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What is a balut?

Balut is a street food widely consumed in the Philippines,more exactly is

a fertilized duck egg.This dish is a delicacy that has been a staple in the
Filipino culture for more than 200 years.

How is balut prepared?

At first you need choose the wright eggs,without any cracks or
fissures,because are more likely to survive incubation and after that
they are incubated for 18 days.
After 18 days they are boiled in a solution of salt and water for up to 30
minutes and served warm.

How do you eat balut?

At the beginning you crack the egg at the top, and once cracked
you have to drink the juice. then you continue to peel it and once
cleaned you start eating the yolk and then the duck embryo.

What does balut taste like?

The juice is sead to taste like a meaty broth or as watery
chicken broth.
The york has a creamy texture like a cream.
The duck is crunchy.
Balut is a late night snack of choice in the Philippines: Balut is to the
Philippines what hot dogs are to America.
Some say it's an aphrodisiac

Balut yolk is high in cholestero:

Balut is sead to help the liver produce the necessary fluids to aid in the
digestion of fat.

Balut might cure a hangover:

Because the yolk in balut contains the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine
breaks down toxins in the liver and assists in eliminating them from
your body.
1. Local traditions and customs: Eating dog meat has a tradition of
hundreds of years in certain regions of China. In the past, dog meat was
considered a delicacy and was eaten especially in winter to provide
warmth and energy to the body.

2. Cultural perceptions and beliefs: In some Asian cultures, certain types

of meat are believed to have medicinal properties. Dog meat is
considered by some to have the ability to improve blood circulation and
benefit health, especially in cold weather.

3. Availability and resources: In the past, when other sources of protein

were limited, dogs were raised for consumption in certain rural
communities. They were considered an accessible and cheap resource
for meat.

4. Yulin Festival: This festival, which takes place in Yulin City,

Guangxi Province, has become internationally famous for eating dog
meat. It started in 2009 and attracted worldwide attention, being
criticized for its inhumane treatment of animals. Participants believe that
eating dog meat during the summer solstice brings good luck and health.
5. Cultural differences: While in many parts of the world dogs are
considered family members and loyal friends, in some regions of China
and other Asian countries, dogs may be considered farm animals, similar
to pigs or chickens.

HAW IT TASTE:it taste like lamb meat.

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