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My Salvation Experience

Dearly Beloved,

Warm greetings of grace and peace.

I would like to share with you my salvation experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm
delighted to share my experience. Only a few believers frequently talk about their salvation

Several years ago, on August 15, 1999, as an undergraduate in 200 level, I was invited to a
new life birthday party hosted by one of the believers on campus. When the guest minister
was preaching at the new life birthday party, he made a plea for the salvation of souls, but I
was convinced that I had to make this decision in a personal way. This was because, years
before, during a gospel campaign, I responded to a call to step forward and embrace Jesus
Christ as Lord and Saviour, but I didn’t do it mindfully with the intention to be born again. It
was just a bandwagon effect. I dashed out to the podium because a great number of
people were running out.

So, I left the new life birthday party, and I went straight to my hostel room, where I dropped
on my knees, and in tears began talking with God. I knew He has been reaching out to me
with the message of salvation, but I was yet to receive him. And while I prayed, I asked God
to forgive my sins, wash me in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, and then I received Him
into my heart as my Lord and Saviour.

Just after these prayers, I felt as if someone was pulling me out of the ocean where I had
been drowning. Then I felt as if the enormous weights I had been carrying were being taken
from me. Immediately, I felt peace and calmness in my soul, and guess what I thought to
myself? "Why didn't I do this before now?"

I used to be very pessimistic and negative about life, but now I lead a fulfilling life in terms
of both my profession and ministry. Jesus gave me a new life full of meaning and purpose!

It is now your turn for the salvation of your soul and your turn for a spiritual turnaround.
Why delay any longer? Decide to be born again today! Jesus loves you.

God bless you.

Christopher Olusegun Uzochukwu

Author. Training Facilitator. Minister
08034207206, 08078763251

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