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Simple Harmonic Motion Q. 1.1. (@) Differentiate between simple harmonic motion and oscillatory motion. Define simple harmonic motion. (H.PU,, 2001; Bang.U., 2000; Gauhati U., 2000) (b) Derive a general differential equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator and (Meerut, U., 2006; GN.D.U., 1999; Kan. U., 1995; C.U., 1992; Vidya Sagar U. 1992; Burdwan U., 1992) ‘Ans. (a) Oscillatory motion, A motion which repeats itself after regular intervals of time is called a periodic motion. Ifa body in periodic motion executes to and fro motion about a fixed reference point, tis said to have an oscillatory motion The term oscillatory motion is not restricted only to ‘displacement’ of a mechanical oscillator, but it may be any physical quantity. For example, in electrical system an oscillatory variation of charge, current or voltage may take place. Simple harmonic motion. When a body moves such that its acceleration is always directed towards a certain fixed point and varies directly as its distance from that point, the body is said to execute simple harmonic motion. For such a motion to take place the force acting on the body should be directed towards the fixed point and should also be proportional to the displacement, i.., the distance from the fixed point. The function of the force is to bring the body back to its equilibrium position and hence this force is often known as restoring force. (6) Differential equation of simple harmonic oscillator. Consider a particle of mass m ex- ecuting simple harmonic motion. Ify be the displacement of the particle from equilibrium position at any instant f, the restoring force F acting on the particle is given by Fay or F=-sy where s is the force constant of proportionality or stiffness or spring constant. The negative sign is used to indicate that the direction of the force is opposite to the direction of increasing displacement. Force constant s is defned as the restoring force per unit displacement obtain its various solutions. or Its unit is Newton per metre. a If 7 is the acceleration of the particle at time #, then “ 2 dy dy os a ee) ae” am 3 4 Waves, Vibrations and E.M, Theory 2 =o, weget 1 gy a9 oO) m dr This is the general differential equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator. Solution of differential equation. To find the solution of differential equation Substituting py, oe +oy=0 it dy Multiply by 24° and we get i bey, 27 W aay Integrating, we have 2 (2) =-0y?+C Ati) where C is the constant of integration. When the displacement is maximum, ie., at y =a where a is the amplitude of the oscillating particle, 4 =0 it ‘-e, the particle is momentarily at rest in the extreme position and begins its journey in the backward direction, Substituting y= a and 2 = 0 in equation (ii), we have 7 C= aut Substituting this value of C in Eq. (i), we get or 2 = ofa? -y oii) i This equation gives the velocity of the particle executing simple harmonic motion at a time 1, when the displacement = y y odt Integrating, we have sin! = 014 a or y=asin(@ t+) of”) where ¢ is another constant of integration. The term (w 1 + 9) represents the total phase of the particle at time ¢ and ¢ is known as the initial hase or phase constant, Ifthe time is recorded from the instant when y = 0 and increasing then $ = 0. Other solutions. The equation y= a sin (w # + 4) is just one solution of the differential equation 2 D2 4 oy=0, ‘An equally valid solution of this equation is y= a cos (wi + 6) m0) Simple Harmonic Motion sin (c 1+ 9), we have cos $ sin @ f+ asin § cos of sino (+ B cs of which is another valid solution, in which A=acos and B= asin > a(B ie, a= JA? + B? and $= tan (4) Similarly, by expanding y= a cos (« f+ 6), we have cos $ cos of assin § sin oF Asinar+ Boosot Expanding = y (vi) where asin 6 and B= a.cos (=A ie, [ae Be and ¢=tav'(=4) The various general solutions of differential equation : (i) In sine — cosine form are y=asin (ot +4) y=acos (@1+ 4) =Asinot+Bcosot (i) Exponential form. We can put differential equation (i) in the operator form by substituting 4ip at 2 or Fame and we get or a +i0 Hence the general solution of equation (i) becomes ya Ae + Be In order that this solution may give a real value ofy, A and B must be complex conjugates of each other, ie, A= a+ iband B= a—ib A second form of the general solution of equation (i) is yrae (or+ 9) Ithas two constants a and 6 and satisfies differential equation (i). Thus the solutions of differential equation (i) in exponential form are y= Ae + Be ®t and eer) All these altemative ways of writing the solution of differential equation (i) have their own advantages. For a particular problem we select the form most convenient for the purpose. We shall use the solution y =a sin (w ¢+ 9) in general. Q. 1.2. (a) Explain how interaction of inertia and elasticity account for simple harmonic motion. (GN.D.U, 2007; PU., 2007, 2002; Pbi.U:,1999) (6) Simple harmonic motion is called sinusoidal or co-sinusoidal. Justify. (GN.D.U,, 1999; PU., 1990) ‘Ans. (a) Inertia and elasticity for simple harmonic motion. When an oscillator is displaced from its position of equilibrium by the application of a force and thus doing work on it, a restoring force comes into play tending to bring it back to its equilibrium position. According to Hooke's law e Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory this restoring force is proportional to displacement and depends upon the elastic, properties or elas- Uicity of the system. As soon as the restoring force tries to bring the system back to its equilibrium Position, the property of inertia opposes this change in velocity. Further, when the system reaches the equilibrium position, it overshoots the mark and moves beyond the mean position again due to inertia of motion. The motion continues till the restoring force brings the system to rest and then again sets the oscillator into motion back towards the equilibrium position. This oscillatory motion is simple harmonic in character and continues due to the interaction of inertia and elasticity. (6) Simple harmonic motion is sinusoidal or co-sinusoidal, A simple harmonic motion can be represented by the relations y= asin (1+ 6) Ai) or Y= acos (w 6+ 4) wii) where y is the displacement at a time ¢, a the amplitude, o the angular frequency and 4 the phase constant. From Eq. (i), we have ; Be awcos(or+ 4) and ao? sinfar +) =-0y Adil) Similarly, from Eq. (ii), we have 2 ~a0 sin(or+4) and ~an? cos(ot + 4) oy i) 2 ‘Thus according to relation (iii) and (iv) the acceleration 2) is proportional to displacement 2 and is directed towards the mean position which proves that the motion represented by Eq, (() and Gi)is simple harmonic. This is why a simple harmonic motion is called sinusoidal or co-sinusoidal, Q. 1.3. (@) An oscillatory motion of a body is represented by y = ae" where symbols have usual meaning. Show that the motion is simple harmonic. (BU, 1995) (0) The displacement of a moving particle at any time ¢is given by y = a cos of +b sin ox Show that the motion is simple harmonic. (Luck U., 1994) Ans. (a) Given y= ae™ Differentiating with respect to ‘/' we get & x a0"xi@ =iane™ dt Differentiating again, we get a jr jor Gr iaoe’ 410 =-avre™ =~ oy #Y ey or <2 +oy=0 a , This is differential equation of S.H.M. Hence y= ae represents a S.HM. (6) y=acoswt+bsinor dy and zz aa? coswt — ba? sinws =—w? (a cos wf + b sin w ¢) =-ory Simple Harmonic Motion 7 ar : y= a.60s «1 + b sin co ris the equation of simple harmonic motion, ‘What are the dimensions of force constant (or stiffness) of vibrating spring? (GN.D.U,, 2009, 2007; Pbi. U., 2002; H.P.U., 2000; P.U., 1991) ns of force constant. Consider a mass m attached to a spring executing S.H.M. If is the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position at any instant of time 4, then the restoring force F acting on the mass is given by F=-sy where s is the force constant or stiffness of the spring. 0 Vere Dimensions of sare = = Force __[M ET} ] [ar] y Displacement [Z ] Stiffness is expressed in newton per metre (Nm), Q. 1.5. (@) (i) Find an expression for the velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator. (Nagpur U., 2003; Bang. U., 2000) (ii) A particle executes simple harmonic m with a time period of 2 seconds and amplitude 5 cm. Find the maximum magnitude of velocity. (BU, 2009) (6) Velocity of simple harmonic oscillator at any time f leads the displacement by a phase angle a radian. Explain why ? (Nagpur U. 2003; GN.D.U., 1993) Ans. (a) (i) Velocity of simple harmonic oscillator. A particle (or a system) which executes simple harmonic motion is called a simple harmonic oscillator. The displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at any instant of time s is given by y=asin(@t+ 4) =O The velocity is defined as the time rate of change of displacement. <. Velocity ved. = aocos(wt + >) x = cwsn(or +95) (i) z As sin(or + 6)=2, cos(wt + 4) = JI- > @ a Maximum velocity. The velocity of the oscillator is maximum when sn( or +o+ Vax = 2 The value of v=v,,, when y = 0, ie., the particle executing S.H.M. is in its mean position. (i) Maximum velocity v,,. = 4 7 2n _2n ei T=2 sec. OF ==> Here = 2ny = T= = nrads 05m Amplitude a=Sa : Vinay = 4 © = .05 X WS = 0.157 mvs (6) Comparing equations (i) and (if) in part a we find that the velocity of simple harmonic oscil- . Waves, Vibrations and E.M, Theory ¥y instant of time f /eads the displacement by a phase difference 5 (radian) or 90°, ie., the two are in quadrature. The velocity varies harmonically with the same frequency «. Q. 1.6. (@) The frequency of S.H.M. is 150 H. What is time period? (GN.D. U., 2006) (0) A particle executes S.H.M. of period 10 sec, and amplitude 5 cm, Calculate the maxi- mum amplitude of velocity. (Gauhati U., 2002) ‘Ans. (a) Frequency v= 150H Time period t Tsp 5 = 6.67 x 10"s = 0.00667 s (6) Here displacement amplitude a = 5 cm; Time period 7'= 10 sec. Angular frequency o Maximum amplitude of velocity = memlsec or 3.14 cm/sec, Q. 1.7. (@) Find an expression for the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator. (6) Show that for the body executing simple harmonic motion the acceleration leads the velocity by 5 and displacement by 7. (PU, 1991) (©) A block of mass 2 kg attached to a spring of force constant 50 Nm executes simple harmonic motion. If the initial velocity is 3 m/s and initial displacement is 0.8 m, what is the amplitude of motion of block ? (PU, 2005) Ans. (a) Acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator. Acceleration is defined as the time rate of change of velocity. ‘Now velocity v= awcos (wt+ >) AD Acceleration = s -aw” sin(wr + 6) i = ao sin(w1+ +n) i) Maximum acceleration, The acceleration ofthe oscillator is maximum when sin (@ ¢+ +n) = 1 @y 2 and is givenby|“2] = aw a (6) The velocity v = awcos(wt + 6) = asi ++ 3) «= (iii) Comparing (i) and (iii), we find that the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator leads the velocity by 5 radian in phase. The displacement y =a sin (w+ 4) Civ) Comparing (ii) and (iv), we find that the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator leads the displacement by m radian or (180°) in phase, ie. the acceleration and displacement are in antiphase (C) The equation of S.H.M. is y= asin (ol +>) » ye at a0 cos(wt + 9) Simple Harmonic Motion 8 +. (ot + $) 08 (0! or e700 2 24” ‘ y+ ) uo Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory and acceleration a= 5 =~ Aw’ sin(wr + >) a Hence for , Y= +Aw, a=0 Y=+A, v=0, a= wA Y=-A, v=0, a=+orA The same is shown graphically as under 4 Acceleration Fig. 1.1 (6) A mass m suspended from a spring of stiffness s executes S.H.M, Set up the differential equations of motion and calculate its time period. If we use a stiffer spring without changing the mass, how will the period of oscillation change? (Gauhati U., 2000; H.PU., 1992, PU. 1991) ‘Ans. (a) Periodic time. A simple harmonic motion is represented by the equation y= asin (1+) In this equation if we increase by 2%, then o asin[ ae + 2) + ‘] =asin[o1+2n+ 9) asin(o1+4) x D ‘e., the displacement of the particle after a time T = 2” is the same. o Hence T gives the periodic time of the simple harmonic oscillator, Qn o \d Frequens os and Frequency ris Thus @ = 2 n= angular velocity of the harmonic oscillat monic oscillator is given by the relation 2 HY ly dr Neglecting the negative sign, we have for. The acceleration of a simple har- Simple Harmonic Motion a >_ dy _ Acceleration dr Displacement i w= lacement. Displacement V Acceleration Acceleration lacement © (6) Differential equation of motion of a mass suspended from a spring, Consider a mass attached to a spring executing $.11.M. Ify is the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium posi- tion at any instant of time 1, then the restoring force F acting on the mass is given by Fo-y and ic Also a d " where s is the force constant or stiffness of the spring. If ora is the acceleration of the mass at the ¢ time 7, then or y=0. ) This is the differential equation of the mass suspended from the spring, Time period. From Eq. (i) _Displacement(y)__™ (ignoring the negative sign) Acceleration ( Hence and Frequency Stiffer spring. When we use a stiffer spring of spring constant s' > 5 af Ass'>s;T' is Hence tang = Std _ 0, 20 - 9% cosh OM 2 and a? sin? § + a? cos? = x3 + *~ ° 1 ra ea fe or o- [2 | n stands on a platform which vibrates simple harmonically in a vertical direc- Q.1.13.Amai xy of S Hertz. Show that the mass loses contact with the platform when the tion at a frequenc: displacement exceeds 10"? metres. vane, The mass loses contact with the plntform when the upward force acting on it exceeds its weight mg. “The mass vibrates simple harmonically given by x=asin(wl+ 6) “4 Waves, Vibrations and E.M, Theory Acceleration Upward force In the limiting case mg = mo? aio? sin (014 6) =~ 0x marx 1 or v= >= >> = 01m = 10? metre Q. 1-14. A body executing S. H. M. has velocities 80 cm/s and 60 cm/s when displacements are 3 em and 4 cm respectively. Caleulate the amplitude of vibration and the time taken to travel 2.5 cm from positive extremity of the oscillation, (PU, 1992) Ans. Velocity v=oya’— y? Where w= angular velocity; a = amplitude and y = displacement from the mean position 80 cms 3 O 60 ems"'= Ja? — 4? wolii) aaa S S04 vag-¥ 16 603 ag 9 or a=Sem Substituting a= 5 cm in (i), we get 80 = 0 ys? 3? or @=20rad. st Now y=asinat Time taken to reach the positive extremity is given by 5=Ssinor or sinor=1 or ot=n/2 mon =i -4, 20 40 Distance of the point 2.5 cm from positive extremity, from the mean position = 5 2's =2.5 cm Time taken to reach a point 2.5 em from the mean position is given by 25=Ssinor r sin ot =1 : “2 or wl=n/6 t= ak gee 60 120 ‘Time taken to travel from a point 2.5 em from the positive extremity to the positive extremity ene =~ Lo 40 120 60 7 Hence time taken to travel from postive extremity to a point 2.5 cm away = 082 sec Q. 1.15. A tunnel is dug across the earth passing through its centre. is dropped into it, will t come out at the other end? If not, then what execute? If radius of earth is 6400 km and g on the surface of earth is 9, the possible time period of the body. (Kerala U.,2001; GN.D.U,, 1994; PU. 1999, 1991; Ifa body of mass 1 kg. type of motion does it .8 ms, then calculate Vidya Sagar U., 1992) Simple Harmonic Motion 18 ‘Ans, The acceleration due to gravity gat a point within the carth is given by 8° . > distance from the centre of the earth where is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth and Riits radius. I we dig a tunne! along a diameter of the earth and drop a body in it, then let it be ata distance 1y from the centre and have an acceleration when kis a constant = g/ R. “Thus the acceleration is proportional tothe displacement from the centre and is directed towards it, The body, therefore executes simple harmonic motion. [displacement _ Time period 7 = — afi 2n E acceleration 6400 km = 6400 x 10? mand g= 10 ms? 3 T= 28 S010 = 84.64 minutes Q. 1.16. Show that the frequency of os 078.2 sec tion of a body of mass M suspended from a 1 uniform spring of force constant k and mass m is given by >> a It is given that the m+” 3 velocity of any small element of the spring is proportional to its distance from the fixed end of the spring. (BU,, 2002) ‘Ans. Let the length of uniform spring of mass m be L. m Mass per unit length of the sprin; Consider a small element of length di ata distance / from the fixed end, then Mass of the small element = na When the spring is displaced vertically downward, each element of the spring is elongated by different amount, The lowest element to which mass M is attached will undergo maximum extension. Let v be the velocity of the lowest end at any instant, As the velocity of an element of length dl is proportional to its distance / from the fixed end of the spring. 1 Velocity of this element at a distance 1 from the fixed end =v a Kinetic energy of the element of length dl and mass tal is given by 16 Waves, Vibrations and EM, Theory -ye[m +” 2 3 'fthe instantancous displacement of the mass m is y ata time 1, then its potential energy ai PLE= [hydy = hy? 0 Thus total energy of the system E= KE. + PE Vas ™)a, tio or E=-|M+7)|242 i oo )ta day 2 1 m\(dyP 1), Ny mV ey at a( + S)S) +20 Since the total energy of the system is conserved, 2 _ 9 2 or Hs BE tty lao a2" "3a ) *2 1 m)\, dy d’y 1 dy s[|M+2 pS e¥ tp Dig vr { 3) dae ok ae m)\d 2 or aed) a ae m M+” ( 3) which represents a simple harmonic motion of time period M+ | k M+” 3 Q. 1.17, What is a compound pendulum ? Derive an expression for its time period. What is the condition for the time period to be minimum ? (Pbi.U, 2007, 2005; GN.D.U, 2006; PU, 2007, 2004, 2003; Meerul.U,, 2007) Ans. Compound pendulum. A compound pendulum consists of a rigid body which can oscil. late freely about a horizontal axis passing through it Time period of a compound pendulum. Consider a rigid body of any shape and mass m capable of oscillating freely about a horizontal axis passing through it perpendicular to its plane. Ts or frequency = |_* Qn ‘Simple Harmonic Motion a Let Obe the centre of suspension of the body and G its centre of gravity Vertically below 0 at a distance / in the position of rest. When the body is displaced through a small angle Oto the dotted position, the centre of gravity shifted to the position G' and its weight mg acts vertically downward at G Ifthe pendulum is now released, a restoring couple acts on it and brings itback tothe initial position, But duc to inertia, it overshoots the mark and hence starts oscillating about the mean position. The moment of the restoring couple or torque 1 = —mgx G'A=—mglsind=-mg!0 Fig. 1.2 since the angle @ through which the pendulum is displaced is small so that sin@=8. This restoring couple gives rise to an angular acceleration o: in the pendulum. If /is the moment of inertia of the rigid body (pendulum) about an axis passing through its centre of suspension, then restoring couple (torque) is given by 2 cero id) iii) [: - nel = constant] {As the angular acceleration is proportional to angular displacement, the motion of the compound pendulum is simple harmonic and its time period Tis given by 7 I "V mgl efiv) ren (Angulardisplacement 4, [0 _ ‘Angular acceleration mg l@ T If /g is the moment of inertia of the body (or compound pendulum) about an axis parallel to the given axis but passing through C.G. (G), then according to the theorem of parallel axes, we have 1=1g+me Now, Ig = mK? where K is the radius of gyration e 1 = mK2+ ml? = m (K+ P) ‘Substituting the value of /in relation (iv), we get 1K? + ml? Kee Ta 2m [mt ml oon ® mgl ig Minimum time period The time period of the compound pendulum is minimum when the distance of the point of suspension from C. G is equal to the radius of gyration. To prove this put the relation for the time period or Ke+ PP 'g T=2n as 18 Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory For the value of time period 7'to be minimum 47. _ 9 dl R or 1-L 20 of I-ak, Q.1.18. Work out the time period of a torsional pendulum, (GN.D.U,, 2006) Ans. Torsional pendulum, 4 torsional pendulum is a heavy circular dise attached symmetri- cally to the lower end ofa fine, long and thin wire, the upper end of which is clamped in.a torsion head. (Fig 1.2 (a)} Itis called a torsional pendulum because if the disc is tumed slightly from its equilibrium posi- tion so as to twist the wire, then on releasing it, it executes torsional vibrations on account of the restoring torque developed in the wire. Time period. Suppose the disc is tuned through an angle from the equilibrium position in the horizontal plane and released, then the wire also gets twisted and exerts a torque on the disc to bring it back to the mean position, The torque acting on the disc is given by t=-CO @ where C is the restoring torque per unit angular twist or for- sional rigidity of the suspension wire. The negative sign shows that the torque is directed opposite to the angular displacement and tends to restore the peridulum to its equilibrium position, ‘ The value of Cis given by C= here n is the modulus a 21 Of rigidity of the material of the wire, r the radius and /the length of the suspension wire. This torque produces an angular acceleration Fig. 1.2(a) ao. . - a ; . ; @=" 2 inthe disc. If/s the moment of inetia of the dise about the wire as axis, then a0 = lan=1 48 . a Comparing equations (i) and (ii), we get or iii) or Simple Harmonic Motion i.e., the angular acceleration is directly proportional to angular displacement and is directed towards the equilibruim position. Thus the motion of the torsional pendulum is simple harmonic. The time period of oscillation of the torsional pendulum is, therefore, given by T= 2n., [Angular displacement -2n ff Angular acceleration a Q. 1.19 (a) Derive an expression for the total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator and show that it is constant and proportional to the square of the amplitude. (PU, 2009, 2008; GN.D.U., 2007; Pbi.U,, 2005; Meerut U. 2002) () When the displacement is one half of the maximum amplitude, what fraction of the total energy is kinetic and what fraction is potential in simple harmonic motion? Explain the graphical representation of energy. (Pbi.U., 2005; Luck. U,, 193) (©) Asimple pendulum of length 3m and amplitude .06m has energy 0.6J. Find the energy when amplitude becomes 0.12 m, length remaining unchanged. (PU, 2007) Ans, (a) Energy of a simple harmonic oscillator . The total energy ofa simple harmonic oscil- lator at any time ¢ is the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy at that instant of time. ES Egat = KE. + PE, Kinetic energy. The general equation of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by y=asin (of + 8) where y is the displacement of the oscillator at any time ¢, a is the amplitude, o the angular velocity and 6 the initial phase or epoch. The velocity at any instant dy v=—-= J = aacos(at + $) dt 2 Kinetic energy of the oscillator = 1 m( 2) = 1 q 52 a 2 ma’ w* cos? (wt + 4) Ri Potential energy. The potential energy is equal to the amount of work done in overcoming the restoring force from the mean position through a displacement y. 2 Now, acceleration = oa =-ao?sin(or +4) lt ay ‘The negative sign indicates that the acceleration is directed towards the mean position, * Restoring force = mo*y = sy where s is the force constant of proportionality or stiffness. Hence total work done by the force through a displacement y fay aly A 2 or y= tmo! y= Lmota? sin? (ar +4) bad Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory | pa Lay? =my + >sy" tay” Total Energy. 2 K.E.+ P. 2 sin? (ot + >) 1 1 nate? cos? (ot + 9) += ma" 2 2 a == maw 2 but w= > (Cc mo? =s) Hence -! Also w=20n a é yma ann 2ma? nn? “Thus total energy of the harmonic oscillator is a constant and proportional to the square ofthe amplitude. Maximum K.E, The maximum value of K.E, for cos (@£+ $) = | is given by KE (max)=+ ma*o? Maximum P.E. The maximum value of PE. for sin (@ ¢ + 9) = 1 is given by 1 PE. (max)= zmeat KE. (max) = PE. (max) = Total energy E = 3m eo (6) Total energy but y= Lg? = dmotat= txt mato Potential energy = ma’ 2" 4 Now Kinetic energy = Total energy ~ Potential energy La tty? = mato? ad mata? —Lmatu? = 2mara* Lmate? -imaio*= gmat | ofthe total energy is potential and 2 is kinetic. 4 Graphical representation of energy. The variation oftotal energy, Kinetic nerey and potenti energy of harmonic oscillator with displacement yis shown in Fig, 13, 1 2 ‘The velocity and hence the kinetic enrgy is 2er0 a the extreme positions y = + and maximum in the stan postion y= 0. Te velocity and hence the K.E, decreases as the oscillator moves vay from the rea Postion and finally becomes zero a the extreme positions as shown bythe curve marked K.E. (Kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is given by < mj? where jis the velocity of the oscillator. Simple Harmonie Motion a (i Potential energy. The potential energy is —— — Tota nergy given by 2 sy? where sis the stiffness. Fory ~ 0, RE PE: 2 : 1 = O and for y= 4 a, the PE. is maximum = 7 KE Thus potential energy goes on increasing as the oscil- lator moves away from its mean position and becomes 4 > a 0 a x sitions y= 4 a as shown maximum at the extreme positions.» ace by the curve marked PE, _ (iii) Total energy. The total energy is given by Fig. 1 1 " 1 ” el 75% which is a constant, This is represented by the straight line marked ‘Total energy" parallel to the displacement axis. (©) Total energy of a harmonic oscillator E = ma? ? where a is the amplitude and » the 7 angular velocity. The time period of a simple pendulum (which is a harmonic oscillator) 7 = 2" EE 2n_2e fE = a T 2nVi Vi When the length remains constant, « remains constant. 1a? 5 mo” = aconstant 2 and total energy is proportional to a2, ‘When the amplitude changes from 0.06 m to 0.12 m, itis doubled and hence the energy becomes 2?=4 times and becomes 4 « 0.6 =2.4 J, Q 1.20. Derive a relation between restoring force of a spring and potential energy. (HPU,, 2003; BU., 1999) Ans. Relation between restoring force and potential energy. For a spring or a simple harmonic oscillator, ify is the displacement from the mean position, then restoring force F =~ sy where s is the ‘force constant or stiffness. The negative sign only indicates that the restoring force is directed towards the mean position. Hence total work done by the force to produce the displacement y 1 y= fsydy= 75" This work is stored in the oscillator as its potential energy, 0 1 1 P 7 Hence P.E. ral = 3 Testoring force x (displacement)? Q. 1.21. Show that for a particle executing S.H.M. the average value of kinetic and potenti energy is the same and each is equal to half the total energy. (Pbi.U. 2007, 2006, 2003; Luck. U. 2002; GN.D.U., 1999, 1994; H.PU., 1994) Ans. Average kinetic energy. Kinetic energy at any instant Fora S.H.M. y= asin (w+) 22 Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory and = awcos(or + 4) Instantaneous K.E, If Tis the time period, then na’ cos*(ct + >) r 1 maw’ cos’ (wot + 9) di oe Average K.E. == i ay an ostcor +9)dr r = i st + cos 2 (wt + p)]dt Jar + foos2 (wr val 20 . [- Joos(2ur + 9)dt = | ° =ynee A) Average potential energy. Instantaneous potential energy is given by 1 PE= = 2 Fre sin(ar +4) r o. Average PE. = = : fj sin? (ot + §)] dt 0 at = pe ~ cos2(ot + 6)]dt eee sa’ oan J dt — Jeos2¢er vol r foos2 (ws +6) dt =0 a But c Average PE. i) Total Energy. The total energy 3m ao? «Aiii) Thus it is clear from Equations ( oscillator is equal to the average pote! ji) and (iii) that the average kinetic energy of a harmonic energy and is equal to half the total energy i, = =% Era Simple Harmonic Motion 23 Q. 1.22. Derive the equation for simple harmonic motion from energy considerations. Ans. Equation of S.H.M, from energy considerations, Consider a particle executing S.11.M When the particle is displaced away from the mean position along the Y-axis through a distance ya restoring force F = —s »- opposes its motion. Hence the applied force 7? where s is the force constant or stiff Suppose now the particle is displaced further through a small distance dy , then Work done dW¥ for displacement d= F.dy -» Total work done to move the particle from the mean position through a displacement Yor og Tie yp yy w= [Pdy=[s¥dp=s [papas fyb 3 3 3 a as the angle between j; and dy is zero. y 1 We=s|ydy=oy? : a This work done is stored as potential energy. i PE.= = 2 a inte mv? mn j2 Kinetic energy of the particle gays :. Total energy Bal sya sm wy oO) ~ 2 2 \at Differentiating Eq. (i) with respect to ‘1’, we get 2 oa +tme(4 :] a 2d 2 atl ae ‘According to the law of conservation of energy, £ is a constant. ae at : or yf onf{ 2) <0 ; i S{oontz]-0 4 But Seo Substituting 4 = w?, we have 5 m Waves, Vibrations and EM. Theory dr derived from energy considerations. Q. 1.23, Prove that if at any instant of motion kinetic energy is suddenly increased by a blow in the ratio (1 +B): 1, the amplitude of the swing is increased in the ratio 7 2 (Bea. Ans. If m is the mass of particle and v This is the equation of S.11.M, the corresponding velocity before the blow, then 1 1 K smory*, zmoy’ my? and P. 2 Total energy before the blow = jm? + jmo? ys Linge? where ais the initial amplitude. 1 Kinetic energy after the blow = 7” v? (+B) If4 is the amplitude after blow, then 1 Total energy after the blow = a mao? ima Pm? +p +t ma’y? or Hence Q. 1.24, (a) Calculate the displacement to amplitude ratio for a S. H. M. when K. E. is 90% of total energy. (PU, 1995) (6) What is the ratio of kinetic energy at displacement one fourth to one third of the ampli- tude in case of simple harmonic motion? (BU, 1995) ‘Ans. (a) If m is the mass of the particle executing S.H.M., a the amplitude and « the angular velocity, then Totalenergy = ma®y? Let y be the displacement when K. E, = 90% of total energy, As KE. is 90% of total energy, Potential energy = Total energy ~ Kinetic energy = 10% of total energy ‘Simple Harmonic Motion 2s Now potential energy = | mo?y? 5m") Displacement Al-oe Amplitude a a (6) If m is the mass of the particle executing S.H.M., a the amplitude and « the angular velocity. then or 1 Total energy a moa 1 When the displacement is y, Potential energy = moy? 1 Kinetic energy = Total energy ~ Potential energy z mo (a? — y*) At displacement »° =~, Kinetic energy £, = + mo?| a?— 1 a 2 6) 3 ape Let ag?) Bay Atdisplacement ¥ = 5+ Kinetic energy B= > mo?| a? — |= mara’ Fie 518 2 188, E, 32° 8 128 Q. 1.25. A simple harmonic oscillator is characterised by y = a cos o . Calculate the displacement at which kinetic energy is equal to its potential energy. (Nagpur U. 2003; Pbi.U., 2000; P.U., 2007, 1996) Or At what displacement from the mean position the total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is half kinetic and half potential ? (GN.D.U., 2001) Ans. Let be the displacement at which kinetic energy of the simple harmonic oscillator is equal to its potential energy. Now yracosot aosinot The kinetic energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by KE. A sav in( 2) = fm(-aasinw)? ; 1 ma’w? sin? ot = Zs ma?" (1 - cos? wf) mo? (a®— a? cos’ ot) PE, NI= Nie NTS ; s . sy? where s = stiffness and — = w? or s= mo? m = Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theary =< mo’y" 2 when cere Dat ma? (a 5 mo or y or @ 4a Displacement" = + == a af 1 In other words, for a displacement y = + Jy {10m the mean position PAE. = 7 mora, KE.= + ma’w* and total energy = fo? .e., half of the total energy is kinetic and half potential. Q 1.26. A hollow sphere is filled with water, used as pendulum bob. If water trickles out slowly through a hole made at the bottom, how will the time period be effected? (H.P.U., 1991) Ans. The time period of a simple pendulum is given by E 7 g where /is the length of the pendulum and g the acceleration due to gravity. When the water trickles out slowly through a hole made at the bottom of the hollow sphere used as bob of the pendulum, the mass of the bob goes on slowly decreasing. As time period does not depend upon the mass of the bob, there is no change in time period. Q 1.27, Derive the differential equation of S. H. M. for an electrical circuit. Can it be realised in practice? Ans. Differential equation of an electrical oscillator. Consider an electrical circuit in which an inductor of inductance L and negligible resistance is connected to a capacitor of capacitance C. When the capacitor is first charged by a high tension battery, the electrostatic energy resides in the dielectric medium of the capacitor. As the capacitor begins to discharge through the inductor, a current begins to flow through the inductor coil. This sets up a magnetic field around the coil. As the capacitor discharges, the electrostatic energy of the capacitor is converted into magnetic energy of the inductor. There is thus a continuous exchange = of energy between the inductor and the capacitor. As the resistance is negligible, no dissipation of energy in the form of heat etc. 7 IF Lis the co-efficient of selfinductance ofthe coil and the rate Fat of growth of current, then voltage across the inductor dl aq ade and voltage across the capacitor = As there is no source of ¢.m,/. in the circuit a, 1444420 aa Simple Harmonic Motion a7 or caer) dP LC This equation is similar to the differential equation dy #Y yy =0 where dt ic Hence this equation is the differential equation of $.11.M. for an electrical circuit. Its solution is g= asin (ort 4) where gq is the maximum value of the charge and is known as the amplitude of the charge. Electrical oscillator in practice. The inductance L always has some ohmic resistance duc to which there is a continuous loss of energy and the amplitude of S.H.M. slowly dies down to zero. If, however, corresponding amount of energy is supplied to the circuit from an external source, the amplitude of S.H.M. can be maintained. This is done by using a valve or transistor circuit. In this way simple harmonic electrical oscillations can be realised in practice. Q 1.28. Discuss the points of similarity between mechanical and electrical oscillations. (PU, 2007; GN.D.U,, 2007) Ans, Points of similarity between mechanical and electrical oscillations. The equation of motion of a simple harmonic mechanical oscillator is given by ay dem where y is the displacement, s the force constant of proportionality or stiffness and m the mass of oscillator. The angular frequency is given by y=0 0) or frequency ves 2 Vm ‘The equation for displacement is given by y=asin(o1+§) where a and @ are constants, known as amplitude and initial phase angle. The total energy of the mechanical oscillator toad al ee mae + ymvtssyaa mits 1 where 5 my? isthe K.E, and ; sy? the PE. The equation of motion of a simple harmonic electrical oscillator is given by aq 4 44,4 a ic! where q is the charge, L the inductance and C the capacitance of the ‘The angular frequency is given by ctrical circuit, ee Waves, Vibrations and €.M. Theory 2n VLC The charge on the capacitance varies harmonically and is represented by an equation similar to displacement equation, i.e, or frequency v qq sin (ord) where gy is the amplitude of charge and ¢ the phase difference. The current / a corresponds to velocity y = and is given by a dt 1 = @qgcos(wt +4). The voltage across the capacitor y = £ = 40 sin(w1+ 4) coc Both / and V, therefore, vary harmonically with the same angular velocity The total energy of an electrical oscillator is the sum of the magnetic energy and electric energy. A across the di The magnetic energy can be calculated from the current / and potential inductance and is given by vt a= pe It = [Lidl = 1 Compare it with kinetic energy in a mechanical oscillator given by > ™ J. Thus mass in a mechanical circuit corresponds to inductance in an electrical circuit and velocity to electric current. The electrostatic energy can be calculated from the voltage across the capacitor and is given by 2 2 Loyratefa) Le 2 2-\c) 2¢ Compare it with potential energy in a mechanical oscillator given by ; sy? Thus stiffness s , , 1 ‘ sabi 2 in a mechanical circuit corresponds to ~ in an electrical circuit or pliability — corresponds to 2 5 capacitance C. Q. 1.29. What oscillates in a simple harmonic electrical oscillator? Can we realise it in practice? Ans. An oscillating electrical circuit consists of an inductance L and a capacitance C. In the electrical oscillator it is the charge on the capacitance that oscillates. In other words, the charge on the capacitor is the harmonically varying quantity which gives rise to electrical oscillations. In an electrical oscillator charge corresponds to displacement in a mechanical oscillator. The inductance L is the electrical counterpart of mass m (inertia) and the reciprocal of capacitance (1/C) is the counter- part of stiffness s. The frequency is given by 1 amie We can realise an LC circuit in practice and obtain simple harmonic oscillations if the circuit has zero (ohmic) resistance and there is no loss of energy. In practice, however, it is not possible to have a circuit with zero resistance. Hence energy is supplied to the LC circuit to make up for this small inevitable loss by electronic devices like thermionic valves or transistors. Simple Harmonic Motion 2 Q. 1.30. Calculate the resultant of two simple harmonic vibrations of the same frequency acting along the same line but differing in phase. What is the amplitude when the phase differ- ence is 0, A and x? (PU,, 2005; Bhopal U. 2004; C.U., 1991) Ans. Resultant of two simple harmonic vibrations in the same direction. Let the two simple harmonic vibrations of angular frequency « acting along the X-axis and having initial phases 4, and 4; amplitudes a, and a, be given by x) =a, sin (ort >) 1) and x)= 4, sin (1+ >,) oii) ‘The resultant can be calculated analytically as well as geometrically. 1 method. The resultant displacement due to the two simple harmonic vibrations is x, +4) =a; sin (@1+ 4) + a, sin (04+ 4) sin © f(a, cos 6, + a, cos $,) + cos w £ (a, sing, + a, sin 6,) Put 4, 0s $, + a, cos 4, = R cos 0 and a, sin 6, + a, sin }, = Rsin 8 Then x= Rsin © 1c0s 0 + Reos wt sin @ = R sin (w 1+ 0) which gives the equation of the resultant simple harmonic vibration of amplitude R and initial phase @ where R°= R° cos? + R sin? @ = aj + a} + 2a, a (sind, sin b, + cos, COS») = ap + a} + 24,4, cos($, ~$) =a} + a3 + 2a, a; 0056 ii) where the phase difference obo _ Rsind __ asind, + a sing, Rcosd 4 cosh, + a; COs, I method (vector method). Let us, represent the vibration x and tan 1 =a, sin(o 1+ 4) as the vector OA where the vector 04 = angle @, with the X-axis and the vibration x, asthe vector OB where OB =a, makes an angle ®, with the X-axis as shown in Fig. 1.5 ' The resultant is given by the vector R= OC and ZBOA = §,-6,=6 B * R= (a, + a, cos 4) + (a, sin 9)? a}.+ a} + 2a, a; cos ay, R > ay F which is the same result as obtained in (iii). % : . 1f is the angle that the resultant R makes with the x- oO EDX axis, then referring to Fig, 1.6, we have %0 Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory CD _ FD4 CF OD” OE + ED 4+ CF OE + AF __aysingy + ay sings 19,6084) + 4, C084 The resulting vibration is, therefore, given by x= Rsin(ort 0) (i) Phase difference (0). When the phase difference = -H)=9 R= af +a} + 2aa, cos(0) = ab tai +2aqa, oramplitude R= a, +a, Let , = Oand , = 0, then a sin®, > oe +asind ‘4, cos, + a, cos 0, =0 (i Phase difference, x /2. When the phase difference 9 = Od )=m/2 R= gi+ab+2a,a, cosn/2 = af + a oramplitude R= Jay +a} Let $) = Oand $,= 2/2, then ajsing,+ a sing, _ a,sin0+a,sinn/2 _ a tan ® = 7 cos, + a; 0084, a,cos0 + a,c0sn/2 a (iii) Phase difference, n. When the phase difference O=@)-o)=% R= ah +a} +2a,a, cose a} +a} - 2a, a, or amplitude R= a, —a, Again tan =0 Q. 1.31. A particle is subjected simultaneously to two S.H.Ms. of the same period but of different amplitudes and phases in perpendicular directions. Find the expression for the result- ant motion. For what condition the path may be a straight line, ellipse or circle? Discuss the different important cases, (GN.D.U., 2007; Calicut U. 2003; Merrut U., 2003, 2002, 2000; Nagpur U., 2003, 2001; Luck.U. 1994; Vidya Sagar U. 1991; C.U. 2002, 1991; Burdwan U. 1991) ‘Ans. Resultant of two S.H.M. at right angles. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is given by x=asin(@t+9) Simple Harmonic Motion a where x is the displacement of the vibrating particle at any instant f, a the amplitude of vibration, «the angular velocity and ¢ the initial phase, Let the displacements of two perpendicular simple harmonic motions of the same period (or frequency w) taking place along the X-axis and Y-axis respectively be represented by x=asin(ort >,) (i) and y =bsin(wr+9,) (ii) where a is the amplitude of the vibration along the X-axis, 6 is the amplitude of the vibration along the Y-axis, 4, and 4, the initial phases of X and Y vibrations respectively. The phase difference between the two vibrations, then o-oo From (i) we have Rin n wf Cos, + cos wé sin >, (iii) From (ii) we have a sin of cos $3 + cosw! sin 4) (iv) Multiplying (iif) by sin 4, and (iv) by sin 6, and subtracting, we have (: sino) — 7 sin a) = sin @4(cosd, sin, — cos, sin4,) a =sin ot sin (6, -4,) Av) Similarly, multiplying (iv) by cos , and (iii) by cos 4, and subtracting, we have (2 eos # eosh,) coscot (sin $, cos, ~ sin 4, cos.) 6 = cos wt sin ($, —$,) wi) Squaring (v) and (vi) and adding, we get 2 2 sind) “(2 cos, - = cost 6 a = sin? (6, —4,) [sin? 0 # + cos? 4 = sin? (,—$,) 2 2 or 5+ 3 — 7B Goings sing, + e088, 00864) = sit 4) 2 2 oy or tr ap nth) = sin? a) Substituting 6, — 4, = 4, we get 2 54% - B® cosy = sin? mc) a 6 ab This is the equation giving the expression for resultant motion and represents the equation of an ellipse whose major and minor axes are inclined to the co-ordinate axes. This ellipse can be inscribed in a rectangle whose sides are 2a and 2b. Important cases. (2) Straight line. When § = 0, cos 4 = | and sin § = 0 The relation (vii) is, then, reduced to we Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory or This represents a pair of coincident straight lines lying in the first and third quadrants as oO nd nid jw nm w@ (ii) (iii) (w) (vy) Fig. 1.7 shown in Fig. 1.7 (i). The straight line is inclined to the X-axis at angle @ given by 0 = tan '(2) a ny Obkove els mon nd (i) Oblique ellipse. When 6 =—, cos = =—— and sin= = —— eee ae erate parr The relation (vii) is, then, reduced to 22% Moy 1 a bab 2 This represents an oblique ellipse lying in first and third quadrant as shown in Fig. 1.7 (i). (ii) (@) Symmetrical ellipse. When § = } cos =0 and sin 5 ‘The relation (vii) is reduced to This represents a symmetrical ellipse whose major and minor axes coincide with the co-ordinate axes as shown in Fig. 1.7 (iii). (6) Cirele. If a = 6, the resultant vibration is circular and is represented by P+paa (iv) Oblique ellipse. When 6 The relation (vif) is reduced to 2 ee yd @ b ab 2 This again represents an oblique ellipse lying in second and fourth quadrants as shown in Fig. 1.7 (iv). (v) Straight line. When @ = 1, cos ¢ =~ 1 and sin = 0 ‘The relation (vii) is reduced to Simple Harmonic Motion ss or This represents a pair of coincident straight lines lying in the second and fourth quadrants as shown in Fig. 1.7 (0). The straight line is inclined to the X-axis at an angle 0 which is given by C) a (vi) When ¢ lies between m and 2 m. As the phase difference exceeds 1, the whole cycle is repeated in the reverse order, /.¢., for Sx 0 ¢ the curve traced is an oblique ellipse as shown in in 1.700), for = 2%, tis a symmetti- 4 cal ellipse as shown in Fig, 1.7 (iif) and for = & the curve is again an oblique ellipse as shown in Fig. 1.7 (i), For $= 2 1 the curve is a straight line as shown in Fig. 1.7 (), ie., for = 0. Q 1.32. (a) Show that the resultant of two simple harmonic motions at right angles to each other and having equal periods and amplitudes but phase difference 90° is a circle. (Nagpur U.,2003, 2002) (6) Two mutually perpendicular S.H.Ms. are represented by equations x = 4 sin w; y= 3 cos of. Find the semi-major and semi-minor axis of an ellipse formed by their superposition. (Nagpur U., 2001) Ans. (a) The resultant of two simple harmonic motions at right angles to each other i.e. one along the X-axis and the other along the Y-axis, having different amplitudes a and b but equal periods (7) or angular frequencies w = oa and phase difference ¢ is given by 2. . ae cos$=sin? [For proof see Q. 1.31 Eq. (vi) sing=sin90°=1, cos = cos 90°=0 This equation becomes = 1 orx?-+y?= a? which represents a circle (6) Given x =4 sin of; y=3 cos @f=3 sin(@t+ n/2) ‘The superposition of these two mutually perpendicular S.H.Ms. gives tise to asymmetrical ellipse represented by 2 Yel or z Semi-major axis a= 4 units and semi-minor axis b = 3 units Q. 1.33. What are Lissajous figures? How will you trace graphically the Lissajous figures x : when (i) the periods are equal and the phase difference is 7 and (i) the periods are in the ratio of 2: 1 and phase difference is (a) zero and (b) a quarter of the smaller period ? (Meerut,U,, 2007; GN.D.U., 2006; K.U., 1991) ‘Ans. Lissajous figures. When a particle is acted upon simultaneously by two simple harmonic ‘motions at right angles to each other, the resultant path traced out by the particle is called Lissajous figures. The nature of the resultant path or the curve traced out depends upon (i) the amplitudes, 34 Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory (ii) the periods (or frequencies), and Gi) the phase difference between the two component vibrations. Graphical method of tracing Lissajous figures () Amplitudes different, periods same and phase difference 7s’). Let the simple harmonic vibration along the amplitude b. Draw two circles of reference of radii a and b equal to the amplitude b. Draw two circles of reference of radii a and b equal to the amplitudes of the corresponding simple harmonic motions taking place along the X-axis and the ¥- axis respectively. In the circle of radius a draw a diameter XX" parallel to the X-axis and in the circle of radius 6 draw a diameter YY" parallel to the Y-axis, As the periods are equal, divide both the circles into an equal number of ‘parts, say 8, so that each part is travelled in the same time. Draw lines through these points perpendicular to the lines XX" and YY’ respectively, so as to xis have an amplitude a and the vibration along the Y-axis an Lt enclose a rectangle PORS'as shown in Fig. 1.8. It is supposed N that the particle O, vibrating along XX" (X- vibration) first begins vee its journey towards the right and the particle O, vibrating along £0, 4 YY (¥- vibration) first begins its journey in the upward direction. LLY Fig.1.8 Lethe ¥-vibration be ahead ofthe X-vibration by an angle 1/4. It means that when the particle O, starts from its mean position along the X-axis, the particle O, has already completed 1/8th of its vibration along the Y-axis, ie, itis at B. The resultant position of a particle when both the vibrations act on it is represented by the point marked 1 When the particle O, reaches 4, the particle O, reaches Y and the resultant position is represerted by the point marked 2. Proceeding in this manner the positions as indicated by the points 3, 4....8 are marked, Joining all these points by a free hand curve an oblique ellipse as shown in Fig. 1.8 is obtaired. (i) @ Amplitudes different, periods in the ratio of 1 : 2 and phase difference zero. Let the simple harmonic vibration along the X-axis have an amplitude a and the vibration along the Y-axis an amplitude 6. The period of the Y-vibration is taken to be double that of the X-vibration. Draw two circles of reference of radii a and b equal to the amplitudes of the corresponding simple harmonic motions taking place along the X-axis and Y-axis respectively. In the circle of radius a draw a line XX" parallel to the X-axis and in the circle of radius b draw a line YY parallel to the Y-axis. As the periods are in the ratio 2 : 1, divide the circle YY" into 8 equal parts and the circle XX’ into 4 equal parts (ie, in the ratio of their corresponding periods) so that each part is travelled in the same time. Draw lines through these points perpendicular to the lines XX ‘and YY’ respectively so as to enclose a rectangle PORS as shown in Fig. 1.9. Since the two vibrations are in phase, the particles O, and O, start simultaneously from their mean positions and the resultant position of a particle when both the vibrations act on it is repre- sented by the point 1. When the particle O, is at X the particle O, is at B and the resultant position is represented by the point 2. Similarly, when the particle O, is in position O,,X" and again at O, the particle O, is in the position ¥, B and O, respectively. The re- sultant position is represented by the points 3, 4 and 5 respectively. ‘Simple Harmonic Motion os “The particle O, now begins its second vibration and when itis at X,0, and X', the particle O, is at B', "andl BY The resultant position is represented by the points 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Joining all these points by a free hand curve the figure as shown in Fig, 1.9 is obtained. (ip (b) Amplitude different, periods in the ratio of I : 2 ‘and phase difference a quarter of the smaller period, Draw two circles of reference of radii a and b and divide the circle YY’ into eight equal parts and the circle XX" into four equal parts, i.e. in the ratio of their corresponding periods as explained in (/i) (a). e Since the X-vibration (of shorter period) is ahead of the y-vibration by a quarter period, the particle Q, will be in the position X when the particle O, starts from its mean position. Therefore, the resultant position of a particle when both the vibrations act on it is represented by the point 1. When the particle O, comes back to the mean position, the particle O, is at B and the resultant position is represented by the point 2. Similarly, when the particle O, is in position x", O, and back again at X, the particle O, is in the position Y, B and back again to O, respectively. The resultant position is repre- sented by the points 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The particle O, y now begins its second vibration and SS when it is at O,, X, O, and X’, the particle O, is at B’, 1", B’ and O, respectively. The resultant is represented by the points 6, 7, 8 and ! re- x <|.x spectively. Joining all these points by a free hand curve, the figure of a es parabola symmetrical about the X-axis as shown in Fig. 1.10 is obtained. | If, however, amplitudes are different, periods in the ratio 1 : 2 and the phase difference is one eight of the smaller period, then proceeding exactly as in (ii) (B), we get the curve as shown in Fig. 1.11 Fig. 1.10 Fig.1.11 Q. 1.34. Calculate the resultant of two simple harmonic vibrations at right angles when their periods are in the ratio of 2 : 1 and there is a phase difference 0 or 7/2. (GN.D.U,, 2006; Meerut U., 2005, 2001; Lucknow U., 1996; K.U., 1991) ‘Ans. Periods in the ratio 2 : 1. Let the two vibrations be represented by x=asinot and y=bsin (201+) ‘This shows that the frequency of the ¥-vibration is double that of the X-vibration, or the period of ¥-vibration is half that of the X-vibration. The ¥-vibration is also ahead in phase by >. () When = 0, we have asinot i) and y= bsin 2. @£=2b sin ot cos 1 or 5 2sinot cost (ii) Substituting the value of sin wy = = from (?), we get cos wf Substituting in relation (if), we get ok 36 Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory Squaring, we get This is the equation which represents a figure of 8 as shown in Fig. 1,12 tn (a) When 6 = ™, we have x asinw for ~ = sinor a x and bsin( 20 4 : bcos 2 or 2 o1- 2sin2 wy b or eee eae ( a XbA “|x 2a’ or w= Ly 5) o ( ) or yr) Fig. 1.13 This is the equation of a parabola symmetrical about the Y-axis having its vertex at (0, 5) as shown in Fig. 1.13, Q. 1.35. Discuss the superposition of a large number of simple harmonic vibrations of equal amplitude and equal successive phase difference. sin (@ t+ 8), asin (@4+28), asin [w+ (n— 1) 8]. IF Ris the amplitude of the resultant vibration and § its phase difference with respect to the first component a sin w ¢, then Rsin (w+ §)=asinor+asin(wr+8)+a sin (wr + 28)... + a sin [w+ (n 1) 5] To find the value of R and 6, the various am- Plitudes are represented in magnitude and direction by different sides of the polygon. The resultant amplitude is represented by the closing tae Fig. 1.14 side of the polygon. Simple Harmonic Motion : If 0 is the centre of the circle enclosing the (incomplete) polygon of » sides each of magnitude a and external angle 8, then Radius of the circle r OA= OC 8 Intriangle AOB ZAOB = Sand ZOAB= ZOBA= 90 ~ > Draw OD 1 AB, then 6 6 a= AB= AD + DB=rsin 5 +r sing =2rsind 2 or ar=alsin® Ind aoc Z AOC = nb and ZOAC = ZOCA = 90 ~ Draw OE 1 AC, then R= AC = AE+ EC = rin « rain ™® = 2rsin 2 sinnd/2 or sin8/2 8 nd 3 T =(90-2)-/90- 7? |=~-= he phase angle 4 (0 3) ( *) 05 i.e, itis half the phase difference between the first and the last vibration. ant sino +(n- v3} | ~ sin8/2 sinn8/2 or R= z 2 Fig. 1.15 8 \When nis very large, 8is vey small and in such a casei very nearly equal m2 or (n — I> and sin 5 ss aieeaeen | pa asnndl2 sing _ 5nd sind/2/n 4 in , a If we plot a graph between R = naent and @, it is as shown in Fig, 1.15. ae Waves, Vibrations and E.M. Theory ‘The pattem obtained is symmetrical about §~ 0, The value offi maximum when = 0 so that Vand R= na. " When §= 2%. sing=—tand R= — 2 3n Q. 1.36. By using exponential series find the resultant of ‘n” number of S.H equal amplitude but successive phase angle 5. ‘Ans Let us represent the successive simple harmonic motions by exponential functions ae, ae) gla 25) ators RP Let the resultant simple harmonic motion be represented by Rel (14) = goto 4 ae! (18) 4 gel (or 2) 4 weet ae! (00+ (18) eT +e OB + 4 ol 15) The expression within brackets is a peometsie al series with common ratio e and yor +4) — ggiar L= el Reon) = gg Le me pop e822 (ean 7 | ir eB ar = gel +(»— 1/2) sin nb/2 sind/2 is @ complex solution ofthe addition ofa large number of displacements. Taking only the real art of the solution, we have Rsin(wr + 6) = a Sans? sa[or +(n- 8] sin n6/2 8 R= id 6 =(n 1) sin 672 M4 O=C 3 Q. 1.37. (a) Name the periodic motion which is not oscillatory. (BU, 1991) (6) Areal i ‘ons simple harmonic ? Is the reverse true? Explain, (PU, 2004; P6i.U,, 2003; GN.D.U,, 1998) the motion of the moon around the earth are Periodic but not oscillatory, (6) No, all the jum velocity of the oscillator ? (PU,, 2003, 1998; Pbi., U, 2000; H. BU, 1998) Simple Harmonic Motion 39 ‘ans. When the displacement y of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by Asin (o 4 9) velocity v = 4 = Ao cos(wt + 4) dy and acceleration a = Aw? sin (ot + >) = y ar Displacement y _2n Now time period T= 2x ,/DSbIncemen

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