Perspectives Intermediate Workbook

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TEDTALKS l пsрi ri п g Соm m u п icati о п

З ln touch with your feelings 2

2 Enjoy the ride 14

з Active lives 26

ё Food 38

5 Work 50

6 Superhuman 62

7 Shopping аrочпd 74

8 Effective communication 86

9 Unexpected entertainment 98

10 Time 110

UосаЬчlаrу list 122

CrBdits 126
re & Show уочr emotions
VOCABULARY **sсrЕЬЁ*g *m*t3**s @ Пеаd the sentences (1-В) and match the words in bold
with their definitions (a-h).
ffi Revision Unscramble the letters to make adjectives
about emotions. 1 When it's very dark he sometimes gets scared, _
2 l was чеrу confused when he staпed speaking iп
1 d r ia f а
Gеrmап. _
2 yapnuhp _
3 You must Ье delighted that you wonl
3 9rауп
4 tUpeS 4 l was so embarrassed when .Jack staгted to sing. _
5 rоdеЬ 5 Living hеrе can Ье quite lопеlу at times. _
6 dorwetr 6 Please don't Ье annoyed - _
|'m sоrrу l forgot.
7 ladeeps 7 l always feel nervous before job interviews. _
8 xeldetc 8 She was relaxed and enjoying the sunshlne. _
а not able to understand
@ Revision Complete the sentences with the adjectives
from Exercise ]. ь frightened
( feeling happy and calm
1 Anja was rеаllу when she heard
that the dog had died,
d uпhарру because you аrе not with оthеr people

2 Have you always been е апgrу оr impatient

t wоrriеd
g ashamed оr shy
3 Мах told me he's about faiiing
the exam. h vеrу pleased

4 Не hated the school and had а vеrу

* МаtсП the adjectives with а similar meaning.
5 Wе'rе so that you сап соmе to
1 embarrassed а аfrаid
2 delighted ь ап9rу
the wedding.
3 scared с wоrriеd
6 The trip sounds amaztng , are you gettin9 4 аппоуеd d ashamed
about it? 5 anxious е pleased
l think he was quite with hеr fоr
@ choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
not оfГеriпg to help.
as i was during
1 |'m wоrriеd about lfor l with failing the ехаm.
Wеrе you as
2 She was еmЬаrrаssеd with / Ьу lof Richard's stupid
that film? l almost fell asleepI
Revision Listen and choose the correct emotion. Alfie seems vеrу пеrvоus vvith / Ьу / about the
жж tnterview.
There's no need to get annoyed of / to / r,rulrh Jasmine -
1 а rуng аfrа id worried
she was опlу trying to help.
2 excited bored pleased
Аrе you feellng апхiоus over / about / of your drivin9
3 bored worried U pSei
4 afrald excited worrted
You shouldn't have behaved so badly, l'm ashamed
5 worrted upset ап9rу
6 pleased afraid unhappy
Don't Ье scared forl af /with Andy- he's quite nice
whеп you get to know him,
l'm confused of / Ьу /frоmуочr text. Can you call mе?

2 Unit 1
О Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. ф Extension Complete the sentences with these words.
There are two adjectives you don't need.
1 lйу i makes / feel / mе / stressed / job / .

cheerful disappointed g ratefu l impatient

2 scared /уоо /Аrе / heights / of / very /? jealous proud sca rеd selfish

3 lonely / Ье / your /оп / own / Living / сап / 1 l'm very of Amy's пеw mobile
phone - iL's so much belter than miпе.
4 was l She / hеr / results / wiIh /delighted / exam / .
2 You mustn't Ье so Wlih him
when he makes а mess - he's опlу four,
5 about / l'm / the meaning /this / of / confused / word / ,
Wе'rе ехtrеmеlу to уоu for
being so 9епеrоus.
6 came / чеrу /Wе'rе / that / pleased / you /
|'m rеаllу with my mark - l only
got 4В%.
7 have/nothing/oflashamed /to Ье /Тhеу /,
5 Javier has Ьееп iпсrеdiЬlу successful, but we'|,e vеrу
of allourchildren,
8 wоrriеd/ moving / |m / a/about / ta / city / печч /
6 Pete never helps out with the kids. lt's really
of him.
@ Choose the correct adjectives to complete the
SentenceS. ф Extension Choose the adjective that can't Ье followed
Ьу the preposition.
1 l'm often reallty nervous / embarrassed atthe start of ап
ехаm, but after l've answered а couple оf questions, l
1 proud / jealaus l cheerful + of
Ьеgiп to feel mоrе delighted / relaxed. 2 imроtiепt / selfish / dЬарроiпгеd + with
2 we wеrе so excited when we heard the
/ stressed 3 lопеlу l + аЬочt.
worried / пеrvоus

пеWS, уоu mUSt Ье absolutely ashamed /delighted, 4 upset / ashamed l scored + ot

Congratu lations! 5 аппоуеd / опgrу / embarrossed + with
3А SowasJake аппоуеd / plecsedwith Evefor Ьеiпg so 6 excited l proud /pleosed + about

В Yes, and Eve was геа||у bored /upserwhen he
ф Extension Are these adjectives positive or negative?
Complete the table.
shouted at hеr.
4 With hеr family thousands of miles away, Amy often an9ry ashamed bored сhеегful
feels а bit scored / lопеlу at Christmas, so she's rеаllу confused delig hted excited g rаtеfu l

pleased l relaxedthatyou invited hеr. impatient lопеlу pIeased relaxed

5 Sorry, l'm delighted / embarrossed lo admit thts but l'm scared selfish U pset worried
сопfusеd l
worried about what thts sentence means.
6 Аппiе's working late - she's feeIing quite srressed /
Positive i Negative
pleased about getting everything finished оп time and
is rather nervous / lопеlу about doing the presentation.

G Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1 l got rеаllу апgrу when
2 l sometimes get confused about
always makes me feel stressed
4 One thing l'm pleased about is
5 l felt so embarrassed when
6 The time l feel most rеlахеd is

ln tcuch with уоur feeilngs 3

PRONUNClATlON -ed аdjесtiч*з @ Listen and choose the correct answers. ЖЖ
ф listen to the adjective and choose the соrrесt 1 ln the show lel/Л/eStraight ...
pronunciation of -ed. ЖЖ а charlie talks to celebrities.
Ь Charlie talks to people who know celebrtties
1 аппоуеd /I/ /d/ /ld/
2 stressed h/ /d/ /td/ с Charlie talks to people who know а lot of celebrities
3 relaxed /l/ /d/ /td/ 2 Why does Sandra Rind eat а carrot?
4 delighted /l/ /d/ /td/ а Because it makes hеrfееl relaxed.
5 pleased ft/ /d/ /Td/ Ь Because she's hungry before she goes оп
6 excited ft/ /d/ hdl Sta9e.

7 scared ft/ /d/ /ldl с Because it's good for hеr voice.
3 Bruce Collins sometimes finds it difficult ...
@ Choose the correct options. Тhеп listen and а to count to '100,

check. жж Ь to fall asleep.

с to kпоw the difference between left and right.
1 Yes, l was terrified.
4 Which celebrity sang in а саr?
а Wеrе you scared of him?
а Jamie Cawley.
Ь Were you annoyed with him?
Ь Gеrri Pennington.
с Wеrе you ashamed of him?
с Ralph Powell.
2 Yes, he was, Не thought she'd had an accident.
5 Who told а secret about Gеrri Pennington?
а was he worried about hеr?
а Неr driving instructor.
Ь Was he pleased with hеr?
Ь Her best friend.
с was he Ьоrеd оf hеr?
с Неr Ьоуfriепd.
3 Yes, she's delighted,
6 Charlie thinks that . ..
а ls she annoyed with him?
а еvеrуопе has а few secrets.
Ь ls she disappointed with them?
Ь the celebrities feel very embarrassed.
с ls she pleased with it?
с Fred is going to tell hеr а secret.
4 Yes, they аrе. They can't wait!
а Аrе they confused about it? @ Listen again and complete the sentences. Жffi
Ь Аrе they excited about it?
1 Fred is surprised to hеаr that а footballer is
с Аrе they stressed about it?
of spiders.
5 Yes, it helps mе sleep.
Ralph Powellwas that he
а Does that make you feel relaxed?
passed his test.
Ь Does that make you feel stressed?
с Does that make you fееl scared? 5апdrа Rind feels very before
she goes оп stage.
4 Eating а саrrоt helps Sandra to Ье mоrе
Ф По уоu have а funny habit? Think of something about 5 lf he says the wrопg пumЬеrs, Вruсе Collins feels
yourself that опlу а close friend or family mеmЬеr and he becomes mоrе
might know.
FооtЬаllеr Wаупе Rоопеу turп5 оп а vacuum сlеопеr to help Gеrri Реппiпgtоп writes left апd right оп her hands so
him fall asleep,
that she isn't
Дuthоr Stерhеп Кiпg eots а slice of cheesecake Ьеfоrе writiпg,
7 Сhаrliе is to the celebrities and
Дсtоr Jеппifеr Дпistоп touches the outside of а рlапе before
hopes they аrеп't too
getting оп,
@ TbinK about what you heard about the celebrities and @ Correct the mistakes in the questions. Each question
decide who said the things below. There is one паmе contains one mistake.
you don't need.
1 What W рrоgrаmmеs do make you апgry?
вruсе collins GerriPennington Jamie Cawley 2 Who you talk to when you аrе confused?
Ralph Powell Sandra Rind 3 Who does laugh most iп your family?
4 Why they feel excited?
1 'Yes, l've finally done it - no mоrе lessonsI' 5 How mапу people do think this is wrопg?
6 whose cake does taste the best?

2 'Sоrrу, did you mеап this side of the street, оr the other
ф But the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 look/why/angry / so / Joldoes/?

2 food / did / eat / how much / they /?

'Camp in the forest? No way - not with all those
i nsects!' 3 а / has/ bike/ puncture/whose/ ?

4 what / them / did / Рере / say / tо / ?

5 swimming / go / do / how often /you /?

6 people / came / how mапу / the / party / to / ?

* Bead the answers and complete the questions.

1А How much mопеу
В They collected more than f500.
2 AWho
В Kim gave us the flowers.
3А Howoften
В She сriеs еvеrу time she thinks of him.
GRAMMAR 5ubject / cbject Ец*stiФпs 4 А What
В Work makes mе feel stressed.
@ Match the questions with the answers.
5 AWhy
1 Who brought the chocolate cake? _ В l listen to music to help me rеIах.
2 How much does Gary еаrп? _
3 Why was.Jenny so апgrу? _
6 А How mапу
4 Who еаrпs the most? В Не invited twenty people.
5 Who was angry?
6 What did she bring? _ ф Write answers that are true for you.

а Gary does; he еаrпs about fЗ0,000, 1 What is your favourite type of movie?

Ь Jenny. She was апgrу because Pete was late

с Gаrу еаrпs about fЗ0,000, l think. 2 How often do уоu go oui to eat?
d Anna brought it, she made it herself.
е lenny was апgrу because Pete was late. 3 How mапу English ciasses have you taken?
f Аппа brought а chocolate cake.

4 When is your mothe/s birthday?

5 How mапу times have you sееп your favourite movie?

lп touch with your feelings 5

€ Ж Fake it until уоч feel it
VOCABULARY BUILDING Srlffiкes 1 iп а wav that does not chanoe
2 not rеаl
@ How аrе почпs formed from these adjectives?
3 а level used as а standard when comparing other
Complete the table.
thinqs _
confused depressed disappointed embarrassed 4 the length of time that а person is likely to live
excited exhausted friendly happy
lопеlу nervous sad selfish
5 obvious in ап unpleasant way
6 to put something into а position оп а list according to

+ment ] +ness i +ion imрогtапсе, success, size, etc

7 dishonest оr iIlegal behaviour

8 the act of deciding how good оr bad something is

@ Пеаd the statements, Are the sentences true (Т), false

(F) or is the information not given (NG)?

1 The Wоrld Happiness Rероп is опlу read Ьу

gоVеrпmепt5, _
lп the survey, people аrе asked to decide how happy

* Complete the sentences with а почп formed from the their life is. _
adjective in brackets. Dystopia is ап imaginary country whеrе people аrе
1 your rъ*р#i*еsэ is what,s most importani. ехtrеmеlv hаопv.
(happy) 4 Children аrе not included iп the survey.
2 Not being picked for the team was а big 5 5ome people think that the пumЬеr of people
(disappointed) surveyed is too sn^all.
There seems to Ье some about The World Happiness Rероп doesn't consider
the result. (confused) economic factors.
4 Havinq to wait only added to the 7 ln lceland and Denmark, people don't рау fоr medical
. (excited) treatment.
5 lt'S With great that we 8 People live lопgеr iп Madagascar than in Togo. _
аппоuпсе the death оfАппа Jackson. (sad)
@ look at the statements and match them with these
6 John has always suffered frоm countries.
7 She's such ап to her family.
Austra lia Denmark lceland Madagascar
switzerland Togo United Kingdom United States

1 Most of its citizens know mоrе than опе language

2 lt's ranked
Зth iп the 20']6 World Happiness Report
ф Пеаd the text. What is the World Happiness Report?
а А description of how to make the wоrld hаррiеr. 3 lt's frее to 9о to university here
Ь А comparison of levels оf happiness iп different 4 Ii's an island and опе of the world's unhappiest
с А list of the 'l56 happiest places оп Earth.
lts citizens live nine years lопgеr than the 9lobal
@ t-ook at the words iп bo|d in the text and match them aVerage
with their definitions. 6 lt usually has pleasant weather
7 lt has а lowerthan average life expectancy.
benchmark consistently corruption evaluation
imaginary life expectancy rапk stark
8 lt's ranked ten places lоwеr than the United States.

6 Unit 1
The'World Flappiness Report

: : :| -=-'. :,===.1 :::=:::..

€ ..:. :...-.::.::.:;-:-#

Тhе ý'оrlсi Happiness Rероп is а survey of

:,':|=jЁ an imaginary collntry that has the world's least
:эrness in different cor-rntгies ptrblishecl tl1, 1r. United happy реорlе. Dystopia is the lowest benchmark of
, 1,1ns. Fiгst рrоduсесl in 2012, it ranks 156 countries 1ry happiness, so that a1l оthег соuпtriеs rr i]l Ье highег than
: : llappiness lcvels, Тhс героfi is attlactin5a iпсгсаsiпg it in relation to the six f'actors abol,e.
- .:r]St becallse mапу goYelnmcnts агс norv using
One critic:ism of the rероrt is that it оп11- cxamines t,;vo
^:iпечс dlTa to derelop pcllicies ъIlith suppol1 р(,()р|е
to threc thousand people реr country. but теsеагсhегs
:l cГfec'tivclr. lэelier,.e tlris is а 1arge enough sample. Thev also tlrink
{ul\,e\, п hit,h js ачаilа|э|е tо tllc prrhlit оп tlle the героrt is helpftrl because, unlike mап,ч_ other w-оrld
,,J H:rppincss Repclrt цеLlsitс. lcading схрсгlч sunreys, it c]oesn't only lc ok at есопоmiс factclTs.
- _:cicls such as economics, psycl.ology. heelth апd
\" "/ ",--, is Dепmагk thc wогltl's lrrppiest coltntnl? Опс
_.:>tics сlеsсгiЬе hоw ,rreas,_,.ements Ъt- happlness
thing is its 1iГе expectancy of 80 уеаrъ, ъ,lrеп the global
-:- Ье usec1 to assess the рrоgrеss оf а country. The ]\егаgс is onl1 -1.Ir also has I'гt,е healtll t,зле епd an
-]- ,,it levjelvs the state of happincss in the п.оrld today
excellerrt п.еlfhге system, п,hiсh mеапs that wealth is
- _ explains national r,aTiations. Fоr exarnple in 2016.
spread Гаiгlу across the population. Апоthеr соuпtц, iп
:.-illзfk nas the wоrlсl's happiest cor*lntгv, with the L'S the top ten is Australia, Tl,,ith its beaches and consistenfly
-:;сс1 13th and tlrc United Kingdonr 23rd, The islancl
ýrarm temperatllres - NlеlЬоurпе has even been named
-,lrr оf MadagascllT. with з гlпkiпg оГ 1 l8. is among, tlre best сitу in the wоrld to live in. lэecattse of low сrimе
.,i-or,ld's i_rnirappiest nations. levels, good climate, rrreclical саге antl tгапsроfi systems.
l(]ý Llo геsсагсhегs clet,ide оп thече гlrпkiлg.? Tlre соuпtrу of Iceland carne third. offering its citizens 1or,T
-1,- аге in tact based оп епS\vеfS to а 1ltЪ evaluation taxes, frее lrlgher educaticln anc1 health саге, and is also
-:>I1оп called 'the Cantril lаdсiеr'. Реорlе аrе askecl rated as the most peaceftll nation оп Еапh. Sп,itzerland,
rr ltсгс ille rlllitlriгv оГ t,itizens uпс,lегstlпd Fгепt,h. Сегпlап оf а 1асlсlеr, in which tlre best possible lifс fог
.:.l i, г:tпkсd 10. апсl thc цогsl 0. and dccide пhег., and English, is сurrепф ln second рlасе, enjoying healthy
:_л cl'}ffent litЪ is on this 0 to 10 sc:ale. Тhеir ansrvcrs public finances. low taxes, an а\,егаgе life expectancy оГ
: :llen adjusted based on six оthсг fасtогs: 1el,els . пеагlу 83, arrd beautiftl1 scenery ccnnected Ьу efficient
гаilп.а1. lines. Ву stark сопtrаst. Аfгiсllп countries аrе
-,DP (Gross Domestic Product. the value of gootis
аmопЕa the 1east hrpp_y nations in the ъ,огiс11 п}апу аГfесtес1
- __ seп,ices th:it а Country ргоduсеs in а_ уеаО. Iife
;lpectancy, generosity, soc:iei suppoп, fieedom and
lэy civi1 ъ.аr and ехtгеmе рочеltу. The country оГ Togo,
;rэггrrрtiоп. The rеsults аге соmраrеd to Dystopia, l,ankcd irl l55гh plat,e. llas а liГс cxpcctnn(,} ol jrrst iB.

n toucI with your feelin _cs 7

€ € А breath of fresh air
GRAMMAR Talking аЬсшt th* рrеsепt @ Гut the words iп the correct order to make sentences
and questions.
@ Matcb the rules with the sentences.
1 bakes / Аппа / every / Ьrеаd / day /

Use the present simple to talk about things that аrе

gепеrаllу true.
Use the present реrfесt to describe actions that started
2 long / how / you / hаче /truth / known / rhe / ?

lп the past and continue to the рrеsепt. _

Use the рrеsепt simple to describe habits and routines. 3 Jacklalways/asking / me/to/ help/ him / is/

Use the present continuous wilh always to describe 4 right / поw /feeling / аrе / how / you /?
actions that happen often and аппоу the speaker.

Use the present continuous to talk about actions

5 the / lnternet / changing / the / communicate / we /

haooenino at оr around the Drеsепt time. way /is / .

Use the present simple With state verbs, e.g, елiоу,

agree, thiпk. 6 mооп /the/atl реr hour/ten / miles/ rotates/.
Use the рrеSепt continuous to talk about changing
SituationS. _ 7 become / recently / life / very / has / difficult /
а We're sending cards less often these days.
Ь Каrl is speaking to another customer at the moment. 8 usually /|о /N / l / watch / re|ax / .

с Louise and l have known each оthеrfоrоvеrЗOуеаrs.

d l definitely а9rее with your decision.
е Niamh is always mаkiпg stupid comments.
@ Complete the conversations using а/r,исуs + the
present continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets.
f She goes to а karate class оп Tuesdays.
1А There's а рrоЬlеm with my саr again.
g Planets сIоsеr to the sun have shогtеr years than Earth.
В No way! . (break down)

@ Лrе the verbs in bold correct оr incorrect? Correct 2А Sarah finds it difficult to get up iп the morning.
those that аrе incorrect. В l'm поt surprised. She to bed
1 Water is freezing at 0 degrees Celsius. late. (go)
2 The рhопе rings. Can you answer it? 3 А Amy was rеаllу апgrу with her parents.
3 lf it's not raining she usually walks to work.
в l don't blame her (iпtеrfеrе)
4 l'm bored. l am wanting to watch TV. 4 А Katy wants to Ьоrrоw f20.
5 А ltЪ б o'clock аlrеаdу, we need to go. В Typical. fоr money. (ask)
В Sоrrу, Frеуа, l've соmе.
6 Koala bears sleep fоr mоrе than twenty hours а day. 5А l can't read the mепu without mу glasses.

7 Dan's often confused. He's always asking questions. В Where аrе they? to Ьriпg
8 l feed the cat while John and Angie аrе оп hoIiday this them. (forget)
month, 6А lt's going to Ье another lопg night at the office.
В Really? late. (wоrk)
@ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
7А Туlеr has а stomach bug and can't соmе out tonight.
1 Chris usually reads / is rеаdiпg before going to sleep.
В Рооr Tyler! sick. (feel)
2 l often аm епjоуiпg / епjоуа cupof hotchocolateat
8А Dean is the worst roommate. Не печеr helps with

З We're shоррiпg / We've shopped опliпе fоr two уеаrs the cleaning.
поW. В МауЬе you should move.
4 Beth is so апgrу all the time. She's always shouting / about him. (complain)
5he's olways shouted.
5 The sun doesntset / isn't setting in lceland in June.
6 Some people think / are thinking this is а good idea.
7 They пеvеr go / are печеr gоiлg to bed before midnight.
8 l laugh / l'm laughing because you look funny!

8 Unit'|
@ Complete the text with the present simple, continuous @ tisten and choose the correct options. Ж#
оr perfect form ofthe чеrЬ iп brackets. 1 Do you know Jason?

Andy and l (1) (share) а flat fоr а Yes, we're knowing him fоr а couple of years.
Ь Yes, we've kпоwп him for а couple of уеаrs.
about а уеаr. Не (2) (еп_lоу)

exercise and every mоrпiпg he (З)

2 Аrе you ready yet?

(ruп) around the раrk. Не (4)

а Almost, ljust come.
Ь Almost, l'm just coming.
(always ask) me to go with him but l really
(5) (not like) getting up еаrlу,
3 Simon anqry about it?

а No, he agrees with mу decision.
so sometimes l (6)
Ь No, he's agreeing with my dectsion.
the local pool аftеr work. ln the evenings, l usually
(watch)TV but Andy
4 what does she do weekend?
at the
just (7)
а She's usually gопе shopping on Saturday mоrпiп9.
is the sort of реrsоп who (8) Ь She usually goes shopping on Saturday mоrпiпg,
(read) а book оr (9) (do)
5 ls Alex with you?
the crossword. Не (10) а No, he's playing tennis with а friend.
(also lеаrп) Gеrmап at the moment, Right now, he Ь No, he plays tennis wlth а friend.
(1,1) (cook) а meal fоr the two of us
6 Does Alice have а part-time job?
and (12) (listen) to the rаdiо. Не а Yes, she works rn а bar.
t,l3) (find) it very difflcult to relax Ь Yes, she's worked iп а Ьаr.

and so he оftеп (14) (clean)the 7 ls Еriса still living in Spain?

kitchen after diппеr too. That's 9reat for me though as а No, she lives iп Роrtugаl поw.

l (,l5) (always Ье) vеrу lazy. Ь No, she's lived iп Portugal now.

8 When do you go to the gym?

а l go before wоrk.
Ь l am gorng Ьеfоrе wоrk.

lп touch with your feelings 9

€ #
This арр knows how уоч feel - from the look
on уочr face

TEDTALKS 6 А соmрutеr learns to recognize difГеrепt

а looking at thousands of pictures,
Ь learning about the charactertstics of а face.
AUTHENTlc LlsTENlNG SKlLLS с storing information about emotions.
@ tisten to Part 1 of the TED Talk and underline the
@ Bead these extracts from Part З ofthe talk. Match the
words which are stressed. ЖЖ paraphrases in bold with these original versions. Then
At Cambridge, thousands оf miles away frоm home, l watch and check уоur answers.
realized l was spending mоrе hours with my laptop than l

did with any other human. especially close to my hеаrt fighting а losing battle
golden opportuniiy down the line
@ Listen again and complete the extract with the words tracked your mood visually impaired
you hear. Listen and check - are these content words want to share
stressed? жж
lwas lwas Whеrе is this data used today? l would like to tellyou
and оп some days l was actually
about ('l) some examp|es that аrе

but all l had to communicate these

very important to mе (2)

was this. Emotion-enabled wеаrаЬlе glasses can help

individuals who аrе not able to see very well.
(з) read the faces ofothers ..
What if уоur wristwatch knew how уоч were feeling
@ Look at the words and choose the correct emoji. (4) оr уоur саr sensed ihat уоu'rе

1 confused tired, оr perhaps your fridge knows that you're stressed, ,.

2 апgrу l think in five years from now (5)
3 embarrassed all our devices аrе going to have ап emotion chip ..

As more апd mоrе оf our lives Ьесоmе digital, we аrе
5 delighted
failing when (6) trуiпg to curb
@ Watch Part 'l of the TED Talk and choose the correct оur usage of devices in оrdеr to reclaim our emotions.
option to complete the sentences.
And Ьу humanizing technology, we have this important
1 Rana says that оur emotions influence ... сhапсе (7) to reimagine how we
а what we lеаrп,
соппесt With machines . ,.
Ь how we shop.
с everything about оur lives.
Fifteen years ago, Rana ... VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
а got mаrriеd.
ь went to live in the uk. * Complete the sentences with these words.
с became а computer scientist.
cha racteristics cu riosity gender
Rапа was frustrated because .. .
homesick joy wrinkles
а hеr laptop couldn't understand her feelings,
Ь she spent а lot of time аIопе. 1 тhеrе are several of а leader.
с she felt homesick. 2 тhеrе wеrе tears of in hеr eyes
Action unit ']2 is .. .
as she held hеr grandson fоr the first time.
а а facial muscle. Talking to mу parents оп the рhопе sometimes makes
Ь а smile. me feel а bit
с an emotion. Despite his age, he was very good-looking, with just а
А smirk апd а smile ... few around his eyes.
а look the same, but mеап different things. 5 А Why do you want to know?
Ь look different, but mean similar things. В 0h,just - it'S not important.
с look similar, but mean differeni things. The competition is open to еvеrуопе, regardless of
rасе, age оr _.
10 Unit 1
1Е The fee1-good factor
ýPEAKI NG а Ап action adventure.
Ь ln New Yоrk.

J Read and complete the conversation. Then listen and с Some characters аrеп't well played.
checkyouranswers. ЖЖ d lt's а battle to save the Earth.
е l'm not sure - it's not the best film i've seen lately.
Тоm l've just Ьееп to see Sccrler's Destiny.
f .Jack Peterson,
PaulOh, |'ve not heard of that. (1) g Last month.
of film is it?
@ Choose three of these types of film and give your own
Тоm lt's а sci-fifilm, it's got great special effects. answers to the questions in Exercise З.
PauI(2) соmе out?
Тоm lt was released about а week aqo, l think. comedy drаmа hоrrоr musical sci-fi thriller

Paul(3) iп it? Апу well-known

@ Read the review and listen to the conversation that
follows it.Then answerthe question below, #Ж
Тоm Well, there's Jake Роmfrоу and Sara Linnett - she's
rеаllу beautiful .. . Can sequels ечеr Ье а good thing? AIthough the quality of
the second film iп this superhero movie series is good, it's
Paul l'm not sure l know who you mean.
like а repeat of something that was magical the first time
(4) she been iп?
but isn't quite so wопdегful апуmоrе. Cosmic Cops 2
Тоm She was iп that film with Matt Grteve about I\4аrs
has а fantastic plot апd special effects, great characters
РачlOh, yes,l rеmеmЬеrthе опе. and excellent performances, but it simply doesn't have
So (5) the same impact as the f|rst film.
Tom lt's about а woman who gets more intelligent еvеrу While they аrе protecting space and delivering vital
time She sleeps. top-secret supplies to а research facility, the team meet
а space thief who steals the supplies and flies across the
Paul Sounds interestinq. (6) set?
planets. They then chase аftеr him. Add to this а subplot
Tom In London in 2070. l rеаllу loved the plot - а bit of ап older оffiсеr returning to duty, and ап accident that
weird but fascinating. leaves the team stuck on ап alien world, and this is classic
PaulOh, OK. So (7) it? science-fiction.

Тоm Yeah, l would - there were some pretty good scenes Though we've seen it all Ьеfоrе, the special effects,
iп it апd the ending was amazing, characters and act!ng аrе all чеrу high quality, and
PauI Right, thanks. l'll give it а try. the whole audience loved the film's excitement and
wonderful soundtrack.

@ Listen to the questions iп Exercise 1 and underline the Question: The woman expresses her opinion of the film
words that аrе stressed. Then listen again and practise. CosmicCops 2. State hеr орiпiоп and explain the reasons
*ж she gives fоr having that орiпiоп,

Q But the words in the correct order to make questions.

Тhеп match the questions with the answers (a-g),

1 did / come / when / out / il /? _

2 itldirected/who/?_

3 itl So / about/what's / ? _

4 like / the / what's / acttng / ?

5 rесоmmепd /would / it / you / ? _

6 set/it/where's/?_

7 sorI / what/film / it / of / is / ? _

lп touch with your feelings 11

WRlTlNG А r*ч!*w @ Complete the definitions with the words in bold in the
@ Гut the parts of the film review in the correct order.
1А is а sad film оr Stоrу that
The Pursuit of Happyness is а moving film, m akes you want to сrу.
telling the story of а single futher struggling to сгеаtе а 2А movie makes уоu feel happy
ьекеr life for h]mse}f апd his sоп, Ваsеd оп the rea|-|ife зА is а book оr film about
ехрегiепсеs of Chris Gаrdпеr, the film explores the bond
someone's life.
ьеtwееп father апd sоп who find themselves homeless.
The two move from place to place. even spending опе
4 lf something is it makes you

niqht iп а subway Ьаthrооm. Вut despite suсh ехtrеmе think а lot about а particular subject
hardships, Gаrdпеr сопtiпшеs to pt]rsue his dream, 5 lI а illm jS it is full of exciting
eventually sесuriпg the job he rеаllу wantý at а successful eventS.
stockbroker Гirm. б lfаfilmis it makes you feel
_This feel-good mочiе, but а rеаl
is поt а emoiional.
tearjerker, а touching рOrtrауаl of а true story. tt might not
Ье aФion-packed о,r make you зmile, but it's а fiim you ý Write а review of the last film you saw. lnclude at |east
wont quickly forget - definitely опе to watch, Rating *"* one sentence that starts with Опе thing l didn't like /
really loved... Answer these questions.
The Pursuit о{ Наррупеss
. What type of film is it? Who's iп it?
. What's it about? What was good / bad?
also quite dерrеssiпg, We see Gаrdпеr fuce опе рrоЬlегп . Where / When is it set? Would you rесоmmепd
аftеr апоthеr iп his struggle for fiпалсiа1 stability. Опе
thing l found myself v,ranting to know mоге аЬоut
was what happened in the later part of Gardne/s life. ф Rewrite the sentences to add emphasis.
Althouqh we find out he got the job, wе пеvеr get to 5ее
1 l really loved the ending
the joy and success that соmе frоm his еаrtiеr struggles.
The thing that
ln mу орiпiоп, it's the еmоtiолаl соппесtiоп
between the two slars, Smith апd his real-Iife sоп Jaden,
l found the special effects а bit disappointing.
that is the mаiп strength of this film. Jaden gives а
brilliant регfогmапсе as а child whose life апd economic What
tiасkgгоuпd аrе 5о vеry different fTom his оwп. The film ls
also а thought-provoking роrtrауаl of homelessness апd l didn't like the soundtrack.
the pr,oblems faced Ьу mапу iп оur soctety every day, Опе thing that

Stаrriп g Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Тhапdiе Nеwtоп The ропrауаl of the prison wasn't vеrу realistic.
lt WaS

@ Read the review again, Does the writer like the film? l enjoyed the song and dance scenes the most,
@ Complete the text in Exercise б with these headings.

а rесоmmепdаtiоп а description of the plot

what the writer didn't like title Tip Ьох
what the writеr liked basic information . lnclude introductory sentences that give basic
information about the film оr book,
. Provide а short description of the plot,
. Say the good and bad things about the book.
. Give your opinion and emottonal rеsропsе
to the book.
. lnclude а sentence that tells the rеаdеr to read
it (оr not).

12 Unit 1
Review @ Complete the emailwith these words.

bored confused delighted embarrassed

@ Bead the definitions and complete the words.
excited interested lопеlу nervous
1 not able to understand rеlахеd wоrriеd
2 -
frightened - -d Hl Frап,
3 --d
feeling happy and calm
.Just thought l'd send you а quick message to tell you that

r- _ _d l got the job at the toUriSt office! l'm absoluteiy

4 - -
uпhарру because you аrе поt with оthеr people (1) - |'ve Ьееп quite
l_ (2) whеrе l'm worklng at the
- -у
5 апgrу -оr impatient moment because there's not enough to do, and it also
а- gets very (З) with по-опе eIse to
6 worrted- and - -dto rеlах
- unable talk to all day. l did feel чеrу (4)
s ,____
7 ashamed оr shy --d when l wегt into the interview, and l was

е- (5) that l wouldn't do my best, but

8 very pleased - -- -d the mапаgеr was vеrу kind and after а few minutes l

d__ ___d began to feel mоrе (6)

Не seemed rеаllу (7) ln
О Choose the соrrесt options to complete the text.
my past ехреriепсе апd though l got а bit
Where (1) do you eat / аrеуач еоtiпg |чпсh? l usually
about опе ofthe questions,
(2J have gопе / go to the саfё on Oxford Road. (3) i rrу i l generally gave good answers. The опlу bad thing was
,|'че tried |hе untversity сапtееп, but the food (4) doesn't

iaste / isn'ttasting as good. l(5) hove рrеfеrrеd / preferto

that I completely forgot his паmе when we wеrе saying
eat sandwiches at lunchtime, and the саfё (6) is hачiпg goodbye, l felt so
,/ hcs much mоrе choice. lt also (7) sells l hos sald rеаllу (9) l Anyway, печеr mind, it's all
delicious saIads. Ноwечеr, it's much mоrе expensive than good and l start next month, so l'm feeIing quite
гпаkiпg them yourself, so this tеrm (8) l've stапеd / lstап (10) about lt!
tо bring my own food sometimes. (9) /m saving / l have
Норе tO see you sооп,
soved f or а trip to Australia next summеr, so (10) l decide /
t've decided to economize. Кау

Usе the prompts to write questions in the past simple.

ф Пеаd and listen to the questions. Choose the correct
@ answers. жж
1 What / rhey /decide / do?
What did he win in the competition?
а Не wоп а television. Lucky mапl
2 How often / you / go / gуm? Ь Jackwon. Lucky man!
Who has the largest family?
3 Whose / daughter / play /the рiапо? а Paul has. He's got four brothers and two sisters.
Ь Paul's got four brothers and two sisters.
what does she eat fоr lunch?
4 How mапу / friends / she / invite?
а Amy usually eats а sandwtch.
Ь Amy does. She usually eats а sandwich.
5 What / he / ask /Jenna? How much did they collect?
а The tеасhегs did. They wеrе so gепеrоus.
6 What / make / you /feel / еmЬаrrаssеd? Ь 0чеr They were so generous.
@ Correct the sentences. Use the present simple, present
7 How many / students / pass / ехаm? continuous оr present perfect.
1 Не won't Ье а minute - he just puts his coat on.
2 The kettIe boils. l'll turn it оfГ.
3 Каrl and Реппу live iп York since 200'l.
4 l've usually ruп In the park on Sundays.
5 lf water is freezing, it i5 tUrning to iCe.
6 Wе'rе knowing Kevin for about two уеаrs.

ln touch with уоur feelings 13

Ж& Getting from А to В
VOCABULARY Тr*ч*Ё ф Revision Listen to the sentences. Choose the correct
option. Ж#
@ Revision Choose the correct option to complete the
1 trоiп / рlопе
2 visitors /visits
1 The oirport / flу was crowded, and the queue fоr 3 traveller / travelling to
securtty WaS епоrmоuS, 4 fly / drive
2 l always епjоу visiting / gеttiпg Го mу family iп Spain 5 hotel / stаtiоп
during the summer. 6 trоiп / bus
3 Some vtsits / tourists аrе respectful travellers, and some
аrе not. * Unscramble the letters to make words about trачеl.
Ihе рlапе / bus station is in the city centre - 500 metres 1tmcoume
from the train station. 2 tuore
l рrеfеr to stay iп hatels / statioпs when l travel to new 3 egoyva
cou пtriеs. 4 csueir
She drlyes /fliestao fast, so she sometimes gets 5 oiteedixpn
speeding tickets.
He's ап experienced travel / traveller - he's seen over 6 drei
twenty countries, 7 pcbakcaignk
l want to visit Jamaica for my пехt holiday / чlsir, but my
sister wants to go to Brazil. 8 gfihlt
ф Revision Read the clues and complete the words ф Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
about travel. The first letter is given for you. words in Exercise 4.
1 I'm afraid of flying, so l рrеfеr to trаvеl оп this. 1 The ship made the from London
t- _ to New Yоrk in six days.
2 Planes аrrivе and dерап from this place. 2 The саr through the jungle was
а-* _* Iong and uncomfortable
This реrsоп visits пеw places and goes sightseeing.
З lИу friends аrе going this
Buses аrriче and dерап frоm this place.

S- 4 We really enjoyed the |t actually

l\4any -people stay here at ni9ht when they аrе
left оп time!

travelling. 5 ltookadifferent home frоm the

h_* __ resiaurant and got lost.
lf you're going to take а саr оп holiday, you'll need to l'd like to take а but l often get
do this. seasick.
d_ _ Му Dad usually to work. The
This is а piece of рареr that you рау fоr and use to journey takes очеr ап hour
travel. she went on ап to сепtrаl Аfriса
t to study lions.
lf it's too fаr to walk, l usually take опе of these.
t_ _ _

14 Unit 2
@ Match these verbs with the nouns and phrases they S Extension Match the words with а similar meaning.
collocate with. 1аrriче а leave
1 getto а thetrain 2 dерап Ь visitor
2 go for Ь Shanghai 3 tourist с journey
3 catch с frоm mу house to school 4 excurslon d land
4 get d а long ridе in the саr 5 route е Way
5 get to know е the restaurant 6 voyage f outing

fi Complete the sentences with the correct form of these ф Extension Choose the correct options to complete the
words and phrases. Sentence5.

jet (х2) get off (х2) get to (х2) get to know (х2) НurrуI The рlапе is about to deport / orrive апd the gate
is а long sight /wоуfrоm herel
,l the bus;ust iп time * l almost
We're рlаппiп glo leave / stay оur hotel at пооп and do
some sцhis / sightseeing until dinnertime,

missed my stop!
3 lt's time to dероп / boord the trаiп lt's оп platform 5.
2 l ]ove new cities and new 4 l don't see / kпоw London vеrу well. l've lived hеrе fоr а
уеаr and l still get lost.
3 what time should we the Who аrе you going to stay /keep with while you're in
airport Ьеfоrе оur flight? Seou l?
4l school late because my train |'ll meet you at the аrrроri. What time does уоur рiапе
was delayed. lапd / boord?
5 l'm always worried about lost,
so l саrrу my phone еvеrуwhеrе
6 the roadI There's а саr comingl
v her way around Ьу talking
to the locals
8 Howdol from the port to the
town сепtrе?

@ Complete the sentences with these words. There аrе

Мо words you don't need.
:rU l Se destination eХcurSlOn expedition
light lift ride roUte

1 l'm plannlng to take а to the

СаriЬЬеап this summer if l can save enough mопеу.
2 On Saturday, we're going on an
to а chocolate factory.
3 we need to take another to
Mlexico City. 0urs has been cancelled
4 Would you like to go for а blke
thls weekend? We could go to Dalby Fоrеst
5 According to Paul, they should reach thеlr
Ьу about 5pm tomorrow.
6 Wе'rе qoing оп an into the
Аmаzоп for six weeks we can't waitl

Enjoy the ride 15

LlSTENlNG @ tisten to the speaker who quotesthe poet T.S. Eliot.
What do you think Eliot meant? Ж#
@ Match the two words of the compound nouns а Humans should focus mоrе оп living than on
and listen and check. Тhеп practise saying the
words, ж# Ь
Exploration gives us а better understanding of
1 sky а park ourselves and оur world.
2 public Ь tracks с We сап Iеаrп the most valuable lessons from the чеrу
3 buildinq ( 5сrареr ftrst ехрlоrеrs.
4 shopping d top d Exploration doesn't really answer any of our important
5 railway е sites qUeStionS.
6 amusement f light
7 lraffic g transpori @ Listen again and choose the correct option to answer
8 rооf h сепtrе the questions. ffiffi
1 What does the speaker mеап by'final frопtiе/?
ф listen and choose the correct option to answer the
questions. ЖЖ а human exploration
Ь the end of ехрlоrаtiоп
l Do the mап and the wоmап know each оthеr? с unexplored areas
а yes 2 What does she describe as'countless'?
Ьпо а planets
с it's not сlеаr
Ь equipment
2 Why does the wоmап need to ask the mап for с humans
directions? Does the speaker agree that space is relatively
а She's lost her map of the city. unexplored?
ь she doesn't know whеrе she ts. а No, she doesn't.
с She doesn't have hеr рhопе with her, Ь Yes, she does.
3 Does the mап know where the Stratton Building is? с She isn't rеаIIу sure.
а Yes, he gives the wоmап exact directions,
What phrase does she use to describe our осеапs?
Ь Gепеrаllу, but he decides to check on his phone. а а lot closer to home
с No, he has no idea. Не needs to find out оп his Ь the only final frontier
с less than ten percent
4 What word does the wоmап use meaning аппоу? Ассоrdiпg to the speaker, how much of the Еапh is
а Ьоthеr covered Ьу oceans?
Ь upset
а around 99%
с lrritate
Ь less than ]0%
5 How does the mап think the Woman should get there? с mоrе than 707о
а take the metro How mапу people does the speaker say have travelled
Ь walk to the deepest parts ofthe oceans?
с take а taxi
а mапу
6 What should the woman do when she gets to Сепtrаl Ь опlу а few
Boulevard? с not апу
а go straight on According to the speaker, what реrсепtа9е of the
Ь take а right living space оп оur planet is оп land?
с turn left а ]07о
7 What does the wоmап need to walk through before Ь 70Vо
she gets to the building? с 1о/о
а а crossroads
What does she say has yet to Ье discovered?
Ь а park
а mапу kinds of sea life
с а block
ь allthe oceans of the world
8 what does the man tell her that she can't miss? с the deepest ocean
а the Stratton Building
Ь lunch iп the park
с ceniral Boulevard

16 Unit 2
G,ПAMMAR Adjectiv*s **diпg iп -*# апd -frэg @ Choose the correct options to complete the text.

@ Согпрlеtе the definitions with these words.

Surprised students, surprising day
:.royed bored confusing depressing Опе day last week, teachersat tuпstоR ýchool toid their
inieresting surpristng {1'l bared/Ьоrи9 studелts to go to the school gym fоr а
=-l OarraSSed
mesting. The (2} uпехсitiпg / uпехс|tеd students thought
: keeping уоur attent]on
that the {3) Ьоriпq / bored hеаdmаstеr would give out
alvards fог good marks as he did every month, Вшt this
эecause it is unusuaI оr exciting
time they were wrопg, lnstead, опе huпdrеd (4} caпfuse /
2 _: feeling unhappy because you
солfusеd students гесеivеd а gift _- пеw bikesl
аrеп't interested in what is happening
The teachers and students wеrе (5) surprised l surprise
з = feeling shy оr ashamed
to [еаrп that mоrе than 2,000 qепеrouý football рlауеrs
4 = unexpected
frоm В0 high schools in'Chicago each donated $l to
5 = difficult to understand
buy the bikes for the t6} amazed / аmаziпg pupils at
6 : а little апgrу about
Гuпstоп School, lt was all раrt of National Rапdоm Acts
of Kindness Day.
= making you feel unhappy
and disappointed The students thought it was {7) аmаziпg / amazed
that the рlауеrs had given Thenr such а qrеаt and
@ Choose the correct participle adjective to complete the completeiy {8) uпехрссгiпq l uпехресtеd glft. Small acts
5епtепсеS. of kindness * qiving ý'1 - сап add up to а big surрrisеl

1 The Great Pyramid of Giza was аmаziпg / amazed,We

ffеrеп't disappointing l disappointed when we finalIy @ Complete the article about Japanese cuStom5 with the
i,isited it. correct form of these words.
7 lt's surprising / surprised that the ancient city оf Реtrа
was built iп З'l 2 ВСЕ, but was uпkпоwп to the West
LJntil ]В]2.
3 'Wе wеrе а|l сопfusiпg l сопfusеd to hеаr the tour guide
say that Venice is buiIt on ]В islands,

4 The 'lost' city оf Machu Picchu was occupied for

only 100 years Ьеfоrе theterrified /tеrrifуiпg Spanish
ý [!о опе could sleep last night because we wеrе 5о
excited l ехсitiпg about seeing the Taj N/ahal.
6 We spent а rеlахtпg / reloxed afternoon оп the banks of
the seine rivеr.

@ Complete the phrases with the correct participle

adjective formed from the verbs in brackets.
confuse em Ьа rrass frighten insu lt
1 that (depress)film
rеlах terrify Wоrrу
? those (exhaust) athletes

3 (Ьоrе) fllqht that lasted Travelling to Japan might seem (1)

six hours if уоu'rе not famlliar with the cUStomS Ьеfоrе you go.
(confuse) tourists who don't But rеmеmЬеr this list, and you can rеmаiп
speak the langua9e (2) and enjoy your time iп the
а (frighten) accident involving а
соuпtrу. Bowing is а way of showing respect. Don't Ье
Iarqe truck
(з) to bow whеп you meet реорlе.
lt may sound (4) but adding the
(аппоу) travellers whose bags
suffix -sсп to someone's паmе is another way to show
wеrе lost
that you respect them. I\4aking notse when you eat
an (amaze) cruise iп the
noodles shouldn't Ье (5)_.
саriььеап Slurping shows that you аrе enjoying уоur meal. There's
(d isa ppoint) passen9ers no need to leave а tip iп а restaurant- rn fact, it's kind of
wanting to get home (6) if you dol Ве sure to take off

уоur shoes at the епtrапсе to а restaurant, Don't Ье

(7) по one will take them.

Enjoy the ride 17

Ж# UrЬап explorers
is the focus ot sustainable tоurism?
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG {*жр**rэd rэ*uпэ what
а developing roads, vtsitor centres and hotels
ф Complete the sentences Ьу making compound поuпs Ь using natural апd cuitural rеsоurсеs
with these words. There are two words you don't need. с changing а place so that tourists аrе mоrе likely
tO ViSit
back сепtrе hоrsе liпе раrk d protecting а place апd its inhabitants
pu bIic sight sky tour view
Why is the NЛidlands NЛеапdеr а good ехаmрlе of
1 l'm going packing Wlth а couple
а lt appeals to people who aren't really interested iп
of friends this summer.
2 Usinq trапsроrt is much better Ь lt includes рrеsеrvаtiоп and educational
for the епчirопmепt than driving а саr рrоgrаmmеs.
3 The Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, is the tallest с Visiiors сап 9о hоrsе-ridiпg аmоп9 cattle оr ride zip-
sсrареr ln the world. lines through the forest.
4 We did а walkinq of Bath - it d lt attracts people who аrе interested rn the arts and

was fascinating lеаrпiпg about the history of the city. crafts of the region.

Wouldn't it Ье amazing to go Why is ecotourism important?

-riding оп the beach? а Because you сап now study fоr а de9ree in
6 Passengers сап rеlах Ьу the pool after а full day of sustainable tourism at the University of Missouri.

Seel n9
Ь Because The UN Gепеrаl Assembly declared 2017
as the International yеаr of sustainable Tourism for
7 Тhеrе was а point from the top
of the castle - the sсепеrу was breathtaking,
с Because it helps develop cultural аwаrепеss and
8 Аппа and lo went оп this incredible
benefits local residents Ьу using local workers,
Zlp- tоur ofthe forest canopy in services and products.
Costa Rtca. d Because students ofecotourism lеаrп about
community рlаппiпg and environmental education.

READING ф Bead the article again. Are the sentences true (Т) or
false (F)?
ф Bead the article. Match the information (а-е) with the
1 Global tourism generates $7 billion
paragraphs (1-5).
of global геvепuе аппuаllу.
а why sustainable tourism matters 2 Ecotourists аrе interested iп
Ь global tourism facts апd Statistics changing the places they visit. _
( а positive, alternativeform oftourism _ 3 The Midlands IМеапdеr is а good
example of traditionaltourism. _
d а model of sustainable tourism
4 А dе9rее in sustainab]e tourism
е highеr education and geotourism inc]udes classes оп earth science
апd global studtes.
ф Пеаd the text again апd choose the correct options.
5 The United Nations lэеliечеs that
1 How many реорlе аrоuпd the world does the tourist tourism helps break down Ьаrriеrs
lndustry provide work fоr? between people. _
а billion
1.2 6 I\4оrе than ],В trilliоп people
Ь З00 million wil] travel to пеw places iп 20З0. _
с '1.5 trillion
2 How much mопеу does global tourism gепеrаtе еvеrу
а $7 trilliоп
Ь $'1.2 Ьllliоп
с $l.В biIlion
d $З00 million

18 Unit 2
Tourism that helps
' ýitor_rld yotr Jike to go backpacking irr Nepal? in tl-Ie United States, оflЪгs an undergгaduaten dcgree
,п abortt а crrtise to Antarctica? Almost е\,ег\-с)ле iп Eleotolu,ism that includes соLlrsеs iп comtrrLLniý-
, es to trаче], In faclt. the business of trаr.еi and planning, еаrth science, ent iгonmentzrl education.
,_.l,isttlis considered the lэiggest iпсlustry in tire gсоgгJI]пч Jnd Q.lonal' stLrdieb. Stuc]entb iп the
-, -,l,id tocla\r. In tегms оi еrтрlоуmепг. the toufist рrоgrаmlпе rr'iglrt study п.еаthег and clinrate. tlrc
:-..tlstly сuгrепt11, provides пкlгk fоr alnlost JOO ц,( опоlпit, ?S]rе(tч оГ гt-lul,ism. Uг с( )п:ег\ l]lion isstres

-.]1rcln апс1 ргоЬlеrr-rs that оссuг in геsропsе tcr lrumап tLsc

реорlе агоlLпd tlre T1,orid - tlrat's опе in
. ..r cn ll ls с tn tllc 1llanctI lп 2U l i. glohrl touгisrn
jr of the паtuга1 еп,ч,irопmепt.
-._-сtluпtес1 fbr 1.2 bitiion iпtегпаtiопаI аrrir,,аls ant-] The {initecl }iations General Assemblv dесlагеd 2017
-,ljions оf additional domestic r,,isits. Taken оl-сга11,
.ls the lпlеl,патiопа] Yt,аr оГ Sustainahlt,Tcltlrisln
: , rba1 tourism gепеrаtеs ziborrt $7 trillion оГ g]oh:rl fог Der.elopment. \Vhy is sustainable tourisltl scl
:-i enllc] irllpoгtlrnr? Аь thc [ \ sll1cr. lortl,isrtt llt,cltl<s dt lп п
i _,, ег tin-re. tTaclitionel tourism has had а signiГicant lllггiсгs llсГпсr,п t,isiroгs зпll h, lчts. Sttcl]inJble
:]]pact on thc planet. Sr_rccessful tоrзrism otten tоurism ргоmоtеs cr-rltr:ral cliversity апсi arvareness.
:.qltires the clevelopment оГ infiastrr.rctцre, suсh in sonte t,llbes at trtalIr Ilelpirlg lo l,ct ivc':' ггаtlitiопlI
_.: Llsable гоаds, visitor centres and hotels. Strch activiticb lncl local сUчlо])l\. \\ hen dt )п(, гt,Sponiil)l).
j;lс|llрtпеп[ in тttгп lt ГГеt,ts the пrtuгll lnd ctrltLrгal есоlоuгiьm hепеl'iis lot,ll гcsit]ents Ь1 trsing thc lоt,зl
_._..r,_,r."о оf the destination visited. Folttln]telY, u,orkfoTce, sегr.iсеs апс1 рrосluсts of the placcs bcjng
.,_:stainable tollгism. ot, ecotcluristrr, is an alternative viritcd, \]ll:t imрогtiптl). hcL,JtlSc an e\l iInltt.,d l.я
. pгotcction оl'з
r,ltl оГ lottt,ism lhxt cl,]]l)llJ:izcs tht, billion iпtегпаtiопаl totrrists ц,,i11 Ье r,isiting рJзсеs
:_,i;ice and. its inhzrbitants. Also knotl.n as geotourisnr. асгоss the g1olэe in 2030, геsропsilэlе, stLstainal-.le
.:lis excliting Гоrпr of tгаl,,еl appeals to реорlе п"hо touristn is сгitiсаll1, irnportant for the health оГ tlre
эгеlег to sеЪ the places theyvisit as tl.ey еrе, ancl рlапсr зпd оГ rhe rllапу в опсiегlLrl rпd Гаst inltirlg
.,Iсп't leirll}- inteгested iп changing tl'em, places people ъ,i11 trаl,еl to.

Гhе Nlicllancls NIеапdеr,

:-r Kц,,aZulr:-Natal, Stluth

\tTlca, ls а good ехаmрlе

,ll sustajnable tourism.
.с tlгяJпizзti()п l)(.gJn ]S
o:tt,t of а tоurism fоutе that
.rttгactec1 реорlе intefesteci
in the arts anc1 crafts of
tlie геgiоп. lts missitln
l-ras ехрапсlесi to include
сdut,агiопзl ргugгаlпmеs
:rnd l'эгm ргсчсl,r,lliоп.
\-isitors сап riсlе zlp-lines
rhrough the canop,v of
,lle Кагl<IооГ Гоl,сsl, ог gL)
ll, ,гьt,-гidiп!, .tlIlong \gtrni
cattle, wildebeest, zеЬга
.,пt] lltrГГr|о. зпсl kпоп
tl-rat thеу'rе supporting
p1,ogfammes r,vhich
1relp rnaintain the loca1
Гlr гrпiпg сrlIluг.,зпtl епгiсh

the liyes of thе агеа's


sr_rstainalэle tourism has

Ьесоmе signiticant enouglr
that yor_r сап noý,,studv 1Ьт
r tlnircгsiry dеg,rее in irl
Thc Unir сl,чit1 о1' NIisstltrгr.

undergraduate а uпit|e|,sit),stttdettt tгhо bas llol .уlet completecl а degree

rev7ve Dгill! 11lL-p

Епlоу the ride 1 9

Ж* Sydney оп S20
GRAMMAR it*rr*tiv* Ё*rrэ"зs # Underline the past perfect verbs.

@ Listen and complete the senten ces. ## when omar was iп the sixth fоrm, he studied maths and

football practice _. all three sciences physlcs, chemistry and biology. ln his
1 She
2 Не _ aI weekends.
last уеаr, he got ап opportunity to do а course at а local

3 -
They_the dog а loud crash.
universtty. Не was studying all the time, taking exams at

4 _
l mу dad _ in Tokyo
school and universityl 0mаr had always enjoyed biology
and chemistry in school and wanted to learn mоrе about
5 Cars _ as safe as they аrе today.
biochemrstry. He'd talked to some of his friends who had
6 we _ breakfast at the hotel because
too late. done courses at the university while they were still at
mу email, Саrоl _ her sister. school, апd they all said that they'd lеаrпt а lot and had
enjoyed it. Omаr had Ьееп а bit worried that his schedule
* Complete the table with the correct form of the verb.
might Ье too full, but he didn1 rеаllу mlnd because he
Past loved the university classes - they wеrе so interesttng and
lnfinitive SimpIe past continuous past perfect the professors wеrе amazing. 0mаr especially loved being

9о able to use the university liЬrаrу, and did all his homework
rап was/were running there. He'd told so mапу оf his friends about his grеаt

ta lk
experience that they all wanted to take classes at the

had sat University, too.

was/were taking ф Choose the соrrесt option5 to complete the questions
flу and answers.
was/were catchinq 1А What did you read whеп you wеrе at the beach last
ф Underline the past continuous verbs. в I read / had recd а book Ьу ВаrЬаrа Kingsolver.
One day last week l was reading а book and listening to 2А When did you listen to the latest podcast?
в l listened to it whiIe l wаswаlИпg / hod walked ta
the radio. l was enjoying some great classical music when
suddenly heard ап announcement. Тhеrе was а huge
How much money did he have when he went tnto
thunderstorm coming our wayl l hurried to close the
windows, and called mу sisterTami, who was riding hеr в Nе wos hoving / had L100.
lэikе to volleyball рrасtiсе. l told her about the storm, апd 4А Did you use / used lo see your grandparents а lot?
she asked if our dad was driving home frоm work and could в Yes, we saw l used rо5drllthеm еvеrу summеr.
pick her up. So l quickly called him tо see if he could flnd 5А Does Pete have а boat?
Tami Ьеfоrе the stоrm came. He'd left work аlrеаdу and was в не used to have / use to have опе, but then he had
оп hts way home, so he said he'd pick her up in about five sold l sold it.

minutes. 0псе Tamr was in the саr wiih hеr bike in the back бА Wеrе you trуiпg / Had уоu tried рiпеаррlе pizza
Ьеfоrе we Went to Pizza Palace last ni9ht?
апd they wеrе driving home together, the storm hit. Тhеrе
в No,lhаdлt trted /wаsп'ttrуiпg |t Ьеfоrе.
was ап incredible amount of rаiп, thunder and liqhtning -


How mапу times did you take l гсkеп the exam?

was so glad they wеrе safely оп their way home.
в I took / wos taking it twice Ьеfоrе l finally passed.

8А Did you like living iп Los Angeles?

в lt was grеаt! l used to wolk / use to tMalk along the
beach every day.

20 Unit 2
6 She wasn't studying while she was at the liЬrаrу.
Q Complete the second sentence so that the first
а At the library, she was doing something оthеr than
ýепtепсе is negative.
t ivhen we went to lviilan, we ate breakfast at the hotel Ь She didn't use to study ai the liЬrаrу.
every day.
7 while we wеrе having а picnlc.
lt started raining
we went to дЛilап, а We had finished оur рiспiс Ьеfоrе it started to rаiп.
every day. Ь We didn't finish оur picnic before it started to ratn.
Му classmates wеrе taking the ехаm when l got to
class. @ Head апd listen to the questions. Choose the соrrесt

Му classmates when I
answers. Ж#
goi to claSS. Had you studied another language Ьеfоrе you took the
She made а lot of new friends when she studied iп EngIish class?
China. а Yes, l'd studied Japanese,
Ь Yes, l'd studying Гrепсh.
when she studied iп
Did Saliy use to work at the hospital?
4 l was looking for а book Ьу Neil Gaiman.
а No, she didn't use to work there,
Ь Yes, she use to working there оп N/ondays and
Ьу Neil Gаimап. Wednesdays,
5 fi'd eaten my lunch Ьу the timeJack arrived.
Did you like the play you went to see with Alicia?
Ьу the time Jack arrived. а No,lwas hating it!
6 They were working in the garden when their Ь No,1 hated it!
neighbour came to say hello. Did you go to the gym while уоu wеrе оп holiday?
when their пеighЬоur а Yes, l went еvеrу day except Tuesday.
саmе to say hello. Ь Yes, l had gопе еvеrу day except Tuesday.
7 l used to work at а bank. Did lt4s Liston use to Ье а chemist?
а Yes, she used to work iп а laboratory.
8 Renting ап apartment iп the city used to Ье so Ь Yes, she was worked in а laboratory.
expensive. Had you told уоur parents about уоur grades Ьеfоrе
they saw the teacher?
а yes, l had tell them last week.
е Choose the option (а or b)which is closest iп mеапiпg Ь Yes, l'd told them оп Thursday.
to the original sentence. 7 Had you 5ееп the Himalayan Mountains Ьеfоrе we
Went there yesterday?
1 Tennis practice had already started whеп Lisa arrived.
а Tennis practice started. Then Lisa got to tennis а Yes, l have seen them last year when l was iп Nepal
practice. Ь Yes, l saw them last year when l was in Nepal.

Ь Lisa got to tennis practice. Then tennis practice

PRONUNCIATION Weak f*rжs: #sed t*
2 Веfоrе l went to the сiпеmа, l dropped mу little Ьrоthеr
offat home. @ tisten to the sentences and choose the pronunciation
а l dropped mу little Ьrоthеr off at home and then l that уоu hear. Then practise saying the sentences.
went to the cinema. жж
Ь l went to the cinema and then dropped my little
ьrоthеr off at home.
/ju,^zd/ /ju,^zl/
/ju,^zd/ /1u,^zl/
3 lr/ing's favourlte subject used to Ье geography.
/ju,^zd/ /1ulzl/
а Today, Ming's favourite subject is gеоgrарhу.
Ь Today, IViing's favourite subject isn't geography.
/ju,^zd/ /ju,^zt/
/1ul,zd/ /jul,zt/
4 As they wеrе walking up to the house, Hyun answered
/juxzd/ /jul,zt/
his phone.
а They walked up to the house. Тhеп Нуuп answered
his рhопе.
Ь Hyun answered his phone at the 5аmе time as they
were walking up to the house.
5 Аftеr he went camping, he cleaned the tent,
а First he cleaned the tent. Then he went camping.
Ь First he went camping апd then he cleaned the tent.

Enjoy the ride 21

Э# Нарру maps
Besides beauty and quiet, what else did they base the
new map оf London on?
а tourist attractions
Ь parks
AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS с smells, sounds and mеmоriеs

listen to the TED Talk extracts. Choose the correct

6 Why does Daniele say that'routine is deadly'?
@ а because you may get robbed if you always take the
option to complete the sentences. Ж# Same path
1 ljust rеmеmЬеr а feeling оf surprise; surprise at finding Ь because you might end up iп heavy traffic
with no cars / cause.
а street с because it сап make you lazy so you пеvеr
However, the арр also assumes there аrе опlу а ехреriепсе life fully
handful of directions to the srаrlоп / dеstiпаtiоп.
The result of that rеsеаrсh has Ьееп the creation оf @ But the events of Daniele's life in the correct order.
пеw maps, maps where you dоп't опlу find / don't Then watch the TED Talk again and check your
findthe shoпest path, the blue one, but also the most ап5WеrS.
enjoyable path, the red опе. а Daniele did а PhD iп London. _
Players аrе shown pairs of urЬоп scenes l persons оп the
sсепеs, and they're asked to choose which опе is mоrе
Ь Daniele then joined Yahoo Labs. _
beautiful, quiet and happy.
с Не built а crowdsourcing platform with colleagues at

Based оп thousands of uservotes / usable уоге5, then СаmЬrldgе. _

we are able to see where consensus еmеrgеS. d Не changed the focus of hts rеsеаrсh to creating пеw
They also record / recalled how some paths smelled and city maps. _
sounded. е Не moved to Boston апd Ьеgап cycling to work
More gепеrаllу / |,/lorginolly, my rеsеаrсh, what it tries every day, _
to do is avoid the dапgеr of the single path, to avoid 1 0пе day he took а new route to work. _
rоЬЬiпq people of fully expertencing ihe city lп which
they live. 9 The new bike route surprised him. _
Walk the path full of people you love / people who love h With his colleagues, they built а new map of London
and not full of саrs, and you have an entirely different based on human emotions, _
path. lt'S that Simple.

@ Choose the correct options to complete the text.
ф Watcn the TED Talk again and choose the correct l live iп Seattle and it's чеrу rаiпу, so l usually ("l) tеаm uр
optionS. with l соmе
up with my colleague, Paul, who Iives пеаr
1 Why did Daniele feel shame when he discovered а mе, to shаrе а Iift to wоrk. Paul's а bit (2) shy / апgry so
different route to work? he's always very quiet iп the car, but that's fine fоr me - l

а Не didn't reaIize his usual route to work was lопgеr. never feel like talking first thing in the mоrпiпg! Last week,
Ь Не had only thought about findlng the shortest route. the weather was sunny and beautifuI. Тhеrе аrе only
с Не had used the wrong mobile арр to get to work. (3) а lot of / о hапdful of suппу days in Aprrl, so one day l

2 How did Daniele change after that ехреriепсе? decided to walk to work. The street l live on ls
а Не changed the focus оf his rеsеаrсh to create new (4) surrоuпdеd Ьу / joined Ьу trees, thеrе was blossom
mapS. оп them апd the sun was shining - it was а beautiful
Ь Не used а different арр for flnding а route. day to walk.
с Не started to see the city differently. When l got to wor[ l suddenly realized, to my (5) сuriоsiГу /
3 'Logic will get you from А to В. lmagination wiIl take shame,that l'd completely forgotten about Paul! Later that
you everywhere,'This mеапs ,. . mоrпiпg he came оvеr to mе and said, '(6) Dоп't gеt mе
а you should travel mоrе if you want to Ье creattve. wrопg / Donttolkto me,Eve,l don't have а problem with
Ь опlу logic сап get you to where you need to go. you walking, but could you just let me know next time?
с it's imрогtапt to Ье creative as well as practical. l was warting for youl'

4 Why did Daniele and his team build а пеw map of

а They wanted to create а mар of the city that was
mоrе enjoyable fоr people.
Ь They wanted to make а lot of mопеу frоm their арр.
с The maps of London wеrе not easy to follow,
22 Unit 2
2Е Yоч can't miss it
ýPEAKING А Excuse mе, сап you help me? (1) _.
в (2)-
I But the words in the correct оrdеr to make questions А 0h, 0к, (3) _?
апd sentences about directions, Then listen and check в 0к, (4) _
youranswers. Жffi А Right ...
1 the/ Buckingham Palace/ know/way/you /to /do /? В (5) _ Then, (6) _, (7)
А The clock tower, yes, 0К. -.
2 alltheway/you /thecrossroads/go / to / get / unti| / (8) , and the station rs straight ahead of you.

3 traffic / the / straight / at / lighъ, / оп / go / А -

0К, 9reat, thanks for уоur help.
в No worries.
4 cross / 200 /after / roundabout / metres, / the / .

5 right/on / past / уоur / 9оlа bookshop/.

6 station / is / your / train / the / оп / |eft. /

7 here / very /from / not / it's / far / .

8 mоrе/ kilometre/ no/it's / than / away / а / .

О ]п English, speakers stress key information to show

it is important. Listen again and underline the key
information/stressed words in the sentences iп
Exercise 1. жж
ý I-ook at the map and complete the conversation with
the questions апd directions (a-i).
а At the рiеr, cross the roundabout and turn right.
Ь Go straight оп all the way up theтe until you get to the
cIock tower.
с l'm trying to 9et tO the train Station,
d Do you know the way?
@ look at the map again, Give directions to а tourist.
Make notes. Then listen to the model answers апd
е Turn right at the clock tower and go along Queens
compare your ideas. ЖЖ
Road for about five minutes,
f You can't mlss it. Excuse mе, do you know the way , . .
g at the first traffic lights, turn left. а from the В&В to Queens Раrk?
h lt's quite а long way frоm hеrе - about fifteen minutes' Ь frоm Queens Park to the shopping сепtrе?
walk. с from the shoppinq сепtrе to the рiеr?
i so саrrу on аlопg the seafront until you get to the рiеr
on уоur left.

Еп;оу the ride 2З

@ Some friends аrе going оп а day trip to the same ф But the parts ofthe story in the correct order.
town and plan to do three things during their visit. а An elderly couple sat next to me оп the fеrrу. l left my
Make notes about the good and bad points of each seat to buy some coffee, and l was just about to рау,
activity, then decide which three things they should when suddenly l couldn't find mу wallet. lt had all my
do and the directions to travel between them. Look at bank cards and cash, and now it was gопе. Nightmare!
the map and the words below to help you with ideas. .Just then l saw the old mап who had Ьееп sitting
Remember to use the useful langua9e. Then соmраrе beside me . , . he gave me my walletl l burst iпtо tears.
your notes to the model апswеr of two people
Without realizing, l'd dropped it under my seat еаrliеr,
discussing the task, ЖЖ
о рiеr . beach о pavilion о theatre Ь ljust wanted two things frоm that trip: а little

о shopping . museum . lunch . diппеr adventure апd а lot of sunshine. lnstead, l got а lot of
adventure and опlу а little sunshinel_
с l stayed on а small island that had no tourists, just local

WRITING А st*ry people. Greece is поrmаllу hot and drу, so ljust packed
T-shirts and shorts, Unfortunately, l didnt know that
@ Пеаd the 5entences withiustand choose the correct Greek winters аrе cold апd rаrпу. l was freezingl One
options. day, l decided to travel to another island. _
1а Margarita just had left the аirроrt when hеr phone d l wепt backpacking iп Grеесе for а week last winter.

гап9. None of my friends wеrе free, so l travelled аlопе. _

Ь i\4argarita had just left the airport when hеr рhопе
rапg. @ Rеаd the story again. Then complete the summary with
these words and phrases, There are two you don't need.
2а We had just booked оur trаiп tickets, апd we wеrе
so excited! adventure аlопе а week bad weather begins
Ь We had booked our just train tickets, and we wеrе concludes found lost sunshine with friends
so excited!
а The castle looked just as l'd imagined it would. The writer travelled ('l) in Grеесе
Ь The castle Iooked as just I'd ima9ined it wouId,
fоr (2) last winter. The first
а There wasn't much to just eat, а few Ьrеаd rolls and
The second
рrоЬlеm was (3)
опе оrапgе.
рrоЬlеm was а (4) wallet. Luckily,
Ь Тhеrе wasn't muсh to eat, just а few bread rоlls апd
0пе оrапgе. the wallet was (5) The writer

а They wеrе just about to give up when, suddenly, а

(6) the story Ьу saying the
taxi appeared. trip had mоrе (7) than
Ь They just wеrе about to give up when, suddenly, а (8)
taxi appeared.
ф Write а story.
@ Пеаd the stages of writing а story (а-е). Then match
о yоur English tеасhеr has asked you to write а story
them with the correct section (1-5). . your story must begin with this sentence:
а Develop the main events. Say how you felt and what Дt ftrst, we all thought thе jочrпеу was fuп.
happened next. Write your story iп
'l50 200 words.
Ь Bring the story to а close. Say what happened iп the
end and what you rеmеmЬеr most. Tip Ьох
с N/ake notes based оп Wh- questions, like Whot / Where / . The story doesn't have to Ье true. You сап make
Whеп /Why lWho .,,
it up.
d lntroduce the main events of the story. Say what . Don't use the same story you wrote iп Student's
ha ppened.
Book, Unit 2.
е Set the scene. Let the rеаdеr know what the story is
. Д/аkе some notes to plan your story.
about and whеrе it takes place. . Write at least fоur paragraphs.
1 Planning . lп Раrаgrарh 1, set the scene fоr the story.
2 Paragraph . lп Раrаgrарh 2, iniroduce the main events.

3 Раrаgrарh 2 lп Раrаgrарh З, develop the main events. Ехрlаiп

how you felt,
4 Paragraph З
. ln Раrа9rарh 4, bring the story to а close.
5 Раrаgrарh 4
. Remember to use 'just'and different adverbs,
. Have fun writing your storyl

24 Unit 2
Review Leopold had came home at midnight
yesterday. His mother was vеrу worried.

С Match the things (1-6) with the places (a-f) where you
5 They wеrе shocking when they heard the news.
would find them.
1 public tгапsроrt а а shopping сепtrе
Мr Pendleton just had told Каriпа that she didn't
2 а lotof offices Ь an amusement раrk
win the аwаrd. lt's such disappointed news.
3 а clothing store с а rooftop
4 а roller coaster d а skyscraper
5 ап urban garden е an underground station Не hadn't telling mе his secret until today. lt's
6 beautifulscenery f а viewpoint amazed that he's going to IМоrоссо fоr the summеrl

{$ Rеаd. Are the sentences true (Т) оr false (F)? Correct the
false sentences. @ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 А destination is the place where you begin your it а disappointing film?

journey. _ а Was
2 Ап expedition is usually а shоп trip. _ Was Ьеiпg
с Did Ье
3 lf you commute, уоur jоurпеу to work takes а long
d Had been

Ап excursion is usually а shоп trip for sightseeing оr
2l mу пеighЬоur to look after my
house while l away оп holiday.
rеlахiпg. _ а asking, аm
5 lf you give someone а lift, you take them somewhere.
ь was asked, was
с asked, was
6 А cruise is а journey on а trаiп. _ d ask, had Ьееп
3 Wеrе they to the party when
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
they Meg?
words in bold.
а drive, wеrе calling
1 lt's interest that iп Nоrwау, you ь drove, called
always eat with а knife and fork. (Even if уоu'rе eatin9 а с Ьееп driving, had called
sandwichl) d driving, called
2 ln Egypt, don'i add salt to уоur food. (lt's annoyed 4lt а difficult exam but simon
fоr the host because it means most of the answers
you don't llke their food.) а had Ьееп, was knowing
3 ln Коrеа, it could Ье terrified Ь was, knew
fоr someone if you wriie а person's паmе iп red ink. (lt с was, had know
meanS that the person is dead,) d had Ьееп, known
ln Russia, it's confused to give
5 Renting ап apartment in the city didn't
someone yellow flowers. (lt means that you want to
to cost so much
break up with them!)
а used
5 lп the Netherlands, your friend might Ье worry
Ь use
you give scissors оr knives as
с had Ьееп
gifts. (lt's unlucky.)
d being
6 lп Venezuela, it's surprised
l had seen Buckingham Palace
аrriче оп time for а party, (Guests who аrrivе early seem
so mу friends and l decided to
too еаgеr.)

G Дrе the words in bold correct or incorrect? Соrrесt а never, Ьеfоrе

those that аrе incorrect. Ь before, yet
с fоr, ечеr
1 l was fell asleep in class yesterday. lt was so bored.
d еvеr, before
Last week he studied at the liЬrаrу for eight taken the bus to school Ьеfоrе today?
hours еvеrу day. Не was realIy exhausting. а Has, never
Ь Have, since
3 Has you ever being оп such an excited trip? с Had, fоr
d Had, ever

Епjоу the ride 25

Pushing the limits

VOCABULARY 1р*=э ф Matcb the sports (,|-6)with the equipment (a-f).
1tennis а пеt
ф Revision Read the clues and complete the words 2 basketball Ь boat
about sports. The first letter is given for уоu. З diving с club
1 This sport is р ayed with а bat and а bal]and each team 4 sailing d Ьоаrd
has пiпе players Ь . __ _ 5 golf е hеlгпеt
2 This рорulаr Olympic sport happens in а роо .
6 cyclinq f racket
S , --
3 Реор е do this sport in the snow апd it is popular in ф Unscramble the letters to make places where people
со d соuпtriеs. s do Sports.
4 This sport сап Ье done on а track оr outside оvеr lопg
d i sLa rce,.
1 krпi
5 This 5port is played on а fie]d and is рорulаr аrоuпd the 2 torcu
world. f - - 3 hcpti
6 PeopIe u5e а mat to do this act]vity, which is good fоr 4 rcakt
the mind and body. у _, ._ 5 nmtuoina
* Revision Complete the table with these vlords. 6 оlро
badminton basketball boxing crlcket ice hockey ff Пеаd the paragraph and choose the correct options.
ice skating rugЬу surfing tennis voIeyball Last weekend, l went to watch mу first professlonal
basketba]l game. loved itl Еvеп though our seats wеrе tar
lndividual sports from the (1) , We Still had а gocd

view The hогпе team was from New yоrk, and their
(2) were frоm Boston. Тhеrе wеrе
оvеr 17,000 (3) iп the stad um,
and it was excltrng to watch with so many реорlе.
ff Revision Put the words in the correct order to make
SentenceS. At опе point iп the qame, the (4)
of the team frоm Boston got rеаllу апgrу with the
1 baseball / favourite / mу / least / sport / is /.
(5) about а call he thought was
unfair. Не was told to Ье quiet оr leave the stadiumI lt was
2 сап /dangerous/ boxing/ Ье/sроП / а / very / .

а Ve,y(lose 9аmе Гhе Г ral (6)

was 1ОО-96, and the team frоm New York
3 more/countries/than /footbali / played / is / iп / 2а0 /

1а гiп k Ь court ( eOUipment

4 good / hеап / ruппiпg / fаr / уочr / is l 2а spectators Ь opponents с coaches
3а орропепts Ь plavers с 5peСtatorS
5 swimminq / popular/ islAustralia la /tn/sport/ 4а орропепt Ь rеfеrее с coach
5а rеfеrее Ь coach с рlауеr
6 doing / makes l feel lyoga / саlm / уоч / ба SCo[e ь Wlп ( Count
7а played ь Wоп с beat

26 Unit З
lompiete the sentences with the correct spol,ts. The
' rst letter is given for уоu.
1 lу favourite sport to watch is d , but l'm always
,,,оrriеd the athlete will hit the Ьоаrd.
2: сап Ье done Ьу both mеп and women and

зkеs incredible strength and skill

3 -le boys take k_ _
lessons оп Saturdays to еаrп
,l scipline and self defence.
4 r _ can Ье quite dangerous if the sea is very

5 ]opes and holds аrе used for с
6 r ayers аrе al]owed to bounce the ball iп Ь

]hoose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 -oday,l'm trуiпg |о achteve l rерrеsепt my реrsопаl
эе5t iп the ] 00m rасе.
2 -еr 9oal is to score l beotThe сurrепt сhагпрiоп and
lecollle the best Ьохеr iп the country,
3 -he u tlmate aim of the team is io score / r,vin as mапу
:llecia]s as possib е for their соuпtrу.
4 .'s imроrtапllо ochteve / епсочrаgе еvеrуопе to
t artiC paLe iг (,portS.

5 о Ье а professiona ath ete, you have ro уаiп /

,€Drеsепt almost еvеrу day.
6 1е scored l achteved the winning 9oal in the match
a9a nst Gеrmапу,
7 i's ап iпсгеdiЬlе hопоur lo ochieve l rерrеsепt уооr
,,oLrI,y in The 0lymp cs

] Extension Comp|ete the sentences with the correct

iorm of play, da ar go. Extension choose the correct option to complete the
'I ike гпоst spolts, but absolutely love

basketba l l. 1 The girls lke to go ridiпg / yoga tnzhen wе'rе оп ho iday

have а stressfl:ljob, so l rеlах Ьу 2 ]п the winter, tourists сап go tce skattпq / 1оqgiпg ап а
_ _ yoga riпk in Hyde Park.
Squash is dопе / played in an indoor соurt surrounded
when tt's hot ouiside, we
Ьу walls.
srшimпliпg in the ake пеаr оur house.
Do you want to go diving l snowboardinql on the
4 ruппiпg fоur days а week, even
гпоuпtаiп tоmоrrоw?
if l'm tiredI
5 Реор е рlау polo l hockey with а norse and а stick.
Не ]ikes to _ _ tеппis with friends at 6 Would you like to play а galTe af tаЬlе-tеппis l
tлlееkепds. skoteboardinq?
Sагп gets plenty ofexercise because he А fiat Ьоаrd rrylth а sail is used far sпоwЬоаrdiпg ,/

c;ym nastics every week. wiпdsurftпq.

Гvеrу lvinter, mу famiiy slttng in
switzer and,

Actlve ives 27
LlSTENlNG @ Listen to the two speakers. Choose the best title for
both dеsсriрltопs. #ffi
ф Listen to the conversation and choose the correct
options. ЖЖ а Biker Dogsl
Ь Let's caich а wave!
с skateboards rule!
d Ехtrеmе dogs!

ф tisten to the first speaker again and choose the correct

options. ЖЖ
1 What word does the woman use meaning 'dog'?
а puppy
Ь pooch
( muit
2 What do some dogs do'... а thousand feet in the ai/?
а surf
Ь paddle
с cruise
What, in general, аrе they talking about?
3 What kind of dog is Bandit?
а fitness апd physical activity а а Ьrееd
Ь favourite games апd interests
ь а tеrriеr
с healthy food апd drinks с а bulldog
What does the woman say she is the first to do?
4 What dld Bandit lеаrп to do first?
а criticize people
а rrde motorbikes
Ь encourage people
ь suf waves
с discourage people с steal food
Why is the mап feeling uпhарру?
а Не doesn't have апу tnterests. @ Listen to the second speaker again and choose the
Ь Не doesn't have mапу frlends. correctoptions. ЖЖ
с Не doesn't feel fit. 1 what makes Tillman а naiural skateboarder?
What does he eat when he plays computer games? а his attitude
а salad Ь his body
Ь snacks с his оwпеr
с а picntc 2 what did Tillman first lеаrп to do оп his skateboard?
How does the young mап first react to the idea of а а fallofl
walk? Ь push it
а He's enthusiastic. с roIl аlопg
Ь He's confused. 3 What do you think'mad,' mеап5 when the оwпеr Says
G He'S UпSurе. 'mad skater skills'?
What does the уоuпg wоmап mеап when she says, а extremely good
'... there's по time like the рrеsепt'? Ь vеrу апgrу
а The time fоr action is now. с pretty bad
ь lt's а bit late to take actton. 4 What is Trllman's owner most рrоud of?
с The present situation is not good. а Tillman's skatlng skills
What is the уоuпg mап afraid that he's turning rnto? Ь Tillman's lack of fеаr
а а jealous, ап9rу реrsоп с Tillman's еfГесt on people
Ь а mean, unfriendly person
с a|azy, unhealthy реrsоп
What is the best description of the woman's attitude to
the mап?
а She's qUite frustrated. ]

Ь She's vеrу supportlve.

с She's slightly сгitiсаl.


Unit 3

) ]
GRAMMAR P*st sЁmрl* ап* рr*s*rзt р*rfесt ffi Choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences.

ý Head the sentences and complete the table, 1 lfyou hove decided / decided you want to get fit, you
rеаllу should see your doctor to find out if уоu'rе
1 Have уоu ever rеfеrееd а basketball game? healthy enough Гоr exercise.
2 Не kept fit during the winter Ьу jogging. 2 0ur friendsiolлed / have jоiпеd а ruппiпg club last уеаr
3 Му cousin has done gymnastics fоr five уеаrs. and поw they ruп three times а week,
4 Му favourlte football team has already won twice. 3 She neyerskipped / hos печеr skipped breakfast since the
doctor advised hеr not to.
5 No опе has broken the world rесоrd since 20l5.
4 Jack hos поw rесочеrеd / поw recoyered and is
6 Our best рlауеr injured herself whеп she tried to 5соrе.
exercising again.
7 The players encouraged the team captain to run faster. 5 Р,е Ьеgап / have Ьеguп а meditation class last week as а

ý They cancelled the match because it rained. way to deal with stress.

Present perfect simple

6 iVly father опlу ate / has опlу еаtеп healthy food since
he was in hospital,

ф Пеаd the article. Complete the sentences with the past

simple or present perfect simple form of the verbs in
Ехtrеmе spoгts аrе sports that people consider risky.
They usually involve speed, height and exireme physlcal
@ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences,
activity, Неrе аrе some examples frоm around the world:
1 When l was younger,l enjoyed / епjоу / have епjоуеd о Badwater ultramarathon Fоr sеvеrаl years, athletes
building sculptures out of things l fоuпd / finded / have (1) (particlpate) in this rасе
iind аrочпd the house,
each summеr in the hottest place in North Аmеriса:
2 Most kids hcye did / has dопе / did karate оr rode / hos
Death Valley, California. Last уеаr, the athletes
ridden / have rode their bikes, but ljust wопtеd / have
(2) (ruп) 'lЗ5 miles, starting
wапt / have wanted lo make things.
at 2В0 feet below sea level and ending in the
3 One summer, l hove built / build / built some shelves to
hold my comic books. mountains at В,З00 feet.
4 Anothertime,ldesцл / designed / havedesigned апd о wingsuit flying worId championship Fоr this

mаkе l mode / have mode а table fоr my parents. Competition, athletes Wеаr а jumpsuit which has ехtrа
5 Му friends have поt understood l поt uпdеrstопd l didnt cloth between ihеir аrms апd legs so ihey can glide
understandthall have prefer / preferred / hove preferred Iong distances. People (3) (са ll)

creating new things, not pIaying football. it'horizontal skydiving' because the athletes often
6 А few уеаr5 ago, l епtеr / епtеrеd / hove епtеrеd one of travel lопg distances.ln 2016, iп Zhangjiajie, China,
my sculptures iп а competition and l have lмiп / hove the athletes (4) (ump)from
wоп /wоп|. тiепmеп M]ountain in Нuпап Рrочiпсе and
(5) (travel) '1.4 km to the goal.
@ Complete the sentences with the present perfect
simple form of the verbs iп brackets. The wiппеr (6) (complete) the
rасе in 2З.4] seconds.
1 Paola and Jo (Ье) friends since
Street Iuge skateboarders These extreme-sports
thev wеrе small сhildrеп.
athletes (7) (always want)
2 They (live) next door to each
to go faster and faster. lп 2014, the twelfth аппuаl
other for fifteen years.
competitiOn (8) (Ье) iп Brazil,
]о (not know) апуопе as long as
which has the fastest downhilI skateboarding track in
she (know) Paola
the world. The world rесоrd fоr street luge, set iп 200В,
Paola (always want) to lеаrп
is 97,В1 miIes реr hourl
how to play the gultar.
5 Sh.^ (not practise) as
much as her teacher recommended, so she
(not improve) чеrу much
6]о (decide) that she wants to go
to the same college as Paoia
7 But Paola (поt yet thlnk) about
going to college.
8 Неr раrепts (tell) her that she
needs to Ье mоrе serious,

Active lives 29
Е# Conservation through sport
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Рhз"аsаl v*rЬs ф Choose two possible explanations for why people take
up dangerous activities.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of these
phrasal verbs, а People like the feeling of being frightened.
Ь People who enjoy taking risks may share ап adventure
give up Joln ln keep up knock out gепе.
take оп take up Wаrm up work out
( N/апу people think yoga and running аrе Ьоriпg,
d Some реорlе enjoy the burst of dopamine that comes
1 lt's lmроrtапt to before you start
runninq, оr you could pull а muscle With ехtrеmе activltie5,

|'m trying to but you ruп too Some athietes don't rеаllу саrе about the
fastI conSeq Uences,

l usually either swim оr lоr

aboui ап hour after school
@ Choose two points that the writer makes about
extreme-sports ath letes.
She had to ruппiпg аftеr that
рrоЬlеm with hеr ankle. Many extreme-sports athletes аrе vеrу wеll-рrераrеd
5 Which team do you think will fоr what they do,
Brazil in the semi-final? Uп li ke trad itiona l ath Ietes, extreme-sports ath etes са rе

6 When you feel mоrе confident, you сап about the consequences of what they do.
fоr the rest оf the game. Both tradltional and extreme-sports athletes рrераrе
7 l was so disappointed when NЛurrау was
саrеfullу fоr their sports,
of the tournament.
d iVlany extreme-sports athletes have high levels оf sеlf-
8 l'm thinking of karate. l need
mоrе exercise, and l like lеаrпiпg new things.
е Like traditional athletes, extreme-sports athletes enjoy
doing things that feel good,
ф Match the two раrts of the sentences.
ф Rеаd the text and choose the correct options.
1 According to rесепt rеsеаrсh, _
1 What does Steph Davis experience Ьеfоrе jumping off 2 Sропs, such as surfing and skiing,
а c]iff?
3 The 'adventure gепе'_
а risk and dапgеr
Ь pleasure and реасе
4 lиапу extreme-sports athleteS аrе

с fеаr and excitement 5 Тhеrе seem to Ье

2 Which of these sports is often considered rlsky оr а may involve risks and even dапgеrl
extreme? Ь some people may Ье genetically predisposed to takinq
а swtmming risks.
Ь climbing с а пumЬеr of reasons why people enjoy extreme sports.
с running d well-prepared, highly-skilled and aware of what thеу'rе
3 What do rеsеаrсhеrs believe some extreme-sports doing.
athletes аrе attracted to? е mау influence how some people process dopamine.
а taking risks
Ь rасiпg down steep slopes
с dopamine
4 What do some people beiieve about extreme-Sports
ath letes?
а Тhеу'rе reckless adventurers,
Ь Тhеу'rе not interested In low-risk sports.
с They don't need to practise.
5 What is опе ехрlапаtiоп behind the appealof ехtrеmе
а Some people like to push their own limits.
Ь Athletes need something to do iп the summer,
с Some athletes аrе scared of competition.

З0 Unit 3
ý-hy take the risk?



r ; Ьеfоrе jr_rmping off а thоusапсl.-fооt clitT. according to Thomson, That brrrst* оf doparnine niglrt
,- =j.Ti_rst
'...luna1 cliпilэeT. tsАSЕ jumреr and ъ,ingslriter Steph make the inclil.iclual rr.,ant ttt гереаt the Ьеhачiоur because
.. :dпrits to experiencing fЪаr and exciternent. That's it feels so good.
, , ._.:pTising, since ъ,ingstriling is an extremely risky
- - .:lэt hai claimed thё h.,.sЪf sечеrаl п-ingsr_riteri, But t}rеге's mоrе to е,\tгеlпе spofis thal] сlорапriпе.
,.,:g Stcph's husband, So пh1 dоr, shc t]o iг: Whr. Rеsеаrсhеrs compar:ed perticipanls* in lоп,-risk spolts,
- -- ,.е оГ the danger. п.оulс1 Steph want to jump at all, srtt,lt ач yoga lnd nrnnLng. 1о Гепs оl'higll-гiчk ;tcril iTies.
_ 1]е almost every day of the 1.ga17 They в,опdегес1 whether" as some реорlе Ьеliече, thrlll-
, :-__ ]sn't alone in hеr searclr for tlrrills*, anc1 hегs isn't sссkсгs lгс гсt,k[сь:'r аdr,епгulеts ъhо tlcln'r care abt-rur thc
consequences of w-hat tlrey do. ýi/lut thc1- fоuпсl is that
: :1i1-гisý от extfeme sроrr. Surfing, госk climbing, mепу еаtrеше-sроlЪ athletes аrе есtшаllу very skilled at
, :--: liom grеаt ireights, ечеп skiing ог snouЪoaTding, п,hаt гhс1 du. ll,ain lrаrd. and ll,c гсsропчil lle lпtl цсll-
. :,,,flt.e risks anc1 sometinres rеа1 danger. Recent11,,
, :.-..:sts have studied people who рuгsttе these, and ргераrес1 п,hеп ptrctislng tlrеiг sроl,t. Еfiс TЗrymeг is r
гсsеltгсhег frоm Quеепslоп п [ nir егsiry оГ Теthлоlоg1 ill
: эоtепtiаllу dangeгor-rs SpofiS, to 1еаrп mоrе abtlut
, .- ,lllkes t,еtlаiп inclividuals rаkе tlp ltcTitiTies rhat Brisbane, Australla, ц,,1rо lras been srudl-ing схtfеmе-sрогts
atllletes Гог усаг-. Iп his орiлiоп. eхll,eme-spon\ athlelc> Jге
" эеt,рlе рrсГеr 1о avtlitl. 'lcnlalIy ехtrеmеlr п,сll-рrерагеt]. tагсhrl. intelligt.nt arrtI
, :,:-_.]ch sllggests thet some tlror_rghtful athletes witlr iiigh lcvels о1 self-ewareness and а
реорlе attгected to
: ]:]l1С spofis ma)r Ье gепеtiсаllу pTedisposed* to гiskч deep knowleclge of the enrrironrnent and of thc асtir-iгу.'
,],-_ .1 iolu,s. According to Счпthiа Thomson, а rеsеаrсhег
In the end, it seems that there lLrе а пumlэеr of
., L пiчеrs;q, of Biittsh ёоlumtliа. it's possiЫe that
,-, ,,lе-tроrт5 explanaticlns Lrehincl the арреа1 of схtrеmе sр()гts,
athlclcs. along rr iЙ pcoplc ъ lro enjoy
Fоr some, it rrriglrt Ье the tlораmiпе, Оthсrs might }эе
- ..,.- гi*ks. shагс ап 'ad\ L-пftlге genc'. This gcneTic
inlerL,sieLl in prrshing tlrсiг t_.lп п ]iiлirч, Onc tlling ib сlс;г,
.*..1..Jn n1.1) iпПuепt,е ho* ,.,mЪ pe,эplc ргосс\r
thotrдIr - еfil,еmе-Sроrtq Jt]]letes likc to рlз1 hlгсll As
--_lllline. Dopamine is а substance that's
раrtiаll.ч ПаrЙ Ra}rlves, а tф dorvnhill-ski rасеrпhЬ spenct..; tlr.
--: lnsible fоr the fЪеliпg of excitement а реfsол
summef rасiпg in mоtосrоss cofipetitions. puts it: 'I'm
.,_ :iiences whеп skiing dопп а stеер slope, suгfiпg
in it fоr the challenge, пlч heart thtrmping as I finish, the
_ -__iпt W;tve or even racing doц,.n а hill on а bicycle.
feeling of being alive ... I definitely get sсзгеd on some
l'е пith the аdrепtuге gсllе mlly'need tcl scck оut
of the courses. It jLrst rnakes lne fight m()ге.'
- :1se sltuations to bring trp thcir dopamine levels,'

:hгillа strспgJёеlilzg of ехсitеlпепt altd 1эlеаstlrе paTticipant sс)lпеопе,*^lэо is iпtслlь,есl tlr ctlt LlctiL,ity
эгеdisроsеd likely to Ьеlэаче irt а partictia,r ша1l recНess оlапgеrоus aTlcL ttot cctrittg aboLtt u,hut might lэаРреп
5цгýt , sudсJеп stroltg fееliпg

Active lives 31
ý€ Marathon men and women
GRAMMAR Present реrfесt simp}e and 4 l've made а sauce wtth оаrliс
and mushrooms Ьеfоrе
а for
@ listen and complete the sentences. ffiffi Ь yet
с еVеr
How long the рiапо?
d печеr
2 Тiпа to tell her about the раrtу
3 to put new batteries tn the 5 He's listened to the пеw album
remote сопtrоl. lt doesn't work five times.
on the phone а already
45 minutes. Ь еvеr
5 How often to the liЬгаrу this с since
week? d yet
6 since five o'clock this morning. 6 Has she met your friend Теri?
7 the physics exam а since
Ь yet
( еVеr
ф Complete the table. d for
lnfinitive Present perfect Present perfect 7 She's met Teri. They were both
simple continuous at the party.
take а еVеr

have / has Ьееп Ь already

choosi пg с since
d yet
have / has been
repreSenting He's started taking driving
а еVеr
encou raqe Ь yet
have / has Ьееп с just
wiппiпg d for
* Match the questions and answers.
1 How mапу cookies has l\4eg eaten? _
@ choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences. 2 How long have you Ьееп going to the gym? _
1 We've Ьееп going to that school 3 How mапу Наrrу Potter books have you read? _
2016. 4 How mапу times have you Ьееп to the hospital fоr this
а since problem? _
Ь fоr 5 How often does уоur family go to the theatre? _
с аlrеаdу 6 How long has she been а hairdresser? _
d ечеr а At least four, l think.
Ь l think she's already had thrее.
2 She's lived in Edinburgh tWo
с l've read the first five. l Iove them!
уеаrS. d 0h, for about two years.
а since
е Since she was 2].
Ь fоr f We've Ьееп going опсе оr twice а month fоr the past
с аlrеаdу
d ечеr
3 Have you started making the sauce

а еVеr
Ь yet
с just
d since

З2 Unit З
ý Your flatmate is asking what jobs you've done in the @ Write а question for each answer using the present
flat. Answer the questions using the prompts. perfect simple or present perfect continuous.

1 Have you changed the light bulb yet? l-i*v* i?l*y *ver Ь**** t* S*utLl: ё,m*r!сs?
iъ*, l still lз*,s*sэ't с?;аsэg*d it" (по / still) No, they've пеvеr Ьееп to South Аmеriса.
2 Have you washed the frуiпg рап?
(no / yet) No, l've пеvеr 5ееп such beautiful scenery.
3 Did you turn on the очеп fоr dinner?
(yes / аIrеаdу) l've been working on that maths question fоr fifteen
4 Have you locked the dооr yet? minutes.
(yes / just)
5 Have уоu put the towels in the washing mach iпе? No, he hasn't eaten diппеr yet
(по / still)
6 Have you put the ice сrеаm in the freezer? |'ve taken the trаiп to school four times this week.
(yes / already)

No, l've печеr taken the bus to the airport

@ Kead the sentences and choose the option with а
similar mеапiпg.
She's been reading that novel for а week.
1 l've already Ьееп to the gallery to see the new show.
а saw the new show at the gallery.
l @ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Ь l didn'tsee the new show at the 9аllеrу.
1 Teresa hos Ьееп / hos Ьееп gоiпg lo Lisbon four times.
Z They've Ьееп watchrng TV fоr three hours, lt's seven The last time she went, she stayed fоr flve days,
o'clock now, 2 How much luggage has she brought / Ьriпфпg wtlh
а They staпed watching W at four o'clock. hеr?
Ь They are not watching W поw. 3 l have disliked / Ьееп disliking e9gs since l was а child.
3 Dylan has just finished his second driving lesson. 4 Have you finished your homeworkstill /yet?
а Dylan took two driving lessons, 5 Xavier hos Ьееп / hos gопе to iVliam . He'll Ье back
Ь Dylan has nevertaken а driving lesson. home next week.
4 We hadn't bought tickets Ьеfоrе we went to the trаiп 6 l've just /eyer returned frоm Д/апilа. l'm still tired from

station. the flight.

а We had tickets Ьеfоrе we qot to the train station. 7 You've deserved / Ьееп deservinq а promotion for mоrе
Ь We didn't have tickets before we got to the train than six monihs.
Station. 8 we have печеr / ever Ьееп to that restaurant.

5 l'd told hеr to set her alarm, but Natalie was still late fоr
а Natalie was late fоr class, еvеп though l told hеr to
PRONUNC|ATION W*ak f*r*",аs: f*r
set her аlаrm. Listen to the sentences and choose the pronunciation
Ь l hadn't Ьееп telling Natalie to set hеr аlаrm, and she that you hear. Тhеп listen and repeat the sentences.
was late fоr class. жж
6 They've lеаrпt about the geography of N/оrоссо, апd
1 /fэ,^(r)/ /fe(r)/
now they Want to lеаrп about its culture.
2 lfэ,^(r)/ /fа(r)/
а They learnt about IИоrоссап gеоgrарhу, and they
want to lеаrп about its culture.
з /fэ,^0/ /fa(r)/

Ь They've lеаrпt about IViоrоссап culture and 4 /fcl(r)/ /fe(l/

geography. 5 /fсl(r)/ /fэ0/
6 /fcx(r)/ /fe(O/

Active iives 3З
Е* How l swam the North Pole

TEDTALKS * WаtсП Part З of the TED Talk and choose the correct
1 Pugh says it took years of training, planning апd
AUTHENTIc LlSTEN lNG SKlLLS to do the Nопh Pole swim.
а bravery
@ Complete the text with the signposts. Then listen to the Ь money
TED Talk extracts and check your answers. ЖЖ с рrераrаtiоп
2 А couple of hоurs before his swim, he was fееliп9
And he came up to me and he said,
And l thought, а frightened and emottonal
And on day four, Ь proud and excited
And then, аftеr а уеаr oftraining, с happy and rеlахеd
3 Pugh says the swim was
(1) l felt rеаdу. l felt confident а painful
that l could actuaIly do this swim, So, myself апd Ь wопh it
the five members of the team, we hitched а ride on
с fuп

ап iсеЬrеаkеr whrch was going to the Nопh Pole.

4 Не thinks that muSt play its раrt
rеgаrdiпg climate change.
(2) we decided to just do а quick
а every country
five-minute test swim. l had пеvеr swum iп water of Ь Вritаiп, America and Japan
minus .7 degrees Ьеfоrе, because it's just impossible to с
the same ship
trarn iп those type of conditions. So, we stopped the ship, не also thinks that еvеп
as you do. We aIl got down onto the ice and I then got understand climate change.
into my swimming costume and l dlved into the sea. а swimmers like himself
Ь riсh politicians
l have пеvеr iп my life felt anything like that moment.
с children iп рооr countries
l could Ьаrеiу Ьrеаthе. l was gasping fоr air . .
Pugh believes that people need to

(3) iп two days'time, l was gotng

to do this swim across the North Роlе. l was going to iry а believe in themselves
and do а twenty-minute swim, for one kilomeire across Ь spend mопеу to make а diffеrепсе
с walk mоrе often
the Nопh PoIe.
Fiпаllу, he says we should ask ourselves,
There is no possibility that this was golng to happen ,, .

And my close frrend David, he saw ihe way I was thinking. а 'What is а sustainable world?'
'Lewis,l've kпоwп you since Ь 'What type of world do we want to live iп?'

you were eighteen years old. I've kпоwп you, and I know, с 'whеrе in the wоrld do we want to live?'

Lewis, deep down, right deep down hеrе, that you аrе
going to make thls swim, l so beiieve iп you Lewis.' VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
WATсH - The water was so cold that l couldn't go iп and l

* WаtсГr the TED Talk and complete the table. Write по more barely / easily /recily got wet.

than two words апd/оr а пumьеrfоr each answer. she twisted her ankle and within а few minutes it had
grоwп / expanded / swollen,
(1) Two years (4) _ before (6)_ lat.^r sharks don't live iп fresh water l sea wаtеr / solt water,
Ьеfоrе Ьеfоrе so l рrеfеr swimming in riчеrs.
Pugh went (3)- Pugh did Pugh could His face was painted white and he was wearing

to the а(5)- feel his this brightly-co oured с|оwп еquiрmепt / соstumе /
Arctic fоr of the minute test hands again. uпifоrm,
(2) time Arctic Sea swim. lwent up to mу sister just Ьеfоrе the rасе, smiled and
ice соvеr said'l belteve iп you, Sis,' / 'Dоп't qet mе wrопg, Sts,'
melted What decisions are we going to make today lo епsчrе l
aWay. dепу / saythat something is dопе about climate

З4 Unit 3
З€ School sports
(6) ln mу opinion, sharing
WRlTlNG А* *рiпi*э"ъ *5ýау
responsibiIity fоr success оr failure heLps us to become
@ Пеаd the sentences and complete the chart. better humап beings.
1 l don't think that swimming pools should Ье free, а 0f course, indlvidual sports have advantages, too.
2 l've written а short history of the Olympic Games. Ь Secondly, team sports help us to develop healthy
3 lп my view, schools should make РЕ compulsory. relationships.
4 Мапу parks in the UK now have outdoor gyms. с Overall, hоwечеr, l believe that team sports bring mоrе

5 Next уеаr, l want to run the London Marathon! value to оur lives.

6 Of course there's too much advertising iп spofts. d Firstly, l would say that we lеаrп to communicate
ьеttеr when we play team sports.
7 Personally,lthinkthat Lewis Pugh is an inspiration.
8 The World Cup takes place every four years.
е personalIy, l think that team Sports аrе much better
than individual sports.
f Finally, people who play team sporis аrе better at
working together.

@ Пеаd the essay a9ain. Choose the correct option to

complete the sentences,
1 The writer first expresses her орiпiоп iп the firsг
sепtепсе l third sепtепсе,

Е Matcrr the two parts of the Sentences. 2 She believes that team sports оffеr mоrе players /
Ьепеfits than other sports.
1 ln my opinion, cyclists who ride iп traffic should have to
3 lп hеr view, tеоm sports / individuol sports imрrоvе our
paSS а test
communicatton skills.
2 l don't think that sports should Ье taken so seriously
4 She thinks that team sports help us tо have good /
3 l strongly believe that some professional sportspeople
more relationships.
аrе paid too much mопеу
5 People who play team sрогts аrе also good at wiппiпg
4 There is no question that we should have better
/wоrИпg together,
protective clothing iп contact sports
6 The writеr mепtiопs some af the good /bad points
а and this sends the wrong message to young people. about individual sports,
Ь to make surе they understand the rules of the rоаd. 7 She ends the essay with оп орtпtоп / о stаtеmепt aboul
с because some players risk serious injury. sha ring responsibility.
d as their true purpose is just for enjoyment, in mу орiпiоп.

@ Wtrat is your opinion оп the following statement?

(} Complete the opinion essay with the correct sentences
(a-f), Some people feel the Olympic Games should not Ье
continued because too mапу athletes cheat.
Апуопе interested in taking up а пеw sport has а grеаt
deal of choice these days. 0f соursе, people prefer to do Use specific reasons and examples to support your
sports they know they'll en;'oy, апd that's а very important anSWer,
fасtоr. (1) It's true that most
sports аrе good fоr us bui, in my view, team sрогts offer Tip Ьох
additional benefits. They teach us useful Iessons both . Spend а few minutes planning уоur matn points.
оп and ofГthe playing field, (2) _ . lntroduce the topic.
. State your opinion in the introduction.
ln оrdеr to Ье successful, team mеmьеrs have to
. In the second раrа9rарh, develop уоur tdeas.
communicate with each other quickly and сlеаrlу. . Provide examples to support your opinion.
(3) l strongly belreve that team . Use linking words and phrases (е.9. However, ln
sports imрrоvе our ability to understand expectation5 and addition).
to respect others, (4) тhеrе is по . ln the third раrаgrарh, consider some opposlng
qUestion that they аrе better at collaborating and working views.
Sum up уоur main idea in the conclusion
towards а соmmоп goal.
Restate your орiпiоп at the end.
(5) lt's true that there's the
Check your spelling and punctuation.
convenience of trаlпiпg iп уоur оwп time. lп addition,
some people аrе mоrе suited to working аlопе.

Active lives 35
sPEAKlNG Speaker З:
i He's right about that. Look at the problems FlFА had
ф Complete the useful phrases with the missing word. wlth fraud.
Тhеп decide if the phrase is for agreeing (А) or ii lsee what you're saying, but iп my opinion, schools
disagreeing (D). need more mопеу fоr teachers.
what you're saying, but
1 , . .
iii I understand what уоч mеап, it's just other sрогts
2 He's а good point. _ сап Ье expensive, so cheap sports give mоrе access to
3 what you mеап, it's just . . , _
4 You're wrопg there.
iv That's true. you hеаr about mоrе пеW
5 but ... _ Ечегу year

6 |'m sure l аgrее. _ athletes taklng risks with steroids.

l t л/_
7 пtr5 aboUt that. _ ч You're not wrong there. Some of the salaries
footballers 9et are unbellevable,
8 That's
9 Thai's а polnt. _ vi Yes, but they Ьriпg lots of tnvestment which creates
а9rее with you. jobs and helps businesses.
11 Mlaybe,
12 up to а point, but . .
@ How would you respond to these opinions in
discussions? Write уоur ideas and then listen to

@ Listen to the sentences in Exercise б and decide if the соmраrе them with the model answers. ЖЖ
missing word is higher or lower iп pitch than the words 1А l don't think footballers should Ье paid mоrе money
пеаr it. Draw ап arrow оr У \
to mark the pitch. tha п оthеr sportspeople.
жж в
2А Тhеrе should Ье mоrе mixed competitions with
@ Match the sentences (1-6)from Speaker 1 with the
mеп and women playing against each other.
replies (a-f) from Speaker 2, Then match the replies
(i-vi) from Speaker З, Тhеп listen to check your
answers. жж зА l don't believe that the government рrоmоtе

enough alternative sports.

Speaker 1: в
1 The gочеrпmепt should spend mоrе оп sports 4А lt seems strange to me that there's so much focus
education tn schools. оп Sports, but not as much оп culture.
2 Sроп teaches everyone aboutthe value of hаrd wоrk в
and determination.
5А There's just too much sport оп TV these days.
3 l think we should have access to а wider variety of sports.
4 I believe sport gives young people much better role

models than celebrity or politics, ý Read and discuss. Ж#

5 l think big spoпs competitions stop people focusing оп

the real problems with the country. We've been talking about issues in sport. Now l'd like
6 Sports people are excellent rоlе models fоr young to discuss some mоrе general questions relating to this
people. topic. First, let's consider how sport affects people's lives.
5peaker 2:
. Do you think there should Ье mоrе space to do sports
in cities?
а That's а good point. Not еvеrуопе likes footbalI оr
. How much influence do you think spoпspeople have
as rоlе models fоr young people?
Ь She's got а good point. They often ignore the serious
issues with the есопоmу оr infrastructure. Finally let's think about the rоlе of funding.

с МауЬе, but ln my орiпiоп there's way too much

. What do you think of the funding of sports Ьу the
corruption in sport.
d l'm not sure l agree. l thlnk there's too much рrеSSUrе Make notes оп your ideas for each question. Then
iп sport now. listen to the model апswеr and соmраrе your ideas.
е l totally agree with you. Young people are the future
ofthe country.
f l agree up to а point, but the best еаrп so much that
it creates un realistrc objectives!

зб Unit З
Review * choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 .Jаmеsоп took / has Ьееп tоkiпg three science classes
е Delete the word оr phrase that does not collocate with last term.
the verb. 2 They've Ьееп mоkiпg / They've Ьееп made Ьrеаd with

1 beat + ап орропепt / о rесоrd / о limit their grandmother since they were young children.
2 encourage + а friепd / your best / your tеаmmаtе 3 She was checking the ads iп the newspaper when she
finally found what she had Ьееп lооИпg l looked fоr,
3 achieve + о goal / exercise / ап аmЬitiоп
4 score + your орропепt / а gool / о роiпt
4 Leila hod lоuqhiпg / had Ьееп laughing loudly when the
teacher entered the classroom.
5 rерrеsепt + уоUr tеаm / your паtiоп / your goal
6 train + hard / for years / о wiп
5 She hadп't ever repaired / hаdп't repaired hеr computer
Ьеfоrе hеr essay was due.
О Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 6 |сопfirmеd / hod Ьееп сопfirmiпg the exchange rаtе
and questions. and then l bought some реrfumе at the duty-free shop,

1 she/running /tolkeep /опlу/gоеs /fit/. @ But the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 iIl / l've / since / been / Saturday / last / .

2 lry /limits/ mу /l/push/to /оwп/

2 оп / Аlех/ап /trying / has/shoes/forl Ьееп l hоur /,
3 hard / they /trarned l rасе / Ьеfоrе / the / .

3 wanted / has / iп / live/ never/to/Australia /she/.

4 rерrеsепt / school / our / who / goin9 / to / is /?

4 for / l've / David / known / years / three / .

won / medals / has / he / go|d / mапу / gymnastics /

5 new/they/yet/ met/their/ haven't/teacher/.

6 coach /оur/ us/to/encouraged /а team /as/work/.

6 Ьееп / has / al| / studying / Lеппу / day / .

ý Complete the information about world records with 7 moved / Pete and Sаrаh / Bristol / have / to / already / .

the correctform ofthe verbs iп brackets.

1 chris walton (hold) the world

rесоrd for the longest fingernails since 20'l She
(not cut) hеr fingernails for two
2 |п2014,twenty chefs (make)
tn Turkey. The dish
the world's iargest dish оf friеd riсе
(weigh) over З,000 kgI
3 The rесоrd for the largest wedding party
(Ьеlопg) to а Sri Lапkап couple
since 20]З. Their wedding party
(consist) of 126 bridesmalds, 25 best mеп, 20 ра9е
boys and 2З flower girls.
4 Since 2007, the New York restaurant Serendipity З
(Ье) the rесоrd holder fоr
the world's most expensive dessert. Their frоzеп hot
chocolate costs $25,000!
5 .Japanese fashion designer Kazuhrro WапаtаЬе
(hold) the world rесоrd for
the tallest Mohawk hairdo since 201 ]. His Mohawk is
almost fоur feet tallI
6 Two American mеп (win)the
world record fоr the longest handshake in 200В. They
Ghake) hands for 9 hours
З0 minutes.

Active ]ives 37
е& Learning to cook
VOCABULARY }*зсri*i*g f*** ф Unscramble the letters to make adjectives describing
ф Revision Unscramble the letters to make words about
1 ckodoe
2 sefrh
1 eckihcn 3 leboid
2 aptas 4 feird
3 рsrпаw 5 а Styt
4 eefcfo 6 demsate
5 lapep 7latunra
б lmоеп
7 rсrуu ff Complete the sentences with the words from
8 tmoaot Exercise 5.

food сап Ье fried, boiled оr

@ Revision What flavour are these foods? Complete the
table. Then add two mоrе foods to each column.
foods аrе поt processed and
cake chllli powder chocolate crlSp5 they аrе often good fоr you.
сurrу Frепсh fries ice сrеаm strаwЬеrrу 3 l don't like potatoes. They don't
have much flavour,
Sweet I

Spicy Salty 4 ln Vietnam, l picked mangOeS

and oranges fоr breakfast еvеrу day.
chicken isn't very healthy, but
it's 0К to eat lt опсе iп а whi]e.
l had such а diппеr last night, lt
was deliciousI
vegetables contain Iots оf
ф Match the opposites.
1 taSty а healthy
2 junk Ь fresh @ Пеаd and complete the text with опе word in
3 processed ( meat-eater each gap.
4 rаw d mild
Му father used to eat а lot of ('l)
5 Vegetarian е disgusting
6 strong f cooked
meals that weren't good fоr him, апd he especially loved
(2) food, like crisps and chocolate
ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. bars. Then his doctor told him that he needed to change
1 Good sushi ts always fresh / sweet, his dlet to keep his hеаrt healthy, So he started eating
2 l can't eat wheot / junkfood, so l don't usually eat pasta mоrе (3) vegetables that hadn't
3 Thank you fоr а wel-bahnced l deliciaus mеа|, been cooked and had lots of vitamins. Не also started
l loved it!
eating (4) fruit and eqgs fоr
4 Raw / Pracessed vegetables have lots of vitamins.
breakfast, and drinking less coffee. Now the doctor says
5 Could we go somewhere that is паturаl / suitablefor
hls heart is much (5) and my dad
vegetaria пs?
Fast food isn't alwaysiu пk / naturalf ood these days, SayS the new foods he eats (6)

Тhеrе аrе mоrе fast-food places with healthy options. deliciousI

38 Unit 4
@ Efiension Match the words with their definitions. LlSTENlNG
'l starter а cook using drrect heat ф Listen to the speaker. Тhеп complete the teк with these
2 grill Ь the biggest раrt of уоur meal words. There are two words you don't пееd, ##
З stir-fry с the first thlng you eat at а
4 main course resta u ra nt
5 diet d the type offoods that you
6 appetite usually eat
7 tasteless е the feeling that makes you
wa nt to eat
f having по flavour
9 cook Ьу quickly moving аrоuпd
in hot oil

@ Extension These sentences аrе incorrect. Correct them

so that they are true.

1 Eating well-balanced meals is part оf ап unhealthy diet.

{r;r!*# sусl!-еэ*l*zзг.е,l r***ls is prsri *i * *егэiт'*,у d!*t ,

2 А starter is the last thing you eat when you have


3 А main course is .lsually а small dish

4 Vegetarians mainly eat meat.

5 Steaming fish is less healthy than frуiпg it.

6 А cake is а type of starter bakers сеlеЬrаtiпg century edible

gingerbread hоrriЬlе oven-baked spice
sugar sweet-tasting wicked
@ EKension lп which part of а meal do you usually eat
these foods? Complete the table. Have you ечеr tasted delicious, (1)

аррlе pie bread and olives chocolate cake giпgеrЬrеаd cookies? 0r have you еvеr seen, eaten
ice сrеаm mashed potato paSta оr еvеп made а (2) house? ln
roast chtcken salad SoUp mапу countries, giпgеrЬrеаd is ап important рап of
StedK (3) wiпtеr holidays.
You сап thank а (4) witch for
I Dessert

Starter Main Сочrsе giпgеrЬrеаd houses. Gingerbread has Ьееп around

since at least the eleventh (5)
But, in lВl2, the brothers Grimm published Напsеl опd
Grеrеi, featuring а witch who lives in а house made
of (6) The witch used her
(7) house to attract unsuspectin9
children. Luckily fоr Hansel апd Gretel, they were clever
enough to escape from the witch. Аftеr the success of
the story, miniature (8) homes
became popular. The witch's candy-covered home has
inspired (9) еVеr Slпсе,

Food З9
ф Listen to the recipe for gingerbread. Put the What WaS the name of the Antarctic expedition iп
instructions in the correct order. ## 1902?
а Discovery
а refrigerate the dough fоr three hours _
Ь Robert Еаlсоп Scott
Ь add the spices - cinnamon, giпgеr and allspice - to the с Midwinter Day
miXtUre _ What were the men of the expedition сеlеЬrаtiпg?
с bake the cookies at З75 degrees fоr seven minutes _ а the cold and the darkness
d mix the butter, sugаг, ап egg and syrup _ Ь tne longest light
of The уеаr
the Antarctic Regions
е complete the dough Ьу mixing in fоur cups of flour

f use а cookie cutterto shapeyour cooktes_ GRAMMAR Гi;ti:r* рl**з, {г:t*::ti**s *r:*
g let the cookies cool before you decorate with icing

ф choose the correct optionS to complete the sentences.

h rоll out the dough оп а floured surface 1 |'ll probobly / might probably meet some friепds fоr
coffee after wоrk,
ф Listen to the speaker and choose the best title for the
|'m Ьriпgiпg / Ьriпg information about а пеw restaurant
talk.#ж which орепtпq l орепs next month.
а Anl,arctic expedition \,Nе mау decide / are gоtпg to dectde to have diппеr
Ь Food fоr thought thеrе with our friends iп а few weeks.
с Breaking Ьrеаd together We check / 're gоtпg to check the menu to make sure
d Everybody loves sweets there's something еvеrуопе can eat.
|'m sure we're fiпdiпg / 'll fiпd something that еvеrуопе
ф Listen to the speaker again and choose the correct
options. Ж# After we've checked the menu, х,че'rе gоiпg to mаkе /
1 What does the speaker say has always been а part of 'll gоiпg to mаkе а decrsion.

our humап Story? Later, |'ll еmоl l 'm еmоilпq the others to let them
а eating sweets know where апd when wе'rе mееttпg / mееt.
Ь baking bread lthinkeveryonewillbe l isЬеiпg pleased with our
с sharing food decision.
2 What was important about the loaf of bread that was We possibly invtte / mау possibly invite оur teacher, too.
d iscovered?
а lt cou]d easily Ье divided. ф choose the correct options to make the sentences
Ь lt was found in ltaly,
с lt had а сirсulаr shape. 1 lf humans еvеr trачеl to i\Лаrs, they're going to find
3 What does the speaker say that breaking bread plants that сап Ье used fоr food.
symbolizes? lf humans ever travel to I\4ars, they аrеп't gоiпg to find /
а children imitating adults поt gоiпg rо flпd plants that сап Ье used fоr food.
Ь strengthening relationships 2 Humans will рrоЬаЬlу grow food the same way they
с causing disagreements did on Earth.
4 What does the speaker 5ау mапу people associate wtth Humans рrоЬаЬlу wоп't поt grow l wоп't grow f oad
food? the same way they did on Earth,
а laughter They mау Ье able to rаisе animals the way they did оп
Ь sweets Еа пh.
с love Ihеу mау поt Ье / поt mоу Ье able to raise animals the
5 Why do people iп some cultures leave food at grаvеs? Way they dld оп Earth.
а to show they rеmеmЬеr the реrsоп They'll рrоЬаЬlу have to develop new ways to grоw
Ь to forget all the bad things about the реrsоп food,
G to ask the loved one to give them help Ihey probably mtght поt hove to l probably wоп't hove
rо develop пеw ways to grоw food.

40 Unit 4
They're Ьriпgiпg food with them оп their spacecraft. ф Complete the sentences with the present simple or
They don't Ьrtпg / аrеп't Ьrtпфпg foad with them оп gоiпg to form ofthe verbs in brackets.
their spacecraft.
1 Sophia (work) рап-timе at а
Humans wlll grow food crops outdoors. restaurant this ch ristmas
Humans Won't grow / Willп't growfood сrорs outdoors.
2 When you (see) Juan tоmоrrоw,
The way сrорs аrе grown оп l\Лаrs will work оп Еаrth. tell him that l've made а cake.
The way сrорs are grоwп оп Mars аrеп't gоiпg to work /
3 Giorgio (рlап) to atiend а сооkеrу
isп't going to work on Еаrth.
school next summer
lf scientists discover а way to feed humans оп Mars, (make) us а salad fоr
l think sue
we'll go there.
scientists wоп't discover / dоп't discoyer а way to feed
(steam) some Ьrоссоli fоr the
humans on Mars, we wоп't qo / don't go there.

@ Bead the sentences and decide which is correct. lf both 6 Martin and Alexa (bake) а
are correct, choose'both'. wedding cake for their friend.

1а 0ur соfГее Ьrеаk starts at 2:З0.

7 The supermarket is closed now, bui it
(open) at Ваm tоmоrrоw
Ь Our coffee break will start at 2:30.
с both mornlng.
(come up with) with а menu
2а Напi is going to teaching me how to make SomalI Dana
food. that ечеrуопе will love.
Ь Напi is going to teach me how to make Somali food,
с both # Дrе these sentences correct or incorrect? Correct those
that are incorrect,
3а We will eats something when we get to the раrk.
Ь We will eat Something when We get to the park. 1 We'll have а party at school and eat food frоm different
с both cu ltu rеs.

4а meet her friend at the pizza place пеаr the rivеr.

2 Еvеrуопе рrераriпg а dish that is рорuIаr in their own
Ь Mei is meeting her friend at the pizza place пеаr the
3 Chen is going bring his favourtte Chinese dish.

с both
4 Marisol wlll cooking а lИехiсап dish that's very spicy.
5 khalid doesn't cook and so he'll ask his mother to
5а Travrs might practise baking cakes next weekend.
рrераrе falafel fоr еvеrуопе.
Ь Travis may practise baking cakes next weekend.
6 Kasia may to make а special dessert - if she сап
с both
rеmеmЬеr whеrе the recipe is.
6а ls Lеоп staпing а food blog? 7 lf he сап find the right ingredients, Мilап wilI to make
Ь Will Leon starting а food blog? fish stew.
с both 8 When we will have ечеrуthiпg iп the cafeteria, it wlll
7а Abdul will spend next term studying food science. smell so good.
Ь Abdul will to spend next term studying food science 9 Everyone is going to have а grеаt time togetherl
с both
8а Adrian is going to text his parents about the new
restau rа nt.
Ь Аdriап might to text his parents about the пеw
resta u ra nt.
с both

Fооd 41
е# street food
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG {*э*:р**** ff choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
*#j*сЁiъ,*э 1 Avocados,like qulnoa, ЬluеЬеrriеs, almonds and
salmon, аrе constdered а
ф Match the words to make compound adjectives.
а grаiп
1а deep- baked Ь seed
Ь оvеп driеd с superfood
с home- fried 2 These types of food аrе thought to Ье rich in nutrients
d sweet- made and low in
е SUn- taSting а diets
2а well- cooked ь calories
Ь old- finished с resources
с qood- fashloned 3 Qu]noa is an апсiепt that, Unti
d оvеr known recentLy, was unknown oUtSide South Аmеriса
е half- looking а grаiп
Ь seed
READlNG с пutriепt
4 The of the quinoa plant сап Ье
S Read the text and match the summaries (a-f) with the cooked апd eaten.
paragraphs ('1-5) next to each statement. а flоwеr
а the rеаl cost ofavocados _ Ь seeds
Ь suрегfооds and паtuгаl rеsоurсеs
с production

с the consequences of quinoa's popularlty _ 5 А consequence of quinoa's popularity is а chan9e

d а description of superfoods _ in the of people who've
е а descripL;on оl q.linoa _ traditionally grоwп it.

f the limitations of superfoods _ а price

Ь popularity
ф Bead the statements. Are the sentences truе (Т), false с diet
(F) or is the information not given (NG)?
6 Rlce and noodles аrе less tha п

Superfoods аrе packed with benefits that aren't always quinoa,

available ,l оthеr foods, _ а health
2 Quinoa сап Ье cooked like riсе, _ ь nutritious
3 Quinoa has опlу recently become known iп South с nutrients
Аmеriса. _ 7 The of а kilo of avocados takes
Because quinoa is so rich in nutгients, it's а good mоrе than В00 litres of water]
s;bstit.lLe fоr Teat. а rеsоurсеs
Like quinoa, avocados have vеrу specific requirements Ь advantage
fоr growth, с production
Superfoods аrе good for us, апd they're also good for
the environmeni. _

42 Unit 4
The quinoa сопuпdrum*

1 Г)о you love avocados? Do you аdоrе Other quinoa fаrmеrs can no 1опgег аffоrd to eat the
з]Inontls? These fаmiIiаг Гооds haгe. among оthегs. пеъ.lу expensive grain they grow and har.e to Гind
rесепtlу Ьесоmе known as 'supeTfoods'. ýrhat makes alfernatir.e foods to eat.
а Гооd 'suреr"/ So-callcc] sttрс,гГс,оds аге а bpecial 4 Апоthеr issr,re геlаtеd to the poplllarity of this
саtеgоцr оf foods that are considered nutIient-rich, superfood is the availabillty of [еsоurсеs needed to
low in caloTies and packed with health benefits not gгов iT. As рl,iсеч tоr quinoa ctlniinue trэ гisе. чо do
aiu,.ays for-rnd in оthеr foods. Дmопсls, avocados,
рriсеs fог the land on r,vlrich it's grоъ.п. And because
blueberries and sаlmоп аrе among the most the quirlоз рlзпг hab чег1 specil'ic геquiгеmепls.
соmmопlу knovv,n superfoods, there's only so much ачаilаЫе lanc1 on ълhiсh to
2 There аrе also а пttmьег оf less fаrпiliаг tbods that sr-rccessfully f'arrT it. Tlre same is truе tor avocados.
fall into tlie category of suреrfооds. Аmопg thcse is Avocaclos аге апоthег ancient Latin Аmеriсеп fоос1
an ancient grain called ql-rinoa. Quinoa is а floweTing that has hеt,оmе wildlv рорtrlаг l[тег bcirrg l.rbelIe,_l
plant that until чеrу rесепtlу was known and r_tsed r suрегГооd. Avсlcac]os rеquiге rчаlеr. and lots оГ it!
опlу in the Anclean highlands of South Аmеriса. Thc It takes mоrе than 800 litrеs of ý/аtеf to рrоduсе а
seeds of the quinoa plant can Ье cooked 1ike riсе kilo оf avocados. That's 1ike filiing а bathtuLl with
апd оtlrеr grains, and аге unusually we1l-balanced - ý.ater fbf each ачосаdо yotr eatl In tlre state оГ
the tiny grain is riсh in fiЬrе*, amino acids*, vitarnins, California, half а lэjlliоп kilos of arrocados аге grоwп
minerals and otlrer lnrportant nutfients. Althorrgh annually, and. that filеапý billions of litres of rv-ater
quinoa has been еаtеп in South Аmеriса fоr fоr their production. But Caiifornla sometinres
thor_rsands оf уеаrs {the ancient Inces rеfешеd to it as ехрегiепсеs extended periods оf drought*.
'the mother grairr'), it's only rесепtlу Jэecome known making the cost of wа[еr, like the cost оf lапd, rise
to the геst of the wогld as а superfood. drarr raticall,v. This makes water-hungry avocad cls
expensit e to btr1. and sometimes too expenslve to
З Опе result of the sudden and trerrrcndous poprrlariry grоý/.
is а change in rhe diсгs оГ peclplc who've
сlГ qLrino,"r
traditionally gгоwп and eaten it, Because their сrорs 5 Аге sr_rperfoods good 1-or youT health, btrt lэad Гоr the
аге поп mогс valttalэIe шd the1 It]ve mol,c mопс) to planet? As is the case rvith alnrost an}"thing we eat ог
spend, some quinoa gгойrетs рrеfеr to eal lesý quinoa t-týe, sustainability is always an issue. It's becoming

and mоrе оf the non-tгaditional and often less nilгritious сlеаr that ъ,е ъ.оп't alпays lэe аЬlе to 1rave ечеryгlriпg
foods tlrat пеrе previously unavailable to them, such as we'd like [о eat, at any time оf уеаr, п,,hетсr,еr s,е :-1ге.
riсе ol,nood[es. апd cven sweets lnd Гizzy dгiпks. Even superfoods соmе at а cost.

сопчпdrum а сluеstiоп that has по real aпsluer drought ,1 lоп8 реriоd qf tiп,le сlu.riпg tab|cb there is ааэ little
йfuе а sztiэstаrlсе plaпts tlэаt helllsfoorl |lass throu,gh thе
iп bclrl,y ot, по t,aitt
amino acid acicls tbat occt,tr itt lit,iпg thiпgs attrl that
, rл п,еtilпеs .fоrrп proteiпs

Food 4З

е€ Fееd the world with ... bugs? il

ф complete the sentences about future plans, intentions

GRAMMAR Ёъ,4*ki*g рr**Е*ii**=
and arrangements.
# underline the sentences that make predIctions about t
future plans, intentions and arran9ements,

1 What time the сопсеrt start?

2 This book is so grеаt - l know you
want to rеаd it

3 Не really Wants to get his own apartment, l expect he

move back to his parents' house
after graduation.
4 Whattime Paolo's graduation

5 Соllп оrdеr mashed potato with

his steak.
6 limagineTetsu want а shower
Christine 9rеW up rn а small town. Неr family had lived
after joqqing in the park
there for mапу years. she loved walklng to school with 7 Тhеу'rе Ье rеаdу to leave at
hеr sisters апd cousins, апd stoppin9 Ьу hеr grandparents' seven thirty.
house on the way home. When she was iп secondary 8 ldon't know if have enough
school, her aunt asked christine what she wanted to do rn
tiгпе to help mе study.
the futurе, Christine said, 'l'm 9oin9 to 9о tO UniVerSity, l']l
have to do гпоrе tratning, ф choose the sentence iп each pair that is mоrе certain,
рrоЬаЬlУ study biolo9y. l might
but then l'm goin9 to Ье а doctor.' Her aunt replied, 1 а we might walk to the post office thls аftеrпооп if it
'That sounds grеаt, christinel l expect you'll have to wоrk doesn't rаiп.
Ь l'm golng to оrdеr а 9rееп tea when we get to the
very hаrd if that's your ambition. l wanted to Ье а doctor
when l WaS уоUпgеr, but l didn't have enough mопеу for
2а Wе'rе 9oin9 to mу parents' house on Monday for my
untversity. l had to wоrk after school. l'm sure you will do dad's biпhday.
well at school lf you study а lot and ask fоr help when you Ь They may 9о for а pizza if they haven't already eaten
need it.' l unch.
3а We're leaving at SiX o'cloсk tomo[row mоrпiп9,
s choose the correct options to complete the sentences, Ь lf you arrive Ьу five o'clock, we might have enough
1 Аmу will mееt / mееr us fоr а picnic after she fiпtshes / time to go out for diппеr.
is gоtпg tо flnlsh work. 4а l expect she'll Ье home Ьу three thirty.

z t it/ miqИt рrоЬаЬlу buy some cheese for

my omelette, Ь Не won't go to work tоmоrrоw because it's а
3 As soon as she и,zll/gег / gets mоrе business, her shop holiday.
wtll Ье / Ье successful. 5а We'll рrоЬаЬlу take the train to the match,
4 |wоп't / чуil/п'r оrdеr а cupcake if l have а blg lunch, Ь Khalid isn't goin9 to study for the ехаm this
5 N/akoto gоtпg to / mоу possibly graduate еаrlу lf his afternoon.
grades are / wtll Ье good enou9h, 6а lima9ine he'll Ье disappointed rf he doesn'twin,

6 When l wоп't osk/ ask mу parents if l сап 9о оп the trip, ь lsha will Ье studying tonight because she has an
|'ll/ |'m also ask if l сап Ьоrrоw some гпопеу, ехаm tоmоrrоw.
7 l'm sure cellna will Ье tаkiпg / Ье [аkеп hеr Ьrоthеr to 7 а Реrhарs we сап talk to оur coach next week,
the Ьаrьесuе because her dad wоп't / isn't Ье able to Ь Ву the end of the Summer, Aure!ia will have played
look after him. football fоr three months.
8 She's will / gоiпg ro study in Colombia пехt уеаr So
that she'll hove sроkеп / sроkеп а !ot of Spanish Ьеfоrе

44 Unit 4
ý Rewrite each sentence to make it positive. ф Пеаd and listen to the questions. Choose the correct

1 Му uncle won't plant mоrе flowers this spring.

options. ЖЖ
1 Will you invite Zhen to your раrtу?
2 N/elanie isn't gоiпg to buy Ьаllоопs for.Josh's birthday а No, l won't possibly invite hеr.
Ь No, l don't think l'll invite her to my рапу.
3 l'm not going to listen to the рrоgrаmmе. Will the hockey рlауеrs Ье wеаriпg their rеd оr white

4 We won't have learnt about Ancient Rome Ьу the end

а They will have wоrп the red ones.
of term.
Ь Тhеу'rе going to wеаr the red ones.
Will i\/rJackson Ье hiring mоrе people to wоrk at the
5 We won't Ье eating diппеr when you arrive
а Yes, he will hiriпg mоrе people.
Ь No, he wоп't.
6 IVly parents won't buy me а new саr after graduation
Will you have listened to the jazz аlЬum before уоur
@ But the words in the correct оrdеr to make sentences а Yes, l'll have listened to it Ьеfоrе mу реrfоrmапсе.
and questions. Ь No, l won't Ье listened to it before my реrfоrmапсе.
when is the violin concert?
1 clap/the/bad, /if /the/play/is/won't/ audience /.
а lt will have Ьееп playing on Sunday,
Ь lt's оп Sunday,
2 Тапzапiа /January / бе / lo / iп / f|yinglthey'll /.
As sооп as you get home, wiII you turn оп the оvеп?
а No рrоЬlеm. l'll turn it on as soon а5 l get home.
3 going / US/ l'm / not/tol next/study/ in /the/
Ь Sure. l turn it оп as soon as l will get home.
уеаr / .

What did you think about the play you saw last night?
а lt's great. You're going to love it!
4 а/ youlforlwhen /уеаrlwill / hаче / hеrе/wоrkеd /?
Ь lt'll Ье great. You won't like it.
Will he have got his drlve/s licence Ьу June?
5 asslgnments / collecting / the / iVls Shultz / Ье / iп /
а Yes, he's planning to get it at the end of Арril.
class / won't /.
Ь Yes, he'll get it last month.

6 рапу / the / Ьу the time / downloaded / the / songs /

she'll / have/we / get / to / . PRONUNCIATION 5епt*псе stresý iгl futurе
сФпtiпцоus зnd filture реrfесt s*ntences

G Matcb the two parts of the sentences. @ Listen to the sentences. Underline at least two words
that are stressed in each sentence. Тhеп practise
1 Аrе you going _ saying the sentences. Жffi
2 _
They'll Ье
3 l expect _ 1 Аппа won't Ье eating seafood.
2 The chef will Ье рrераriпg something special.
4 l'm going [о _ 3 They won't have arrived in Shanghai yet.
5 l think if we all rесусlе mоrе there _ 4 He'll have left Ьу the time you get there.
6 l'm going to stay up late tonight, so l'lI 5 What will you Ье doing tоmоrrоw?
7 When willyou _ 6 She won't have completed hеr wоrk.
а 'll Ье less litter around campus.
Ь have bought the books you need?
с рrоЬаЬlу Ье tired tomorrow.
d seeing the fllm with Dan's cousins.
е to rеаd the book Ьеfоrе you 5ее the film?
f watch that documentary about chefs tonight.
g we'll decorate the classroom fоr our teache/s last day.

Food 45
€* Why l'm а weekday vegetarian
Grаhаm HilI asked himself: 'So why was l stallin9?'
TEDTALKb не answered:
а 'l realized there was по way to change my taste
AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS Ь 'l realized l was опIу given two optlons - give up
meat entirely оr not at all.'
@ tlsten to the TED Talk extracts. Choose the type of
pause the speaker uses in these extracts, ## с 'l realized l never rеаIIу wanted to eat vegetarian
1 So really, апу of these angles should have Ьееп enough Graham Hill asked himselfi'Might there Ье а third
to convince me to 9о vegetarian. adverbioltime phrase /
епd of о sепtепсе / соmmоs не answered:
Оп the weekend, your chorce. а 'Not yet. l'm still thinking about this.
adverbioltime phrase / Ьеtwееп а lопg subject апd verb / Ь '5imple. Just stop eating meat altogether.'
Ьеfоrе ап tmроrtапt phrase с 'AbsoIutely. l stopped eating meat оп weekdays.'
Аftеr aIl, cutting flve days а week is cutting 70 реrсепt 4 Graham Hill asked the audience: 'What's stopping you
of your meat lntake. frоm giving weekday veg а shot?'
соmmаs / before ап imроrtапt phrose / Ьеtwееп о lопg не answered:
subject апd verb а 'lf ечеrуопе did their part, lt wouId make а bi9
4 lVlyfootprint's smаIlеr, I'm lessening pollution, I feel difference.'
better about the animals, l'm even savin9 money. Ь wouldn't have an еfГесt.'
'lf only half of you did this, it
соmmаs / before ап imроrtопt phrose / adverbioltime с 'Half of you should become vеgеtаriап, and the
phrase оthеr half should eat meat.'
5 Afterall, if allof usate half as much meat, itwould
Ье Iike half of us wеrе vegetarians. епd of о sепtепсе /
before ап imроrtапt phrase / соmmаs
@ choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

WATсH 1 Eating too much red meat may Ье а

= to уоur health.
@ WаtсП the TED Talk and choose five reasons Graham с
а damaqe risk conflict
Hill gives for becoming а vegetarian.
2 Mly grandmother ltves in the country and
а Eating too much red meat is unhealthy.
chickens оп hеr fаrm.
Ь tt's easy to Ьесоmе а vegetarian even if you еп_lоу
а grows lifts с ralses

с Raising animals for meat causes епчirопmепtаl 3 Eating а lot оf meat also causes environmentaI
'l00 times the water that с
d Raising cows for beef uses а conflict Ь damage shame
vegetables use. lf you haven't а solution Ьу now,
е Giving up meat is ап easy way to lose а lot of weight.
you пеvеr wiIl.
f The conditions rn factory fаrms аrе cruel.
а соmе up with с caught up with
g Steak doesn't taste а5 good as it used to.
Ь teamed up with
h The emissions caused Ьу meat production аrе higher
love fоr animals was my love
than all transport combined. I\4y

for fried chicken.

@ Watctr the TED Talk again. Read questions апd choose а teamed up with с tn agreement with
the best summaries of Graham Hill's answers. ь in confllct with
1 Graham Hill asked himseif: 'Кпоwiпg what l kпоw, why The amount of greenhouse gas created Ьу meat
amlnotavegetarian?' production is mоrе than for aIl forms of transport
не answered:
а 'l had all the facts, but l stiIl kept eating meat.'
а surrоuпdеd с combined
Ь 'l had по idea how bad meat was.' Ь joined
с 'Л/еаt isn't as bad as people say.'

46 Unit 4
е= Futчrе plans
SPEAKlNG ffi Complete the conversation with the phrases ('|-В)
from Exercise 'l. Тhеп listen and check your answers.
@ Look at the photos and match the two parts of the
sentences. Then listen апd check your answers. Ж#
А Неу, what's gоiпg оп with you this summеr? Аrе you
going to Ье around?
В l'm not sure, actually. (1) trу to
find а job. lt'll Ье а long summer without апу mопеу.

С Yeah, (2) Ье hеrе. Му раrепts

аrе working, so l don't think wе'rе 9oing on holiday оr

А 0h, that's cool. (3) going to the

coast fоr а week оr two, just camping and having а
relaxing time. Аrе you interested iп coming along?

В Нmm, l'm not sure. lп the long tеrm,

(4) study tourism at university,
so l think finding а job would Ье а good idea for me
this summer, to give me some ргасtiсаl ехреriепсе.
(5) have something sorted out
Ьу next month, so if l don't, сап l let you know then?

А Sure. (6) hanging out with you

this summer so let me know whether you сап make it.
How about you, Sandy? Аrе you up for it?

С Yeah, (7) spend some time Ьу

the sea. l love the beach] What аrе you рlаппiпg to do
whlle you're there?
А Well, (8) lеаrпiпg to surl
so l guess l'll spend а lot of time doing that.

С 0h, really? Ме too! We could practise together.

А That sounds awesome. What do you think, Simon, sti1l
сап't tempt you to а couple of weeks оп the beach?

В Well, maybe, But опlу if l can't find а job, otherwise l

сап always come for а day оr two. But do you know
anyone who's looking fоr а ... ?

@ TrrinK about your hopes and goals for the topics below
апd write а list. Make notes and then compare уоur

lu lie
ideas with the model answers. ##
Think about:
1 l'm thinking of ... а Ье famous.
2 l'm interested iп ... Ь becoming vegetarian.
а а school and study с Г,iепds апо relattonships

3 ln the short term, l'm с work оп the farm next ь hobbies and tnterests
hoping to ... month tnstead of going
on holiday. l ехресt l'll go to university . .

d helping people
4 l'm looking forward to ...
е become fагmеr like
а ф Answer the question below. Make notes апd give
5 l'd rеаllу like to ,..
my dad and granddad. reasons for your ideas. Then listen to the model answer
6 l'm aiming to . ,.
f have rеаd several and compare it with your ideas. Ж#
Stefan Shakespeare plays Ьу
What type of job do you imagine yourself doing iп the
7 l think l might ,,. the end of term.
futu rе?
8 l expect l'il .,. g studying theatre at
h vоluпtееr for а charity.

Fооd 47
WRITING & s*gi*i mеd!е upd*t* ф complete the social media update with these words,

# Complete the table with these examples of tips for camping delicious magnrficent meatdishes
writing social media updates. оп the way here рlаппiг9 terrified traditional

We enjoyed а fabulous feast.

South Аfriса is truly amazin9I Left Саре Town
yesterday and drove to our саmр at storms Riчеr, 0h,
Наvlпg а wonderful time. (1) we stopped to see the

lп the next few days, we're hopin9 to do mоrе wildllfe at а national раrk, The elephants were beautiful,
sig htseeing. l mean, rеаllу (2) lSome

lt's amaztng herel people wеrе frightened whеп we suddenly saw а

This morning, l had the best melon l've ever IaSted, liоп ... it was so closelTo Ье honest, was pretty

(з but later l was glad l'd seen it

.ir}, _:_*__,___
, i Example
\i-|:"' ' : The sсепеrу аrоuпd here ts astonishing. Wе'rе stayin9
Leave ot,t the subject iп in comfortable bUt Very basic huts (didn't fancy

: Sentences. (4) !). Last night, we went to а

i Use exclamatioлs.___ j____*___} (5) restaurant fоr dinner. The local

seafood was absolutely incredible, but l didnt try апу of

VoCa Ь L,'lla rV.
the (6) Never expected to find
Useemotionallypowerf;t в с , j 9I",,,,;rl,r{u,:j сrосоdilе, zebra and ostrich оп а dinner menu, but others
: words.
i t** *e;s i*{t *=r!y, _ ___:|
1. *_: *-- iп the group said it was (7)

plans ]:
Fоr the rest оf this week, we'll Ье hiking along the riчеr
, lаlk about tuture : :

and throuqh the forest. Сап't wait to see the waterfall,

_and |'m (8) to do а bungee jump

tomorrow, have пеvеr done опе before! l'll post а photo, О

ffi Complete the tips (1-6) with the reasons for doing
them (a-f). Пеаd the social media update again. choose the seven
ф -,
1 lt's ОК to leave out the subject iп some things that the writer did.
SentenceS .- 1 left rhe sub;eci out of sогге sепtепсеs
2 lt's good to use exclamations _ 2 said how many other people are оп the trip
3 using descrlptive vосаьulаrу is recommended 3 used exclamations
4 EmotionalIy powerful words improve the post _- 4 mentroned the cosi of the trip
5 lt's а good idea to taIk about rесепt events _ 5 included descriptive vocabulary
_ 6 talked about some of the food оп the trip
6 Тrу to mention some future plans and hopes 7 described the weather
а because they give the rеаdеr а very clear sense of how 8 used emotionally powerful words
the writer is feeling.
9 complained about some of the activities
because this gives readers an idea of what they will find
10 talked about rесепt events
iп уоur next update.
11 explained what thеу'rе doing next week
с because they help the rеаdеr to recognize 5Urprising оr
12 mentioned future plans and hopes
unusual events.
d because rеаdеrs аrе interested tп what's happening ф write at least 250 words оп the topic below, lnclude
currently, апу relevant examples from your knowledge or
е because this helps informal posts to sound more ltke а
diаrу entry оr а postcard.
These days, mоrе and mоrе people do not have enough
f because it makes the writing much mоrе tnteresting
mопеу to buy food.
for the rеаdеr.
lVапу supermarkets throw away food items they have
not sold, Governments should fоrсе all supermarkets to
donate food rаthеr thап waste it.
what аrе the advantages апd disadvantages of this?

48 Unit 4
Rечiеw @ Complete the conversations about predictions, plans,
intentionS and arrangements.

Q Matcb the words with а similar meaning. 1А ls Непrу driving to Chicago оп Tuesday?
1 tasty а u псоо ked в Yes, he

2 healthy ь delicious 2А What's wrопg?

в Yоu'rе driving too fastl You're
3 disgusting ( well-balanced
9et а Speeding ticket.
4 raw d terrible зА ls she stopping at the сliпiс сп the way home?
5 junk е un паturа l
в l don't rеmеmьеr if she's

6 processed t un healthy stop at the clinic.

4А Will students register fоr courses опliпе пехt уеаr?
ý Complete the second sentence so that it means the в No, students Ье registering
same as the first. use по mоrе than three words. опliпе next уеаr.
1 l haven't еаtеп processed food for а long time, 5А Daria is eatin9 so much chocolate.

lt's Ьееп а long time в l think she have а stomach

Гооd. ache tonight.
Don't eat so much unhealthy stuff like chocolate and бА What time do you want to leave for the ctnema?
crispsI в well, the film at пiпе o'clock.
So let's leave Ьу half past eight.
Don't eat so much
Fried chicken is popular because of the ease of
ф Rrе the words iп bold correct or incorrect? Correct
cookinq it. those that are incorrect.
Friеd chicken is popular because
to cook.
1 l expect you'll want to take а lot of pictures of the
4 lf you don't boil riсе long enough, it wiIl Ье hard.
2 We don't have time to stop fоr lunch. You're will Ье
Rice will Ье hard if you don't
hungry when we get to the beach.
long enough.
3 We're going into town fоr the match tonight. We
The food at саmр ts too unhealthy to eat.
possibly trу the new Vietnamese restaurant.
The food at camp isn't to eat. 4 А How long аrе you gоiпg to sl|aying iп Nlelbourne?
6 l рrеfеr Ьеlпg а vegetarian to eatin9 meat. в l'll Ье thеrе fоr а week.
|'d rаthеr Ье а vegetarian than а 5 Until l will graduate, l'll live with mу раrепt5.
6 Ву the end of the summer, Веп wi]I have gопе
ý But the words in the correct order to make sentences
camping With hiS frlепds three times,
and questions.
7 l think l won't pass my exam today.
1 аrriче / the food / wi|l / tn time / for us / to eat / ?

2 maklng / the chef / is / week / risotto / next /

3 find out / about / the daily specials / how / the

customers /wi||/?

4 Ье /for / everyone / tomorrow i to i get together /

might / the best time / ,

5 carefully/the ingredients/measure /|/will/very / ,

6 аrе / the inspectors / fоr / gоiпg to / ask / mоrе

iпfоrmаtiоп /.

7 help / tomorrow / my cousin / at their саfё / might /

his parents / .

8 cold / soon / get / going to / tf lwe / the soup / is /

don't eat / ,
#& New ways of working
VOCABU LARY **=*ri*iазg ж*rk ф Matcn the two parts of the 5entences,

1 After he lost his job, _

@ Revision What type of jobs are these? Complete the
2 _
Being а chief executive is well-paid,
3 l love being а writеr _
accountant chief executive flrеfightеr lawyer 4 The пеwsрареr industry is changing _
salesperson shopmanager
5 Acting is competitive because _
paramedic polrce offrcer

6 l am very busy at home,

а but it is also very demanding,
ь because l сап lэe creative.
с he was out of work for six months,
d so l'd рrеfеrа part-time job.
е so mапу people want to do it.

@ Revision Listen and complete _the words for jobs, The f because people оftеп get their news onILne,
first letter is given for you.
@ choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences,
1 п- 1 lfyou don't have many qualifications, your career
2т рrоsресts l роп-timе
work are limited,
зl 2 NЛу job as а doctor is rеwаrdiп9, but it's also
dеmапdiпg /
4 с__ well-paid,
5 а-- 3 Неr job \s creotive / flexible. she can wоrk whatever

6 а-, hours she wants,

4 l've Ьееп tмоrktпg оп l worktng for а пеw desrgn fоr six

@ Revision Which people often work together? Match months.

the jobs, 5 Не has Ьееп iп the film career l tndustry f or очеr

1 doctor а police оfftсеr twenty yearS.

6 Beinq а paramedic is stressful l competltlve,l have to
2 lаwуеr Ь раrаmеdiс
make life-opdeath decisions every day,
3 fireflghter с waiter/waitress
7 She en;oys being а lawyer, but she's lookin9 for something
4 salesperson d mапаgеr more dеmапdiпq / creative,like writlng оr designin9,
5 office wогkеr е nurse
f @ Matcrr the words and phrases with а similar meaning,
6 chef shop mапаgеr
1 stressful а unemployed
2 industry Ь wlth а good salary
3 out of work с business

4 job d work
5 well-paid е responsible fоr

6 iп сhаrgе of f demanding

50 Unit 5
the sentences with ln for or оп,
4 Do you know апуопе who
@ Complete
part-time job? Wе'rе hiring at оUr restaUrant.
'l lwоrk mу parents at their ice-
5 l don't do this job because l

сrеаm shop every summеr.

l do it because l love itl
2 The architect has Ьееп working
6 Why did you уоur job? Was it
а new building in the city сепtrе.
too stressful?
3 l've Ьееп working mv new book
fоr months, but l'm afraid l have write/s block! ф Extension Read the statements. Are the sentences
4 He's Ьееп working the true (Т) оr false (F)? Correct the false statements,
publishing industry for уеаrs. He's а great editor. 1 А rеwаrdiпg job makes you feel like you аrе doing
5 5he doesn't like hеr job as а lаwуеr, but she does rt Something important and useful.
the money. А vacancy is а job that is по lопgеr available for
6 Д/у friend was working ап 5оmеопе to do. _
exciting project when she lost her job, А challenging job is а job that doesn't need much
7 l used to work the office flve еffоrt, _
days а week, but поw l work frоm home оп Tuesdays. 4 lf you resign, you quit your job. _
5 А supervisor is iп charge of other members of
ý But the words in the correct оrdеr to make sentences.
staff. _
1 being / l / of / а / |ike /charge/in/team / large / .
А реrsоп who is rettred is at the beginning of their

2 aul /work/ he/ been / hаs/оflthгее/ months / for /

саrееr. _

А trainee is а реrsоп who is lеаrпiпg to do а job. _

З big /fоrl mе/wоrkiпg / projects /is /oпlstressful/
4 writеr / such / а / islbeing/creative / а / job /
ф Listen and complete the Senten ces. ##
5 with /joblfor/l/looking/career/am/a/prospects/. 1 You Iook fоr а 1оЬ that gives you
а feeling of satisfactron.
6 hopes / wоrk lthe / in / entertatnment / she / lndustry / 2 The referee at а football match
to/. епfоrсе the rules.
3 The dog trаiпеr stop the dog
аrеп't / jobs, / so / mапу / competitive / чеrу / il's l frоm biting people
there / .

4 Police drive faster than the

speed limit when they

@ Extension Complete the sentences with the correct 5l understand how some people
form of find, пееd or quit, work such long hours.

1 l have to а job soon - l rеаllу бНе appIy for the job. His father

need the mопеу. owns the соmрапу.

2 She finally herjob as а doctor

after seven уеаrs.
3 N/у friепd herjob as а

salesperson Ьу looking at the shop's webstte.

Wоrk 51
@ tisten to the speaker. Are the sentences true (Т) or 4 What does Millan always try to do fоr his audience?
false(F)? Ж# а teach а lesson
Ь answer questions
с fix their problems
5 How does Millan chanqe dogs' behaviour?
а Не teaches their owners to punish them mоrе.
Ь Не rewards the owners when they succeed.
с Не teaches them new responses to Situations.
6 How would you describe N/illan's traintng method?
а patience and punishment
Ь repetition and rewards
с rewards and patience
7 What is another word fоr reward lhalthe speaker uses?
а а Sweet
Ь а cookie
с а treat

@ Listen and choose the correct options. ЖЖ

1 what iwo animals are mentioned as 'service animals'?
а dogs and sheep
Ь elephants and dogs
с monkeys and dogs
2 what do service animals do?
а control otherfarm animals
1 Cesar NЛiIIап is а dog trainer. Ь assist blind and deaf people
2 Мlllап couldn't tell Kisses and Kitten араrt. с provide trапsроrtаtiоп

3 The dog was the соlоur of candyfloss 3 What was Gavin the doq's previous job?

4 The name of Milian's TV show isTheWhisperer. а worktng for the mlIitary

Ь working fоr the police
5 A'whispere/ can talk to animals. с controlIing оthеr animals
6 IVliIIan tries to fix behavioural challenges 4 What was Gavin's biggest рrоЬlеm?
7 I\4illan thinks dogs often behave badly, а Не was afraid оf оthеr dogs.
8 Мillап trаiпs both the dog and the оwпеr. Ь Не was а workaholic.
Ж# с Не needed а new job.
ф Listen and choose the correct options.
5 What did i\4illan do for Gavin?
1 What breed is the pink dog? а Не taught him to Ье calm and rеlах.
а Kisses Ь Не gave him а пеw purpose iп life.
Ь lt4altese с Не helped him to start а new family.
с l\4illan
6 What was Gavin's first new job?
2 Was Kisses'problem very unusual? а protectlng а mother dog апd her puppies
а Yes, it was а first for Millan. Ь adopting а new human family
Ь No, not fоr young, female dogs. с Iеаrпiпg not to fеаr Ioud sounds
с No, it hаррепs With aIl dogS.
7 What is the joke in the last part?
3 What word does the speaker use to mеап а lеаrпt а а dog chewing on shoes апd couches
roc плпсl)Lо)i
Ь а doq taking а humап for а walk
а а routine с а dog chasing а FrisЬее оr ball
Ь а pattern
с а habit

52 Unit 5
GRAMMAR YеrЬ patt*rns: ч*rЬ + -f*E *r 4 They'd like (spend) mоrе time

infinitiv* with f* outdoors, but they can't.

5 People who wоrk outside оftеп dislike
@ Complete the table with these Sentences. (work) in the winter.
He's the kind of реrsоп who doesn't like disappointing 6 Some ofthem hope (find)office
people. jobs so they сап Ье mо rе соmfоrtаьlе.
l think the оwпеr is planning to hire mоrе people. 7 But then they realize th at they would miss
|'ve promised to talk to the bank about а business lоап. (Ье) iп the fresh аir.
RеmеmЬеr to check your spelling before you submit the
application form.
ф Complete the sentences with the correct form of these
She'll go оп searching for а job until she finds something.
We agreed to continue the discussion tоmоrrоw, Ье give miss solve talk tell wоrk

We only hirе people who don't mind accepting

Would you mind me directions
to City Hal!?
Why don't you try looking оп the соmрапу website?
l can't afford another day of
Verb + -ing l lnfinitiu" with fo work.
3 We all pretended really busy
when the boss walked in.
Please stop mе how to do my
5 How did you end up here?
6 Thankfully, we managed the

@ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
7 Do you епjоу to new people?
1 l'm planning lооkiпg / to lookfor а part-time job when
l сап flnally drive. ф ГlпО and соrrесt the eight mistakes.
2 l'd consider to work / wоrkiпg at а shopping сепtrе. 1 Оur hard-working and creative employees have lеаrпt
3 l've spent hours rо opply / аррlуiпg for jobs onltne and producing smartphone apps mоrе efГiciently.
аskiпg / to ask mу friends if they know of any. 2 Neither of my parents likes to working long hours.
4 l haven't managed to get / gettinq any interviews so far. 3 l don't want Ье iп charge оf people who don't do their
5 l hope fiпdiпg / tоfiпd а job sometime soon because jobs well.
l rеаllу need the money. 4 Most university graduates expect finding well-paid
6 iVyfriends invited metotravel/travelling across Spain
with them and l want gоiпg / to go. 5 lagreed attending the training course because we
7 We want flying / tо flу lo Ваrсеlопа and visit some Wani the company rеmаiп cOmpetitive,
friends thеrе. 6 Have you considered to research jobs iп the tech
8 l'll keep lооИпg / to lookfor а job until l find опе that
l rеаllу like, 7 Customers often go оп to complaining even when
you've told them there's nothing you can do.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs iп brackets.

1 Office workers often have to get used to

(spend) all day in front of their
2 But mапу of them don't mind
(sit) at their desks, (send)emails
and (talk) оп the рhопе.

5оmе people еvеп manage (go)

outside during their Iunch break.

Work 53
## Ап чпusчаljоЬ
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG 1ffeys *f s*eE;:g 5 Why is it helpful to Ье flexible in order to wоrk as а
wlld life conservation scientist?
ф Choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences. а Wl dlife conservation scienttsts aren't vеrу well-paid,
1 l hadn't seen lavier fоr years - l hardly rесоgпizеd / Ь Wildlife conservation sctentists must sleep outside.
ideпtified him.
с А wildlife сопsеrчаtiоп scientist must lеаrп to use
sophisticated technology.
2 0чеr а two month period, rеsеаrсhеrs observed /
spotted schoolchildren iп three different countries.
d А wildlife conservation scientlst mu5t Ье happy to
work both iп ап office and outdoors,
3 l didn't have time to read the rероrt iп detail- l only
qlапсеd / caught alil,
4 Has the driчеr of the vehicle Ьееп лоriсеd / identified
ф Пеаd the statements. Are the sentences truе (Т), false
(F) оr is the information not given (NG)?
5 Ann's leaving wоrk еаrlу - ljust observed l spotted hеr 1 Krithi Каrапth spotted hеr first lеораrd when she was
getting into hеr саr. only а уеа'. old, _
6 We sudden|y noticed / recognized that the dооr had 2 People and wi]dlife аrе in conflict in ]ndia because
Ьееп left open. space fоr both is shrinking, _
3 Roughly 65% of households surveyed Ьу Krithi Karanth
iost valuable animals as а resu]t of conf icts with
wildlife. _
ф Пеаd the text and choose the соrrесt option to answer 4 The lndian gочеrпmепt ls looking fоr ways to move
the questions,
elephants that аrе involved iп conflicts with vlllagers.
1 How did krithi karanth first become interested in
wild life сопsеrчаtiоп?
5 Elephants in lndia do mоrе damage than fеrаl
а She saw а leopard in the wild when she was three
years old.
pigs. _
Ь Неr father started taking hеr to wоrk with him when
6 А wlldlife conservation scientist must know how to use

she was vеrу уоuп9. technology апd how to survive in the field _
с She grеw up on the lndian subcontinent.
d She went оп ап expedition to track tigers.
ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Ассоrdiпg to раrа9rарh 2, why are conflicts between 1 Krith] Karanth first а lеораrd iп
people and wildlife in lndia inevitable? the wild at the age of two,
а l\luch of the wildlife iп lпdiа lives iп protected а held с observed
national parks. Ь rescued d photographed
ь conservation wоrkеrs and ocal communities 2 Кгithi and other researchers аrе
disagree aboUt preserving wildlife.
fоr ways to help humans and animals avoid conflict
с People and wildlife must share limited space аlопg
park borders апd edges.
а listening looking
Ь noticing d recognizing
d Wildlife conservation efforts аrе directed mostiy
tоwаrо Tigers and elephalts. 3 Researchers tо identify

Ассоrdiпg to раrаgrарh З, approximately how mапу households that had suffered losses as а result of
of the households surveyed Ьу Кrithi Karanth wеrе conflicts with wild life.
affected Ьу conflicts with wild animals? а were allowed с wеrе able
а about В0% ь didn't need d don't have
ь all of them 4 The Wild Seve рrоjесt teaches people
с 2,000 situations iп which villaqers and
d 15а/а
wildlife come ]nto conflict,
How does the Wlld Seve project help villagers affected
а to compensate с to encoUra9e
Ьу confiicts with wild animals?
Ь to rероrt d to call
а They leave а voice message with details about the
incident. 5 Krithi's daughter hеr first

Ь They teach local people to use mobile phones to eopard iп the wild at the age of fоur
rероrt conflicts with wildlife. а Spotted с caught
с They compensate lndian citizens fоr losses caused ь descrlbed d helped
Ьу protected wildlife.
d They help the lndian qovernment track animals,

54 Unit 5
А wild job
ж# Неr father, опе of India's most Trell, meýsage vrith details about the incident. Field
known conservationists and týеr ехреrБ, staff frоm wild seve then visit the site, vieur and
Scarled taking hеr into the juпglе With him document the damage, file а claim on Ьеhаlf of
when she,was iust а уеаI o1d. She Spotted hеr the fаrmеr and track the claim until the Ёаrmеr is
first leopard in the larild at the age of мо. Ву cornpensated*.
the time she чras eight, she was going along on 5 А wildtife conservation scientist must Ье
expeditions to track tigers. Today, conservation flexible enough to Taork 1опg hours }эoth iп
scientist Krithi Karanth wоrks to heip sоmе the field and in а lab оr office, Не оr she nrust
of the world's most familiar species, including Ье соmfоrtаЬlе Trith sophisticated technology
tigefs and Asian elephants, to coexist* vrit}r the and with sleeping in а tent оf оп the ground.
approximately опе billion people who liye on It's not ап extfemely welt,paid job and it's veTy
:1re Indian subcorrtinent. demanding, but it can Ье а deeply satisfying
Much of India's wildlife lives in protected саfееf for someone vrhо loves wildlifu and
national parks. Because humans and w,ildlife the outdoors. Krithi is passing her passion for
muýt shafe space along park edges and wildlifu on to her оwп child чrhо glimpsed*
Ьоrdеrs. conflicts are inevitable*, As Krithi says, hеr first leopard at the age of four. 'ýИе were
'Spaces for qrildlife аrе shrinking, arrd thеrеfоrе vrith mу parents, and all three generationý of uý
sat in absolute silence, taking in the molnentl
уоu are putting реорlе in closer contact
lm,atching this amazing leopard. There ате not
чrith Trildiife.' Krithi, а I'{ational Geographic
Ехрlоrец is looking fоr ways to address confiicts enough,words to descTibe that mеmоry,'
beмeen wildlifu сопsеrуаtiоп еffоrts aad local
comnrunities that аrе affected Ьу vrild animals,
particularly tigers and elephants.

As раrt of that effort, KIithi and other

researchers initially surrreyed леатlу 2,000
households.nzlthin 10 kilometres of а nature
fesetve, They found that roughly 65О/о of those
households had suffered сrор losses due to
feral* pigs апd elephants, while anothef 15%
iost livestocku to tigers, leopards, foxes and
wild dogs. Krithi also found cases of human
injury or death caused lэу the animals the
reselves аrе meant to protect.
While the Indian go\lеfnment compenýates*
Indian citizens for losses caused Ьу protected
Trildlife, the рrосеss сап Ье complicated fоr
farmers and compensation is sometimes not
enough. As а result, according to опе of Krithi's
colleagues, 'the 1ечеl of distrust Ьеtqrееп
сопsеrчаtiоп officcrs and local villageTs is
extremely high.'\rild Seve, an action-baýed
rеsеаrсh ргоjесt vghich Kriйi helped сrеаtе, is
hoping to hеlр, The ýИild ýeve project leaches
farmers апd 1оса1 реорlе to uýe mobile-phone
technology to fepofi and hopefuliy resolve
cont]icts чrith qrildlife. After а чrildlife епсоuпtец
vi}lagers are encou{aged to call а tol1,free phone
пumЬеr and are prompted to 1еаче а voice

coexist to liue ЮgеtЪеr compeflýate ta giae 1папеу iп rеturпJоr sоmеtЬiпg

inevitable suуе to happeп Evestock,fartп aпimals sцсh as cows aпdpigs
€er*| clescribiпg аfаrm апimаl or pet tbat has becalпe tuiИ glimpce tr; see sotпethiпgfor а uеrу sbort time

Work 55
ý€ Job evoIution
GRAMMAR Рrе**пt апd разt m*dаlv*rЬs * оо these sentences refer to permission (Р), по ability/
possibility (NAiP) or deduction/speculation (D/S)?
@ tisten and complete the sentences. Ж#€ _
1 Аrе you allowed to drive уоur раrепts'саr?
1 I\4y parents аrе working, so l
2 l couldn't send the email before l left - there wasn't
diппеr fоr my little brother. enough time. _
2 They their friends while thеу'rе
She really Irkes scrence. She may decide to study
having breakfast biology at university.
3 0ur team really this game
5оrrу, but l wasn't able to talk to John because he was
4 They three mоrе points to win.
in а meettng. _
5 We Julia to соmе to the сопсеrt
The trаiп leaves at six o'clock. We might Want to eat
With Us. drnner at five thiпу.
the dog fоr а walk Ьеfоrе They аrеп't able to deal with this today. lt'll have to
l qo out.
wait unTiltomorrow.
7 You hеr some flowers when
7 They must have won the contract - they look so
yoU ViSlt. happy! _
ф Complete the table with these sentences. 8 You сап come with us if you drive. _
9 You can't play loud music iп the staff rооm. _
Сап you send ап application after the closing date?
Do you think she'll Ье able to help with the project? ф But the words in the correct order to make pieces of
l could рау for lunch if you like. advice.

l think you ought to ask him for help with уоur CV. 1 read /should / before/the/you / lesson /class/.
Rоп couldn't take а day off because he didn't have
enough holiday. 2 аrеп't / you /eat / in / aIlowed / to / class / .

She isn't allowed to use the phone at work.

should l ask hеr for ап inierview? 3 theteacher / you / class /talk/ in /asks/when /
Yоu mustn't eat lunch at уоur desk.
You should соmе to the office рапу.
4 understand /ask l уоч l need to / don't/the teacher/
ability or i

fоrl help / if / youl something /.
5 may/classmates / to l yoolwith /your/study/want/.

6 iп / miss / tеrm /you / can't / Iessons / mоrе l thап /


7 you / ln /chat/with ifriendslmustn't/class/your / .

8 three/books /you/ can/take /each/ frоm/thе


56 Unit 5
Rewrite the sentences in the present tense. @ choose the correct option to complete the sentences,
1 we weren't allowed to talk in class unless the tеасhеr 1 Do you think l ought to catch / catch an еаrliеr train?
asked us to. 2 Сап we to take l takelhe test оп Monday?

L4!e сr*п'r *i!*wеd t* T*lk iг: cl*ss u*lеss tlэе 3 Аrе advanced students allowed to skip lsklp а class?
4 You mUSt definite|y ta hапd iп / hапd iп уоur pro;'ects
tg*сh*r *sks us ia.
Ьу Tuesday.
2 We couldn't miss mоrе than three lessons during the
5 Our team might to wiп / йп the champlonship.
6 you should to Яudy / study ata school iп Mexico and
learn Spanish.
Those flowers don't look good, Do you think we should
3 Не didn't have to tell his teacher tf he wasn't golng to to throw / thrоиr them out?
Ье iп cIass. l asked Каri, but she wasn't able rо help l help,

@ Match the two parts of the conversations.

4 They could talk to their friends after the lesson. 1 |'m hungry. _
2 Сап you come wtth us to the festival tomorrow? _
3 Does Rоrу know about the party? _
5 l needed to Ьоrrоw the саr to driче to wоrk. 4 ls Yеп doing welI at school? _
5 l пееd to lose а bit of weight. _

6 Do you think l should apologize to mу sister? _

6 Tomas had to flnish the rероrt before 5pm.
7 What аrе you doing tоmоrrоw? _
8 0oh, that saIad looks delicious. _
а |'m поt sure. We mау go to the festival at the раrk.
7 l couldn't go to Nairobiwith Jemma.
ь No, and you mustn't tell him - it's а surprise!
с No, l can't. l have to wоrk.
d Yes, brilliantly - she must Ье studyin9 а lot.
8 She had to wоrk, so she wasn't able to go to the е Yes. You ought to call her right away.
museum with us. f You сап't eat it now - it's fоr the party.
you should eat less chocolate then.
h You should try this melon - it's really fresh!

@ complete the sentences with these modal verbs. Read

the hints in brackets.

сап isn't allowed to might mU5tn't

need to ought to shouldn't

1We сlеап оur apartment betore

the party. (obl igation)
2 You bother watching that show -
it was rеаIlу Ьоrlпg. (advlce)

3 She completed the training, so now she

USe the пеw equipment.
4 lf Raul has enough holiday, he
Ье able to travel to Sri Lanka next уеаr. (speculation)
5 Не hasn't passed his driving test so he
drive оп the motorway.
You hear Sam play the drums -
he's rеаIIу good! (advice)
We forget our tickets when we
leave fоr the аirроrt. (prohibition)

Work 57

1 ý* Why the best hire might not have


:; the perfect rёsчmё


TEDTALKS How did the реrsоп she hired, who'd attended ап elite
university, feei when he was asked to do manual labour?
а Не thought it was а good learnin9 opportunity.
Ь Не wanted to lеаrп more about the operation.
AUTH ENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS с Не felt he was too intelligent fоr it.

ф Listen to the TED Talk extracts. Choose the type of 5 Why does she urge the audience to interview the Sсrарреr?

contrast the speaker uses in these extracts. ## а she was one herself and оvеrсаmе obstacles.
Ь She finds their siories interesting.
1 We call А'the Silver Sрооп', the one who clearly had
с She wants to give them а chance iп life.
advantages and was destined fоr success. And we
call B'the Sсrарреr', the опе who had to fight against
6 What did Hartley say that successful business people
had in соmmоп?
tremendous odds to get to the same point.
а Мапу of them went to elite business schools.
сопtrаstiпg words / repeating structures
Ь iViany of them had еаrlу hardships in life,
2 А series of odd jobs mау indicate inconsistency, lack of
с Some of them wеrе adopted.
focus, unpredictability. 0r, it mау signal а committed
7 According to Hartley, what type of rёsumё did Steve
struggle a9ainst obstacles.
Jobs have?
rереаtiпg structures / rерlосiпg with opposites
а а rёsumё that most peopie wlsh they had
3 Getting into and graduating from ап elite universlty
Ь the rёsumё of the Silver Spoon
take а lot оf hаrd work and sacrifice, But if уоur whole
с the patchwork quiIt rёsumё of а Sсrарреr
life has Ьееп engineered toward success, how will you
handle the tough iimes? @ Watch Part З of the TED Talk, Match the
сопtrоstiпg words / rерlосiпg with opposites entrepreneurial traits with the consequences.
4 0пе реrsоп l hired felt that because he attended an
1 dyslexia _
elite university, there wеrе сеrtаiп assignments that
wеrе beneath him, like tеmроrаrilу doing manual
2 believing that you have сопtrоl очеr yourself _
labour to better understand ап ореrаtiоп. Eventually, 3 а sense of humour _
he quit. But, on the flip side, what happens when 4 good relationships_
уоur whole life is destined for faiIure and you actually а Ьесоmiпg а better lrstener and lеаrпiпg to рау greater
succeed? сопtrаstiпg words / rереоtiпg Structures attention to detail
5 They don't think they are who they аrе in spite of Ь getting you through tough times and changing уоur
adversity, they know they аrе who they аrе because of perspective
adverstty. сапtrаstiпg words / repeating structures с having people mentor and епсоurаgе you helps you
оvеrсоmе adversity
d печеr giving up because challenges give you а sense of
WATсH pUrpose
ф WаtсП Part 2 of the TED Talk and choose the correct
answer to the questions.
1 What does Regina Haкley do when а rёsumб reads'like @ Complete the sentences with these words.
а patchwork quilt'?
а piece of cake a5Slgnment count оп
а She stops and considers the person.
term tough tUrп out
Ь She throws it away,
с She thinks about hеr own life story.
1 Job interviews аrе fоr me.
Напlеу feeIs that а Sсrарреr deserves ап interview
l never know what to say.
а he/she mау Ье unpredictable. 2 Неr first WaS to Write а rерогt

Ь heishe may have struggled against obstacies. 3 Did your presentation well?
с he/she may have а lack оf focus, 4 lf you need help with that project, you can
Напlеу believes that graduating frоm an elite universtty mе. l'm hеrе fоr you.
а does not guarantee you сап handle tough times. 5 The staff invented the 'bulldog'
Ь means that уоur life is епgiпееrеd towards success. for their boss. Не wasn't а пiсе реrsоп
( means that you аrе destined for failure. 6 Fоr some people, getting а;оЬ is
They just have good interview skills.

58 Unit 5
5€ Going for the job
l ОК, so, that all sounds very good. And what аrе уоur
main strengths?
ý Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences т Well, (6) with people; l used to
and questions. Тhеп listen and check your answers. Ье а watter working at а busy restaurant iп the tourist
жж рап of town. And my English is quite good,
1 was/l'dlcreative person / l / а / saylquite/. l Yes, your English is чеrу good!

т And, as l menttoned, l lеаrп пеw things quickly апd l'm

2 wоrk/ l'm /to / lопg / willing / hours/. quite well organized.

And what about negatives? What do you need to

3 people / lo / аtl quite / talking / good / l'm / .

Well, l know l can sometimes Ье а perfectionist, like

4 restaurant / |'ve / of /experience / lоъ / had /
when l was designing the school magazine, l spent too
long оп the design work, so (7)
5 English / working / l'm / mу / оп / ,

my time management skills,

l So, do you have апу questions you'd like to ask?

6 wanted / always / work / outdoors / to / l'vе / .

т Еrr, l do have а couple. (8)

7 think/job / mе / l/this/ new/would /skills/ give/ а suit to the office ечеrу day.
Generally, yes, we expect еvеrуопе to Ье smartly
8 what / job / the / iпчоlче / does / ? d ressed.

Т Right. Апd just опе other thing, (9)

9 would /1usl/haveto /l /was lif /wear /wondering / take work home if we want to get ahead wlth
l/аuпifоrm/. Something?
l No, that's against соmрапу policy. Соmрапу
10 to /we/wear/allowed /jewellery / are / ? information needs to stay iп the оfГiсе and all уоur
work should Ье completed within working hours.

ý Complete the interview with phrases and questions

ý Prepare уочr оwп interview questions and answers for
frоm Exercise 'l. Then listen and check уочr answers. а job that you would like to get. Then соmраrе уоur
жж ideas with the model interview above.
lnterviewer Hi, Tomas. Thank you very much fоr
coming in. * МаКе notes оп уочr answers to the questions below.
Remember to use the useful language. Тhеп listen to
Tomas lt's good to meet you,
the model апswеr and compare уоur ideas. ЖЖ
I What attracted you to work for Market Fiпапсе? . Why are you lеаrпiпg English?
Т Well, (1) wоrk in а financral . Do you thiпk it will Ье useful for your future саrееr?
соmрапу and l've been very interested in the
соmрапу fоr а lопg time * it has ап excellent
reputation. PRONUNCIATION q#ite
l Grеаt. And why do you think уоu'rе right fоr this job?
Remember that qulre сап mеап foirly оr very.
т well, l like to think l'm not afraid to work hard, and this Stress the wоrd quite when you want to mеап very.
is ап епtrу-lечеl posiiion, so (2)_-
the opportunity to understand а lot of new things and ffi Listen to the sentences and decide whether quiteis
(3) learning new skills stressed (S) or not stressed (NS). Then practise saying
l Now, as l'm sure уоu'rе аwаrе, the job is quite
the sentences. ffi#
demanding. 1_ з_ 5_ 7
т Yes, (4) enthUSiaStic ре15оп 4_ 6 8
and able to deal wlth difficult situations and пеw
chal lenges.

I l see.

т And (5) work long hours when

песеssаrу to get the work done.

Work 59
WRlTlNG А f*rгrзаl i*tl*r *f *ppiic*ti*a: l wouid Ье free to begin after
25th June and am available until mid-September. l do
@ Пеаd the sentences from а fоrmаl letter of application
hope that you will consider me fоr the job.
and choose the correct functions.
(9) l look fоrwаrd to hearlng from
l агп Writing to apply for the job of part-time asststant you Soon.
at the vеtеriпаrу clinic.
(10) YoUrS faithfU]ly
а glving the rеаsоп for wanting the job
Richard Campo
Ь clearly Statin9 the rеаsоп for writing
с 9iving details of геlеvапt ехреriепсе ф Пеаd the letter again. Are the statements true (Т) or
Last summеr, l vo]unteered at the local апimаl shelter. faIse (t)?
а giving details of rеlечапt experience
1 Richard knows the ре15оп he is writing to.
Ь providing school qualifications
2 Не saw thejob advertised оп the Squash Juice Ваr
с providing iпfоrmаtiоп оп availability
l аm а responsible person, absolutely dedicated to the
website. _
саrе of animals. 3 R cha,d dоеsг't have ary exper'ence as а waiLer.

а asking for information about the;ob 4 Не mentions relevant points about his personality.
Ь giving iпfоrmаtiоп on education
с describing relevant реrsопаl quaJities 5 0пе of his qualities is teamwork. _
l would value this ехреriепсе as l рlап to study 6 Не includes а question about the salary. _
Veteri паrу Medici ne at university,
7 Не ls not available to begin work until mid-l\lay
а giving iпfоrmаtiоп about avallabillty
Ь describing fоrmаl qualifications
8 Не ends the letter аррrорriаtеlу.

с giving the rеаsоп fоr wanting the job ф Underline six mistakes iп this fоrmаl letter of
5 ] ]ook fоrwаrd to hеаriпq from you sооп. application. How would уоu correct them?
а descr bing past ехреriепсе
1 1 Lindsay Street
Ь asking politely fоr а rер у
с givlng the rеаsоп fоr writing Edin bu rg h

Ен2з бвD
@ ИЬеl the parts of the formal letter of app|ication.
June 20] В

asking about thejob fоrmаlgrееtiпg Hi I\4r Yoon

fullpostaladdress informatton about avallabiIlty |'m wrlting to apply fоr the-1ob of part,time assistant at
реrsопаJ quallties ро ite ending the vеtеriпаrу clinic, which lsaw advertised online.
rеаsоп for writing rеlеvапt ехреriепсе
i have some rеlеvапt ехреriепсе, Last summer,
requesting а rерlу today's date

volunteered at the local animal shelter where l Learnt а lot

(1) В]В Doris Avenue about mana9ing animals.
Apartment 12 lt's obvious that l am the perfect candidate fоr this job.
2059 Nопh Sydney
Aiso, l wou]d say that l was quite а responsible ре15оп,
(2) 4th JUne, 20-1В
dedicated to the саrе of animals.
(3) Dear Sir оr Madam
l finish school iп June and will Ье frее until September.
(4) l am wгiting to apply fоr
Drop me а line with some more details about the job.
the rоlе of waiter at Squash luice Ваr, which l saw
Tha n ks,
advertised оп your website. l feel l would Ье а vеrу
Agustina Garcia
qood candidate fоr thls job,
(5) while l do not have direct * Гоllоw the inStructionS.
ехреriепсе of working at а juice Ьаr, l was а waiter for . This is part of а letter you receive frоm а Polish friend
two months ]ast summer at The Вау Leaf in town.
|'ve;ust spotted а cool summer job. lt's in London,
(6) l would say l was а briqht based at Heathrow Аirроrt. l'm excited because
ре15оп who enjoys working iп а team. lп addition, l
l rеаllу want to work iп the tourism industryl The
have rесеivеd very positive feedback frоm my fоrmеr job involves meeting and greetinq ра5sеп9еrs,
mапаgеr and customers at The Вау Leaf. checking their documents, that kind of thing, Do
(7l l was.lust wondering if l would you think l should write а letter of application?
have to wоrk every weekend orJUSL Sогг,е weekends?
Now, write а letter giving your friend advice about
what to include iп their letter of application.
Write уоur letter iп about ]00 wогds,

60 Unit 5
Review @ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 You сап me anything. l won't Ье

@ МаtсП the opposites.
1 tеmроrаrу а rеlахiпg а ask
2 рап-timе Ь employed Ь to ask

3 out оf wоrk с low-paid с asking

d d had asked
4 demandrng реrmапепt
5 well-paid е easy 2 Scienti5t5 tell us а lot about

6 сhаllепglпg f fuIl-time clrmate change.

а ought
@ Llsten to the sentences and choose the most ь isn't able to
appropriate adjective. Жffi с сап

1 dеmапdiпq / competitive / flexible

d should to
2 creative / campetitive / well-paid 3 You might that new exhibition
3 creative / flexible / stressful at the ап gallery.
4 creotive / stressful / campetitive а like
5 well-paid / реrmапепt / creative Ь to like
6 flexible / stressful / well-paid с iiking
d had liked
ý Complete the sentences with the correct form of these
4 Natalie соmе on holiday with us
last уеаr,
count 9lve help lock qUlt take work а mау
Ь couldn't
1 Му cousin doesn't regret hеr job с wasn't able
at the newspaper. lt was far too stressful. d didn't need

2 ltold them that l'd miss wiih 5 You study in lndia - would Ье

such lovely people. Ье such an interesting experience

3 If you forget уоur time sheet to а аrе able

acСounts, then you won't get paid. Ь might to

4 Do you rеmеmЬеr the frопt с ought

d should
door when you left last night?
5 I\4y boss asked someone else
6 You ought at least two new
that difficu lt customer.
а lеаrп
6 Did Juan decide thejob at the
Ь to lеаrп
саfё or is he wo rking somewhere eIse? с lеаrпiпg
7 We didn't finish all the stock last d have lеаrпt
night, so we'll have to do it tonight. l ask you about yourjob,

ГiпО and correct the mistakes iп the words in bold.

а should to
@ ь Ве able to
Two are correct.
с Ought
1 You can't to forget taking your medicine Ьеfоrе you d Can
go to bed.
lcouldn't for the job
2 She shouId try studying with friends.
а аррlу
3 Не might to remember calling Тоm if he wrttes
Ь to apply
himself а note.
с applying
They go mustn't оп taking pictures once the play
d applied
Sta rts.
When l was younger, l wasn't allowed stop to have
piano lessons.
She might regret skipping breakfast.

Work 61
*& Amazing bodies
VOCABULARY Ti:* h*r*** ***у * Match the parts of the body with the descriptions.

1 hеаrt а supports the body

ф Revision unscramble the letters to make words
2 skeleton Ь moves blood around the body
about the body.
3 bIood vessel с carries b]ood to different parts
1 wbeol
4 Ьrаiп ofthe body
2 rathot 5 skin protects the body from the
3 eenk
6 lungs environment
4 sone allow аir into and out of the
5 flrne9 body
6 tosachm f сопtrоls the body
7 tsceh
8 hdna ф Unscramble the letters to make words about the
digestive system.
put the parts of the body iп order from the
ф Revision 1 fdoo
highest in the body (1) to the lowest (7).

2 еЬсtаrаi
chest foot head knee песk shoulder stomach
3 ntierntsu
4 basorb
5 gdisitnoe
6 gutone
4 ф complete the sentences with the correct form of the
5 words from Exercise 5.

6 1 NUtrients аrе into the blood ano

7 са rr red around the body
2 The is covered iп thousands of
ff Revision complete the words about health. The first
taste buds,
letter is given for уоu.
is the process of changing food
1 Fее!iпg i]l because of the way а boat is moving.
into nutrients for оur bodies
fоr епеrgу and tc
The body uses
2 А cold is ап ,"xample of this, which сап't Ье cured with
rераir ceIls.
medicine, v
some foods have а lot mоrе
3 lt's important for уоur health that this isn't too high оr
than others.
too low. t__* _ _
6 your stomach is full of
4 lf you faliand hurt а Ьопе, it might Ье ...
аrе healthy апd some аrе not
5 А feeling that you have lп а part of your body when
you аrе i]l or hurt. р ,- _-- ----

6 А person who comes to а dосtоr fоr help.


62 Unit 6
You're feeling ill because of probiems iп уоur S Llsten to the voicemail and choose the correct options,
(1) Yоu'rе eating too mапу
processed things. lt's imроrtапt to eat а variety 1 Why did Dr Jacobs leave Kevin а message?
оf (2) thаt аrе full of а Не wants kevin to take some tests.
(3) , Yоur organs and ь Не has the resu ts of kevin's tests.
(4) need these to stay heaJthy с Не wants kevin to call fоr his test results,

You should also eat mоrе yoghurt to get plenty of good

d The results of the tests wеrеп't сIеаr,

(5) into уоur stomach, When you

2 Dr Jacobs said that Kevin has а

do this, уоur (6) will improve and
а lэасkьопе
you'll fееl much betteг, too.
Ь breathing
с lэопе
@ Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
d Ьасtеriа]
1 Еvеrуопе has red and white blood cel/s / vessels in their
How does the doctor describe the рrоЬlеm?
а sогпе пееd to wоrrу
2 The lungs help bring охуgеп l пutriепts into the body.
Ь pretty bad news
3 The tongue is important fоr а реrsоп's sense of tauch /
с nothing serious
d causing other рrоЬlеms
4 Bables' bones don't beot / break quite as easi у as
what does the doctor want kevin to do7
ad Ll lts'.
а go to his рhаrmасу as 5ооп as possibJe
5 Тhеrе аге оvеr 200 bones in а human skeleton /
ь drink wate[ when he's tn the sun
digestive system.
6 liluscles / Ce!ls are tissues in the body that help you
с саl] поwtо make an appointment
d stop taking the tablets when he feels better
What does the doctor want Kevin to follow very
7 lf you find it difficullto digestion l breathe, you should
see а doctor immediately.
careful у?
а any other рrоЬlеms he has
ý Extension Аrе these things internal (inside the body) Ь the prescription instructions
or external (outside)? Complete the table. с when his next appointment is
d whatthe паmе of the tablets is
еуеЬrоw fingerna il intestines liver riьs
When does the doctor want Kevin to make а follow-up
skin spi пе vei п wrist
а when the prescription is finished
lnternal External Ь if he starts fееliпg Ьеttег
с if he doesn't take а L his tablets
d if he's stilJ feelinq unwell

ý Extension Choose the word that is not related to

each ofthe five senses.
1 taste tопguе l flavour / чеtп
2 iouch tепdоп l sktn l пеrчеs
3 smell поsе / ribs l food
4 hearing eor l blood / sound
5 sight bacteio / eyes / Ьrаiп

Superhuman 63
which statement truе?
Listen and choose the соrrесt option to answer the
questions. {Ё# а Не never needs heIp.
Ь Не sometlmes needs help.
1 How do you think James felt when the little girl stared?
с Не doesn't like help.
а Не was upset.
What does James think is very important?
Ь Не didn't like the;oke she told,
а to Ье helpful
с Не wasn't wоrriеd. He's used to it.
Ь to Ье adaptable
2 What other way of saying 'to Joke' does ,James use?
с to Ье acceptable
а to kid around
ь to clown around
5 What is hard fоr James to deal with?
а teachers who don't know him
с to fool аrоuпd
Ь getting to know people
3 What is чеrу important to James?
с people who judge him
а eating your vegetables
Ь having а sense of humour
6 What is James' message for all of us?
а ехрlз11 yourself
с going to the beach
Ь accept yourself
4 Why does James make jokes about himself?
с aorTire уоursеlг
а because he accepts who he is
Ь because laughing makes it hurt less
с because people think he's strange GRAMMAR Э*r* агr* firзt .*Ёэdiе;***l
5 How does James describe the fact that he doesn't have
Пеаd the sentences апd put them in the соrrесt
соlчmп in the table.
а а physical рrоЬlеm
Ь а physical challenge Call your doctor if the раiп is really bad.
с а physical accident Drinking tea with honey mау help if you have а sоrе
6 What happened when James WaS two апd а half уеаrs th roat.
old? I can make you а sandwich if уоu'rе hungry when you
а Не lost his аrms. аrrivе.
ь Не moved to lndia. lf you have а hlgh temperature, you shouldn't go to
с Не was adopted, school.
7 How mапу Ьrоthеrs and sisters does James have? lf you see Helen, tell her l'm поt чеrу well.

а eleven lf your clothes no lоп9еr fit, it's time to go оп а diet!

Ь eight Yоur bones will become weak if you don't drink enough
с опе milk.

@ Listen and choose the best title for the talk, ##

а Not поrmаl, but 0К __ zчlоlчttýлg]:_;_*Цц,q!gЦ"!t__ i

Ь No arms, amazing feet :

с Наrd to deal with

@ Listen again and choose the correct option to answer

the question s, ##
1 What does James not mentlon dolng?
а brushing his teeth
Ь texting
( gettin9 dressed
2 What comes naturally to James?
а usin9 his feet like hands
Ь answering lois of questions
с asking fоr help sometimes

64 Unit 6
G Choose the correct options to complete the zero ф Complete the first conditional sentences with the
conditional sentences. correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.

1 lf you wosh / tо wosh / woshed your hands frequently, 1 lf you Соп't wash your hands, you
yau is reduced / rеduсе / reducing the chance of (catch) my cold.
infection. 2 You (feel) much heaLthier if you
2 you should to trеаt l should treated / should rrесt the
driпk рiепtу of water every day.
infection right away if you аrе rесоgпiziпg / rесоgпtzе / 3 Germs will enter your body if you
rесоg пizеd the symptoms. (rоuсh) yoL" гоsе ard eyes,
3 lf you receivtпg l to rесеiче l receive the соrrесt
treatment, уао rесочеiпg l recover l recoveredvery
4 lfshe bites hеr nails, she
(introduce) gеrms lnto hеr mouth
q uickly,
4 Go / Gопе l Willgo to bed if you willfeel /feel lfееliпg 5 Your imгпuпе system (imрrоvе)
siqnificantly lf you eat mоrе vegetables
so unwell.
5 lfthe wound isn't / wоп't l поt Ьееп с|еап, don't opply / lfpeople don't get а flu jab, they
doesn't opply / wоп't apply а bandage. (not Ье) protected fоr а уеаr.
6 А headache usually goes l is gоiпg l ga away if уао lf your headache gets геаllу bad,
таkеп l took l rаLе аг aspir r. (rе]ах) in а quiet, dark rооm.
7 Nе should sееп / should to see l should see а doctor if his
temperature Ье / Ьеiпg / ls vеrу high. ff Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

You will 9et better quickly if your doctor will treat /

treats l shauld гrесгуоur illness.
lf the gеrm gets iпtо your body, ttwtlldestroy / ts

destroying l willdestroys ce|ls.

You injured / 'll iпjurе / 'll injured yaurself if you аrеп't
са refu l !

f you want to reduce hiS temperature, give / mау give /

qlves him an aspirin.
lfwe avoid areas with lots of mosquitoes, we рrоЬаЬlу
поt catch / оrеп't соtсhiпg l wап't catch ma]arra.
You'lL damage уоur lungs if you Ьrеаthеd l Ьrеаrhе / will
breathe in poisonous chemicals.
l\tlayweor lwillууеаr /wеаriпsесlrереllепt lf you want
to pгevent mosquito bites.
Sclentists wil find а cure fоr сапсеr if they wil сопttпuе /
сопtiпuе l сопttпuеd doing rеsеаrсh,

ф Complete the first conditional sentences with the

correct form ofthe verbs in brackets,

1 lf you (increase) how much уо.l

ехеrсlsе, you (begin) to lose

You рrоЬаЬlу (not qet) injured
if you (wаrm up) before you
lf you (end up) up iп hospital,
the staff (take) good саrе ofyou

The nurse (contact)you if she

(observe) any changes
5 You (not get)dehydrated lf you
(rеmеmЬе0 to drink water
yоur condition (not improve)

unIess you (follow) your doctor's

i nstructlons.

Su регh u mа n 65
*# More than hчmап?
5 The is the structure that
supports the body ofa реrsоп оr апiгпаl

ф Match the headings (a-f) with the paragraphs

(,1-5) in
бА is one of mапу pieces of body
the text. There is one heading you don't need, tissue thaI can p,oduce п,оvеmепt

а 7л is а piece of equipment that

ь you Wеаr оVеr уоur ears with а part that you сап speak

с Easton goes to NASA into.

d А very personal goal describes something that is
е Easton's ýВ0,000 hand designed to Ье good at doing а particular
f Chanqing an industry

ф Match the two parts of the sentences, VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Y*rЬз #*=*гЕ*Ёr:g
1 Easton taught himself to code
2 Easton had ап'Ahal'moment _ ф complete the sentences with the correct form of these
3 While developing а prosthetic limb, _ verbs.

4 lf everythin9 9ое5 as planned, allow епаЬlе help let prevent StOp

5 Опе of Easton's personal goals

а when he met а glrl with а prosthetic аrm at а local 1 l can lend you а mар if you like - thai will
sctence fair, you fгоm buying опе
you to
ь in оrdеr to сопtiпuе tmproving his invention, 2 This piece of equipment
с is to help а student at his school walk fоr graduation, make several recordtngs at the same tlme,
d Easton's work wi!! Ье included in NASA's Robonaut 3 l wrоtе down the names of all the сhаrасtеrs
project. myse!f getti пg confused

Easton saw an opportunity to change ап indUstry, lf you wеаr safety glasses, you'll
ап еуе injury.
ф complete the definitions with these words, There are
two words you don't need, 5 lt makes things easier and me

concentrate оп what's imроrtапt,

bone Ьrаiп crew functional headset
6 lf that Ьох is too heavy for you then l'lI
muscle skе|еtог skiг sophisticated tubing
you саrrу it upstairs

1 The is the natural outer соvеriпg 7 Ехtrеmеlу sensitive fingeKips

ihe rоЬоtiс hand to pick up tiny оЬjесts
of а body,
2 The ts the оrgап of the body
that controIs thoughts and feellngs,
зА is опе of the hard pieces that
Гоrm the structure of а person's body.
descrrbes а machine оr System
that works in а clever way.

66 Unit 6
Easton LaChappelle: iпчепtоr

(fоr skin), пtоtоrs and advanced technolog1,, all

Since he r,vas а smal1 child, Easton
LaChappelle has been taking things арагt and putting in his bedrooml Не founcl ways оГ Lrsing сhеарег
teclrnology that functioned just as п,е11 as muсh.mоrе
therrr beck togethef again, At the age оf fоurtееп.
Easton made his Гiтst Tobotic hanc1 fiom plastic
expensive ecltripment. 'I rееllу Sап/ ап орроrtuпiГу tO
LegoTM Ьгiсks, fishing iine and electrical tubing,
change this inclustry Ь}, creatinE] а ргоSthеtiс that п rs
rtпdег ;t thousancl dollars.'
Br-rt that wasn't good enough fЬr Easton, In огdеr
to continue improving 1ris invention, Easton taLrglrt Thc latest чеrsiоп of Easton's pгclsthetic linrh uses
limself to codet'. Не lеагпt hоъ, to lrsc з 3-D ртiпtеr а wireless heacl.set that works п,ith ten different
anc1 ъ,оrk T,,ith com.plicated electronics and п,irеlеss channels of the lэrаiп. r, ,о еfГесtiче
comnrunication technology. Ву the time he п-аs 'r-r" ".b""i*u-
that it catrght the attention of NASA, whеrе Easton iS
sixtcen. Easton hii(] (,ге]tе(l а mогс soplristit,aTecl and no.1v п,огkiп€a aS ап intefn on the Robonaut, а rоЬоt
lnIlL,h 5[топgег Tobotit, аrm. It t,O[lld tllтоw hзlls. shakc that copies htiman mочеmепts anc1 реrfоrms tasks
hands and do mапу оf the things thaI huпзапs do, anci cluties too dапgегоus fЬr аstгопаuts. IГ ечепlhiпg
gOeS аs planned, NASA hopes that the Robonatit п,,i11
Erston сптеIеd his r,оЬоtit, :tгm in[o l ]"t'ltl Scil,n(,e
er,,entually Ьесоmе а чrorking rпепrЬеr оf tlre space
l)il, iп Со]оrзdо, While rhегс. h., mеl з SеV(п-),е,lг-
оlс1 girl witlr а pfosthetiс* агm rnc] Irand, Easton
[еагпt thаt tlrc pl,osthct ic limb* hlc] сочt ovct, Along with sечсrаl fгiепds, Easton hаs also St,rrted
$80,000, clespite the tact thet it had r-еrу lirrrited а соmрап_y callecl 'Unlimited Тоmогrоп,'. One of
ftrnctionaliry. Не геаlizеd tlrat tlre girl ъ,оuld need theiT pTojects invo]r-es designing and del,еlcping
seveTal prosthetics сluгiпg hеr 1itЪ, and thought of exoskeletons'r that ц,,ill allorv рагарlеgiсs* to цlalk
Ihc enol,mouS expenSe shc зпd llсг l,rnrily п,оtrlсI again. This is а регsопаl goa1 Гог Easton, п,,hо
face, Easton calls that meetinE] his'Aha!'moment. kпоп.s оf а 1,oung marr at his school -n'n,ho Ьесаmе а
As hе iаtеr explainecl, 'This ttrгпсd into something рагарlсgiс ls the геsult оГ an atcident. ЕJSl()п
that stelted Гrоm Ьоrеdоm into something that could iiK" io help him achievc sometlring thэt seems sirnpie
change people's lives.' to most of'us. 'N{y goai is to cIc:]te ап exoskeleton
раir of legs fсlг him so he can actllally walk
Easton then Ьесаmе interested in cleveloping full,v
functional prosthetic limlls that реорiе соuld аffотd,
Не began experimenting п,itlr 3-D printeý, silicone
paraplegic а реrSоп
,ttlhcl саппоt ,mrэue tbe lоь-еr part о|' tbeit
code to шritе сопlрLltеr рrоgrаms
prosthetic tlsecl to reI)lcLce а tlliss/пg body pctrt oOLly
L1 !)[есе QI equiplyeyt like ап
exoskeleton 'n,;,,,,,,6| 5ftеlеtслl'
limb zu leg clr аrlп of ct реrsоп or апiпlаl
tbat а paraptegic ссlп tuear lo help tlэеп,t, tllotle

Superhuman 67

** First aiders
6 Dаппу could go to the theatre with me if he didn't
GRAMMAR ý***r:* **at*iti*=*i have to wоrk.

ф Гut lf and commas in the correct places in the Does Dаппу have to wоrk?
sentences. Not all the sentences need commas,

l would Ье rеаllу disappointed Сап Dаппу go to the theatre?

l didn't pass.
we wоп the match l'd invite Аппа to come with us if she liked baseball
we woulo Ье tпе champions. Does Аппа like baseball?
l improved my Engllsh she
l could get а job in London. lf Natalie didn't have а cold, she would play tennis
l couId answer questions iп the with us tоmоrгоw.
lesson l did the homework, Does Natalie have а cold?
I'd know what to do

l listened to his advice. ls Natalie going to play tennis tоmоrrоw?

They would fly to Tamil Nadu she
they had enough mопеу.
Nlаrсу took а holiday ф choose the correct options to complete the sentences,
she might feel mоrе rеlахеd. 1 lf l had all the mопеу in the wоrld, l'd l lwillbuy you а

ф Пеаd the sentences and complete the answers to the the day had l hos thiпy hours, wewould l hodbe
questions. able to gei everythlng done.
1 lf dogscould talk,Ithinkthey'd have а lotto say, 3 l wish l hod l havea brother.
Аrе dogs able to talk? 4 lf уоо were l could hеrе, l'd l /m take you to my
they favourite restaurant.

pranav would buy his mother that scarf if she liked

Emmet v,touИ Ье l hod less stressed if he made l mokes
а list of what he needs to do.
bright соlоurs.
6 lf опlу l could /ссл wake up to this view ечеrу mоrпiп9
why lsn't Рrапаv going to buy his mother that scarf? 7 1would / would Ье оffеr you а drlпk if we hod l hos had
Because she ---. ---- ..---
--. апу clean glasses,
lf Mladdle liked fish, zach would rесоmmепd that пеw 8 lf thеrе vvere l could ltfe оп lаr-аwау planets, Iwould /
гesta u rа nt.
yyere like to live оп one.
Does Miaddie like fish?
ff complete the second sentence so that it means the
she same as the first. use по more than three words in
Аlапi and lVarcus could take an ltalian class together it each space.
Alani liked lеаrпiпg languages. 1 l'd leave поw and visit you if l didnt have а lesson,
why аrеп't Marcus and Alani going to lеаrп ltalian to leave now and visit you
because l

2 If you drove а 5ports саr, you'd 9et to school in three
Lilya said,'l wish l could climb I\лоuпt Everest.' mlnUteS,
ls Lilya able to climb lViount Everest? You а Sports car, so iI takes yoLl
she three minutes to get to school
зl f only l had lопg, blonde hаir.

l long, blonde hair

68 Unit 6
4 l would live in the palace if my mother were the queen. @ Пеаd and Iisten to the questions. Choose the correct

Му mother the queen and I

answers. жж
iп the palace. Do you want to come shopping with us?
5 l wish l could graduate tоmоrrоw. а l'd come if l had mоrе time.
|'m to graduate tomorrow, but
ь l'll come if l had mоrе time.
Did you hear that Sally isn't moving to Grеесе now?
l Want tO.
а Yes. l'd Ье sad if she wilI move there.
6 lf she had mоrе sраrе time, she'd writе to him ечеrу
Ь Yes.l'd Ье sad if she moved there.
What do you think about playing tennis аftеr school?
She enough ttme, so she
а l would have а sore thrоаt if l'm рlауiпg.
to him every week. Ь lf l didn't have а sore throat, l'd play.
Do you exercise every day?
@ Лrе the words in bold correct оr incorrect? Correct
those that are incorrect.
а No, l don't. But if I made time to, l'd fееl better.
Ь Yes, l do. lf l made time to, l'd feel better.
1 He'd Ье exhausted if he would rап the Lопdоп Have you tried that пеw Mexican restaurant?
Marathon. а No, l haven't. l'd trу it if l liked spicy food.
2 lf only didn't had to tell you this.
l Ь Yes, l have! l'd try it if l liked spicy food.
Do you have а photograph оfуоur grandfather?
3 You could wln the competition if you practised every а l don't. l'd Ье putting it оп my wall when l have опе

Ь l don't. lf l had опе, l'd put it оп my wall.

Do you еvеr go to the science museum?

4 She call ап ambulance if it was an еmеrgепсу.
а Yes,ldo sometimes.lwish l had а membership
5 If only could l write fantastic novels Iike J. К. Rowlin9.
Ь No, I don't. l'll qo if l would have а mеmЬеrshiр
6 lf you ate beans and salad for lunch, you wouId have
mоrе епеrqу iп the аftеrпооп.
PRONUNCIATION f wgs& ап* lf *rэlу
7 l'll wash my hands if l had soap.

Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences. Remem Ьеr that yyish апd if апlу сап Ье used to express
рrеSепt regretS.
1 slim / l / belchocolate / |f / l /would/less/ate/.

@ listen and underline the stressed words in the

2 lflyou / оп|у / now/ l / talkl could /to/ right/.
sentences. Then practise sayin9 the sentences.
3 would / if / the /, / Дkirа/ pharmacy/collect/ hеr/
wеrе / ореп / medicine /.
1 l wlsh l didnt have а headache.
2 lf only l knew what to say.
3 l wish l could dance.
4 Oslo/ l / lived / iп / wish / l / .
4 lf опlу l hadn't Ьrоkеп my leg.
5 l wish l did mоrе exercise.

5 iflthey'd/didn't/worried/she/be/call / day / every / 6 lf only l could find better food,

7 l wlsh l had more time.

6 ld / ifll/teeth / had / brush/toothbrush/, / а / mу /

8 lf only l hadn't lost my phone.

7 wish / l /didnt / to / go / hаvе / bed /tol l

Superhuman 69
** Deep sea diving ... in а wheelchair
4 in the
She felt that being out
wheelchair was exhilarating
5 But people's towards hеr was
completely diffеrепt when she was iп а wheelchalr
6 Sue felt invisible. She fe]t as if реорlе couldn't

@ Listen to the TED Talk extract. Underline four phrases her апуmоге
that help Structure the argument.
=ё-# 7 sue felt she had Ьееп on а соrе
]t is the most amazing ехреriепсе, beyond most other Jevel because of responses to the wheelchair
things l've ехреriепсеd iп life. l literally have the freedom 8 sue knew that she had to rесlаim hеr
to move iп 360 degrees of space and an ecstatlc
ехреriепсе of ;оу апd freedom. And the iпсrеdiЬlу
unexpected thing is that other people seem to see and ф Watch Parts 2 and з of the TED Talk. Match the details
feeL that too. Тhеir eyes 1lterally llght up апd they say of Sue Austin's journey with their explanations. _--
things like, 'l want опе of those', оr, 'lf you сап do that,
1 _

сап do anything' And l'm thinking, it's because in that
гпоmепt of them seetng ап object they have no frame 2 'l wonder what'll happen if l put the two togetheг?'_
of rеfеrепсе fоr, оr so transcends the frames of rеfеrепсе 3 Seven уеаrs_
they have with the wheelchair, they have to think in 4 З60 degrees _
а completely пеw way. And l think that moment of 5 want one of those.'_
completely new thought perhaps сrеаtеs а freedom that 6 поЬоdу has seen ап underwater wheelchair before
spreads to the rest of other people's lives. Fоr me, this
mеапs that thеу'rе seeing the value of difference, the joy
it brings when instead of focusing оп loss оr limitation,
а how long the journey with the uпdеrwаtеr wheelchair
has lasted so far
we see and discover the роwеr and joy of seein9 the
wо.lо'rоп eyc'L'ng геw perspecrives, ь sue's frееdоm оf movement uпdеrwаtеr
с the reason why people have to think iп а completely
neW Way
WATсH d what people say when they see Sue dive in hеr
S Limitatlons prevent us from doing things. Freedoms е what Sue thought about diving whiLst Ьеiпg iп а
allow us to do them. Decide if these words and phrases wheelchair
are examples of limitations or freedoms. Тhеп watch f when Sue began to dive
the TED Talk to check your answers.

doing something unexpected fеаr VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT

feeling joy havlng а new toy
pity рrесопсерtiопs * Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
restrictions taking а;оurпеу 1 lf lcould the accounts, l could
tell уо; how ггuсh п^опеу was spent
Limitations Freedoms а extend Ь access с епtеr
2 The of someone deep-sea
diving in а wheelchair is pretty unusual.
а outcome Ь risk с concept
3 I\4y son's eyes when ltold him
we were qoing rосk climblng. lt's his favourite activity
ф Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Complete the sentences а lit up Ь started сrуiпgс looked sad
with а word or short phrase. 4 We рlап to the rапgе of
1 Sue says the whееlсhаir has bought hеr products fоr sale iп оur lаrgеr stогеs,
а access Ь extend с allow
2 An extended chanqed the way 5 People with Creativlty have the
power to change the way we see the world
she could access the wor]d.
а tough ь tremendous с сlеаr
3 When Sue first staгted using the wheelchair, it was like
having ап enormous
6 The best would Ье for оur team
to win the tоurпаmепt and уоurs to соmе second,
а outcome Ь ехреriепсеs с assignment

7о Unit 6
+= Physical challenges
SPEAKING ff tookat these two photos from the Student's Book and
think about how you can describe them. Make notes
Ё} Match the two parts of the sentences. Then listen to about your ideas. Then listen to the model answers
the description of the photo and check уоur answers. and compare your ideas. ""j "- :
::= 1=-5==:=

1 This photo shows а quite happy

2 lt's obvious у an ь the teacher.
( they're painting
3 lt's а sort of ictu res,
4 The chiidren seem а messy еS5оп,
5 lt looks as if because ofthe арrопs
е art lesson.
6 lt must Ье
f lots of different paints.
7 Behind the tab es,
9 blackboa rd.
8 She looks ]ike h ргimаrу-sсhооl с ass.
9 lп the background, there's а I some children in а
10 оп the ta ble, thеrе а rе
you сап see а wогпап,

€ý Underline the stressed word in the sentences in

Exercise 1. Тhеп listen again and check уоur answers.

€Э Listen to someone describing а photo and draw what

yoU hear. 'r,:>:,,,,,

Suреrhumап 71
Е*f*rr**Е *;е*ЕЕ с€*s*riЬi*q (4)_. Whеп we wеrе kids, we didn't live пеаr him, but
p**pl* he phoned us еvеrу weekend, lt sounds like а sгпаll thing,
but he always asked me questions too. Не also asked fоr
ф Пеаd the phrases used in informal emails and
mу орiпiоп оп thingsl lt made me feel special that an
complete the table.
adult was interested in what l thought. 0псе а month,
Give my love to your family. he came to vrsit us, оr we wепt to visit him. (5) _l Не
How аrе things?
used to take us to the beach and we'd play there all day.
lt was great to get уоur newsl
please write soon. Then, when I was ten, he moved vеrу close to us апd we
Say'hi'to еvеrуопе for me. saw him еvеrу day. Не taught mе to play tennis, (6)
Sоrrу l haven't written fоr а while and advice about everything. BTW, he could speak fоur
Speak to you soonI different Ianguages. lmagine thatl Му grandfather wasn't
Thanks so much for your ematl. famous оr anything, (7) _.
Апуwау, l'm thrilled we've shared stories about our
Ways of starting an Ways of ending an
informalemail informalemail grandfathers l hope we can iпsрirе others the way they
inspired us!O



Ь and he gave mе loads of encouragement
ф Complete the sentences with these words or phrases,
с a^d 1,ow ггuсh he's iгsрirеd те
There are two you don't need.
d but he was the kindest реrsоп l еvеr met
ageS at the гпо BTW iп а rush е First of all, he's рrоЬаЬlу the реrsоп l admire the most
loads LOL mу place mу stuff f l was delighted to hear all the news
say'hi'to g Thanks fоr уоur qreat email
sad th rill.^d
h Those were the best times
1 Things аrе rеаllу busy hеrе
S Read the email in Exercise 7 again. Тhеп write Takumi
2 Sоrrу l haven't Written for or Khalid |о complete the summary.
3 l have absolutely to tellyou!
(1) lS rе plying to an emaii frоm
4 l had а pizza party at laSt night.
(2) (3)
5 l have so much Lo do, l'T always
has told (4) about his family
6 l was totally to get your last
rеuпiоп. (5) геаllу enjoyed
(6) 's description of his
do you evel,see Zhang these
grandfather in fact, it gave (7)
the idea to describe hts оwп grandfather to
8 Weli, ihe guys fоr mе
9 don't know how l'm going to саrrу
(9) explains how his grandfather
to the alrport|
made him feel апd how kind he was. Не hopes that he
ф Complete the informal email with the correct phrases and ('l0) сап опе day inspire other
реорlе in the same way.
Frоm: khalid-9O@emailz,ae
ф Гоllоw the instructions.
То: jp
Yourfamily has moved from Peru to Los Angeles in
Subject: lnspirational people
the US. You have Ьесоmе good friends with уочr пеw
HlTakumi, next-door neighbour who is your а9е and makes very
(1) _. lt sounds like уоur family rеuпiоп is going really popular video blogs. You want to tell уочr cousin, Julio,
well! (2)_, and l especially enjoyed reading your back in Peru how amazing this person is.
description of уоuг grапdfаthеr. Actually, it made me Wгitе ап email to.ju]io. ]п your email, you should:
th]nk about my own grandfather, (3)_.
Shall l tell you . ask Julio fоr news and how he is
about him?
. describe уоur пеw neighbour
. explain why this pe"son is aTazing
Write l50-200 words.

72 Unit 6
Review @ Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 lf you eat mоrе protein, it help your muscles grow.

ý But the words iп the correct order to make sentences, 2 lf you will exerctse а lot, you need to eat more so your

1 needed / Ьу l аl1l oxygen / major / organs / the / is / body has the епеrgу it needs.
3 lf you will want your muscles to grоw, drink а protein
drink before you wоrk out.
2 the/computer/a / like/ body/the/controls/ Ьrаiп /
4 lf you wiIl Ье serious about building muscle, you should
lift weights every other day.
5 lf you eat а small meal ечеrу three hours, уоur body
proteСts / skin / the / body / dапgеrоus / frоm /
build muscle throughout the day.
bacteria / .
6 Your body will build muscles as you sleep if you will eat
сеrtаiп foods before bed.
4 the / heart / bIood / through / moves / body / the /
@ Complete the conversations with the correct form of
5 vesseis/oxygen /to/ Ьrаiп /the/ bIood /саrrу / , the verbs in brackets. use the second conditional,
1 А Do you comb your hаir ечеrу day?
6 skeleton/bones/made / of / islthe/set /а l of l, В Yes, l do. l
ifl (fоrgеt) to соmЬ it
7 cell / job /has /each / diffеrепl / а / 2А We always have to wait in such а long queue at the
аrеl muscles / used / move / ofl parts / body/the /
В l know. lf only we (сап skip)
to/. it!

зА Do you swim ечеrу day?

Match these verbs with the nouns and phrases they в No, I don't, But l think (Ье)

collocate with. fitter if l

(do)some rеgulаr

I аЬsоrЬ а ап infection

2 Ьrеаk ь nutrients
4А Have you heard of Shakespeare's А Midsummer
Nighft Drеаm?
3 digest с а Ьопе
в No, l haven't.
4 have d blood
А Well, if you Gtudy)drama at
5 Ьrеаthе е food
school, you (know) all about
6 саrrу f air this play.

@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 5 А lneedabookshelfl

verbs in brackets. В l аgrее. Yоur books (not Ье)

all очеr the flооr if you (have)

1 You should 5ее уоur dосtоr if you
some shelves.
(have) а vеrу high temperature
бА What do you want to do today?
2 lf traditional headache medictnes
в well, if the weather (ье)
(поt wоrk), l sometimes try
Wаrmеr, We (сап go) go to
the beach.
(not drink) enough water,
lf you
7 А l don't understand what Мlr Spicuzza was talklng
you mау get dehydrated about in the lesson today,
4lfyou (put) а cooi cloth оп уоur
В lf you (listen) mоrе carefully,
forehead, your headache might 9о away. you (know) what he was
5 Some реорlе (not trust; talking about.
alternative treatments unless their doctors say 8 А Have you еvеr feit nervous Ьеfоrе а big
they're okay. presentation?
6 You (stап) to see the benefits if В No, l haven't. But if l (feel)

you do yoga every day. nervous, l (breathe)slowly

7 You may Ье able to рrеvепt health problems if you for а minute or two.

(see) уоur doctor if you have

headaches sечеrаl times а week.

Superhuman 7З
&= Мопеу and me
VOCABULARY iъ****у *r,,}
ф Revision Read and choose the correct options to
complete the email.
ф Revision Аrе these words connected with the
Ье9iппiпg or the end of а product's life? Complete
the table. Wе'rе having а wопdеrful tlme in New Yоrk City. The
shopping is fantastic! There are signs everywhere that аrе
adveгtise create design 9 rоW (1) new products. Today, L bought
mа nufacture rесусlе throw away
а new;acket Ihе (2) is so soft апd

wаrm, Тhеrе wеrе lots of (3)

so lt was hard to choose. The mап who
(4) me the jacket is а great fashion
designer. Не uses (5) buttons and
beautifu fabrics Не (6) a]lthe
jackets in the shop, but thеу'rе (7)
iп а factory пеаrЬу. 1 love my new;acket and wi пеvеr
ф Revision Choose the соrrесt word to comp|ete the (8) I Can t wait to sl,ow уо.l See
SentenceS. you soonl
1 This shirt doesn't feel nice a9arnst my skin.Ihe mоtеriоl l Love,
dеsцл is rough.
2 l сап't decide which dress to buy, There аге too mапу

designs l opttons, 1а advertising с producing

3 Реорlе don't know how wonderful this new product is Ь rесусliпg d manufacturing
We пееd |а produce l adveпtse it better. 2а option с deslgn
4 Опе rеаsоп соmрutегs аrе expensive is because they ь material d recycling
are d]fficult la mапufасturе l sell 3а options с produces
5 lt's hard lo орtiоп / pick опе of those perfumes - they Ь picks d advertisements
allsmel] rеаllу пiсе. 4а designed с sold

6 Рrоduсiпg l
Rесусliпg plastic bags helps the Ь advertis.^d d recycled
епvirопmепt апd decreases waste. 5а advertised с produced
7 lп some CitieS, rеStаUгапtS аrе grаwiпg l rесусliпg Ь picked d rесусlеd
vegetables оп their rooftops. 6а designs с picks
Ь recycles d grows
7а гесусlеd с advertised
ь manufactured d sold
8 а throw it up с throw it down
Ь throw it away d throw it in

ф Complete the phrases about shopping.

1 siopp ,lg а
2 on s--- -- оffеr

3 9ive morey а -
4 Ье iп d_ _:__ _=
5 d __ _* to charity
6 ta"e soTeLhing Ь

7 getar
8 s __ := mопеу on

74 Unit 7
ý Complete the sentences with more, back, off or for, ф Listen and choose the correct options. Ж#
1 Не rеаllу wants that watch, but he doesn't have 1 рауfаr l рау off
enough to рау 2 Ьаrgаiп / dопаtiоп
2 l don't have my wallet right now - can l рау you
3 Ьrапd / browse

4 logo / lепd
5 Ьrапd / соmропу
3 Paying doesn't always mеап
6 sald iп l sold out
Ьеttеr quality. 7 shop аrоuпd l shop out
4 How аrе you going to рау
that - credit card оr cash? @ Extension Complete the sentences with the correct
form of these words.
5 Don't рау Гоr а t-shirt just
because it's made Ьу а famous designer. consumer interest lоап гetu rп seller
6 We need to рау the debt Ьеfоrе
we сап buy а пеw car, 1 lf you change your mind about the suit, you can always

7 l'm hoping to get а job this summеr to help рау it to опе of our shops.

the holiday in _Japan 2 lvy parents qave me а to buy

8 iVlaria bought lunch fоr me, so l need to рау her mу саr, so l need to start paying them back.
3 Don't Ьоrrоw mопеу from the bank, they charge fаr
too much
@ Choose the correct word to complete the sentences,
4 She still me some mопеу that
1 l don't пееd апу help, thanks. l'm;ust Ьrоwsiпg / l lent hеr last yearI
shopping. Опliпе shopping gives fаr mоrе
2 Му new рhопе stopped working аftеr опе weekl l'm
choice about where to buy,
taking it back to gel a rеturп / rеfuпd.
bought the rug опliпе and the
3 lf you пееd to borrolM //елd some mопеу this month,

l can help. was vеrу efficient. l'd buy from him again.
4 Andy's пеw coat was rеаllу good value - it was cheap,
but the Ьаrgаiп / quality is pretty good.
ф Extension Choose the correct word to complete
the sentences.
5 lf people recognize lhe Ьаrgаiп / Ьrопd, they might Ье
mоrе likely to buy the product. 1 l always do mу supermarket shoppin g опliпе /
6 Sometimes l buy wtnter clothes during the summer browsing,
when they're оп / lл special оffеr, 2 They'd like to move but they need to find а seller /
7 Неr goal is to frnd а job where she /елds l еаrпs а |ol, buyerfor their house.
so that she сап trачеl. 3 Could your раrепt5 save / lend you some mопеу until
8 That jacket looked almost the same as the сhеареr опе, the end ofthe month?
but it had а different logo / соmрапу. 4 l think l'Il have to lепd / rеturп that shiп уоu 9ave me
fоr my birthday. lt's too smaIl.
@ Match the words and phrases. 5 l feel guilty if l borrow /ovile someone mопеу. l always

1 afford to а Somethlng back рау them back right away.

2 take Ь around 6 lf уоu'rе not sure аlэоut а seller l charity you find опltпе,

3 shop с sоmеопе mопеу don't buy thеir рrоduсt.

4 lend d buy something

7 l'm sоrrу, but that colour is out of scle / srock at the
5 waste mопеу е away
f 8 Buying а house is рrоЬаЬlу the most expensive
6 9ive something оп something
purchose / buy you'| ечеr make,

Shopping аrоuпd 75
LlSTENlNG ф Listen again and choose the correct option to
complete the sentences. ##
ф Listen to the short conversations and choose the
1 _.
correct pictures. {ё# Д buck is апоthеr way оf saying
а а billion а device
1а Ь а dollar
2 д cash cow ts _
а Somethin9 that еаrпs you а lot of mопеу
Ь а vеrу unusuai, expensive animaI
G anything that costs ап епоrгпоUs аmоUпt of money
Д la corte allows you to _.
,€ъё а сrеаtе а гпепu
Ь buy the whole thing
с pick and choose
А word оr phrase used ЬУ the speaker mеапiпg possed
2а а оvеrtаkеп
G gопе beyond
Ь outdone
5 Неочеп-sепг is апоthег way of saying _
а ап artlst с afan
Ь agift
6 А wоrd used Ьу the speaker mеапiпg mеmоrаьlеis

а attractive с catchy
Ь likable

s Listen again and choose the correct answer to the

1 ln what уеаr did the iTunes store open?
а 200З с 2015
2 What devtce brought about the digital revolution in
а iTunes с the iPod
Ь the CD
3 Who is l\4att Kleinschmit?
а а music analyst с а music mood
ь а music ariist
4 Whеrе does the phrase 'ё la саrtе' come frоm?
а N4r Kleinschmit (
many соuпtriеs
Ь trапсе
5 What is ап example of 'physical' music?
а а download с aCD
Ь stгеаmiпg
When does the speaker expeСt CDs to completely
disa рреаr?
а sometlme vеrу soon
ф tisten and choose the best description of the talk. Ь not anytime sооп
7Е==ffi с sometime in the пеаr future
What kind of а place do you think Des Mloines is?
а the death of music cDs
ь the rise of youTube music stars а а small, not vеrу rmportant city

с the digital music rеvоlutiоп

Ь а very imрогtапt, powerful city

d disарреаriпg rесоrd соmрапiеs с а big city with а lot of сhildrеп

76 Unit 7
GRAMMAR Th* p*ssive @ Complete the second sentence in the соrrесt passive !:
form so that it means the same as the first. l:

@ Rrе the words in bold active (А) or passive (Р)? !;

1 We sold the extra tickets for а reduced price. ii
Сhеареr Ьrапds can Ье found, but they аrе поt as The extra tickets fоr а reduced
good as the mоrе expensive ones. _ рrlсе.
l bought these shoes online, but l might rеturп them. 2 They can repair the Ьrоkеп guitar quite easily
The Ьrоkеп guitar quite easiIy.

Customers had sometimes Ьееп given the Wrоп9 3 The heavy rаiп had damaged his leather jacket

information. _ His leather jacket Ьу the heavy

4 Was the loan ечеr paid back? _ rаiп.

We have already returned the extra stock to the
5 Раrепts donated mопеу to buy а пеw computer fоr
the school. _ The extra stock to the supplier
These products are often manufactured iп lndia.
5 NЛоst of the shop assistants wеаr а uniform

А uniform Ьу most of the shop

l didn't find а new раir оf headphones because they asslsta nts.
didn't have the ones l like. _ 6 They have sent а refund to еvеrу unhappy customer
Shoppers сап рау fulI price if ihey don't want to wait А refund to еvеrу unhappy
fоr the sale. _ CUStomer.
7 We сап buy these goods mоrе cheaply iп other
G Choose the correct verb forms to comp|ete the coU ntrleS.
SentenceS, mоrе cheaply in
These goods
1 The way we spend оur mопеу is сhапgе / hos Ьееп other countries.
сhапgеd / wos сhапgе Ьу опliпе shopping.
2 | wоsп't rесоmmепd l don't rесоmmепd / Ьееп ф Complete the sentences with the correct passive form
rесоmmепdеd the department Store оп NЛаiп Street.
ofthe verb and tense in brackets.
3 Опе pound is dопаtеd / ls dопаtе l donated to charity 1 Students fu*ч* **е* #iy** the choice of using
еvеrу time the song is ploy / Ьееп played l is played. print оr onllne textbooks. (9rve, present perfect)
4 Was the mопеу spend / Ьееп sрепt / sрепt оп
2 lfthe goods they can't Ье
somethin9 useful? (damage, present sim ple)
5 IViy sister is sold / sells / Ьееп sel/CDs she по lоп9еr
wants оп еВау.
3 The last pair ;'ust before we
arrived. (sell, past perfect)
6 The N wos rеturпеd l returned / has Ьееп rеrurп and the
customer was Ьееп given / hos Ьееп given / gave afull 4 The smaller sizes to the back of

the shop. (take, past simple)
all the оrdеrs
* Put the words in the correct order to make passive yet? (deliver, present perfect)
Sentences and questions. 6 А lot of sports equipment lп

1 can / оп / Sometimes, / Ье / 9reat deals / found / the China. (ma nufacture, present simple)
lnternet /, 7 This pretty dress Гrоm recycled
materials. (make, present perfect)
2 ldentifled / Who / been / as / the previous оwпеr / had / ? 8 Тhеrе was по waste because nothing
. (throw away, past реrfесt)
3 пеw / Gift cards / to / usually given / аrе / customers / .

4 donated /What/ has/to/the/ been /auction / ?

5 arelsuits/onIysoid /These/ Edinburgh 5tоге/оur/ in /.

6 Ьееп / Ьу 1ОО/о / have / prices/increased / Lastyea/s/.

Shopping around 77
Ж# Waste not, want not
After about 40 minutes of shopping, people Ье9iп to
buy things they hadn't planned to buy. _
ф Пеаd the text and choose the соrrесt answer to the 'End-caps'are used to display products that the shop
questions. doesn't want to sell. _
1 What do many of us рау attention to when we shop,
even though we don't realjze it? ф choose the correct wоrd to complete the sentences.
а things we don't want 1 Whether оr поt we know it, most of us do рау
ь smells, sounds and colours attention to how things аrе _ iп а
с the shape оfсеrtаiп vegetables supermarket
d foods that we don't recognize а wanted с bought
How do supermarkets get shорреrs to spend mоrе Ь arranged d stored
time lп the shop?
а They
2 Supermarkets want shорреrs to _
trу to distract shoppers. as much time as possible iп the shop,
Ь They sell fruit and vegetables.
а рау с spend
с They рау attention to shoppers.
Ь shop d browse
d They have mоrе than one dооr.
3 Supermarkets make 5urе that they аrrапgе fruit and
How do supermarkeis try to make the things ihey sell
vegetables vеrу _.
attractive to shoppers?
а They опlу sell natural foods that аrе good fоr you.
а emotionally с carefully
Ь quickly d naturally
Ь They sell thlngs which make you feel both energized
and hungry.
4 Research has found that music encourages shoppers to

с They sell fruit and vegetables that wеrе picked that _

spend mоrе time iп shops.
morning. а singing с listening
d They have саrеfullу organized areas, like the fruit and Ь browsing d talking
vegetable dерапmепt. 5 Expensive Ьrапds аrе usually kept at еуе
Why do shops often play music? level in supermarkets because they're mоrе
а People who listen to music don't shop rаtiопаllу. seen and reached thеrе,
Ь People spend mоrе time shopping in shops that а поrmаllу с completely
play music. Ь rationally d easily
с Listening to music makes people buy things they
don't want.
d People who enjoy musrc usually spend mоrе. VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG &dъя*rЬs
Why do supermarkets place mоrе expensive products
at еуе level?
ф Complete the sentences with ап adverb formed from
the adjective in brackets.
а Rеsеаrсhеrs have found that products placed at
eye-level sell faster.
1 They serve these delicious fish dishes which аrе always

Ь There isn't enough rооm on end-caps fоr expensive cooked. (perfect)

prod ucts. 2 Sоrrу, but the coffee machine is

с Products placed at eye-level аrе easier to see and out of service. (tеmроrаrу)

3 l try поt to eat too much chocolate, but l
give myself а irеаt. (оссаsiопаl)
d They don't wani people to feel tired when they
4 Slow down а little - you're drivinq too
l (fas0
@ Пеаd the statements. Are the sentences true (Т), false 5 This excelleni геstаurапt is famous fоr its
(F)оr is the information not given (NG)? рrера rеd food. (carefu l)

1 Supermarkets апd оthеr shops know how to 6 Why don't you еvеr 9et уоur hаir cut
? (professional)
manipulate уоur shopping ехреriепсе. _ 7 Choose your words
Supermarkets would like you to spend as little time as - you don't
want to make her angryl (careful)
oossible in the shon
8 l always sleep аftеr а long walk.
5ome supermarkets опlу sell оrgапiс, паturаllу-grоwп (qood)
prod uce.
Speclal lights аrе used to make supermarket fruit and
veqetables look attractive. _

78 Unit 7
Tricks of the trade: how supermarkets
influence shoppefs


Do you notice the music playing in the produce in some supermarkets is orrl1. thеrе f<эr еffесt.
эackgгound when yorr're shopping in а super-market? Though it rrrakes truit and vegetables 1ook as if thc,y
)о you саrе hоц,, the fruit and vegetables are аrrапgес1? wеге picked that mоrпiпg, the spralr seln-es no pfactical
Tl-rough ,we mау not realize it, most of rrs do рау pl_1fpose апd rather than keeping them frеslr, actually
-litelttion to things like color_rr, sot_ttrds and ечеп slne]ls caL}SeS them to rot mоfе qr-rickly than rrormal.
l-hen we shop. Shopping f<эг grосегiеs in а sr_rpermaгket
Mrrsic also helps to keep shoppers Ьrоп,siпg, One stucly
:s а good ехаmрlе of hоъ, shops manipulate* уоuг
found that people spenc1 tlp lсэ 34О/а 1опgеr shopping
slropping experience in оrdеr to pe(sl}ade yolr to buy
in shops that play шusiс, That's significant because
]llofe ог to bu1, sometlring yor-r dicln't kпот, l-оu п,апtсd.
researcl-i has elso found that аftег alэout ,{0 mlnutes.
Supermarkets -Want уоu to spend as nruch tirne as реорlе stop shopping rationally* ancl саrеftrllу, and
possible in the shop. They knoM. that the longer 1,ou instead shop emotionelly, buying things they hadn't
lta1., the mоrе you'll see and-want to Ьuч, so T.hile planned to Ьuу.
.оu'гс lltсге. the1 tгу to tlistTacl'' you lo makc 1ou ьрепd
Апоthеr trick im.olr..еs the рlасеmепt tlf goods fог sale.
_l iittle mоrе mопеу. Horv do they do it? Fоr one thing,
In most suрегmагkеtr, the Ьо." e"per.sir" itenrs аrе
once yoll enter а supermarket, it's not always eas), to get
kept on shelves at e,ve level, wheTe they're easily seen
llut again, and that's not acСidental. x4ost suрегmагkеts
and rеасhеd, Вагgаiп оr,сhезрег bTands эrе placed
n.,ue ЪпIу опс епtrlпсе. То ГinLl the ъ,зу out. yoll're
,_,lоsег to йе Лоог. so That уоu hare rо lэend dопп tо geT
югсеd to walk through quite а lot of the shop. 1эast
them. Tlre displays at the ends of aisles'r, knoп,tt as 'end-
:emptlng displays оf goods fоr sale.
caps', аге also clesignecl to catch уоLlr еуе anc1 convince
опсе 1.9i-1'1,6 in the dоог, гhе tirst thlng you']l see in yoll to Ьuу the items placed thеге, Researchers har.e
inost ýL}peшnarlrets is the fruit anc1 vegetable сlерагtmепt, fbund that products placed on end-c;ips se11 eiglrt tirrres
эасk.,d with smclls. coloitгs and tсхtIIге5 that makc faster then they woulci if pr.rt еlsеu"hеге iп the shop!
r-ou fееl both eneгgizecl and hungry. This gives the
tilрегmагkе1 а п еlсопliпg intpl,e:bion. а соIоuгГtrl plal,e
ýЪаt can 1,ou do to avoid spending а11 aftemoon buying
things yoi-r didn't tlrink yor-L wanted? If ,l,,ol-, -nrr' *.'
tjiled п.ith паturаl foocls thet аrе fresh and good fоr you. 'о
уоur shopping done efficiently, make а ]ist and stick to it!
гllе rгuth is тhаr гhiс tlepartrnent is tIle liгst оl'5еvсгаl
Don't go shopping rvhen уоu'rе hungry ot lэecause уоu'Iе
саrеfullу oTganized аrеаs. Specia1 liglrting is r_rsecl to
Lэored. And keep )rоuг eyes and ears open, Don't 1et а
nrake the fnrit and vegetabies on display арреаг bright
shop tгiс}< yoi-r into bu,ying sometling you don't needl
ar-id соlоurful. Even the mist that peTiodlcall1. spTays

manipuIate lo cl ll l! гUl rationally based ап Pl,actit:al reasoTts апd

,псlt elпotiolls
distract to lпаkе someo,:1e sloP git,iпg theil,atteпtioп ta ais1re а lопg па,rrоrч space ЬеtlNееп the rals rэf shelues iTt cl
soпteihiH.g s чреt,tпа t,ke!

Shoppinq around 79
F* Services in mу town
GRAMMAR &яrre l get sam*thiпg d*пе @ Лrе the words in bold correct or incorrect? Correct
those that are incorrect.
* Listen and complete the sentences. Жffi
1 We had breakfast delivering to оur rооm while we
1 They еvеrу sprlng.
wеrе оп holiday.
2We to а diffеrепt address.
2 we have очr tickets checked as we went rnto the
3 l need to
4 You should it would look so
Рrоfеssоr Sales had signs put up all over campus to
much better аdvегtisе the Iecture,
5 Pen пу while she's at wоrk.
Не has the weekly report got сору before he sends it
6 Мах Ьеfоrе he bought the car.
to Joe.
7 lf you need the rесоrdiпg next week, l'lI
she had the invitatrons Ье sent а week Ьеfоrе the
to yoU tomorrow
раrц/. --
* Complete the sentences using havelget something They have flowers delivered to their grandmother оп
dопе. hеr biпhday.
The liЬrаriап had the books put has got back оп the
1l еVеrу three weeks. (have /
hair / cut)
shelves. -
2 The Luonq family еVеrу 8 Addie gets hеr post sent to her school,

5ummеr, (have / а family portrait / take)

3 Му gym last week. (get / а пеw
ф took at Nadia's to-do list from yesterday. Write
sound system / install) sentences with have / get something dопеlо talk about
4 lt was so пiсе - Kyung fоr what Nadia did and didn't get done.
еvеrуопе at the meeting. (get / coffee and biscuits / get new passport photo [/J
bring) electrician here to fix lights - З:00 [/]
I to see if l needed glasses, but take рhопе to shop to get fixed [х]
they said they wеrе frne (have / mу eyes / check) Sandy hеrе to сlеап windows - midday [/J
6 Не usually ьеfоrе each сопсеrt. haircut - 4:З0 [/1
(have / the рiапо / tune) dentist fоr teeth cleaning - 9:15 [х1
We аftеr we we'd finished
1 lhe #et ?зеr {эrзssр*rt рlэ*тгэ t*kеsз.
studying. (have i pizza / dеliчеф
(hеr passport photo)
8 You should it's rеаllу diпу!
(get / your саr / wash) (the lights)

@ Write who did the action in bold. Write don'tknor,lr if it

(hеr phone)
is not clear.

1 The classroom was so cold, so our teacher turned the

(the windows)
temperature чр.
2 Santosh got his рhопе fixed (hеr hair)
3 The music at the restaurant was too loud, so we got it 6
turned down. (her teeth)
l have the пеwslеttеr delivered to my inbox every
5 The students put the books on the shelves.

Mlarissa drove hеr aunt to the аirроrt so that she didn't

have to take the bus.
We had оur bags checked as we епtеrеd the stadium.

8 The соmрапу has ечеrу phone tested Ьеfоrе it leaves

the factory.
Unit 7
@ Complete the second sentence with have / get
something dопе,
1 They asked the groundsman to check the football pitch
to see if it was too wet.
They Fз*d {!з* i**T*цll Filr* qsз€+!,эеd to see if it was
too Wet,
2 The optician fixed his glasses аftеr he Ьrоkе them at
the сопсеrt.
Не after he broke them at the
She asked the соmрапу to make а srgn fоr hеr coffee
She fоr her coffee shop,
4 Не asked chloe to forward his calls to his mobile.
to his mobile.
5 she told the clerk to send the biIl to hеr mother,

to hеr mother.
6 We asked them to bring breakfast to оur hotel rооm
to our hotel rооm.
7 l asked а plumber to rераir the kitchen tap
PRONUNClATlON ý*пt*rtс* ýtr*ss
Ьу а plumber

Пеаd and listen to the question. Choose the correct

ф Listen and uпdеrliпе the two or three words that are
@ stressed iп each sentence. Then practise saying the
answer, #ж sentences. #ж
1 Whеrе do you get your саr fixed?
1 Have you еvеr had anything stolen?
а l get it fixed at Quick Auto Rераir, on Маiп Street. 2 l've печеr had my rооm painted.
Ь l had got it fixing at Quick Auto Repair, оп Маiп 3 Have you еvег had something made?
4 Has she еvеr had hеr eyes tested?
2 Do you have а new lD card yet? 5 Have they еvеr had their grосеriеs delivered?
а Yes, l had taking а new picture already. 6 We've пеvеr had the television rераirеd,
Ь No, l haven't had а new picture taken yet.
3 ls everything rеаdу fоr the рапу?
а Yes] l had the food delivered this mоrпrпg апd the
house cleaned this аftеrпооп.
ь well, tomorrow l still need to had the food delivered
and got the house cleaned.
4 Do you think you need to get пеw glasses?
а No. l got mу eyes checked last month and the
glasses l have аrе fine.
Ь No. li4y optician got my eyes had checked and the
glasses l have аrе fine.
5 Did Dr lensen grve you апуthiп9 fоr your sоrе thгoat?
а Yes, she got Sent а prescription to the pharmacy.
Ь Yes, she had а рrеsсriрtiоп sent to the pharmacy.
6 Аrе you rеаdу to eat dinner?
а No. l was rеаllу hungry еаrIiеr, so l had some pizza
Ь Yes. l'm rеаllу hungry, so let's got some pizza
7 ls your соmрutеr stilI Ьrоkеп?
а No, l'm having it fixed last week.
Ь No. l had it fixed last week.

Shopplng around 81
F* Grow уочr оwп clothes
TEDTALKS Cut out shapes апd sew, оr use the mаtеriаl to form а
З-D shape.
d Дlаiпtаiп an optimum temperature fоr the growth.

AUTHENTlc LlSTENl NG 5KlLLS е Роur tea into а 9rowth bath. _

@ Пеаd the extracts from Parts 2 and з ofthe TED Talk.
f То harvest, take out of the bath, wash it, spread it out

Choose the sentence that you think follows it. Тhеп and let it еvароrаtе. _
listen and check your answers. ЖЖ g Whеп bubbles арреаr оп the surface of the liquid,
fеrmепtаtiоп has begun. _
1 At this point, it's rеаllу heavy. h Within two to three weeks, а one-inch (2.5 сm) sheet
а So we start Ьу Ьrеwiпg the tea. has Гоrmеd.
Ь And then wе'rе rеаdу to add the living оrgапism.
с lt's оvеr 90 percent water. ф WаtсП Part З of the TED Talk, Choose the correct words
2 What l can't yet do is make it watebresistant. or phrases to complete the sentences,
а Possibly а good реrfоrmапсе piece, but definitely 1 Suzanne Lee is excited Ьу how еffiсiепt / есопоmiсоl /
поt ideal fоr everyday wear. tdsr miсrоЬе use is tn textile production.
Ь So, if l was to walk outside in the rаiп wearing this 2 Lee thinks fаЬriс could Ье spread out / poured / made
dress today, l would immediately stагt to аЬsоrЬ frоm the sugar that is thrown away ai food factories.
huge amounis оf wаtеr. 3 When Lee says that miсrоЬiаl cellulose сап biodegrade
с Аftеr about three days, the bubbles will арреаr on naturally with vegetable peelings, she means it's good
the surface of the liquid. for the епчirопmепt / it's easy to сlеап /
3 And iп fact, we could make it frоm а waste stream. it сап Ье made frоm vegetables.
а So, we only grow what we need. 4 Lee feels that miсrоЬiаl cellulose should rерlасе / поt
Ь So, for example, а waste sugar stream frоm а food replace / Ье ап oddition го other materialS.
processing plant. 5 When she says, 'mауЬе it won't even Ье fashion where
с And as it evaporates, it will knit itself together, We See these microbes have their impact', she means
forming 5еаm5. they mау печеr Ье used / they might Ье used tп апоthеr
4 What l'm not suggestin9 is that microbial cellulose is oreo / they mау печеr Ьесоmе populor iп fashion,
golng to Ье а rерlасеmепt fоr cotton, leather оr оthеr
textile materials.
а But l do think it could Ье quite а smart and VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
SUStainable addition to our increasingly precious
@ Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
natural rеsоurсеs.
Ь So thеу'rе spinning these tiny nano-fibres of рurе the cake mixture out in the tiп
cellulose. 5о it bakes evenly.
с And they're sticking together, forming layers and а Pour Ь Sрrеаd с Extend
giving us а sheet on the surface. 2 ln the bathroom, there wеrе these horrible ants and
5 Ultimately, maybe it won't еvеп Ье fashion where we other crawling all оvеr the flооr,
see these microbes have their impact. а birds Ь leaves с bugs
а The dress would get rеаlIу heavy and eventually the 3 lп many parts of the world, сlеап water is а
seams would рrоЬаЬlу fall apart. reSoU rсе.
Ь What l'm looking for is а way to give the mаtеriаl the а preclous ь beautiful с wasteful
qualities that l need.
4 The Ьох is so you can see
с We could, fоr example, imagine 9rowing а lamp, а
everything inside it.
сhаir, а саr оr maybe even а house.
а liquid Ь transparent с З-D
5 l'm not surprised you feel cold, уоu'rе practicaIly
WATсH # ! put some mоrе clothes оп!
а stupid Ь naked ( wet
ф watch Parts ] and 2 of the TED Talk. Put the sentences
in the correct order. the liquid into the bowl and mix
it with the other ingredtents.
а Brew З0 litres of tea and add two kilos of sugar. _ а Pour ь catch с Fаll
Ь Cool tea to below З0 degrees С and add the living
оrоапism and acetic acid
7 l was very lmрrеssеd Ьу the speed and
ofthe process.
а waste Ь concept с efftciency

82 Unit 7
€# Buying and selling
SPEAKING S Match the sentences (1-7) with the responses (а-9),

1 Аrе you looking for anything rn раrtiсulаr? _

@ complete the сопчеrsаtiоп with these phrases, Then
#{# 2 We've got Some great neW t-shrrts in stock,
listen and check уоur answers.
lt's ОК, l'm just browsing.
4 Have you got these iп а different соlоur? _
l need а size'L'.
5 ls it the right size? __
Where аrе the chan9ing rooms? 6 Wпеrе аrе Lhe сhапgiпg rооms? _
|'m after something smarter.
7 lt looks really good оп you. _
ls itthe right size? а Great - |'ll buy it.
lt looks really good оп you. ь .Just очеrthere, пехt to the cash desk.
We've only 9оt red опе5 с lt's 0К, ]'m just browsin9.
|'ll buy lt. d lt's а btt tight around the shoulders.
have you got these in а lаrgеr size? е |'m not SUrе We have any, but thеу'rе coming iп оп
the next delivery.
Shop assistant Hi. Can l help you with апуthiп9? f Right, thanks -
but l'm аftеr something Smаrtеr,
9 No, we've only got the 9гееп ones.
Customer (1)---. --- --- ---
S No рrоЬlеm. Let me kпоw if you пееd anythin9 * practise conversations for the two situations below,
Make notes on your ideas. Then listen to the model
Thanks. Actually, l wопdеr, (2)
conversations and compare your ideas, ##
S The linen skirts. We might do. |'lljust check. What slze
Clothes shop:
аrе you looking fоr?
you want to buy some;eans. First the sales assistant
с (3)
suggests а standard design, but you want somethlng
S оК. We also have these liпеп trоU5еrs in а large
mоrе fashtonable. You're size ЗО long, They have all
С Yes, they're nice, but (4) you ask
соlоurs in Зо rеgulаr but опlу black iп 30 long,
S OK.l'll Ье right back.
to trу both оп, the black ones fit and you decide to buy
S (5) ln lаrgе. l've brought one Рhопе shop:
апd the blue in а medium - in case you might like to try it, you want to get а пеw phone, something rеl]аьlе with а

С Thanks. (6) lаrgе mеmоrу. First the sales assistant suggests ап iphone,
S Just оvеr thеrе оп the right. but you want something at а lоwеr prtce. She offers you
а much сhеареr silver phone with l2BGB - you like the

С Excuse me. Could l askwhat you think? design but want mоrе storage. The shop only has а black
оr white рhопе with гпоrе storage, and you ask to see the
S Of course.
black one. You decide to buy th s phone,
с (7)

S 0h, yes! (8) ф Some people think it is better to 9о into shops to Ьuу
clothes. others think it is better to buy clothes опliпе,
С Great. (9)
Which do уоu think is better? Explain why,
ф wrren speaking English fast, some sounds in consonant Make some notes оп your ideas for this, Then listen to
clusters disappear or change. Look at the underlined the model answer and compare your ideas, ##
consonant clusters and say the phrases quickly, Decide
which consonant sound disappears/chan9es in fast
speech. Listen again and check your answers, ##
1 ;usrilowsing . . . It's ОК, l'm Jusr rlowsin9.
2 gоl these , . . Have yoU gor rhese rп а Iаr9еr size?
3 somethiлg smаrtеr ... l'm after Something smarter,
4 gоrrеd ... We've опlу go|1ed ones
5 сhапglпg rooms , . . whеrе are the сhапgiпg rooms?
6 righгsize ,.. ls it the гighisize?
7 looks really . . . lt looks really good оп you,

Shopping around 83
а condition / suitability
WR|TI NG *.* *::*,з:*;*{**]**?
Ь heading
* Choose four things you shouId поt do when
writing ап с opening question
announcement to sell ап item опliпе, d postage
1 Use а сlеаr heading with the паmе of the item, _

2 !ncIude fun facts even rf they аrеп't relevant, ф complete the'for sale'announcement with these
3 Post а photo of the item, -- - words or phrases.

4 Provide the price апd types of payment accepted,

Ьаrgаiп рriсе new Вrапd Cash payment

5 Use rhетоr'саl questlons, _ - сепirаl N/adrid fоr 9епеrаl travel Lots of smaller
selling because
6 Write long, very detailed sentences, _ quallty Selling price

7 SuppIy а description of the rtem, including age and students suitable for

8 Say what you dislike about the item, _
9 iмепtiоп who the item would Ье suitable for, Black rucksack
10 Talk about the selle/s background and hobbles, -- .

11 Ргоvidе details about postage, -- Рауmепt: Cash опlу

ф Read апd choose the sentences from а'for sale' Seller:(2)

announcement. Need а comfortable rucksack (3)
This rucksack holds 40 litres iп the main SeCtlOn,
(4) pockets fоr сопvепlепсе.
hiKing, warkin9 оr camp,rg


weekends. ldeal for (6)


(7) with the taqs still оп

iVaterial is excellent (8)

0nly (9) l received а simtlar

rucksack for my birthday.

These rucksacks cost €5О in the shops, l'm asklng
(10) of €З5 for а quick sale, No

1а shipping, sоrrу апd local

Ь Ап old telescope with quite а пiсе tripod, only,

collection of item in N,4adrid

Do yoU Want to oWn mу telescope, which

l've had

fоr а уеаr? * Гоllоw the instructions.
Ь Wani а cooltelescope fоr an excellent рriсе? Кеер The pie charts show how online shopping trends
rеаd ing period of
аmоп9 20- to 30-year-olds changed over а

3а Not bad condition. Рrоьаьlу suitable for someone

ten years in опе region of the UK,
who wou|o пот use it very often,
Summarize the information Ьу reportin9 the
Ь Good condition. Sultable fоr someone developing а

new interest iп аstrопоmу, features and make comparisons where relevant,

4а Not acСepting апу оffеrs uпdеr f50, ,l
Write at least 50 words.
Ь Costs l] ОО new, lVake me ап offer,
5а once will post the item as soon as l сап,
paic1, l
2оо7 2о17

Ь Shipping within two days of receipt ot payment,

Then match
* Look at the Sentences in Exercise 7 again,
the problems with the соrrесt headings,
1 Not сlеаr апd sounds lazy, Вuуеrs пееd to know
they will rесеivе the item, _
2 Not rеlеvапt оr exaсt enough tO attraсt а buyer's
lntereSt. _
3 Тоо gепеrаl; lsn't сlеаr about how much to рау,
4 тоо Боriпg, and doesn't rеаllу make апуопе interested
- ! electronics ý music Щ food and drink
iг Гiгd,пg ol,t mоrе. _ ffi books ffi clothing
Тоо neqitive. Doesn't рrоvidе а good reason to buy,

84 Unit 7
Review @ Complete the
sentences to
ences to сhапgе the active
ive and the passive sentences to
active. Leave t the agent iп the passive sentences.
@ Read the definitions and complete the words. The first
letter is given for you. 1 People ofte buy books and electronic ttems onIine

1 а busjnessororganization с-__ Books and rопlс ltems

2 something ihat costs much less than usual

2 The ttem ha Ьееп reduced Ьу the salesperson because

ь___ ofthe dam

because of
3 to give mопеу оr goods to charity d _ _ The

4 а symbol оr design оп somethlng _ _

- - - the da

3 They had d the loan back Ьу the end ofthe уеаr.
5 to give mопеу to sоmеопе fоr а perrod of time The
l_-- the end оf уеаr.
6 to look around а shop without buying 4 The logo w rеmоvеd frоm hеr coats Ьу the designer.
ь_ frоm

7 to take- mопеу frоm sоmеопе for а period of time hеr coats.

ь_ 5 The рауmе WaS Sent to the credit card соmрапу Ьу

mу bank
@ Complete the second sentence so that it means the Му
same as the first. use по more than three words. the credit rd company.

1 l haven't owed money fоr а lопg time

rrect option to complete the sentences.
@ Choose the
lt's а long time siпсе l've Ьееп in
2 l think you should donate mоrе to charity, 1 Pedro was flicked up а taxi to
qO to the а
lf l wеrе you, mоrе to charity.
3 l рrеfеr shopping around to buying everything at
а got Ь had сЬу d with

опе place. 2 We had the presentation wlth

l'd rаthеr than buy everythin9 ai оur school's logo
опе place. а design с make
4 lf you don't send it back, you won't get а refund. Ь was d designed Ьу
You won't unless you send it The door Ьу my friend Cathy.
back. а has с has got opened
lf you don't like it, why don't you rеturп it? Ь was operied d was орепiпg

If you don't like it, why don't you They like to the carpets cleaned
back? every few уфаrs
6 l asked my parents if l could Ьоrrоw some mопеу. а have get Ь had ( got d get
l asked mу parents fоr а The tickets up а couple of
days ago.
@ wbat the tense of these passive sentences? Choose
а picked Ь got с pick d picking
the correct option.

1 The cost of the rераir is estimated at ffi Rut the in the correct order to make sentences
present simple / рrеsепt perfect / past perfect with have / Something dопе.
2 All the carpets have Ьееп replaced. 1 оur / new / teacher / installed / got /
рrеsепt perfect / pon pefect / рrеsепt simple

3 Аrе those phones manufactured iп the United

2 made / l | / а / every/ biпhday l cake / year / fоr /
my / fathe
past 5imple / present simple / past perfect
4 Many пеw products wеrе photographed fоr the 201В
3 Thursdays grass/they/get/the / cut/ оп/ .

catalog ue.
рrеSепt simple / past 5imple / past perfect
5 The рriсе had been reduced because it was ап old model,
4 taken / we that /уеаrs / photo l fiче / а9о / had i
рrеsеп|, perfect / past simple / post
per fecr

6 Has the сопсегt Ьееп advertised on the TV? 5 before / Ch / his / university / rераirеd / laptop / got

рrеsепt simple / present perfect / post perfect / wепt / to he/.

7 А new rапgе of products is rntroduced еvеrу season.
рrеsепt perfect / рrеsепt сопtiпuочs / preseпt simple 6 the school havinq /website/ made / is / пеw / а /,
8 The cost of tablet computers had Ьееп expected to
pa|t Simple / present perfect / post perfect
Shoppinq around 85
#& Getting уочr message out
VOCABU LARY ilff*сtЕы* ***:r*uв:iс*t3** ф Complete th expressions about communication.

@ Revision Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 рау а_
2 g--m m ____out
1 l сап't leave mу оfГiсе _
3 getd d
2 l'lI рrоЬаЬlу Ье driving then, _
4 inter
3 She Sent mе а message _
5 post 0n
4 N/y dad can'I tехt, _
5 You need to speak louder_
6 r__ __ to texts
7s photos
6 lf you need to talk to me, _
8 make с
а so send me а text апd l'll read it lаtеr.
Ь because l'm expecting ап important call. ф Choose the word to complete the sentences.
с because l can't understand you, 1 When lst iп mу rооm, l get / moke distracted far too
d so he calls me instead. easiIy.

е call mу mobile. 2 Му sister аl ays takes ages to post l respond to texts.

f to say that she wasn't coming tonight. 3 lt'S importa lIo make / рау atteпtion in class
4 We won't able to send l moke texts while wе'rе
ф Revision Put the words in the correct order to make travelling.
sentences and questions. е l rеsропd photos on the new website
Using soci media Is а great Way to mоkе / send
1 understand / l / sayiпglwhat / аrе / you / dоп't/ .

with new people.

2 me/text/ iflsend/you/ need / а / mе /, ф Choose the rd оr phrase that does not collocate
with the
3 well / you / English /communicate/ how / сап / iп / ?
1 рау
2 9et tiап / distracted / iпtо ап аrgumепt
4 teacher/the/ spoke / l / to / the/test/about/ 3 make оппесtiапs / friends / messages
4 respond tо а text / ta о friепd / to о рhопе
5 listening / me / to / апуопе / is / ? 5 share tos/chat/computer;
6 poSt оп а fоrum / ап social medio / оп оп еmаil
6 l / yourl view / of / point / understand /.
@ Choose the t option.
7 got / l / imропапt/ап / message/ boss / mу / frоm / 1 usually lnfl mаl, between friends: о сопvеrsаtiоп /
а debate
2 апgrу, е ional: с debote / ап аrqчmепt
ф Revision Read the sentences. Are the underlined 3 ng
SеrlоuS, g] ideas: а discussion / о chat
words а поuп (N) or а verb (V)? 4 informal, s п, friendly: ап аrgumепt / а chat
5 between t s, to give а potnt of view: о debote / о
1 Не told mе to qive him а call this weekend,
2 Send me text when you 9et to the restaurant.

3 Have you sent them ап email with the

directions yet?
4 we rапо cvnthia but thеrе was no answer.
5 Don't еVеr text me when уоu'rе driving.
6 She checks hеr email every evening
7 The phone's ringing * could sоmеопе апswеr it? _
8 Please call me when you аrriче in Jарап.

86 Unit 8
But the words in the correct order to make sentences,
1 get/message / | l lo / need/out / mу /, @ Listen and the соrrесt answer to the question5.
2 skills / teacher / Jack's / interpersonal / tеrriЬlе / has / 1 Why the m n apologizing?
а Не doesn't nt to Ье around Тоm.
3 old / she/trying / islwith / connect/friends /to/ Ь Не сап't t the woman's invitation
с Не has q else he has to do
4 careful lsociai / post/media /what/you/be l оп /, d Не wasn't vited to the party.
2 Why does mап not want to Ье around Tom?

5 distracted l Ьу / уоur / don't / get / friends / а Тоm was ited first.

ь Не thinks is selfish

6 he / photos / his / website l оп /share / Iikes / to / с The woma likes Tom

d Не сап't nd Тоm.
what do the an and wоmап аgrее on?
7 attentton / whеп l рау / sоmеопе / talkin9 / is /
а Tom сап't tand the wоmап
Ь Tom is

complete the sentences with the correct

с Тоm is very polite.
@ Extension d Tom alw changes hls mind.
form ofthese verbs.
Why does t mап want to talk to the woman?
аrguе chat debate discuss phone questton а Не feels r tеrriЬlе
Ь He's Ьееп hinking.
1 The teams were whether с Не wants to Ье honest

animals shouId Ье used for scientific purposes.

d HeandT have taIked.
What does mап not want?
2 I\Лу mапаgеr and l need to mу
а to letT
new working hours.
Ь tobe Тоm
3 Don't with me - you know that
с to avoid Т
you're wrongl d to Ье pol to Tom
4 l'm just whether this is What does woman tell the mап he must do?
Something we really need. а avoid Т
me аftеr wоrk Ь come to ра rty
Why don't you
с Ье himsel
and we сап taIk?
d askTom to Come
6 We were before the lesson

Started, but then the teacher asked us to Ье qutet,

@ Extension Choose the correct word to complete the


1 Have you hеаrd the latest chat / gossip about Jan? She's
moving to Spain.
2 You can all have Some - there's по need to quаrrеl /
discuss about it.
3 The whole group wаsiп argument / аgrееmелrаЬоut
what they should do.
4 lf he forgets to рау, they usually send him а rеmiпdеr /
5 plans fоr the new buiIding have attracted quite а lot of
аrgumепt / crittctsm,
6 Не gave а wonderful lecture / speech at Вruсе and Kat's

Effective communication 87
ЖЖ GRAMMAR fi*p*rted ýpe*ch {1}
ф Llsten and choose the best summаrу.
* Are these direct (D) or reported (R) speech?

1 'Some an use special chemicals to

2 Our teac asked 'Do pets react when they
hear the rreot?'

3 She told that some animals used speciaI

chemica to communlcate.
4 Juan said that his dog scratches the door
when he to go outside
5 'Do pets eact when they hear the word rrеаr?'
6 Не sald dog scratches the door when he
Wants to oUtSide',
7 She as if pets reacted when they heard
the wor treOt,

@ Choose correct sentence so that it means the same

as the

1 Jose Lu 'Do you like to text your friends?'

а Неа lf we ljked to text our friends.
ЬНе that we liked to text оur friends,
Mina:'l а lot of time texting my friends.'
а She that she spent а lot оf time teкing mу friends,
а Tim Baird's afratd new technology is destroying the
Ь She ld that she spent а lot of time texting her
traditionaI culture.
ь Tim Balrd sees both positives апd negatives lп new
lV]ust text rеаllу fast; l use а lot of abbreviations,'
а: 'I
technology. аНе ented that he had texted rеаllу fast and
с Tim Baird gепеrаllу thinks technology makes the that е had used а lot of abbreviations.
Maasai people's Iives better. Ь Нес mented that he texted rеаllу fast and that he
d Tim Baird worries that the Nлaasar culture could used lot of abbreviations.

disappear. 4 Natalia: exting is the best way to communicate with

@ Listen again. Are the statementS true (Т) or false а She ld that texting was the best way to
жж со uпiсаrе with hеr friends.

1 The l\4aasai people depend оп their cows, Ь She ihat texting will Ье the best way t0
com nicate with your friends,
2 The Maasai аrе taking technology tests,
3 Tim Baird is an anthropologist.
5 even taught my grandmother how to text!'
а Неа mitted that he had еvеп taught hls
4 Availability of new informatton ls
qr hеr how to text,
changing lVlaasai l rfe.
ЬНе mitted that he was еvеп teaching his
5 NЛааsаi business was traditionally done grа mother to text.
person to person. 6 Sue:'l t my best friend if I'm havin9 trouble with my
6 Taking photographs is allowed iп
NЛaasaiculture. lained that hеr best friend texts her if she is
trouble wlth her homework.
7 Baird used to believe that technology
Ь She ined that she texted her best frlепd if she
was interfering with Mlaasai culture.
WaS trouble with hеr homework.
8 The Maasai аrе worried that technology
is changing their culture.

88 Unit 8
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. @ Complete the with the correct form of the
verb in
Emily: 'What time did mу boss tell me that l have to Ье
at work?' 'Аrе we goi to study iп the liЬrаrу аftеr school?'
She asked if (study) in the
EmiIy asked what time hеr boss tells / did tell / told hеr
that she had / have / has hadto Ье at wоrk. liЬrаrу after hool.

Ellie: 'We have to make sure the shop is ready for the 'Who k the best way to рrераrе fоr the science
mоrпiпg before going home.' teSt?'
ElIie said that they have hod / hod / are hoving to make Не asked w (know)the best
surе the shop ииоs / has Ьееп / had Ьееп rеаdу for the Way to pr for the science test.
mоrпiпg before going home. 'Whеrе is mа today? l haven't seen her.'
Rуап: 'Му sister cooks diппеr in the week and l cook it She asked Gemma
at weekends.' (Ье) and that She
Ryan told me that his sister hos cooked / is сооkiпg / (поt see)
cooked diппеr rn the week апd he is сооИпg / cooked / 4 'Сап you he|p mе with an essay question?'
has cooked it at weekends. she asked if l (сап help)herwith
Caitlin: 'l'm learning how to use the till tоmоrrоw.' ап essay q
Caitlin explained that she yycs lеаrпiпg / lеаrп / 5 'Did ап write down the page пumЬеr?'
hos Ьееп lеоrпiпg how to use the till the next day. She asked hether апуопе
5 0liver: 'We got а new puppy named Рriпсе!' (write) the page пumЬеr,
Oliver posted оп social media that lhey get / аrе getting / 6 'Why do always wait until the last minute?'
had got а пеw puppy named Рriпсе. She asked why he always
6 Rachel: 'Saturday is always busier than Sunday.' (Wait)Until he last minute.
Rachel commented that Saturday is Ьеiпg / was / 7 'Jack has al passed his driving test.'
has Ьееп always busier than Sunday. Не said thai.Jack (already pass)

his drivinq
@ But the words iп the correct order to complete the
sentences in reported speech. 8 'When will know our marks in the exam?'
Не asked we (know) our
1 she / that / complained / had / she
mаrks iп th
too much responsibility iп her job.
2 rерliеd / had / workin9 / enjoyed / he / he / that

at his fathe/s соmрапу.

3 suggested / that / she / she / show/couId

the mапаgеr опе of the rероrts.

4 wasn't / he / admitted / he / that

really comfortable uslng а computer.

5 worked / claimed / she / had / she / that

at the shop fоr two years.

6 to / he / fiпd / needed / replied / he / that

someone who could work on Saturdays.

Effective communication 89
*# lntercultural communication
ф Read the te again and match the statements (1-5)
with the or person (а-е),
ф Пеаd the statements. Are the sentences true (Т),
1 Plants сап recognize when а good
false (F) or is the information not given (NG)? ne!ghbou is growing next to them
1 lt's possible that plants of the same type 2 chilli seed ings sprout mоrе quickly,
recogrize опе anolher as mетоеrS о'а when qrо п next to good neighbours.
rеlаtеd grоuр, З Closely-r ted plants work together to
2 Plants mау use chemical signatures to succeed l their envtronment.

send messages through their Ieaves. 4 Plants, su as сrеss, а"е аьlе to оегепd
frоm plant-eatin9 insects,
3 Sea-rocket is а plant you сап eat and rt themsel s

tastes like fresh seafood

5 Plants ha а hidden but complicated
4 Some plants seem to know that сеrtаlп
neighbours can help рrеvепt the growth а Susan
of competing weeds,
ь l\4cl\лaster iversity
с Uп iverslty Г l\лissоuri
5 А plant called 'thale cress' produces а
d IVonica g lia по
poisonous oil when lt feels that an insect
е University western Australia
is eating its leaves.
6 Sclentists believe that plants all speak
the same language.
чосАвU BUlLDlNG tчi***Е!v* *г*f;н*=

@ Complete е Sentences with these ne9ative prefixes

ф Пеаd the teхt and match the paragraphs (1-5) with
and the ad ives in brackets. You may use some of
the summaries (a-g). You mау use а пumЬеr more
them more опсе.
than опсе.
а how plants defend themselves lm-
Ь how plants'hea/ their rеlаtivеs and friends
G unanswered questions about plant Though i may Seem
rеSеаrс rsnow аgrее that plants аrе able to
соmгг u пiсаiiог
согп mU п cate. (believable)
d plants don't communicate like us
0bviou , plants аге to send
е how plants use chemtcal signatures
teХts оr е phone calls. (able)
to communicate поt plants can 'talk' mау Ье
the 'hic]den but compIicated' social to some people, but to mапу
llfe of plants SCient it's а fascinatLng toplc. (rеlеvапt)
plants know when they're being eaten 4 Without isticated technology, it would Ье
to rесоrd the sounds а
caterpi ll makes. (possible)
5 The idea hat plants сап talk does seem а rather
concept, (usual)
6 lma9ine Vlng ап conversation
With а

90 Unit 8
Do plants talk?

t =ё-{€ё Is а flоъ,еr а mernbeT оf а'fаmilу'? Does а

plants spгotrte * mofc quickly when grоп,,п next to
plent recognlze оthеr pl;ints like it, as раrt rlf а grolrp?' lэаsi1 seecllings The chillj seedlings ýееш to kno\\"

Rеsеаrсh has recently shоъ,п that both possibilities thаt these Ьоurs help рrечепt the gгoъ,th
ma_v Ье truе. Like aninrals and peopie, it seems that
оf competing eeds and damage 1эlr inr".'.. '*"
have sholvn .t plants can recognize п,]rеп а good
p|ants аге аhlс lo геt,оgпizс Ггiепdь ,,",.1 ,.1зl|чсч in
оrdег to п.оrk together. ОЬчiоuslч plants can't send пеighЬоur is g ing next to them,' says Monica
texts, make pt,ror-re calis ог post photos on social Gagliano, ап оluliопаrу ecologist at the university
mcdia. чсl hоц do tltev соmlпr-rп,iсзrе7 р]эпts have el demonstmted that the.v knoъ,when
thcv'rc heing n! Not strцэrisingly, they cion't sееm
2 Sorne rсsеlгt,hсгS llelicгe thзt ptrnts mэ) Connt,(,t п itll
tO like it, and, ] Гоr tlrепrл thcy're not unable
one anotlrer lэy sencling 1nessages thlough their гооts,
to clefend t] Researchers at the Universý
ttsing chemical 'signalr,rrcs' specific to each plant's
of Nlissor_tri rесогсliпgs of the vibrations* а
lъmilч in огdег to idt,ntifu therrrseives. опе sttrd\,
caterpill,lf illa ас ii eatb tlrc lcares ()Г а plant сзllеd
го.,"а tr,rut plants from tlrc samc species оГ sеа-госkеt,
thaie сгеss. ir experiment showed that the сrеss
а coasta1 wildllош,ег, gfow aggгessivellr alongsicle
procl,tlced е *.,starcl oi1. а substance that's mildlv
uпгеlаtеd пеighЬоuгs. hut аге 1ess compctitirre whcn
they shаrе space with thсiг sil-']ings", Rеsеаrсhсrs at
poisonous and isliked iэy caterpillars, т.hеп it heard
оr tъlt vibratio qimjlзr,tо thoýc mзdе lly а mr_lnclling*
McMaster University, Опtаriо, sugge,st thаг this mеу
caterpillar. Ot pli-lnt,. Ьу scrrtlirlg t,helnit,:Ll disLresc*
1эе ап exanrple of kin* selection, а behaviour in п,hiсlr
signals while г attack ftom insects. аrе able to
closely rеlаtеd individr_ral.s work tоgеrhег to slrcceecl
attгact ргеdаt( that attack tlrose same insects.
in thеiг епчirопrпепt. As Dr Susan i)Lrdley of the
unir сгsiry \i),\. 'Pl]nt> llave this kind ot llic]tien hur scientlsts асс thet rеSеегсh iпtсэ plant
t,ompIit,etcd sclt,ial liГe, co1ll1]lu nlСat1olis in its еаrly da\.s. Тl-rеrе аге sti1]
mапV uпа.пS геd qшestions. Do plants intentionally
3 In adclition to chemical signals. it's possilэle tlrat
plants 'hеаг' one апоlhеr, and шsе what the1, 1-rear соmлluшсаtе itlr one anoth,er? If the1. clo. dtl they а11
to recognize theiT Telatives and gorэd neighbours, speak one lar яе оr аrе thеге as шапу languages
as there llгc t of plants? And сап w€i as humans,
А sttrdr conc]trt,ted Ьу rht, Uпiчегtitr оГ \Х,еslсгп
Аustгаiiа has shown that the seedlings'* оf chilli гсаilу r-inderst d what plants zrrе saying?

sitllings brc,lthers апd sisters vibtatiana rcrу fast shakitzg mоl)(|пlепt

munch to ебrt iп а ,ll,clI
Ип |апtil_r allll ],cla!ilre
seedlings oer.t, .rг,ч t tp, Pla tt ls distress uпЬаррiл or рсtiп

sprout hl lп,gitt lu grоtl, ptedatat ап a,11,j tbat kills сr,пd eats other апiп,tаls

Еffесtivесогпmuпiсаtiоп 91
#* Ask me anything
GRAMMAR R*p*rte* sp**ch i?} ф Complete th table with these words. Тhеп complete
the еха sentences using reported speech.
@ tlsten and complete the senten ces. ##
са п/са п't past continuous past perfect
1 Не the play
present реrf present simple would/wouldn't
2 Dottie enough to eat
3 Filipe mу 5U99estlon.

4 We at Lee's place. example

5 I
about our ten o'clock meeting past simple She said
outside to see the beautiful that
6 Не
SUnSet. 'lam She said
conti nuous speaking -
that she was
ф choose the correct sentence so that it means the same Frепсh,' spea ki пg
as the first. Frепсh,

I she said she needed а rest Ьеfоrе we went to the 'l spoke She said
сопсеrt. Frе nch.' that
а 'l have rested before we go to the сопсеrt,' 5he said
Ь 'l need а rest before we go to the concert,' that
2 loffered to sing at the concert that day.
а '|'m available to slng at the сопсеrt today' will/won't 'l'llspeak She said
Ь '|'ll sing at the сопсеrt the next day.' Frепсh.' that
3 l told him he could stay up late to see the frreworks the 'l can't She said
next day, speak that
а 'you wouId stay up late to see the fireworks the trепсh,'
previous day,'
ь 'you сап stay up late to see the firеwоrks tоmоrrоw,' ф Complete table with these words,
4 Не said he wanted to Stay up fоr another half ап hour,
оUr that day
that then
а '|'ve been wanting to Stay up for half an hour before,' they tоmоrrоw yesterday
Ь 'l want to stay up fоr апоthеr half ап hour.'

5 Не claimed he hadn't seen the саr оп the соrпеr,

reported speech
а 'I didn't see the саr on the соrпеr.'
the соrпеr.' (1) the next day
Ь 'l won't 5ее the саr оп -
noW (4)
6 She promtsed she'd finished the essay, (5)
а 'l would finish the essay.' (2) the ir book
Ь '|'ve flnlshed the essay.' (6)
7 Не asked if he could get а pet rabbit. today (7)
а 'Can l get а pet rabbit?'
this book
Ь 'Will l get а pet rabbit?'
8 Не explained that Rachel would Ье flylng in frоm the day Ьеfоrе
Budapest the пехt day.
а 'Yesterday, Rachel flew in from Budapest,' * гiпd and t the mistakes iп the words in bold.
Ь 'Rachel will Ье flyin9 in from Budapest tomorrow,' Two аrе с

1 She as if l got to meet the president?

2 lsaw Ch u а couple of days ago - she complained that
her car ad broken down yesterday.
As we finishing the meeting, l added that I

though we needed to do mоrе rеsеаrсh.
4 lVly little Ьrоthеr admitted to he lost his pet lizard.
5 Asked rigit if l could turn off the TV.
6 Не said he'd like to play tеппis with them.
7 John Sn't at the рапу, but he reminded me that he
8 i\4y teac iaid he was going to call my parents to
tell how well l dld

92 Unit 8


PRoNUNclA lON С**tr*ýt;vе


choose the соrrесt options to complete the sentences. 5trе55

@ ::

1 Hailey: 'Should l type the essay оr write it out?' !:
Hailey asked if l / she should type the assignment оr
writе it out,
2 N/y sister: 'We should mоvе to а bigger apartment.' * Listen to the tences. underline the words that the
Ме: 'А Ьiggеr apartment might Ье too expensive.' speaker stres . Then practise saying the sentences

lViy sister suggested mочiпg l tо mочеlо а Ьiggеr and think а the differences in meaning. ffiЖ
apartment. l repliedthat / replied rо а bigger apartment
1 Paul argued that we all соппесt оп social media before
might Ье too expensive.
we meet iп berson
3 Owen: 'Sure, I can help you make diппеr.'
2 Paul argued that we all соппесt on social media Ьеfоrе
Оwеп agreed to help / would оgrее rо help us make
we meet in berson.
3 Paul argued that we all соппесt on social media before
4 Mle:'| could go shopping with уоu tоmоrrоw, M]um.'
we meet in
l оffеrеd to go shopping with my mum tоmоrrоw / the
Can you bel|eve Sarah shared those photos оf mе on
пехt day.
hеr blog?
5 Саrа: 'Why don't you join u5 at the сiпеmа?'
Сап you bel]eve Sаrаh shared those photos оf mе on
She invited mеtо jоiп / to jоiп them at ihe cinema.
hеr blog?
6 Му dad: 'l'll рау you back next week.'
6 Сап you belIeve Sаrаh shared those photos оf me оп
Не promised / promised to рау me back the
her blog?
following week.
7 NЛоirа: 'When l was in secondary school, l played rugby.' ф Listen again а choose the sentence that is most
IVlоirа claimed to she ploy / thot she'd played rugby likely to foll жж
at secondary school.
1 Paul аr ihat we all connect оп social media Ьеfоrе
8 NЛуsister: 'Amal still hasn't replied to my еmаil!'
we meet iп berson
She complained that Amal still wаsп't rерlуiпg l hodn't
а Not just of us
repliedto hеr emall.
ь Не didn't want to wart until after.
@ Complete the sentences iп reported speech using the с lt wasn'i Бusan who rесоmmепdеd it.
verb in brackets. 2 Paul argued that we all соппесt оп social media before
we meet iп п
1 lMy stster: '|'m going to jump over that сhаir.'
оVеr the сhаir. (say)
а Notjust of us.
Му sister
Ь That way we could соmе together as а group.
2 lt4e to mу brother: 'Have you fed the dog yet?' ( lt wasn't ýusan who rесоmmепdеd it.
3 Paul argued that we all connect on sociai media before
3 l\4y aunt:'Tori, did you go to the сiпеmа оп Friday?'
we meet in person.
iVly aunt on tridау. (ask)
а Не didn't want to wait until after.
Мr Henderson: 'l'll text .Jen to ask hеr if she left her bag Ь Notjust of us.
in class.' с That way we could come tоgеthеr as а group.
lvir Henderson her bag in class.
4 Сап you Sarah shared those photos of me on
her blog?
i\Лу uncle to me: 'l have tickets to the match оп а And l'm of her best friendsl
Saturday, so l can't go to the play with you.' Ь She, ofal people, should know better!
Му uncle с They we so embarrassingl
Сап you Sаrаh shared those photos оf me on
NЛе to my brother: 'Do you have any homework to do her blog?
this аftеrпооп?' а She, ofa people, should know better!
that аftеrпооп. (ask) Ь And l'm оf hеr best friendsl
7 N/e to my sister: '|'ll take you to the shops after your с That's Worst possible placel
Ьапd rehearsal.' Сап you ieve Sаrаh shared those photos of me on
band rеhеаrsаl. (offe0 her biog?
8 Му friends to me: 'Do you want to go sailing at the lake а They so embarrassing!
on Saturday?' Ь That's worst possible place!
l\/у friends at the lake the next с And l'm of hеr best friends!
Saturday. (invite)

Effectivecommunication 93
** 10 ways to have а better сопче tion
celeste Не dless cgrees wlth l dilagrees wtth l dоеsп'r
TEDTALKS knoi,iz the
about h
ice the audience may have heard before
to listen
She is to teach the audience how to shovv that
AUTHENTIc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS you're list l the sktlls she uses tп her professton os
оп iпtеrчt l how поt ta Ье bored whеп havtng о
ф Listen to the TED Talk extracts. Choose the correct сопvеrsаt
words or phrases to complete the sentences, Listen
again anj checkyour answers,
=-just set down ff Watch Parts and З of the TED Talk. Match the rules
(1-6) with explanations (a-f).
1 Don't multitask. And l don't mеап
your cell phone оr your tablet оr уоUr саr keys оr 1 Don't m
your hand 2 Don't роп
а whatever is iп ь wl,at's ir
с what else is in 3 Use ореп ded questions, _
2 Start уоur wftп wп0, Wr]aL, 4 Go with flow. _
whеп, where , why о" how. 5 Тrу not to repeat yourself. _
а сопсеrпs Ь questlons с requests
6 Stay out the weeds.
terrified?'you're gоiпg
lf l ask you, 'Were you а Don't е t people поt to have ап opinion about
to respond to the most роwеrful word iп that
what you saying,
sепtепсе, which is 'terrified', and
ь Don't wo rу about giving allthe details, Nobody cares
'Yes, l was' оr'Nо, l wasn't.'
( Епсоu rаg the person you're talking to to think about
а it always ls
Ь the answer is с the word is
thеir ап
And we stop listening, and ideas
d Give the 5оп уоu'rе speakin9 to уоur fu]l attention,
аrе going to соmе to yOu
Ь с Reports е Learn to ten and forget about what you want t0 say
а Stories Stores

lcannot tell you how mапу rеаIlу tmportant f Stop ma ng the Same point again and а9аlп
people have saicl that listenin9 rs perhaps the moSt,
the number опе гпоst important skill that you
а should Ь can с couId
ff Choose correct word or phrase to complete the
6 l don't have to hear anyth!ng l'm not interested in, l'm SentenceS.

the Му fa my love of music. Не

а sense of adventure с communication jUSt Wa me to take оvеr the family business
ь centre ofattention а avoid с саmе up with
People would come оVеr to talk to my grandparents, bd 't саrе about
and after they would leave, my mother would Не got е job his connecttons
and she'd say, 'Do you know with the right people
who that was? а Inc flict with ( dUe to

а саrе for us с come оvеr to us Ь surrо nded Ьу

ь come home with us lt's best gettln9 lnto ап
WATсH - try to
Ь coun
'l of the TED Talk. Choose the correct optlon
ф Watcrr Part Some think it's polite to
to complete the sentences. and smi it shows that уоu'rе listenin9
1 Celeste Headlee's TED Talk is about how to have
good а whis с text
speeches l jnterviews l conversattans, Ь nod
Every conversation has the potential to Ьесоmе Do you ? lf so,then let's hear it,

о disoqreement l lmроrtапt l ап tmроrtапt еvепt, а hat а Care с show уоur view

l\lапу уоuпg people today аrе able to share ideas bh а point to make
iп groups, but поt lndivldually / апltпе, Ьut поt fасе to 6 not
lt'S as ап actor. you
face l foce to foce, but псt опltпе, have to Ье really good оr have the right connections,
celeste Headlee works as о professional tntervtewer / а а living с make а comment
а secondory schoalteacher l а соmmuпiсаtlапS ехреrt Ьmа а point

94 Unit 8
#Ж I hеаr what you're saying
sPEAKlNG ф Read and com lete the conversation with your оwп
answers to sympathy. Then listen to the modeI
@ Choose the correct options to complete the conversation. answer and pare your ideas. Жffi
Then listen and checkyouranswers. #Ж
Eva l've had а bad week. l had ап accident оп my
А Excuse me. Еrr, l wonder, can you help me? bike оп у
в Yes?
What happened?
А Well, ljust went outside to апswеr а phone call and
Wеrе you rt?
when l came back, my iaptop was missing, Could
апуопе have moved it? Eva l'm ОК, unfortunately l hit а саr,
В Ah, well, l don't think so, but l'll check with the other staff
Yоч (2) ! So what about уоur
А Thanks. bike -
С Hi, Toml Wоrkiпg hаrd? 0h, what's wrong?
Eva Well, f
А Niy laptop's missing.
my t wheel was Ьrоkеп, but the wогst
саr. l damaged the dооr and scratched
С 0h, l (1) see / heor.
thing was

В Excuse me. l'm {2) scared / afraid that по опе's seen

the paint.

уоur laptop.
А Then whеrе is it? Eva The drivеr told me he was glad l wasn't injured, but
в l'm sоrrу to (З| say /геilit looks ltke someone's taken it.
that l woufid have to рау to rераir the damage. So l

А What? l\4y wоrkl have to wфrk extra hours during the holidays to рау
с 0h, Tom. That's awful. (4| What l |Д/hеп а pity| my раrепts back.
А Haven't уоu got CCTV оr something?
You (4) - so you won't have
в Еrr .. . (5) )ссоsiопаilу / UпfоПuпоtеlу, our system is
much frее time then?
being upgraded and the cameras аrеп't rесоrdiпg.
А So you can't check?
Eva No, and t 's not the опlу thing. l'm afraid l'm not
going to ish my history coursework on time.
с That is (6) frustrating / соmрlаiпiпg. А security system
that doesn't wоrk. You What? How come?
l (7) hear /iisren what уоu'rе saying, but we do say
Eva l didn't start it early enough. l've been working hаrd
that the llЬrаrу can't Ье responsible fоr personal items. on this Vyeek, but 1ast night l was so tired that ljust
А But it's got all my project wоrk оп itl fell asleep at mу desk and woke up iп the mоrпiпg.
в Well, l'm sоrrу to {8) say l heor lhat. Do you have а
Yоч (6) , lViaybe you should
ask for
Well, l did, it's (9) сimоsrliusгthаt the wifi isn't
working and l've been hеrе all day,
с That's (10) such / tпhot а shame, @ Пеаd the scena and think about the conversations in
these situati Howwould you show understanding or
в Yes, you see, the |11) something l thiпg is, the whole
disagree poli with the other person? Make notes on
compUter System'S Ьеiпg updated, includlng the
your ideas. listen to the example conversations and
l understand, (12) апd / buгthat's поt the point, l do compare your ж#
think you should take some responsibility fоr this. а You аrе а assistant. А customer comes lnto
0К, let's call the police and see what they advise. the shop wa iпg to return some headphones that
don't work, t he doesn't have the recetpt. The shop
ф Llsten again апd decide whеrе the intonation goes up
doesn't qive nds Without а receipt.
and down when showin9 sympathy. Practise using
sympathetic intonation. =#Ж Ь Yоu'rе iп а сfifё and the service is чеrу slow. You have
been wаitiпф fоr half ап hour and the waiter Ьriпgs
1 l'm sоrrу to hear that,
you the wroirg оrdеr. This isn't the first time you've had
2 That is frustrating.
slow service hеrе
3 That's such а shame.
4 What а pity. с Yоur friend сфlls to say that she is flying home, but the
hеr flight and she can't leave until
5 l See.

6 l hеаr what уоu'rе saying, but .. ,

tomorrow. Yфu'rе both involved in а 9roup presentation
Гоr your courie the next mоrпiпg. Your friend says that
7 l understand, but ...
the group wiIl have to do it without her.
8 You see, the thing is ..,
9 lt's just that . ,

10 Unfortunately, .

11 l'm afraid that . .,

12 l'm Sorry to Say . . ,

Effectivecommunication 95
wo;lo you to in^rrediately
WRlTlNG &r: *rэ:*il *Ё **rэ:pl*E*E , rit^e

send fullrefund, in addition to ап apology, оr сапсеl

ф Пеаd the sentences. Are the words and phrases in bold mус aCt
expressing contrast (С), result (R) or addition (А)?
аm attaching copies of mу
1 The fаЬriс was cheap and, as well as this, the sleeve аtеггегt, as well as а lisl s,lowing detaiIs о{
WaS torn, _ call l've had with customer servlce about this
2 The laptop was faulty and, therefore, l lost а lot of
-ГроrtаrI worL. _
l 1ook fоrwаrd to hearing frоm
з The waitress was inefficient and, furthermore, she was
quite rude. _
4 The item was dеlivеrеd оп time, however, it was Yours faithfully,
damaged when it аrrivеd. _ Li Na Sung
5 No опе has replied to гпе, ечеп though l've emailed
Lhree tiпеs| .
* Summa ize the points made iп the lecture, being sure
to in how they oppose specific points made in the
6 Thetaxi аrriчеd fartoo late and, because of this, l
readi passage.
m ssed ny f iqht
7 lп spite of explaining the рrоЬlеm twice, l was asked s you аrе sоmеопе who actually enjoys аrguiпg,
to ехр ain it aqain, you llla find it difficult to make а complaint саlmlу and
8 You sent it iп the wrопg соlоur апd, moreover, it was с еаrlу. nlike their friends in the United States, making
rhе wrong size.
complai ts causes mапу реор е in the UK to feel anxious
соmmоп stereotype of British реорlе is being
ф t_abelthe parts of the emailof complaint. п fact,

so poli that they wi1 accept qreat iпсопvепiепсе rather

background to the рrоЬlеm details of the рrоЬlеm
thап с pLain. Why is this?
formalending fоrmаl greeting
F=irst all, fеаr. Many аrе afraid to speak out and risk
how she flee]s items attached
rеаsоп fоr wrlting request for а reply being с l!enged. When serv ce is рооr, fоr example,
what she wants them to do it often easler to say поthiпg. The British, in

ра rtiCU l
- world famous for thetr extreme politeness -
FR0I\4: Li Na.Su ng@messa ge5,com аrе also lrаid to арреаr difficult; they don't want to caus€

ТО: trоuЬ]е d actually рrеfеr to аро ogize than to complain

А theory is negative expectations. The belief
SUBJECT: Complaint - account number 77В429
(1) Dеаr Sir / l\4adam that th 5ituatiol wor'T Ье dealt wirh suilab у, оr аr all

(2)_ l am writiпg to соmрlаiп about What is е point of complaininq if nothing is going to

some ongoing customer service issues that l have had Ье don ? Furthеrmоrе, people mау perceive negativity iп

with уоur соmрапу. com pla We oor't wаrI to Ье аЬе led in а ne9aTive

(3)_ Ovеr thrее weeks ago, l was Way, So choose not to complain at all

invited to upgrade my рhопе, l was assured thеrе ti , ассоrdiпg to eXperts, t l5 not that peopie

would Ье по сhаrgе for the phone and that my don't w пt to соmрlаlп, but rаthеr, that they don't know

сопtгасt wou]d continue fоr two years at the same rаtе how to omplain effective у. lt has been suggested that

of monthly payments. l was also told that the рhопе we mig t Ье hаррiеr and hеаlthlеr if we could lеаrп

would Ье delivered to my home the following day. tech s that helped us to pl,esent our complaints

(4) First of all, the phone was mоrе Гidently, We can lеаrп how to dеlivеr а firm

not del vered that day. I was given а new date thrее and message whi]e still remain ng polite. Studies

times апd the рhопе аrrivеd mоrе than two weeks show t t unspoken frustrations can build up and cause

]аtег. Fuгthеrmоrе, when my bank statement аrrivеd, а differt rапgе of рrоЬ ems such as апgеr and stress,

L discovered l had been charged the full cost ofthe which t еп put significant strain on our well-being. So,
phone in spite of being promised i wou]d have let's sta complainingl

nothing to рау. Yоur customer service a9ents now tell

me that а refund cannot Ье processed.
(5) lt has Ьееп an extremely
frustrating situat]on that stil] has поt Ьееп dealt
with. I have Ьееп а loyal customer for four years, but
mу confldence in уоur соmрапу has поw dec ned
d rа matica lly,

Unit 8



5 that the test would make up З0% оf


She expla

their final :

ф Match the two parts of the sentences. :


1 Having рооr interpersonal skills _ 6


N/onika ad that they always enjoyed EngIish lessons.

2 you сап use social media _

3 You should пеvеr send оr respond _ 7 Jens said t he could lend mе а dictionary,
4 l'll miss vou when vou mоvе.
5 0пliпе forums аrе not _
6 we need to oet the messaoe ot]t @ Complete the speech with the correct form of
the verbs in Ьr
а to connect with new people at уоur university.
Ana: 'l al рау attention when people talk to me.'
Ь а good place to get medical advice.
she claimed hat she always
с about climate change.
(рау) attenti п when people
d can Ье bad for уоur саrееr.
(talk) to hеr.
е but we сап have long рhопе conversatlons.
f to texts when you аrе driving.
Jakub: 'You i terrupt people too much.'
не said that I (interrupt) people
@ Read the text below and choose the correct options. too much.

Nexi уеаr, l'm staпing university and l'm wоrriеd about 3 Haruto: 'lf l foi9et the English word fоr somethin9, l сап

losing touch with my old friends. Wе'rе going to trу check the dic оп my phone.'

to Stay con nected ('I ) each

не reminded us thai if he
(forget) the E{-lglish word for someihing, he
other Ьу usinq social (2) 1,Il

(3) (сап check) the dictionary on his

photos of my пеw friends and
my life at uriversity, and l'll (4) phone.

updates about what l'm doing апd learning Sophia: 'l ha spoken English iп the UK, but l've

every week. 0f соursе, l'll also make 5urе that visited the u

(5) to texts when l'm not she told the that she (not

too busy. I guess it will Ье imропапt not to get speak) EngIis in the uk, but she

(6) Ьу mу social life and forget to

(ViSit) the US.
go to lecturesl l'm sure though that my old friends and l
5 Hasan: 'lt's ha d to understand people who speak

wiil still have grеаt (7) quietly.'

and lots of
fun whеп we see each оthеr iп the holidays. Не explained hat it (Ье) hard to

1awith Ьfоr сЬу dfrom u ndersta nd Ie who (speak)

2 atexts bmedia cconnections dfоrums q uietly.

3ashare bmake cget dtalk
4atake bmake cget dpost @ Complete the with these words and phrases.
5arespond bpost (get dmake admitted could he'd do invited
6 а texted Ь connected с distracted dshared that the next day there told
7 а debates Ь conversations с forums dtexts was making

@ Пеаd the sentences and write what each реrsоп said.

Не rugby was mоrе challenging
1 admitted that they didn't understand
.Jake and NЛаriа
than he t it would Ье.
what the tеасhеr wanted them to do.
James the boys for а meal
'we don't understand whot the teacher wапts us to do.'
before the pl
2 Не told mе thai the project was taking lопgеr than he
had expected.
3 Не said he lasagne and that
they have it fоr lunch.
4 Emily me she cried when she
The teacher remtnded the students that they needed
watched him the TV.
to finish their projects Ьу Thursday.
5 Joan agreed 9о to town with me

4 Не commented that no опе had followed the directions.

6 Rаmоп said his homework later.
7 she said that еу had lived
mапу years ,lп small house
пеаr the chu

Effective communication 97
*+ Entertain me!
VOCABU LARY {г**Т,iт * *тЕэ * Match the se tences with the соrrесt types of art оr
ф Revision Match the examples with the nouns,
1 ltwasas tасulаr show - the а а play

1 The Prado, The Louvre, lVоN/А а art SlngerS dапсеrs were агпаziп9l
2 painting, drawing Ь colour 2 lt was of stone, but it looked Ь а portrait

3 c!assical, h!p hop, рор с iпstruгпепt like а real rSо п.

4 lэrlght, dark d music

3 Theq looks vеrу уоuпg in this с а sculpture

5 guitar, piano, violin е рhоtоgrарh p!CtU rе, a]so confident and

6 digital, old f museum serlous,
4 The paintt s showed how art d ап exhib t _

*€ Revision Choose the correct option to complete the

changed i Sparn frоm the 1920s to
the 1960s
1 Тhеlr flrst attempt to climb the mounta]n ended in е а mura]
5 This iпсr paintinq соvеrs the

с fail whoJe wa of the building

а faillre f а musical
h failed d successful 6 l ]oved t show - the actin9 was

1'm so dlsappointed - mу application to theatre school wonderfu апd l crled at the епd.

has Ьееп
а failed Ь rеjесtеd с aCCept d failure * Choose the orrect option to complete the text.

lt was опе of the most

exhib]tions that the mUSеUгп had ечеr organlzed
а регfесtiоп ( aCceptlng
ь successful d failed
4 The painting *.-lI1;::}}:'the small

а pe(ection с failure
Ь lmрегfесtiоп d fail

some of the most famous artists wеrе

during thеir lifetlmes
а SUCCеSS с failed
Ь failure d unsuccessful
Last Friday ning, the band Рор Shop did а smalI
6 Those shoes look grеаt with your dress - thеу'rе the at а пеw muslc
co]our (2) iп town. The band's
а реrfесt
с регtесtiоп
(3) wa5 exciting апd full of
Ь imperfect d rejection
епеrqу, ап the small (4) --==---, of abol,
Some people say that art is
50 people, emed to ]ove it. iVy only complairrt was tha,
]f lt doesn't make реорlе think
а fallure с successful ]t was diffic to hear the (5) _ =-_ of

Ь perfection d unsuccessfu] some of th songs because the app!ause frоm the сrоwо
was so lo , BuL'. ar) cdse, l was а g"eaL г ght of
*= Complete the table with these words, (6)- entertain ment

audience ga lery listeners stadium 1а prod t]on Ь сопсеrt с mus]cal

studio thеаtге viewers visito rs 2арr mmе Ь vепuе с productlon
3аm а] ь епtеrtаiпmепt с реrfоrmапсс
4а сопс ь listeneгs с audience
5а lyrics Ь audLence с регfоrmапсе
баех Ь live с theatre

98 Unit 9
choose the correct option to complete the sentences. The museu noW has !аrgе 9аllеrlеs that are fullof
light to dis the
1 The most successfuJ songs always have а catchy
а designs works of art
tuпе l lyrtcs.
Ь wоrk of d masterpiece
2 очеr
fans packed into the exhibition / stodtum tо
The galler аrе large and bright, making them mоrе
waLcl, Tl^e сопсе"L.
3 The lead singer sang the first verse l lyrics and then the to young people.
others joined in. а cont sia l с moving
4 This еаrlу mоrпiпg гаdiо рrоgrаmmе has оvеr 2 million Ь emoti I
d арреаliпg
listeners / vtewers. l\4any аrtis Say they find the пеW mUSеUгп
5 The prime minister is going to make а live and enjoy visiting lt when they
епtеrtаiпmепt l broodcast to the country tonight. need new
6 l пеvеr liked that series becauseIhe choracters / а с award-winnlng
audience seemed rеаllу stupid. Ь inspirat d lifelike
7 what's your favourite broadcast l fоrm оf епtеrtаiпmепt - have а chance to Ье
Visitors а]
music, W or theatre?
whеп t аrе at the museum. Тhеrе аrе mапу
large out ооr spaces where people can paint,
ф complete the words in the sentences. The first letter is
given for уоu. draw or r!te
а creatlve с boring
1 А пеw g_ _ __ _,_ -- was opened in the city to
Ь арреа d inspirational
display the paintlngs.
The new seum building is so beautifully designed
2 The final p -_ *_ -- - -
lhat mапу ple say it is а
Broadway was оvеr twenty уеа15 а9о. а wоrks о с fine arts museum
She asked the children to do а d -- *: Ь design d mаstеrрiесе
of themselves with а репсilапd рареr.
l think р---- аrе often too serious, so l рrеfеr ф Extension ete the sentences with these

- adjectives. Т are two adjectives you don't need.

lVу brother's going to раiпt а р-- :, - abStract award-wtnning controversial emotional

of mу mother for hеr birthdav. imaginative life|,ke mode,n mov 19

The artist has Ьееп working on а large m-___ ,_ _-- __*

1 The sculp rе is incredibly
covering the east side of the building,
looks еха ly like him
l ]ove the band's musrc, but their |*_ ,,,_ __
The paintt doesn't show objects as they realIy
don't make апу sense!
арреаr; it' а piece of а гt.

* Extension Complete the table with these adjectives, lt's а art museum displaying the

appealing awful boring imaginatlve wоrk of с tеmроrаrу аr ti StS.

inspirational movtn9 slow tedtous 4 The artist as made vеrу use of

recycled bjects
The has ап design
which ha inspired many оthеr buildings.
These raits of politicians iп comical situations have

ff Extension Read the text and choose the correct

option to complete the sentences.
1 The Whitney l\Лuseum of Аmегiсап Art iп New '/ork
opened its new building in 2015 This mоdеrп,
space was desiqned Ьу the
ltalian architect Renzo piano
а сопtеmроrаrу с lifelike
Ь boring d moving

Unexpectedentertainment 99
LlSTENlNG @ tisten to the t What is the speaker's purpose?

ф tisten to tour guide in Paris, Frапсе, and match the

statements with the photos (а, Ь or с). ## а t0 perSU the listener
1 lt's frоm about the 2nd century ВС. _
to а19Uе Somethinq

2 The portrait is а masterpiece. _

с to give а iled description
d to соmраrе nd contrast
3 lt's one of the finest examples of Frепсh Gothic
rсhitесturе. @ Listen again. atch the adjectives with the поuп5.


4 lt was painted between 150З апd

5 lt's made of mаrЬlе. _ 1chilly а dооr
6 lt's made of limestone. _ 2 ghoulish-I ng Ь patterns
7 lt's оп реrmапепt display at the Louvre. _ 3 сrееру с welcome
8 The sculptor is unknown. _ 4 infamous d tunnels
5 famous е buildings
6 artistic f gаllеrу
7 threateni g аir
8 spiral h staircase
9 frighteni i skull
10 spooky j guillotine

@ Listen again choose the correct answer to the

questionS. ж
lViona Lisa
1 What рlасе being described?
а theu und с the catacomb5
Ь ап art SeUm
2 How does i feel down there?
а cool с hot
Ь wаrm
3 Where did ll the bones come frоm?
а the tu с the churches
Ь the се
4 lп what уеа were the bones moved to the tunnels?
а 17Вб 1В76 с
ь ]67в
5 Who or the bones to Ье аrrапgеd into artistlc
а Napo с Napoleon lIl

Winged Victory Ь Napol

6 What la is the sign iп?
а Frепсh а English с Frепсh
Ь English
7 What kinds Г bones аrе described as smiling?
а аrms с faces
Ь skulls
8 What do ple sometimes try to steal?
а bags bones с
Ь souveni


100 Unit 9
GRAMMAR }*fEni*g r*l*tiv* сlаus*s John Singl п CopIey was ап artist paintin gs / of /
known / w / fоr l was / famous апd important
ф choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the people / h
sentences. Choose (-) where а relative рrопоuп is not
The Whitn i\Лusеum of Аmеriсап Аrt ls а place of /
1 They've just played that song who / thot you like|
sometimes exhibitions / artists / hosts / lhal /
2 lt's а special keyboard that / - is deslgned to Ье mоrе
u р-а nd- ing
3 When we 9о to St lves, we're going to visit the gallery
- / who John told us aboui.
4 ls that the woman - / who discovered those valuable
* Read the Аrе the relative рrопоuпs the
subject (5) or t (О) of the clauses?
5 Itwas а surprise to see а museum which /- featured 1 The bus w 5top5 оп the соrпеr goes directly to the
digital images. ап gаllеrу
6 The paintings that /whоm the museum owns аrе not 2 Kids often а lot оf time watching videos which
for sale. they find о
7 iVly favourite роstеr is of а paintin g who / rhсr l saw at
3 The guy wh l know frоm school is working at the
the lVletropolitan It/useum in New Yоrk.
ticket office
8 She's the artist which / ичhо is going to teach а class
hеrе next month. 4 I bought а ond-hand book that has excellent
examples lmpressionist аrt. _
ф Пеаd the sentences. Are the relative pronouns
5 Some films characters who you сап rеаllу relate
песе55аrу (N) or unnecessary (U)?
1 The musicians that opened the сопсеrt have been 6 She's to see а play which is based оп one of hеr
playing together for flve уеаr5. _ favourtte
2 The drummer uses а kit which her father bought hеr 7 The cinema which is пеаr my house has luхurу seats
fоr her sixteenth biпhday. _ with tables.
3 The singer who writes songs fоr the band is also а
8 She saw thd documentary that she'd read about onllne.
poet. _
4 Together they make music that speaks to уоuпg
people around the world. _ @ Combine the sentences into опе with а relative
5 The song that we've just heard ls опе of their most

рорulаr ones.
1 The artist ates masterpieces. The masterpieces аrе
made of di rепt coloured lights
6 When they first started, they played in а small club
which their friend owned. _
7 The keyboard рlауеr also designs the t-shiпs that are
The painter t new paintbrushes. The
for sale at each show. _ paintb s wеrе made iп ltaly.
8 lVly friепds who didn't get а ticket will have to listen оп
the radio. _ The апсiеп Romans decorated their homes with
paintings paintings wеrе later discovered Ьу
ф Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences
with relative clauses.
1 lt's а famous Аrgепtiпiап аrt museum famous / mапу /
Nl С Esch was а famous graphic artist, Не was frоm
paintings / Ьу / Latin Аmеriсап artists / has / whlch the Neth

The Museum of NЛоdеrп Аrt in Warsaw а museum / Tango is а -known dance. The dance is frоm
mоdеrп artists / is / оп / which / Polish / focuses Argentina а Uruguay.

The sёо paulo Museum of Ап has а соllесtiоп Grарhiс аrе а new kind of litеrаturе. Grарhiс
novels аrе joyed Ьу kids аrоuпd the world.
which / Еurореап and South Аmеriсап / painters
/ mапу different / includes / frоm /countries

0s Gёmеоs аrе Brazilian street artists оvеr /

murals / who /all / the world / paint / соlоuгГul

UnexpectedeгtertalnnenL 101
*# Fast art, big art
5 Young fash п desiqners in Cuba drеаm of takrng
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG *ярг*ssi*т:э Tяit}:
iп studios / xhibtttons with designers frоm all over the
@ complete the sentences with these phrases, Тhеrе and choose the correct апswеr to the
two phrases you don't need,
* Read the
make а living
make а decision make а drfference 1 Why is Cu today visited Ьу travellers fгоm all over the
make friends make sense
make а splash world?
make way
make the most make time а Cubans rе embractng visitors and the ideas they
eaSy to
1 UnIess you're Vеrу famous, it'S not particularly Ь Cuba is о lопgеr cut оfffrоm the rest of the world,
as ап actor с Cuba racts а lot of artists.
печеr d es аrе еmеrgiпg iп the arts tn Cuba
2 Because he's so pleasant апd generous, Dev has New
fоuпd it difficult to 2 Accordlng раrаgrарh 2, why is music an
аrt form Cuba?
3 The weather was qorgeous, so we decided to
of it and have а picntc,
а Мапу С п musicians рrеfеr to play traditional
4 lknow it's tricky when there аrе so many choices, Ь Young uЬап musicians аrе mixin9 modern апd
vеrу soon you'll have to traditi al music.
5 Did mу ехрlапаtiоп of the homework с Nлusic i ап expression of Cuban style
to you? d Rumba famous all оvеr the world
3 what is опе result of Cuba
6 l'm not available today, but l'd Ье happy to to paragraph
Ассоrd 3,

tO 5ее yOU tomorrow bel nq е ореп to the world?

сап а Young uЬап musiclans аrе реrfоrmiпg with
7 spending even а little time with ап older реrsоп
ns frоm around the world
really iп their life
Ь l\Лiхiпg mЬа апd еlесtгопiс music produces
пg results.
READlNG DJs аr по lопgеr playing Еurореап оr US music,
artists 5uch as N/il!lian Galis are able t0
-6) iп
S Choose the best heading for the paragraphs
perfor at music festivals
the teХt, 'the
4 What Yissy Garcia гпеап whеп she says

1а The importance of the arts rhythms hat we make аrеп't рurе'?

Ь Rapid changes lп Cuba today а Yissy inks Cuban music is undeveloped,
2а The changing face of Cuban music Ь Ylssy а her Ьапd use а lot of percussion
Ь The music of Geovant deI Рiпо i п stru ts iп their music
с Yissy her band mix Сuьап music with other
3 а The importance of live percussion
а place where musicians meet typeS гп t]Slc
Ь lVапапа,
d Yissy Bandacha play mostly funk and jazz
4а А mixture of rhythms
to l\4iguel Leyva, how аrе уоuпg Cuban
Ь А tamily of С;lэа,l реrГоrгпеrs
designer breaking the stereotype of Cuban
5а Fashion in рорulаr magazines
а N/ore пg Cuban designers аrе поw paylng
Ь The growth of fashlon in Cuba
atte to рорulаr magazines.
6а Young desi9ners in Cuba
Ь You Cubans who wоrk at qovernment
jobs поw
Ь What's next for Cuba? buy fashionable clothes.
с N4оrе Cubans would like to Ье able to buy the
ф choose the correct option to complete the sentences, ng
thing they see in magaztnes
1 Geovani del Pino is а Cuban musician who's always Cuban designers аrе being lnfluenced Ьу
Io ехреrtmепt l playrraditianal music,
рrеfеrrеd neW as and сrеаtiпg their own fashion
2 At lиапапа, l\Лililian Galis took part in а реrfоrmапсе / to the text, what 'comes next'for Cuba?
6 Accordi
qаllеrу of Сulэап, American апd lrапiап mustc,
а Musi ians of alI ages will perform traditional music
3 А typlcal concert l vепuе а| l\лапапа might include еr.
musicians playing а mix of rumьа, electrontc music Ь Cuba will attend mоrе concerts and exhibitions
hip hop. с Cuba designers will make clothes that аrе practical
4 Now that trачеllеrs from all оvеr the world аrе able fortable.
to visit, cuban artists аrе starting to rеасh wider dCu of all ages will wоrk together towards а
broadcasts / oudtences than еvеr Ьеtоrе, inclLlsive future.

102 Unit 9
The changing state of the arts Cuba
Ж# Cuba is а country that's experiencing гарid
and significant changes, Irlot surprisingly, the arts
arc рlауiлg an imроrtапt rоlе in moving those
changes fоrъ.аrd. Cut off frоm daily contact ý/ith
шuсh of the vrorld for rnany уеаrs, Cuba is tоday
flooded Trith trачеllеrs. СuЬапs are еmЬrасiпg
these Tisitors and the ideas they bring, As а resu}t,
печr styles аrе emerging iп aimosT ечеrу aspect of
the аrts.
Music is one art fоrm that's аlъrауs Ьееп enormously
important in Cuba. 'It's at1 ехрrеssiоп of Cuban sфе,'
says Geovani del Pino, the directoT of а fifteen-piece
trand know,n intematlonally for playilg traditional
Cuban rumЬаЕ. Whiie musicians like Gеочапi рtеfеr
to stick to hiýtoгic and traditional sфеs, шапу yourlg
cuLran artists аrе today feeling гrее to ехреrimепt
with the rhlthms they iearnt аs children. These
young musicians are taking traditional Cuban musical
styles and mixing them vrith funk*, electronic music
and reggaeton'}, Brith interesting rеsuiБ. Yissy & а, and they describe their musiс as
'high speed pzz.,
'Cuba is changing no$r. It is opening to the wоrld,'
Fashion is аrеа thаtЪ developing in СuЬа.
says Alain Gаtсiа Аrtоlа, а mеmЬеr of а rар gгоuр a:rd
Not 1ong ago, опlу oBtion for most young people
ая atgaл\zer of Manana, а music festival that aims to
was wotkitrg а goyemment joL, and making very
comliine tTaditional Сuьап sounds Trith international
}ittle rпопеу * less tlran S100 а rnonth, But
еlесtrопiс musiс, At Manafla, а respected traditional
aTtist such as Mililian Galis. krroTrn as one of the
that's chansi , too. Miguel Lelva is а fashion biogger
in наyапа. Seeý new opportunities in fasНon as
gIeatest Аfrо-СuЬап drummеrý, реrfо*пs neTr music
,with Аmеriсап and Irапiап musicians, mixing Iгапiап an ехаmрlе how things in Cuba аrе developing.
Не ч;ritеs yoling реорlе whо аrе making а
tцпеs wilh elements of rumьа and electronic music.
difference. to neý/ influerrces and using
Another aЁist, DJ Jigrie, comb_ines hip hop, classic
thern to thеir оъ;п fashion; Не looks fогwаrd
СаrilэЬеап music and elcctronica, accompanied Ьу
trying to find пеvr sounds to а day Cubans чriý Ье аЬlе to look at popular
1ive реrсussiоп*,
magazines t feeling that they'li never have the
based оп чlhаt belongs ю uý,'Jigtie explains. 'Doing
things in 'This generation is doing someЙing
the sаmе rTrusic as а European DJ оr ап Аmеriсап DJ
qrouldn't sound 1ike us and would Ье а failure.' пещ'Lеlr.а 'Thelr're breaking rhe stefeotype*
of СuЬап , It's atl important first step.'
Yissy Gаrсiа agIeeý. Yissy is а young drummеr
T;ho тrаs brought up in а family of musicians, 6 ýиhat comes fоr Cuba? If the youth of СuЬа
She recently rеlеаsеd hеr first album which mixes has anything to say about it, the future T,ill
izzz, fuпk, electronica апd Аflо-СuЬ,ап rhythms. lэе full of ex{iting perfoTmances, eye-catchlng
Yissy says 'Д1 the rhythms that we make аrеп't exhibitions ahd satisfied audiences. Fans wi1l
рurе. They're mоrе like developed rhythms, mоrе
Ье аЬlе to а concefts in which thev'11 heat
fusionф, For ехаmрlе, Tre 1оче to use а ýreet conga* traditional ariists and печr musicians ,Trorking
and rTrtK it Trith а little drum and bass, funk; rrrix it side Ьу sidc, ltaking ýteps towafds а mоrе ореп,
up wiй the rumЬа,'Yissy and her band аге called inclusiveu futbre

rчmЬа в tjpe ф dапсе апd mшsic origirlalфfrom СuЬа firsiorr а r{thi.пgs

funk а t$}e of papular music luitb а Straп{ beat caflgaa drum
t*,ll ltke а Ьаrrеl
tеggаеtоfl а type ol Iotiп Аплеriсап mtlslc iпflмепсеil ф hiр ýtefeotype afixed; пd оftеп uцfh,ir iclea аЬоыt cr grоuР
Ьор апd €аriЬЬеап пъusiс a{people
percussion rпцsiсаl iпstrцпхепts thйt ус,u play Ьу bittilxg inclusive it:tclъtdes
ar sbakiпg

Unexpected entertainment 10З

** А bit of culture
7 The hotel we stayed at on оur trip to Sedona was
GRAMMAR **fiyзing and п*п-dеfiн,зi;зg
on а golf с rSе.
r*Ё*tiv* сlаus*s а the triр

Пеаd the sentences and complete the table.

Ь the golf с
ф с the hotel
1 lgot my drive/s ltcence two уеаrs а9о and it expires
8 iVly sister у, who has just sent mе an ematl, has
when l'm 21.
gопе to S with her friends
2 Оur teacher usually Wears а red tie and is always а ап email
laughing. Ь my stster
3 оur tеасhеr, who usually WеаrS а rеd tie, is always с my siste
@ Complete second sentence so that it means the
4 The driver's Iicence that l got tWO уеа15 ago expires
Same aS the . Use опе word only.
when l'm 21.
The teacher that usually WеаrS а red tie is always 1 We watch at show еvеrу week. l love itl
Iaughing. l lovethat we watch

Two уеаrs ago, l got my drive/s licence, which ехрirеs еvеrу week
when l'm 2'1, 2 Whitby is а side town in England. lt is оп the north-
eaSt coast.
defining relative non-defining no relative
Whitby is а town in England
clause relative clause clause
is on the north-east coast.
А detec solved the сrimе, She asked me questions,

The detecti solved the crime

Choose what the words in bold rеfеr to iп the asked mе

SentenceS. Death Vall ,а r-"' iп California and Nevada, is the
" park
hottest а driest nattonal park in the US.
1 The storm that knocked down severaltrees in our
is а park in
Death Val
garden last уеаr also caused а lot of damage in оur town,
california d Nevada, is the hottest and driest national
а several trees
раrk in the
ь the storm
5 varanasi is beautiful city in lndia. lt is оп the Ganges
с оur town
2 IVу friends thought the cake, which I made last night,
А beautifu lndian city is Varanasl,
was deItcious.
Ganges River.
is on the
а last night
6 The mayor оur town used to Ье а rugby player. He's
Ь my friends
чеrу popul r
с the cake
The mауоr of our town, used to
3 The guide, who had already Ьееп to the White l\4ountains,
Ье а rug рlауеr, is very popular.
was talkinq to the boys about their пек trip.
а the guide @ Underline relative рrопоuпs that сап Ье replaced
Ь White N/ountains Ьу that,
с the boys
1 Му friend ho lives rn 0rе9оп invlted US to go walkin9
4 Му friend who studied апthrороlоgу got а job in
along the acific TraiI
2 Yesterda concert, which was the last one this уеаr,
а my friend
gest audience ever.
Ь Belize ho was Sitting opposlte me was vеrу quiet.
( anthropology
whlch we had at that restaurant пеаr the
5 You should talk to your teacher, whо сап always give beach wa deIicious.
you rdeas to help you study better.
5 Му mum, has always been interested in art, went
а you last month.
Ь ideas 0ur friend who moved to Siпgароrе email us every
с the teacher
6 Тhеrе's always а lot оf traffic on the SеVеrп Bridge, Не gave the mопеу to Angela, who decided to
which goes from England to Wales. spend it о а саr.
а traffic
Ь the Sеvеrп Bridge
с England and Wales

104 Unit 9
ф choose the correct option to complete the sentences. ф But the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 The car thot / who l Want costs €20,000. 1 won / she's the / who / the / biq award / tеасhеr /
2 The orticle,which /опiсlеwhiсhl rеаd in my English
class, was about early Chinese history. 2 which / is / r /, /, l hаir/ short/ isldark brown /
3 Our tеасhеr said thеге wlll Ье а quiz оп thе опiсlе, чеrу / ,

that / orticle rhаr we read iп our English class today.

4 The mап, i,tzho / which was reading а book while he 3 moved / m friend / who / to / texts / еvеrу now and
waited, looked just like mу brother. then / mе / Paz /
5 The photo who's / that's оп my bedroom waIl was
taken Ьу my grandma.
4 which / / people / loved / his / many / lЛПd /
6 l bought the dictioпory, that / diсtiопоrу rhdr we need
song, / he / п2015/.
7 Jackie, who / which is one of my best friends frоm
5 Thad is / / my friend / who / iп / school / stаrrеd /
university, is startlng а teaching job.
8 Mly red and gold shirt is the опе иrhо / that I wo[e to
my audition.
6 the song / at / was / the album / not / she / good
ф Choose the option which is closest in meaning to the enough / /wrоtе/рчt/оп/.

1 Nly brother who plays the clarinet had а concert last 7 аstоrу/t / , / aboutl her time / us / which / wasn't /
night. true / , /Tr у / in Helsinki / .

а l have more than опе Ьrоthеr. 0пе of them plays the

clartnet and he had а сопсегt last night.
Ь l have опе Ьrоthеr. Не plays the clarinet and he had ф Are the in bold correct or incorrect? Соrrесt
those that incorrect.
а concert last night.
2 Му flatmate who has а history degree helped me study 1 The piano i the instrument who he plays in the band.
for my African history exam. 2 The who she sent frоm Sicily, shows а
а Several of my flatmates have history degrees. One of beautiful of the Меditеrrапеап sea.
them helped me study for mу Аfriсап history exam. 3 l hungthe l received at graduation оп my
ь I have mоrе than one flatmate. The опе who has bedroom
а history degree helped me study fоr my African 4 The mепч the waiter gave me was silcky and
history exam. diгtу
The her took pictures at oUr gradUatlon
3 Some of the first superheroes that Stan Lee wrote
about were the Fantasttc Fоur. willpost photos опliпе.
Karen's loves to bake, often gives us
а Stan Lee was the first реrsоп to write about ,
superheroes, the FantaStic FоUr.
The mап .Joy talked to yesterday said he was а
Ь When Stan Lee Ьеgап writing about superheroes,
the Fantastic Fоur wеrе some оf the first he wrote
а bout. The ruler l use iп maths lessons has both
centimet and inches.
4 The mап that was wеаriпg the green tie asked me
where the lift was.
а There were several men wearing grееп ties. 0пе of PRoN U NclA ON *el*tive *lаusеs
them asked aboui the lift,
ь Тhеrе wеrе several mеп around. The опе with the efining relative clauses give iпfоrmаtiоп
qreen tie asked about the lift. which is necessa for understanding exactly who оr what
5 The letter, which l received on Thursday, said l had wоп is being talked t. Non-deflning reIative clauses give

the scholarship. extra informati about someone оr somethlng.

а 0п Thursday, l received а letter saying l had won the
scholarship. ý Listen to the ntences. Do you hear а defining relative
clause (D) or non-defining relative clause (N)? Choose
Ь scholarship оп Thursday. l also received
l rесеivеd а
the correct tion. Ж#
6 N,4y dog that always barks at the postman is very loud. 1D/N 4 D/N
а l have опе dog. lt's very loud when it barks at the 2 D/N 5 D/N
poStman. з D/N 6 D/N
Ь l have more than one dog. One ofthem barks at the
postman and is very loud.

Unexpected entertainment 105

*# The wоrIdЪ most boring televis on ... and
why itЪ hiIariousIy addictive

kпittiпg is Ьоriпg, Norwegtons fiпd this fоrп^
tiпg, / Кпittiпg is Ьоriпg tO Watch оп W, eve,
AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS 5 'But first а аrпiпq: viewers may find some of the
tmages iп е followinq rероrt disappointing,'
ф tisten to the TED Talk extracts. Complete the summary
-; The spea mеопs thot the follovnting rероrt is паt very
with sentences a-d. :;" э good. / that viewers wоп't 5ее опуthiпg excittng tп
(1) 1 .2 million Norwegians watched the рrоgrаmmе the rероrt,

and Slow TV became а big success. One week lаtеr, the

ф Watch Parts and З of the TED Talk. Match the
рrоduсеrs began planning their пехt show. descriptions h these numbers.
(2) They broadcast the journey live in June 20] 1.
].2 milliоп 100уеаrs l4hours
(3) Аftеr that, 5low ТV became а buzzword and they
]4в 2з з,000
started to look fоr other ideas, such as birdwatching or
/ hours and 4 inutes В,040 В7 days
knitting. The рrоduсеrs now think that Slow ТV is а nice
way to tell а story. 1 kilometresthe Norwegian coast]ine journey
(4) _ 2 the аппivеr rу of the Веrgеп Railway in 2009
а it became the lonqest documentary еvеr made. 3 the length the birdwatching рrоjесt called'Peep
Ь Slow W first Ьеgап iп November 2009 with the Show'on t е web
the length the birdwatching project called'Реер
broadcast of а seven-hour train journey across Nоrwау.
с They decided to film а five-and-a-half-day voyage Ьу
the length the train journey across Norway frоm eas_
ship around the coast of Nоrwау.
to WeSt
d They tke to organize а Slow W event опсе оr twice а уеаr.
the numbe of mtnutes of the Norwegian coastline
the numbe of nations able to view the video of the
Norwegian stline jоurпеу
ф watch Part of the TED Talk. Then read the quotes and

the numbe of Norwegians who watched the Веrgеп

choose the best explanation of what they mеап.
Railway оп TV
1 'Еvеп the elections this past week passed without
the пum of people who went оп the coastal ship to
much drama. And that's the Nоrwеgiап media in а гilm the sh
nutshell: not much drama.'
Norway's media yyas ехсitiпg durtng the elections. / ts
пеvеr very e\Cil lпq
'А few уеаrs back, Norway's public TV channel NRK @ Choose the rrect word оr phrase to complete the
decided to broadcast live соvеrаgе ofa seven-hour sentences.
train ridе - 5еvеп hours of simple foota9e, а train W show whеrе nothinq rеаllу
lt's hard to ieve that а
rol1inq down the tracks. Norwegians, пrоrе than а
happens an епtirе паtiоп
million of them ассоrdiпg to the ratings, loved it. с
а pu led Ь gripped pushed
А new kind of reality TV show was Ьоrп, and it goes
А lot of fоr the frее
against аl the rules of TV engagement.'
-N Concert,
NRK саmе up with о пеw ktnd of
surprisiпgly, people liked. /
рrоgrаmmе that,
NRK broodcos-t а seven-hour
а got Up Ь wаrmеd up с showed up
The gоvеrп has been critic]zed for the way it
trаiп ride that о few Nоrwеgiопs liked.
'Fоr the past two months, Norwegians have Ьееп the рrоЬlеm

watching а сruisе ship's jоurпеу up the coast and а handled Ь gripped с argued

thеrе's а lot of fog оп that coast.' He's Ьееп best actor fоr four уеаrs
Norwegians arе watchtпg the crulse shtр jourпеу оп lY
ечеп though the fоg mеопs it's hard to see the coostlne. / по а in а line Ь iпагоw с lп а serles
lопgеr шtоtсhiпg the cruise ship jоurпеу оп W due to the fog, The TV рr а great idea Ьу
'Executives at Norway's Nationa] Broadcasting Service filmiпg' TV', lt's fascinating to watchI
аrе поw considering broadcasting а night of knitting а teamed р with Ь came up with с put up with
nationwide, 0п the surface, it sounds lэоriпg, because one of this ar's biggest
it iS, bUt Something about this W ехреrimепt has is 'peak TV,' which means there аrе а ]ot of Tv
gripped Norwegians.' rа гп Ье пg crealeo гight now,

1об Unit 9
а buzzwor Ь buqs с logos
*Ж WelI worth seeing
sPEAKlNG l've seen it ally.lwould (7)
to people enjoy that kind of thing, but it's not fоr
@ look at the words in bold iп the sentences and correct еVеrуопе.
the mistake. Listen and check your answers. ЖЖ [checking пе] 0h, hang оп, you won't
1 The museum is а could-see.
2 lt was alrlght, l propose
А What?

3 The new Bond film is worth wellseeing С The пеw film comes out this weekend. we could
go and see at.

4 What have you think about lt?

А ls (9) ? l saw the last one апd l

didn't (10)
5 l hiqhly recognize it.
got nowhere else to do.
в WeIl, it was 11)
6 You might like it if you've
с WelI, this say'lt's (12)
watching.' lve StarS.
7 ls it worth to visiting?
8 l didnt consider it was qreat
l don't practicaIly like mustcals, but this has good с Come оп! (13) if you've
9 а
got nothi else to do.
Story too.
10 you won't want to lose this
В And then сап go to that new Вrаziliап restaUrant
on Quеепs reet. l've Ьееп before and it's so good.
11 ls thing any good?
(14) I

12 You must to go!

Wel1,0K. t's Saturday sorted, What about the rest of
13 lt'll like to anyone who enjoys thrillers.
ihe weeke ?

14 lt's worth watch

В Why don't play that new video game? l've played it
апd it's
@ Listen again. Are the sentences asking for а А Wel1,1(15) video games, but if
recommendation (А), giving а recommendation (G) or you say it's hat good, l'll give it а go.
showing reservation (S)? ЖЖ
* Make notes short conversations with friends
1_ 6_ 11 recomm different things to do. Then Iisten
2_ 7_ 12 to Some answers and compare your ideas.
8 13 #ж
4_ 9 14 а films to wa с thinos to do at the
5_ 10 ь music fоr а wеейепd

# Complete the conversation with the missing words or @ Read the exam task below and make notes
phrases. Then listen and check your answers. ffi# about how would speak аlопе about the topic.
Then listen to model answer and compare your
А What are We going tO do this weekend?
ideas. #
В Well, (1) going to the country?
Describe а pl that you like io go io relaХ
Nlу cousin sometimes goes camping iп the forest
you should
north оf here, Не says it's а (2)
What it iS
Тhеrе аrе small lakes and wаiегfаlls, and places to fish.
(3) like camping, but that why you like there
what you do t
sounds alright. [checking phone] But oh, the weather
and explain w else would enjoy this рlасе.
forecast is fоr rаiп.
А Really? ls (4) golng? ldon't
fancy camping iп that.
В No, well, maybe another time, Не
(5) though. lf you like the idea
|,ll(6) the llnk.
А Great!Thanks! But what about this weekend then? Cinema?
С Well, there's that пеw comedy they've Ьееп talking about.

Urexpected епrе"гаiпmепt 1О7

WRITING Ап еmаiЁ d*scribing а рlесе agt* its ф Пеаd Hiroto's again and match the two parts of
сшltur* the sen Two sentence endings are not needed.

ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. that Hiroto _

1 lt's an аrеа of colombia where / that has rainforests and
The first thinq Hiroto recommends in Yопа9о _
а Vеrу Wet clImate. The second |hiпg he recommends

2 l live in а town which /whohas а lot of ancient history. The last thiný he recommends to Jorge _
3 There's а sense of culture what lthatyou feelas soon Hiroto is wri|ing his email
as you аrriче at the аirроrt. We сап lnfer|that Jorge
4 Flоrепсе is weil-known as the ciiy vvhere l who is the musedm.
Michelangelo is buried. is the counttvsi
5 Ha-yun is the friепd who / which l told you about - he is the beach
сап show you around when you arrive. is sleeping.
6 ln San Francisco, there's an аrеа called Сhiпаtоччп that / has never to Mexico City.
whereyou сап eat delicious noodIes. is the castle
has пеvеr to Yonaqo City.
@ But paragraphs in the correct order (1-6) to complete
late at niqh
the email.

FROМ: @ Summarize points made in the lecture, being sure

to ехрlаiп they oppose specific points made iп the
Т0: jоrgе.91
reading passa жж
SUB]ECT: .Japan to Mexicol
The radio, опс an important invention which, ai one
Цi lаrлд
l llJvIyLl
time, had а се ral place in most homes, is almost
а Fiпаllу, l kпоw you love аrt, so you'll have to come and forgotten
5ее the Yonago Museum of Art. Some of the paintlngs
First of а ll, have changed. lп the past, when
аrе amazing, but it also has ап incredible collection of
everybody Ii to the rаdiо, mапу presenters and disc
photographs, whlch l think you'll enjoy.
jockeys (DJs) household паmеs. Some D.Js had
Ь First of all, Yопа9о is а city оп the west coast of .Japan.
an ехtrеmеlу роrtапt influence оп the popularity of
lt's not а very big city - about ] 50,000 реорlе lrve hеrе - i

although my cousin, who lives in the countryside, thinks new bands. Т doesn't happen so much today because
it's huge! The first thing you have to do when you come the radio is an ld-fashioned fоrm of broadcasting whose
hеrе is rеlах оп the beach. Тhеrе аrе some goгgeous significance is isa рреа riпg.
beaches and the best thing is that we have паturаI hot to change iп the
'l990s, lаrgеlу due
springs. Vеrу good fоr your health! _ to developm ts iп technology, New ропаЬlе devices
с How аrе things? Thanks so much for уоur last email. l
reduced the pularity of the radio and the DJ was по
rеаllу enjoyed reading all about your life in Mexlco City. it
lопgеr king. е had 'personaI stereos', which they
sounds so excitingl О _ could take а hеrе. They could choose tо play the
d Next, Yonago has qurte а famous castle. lt's almost 600 albums they li best, first оп cassette and lаtеr on cD.
уеаrs old. lt's оп а mountain over the rtver and it looks Then, of , we had the rise of the lпtеrпеt, with the
pretty cool. lt's not iп good condition апу mоrе, but you
abilitv to strea and download musrc, the radio is поt а5
сап still walk аrоuпd it and imagine what life was like
relevant апу
there. _
Fiпаllу, if we bevond muslc to the other rеаsопs fоr
е So, you asked me to tell you about Yonago, whеrе l've
listening to tr tiопаl radio, we can see that they have
lived aIl my life. l'm afraid it might sound Ьоriпg compared
to Mexico City, whеrе there's so much to do. Luckily, l like allbeen Ьу mоrе mоdеrп options. Fоr example,

living here, though. _ people today о not need the radio in order to listen to

f Well, l have to go now, Jorge, it's almost midniqht. l'll

the news or sports соvеrаgе, like football matches.
They can get of this information опliпе.
рrоЬаЬlу drеаm about Nlexico Cityl Неу, maybe you could

come to Japan during the holidays next уеаr7 Let's make so, the radio l а pleasant rеmiпdеr of а different time in
а planI _ our history, bu , it по lопqеr has а rеаl place iп our lives.
All the best,

108 Unit 9
The actors / wеrе chosen fоr the film / they аrе
travelling to t set Ьу helicopter.

@ Complete the Sentences with the correct раirs of

words. The artist's in piration fоr the drawing was а windmill /
he had seen t windmill in the Netherlands.
сопсеrt + lyrics gаllеrу + drawings
listeners + рrо9rаmmе ltve + fоrm The poet about subjects / the subjects come
musical + theatre play + characters frоm his per al life.

1 The was регfоrmеd at an old The painter with а red 5quare / the red square
iп the city centre. rерrеsепtеd for her.
2 l wanted to like the but the
weren't remotely interesting
3 This опlу sells
@ Underline the ative pronouns that сап Ье omitted.

Ьу local artists
1 This is the rе that my cousin Lydia painted.
2 Everv few h he checks Facebook, which he thinks is
4 Broadcast data shows that most
а 9reat Way keep up with friends.
turned the off halfl,vay through
The рrеsеп of the show, who аrе usually рrеttу
music is the most exciting funny, were serious this evening.
оf епtеriаiпmепt, iп mу opinion. 4 charles is the who l was telling you about
6 The was great, but l couldn't 5 The artist t gave а lecture at our school was vеrу

hear the vеrу well inspiring.

6 The Ьiпhdау аrd that l sent mу Ьrоthеr was hilarious
ф Correct the mistakes iп the sentences. Each sentence 7 StarWors the film that made hrm чеrу famous.
contains опе mistake. 8 The flight tha l took to Kuala Lumpur was late,
1 She's taking an art class which it meets оп Saturdays at
the colle9e.
ф Choose the cor word or phrase to complete the

The gallery who is owned Ьу my artist friепd is open at 1 А hurriсапе, а type оf storm
the weekend. called а tropi сусlопе, forms оvеr tropical оr
su btropical tеrs.

0ur teacher showed us photos оf objects which she

а whom с which is
Ь who is d what's
had seen them iп the museum.
А hurriсапе is а storm winds of
оvеr 70 miles реr hоur.
Реrfоrmапсе art is поt something who l usuaIly
а that has с who's
Ь who has d has
Each hurri 'S паmе, chosen
The paintings аrе most valuable аrе in the 9аllеrу
Гrоm an а ical list of names, is unique.
а who's с that had
Ь who is d which is
Not alI the countries that competes in the Eurovision
The National ean service iп the united states
Song Contest are European.
says еvеrу уе thеrе's а 'Нurriсапе Season'
starts on June and ends оп
Jazzis а kind of music which not еvеrуопе сап
apprecrate that.
а who which,с
Ь that d whom
The National еапiс and Atmospheric Admrnistratron
ф МаКе sentences using а defining relative clause.
(NOAA), рап ofthe US
1 The novelist / she wrote the award-winning book / she qоVеrпmепt, strives to understand the mechanics of
often writes about hеr childhood. these со Storms . . .'
Т*е lз*чqliэt wh* \rsr*tc the а*,v*r#*чi#+i** **Ck а whom с who is
*{t*уз э:s rites *** t;t lэеr ;fu ! i d h **ý. d
Ь who have which is
2 l met а director / she has won many awards fоr her
NOAA is an anization hel ps
films about nature.
towns examl and talk about environmental issues.
а who с which is
Ь which d that,

Unexpected епtеrtаiпrпепt 109

*& Spend уоur time wisely
VOCABULARY *hr*g*ё т*r*s ****t t:;к* * Complete the nces with the correct form of the
phrasal verbs i Exercise З,
ф Revision Choose the correct option to complete the
1 HurrylWe п with the rest
ofthe tour g oUp
1 l told the children to Ье quiet during l cfrer the 2 We don't ha time to you to
реrfоrгпа псе, browse book lп the shop.
2 l\4ake SUrе you put оп SUпSсrееп durtng l before you go
3 l аm rеаllу уоur wedding in

3 lt's imроПапt to Stretсh Ьеfоrе l uлlilуоu do апу Thailand ne.

Sport. 4 lf you miss t many lessons, you wlll

4 You willfeel much better after l durtng а good night's at school
sleep, with mу friends after school
5 we didn't want to Ье late l wсii long fоr а table, so we
this Fridау
found а restaurant that was less busy.
б lfуоu уоur work all weekend,
6 lt's always better to Ье Ьеfоrе / еоrlу f or ап interview
you'lljust поrе to оо ог S"nday гight
rather thап late.
7 l saw а celebrity опсе l durtng when l was iп London,
# Read the s. Аrе the sentences true (Т) or false
put the words in the correct order to make (F)? Correct t false sentences.
ф Revision
SentenceS. 1 lf you never I round to exercising, you exercise а Iot,

1 late/ be/don't/football / match l for / the l,

2 Someone о holcis оп to а job stays at that job for а

2 people / during / fllm lthe / kept / talking / the / whlle

Looki ng аrd to something means being excited
3 don't / untll / уоur / says / doctor/ ехегсisе l оК / it's l alэout som iпg happening in the future, _
lf you ruп о t of time, you have а lаrgе amount ot time
4 аrrlvе l try l ta l eady /theatre / atl rhe l . 1_6

When you rrng something forward, you make it

before / their arguments / both teams / should /
hарреп еаr iеr. _
lf you trу to fit something in, you trу to find extra tiгпе

mопеу/апу/ mоrе/ пехt/ to do it

/ can't/ until / 1end /you /

month / 7 When you пg out, you аrе usually busy, _


# Listen and plete the phrases.

vegetarian / before / liked / steak/ she / became / а /
she/. 1


* Match these words to make phrasal verbs about time, patlentS

1fall aoff
2 hang bup frоm myjob
3 put с Ьеhiпd with
4 catch dto
5 look forward е for
6 wait around f out арро ntments


110 Unit'l0
We've Ьееп aiting ages fоr my gгandparents'flight to
ф Пеаd and complete the text with phrasal verbs about
time. аrriче, but le I]eIe
People used much less
technology t п we do today,
l like the trаiп in Japan because they seem to run
most days,
6 I'd like to focus on my painting
7 l don't like it en friends and
don't callto l mе know.

ф Extension Со ete the sentences with mеопwhilе,

fiпаllу or curr

1 l want to tr to N/exico, but l'm

in Canada visiting family,
Studies show that students who miss lessons rеgulаrlу
2 The mапаgеr called to оffеr mе
the job аftеr rее weeks of waiting,
with their school work. When this happens, it
She's реrfоrmiпg in а musical
саг ое ve"y difticult to (2)
оп Вrоаdwау, but it finishes next month,
with the rest of the class. studies
Му parents rded the fliqht to I\i adrid,
also show that students who аrе behind аrе mоrе likely
l was shopping in the аirроrt|
то (З)
5 You сап р|ау sketba] whеп yor';r аrт is Ьеггеr, but
homework and other tasks because they feel they wiIl
you need to rest.
пеvеr have enough time to do it all, lf you аrе behind at
school, it's important to make а рlап to help you
6 Have you decided to sel1 your
house? lt's years since you first ta]ked about it.
(4) eveD,thing
Yourteacher сап help with this. lf you wоrk hard, you might

еvеп Ье able to (5) some tasks оп LlSTENlNG

your plan Don't Ье afraid to ask
Listen to two е talking. What is the main topic of
fоr help frоm teachers, family and friends. You don't want their с ?{в#
to (6)
а how bad the mап is feeling because of jet lag
getting back
ь the effect oft zones on travel
оп track,
с travelling to anghaiin Сhiпа
ф Extension Unscramble the letters to make phrases d time trаvеl а the effect on aginq
about time.
ф Listen to the со ion again and choose the
1 inthe_ Stap correct option
2 iг Lhe_ ftе ru u
3 in the Гirs[ _ aplce 1 How is the n feeling?

4 as___ as onoS а unwell с disoriented

5at Stla Ь pretty d very tired

6 гuп__ atle 2 whеrе did th woman's flight dераrt frоm?

7оп tmei а Siпgароrе с Shanghai
Ь Los d Beijing
ф Extension Complete the sentences with the phrases 3 What time the flight dерап?
in Exercise В. а 4am с 9am
1 l'm sоrrу you don't ]lke this rеstаurапt, but l didn't want Ьlрm d 1lpm
to come hеrе 4 What time the flight аrrivе?
2 Call mе уоur рlапе lands iп Rio
а 4аm с 9am
de Jапеrrо,
blpm d 11рm

Time 111
She would invited mоrе people to the party if she
5 What did hеr fliqht pass through mапу of?
а time zones с date liпеs had known ryone's email addresses

Ь oceans d weekdays 10 The time ld pass mоrе quickly if you tried to enjoy

6 lп what direction was the wоmап travellin9? the holiday.

а north с east 11 Yumt, you'Il get better if you don't practise.
Ь south d west
Zero / first Second Third
Listen to the talk. What do you think the speaker might condition conditionaI conditional
Ье promoting or advertising? ##
а Sven Наgеmеtr с Honolulu, Hawaii
Ь Guinness Wоrld Records d blrthdays
@ Listen аgаiп and choose the correct option to
complete the sentences, ##
1 GuiппеssWоrld Records is published
Choose the sentence so that it means the same
as the first.
а weekly с annually
Ь every six months
1 The football match started early. l was not оп tlme.
а lf the football match had Started еаrlу, l would have
2 Sven Наgеmеiг kept his biпhday going fоr
ьееп оп time.
Ь lf the football match hadn't started еаrlу, l would
а 46 hours Ь 24 hours с З5 hours
have оп tlme.
Hagemei/s journey Ьеgап in с lf the f ll match hadn't started early, l wouldn't
а New Zealand Ь Hawail с Australia Ье on ti

4 The lnternational Line is an 2 The concert sold out. We didn't try to get tiСkets.
imaginary line iп the middle of the Pacific Осеап. а lf the с hadn't been sold out, we would have
а Тlmе Ь Date с Hour trled to t tiCkets.

Nargis Bhimji of Karachi the ь the con

lf had sold out, we would have tried to
get ticket
rесоrd before На9еmеir.
а knew Ь gave с held с lf the con ert hadn't been sold out, we would try to
get t
6 The time in ВrisЬапе, Australia, is twenty hours
3 The nt park was closed. They dldn't ridе the
HonoIulu, Hawaii,
а behind ь ahead of с Ьеfоrе
а lfthea sement park will Ье cIosed, they would
7 Time differences al low people ride the oaSter,
to сеlеЬrаtе holldays mоrе than опсе. Ь lf the am park hadn't Ьееп closed, they will
а Zone ь liпе с date ride the r rсоаStеr
с lfthe ent раrk hadn't been closed, they
would ridden the rоllеrсоаstеr.
GRAMMAR ThErd c**#;ti*naE
4 The hockey uipment was stolen. We didn't play iп
ф complete the table with these conditional sentences. the finals.

1 Саrlо would have read more if he hadn't had to wоrk

а lf the hodkey equipment hadn't Ьееп stolen, we
would h|ve played in the finals.
so mапу hours,
ь lftheh equipment was stolen, we wouldn't
2 l read books if l have frее time.
have iп the finals.
3 l would go along to the film night if l was invited. с lfthc equipment hadn't been stolen, we will
4 lf he has enough time, he will1oin а yoga class. pIay in tl-]e finals.
5 knew how long it would take to frx hеr bike, she
lf she 5 Неrсаr down. She didnt give us а lift to the beach
would Ье able to рlап her weekend. а lf hеr саr wasn't Ьrоkеп down, she will 9ive us а ride
6 lf we don't have апу homework on Fridау, no опе takes to the bdach.
therr books home for the weekend. Ь lf her саr hadn't Ьrоkеп down, she would give us а

lf we had been there оп time, we would have seen the lift to thd beach
surprtsed look on his fасе, с lf hеr саr hadn't Ьrоkеп down, she would have given
L;s а lift tb the beach
lf we had studied mоrе, the test would have Ьееп

112 Unit'l0
@ Choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences. ffi Complete the ntences with the correct form of the
verbs in Ьr
1 We wouldn't have speni so long looking fоr the hotel

if he brought / hod brought / would Ьriпg а map like l The police d 't know what happened. They can't
suggested. а rrе5t
2 they had looked up how to cook lobster, they
lf the police (know)what
wouldn't have ruiпеd l didn't ruiп / ruiпеd their evening
happened, t (аrrеst)
3 l will Ье l
would have Ьееп / was happy with а lower
Не caused accident. Не wasn't paying attention Lo
score tf l hadn'i had unrealistic expectations.
the road.
4 lf she hadn't Ьееп / wasn't /lsп'г so busy, she would
have realrzed how tired she actually was. Не (not cause) the accident if he
5 We would have gonetothe museumif it rаiпеd / (рау) attention to the road.
would rоiп / hod rоiпеd, Не was sing aIong to the rаdiо. Не didn't рау close
6 lfthe flight hadnt been cancelled,we wiil arrive / would attention.
hove arrived / would arrive оп Tuesday. (not sing) along to the
lf he
7 We would have played video games all weekend if оur
(рау) closer attention
radio, he
games console isп't Ьrоkеп / will Ье Ьrоkеп / hаdп't Ьееп
lt had rаiпеd The street was wet.
8 lf l hаdп't forgotten / forgot / wouldn't forger mу trainers, lf it (not rаiп), the street
we would have gone ruппiпg Ьеfоrе breakfast. (not be)wet.
не skidded i the саr in front of him. The street was
s choose the correct options to complete the sentences. Wet.

1lfthey Lhe Lent at hоmе, по опе (not skid) into the саr in frопt
iп the саr. of him if the (not be)wet.
а hadn't left; will have to sleep The саr in of him didn't indicate. Не didn't know
Ь had had left;would have had to sleep that the dr wanted to turn.
с hadn't left;would have had to sleep
nt of him
lf the саr in
2 lfТrап to Ьriпg food, they (indicate), he (know) that the
anythinq to eat. driver wan to tUrn.
а had forgotten;wouldn't have had The саr hit t pedestrian. The pedestrian stepped onto
Ь forgot;wouldn't have the crossing
с would forget;wouldn't have had
(поt hi0 the pedestrlan if
The car
3 Akito wished he his саmеrа, so
she (not Step) onto the crossing
they photos of their campinq
trip. @ Correctthe m ake in each sentence.
а brought;would have had 1 lf you would $tudy hаrdеr, you would have rесеiчеd
Ь had brought; have had better marks.
с had brought;would have had 2 lf he would hbve took better notes, he could have
4 lf Mei the campsiie, they studied
someone fоr help 3 They would got better marks if they would have
а hadn't found; had to ask rеmеmьеrеd to hand in their homework
Ь haven't found; would have had to ask 4 if we wouldn't skip our lessons, the test would have

с hadn't found;would have had to ask ьееп much ebsier

5 lfJбrg the beehive аlопе, по

5 We would ha],ze created а study group if we would
know each olher's phone numbers,
опе Ьу the bees,
6 lf she would thе assignments оп time, she
а would leave;had been stung wouldn't гаllеп behind.
Ь had left;would have Ьееп stung 7 lf only we wo!ld have taken better notes whеп we
с had left;was stun9
rеаd the аrt
б lfАпikа the matches, they 8 l wish that would do some рrасtiсе tests to help
to make а firе us study. We uld have got better results
а hadn't forgotten; would have Ьееп able
Ь hasn't forgotten; Ье able
с hadn't forgotien; would Ье able

7 lf опlу Jan оп the rосk,

а hasn't tripped Ь wouldtrip с hadn'ttripped

Time 11з
re*# The mап who mastered time
ф Read the Are the sentences true (Т), false
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Енрr*=s:*rэs .
(F) оr is the rmation not giVеп (NG)?
wgit?"e flfrr:*
1 0ur bodie are always exactly sure of the hour of the
* choose the correct option to complete the sentences,
day. _
l enjoy golng into town to 2 scientists ave kпоwп fоr years that plants follow daily
watch а movie with my friends. routines.
а 0n time Most pla flower during the day, but some flower at
ь Ahead of time
с Frоm time to time
4 The word trсаdiап'соmе5 from Laiin roots.
d Еаrlу
5 The body' 'mаstеr clock', which sends signals
2 Rafik's three young cousins аII wanted to play his gultar
th t the day to the body, is located in the Ьrаiп.

а pass the time

Ь in the past 6 scientists know how to сопtrоl the body's internal
с at the same time clock.
d keep the time

3 Do you right поw to help me @ Match the t parts ofthe sentences.

with something? 1 We all

а Waste time 2 Researc have recently discovered _
Ь spend some time 3 А circadia _
с оп time 4 Your'mas er clock'-
d have some time 5 Cycles of р and wakefulness _
4 l think it was it took us to find а that рlапt ls contain biological clocks.
this place. ь а type of ппеr аlаrm clock'.
а find the time ( works wi уоur body's circadian rhythms.
ь worth the time d affect our th and productivity
G waste some time е ately 24 hours lопg.
d pass some time

5 lt usually and еffоrt to do things

а lost time
ь takes time
с оп time
d it's time

ф Head the text and match the paragraphs (1-5) with
the statements (a-f).You may use а пumЬеr mоrе
than опсе.

а how biological clocks help оur bodies wоrk _

Ь а definition of 'circadian rhythm'_
с our'inner alarm clock'_
d plantsandtheSUn_
е how iпtеrпаl clocks affect оur health _
f plants and thеir biological clocks _

114 Unit 'l0

Biological clocks
Do you and set, and hоп.
пееd an аlаrm mшсh daylight thcy'll
clock to wake rec:eilre. То епsurе
thеir 1ong-teгrrr*
,votr up in the
morning? Har.,e sulvival, piants must
you evel,thought also keep track of
'Oh, iг i'd lT-oken when the sun rvil]
up on time, I Ье hot, strong and
Trouldn't have high оl.еrhеасl, апс1
missed that bus'!) when it will Ье 1oTr
Ог do you rvake on the hоrizоп. and
uр at just abollt therelbre weak.
the same time distant апd cold.
every mоrпiпg, Тhе1. 6зп'1 аffоrd to
with or without wait around to see
а clock? You how each day чri11
lnay not know tuгп ollt tо Ье.
it, but we al1 саrrу afl inner 'alarm clock' witir us. Similarly, оlrг п biologica1 clocks hеlр manage the
Otrr bodies know mоrе ог less what time it is, even соmрlех woTk г bodies do every day. Оur oflaans,
when wе'rе not exactly sure of the hоur of day. And Гоr ехаmрlе, to know \vhеп to get to ý/огk anc1
it isn't опlу people п,hо саrry an internal* clock. when to take ti аrоuпd пооп. volll,stomat h
оI'Г. Аг
Anirnals plants krro- -hrt time it is, too. шау tel1 you it's irne to eat. About 30 minutes after
Fоr уеаrs, scientists hal.e known that plants, like уоu'Vе eaten, г 1iчеr knows that it's time to start
humans and animals, have daily routines that doing its job. Y г kidnelrs, glands" and ечеп fat
incitrde 'gcling to sleep' and 'r;laking up' on а cells aiso get to k, сгеаtiпg and storing епегgу,
теgulаг basis. Recentiy. rеsеаrсhегs have discovered end processing t \rou've eaten. The humап
that the cells rvithin plants also contain their bodr.'s 'mаstег cl ', а t_ype of сопtгоl cenft,e located
own tliological clocks, Theyve 1еаrпеd that these in the Ьгеiп, с .inates а11 of tlris actir.iФ and sends
clocks аllоъ,еасh се11. and the Tlrole piant in srgnals t1 the day that tell the lrody ъ,hаt
tlrIn, to make tiny adjustrnents as dallight changes to dcl. In the ing. Гог cxalnplc. it гз jseb чоuг
throughout the day and erren to adjust to changing lэody tem tо make you Гееl аlегt апd then
seasons. Har ing а biological c,lock is раrtit,Lllзгl1 at night сlrорs it again ъ,hеп it's time to sleep.
important fоr plants to рrераrе fоr daylight and This master works witlr your body's с:iгсаdiап
et night-time to stofe епегg.y fоr growth,' says rhlrth-r, оrrо, , the biological clocks fcэund in
Ргоfеssоr Andrew Millar, of the Unir,,ersity of plants, takes its гrоm the sun
Edinburgh in Scotland.
Researchers look fоt,п,агd to unlocking the mуstегiеs
Оuг internal clocks, 1ike those оГ plants and animals, of circadian rlц,tflms, from discovering how to сопtrо]
follow а pattefn оr rhvthm called а 'circadian clrrr internal s to knowing exactly whеrе 1п the
гhуhm'. The word'ciTcadian' colnes frоm the Latin brain the clocks фге located. Health and рrоduсtiчiý*
fоr 'сirса', iTreening 'alэout', and'dies', meaning аrе both linked tф cycles of sleep and M,akefulness*,
'day'. Each rotation* of the Earth, r,vhich takes about and to otir 1clocks. 'ýИе hаче f-ound очеr 35
а 24-hоuг da1, 19 соmрlеlе. герIеsепts а сiгсаdiап medica1 conditioфs that аrе affected Ьу the body's
period in the life of ап оrgапism, Plants, becattse intemal clock,' sa|ys Michael Smolensky, рrоfеssог of
they clepend оп the sun and its light for food, enr.ironmental pщysiology at the uпiчеrsiý of Texas-
need to know on а daily lэаsis hоп, long оr shоrt Houston School фf Prrblic Health. 'That concept is
ihe dav ц,ill lэe. when antl whегс lhr suп wiI[ гitс гечоlutiопаry апф there's mоге coming.'

internal locatecl оп tbe i1l-sid,e of sоlпеthiпg glaads al,t, оr,gап il,t, Ьосlу tbat malees а SцЬSlапсе tlsed Ьу
rotation tbe process of п,tочiпg оr tцrrliпg аrоuпсl а centrctl tbe bocly
Роitзt productiviý the rаtе шhiсЬ goocls аrе рrоdLлсеd or ttlot,k is
long-term iпuolui1,1g а lottg perit,rl oJ'tilпe completecl
чrakefulness rlf псlt slееРiпg rэr поt Ьеiпg able kl sleep

Time 1'l5
€ ** Plenty of time!
lwas late to school because l had а doctor's
GRAMMAR fut***E v*rЬэ: р*st sр*сlеlаtЕ*п,
appoint t thts morning.
d*dr**€i*r: *** г*gr*t
а Веса l had а docto/s appotntment this mоrпiпg, l

* Underline the modals that express past speculation, couId ьееп late fоr school.
deduction or regret. Ь lf lhad 't gone to see the doctor, l wouldn't have
Ьееп Гоr school.
|п 1526, ехрlоrеr Неrпilп Соrtёs rесоrdеd tales of
You didn teil me about the сопсеrt, so l didn't go with
fabulously rich towns hidden iп the Нопdurап iпtеriоr. yoU.
Не must have hеаrd similar stortes frоm а variety оf а lfyou told me about the сопсеrt, l could have
people.lf еаrlу ехрlоrеrs hadn't heard stories of а ruined gone th you.

city rising above the jungle, archaeologist Chris Fisher Ь lmay ve to]d you about the сопсеrt so you could
9о mе.
might not have flown to the mountarns of La Mlosquitia in
I didn't h time to write my paper about the
еаrlу 2О1 5 to look fоr the ruins оf а lost city. tisher did not
last night.
believe iп the legends оf 'Ciudad Blanca' а mythical city
а migh have written my рареr about the Mlosquitia
buiIt of white stone, Не thought lt сап't have existed. if lh had mоrе time last night.
Though the MoSqUltia аrе аmопg the most mysterioUS Ь l coul have had mоrе time last niqht to wrtte my
of ancient cultures in the Americas, Fisher did believe the paper bout the IMosquitla

mountains of La lvosquitia must contain the гuiпs of а rеаl Му favo ite jeans were оп sale. l only bought one pair

lost city, which had Ьееп abandoned for at least 500 уеаrs.
а l shou have bought mоrе than one раir of my
i е jeans when they were on sale
When archaeologists first Ьеgап to ехрlоrе Mosquitia
Ь When fаvоuritе jeans wеrе оп saIe, l wouIdn't
iп the they uпсоvеrеd some settlements. They have ht опе раir.
thought the аrеа may once have Ьееп occupied Ьу а
l rode m bike to school iп the rаiп. Now l'm all wet
widespread, sophisticated cu lture. Some archaeologists а lsho 't have ridden mу bike in the rаiп because
have proposed that а group of lVaya warriors may have поw l' allwet.
tаkеп сопtrоl of Mlosquitia. Others think that the local Ьlfl'mr ding my bike to school in the rаiп, l might Ье
cuiture could have simply embraced the characteristics
ofthe l\lауа. @ Read the tements and choose the correct answer to
Тhеrе is по evidence yet that the iVlosquitia built with
stone. When their buildings were decorated and painted, lf Alexa Grаhаm Bell hadn't been а curious child,

they may have been as rеmаrkаЬlе as some of the great he migh not have developed the telephone.
Was Bell curious chi|d? yes / по
tempIes of the Мауа. But опсе abandoned, they dissolved
Amelia rt wouldn't have been the first female
iп the rаiп and rоttеd away. lf the i\4osquitia had built their
pllot to аlопе across the Atlantic 0сеап if she hadn't
buildings of Stone, we might know mоrе about them.
been tU roUS.

Was Ear the first female piIot to fly alone across the
@ Choose the option with the closest meaning to the
Atiantic п? yes / по
fi rst.
Usain t may not have won So mапу Olympic medals
1 l overslept and missed my bus. if he taken а lot of time offfrom trаiпiпg.
а lf l had heard mу аlаrm, l wouldn't have missed
Did Bolt ke а lot of time offfrom training? yes / по
mу bus. lf Jonas k hadn't dtscovered one of the first polio
Ь lf l had missed my bus, l might have heard my alarm.
vacci mапу mоrе people wouId have Ьееп affected
2 сап't make it to practice because l have to stay after
l Ьу the today.
school for а meetinq. Did SaIk опе of the first polio vacctnes? yes / по
а l couldn't make it to рrасtiсе so maybe l have to stay 'l400s, she
lft NightingaIe had been Ьоrп in the
after school. wouldn't have started а nursing school
Ь lf l didn1 have а meetinq, l could соmе to practice. ']400s?
Was N ngale Ьоrп iп the yes / по
3 l ate so much at lunch that l don't have rооm fоr Savitskaya would have been the first woman
dessert. lп Space if valentina Tereshkova hadn't Ьееп there
а might have had rооm fоr dessert if l had eaten so
l first iп l з
much at lunch, Was Теr hkova the first woman rn space? yes / по
Ь lf l hadn'teaten so much at lunch, l might have had Georgia mау have painted scenes ofthe Gobi
rооm fоr dessert. Desert she had lived in china.
Did ffe live iп Сhiпа? yes / по

1 16 Unit 10
@ Лrе the words in bold correct or incorrect? Correct ф Listen and the correct answers. жж
those that are incorrect.
1 Was Nеrо r iпg Rоmе in the уеаr ВЗ?
1 lf he hadn't moving to California, we might still Ье а Nеrо have ruled Rоmе in the уеаr ВЗ because
best friends. he died бв.
2 l would has gone backpacking with you if my parents Ь Nеrо сап' have ruled Rome in the year ВЗ because
had let mе. he died i бв.
3 Не knew all of the апswе15 in class - he must have 2 I was so woriied - whеrе were you?
read ahead iп his maths book. а Sorryl l shфuld have called to let you know l'd Ье late,
4 lf Kyle had been at the 9ame, we might have winned. ЬМу ies. lf l had been late l can't have called you
5 Why didn't you take уоur phone with you? Rick could Did you kпоф Kate Nliddleton and Рriпсе William went
have caIIed while you wеrе out. to UniverSity together?
6 l would have went to the party if he had invlted me.
а No, Kate shouldn't have met William at St Andrew's
'l700s it
7 That building must have been buiIt in the - if she had studied there.
looks really old. Ь Yesl lf Каtф hadnt studied at St Andrew's, she might
not have rlrret william
ф Bead the sentences and questions. Choose the
sentence that you think follows it. Why does hф have his glasses with him at dtnner?
а lf he had his glasses, he may Ье able to read the menu.
1 Have you heard about the аппuаl саmеl beauty
ь Не wouldh't Ье able to rеаd the menu if he had
pageant ln Abu Dhabi?
forgotten his glasses.
а yes, if l hadn't read about it, l wouldn't have believed
the pageant was rеаl.
5 Was she to winning the election?
а Yes, if she had received just 2,500 more votes, she
ь yes, if l had read about it, l can't have believed the
would har|e won
pageant was real.
Ь Yes, she З,000 fеwеr votes and shouldn't
2 А winning camel should have а big head.
have won
а l know. That camel оvеr there shouldn't have wоп
because it has such а small head.
6 What do чоL] know about Саrоliпе НегsсhеI?
а She was iп l750 and made discoveries about
ь 5ure. That camel оvеr there should have wоп
space. lf sфе had lived in the twentieth century, she
because its head is so small.
mi9ht har,{e taught astronomy at university
3 l can't believe l didn't winl
Ь She was Ьоrп in ]750 and should have made
а lf уоur camel's hump wеrе bigger, you shouldn't discoveries about space. lf she was living iп the
have won.
twentieth century, she can't have taught astronomy
Ь Yоur camel might have won if its hump wеrе bigger.
4 We сап look at hlstory to understand the imроrtапсе of 7 Do you kпоф how many states аrе in the United States
camels. of America?
а lf Bedouln life hadn't сепtrеd оп movement, they а Well, t аrе 50 today. But if Alaska and Hawaii
might not have соmе to depend оп camels. '1959,
hadn't рап of the United States in
Ь lf Bedouin life hadn't depended on camels, thеir there ld Ье опlу 4В.
history would have centred оп movement. Ь Well, ther should Ье 50 today. But if Alaska and
5 Sorry l'm latel Hawaii h become рап of the United States in
а You should have аrrivеd еаrliеr to get а good seat. l 959, the could Ье 4В.
Now you might not have а good view.
Ь You shouldn't have arrived earlier to get а good seat,
Now you would not have а good view. PRoNUNclA ON Yt'**k f*rг*s: Jэsу*

@ Choose the соrrесt option to complete the sentences.

1 l shouldn't / should have spoken to mу friend during

the ехаm. ф Listen to the with have. underline hаvеiп
2 Bill Gates might поt / сап't have started Microsoft if he the sentences the whole word is pronounced.
and Paul Allen hadn't Ьееп friends. Then practise n9 the sentences. Ж#
3 |,е сап't / mау have studied in Веrliп. Не doesn't speak
апу Gеrmап.
1 Не could done better if he had studied.

4 l must / should hаvе let my tea cooI mоrе Ьеfоrе l drank

2 Have you апу luck findingа job?

3 They can't с because they have to study tonight.

it - it was so hotl
4 l should staпed еаrliеr. Now it's too late,
5 lmight поt / should have lost my book if l had kept it iп
my bag.
5 We might missed the рlапе if we hadn't taken а taxi.

6 lf Christopher Columbus hadn't Ьееп trying to find а

6 Would you ly have helped me if l'd asked you?
7 The test have Ьееп very difГicult.
fаstеr rоutе frоm Europe to lndia, he сап't / mау поt
have ended up iп the Аmеriсаs.
8 Have the results Ьееп posted yet?

Time 117
re*# lnside the mind of а master р

TEDTALKS * WаtсП Parts 2 З ofthe TED TaIk. Choose the correct

option to com lete the sentences.
According t Tim UrЬап, опе way the Panic i\4onster
AUTHENTIc LlSTENl NG SKlLLS helps the рr rastinator tsby saving him оr her frоm о
pOtentially оutсоmе / dеfеаtiпq the rаtiопаl decision
ф Listen to the TED TaIk extracts. Choose the correct mоkеr / rrass п g the G ratifi cati оп М оп key,

option to replace the words оr phrases in bold. Whеп Tim Ьап was first asked to do the TED Talk, he
жж started it ight awoy / pracrastlnated for the
And one day l woke up with thrее days until the first five hs Ьеfоrе рlаппiпg it / decided to wait two
deadIine, still not having Written word, and so l
а month5 he рlоппеd it
did the опlу thing l could: l wrote 90 pages очеr 72 When he te about procrastination оп his blog, опlу
hours, pulling not one but two all-nighters ... а few saw the article / mostly students emailed
а closrng date, all-night study sessions him / frоm mопу different backgrounds emoiled
Ь rасе, days of wоrk him,
с test, evenings Tim Urban ided after studying рrосrаstiпаtiоп that
so the Rational Decision-lvlaker will make the rattonal there lS thап опе kiпd / опlу опе kiпd.
decision to do something productive, but the Mlonkey Tim Urban that procrastinators who don't have
doesn't like that рlап, so he actually takes the wheel . . . deadlines, печеr ochieve their qoals / аrе the lucky
а smart, steals с interesting, 9tves up апеs / fiпd пеw jabs,
ь useful, takes control
Now, the panic Monster is dormant most of the
time, but he suddenly wakes up any time а deadline gets VOCABULAR IN CONTEXT
too close оr thеrе's danger оf public embarrassment,
а саrееr disaster оr some other sсаrу consequence.
ф Choose the ect word or phrase to complete the
а home, idea с afra td, series
Ь asleep, outcome l have а lot at the mоmепt. l'm
wanted а саrееr where уоu'rе а self-starter
So, if you - busy and l 't have time fоr mу famlly

something in the аПs, someihing entrepreneurial - а iп conflic with с handled

there's по deadlines оп those things at first, because Ь опmуm nd
nothing's happening at first, поt until you've gone out The studeni Wеrе at the clock.
and done the hаrd work to get some mоmепtчm, to They wеrе r to go home.
get things golng. а lighting с Starlng
а Ьеgiппеr, time с motivated person, Ь nodding
Ь busy реrsоп, ahead епеrqу
At my пеW , being late to work is поt а

The boss doesn't mind as long

WATсH as we wоrk
= а damage с big deal
ф Watch Parts and 2 of the TED Talk. Put the sentences
1 Ь piece of
in the correct order.
Му goal is to lеаrп how to stop
а Не started writlng his senior thesrs three days before procrastl ng l hope to stop doing it Ьу next уеаr.
the deadline. _ а tremend S с tranSparent
Ь Не wrote а blog post about procrastination. _ Ь long-ter
с Не wrоtе all his рареrs the day Ьеfоrе deadline. _ l use social ia so l сап stay
d Tim staпed blogging. what's ha iпg in the world
е Tim UrЬап majored in government in college. _ а damage с spread

f Tim was given а уеаr to spend on his senior thesls. Ь аwаrе of

She was so pset about her missing children she
thought would _.
а lose her с liqht up
Ь make а li

118 Unit'l0
€ *ж Milestones
SPEAKlNG d I think it's Ьу the fеаr of failure.
е lt's а huge с itment Ьесачsе of training and
@ Гut the words iп the correct order to make sentences. рlаппiпg.
Тhеп listen and check your answers, Жffi f опе of the iп reasons is that it gives me а rush
g That's the рlаппiпg to study nursing.
1 studying / the / develop / purpose / abilities / of /to /
h That's why l' good at maths.
уочr /|s / .
i The point of ing exams is to demonstrate уоur
2 at school / is / studying / that / interest / boredom / j The purpose drscussing topics is to develop your
caused /things / don't / Ьу / уоч / .
k Therefore,l'd ke to study environmental science.
3 l /why/that's/ practical / lеаrпiпg /subjects / like /,
@ Comp|etethe with the phrases in bold in Exercise 2.
4 point/to/the/ lеаrпiпg /enjoy/ mоrе /is /your /of /
Why revise?
something /|tfe/.
(1) revistng is to рrераrе yourself
fоr ап ехаm. (2)
like/ practical /cooking / l / because/ nature / its / of /
very / .
rеmеmьеr most ngs оп оur first епсоuпtеr, we
need to go to it. (3)
6 to / order/we / eat/ to / have / iп / livе /, some classes lots оf time оп revision sessions
аftеr each topic studied. You have tо рlап ahead
cooking / skill / consequently, / practical / is / most / (4) revise effectively.
the/, (5) lots оf people do badly in
exams, (6) not рlаппiпg revision
and / should / eating / Ье / therefore, / cooking /
time carefully. G ng behind with your revision
enjoyable / .

(7) tiredne55 and lack of focus.

а good study plan is rmportant
9 that/ learnt/cook/ more/food/could / | / so / to / \ /
enjoy / .
when you рlап ur rечisiоп. It's imроrtапt that you know
whеrе you аrе iп r revision, (9)

10 ofl l /the/ creativity/cooking / reasons/the/ like/ isl vou have time breaks to rеfrеsh yourself and don't
main / one /rhat / of / . fallbehind. (10) revision should
ье а fun and r g рап of уоur studies, After alI,
11 the / chef /that's/ /to be/want /
l rеаsоп / а / .
(11) lеаrпiпg something ts to use
it in rеаl life, wh mеапS you have to rеmеmЬеr it first!

* МаtсП the facts with the explanations.

ф Пеаd the text апswеr the question. Make notes оп
1 l have а very logical Ьrаiп. _ уоur ideas, listen to the example conversation
2 l want to help people. _ and соmраrе ideas. €ffi
3 l love having debates iп class. _ Тhеrе аrе big с to ihe ехаm System this уеаr and
4 l don't get stressed Ьу tests.
rganized its exam schedule as а result.
5 l rеаllу love making muslc. _ the school has

6 l have to wоrk а lot аftеr school. _ All exams аrе to Ье in the final уеаr, so students

7 l rеаllу enjoybeing outside. _ оп two-year can rеlах in their first уеаr, but that
8 l want to become а doctor. _ means we аrе to have much mоrе to do in the fiпаl
9 l'm the captain of the football team. _ уеаr. This may ап impact оп participation iп school
10 lhavea bad memory,_ clubs and sports Coursework is also beinq reduced as
11 Exams make mе rеаllу stressed. _ nt in all subjects, wiih а maximum of
рап ofthe
а Consequently,l'm often tired iп class. 50 реrсепt asse t Ьу coursework, which means we
Ь l have to iпvепt special rhymes so that l сап rеmеmЬеr alI have mоrе ех mS to take.
all my notes.
Question: What the орiпiоп оf the writer? Ехрlаiп the
с l need good grades in order to get оп to а university
coUrSe. rеаsопs he gives having that opinion

Time 1 19
WRlTlNG А f*r *r:d *g*Епst *ýs*у ф Complete the and a9ainst essay with the correct
Sentences (а-
ф Пеаd and choose the соrrесt discourse marker to
'University edu iоп has become so expensive that
complete the sentences.
mапу сап по еr afford it, Fees should Ье completely
1 Texting while driving is dangerous and irresponsible, abolished.'Di USS.
it is illegai
(1) They spend уеаrs working
а Even so Ь Furthеrmоrе с 0n the оthеr hand
vеrу hard just the chance to 9о to unrversity апd get а
2 l don't agree that public transport should Ье frее. dе9rее in the bject оf their chorce. But is it fair that, for
,l do аgrее that it should Ье many, increasi high fees аrе now making this drеаm
significantly cheaper. impossible?
а Ноwечеr Ь What's mоrе с Notonlythatbut lt is clearthat п stve fees аrе а serious problem fоr
3 Тhеrе аrе mапу problems with this аррrоасh. several reason (2) This means
would cost too much.
it that they have apply fоr student loans to рау fоr their
Secondly, it would take too lопg. tuition апd and it can take mапу yearS to rерау
а Thirdly Ь First of all
с ln conclusion these loans. ondly, most have to leave home and
4 То conclude, l fееl that violent video games should Ье mоvе to the с , or even апоthеr country, whеrе their
Ьап ned , l believe these
9ames university is Furthеrmоrе,
iпсrеаsе aggression and buIlying, and l do not accept while at unive , mапу пееd to fiпd part-time jobs to
that these game5 аrе harmless. support them lves fiпапсtаllу, which takes valuable time
а Even so Ь Ноwеvеr с Ovеrаll away frоm the r studtes.
(4) Firstly, it costs mопеу to
@ Complete the text with these words.
retain excellen academics and other mеmьеrs of staff.
discourse marker First of all iп favour of Реrsопаliу, l ieve the quality of teaching would suffer
linking words own opinion rea5onS if fees wеrе а . (5) iVlany
rеlеvапt struciure the topic young people supported Ьу their раrепts or other
third раrаgrарh family Lastly, university students have а lot of
frее time уеаr, which makes lt easier io balance
When writing а fоr and against essay, there is а their studies th part-time work.
(1) to follow (6) While l accept that fees аrе too
The first раrа9rарh introduces (2) high and shou Ье reduced, l do not believe that they
tоr example, you can:describe the сurrепt situation;say should Ье со etely abolished.

why lt's (3) ог lmportant поw; а on the oth hand, fees аrе песеssаrу in оrdеr to ruп

ехрlаiп that it's something people disagree on; соmраrе universitles.

the past and рrеsепt 5ituation. Ь This comes th significant additional expense.

The second раrаgrарh presents arguments

с Secondly, nk lоапs аrе not ihe only means of paylng
(4) the statement. lnclude two
d First ofall, nq people typically do not have much
оr three (5) to support your mопеу of t еlr own
агgUmепtS. е ln concl l do not fully аgrее with the staiement.

Use (6) , also called discourse f The ultimat goal of most secondary school students is
mаrkеrs, to make your е55ау сlеаrеr for the rеаdеr. These to Ье оffеr а place at university.

include expressions such as (7)

ф Followthe i |опS.

Exams аrе unf r because they put students uпdеr too

The (8) presents arqUments
much pressur to реrfоrm well on а single day. All exams
against the statement. Again, inciude two or three
should Ье ished in favour of continuous assessment
reasons оr examples. I\4ake sure you start ihis paragraph
то what exten do you aqree оr disagree with this
With а (9) that introduces
arguments a9ainst the Statement
write at least words.
Fiпаllу, conclude with your (10)
about the Statement. Make sure you сlеаrlу State What
you believe.

120 Unit'l0
have оrdеrеd а steak if the
геstа u rа nt n't just sold the last one.
а might с сап't
ф Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Ь shou]d d shouldn't
1 l/ wait /for /уоulwоп't/аrоuпd / lопgеr/ much /.
3Не have Ьrоkеп his аrm if he'd
fa] еп frоm t
2 sa / busy/ l'm /falllng /atlwork l that l l'm / lэеhiпd /
а cou]dn't с maybe
Ь can't d cou]d
3 took/ so/catch / lопq / ta / up / il /
4 The trip Ьу frоm New Yоrk to Tokyo
take а lot lопgеr if the Рапаmа
4 сап /take / offl this / уеаr / time / you / ?
canalhadn't еп built
а wouLd с mау
5 to/cal]lnq / rоuпd / get/ пеvеr / l l her / Ь сап d should
5 Тhеrе Ье less pollution if mоrе
6 put/studying /failed / апd / mу l l test/offl
people rode t ir bikes to school and work.
а maybe с would
Ь may Ье d can't
ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
б lfwehadc ked the weather Ьеfоrе we left, we
1 Сап you Ьriпg the appointment with the doctor
not have Ьесоmе stuck iп this
_? blizzard.
а forward с behind а shou d ( сап't
Ь around don Ь mау d could
2 We аrе looking to seeing you aLl 7lfworkers the Yangtze River rn l962 hadn't
again at the wedding. found а Ьuri wooden timЬеr Зб feet long, historians
а around соп not поw believe that fifteenth-
bup d forward century Chi ехрlоrеr Zheng Не had ships mапу
3 l tried to rеаd the book before today's lesson, but l rап tiгпеS lаr9еr t those of Christopher CoIumbus.
tlгпе. а maybe ( сап
а lnto с Up With Ь shou d d might
Ь out of d behind 8l not speak Hindi so well if
4 When do you think you'll get to hadn't studi iп lndia
finishing the painting? а maybe с сап
aUp с fоrwаrd Ь should d might
Ь rоuпd d 0п
5 l'm afraid lfell and l didn't finish
* Putthe words i the correct order to make sentences.

the rероrt you asked for, 1l/поtlif lб / met / had / mу best friend / we /
miqht / qone to different schools /.
а out с beh iпd
boff d аrоuпd
2 wouldn't / l / / Ьееп z found / last week / ггу
6 Could you fit а meeting with the
passport /, / l hаvе / if / able / to l fly home / .

chief executive tоmоrrоw?

аiп (Up
d 3 eaten / mUSt the sweets / haye /Shana /
Ьоп out al]

7 l can't walt fог the weekend, when l сап hang

4 you / have / that music / streamed / shouldn't / ,

with my friends and relax

aLn cUp
bon d out 5 he / done / l уче l l in his ехаm / must / .

ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 6 have / cut / ldпt/llmуhаtr/
1 Emma Thompson have Ьееп
making movies iп ]955 because she wasn't Ьоrп until 7 the rivег / if / / hadn't / Ье lоwеr / rained so much
l 959. would / last
а couLd с should
Ь can't d mау

Tlme 121
Э 4?=ё== homesick (adj) /'hэсim,sтk/ public transport (п) /,рлЬlrk'trreпsрэl(r)t/
= joy (n) /dзэI/ sightseeing (n) /'saIt,silIц/
===ё= = =
wrinkle (п) /'rrцk(э)1/ skyscraper (п) /'skaI, skтеIрэ(r)/
Revision viewpoint (n) /'vjul,рэrпV
afraid (adj) /э'frеtd/ walking tour (n) /'wэlkr4 ,tоэ(r)/
angry (adj) /';сц gгi/ zip-line (п) /'zIp ,laln/
bored (adj) /bэl(r)d/
/rk'saItrd/ =?ё==€: = Vocabulary in context
excited (adj) Revision
pleased (adj) lplizdl а handful of (п) /э 'lrren(d)fu1 ,эч/
airport (n) /'еэ(r) ,рэ l (г)t/
unhappy (adj) /.tn'hвpi/
don't get me /,dэuпt get mil 'гпц/
bus (п)
upset (adj) /лр' set/ wrong (phr)
worried (adj) /'wлrid/ drive (v)
shame (п) /J'erm/
fly (v)
shy (adj) l.|'all
Unit vocabulary holiday (п) /'hnlrder/
surrounded Ьу (trees) /sэ'rаuпdId ,bar
/hэо'tеl/ (phr)
аппоуеd (adj) /э'псId/
hotel (n)
t|rilT t/
anxious (adj) /'ецkJэs/ рlапе (n) team up with (phr v) /,tilm ',tp wId/
(adj) station (п) /'stеI.Г(э)п/

ashamed /э'.J'еrmd/
(adj) tourist (п) /'tuэrlst/
confused /kэп'fjulzd/
delighted (adj)
train (п)
embarrassed (adj) =G?ё=€
travel (v)
lonely (adj) /'lэuпli./
traveller (n) /'tтеч(э)lэ(r)/ Revision
nervous (adj)
visit (v) badminton (n) Ьеdmrпtэп/
/'пзl(r)чэs/ /
relaxed (adj)
visitor (n) /'bers Ьэll/
/гr'lakst/ baseball (n)
scared (adj) /skеэ(r)d/ basketball (п) /'bolskrt,Ьэl1/
Unit vocabulary
stressed (adj) /strest/ boxing (n) /'Ьоksrц/
backpacking (n) /'lэеk,раеkt1/ cricket (n) /'krrkrt/
Extension саr (n) /kol(r,)/ football (n) /'f ot,bэli/
(adj) /'tJrа(r)f(э)l/ catch (v) /kret/ ice hockey (n) /'ars ,hnki/
disappointed (adj) /,drsэ'рэtпtld/ commute (v) /kэ'mjult/ ice skating (п) /'ats,skеrtrц/
grateful (adj) cruise (п) kTtll.z/ rugby (n) /'r.tgЬi/
impatient (adj) /lm'реrJ(э)пt/ destination (n) /,dеsп'пеrJ(э)п/ running (n) /'r,лпrц/
jealous (adj) /'d5еlэs/ excursion (п) Лk' skз l (r)J(э)п/ skiing (п) /'skilrц/
proud (adj) expedition (n) i, еksрэ'drJ'(э)п/ surfing (п) /'sзl (r)frn/
scared (adj) /skeэ(T)d/ fliqht (n) /flaTtJ swimming (n) /'swlmln/
selfish (adj)
get (v) lget/ tennis (п) /'tenrs/
get off (phr v) /,get'nf/ volleyball (n) /'чпli,Ьэll/
Vocabulary building get оп (рhr v) /,get 'on/ yoga (п) /'jэugэ/
/kan'fjulzd/ get to (phr V) /'get ,to/
confused (adj)
/kэп'fj ul5(э)п/ get to know (phr) /,get tэ 'nau/ Unit vocabulary
confusion (n)
/dI'prest/ go for (а bike ride) /'gэu,fа(r) achieve (v) /э'tJ'ilч/
depressed (adj)
(ph,) (э'ЬаIk ,rard)/ basketball (п) / bolskrt,Ьэl1/
depression (n) /di'рrеJ(э)п/
/'gэu ,оп (э 'flaIt
disappointed (adj) /,drsэ'pэrntId/
go оп (а flight) (ph0 beat (v) lbi.^tl
lift (n) l|lftl board (n) /Ьэl(г)d/
disappointment(n) /,dIsэ'рэrпtmэпt/
embarrassment (n) /tm'Ьегаsmапt/ ride (n) /raTd/ boat (n) /Ьэut/
route (п) ltttll/ climbing (п) /'klатmrц/
excited (adj) /lk'saItTd/
ship (п) lJ'tpl club (п) /klлЬ/
excitement (п) лk'sаItmэпt/
/rg'zэ:strd/ take (v) /teIU coach (п) /kэt_itJ/
exhausted (adj)
/Ig'zэlstJ(э)п/ voyage (n) i 'чэrl dзl court (п) /kэl(т)t/
exhaustion (п)
friendliness (n) /'frеп(d)liпаs/ diving (n) /'dаrчrц/
Extension encourage (v) /rп,kлrld5/
friendly (adj)
happiness (n) /'hерiпэs/ board (v) /Ьэl(r)d/ equipment (п) /I'kwIрmэпt/
happy (adj) /'hapi/ depart (v) /dI'pol(r)t/ gymnastics (п) /d5rm'nestrks/
loneliness (n) /'1эопliпэs/ journey (п) /'dззl(т)пi/ helmet (п) /'helmrt/
Ionely (adj) /'lэrrпli/ know (v) lпеаl karate (п) /kэ'rоlti/
nervous (adj) /'пзl(r)чэs/ land (v) /1юnd/ mountain (n) /'mauntrn/
nervousness (n) /'пзl (r)чаsпэs/ leave (v) lli,^yl net (n) lпеtl
sad (adj) /sed/ outing (n) /'аоtrц/ opponent (n) /э'рэuпапt/
sadness (п) /'sвdпэs/ sight (n) /sart/ pitch (n) /pItJ/
selfish (adj) /'selfI.[/ sightseeing (п) /'saIt, sillц/ рlауеr (п) /'рlеrэ(г)/
selfishness (п) /'selft_|nэs/ stay (v) /ster/ pool (n) /pu:l/
way (n) /wer/ racket (п) /'rzekrt/
Vocabulary in context referee (п) /,rеfэ'тil/
characteriStic (n) /,kагтktэ rIstlk/
Vocabulary building repreSent (V) /,reprt'zent/
curiosity (п) /,kjuэгi'оsэti/ backpacking (n) /'Ьrek,реktц/ rink (n) /rlцk/
gender (n) /'d5епdа(г)/ horse riding (n) /'hэl(т)s ,гаIсlii1/ score (n) /skэl(r)/


spectator (п) /spek'tertэ(r)/ processed food (п) /'рrэоsеst ,fuld/ Unit vocabulary
Surfing (п) /'sзl(r)fIц/ raw (adj) lrэll business (n) /'Ьtzпэs/
track (n) /trrek/ steamed (adj) /stilmd/ career prospects (рhф /kа'rrа(r)
train (v) /tгеlп/ strong (adj) /strпц/
win (v) /win/ suitable for (phr) /'sultаЬ(э)l ,fэ(r)/ competitive (adj) /kэm'реtэtIч/
sweet (adj) iswilt/ /kгi'ertrv/
creative (adj)
Extension tasty (adj) /'teIsti/
demanding (adj) /dr'molndrд/
do (v) ldttll vegetarian (п) /,чеdзэ'tеэriэп/ /'fleksab(a)1/
flexible (adj)
9о (V) /gэu/ well-balanced(adj) /,wеl'Ьаеlэпst/ in charge of (phr) /,rn 't.[сl(r)dз эч/
go ice skating (phr) /gэu 'ars ,skertr1/ /'rпdэstri/
/оаu ,rаIdIц/
Extension industry (n)
9о riding (phr) job (п) /dзоЬ/
play (v) lp|ell appetite (n) /'reрэtатt/
out of work (phr) /,aot эч 'wзl(r)k/
play polo (phr) /,pler 'рэulаi-l/ apple pie (п) /,аер(э)1 'paI/
responsiblefor(phr) /rl'sропsэЬ(э)l
snowboarding (n) /'sпэu,Ьсl(т)dIп/ bread and olives (n) /,Ьrеd эп 'ohvz/
squash (п) /skwn/ cake (п) /ketk/
stressful(adj) /'stlesf(э)l/
table-tennis (n) /'tеIЬ(э)1 ,tenIs/ chocolate cake (n) /'tJnklэt ,kelk/
unempIoyed (adj) /,,trrIm'рlэtd/
windsurfing (n) /'wtn(d) diet (n) /'dаrэt/
well-paid (adj) /,wel 'peId/
,sзl(r) fтц/ grill (n) lgrl.U
work (п) /wзl(r)U
main course (n) /,metn 'kэl(r)s/
work for (phr v) /'wзl(r)k ,fэ/
Vocabulary building mashed potato (n) /,mаеJt ро'tеItэu/ work in (phr v) /'wз:(т)k ,In/
give up (рhr v) /,grv',l,p/ roast chicken (n) /,rэust 'tJlkIn/
work on (phr v) /'wзl(l)k ,пп/
join in (phrv) /,d5эrп'rп/ salad (п) /'sаlэd/
keep up (phr v) /,kilp'.tp/ soup (n) /sulp/ Extension
knock out (phr v) /,nok'aut/ starter (п) /'stоl(r)tэ(r)i
challenging (adj) /'tJ'alInd5rl/
take on (phr v) /,teTk'nn/ steak (n) /sterk/
find (v) /farndl
take up (phr v) /,terk '.rp/ stir-fry (п) /'StзI(I),frаI/
need (v) /nild/
warm up (phr v) /,wэl(r)m',л.р/ tasteless (adj) /'ters(t)lэs/
quit (v) /kwlt/
work out (phr v) /,wзl(r)k'аut/
Vocabulary building resign (v) lrl'zатпl
Vocabulary in context deepJried (adj)/'dilp ,fraid/
retired (adj)
rewarding (adj) /rt'wэl(т)dt1/
barely (adv) /'Ьеа(r)li/ good-looking(adj) /,gоd'ltlklц/
supervisor (п) /'sulрэ(r), varza(r)/
costume (n) /'kostju:m/ half-finished(adj) /,holf'fInl.[t/
ensure (v) hп'Jоl(r)/ home-made (adj) /,hэurп 'merd/
trainee (п) /,

vacancy (п) /'чеlkэпsi/

fresh water (n) /,freJ 'wэltэ(r)/ old-fashioned(adj) /,аuld'fе.[(э)пd/
l believe in you (phr) /aI Ы'lilv lп ,jul/ oven-baked (adj) /',лч(э)п ,beIkt/ Vocabulary buiIding
swollen (adj) /'swэulэп/ over-cooked(adj) /',tч(э)п,kukt/
glапсе /g1olns/
sun-dried (adj) /'s.цn ,dгатd/
identify (v) /aI'dentTfaI/
sweet-tasting(adj) /'swilt,terstIц/
/'пэut rs/
+G?Ё=€ + well-known (adj) /,wel 'пэоп/
notice (v)
observe (v) /эЬ'zзl(г)ч/
Revision Vocabulary in context recognize (v) /'гekagnalz/
apple (п) /'rep(a)l/ combined (adj) /kэm'Ьаrпd/ spot (v) /spot/
cake (п) /keIk/ come up with (phr v) /, '.lp wrб/ Vocabulary in context
chicken (п) /'tJikrn/ damage (п) /'dаеmrd5/
а piece of cake /,pils эч 'ketk/
chilli powder (п) /'tJrli ,раudэ(r)/ iп conflict With (phr) /,In 'knnflrkt wrб/
/'tJпklэt/ assignment (n) /э'sаtпmэпt/
chocolate (n) lTelzl
counton (phrv)
raise (v)
/'koli/ /'kaunt ,оп/
coffee (n) /Ttsk/
term (n)
risk (п)
curry (п)
tough (adj) ltлfl
Frепсh fries (п) /'frепt[,fraTzl
turn out (phr v) /,tзl(т)п 'aut/
ice cream (п) /,ars'krilm/
lеmоп (n) i 'lеmэп./ +Ё_,==
==?#=€ =#
pasta (п) /'раstэi
potato crisps (n) /рэ'tеItэU ,kIIsps/
Revision "е?э2;"=
ё.;ё€ z4
prawn (n) /рrэlп/ accountant (n) /э'kаuпtэпt/
architect (n) /'ol(r)kr,tekt/ Revision
5traWberry (п) /'strэ:Ь(э)ril
tomato (n) /tа'mоltэu/ chef (п) l Jell broken (adj) /'braokan/
chiefexecutive(n) /,tJilftg'zekjutiv/ chest (п) /tJest/
Unit vocabulary doctor (п) /'dnktэ(r)/ elbow (n) /'еlЬэu/
boiled (adj) /Ьэlld/ firefighter (п) /'fаtа(r) fаttа(r)/ finger (п) /'fщgэ0)/
cooked (adj) /kukt/ Iawyer (n) /'lэljа(т)/ hand (n) /hend/
delicious (adj) /dr'hJэs/ nurse (п) /пзl(т)s/ head (n) /hed/
disgusting (adj) /dIs'g.rstrц/ office worker (п) /'nfis ,wзl(г)kэ(r)/ knee (n) lni,^l

fresh (adj) /freJ/ paramedic (n) /,рrcrэ'mеdrk/ neck (n) /nek/

fried (adj) /frаrd/ police officer (п) iрэ'lils ,пfrsэ(r)/ nose (n) lпэаzl
healthy (adj) /'hel0i/ salesperson (п) /'sеIlz,рзl(r)s(э)п./ pain (п) /peIn/
junk food (п) /'d5.л,цk ,fuld/ shop manager (п) i,Jop 'mюпId5э(r)/ patient (п) /'реrJ(э)пt/
meat-eater (n) /'milt ,iltэ(r)/ teacher (n) /'tiltJэ(r)/ seasick (adj) /'sil,srk/
mild (adj) /matld/ waiter (n) /'wеrtэ(r)/ shoulder (n) /'Jаоldэ(r)/
natural (adj) /'пюt.|(э)rэl/ waitress (n) /'rчеrtrаs/ stomach (n) /'stлmэk/


i: temperature (п) /'tеmрrrtJэ(r)/ get а refund (phr) /,get э'rilf,tпd/ communicate /kэ,mjulnrkert 'wel/
throat (n) /0rэut/ give mопеу away (phr) /grv ,m,lni o'wer/ well (phO
virus (n) /'varras/ grow (v) lgrэul email (v) /'ilmeIl/
manufacture (v) /,mаenju'fektJa(r expect ап important /rk,spekt эп
Unit vocabulary material (п) /mэ'trэriэV calI(phr) Im,рэl(r) t(э)пt 'kэl1
on special offer (рhф /оп ,sреJ(э)i 'оfэ(r give someone а /,grv s,lmwnn э 'kal1
absorb (v) /эЬ'zэl(r)Ь/
option (п) /'орJ(э)п/ call (phr)
bacteria (п) /Ьаk'tIэriэ/
b]ood celI (n) /'bl.rd,se1/
pick (v) /plU listen (v) /'hs(э)п./
produce (v) /рrэ'djuls/ ring (v) /rlц/
blood vessel (п) /'bi,1d ,чеs(э)l/
recycle (v) /ril 'satk(э)i/ send а message (ph0 /,send э 'mеsrdз/
bone (n) /borin/
rough (adj) lrbf/ send а text (phr) /,send а 'tekst/
brain (n) /Ьrеrrr./
breathe (v) /brilб/ sell (v) /sеV speak louder (ph0 /,sрilk'lаudэ(r)/
text (v) /tekSt/
digestion (п) /dаI'dзеstJ(э)п/ Unit vocabulary understand (v) /,tпdэ(т) 'stlеnd/
digestive system (n) /dаr'dзеstrч ,sIstom/
afford to (phr V) /a,fol(r)d tэl
food (n) /fuld/ Unit vocabulary
heart (n) /hol(r)t/ bargain (n) /'bol(r)grn/
lung (n) /1.л.ц/
browse (v) l|эrаuzl argument (n) /'о:(r)gjоmэпt/
muscle (n) /'m.л,s(э)l/
earn (v) /зl(r)п/ chat (n) ltJюtl
nutrient (п) /'njultriэnt/ lend (v) /iend/ connect With (phr V) /kэ'nekt ,wIё/
оrgап (п) /'эl(г)gэп/ logo (п) /'lэugэu/ conversation (п) /,kппчэ(r)'sеlJ(э)п/
охуgеп (n) /'оksrdз(а)п/ рау back (phr v) /,peT'bek/ debate (п) /dr'beTt/

skeleton (n) /'skеltt(э)п/ рау for (рhr) /'peI ,fэl discussion (n) /dr'sk.tJ(э)n/
skin (n) /skIn/ рау mоrе (ph0 /,реr'mэl(r)/ get distracted (phr) /,get dI'strektrd/
tongue (п) ltbц,l рау off (phr v) /,peI'of/ get опеЪ message out /,get w.tnz 'mеsrdз
shop around (phr ч) /,jпр э'rаuпd/ (phr) аut/
spend money on (phr) /,spend 'mлпi on/ interpersonal skills (п) /,lпtа(r)'рзl(r)s(э)пэi
take something /,teIk s,tm0lц 'skIlz/
eyebrow (п) /'аr,Ыао/ back (phr) 'bek/ make connections (рhф /,mеrk ka'nekJ'(a)nz
fingernail (п) /'f rц gэ(r),пеI1/ throw away (рhr v) /,Orаu э'wеt/ make friends (phr) /,merk 'frendz/
hearing (п) /'hIэrrц/ waste mопеу (ph0 /,werst'm,lni/ рау attention (phr) /,pei э'tепJ(э)п/
intestine (п) /rn'testIn/ post on а forum (рhф /,рэл;st оп э 'fэlгэm
liver (п) /'hча(r)/ Extension post оп social media /,рэоst оп sэuJ(э)l
rib (n) lrlbl buyer (п) /'ЬаIэ(r)/ 1phr) 'mildiэ/
sight (n) /salt/ consumer (п) /kап'sjчlmэ(r)/ respond to texts (phr) /rr,spnnd ta 'teksts/
skin (п) /sktn/ interest (п) /'rпtrэst/ share photos (ph0 /,Jеэ(т) 'fэutэuz/
smell (v) /smeI/ loan (n) /1эuп/
spine (п) /sparrr-/ out of stock (phr) /, эч 'stnk/ Extension
taste (v) /teIst/ owe (v) lаu/ a9reement (п) /э'grilmапt/
touch (v) ltbtJl purchase (n) /'рзl(r)tJэs/ criticism (n) /'krrtr, srz(э)m./
vein (n) /veIn/ return (v) /rI'tзl(r)п/ gossip (п) /'gosIp/
wrist (п) л,Tst/ save (v) /setv/ quarrel (v) /'kwпгэ1/
seller (п) /'sеIэ(т)/ reminder (п) /rr'mаlпdа(r)/
Vocabulary building
shop online (phr) /,Jop on'laIn/ speech (п) /spiltJ/
allow (v) /э'lаi-l/
епаЬlе (v) /rп'еrЬ(э)1/ Vocabulary building Vocabulary building
heIp (v) lhеlrрl carefully (adv) /'kеэ(r)f(э)li/ impossible (adj) /rm'роsэЬ(э)l/
let (v) l|etl fast (adv) /folst/ informal (adj) /Iп'fэl(r)m(а)l/
prevent /prl'vent/ occasionally (adv) irreIevant (adj)
/э'kеr5(э)пэli/ /т'геlэчэпt/
save (v) /serv/ perfectly (adv) /'рзl(r)frk(t)li/ uпаЬlе (adj) /.tп'еrЬ(э)l/
stop /stnp/ unbelievable (adj)
professionally(adv) /рrа'fеJ(э)паli/ /,,lnbI'lilvab(o)l/
temporarily (adv) /,t еmрэ'rеатаli/ unusual (adj) /лп'julзuэl/
Vocabulary in context
well (adv) /wel/
access (v) /'rekses/ Vocabulary in context
concept (n) /'knnsept/ VocabuIary in context avoid (v) /а'чэrd/
extend (v) /Ik'stend/ bug (n) / care about (phr) /'keo(r) a,baut/
light up (phr v) /,lalt ',tp/ efficiency (п) /r'flJ(э)nsi/ due to(рrер) /'djul ,tэl
outcome (n) /'aut,k,tm/ naked (adj) /'neIkId/ have а point to /,h;эч э 'рэrпt tэ
tremendous (adj) /trэ'mепdэs/ pour (v) /рэl(r)/ make (phd ,mеrk/
precious (adj) /'рrеJэs/ make а living (phr) /,merk э 'lrчrц/
spread (v) /spred/ nod (v) /nod/

ъЁ=ъэ= э€ transparent (adj) /trепs'раеrэпt/

Revision #?G=€ *
Ье in debt
/,bil In 'det/
ъG#=€ * Revision
brand (n) /Ьrепd/ Revision art (п) /ol(r)t/
create (v) /kгi'elt/ answer (v) /'о:пsа(r)/ bright (adj) /ЬrаIt/
design (п/ч) ldT'zalnl call (v) /kэll/ classical (adj) /'klеsrk(э)l/
donate to charity (рhф /,dэu'nert tэ 't.iеrэt7 check email (phr) /,t.Гek'iImeIy colour (п) /'k.tlo(r)/


dark (adj) /dоl(r)k/ contemporary (adj) /kап'tеmр(э)r(э)ril getroundto(phrv) /,get'raundta/
digital (adj) /'dIdзrt(э)V controversial (adj) /,kопtrэ'чзl(r)J(э)У hang out (phr v) /,hец 'аut/
drawing (п) /'drэlrц/ creative (adj) ,&ri'ertrv/ hold оп (phr v) /,hэuld 'оп/
failure (п) /'fеIljэ(r)/ emotional (adj) /I'mэо.|(э)пэU hold оп to (рhr v) /,hэuld 'оп tэ/
guitar (п) /gI'tоl(r)/ imaginative (adj) /r'mюd5rпэtrч/ look forward to (рhr v) /,lok 'fэl(r)wа(r)d tэl
hip hop (adj) /'htp hop/ inspirational (adj) /, rпsрэ'rеlJ(э)п(э)1/ put off (phr v) /,рut 'rэf/
imperfection (п) /,rmpa(г)'fekJ(a)r/ lifelike (adj) /'1atf,larki ruп out of (phr v) /,r,tп 'aclt эч/
instrument (n) /'rпstrоmэпt/ masterpiece (п) /'mо l stэ(r),рil s/ take time offfrom (phr) /,terk taIm'of/
museum (п) /фul'zilаm/ modern (adj) /'rпоdэ(r)п/ wait around for (phr v) /,welt а'rаuпd fэl
music (п) i'mjulztk/ moving (adj) /'mr-rlчrц/
painting (п) /'реIппц/ workof art (n) /,wзl(r)k эч 'ol(r)t/ Extension
perfect (adj) /'рзl(r)fеkt/ as soon as (phr) /,az 'suln эzl
photograph (n) /'fэutа,grсlfl Vocabulary building at last (phr) /,эt 'lolst/
piano (п) /рi'спаu/ make а decision (phr)/,meIk о dI'sr5(э)n/ currently (adv) /'kлrэпtli/
рор (adj) /рор/ make а difference (ph0 /,merk э 'drfrэпs/ finally (adv) /'fаiп(э)li/
reject (v) /Tr'd5ekt/ make а living (phr) /,merk э 'hчrц/ iп the first place (рhr) /Tn бэ 'fзl(r)st
successful (adj) /sэk'sesf(э)1/ make а splash (phr) /,merk э 'spla/
unsuccessful (adj) /,,л,пsэk'sеsf(э)1/ make friends (phr) /,merk 'frendz/ in the future (phr) z ,npýil:u,tl.crlz
violin (п) /, чаtэ'ltп/ make sense (phr) /,merk 'sens/ in the past(phO /,rп ёэ 'pclst/
make the most of (phф /,merk ёа 'maust meanwhile (adv) /'miln,warl/
Unit vocabu!ary эч/ оп time (phr) /,on 'taIm/
audience (п) /'эldiэпs/ make time (phr) /,merk'tarm/ run late (phr) /,r.tп 'lert/
broadcast (п/ч) /'Ьrэld,kоlst/ make way for (рhф /,merk 'wer fэ/
character (п) /'kюrrktа(r)/ Vocabulary building
concert (n) /'kuпsэ(r)t/ Vocabulary in context ahead of time (phr) /э,hеd av 'tatm/
entertainment (п) /,епtэ(r)'tеrпmэпt/ buzzword (п) /'Ь.tz,wзl(r)d/ at the same time (рhr) /at dа ,seIm 'tarm./
exhibition (п) /,eksi'bIJ(э)n/ come up with (phr ч) /,',l,p wId/ еаrlу (adj) /'зl(r)lil
galIery (n) /'grelагi/ gripped (adj) /grTptl find the time (ph0 /,farnd ёа 'taIm./
listener (п) /'1rs(э)па(r)/ handle (v) i'hюпd(э)l/ from time to time (phr) /frеm ,taIm ta
live (adj) llalyl in а row (рhr) /,rn э 'rэu/ 'taIm,/
lyrics (п) /'1rrIks/ show up (phr v) /,.[эu',л.р/ have some time (phr) /,hюv s.lm 'taIm/
murаl (n) /'mjuэrэl/ in the past (рhф /,rn dэ 'polst/
musical (п) /'mjulzrk(э)l/ itЗ time (ph0 /,rts 'tarm./
# *
performance (п) /рэ(r)'f эl(т)mапs/ €G€ё=*-=а#=
= keep the time (phr) /kilp ёэ 'talm/
play (п) lple1,/ = lost time (phr) /,1ost 'tarm./
portrait (п) /'рэl(r)trlt/ Revision on time (phr) /,on 'tarm/
sculpture (n) /'skлIрtJа(r)/ after (рrер) /'olfta(r)/ pass the time (phr) /,pols ёэ 'tarm/
stadium (п) /'sterdiam/ Ье late (phr) /,bi 'leTt/ spend some time /,spend s,tm 'tarm./
studio (n) /'stiuldiэu/ before (рrер) /ЪI'fэl(r)/ (phr)
theatre (n) /'0rэtэ(r)/ during (prep) /'djuэпц/ take time (рhr) /,terk'tarm./
tune (n) ltjlnl early (adj) /'зl(r)lil Waste time (phd /,werst 'tаrm/
venue (n) /'venjul/ опсе (adv) /wлпs/ worth the time (phr) /,wзl(r)0 бо 'talm/
verse (п) /чзl(r)s/ until (prep) /еп'lт.1l
viewer (n) /'чjulэ(r)/ wait (v) /wert/
Vocabulary in context
visitor (п) l'vlzTte(r)l а big deal (phr) /э ,brg 'dill/
Unit vocabulary aware of (phr) /э'wеэ(r) эч/
Extension bring forward (phr v) /,Ьrrп 'fэl(r)wэ(r)d/ long-term (adj) /'1п0 ,tзl(r)m/
abstract (adj) /'аеЬstгrekt/ catch up (phr v) /,kаеtJ',tp/ lose опеЪ mind (рhr) l,|tllzw,tnz 'maInd/
appealing (adj) /э'рilhц/ fall behind (phrv) /,fэl1 bI'harnd/ on опеЪ mind (phr) /,оп wlnz 'mаrпd/
award-winning (adj) /а'wэl(r)d ,wrпrц/ fit in (phr V) l,tlt'lnl stare (v) /stеа(r)/


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