Details & Passwords where hacked last

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4. Baidu : Baidu is the most used search engine in China and was founded in Jan,
2000 by Chinese Entrepreneur, Eric Xu. This web search is made to deliver results for
website, audio files and images. It provides some other services including maps, news,
cloud storage and much more.

5. AOL : is also among the top search engines. These are the guys that used
to send out CD’s which you’d load onto your PC to install their browser and modem
software. Once the pre-eminent player they now have a market share of 0.59 percent.
Verizon Communication bought AOL for $4.4 billion. It was started back in 1983 as
Control Video Corporation. It was named America Online in 1991 and in 2009 as AOL
Inc. AOL is a global mass media company which is based in New York. The company
also provides advertising services as AOL Advertising, AOL mail and AOL Platform.

6. : Founded in 1995,, previously known as Ask Jeeves. Their

key concept was to have search results based on a simple question + answer web
format. It is a question & answer community where you can get the answers for your
question and it integrates a large amount of archive data to answer your question.
Because of this dependency on archived and active user contributions the results will
not be as current as those you get in Google, Bing and Yahoo. They’ve tried to counter
where their resources don’t have the answer they take help from a third-party search
engine. Interestingly they don’t name who this is.

7. Excite : Excite is not widely known but is one that still gets into the top 10.
Excite is an online service portal that provides internet services like email, search
engine, news, instant messaging and weather updates. This also provides us with the
latest trends, topics and search for phrases such as: What can President Trump
actually do?

8. DuckDuckGo : DuckDuckGo is a popular search engine known for protecting

the privacy of the users. Unlike they are quite open about who they use to
generate search results; they’ve partnered with Yahoo, Bing and Yummly. It was
founded back in 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg in California and its revenue come from
Yahoo-Bing search alliance network and Affiliates.

9. Wolfram Alpha : Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge search engine which

does not give list of documents or web pages as search results. Results are based on
facts & data about that query. Their mission statement is to make all systematic
knowledge computable and broadly accessible. Launched in 2009, they now have a Pro
solution designed with pricing for Students and Educators. Much as it’s targeted, it’s an
awesome tool for the right market.

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10. Yandex : Launched in 1997, Yandex is most used search engine in Russia.
Yandex also has a great presence in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Turkey. It
provides services like Yandex Maps, Yandex Music, online translator, Yandex Money
and many other services.

11. Lycos : Lycos has a good reputation in search engine industry. Its key areas
served are email, web hosting, social networking, and entertainment websites.

12. - December 2016 UPDATE: ChaCha ceased trading due to

declining advertising revenues : is a human-guided search engine and
was founded in 2006. You can ask anything in its search box and you will be answered
in real-time. It also provides mobile search and marketing services. You can also install
its mobile apps on iPhone, iPad and Android.

Social Networking Sites

 Facebook

 WhatsApp

 QQ

 WeChat

 QZone

 Tumblr

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