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Assignment 1

Amal Alostaz

Department of Education, University of people

EDUC 5810-01 Living and Learning Globally

Writing Assignment 1

Instructor: Dr. Jeanne Albert

24th of June 2024

Assignment 1

Amal Alostaz is my name. I hold certifications as an early childhood and special

education teacher. I'm from Jordan, but I've spent the last ten years in the USA. Due to a

pandemic, my school closed in 2020, therefore I decided to go back and finish my master's

degree. I came onto an internet teaching job post in 2023. I presently instruct elementary-aged

students in math and English.

My experiences and past knowledge have influenced the way I view other cultures now. I

was an immigrant in 2001 and was classified as white or Hispanic. In 2006, I enrolled in a

community college and noticed that justice was not a priority. I never felt like I was a student in

a classroom—I always felt like I was taking place as an American. I switched to special

education as my major three years later. I could give them a sense of acceptance in that particular

area of study. I desired to change things. Respect for diverse races, religions, customs, and

behaviors was imparted to me.

As a teacher, I want to provide a welcoming and diverse learning environment for each

and every one of my pupils. I appreciate their thoughts and encourage them to voice theirs; I also

understand their limitations. Above all, I instill respect and promote acceptance. I make

substitute assignments to facilitate understanding.

To adjust to my culture again, it took years. I taught in American public schools;

Jordanian public schools are totally different. And so, I chose to become a private school teacher.

Those from a financially stable background made up the group of kids I dealt with. Parents

closely oversee everything at private schools, which often cater to all of the demands of their

pupils. In addition to offering opportunities for every student to participate in all activities,

teachers are in charge of sustaining a harmonious environment. Though we came from low-

income homes, I do remember experiencing inequality when I was a student in public schools.

Assignment 1

Regarding learning difficulties, the biggest difference was seen. The biggest difference

concerned learning impairments. The assistance that learning-disabled students required was not

provided. Therefore, not every student had the chance to succeed.

My instructors served as mentors, assisting me in developing a new perspective on

globalization and diversity. For example, I discovered that inclusive education could benefit

students with disabilities both academically and socially. These benefits could include increased

high school graduation rates, improved language and math performance, and more positive

relationships with students without disabilities Elementary Education (n. d). In my opinion,

special education fosters a sense of belonging, comfort, and progress in social cognition, as well

as a reduction in the fear of human differences.

My area is quite varied, and I work with primary school students. The majority of my

pupils are the offspring of immigrants. Children from all backgrounds come together in a social

setting on a daily basis. In most neighborhoods these days, diversity is the norm. Children may

grow up in homes where there are linguistic and cultural differences.

Despite the extraordinarily diverse population of Jordan, this situation does not exist

there. This miscegenation served to obscure the racial component. There are economic-based

racial disparities in the world. Non-Whites make up the majority of the population and are

mostly impoverished. Admission to colleges is determined on test results, and public schooling

does not offer a high-quality education. Rather than pursuing a college education, young people

frequently merely complete high school.

Teachers may "make sure students are prepared to innovate, compete, collaborate,

communicate, and address complex issues in a global society," according to VIF International

Education (n.d.). Although I did not receive training on how to be a globally competent teacher, I

Assignment 1

am certain that I can keep my pupils aware of globalization if I use creativity to design lessons

that use "inquiry-based pedagogical approaches, global content," and technology (p. 44).

Global connectivity has increased on both an economic and social level. My experiences

have made it easier for me to integrate into a multinational society. I do not harbor prejudices

against immigrants, nor do I make fun of them for their speech. I don't treat individuals

differently because of their faith or lifestyle choices. Embracing who I am and being appreciative

of being in the same space were the first steps. I am happy with my achievements and believe

that everyone has a story to share and something to learn from.

Assignment 1


The Houston Factor (2015, April 19). Fox 26 news special: Diversity in the classroom!

[Video]. YouTube.

VIF International Education (n.d). Teacher guide. K-12 global competence grade-level

indicators. Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P12).


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