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Applied Neuropsychology: Adult

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Neuropsychiatric and cognitive symptoms in

people with hypertension: An examination with
the NINDS-CSN consensus protocol

Yen-Hsuan Hsu, Meng Lee, Kuo-Li Pan, Chen-Yu Chen, Tai-Hsin Hung &
Vincent Chin-Hung Chen

To cite this article: Yen-Hsuan Hsu, Meng Lee, Kuo-Li Pan, Chen-Yu Chen, Tai-Hsin Hung
& Vincent Chin-Hung Chen (2024) Neuropsychiatric and cognitive symptoms in people
with hypertension: An examination with the NINDS-CSN consensus protocol, Applied
Neuropsychology: Adult, 31:1, 39-47, DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2021.1986826

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Published online: 16 Oct 2021.

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2024, VOL. 31, NO. 1, 39–47

Neuropsychiatric and cognitive symptoms in people with hypertension: An

examination with the NINDS-CSN consensus protocol
Yen-Hsuan Hsua,b , Meng Leec,d , Kuo-Li Pand,e,f, Chen-Yu Chena, Tai-Hsin Hunge,g,h‡, and
Vincent Chin-Hung Chene,g‡
Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan; bCenter for Innovative Research on Aging Society (CIRAS),
National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan; cDepartment of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan; dDivision of
Cardiology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan; eSchool of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan; fHeart Failure
Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan; gDepartment of Psychiatry, Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan;
Chang Gung Institute of Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Hypertension has been associated with risk of cognitive impairments. The American Heart Hypertension; cognitive
Association recommended the use of the harmonized neuropsychological protocol suggested by function; neuropsycho-
the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke and the Canadian Stroke Network logical tests; vascular
cognitive impairment
(NINDS-CSN) for studying related cognitive impairments. Initially designed for vascular cognitive
impairment, empirical data of results from NINDS-CSN protocol has not been well-established in
hypertension. The present study recruited 58 adults diagnosed with hypertension and 44 normo-
tensive controls. Tests from the NINDS-CSN protocol were given in three lengths, including neuro-
psychological tests and neuropsychiatric inventories. The results showed higher proportions of
hypertensive adults with impairments on tests of memory and executive functions and that they
performed worse as a group on several tests from the 30-minute protocol, but not on the other
additional tests in the full-length version, nor on cognitive screening test in the 5-minute protocol
such as the Mini-Mental State Examination or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. There was no
significant group difference on neuropsychiatric symptoms. These findings suggested that the 30-
minute version of the NINDS-CSN protocol with the two supplemental tests was able to reveal
selective cognitive deficits in hypertensive adults and provide a practical solution for related stud-
ies, balancing between the requirement of sensitivity, domain variety, and brevity.

Introduction subsequent years, and those without proper treatment may

have an even higher risk (Sharifi et al., 2011; Tzourio et al.,
Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been coined to
1999). A four-year longitudinal study confirmed the role of
encompass all types of cognitive disorders resulting from
hypertension as a risk factor for mild cognitive disorder in
cerebrovascular diseases with various severity, from mild people in their 60 s (Cherbuin et al., 2009). Overall, the rela-
cognitive impairment to dementia (Hachinski & Bowler, tionship between hypertension and cognitive impairment
1993). Hypertension is one of the major modifiable risk fac- has been consistent in middle-aged population while the
tors shared by cerebrovascular diseases (Iadecola et al., results were equivocal in older patients (Walker et al., 2017).
2016), posing a threat to cognitive health by itself. A recent scientific statement from the American Heart
Hypertensive-related cognitive impairment has been Association pointed out that there was no standardized cog-
observed as executive dysfunction and psychomotor slowing nitive assessment across studies, resulting in inconsistent use
(Harrington et al., 2000; Kuo et al., 2004; Vicario et al., of test tools and diverging evaluation of cognitive domains
2005), while impairment of memory function has also been in hypertension research (Iadecola et al., 2016). In 2006, the
reported (Harrington et al., 2000; Saxby et al., 2003; Vicario National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke and
et al., 2005). In a case-control study of 105 consecutive the Canadian Stroke Network (NINDS-CSN) recommended
amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a direct associ- the harmonized use of a standardized cognitive test battery
ation was found between cognitive deficits and vascular risk for VCI (Hachinski et al., 2006), including 5-minute, 30-
factors including arterial hypertension (Casado Naranjo et minute, and 60-minute versions of the protocol. Previous
al., 2015; Ganguli et al., 2013). Hypertensive people were 2.8 studies have provided empirical support that all versions of
times more likely to have cognitive impairment in the NINDS-CSN protocol were valid in assessing VCI

CONTACT Vincent Chin-Hung Chen; Tai-Hsin Hung School of Medicine, Chang Gung University,
Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Meng Lee and Kuo-Li Pan contributed equally.
‡Tai-Hsin Hung and Vincent Chin-Hung Chen contributed equally.
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
40 Y.-H. HSU ET AL.

Table 1. The neuropsychological test protocols adopted in the present study.

60-Minute 30-Minute 5-Minute
Executive function
Semantic fluency  
Digit symbol substitution  
Trail Making Test A & B (TMT-A & TMT-B)  †
Character fluency  
Language function
Boston Naming Test (BNT) 
Visuospatial function
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCFT) - Copy 
Memory function
Chinese Version Verbal Learning Test (CVVLT)  
Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI, 12-item version)  
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)  
Dementia Screening Tests
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)  †
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) 
Other tests
Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) 

Indicates the supplemental test.

among stroke patients (Chen et al., 2015; Lin et al., 2016). vasodilator, 13% b-Blockers with a-Blockers, 11.2% ARB
This harmonized battery was suggested by the American with CCB, 3.8% with diuretics, 3.7% Angiotensin-convert-
Heart Association for future studies concerning impact of ing-enzyme inhibitors and 3.7% a-Blockers. Regarding
hypertension on cognitive function (Iadecola et al., 2016). chronicity, the average duration of diagnosis was 8.9 years
However, the clinical utility of this protocol in hypertension (SD ¼ 6.55, range: 027 years). Regarding comorbidity, 17
population has not been examined in empirical studies. hypertensive participants also had hyperlipidemia (29.3%)
Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the applic- and 19 had diabetes mellitus (32.8%). The inclusion criteria
ability of the NINDS-CSN neuropsychological protocol in a for normotensive volunteers were blood pressure <140/
cohort of hypertensive patients and to examine if the 90 mmHg and scored more than 24 on MMSE. Exclusion
NINDS-CSN protocol is sensitive to the milder form of VCI criteria were known stroke history, diagnosis of major psy-
that excludes dementia. chiatric or neurological disorders (such as dementia, major
depression, substance use disorder, and traumatic brain
injury), severe hearing or visual impairment, movement dis-
Materials and methods turbances, and a score below 24 on MMSE. The project was
Participants approved by the institutional review board in the Chiayi
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (IRB No. 201801329B0).
Eligible participants were patients diagnosed with hyperten-
sion from outpatient clinics in a teaching hospital and
normotensive volunteers recruited from communities, aged Test protocol
above 50 years old who gave written informed consent. According to the NINDS-CSN harmonized consensus
From January 2019 to June 2020, 65 hypertensive patients (Hachinski et al., 2006), three versions of cognitive test pro-
and 47 normotensive participants were included. A total of tocols with different length (60, 30, and 5 minutes) were rec-
58 hypertensive and 44 normotensive participants completed ommended for VCI studies. Neuropsychological tests
the tests and entered the final analysis. Two hypertensive adopted in the present study are shown in Table 1.
participants were excluded due to diagnosis of depressive The 5-minute protocol originally consisted of three indi-
disorders. Another five hypertensive participants were vidual test items of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
excluded due to suspected dementia: Mini-Mental Status (MoCA; Nasreddine et al., 2005). We administrated the
Examination (MMSE, Shyu & Yip, 2001) score lower than whole test because a previous study (Dong et al., 2016)
24. The average age of the participants was 62.5 (SD ¼ 7.27) showed that the full MoCA outperformed the subtotal scores
in the hypertensive group and 60.45 (SD ¼ 7.04) in the in predicting VCI.
normotensive group. The diagnostic criteria of hypertension The 30-minute protocol included the Semantic Fluency
were blood pressure >140/90 mm Hg (Chiang et al., 2015) (we adopted animal fluency in 30 seconds); Character
at office visit and/or on three occasions throughout their Fluency (we adopted a substitute that was based on the
clinical history, or if they have been taking antihypertensive grapheme-based Chinese language for the original phonemic
medication. Overall, all participants in our study were taking fluency task; Hung et al., 2016); Digit Symbol Substitution
at least one type of anti-hypertensives, in which 61.2% of subtest of the Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale - the Third
them were taking calcium channel blockers (CCB), 46.4% Edition (WAIS-III, Wechsler, 2002); Chinese Version Verbal
taking angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), 35.3% taking Learning Test (Chang et al., 2010) which is a parallel form
b-Blockers, 33.4% taking diuretics with ARB, 29.6% of the short form of the California Verbal Learning Test

(The Hopkins Verbal Learning Test was not used due to the there were more males in the hypertensive group (40 out of
lack of local psychometric data); Center for Epidemiologic 58) than that in the normotensive group (16 out of 44; v2(1)
Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977); ¼ 11.96, p ¼ .001, u ¼ 0.34). Point-biserial correlational
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI; Cummings et al., 1994). coefficients indicated that sex was significantly correlated
The 30-minute protocol also included two supplemental with some test variables including anxiety and irritability
tests: the MMSE (Shyu & Yip, 2001) and Trail Making Test symptoms on the NPI (Anxiety, r(100) ¼ 0.21, p ¼ .038;
(Reitan, 1958) in which the alphabets used in the Trail Irritability, r(100) ¼ 0.22, p ¼ .033). Thus, sex was used as
Making Test B were substituted as the Chinese a covariate in the subsequent analyses for these variables.
zodiac animals. The independent t-tests (Table 2) revealed that the hyper-
The 60-minute protocol included all the tests in the 30- tensive group performed significantly worse than the
minute protocol and the additional short form of Boston normotensive group on the Digit Symbol Substitution, t(100)
Naming Test-2 (Kaplan et al., 1983); the Rey-Osterrieth ¼ 2.39, p ¼ .019, d ¼ 0.48), Trail Making Test part A,
Complex Figure Copy (Meyers & Meyers, 1995); and the t(100) ¼ 2.28, p ¼ .025, d ¼ 0.46), the immediate recall total
Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline in the scores, t(100) ¼ .28, p ¼ .005, d ¼ 0.57) and the 30-second
Elderly (IQCODE; Jorm et al., 1989). The two supplemental short delayed recall, t(100) ¼ 2.10, p ¼ .038, d ¼ 0.42) of
tests in the 30-minute version, MMSE and Trail Making the Chinese Version Verbal Learning Test. Cohen’s d
Test, were mandatory in this version. showed moderate to large effect size.
After controlling for age and education, multiple regres-
sion showed that performance on the Digit Symbol
Statistical analysis
Substitution in the hypertensive group could not be
Demographic data was compared between the hypertensive explained by hyperlipidemia (B ¼ 4.71, p ¼ .161) or diabetes
and normotensive groups with independent t-tests or Chi- mellitus (B ¼ 2.81, p ¼ .396; DR2 ¼ 0.030, p ¼ .188), nor
square tests, where appropriate. Point-biserial correlational could performance on Trail Making Test part A (hyperlipid-
analyses were conducted to examine the relationships emia: B ¼ 12.08, p ¼ .193; diabetes mellitus: B ¼ 8.30, p ¼
between sex and test results to determine potential covari- .366; DR2 ¼ .030, p ¼ .349), immediate recall total scores
ates. Independent t tests were then used to compare cogni- (hyperlipidemia: B ¼ 0.37, p ¼ .816; diabetes mellitus: B
tive test results. Regarding measures that showed significant ¼ 0.82, p ¼ .301; DR2 ¼ 0.005, p ¼ .864), or 30-second
correlation with sex, logistic regressions were used to inspect short-delay recall (hyperlipidemia: B ¼ 0.04, p ¼ .940; dia-
the relationship after parceling out the influence of sex. betes mellitus: B ¼ 0.22, p ¼ .681; DR2 ¼ 0.003, p ¼ .918).
Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to further Regarding the effect of chronicity, partial correlation con-
examine the influence of hyperlipidemia and diabetes melli- trolling for age and education revealed no significant rela-
tus on hypertension-related cognitive dysfunction, control- tionship between duration of diagnosis and any score on
ling for age and education. Partial correlation coefficients cognitive tests (jrj ¼ 0.22  0.01, p ¼ .105  .927).
were used to estimate the relationship between duration of When dividing the participants into younger (60 years)
hypertension and cognitive function, controlling for age and and older (>60 years) groups, the results showed that in the
education. In order to investigate the effect of age on hyper- middle-aged, younger group, there was a significant differ-
tension-related cognitive impairment, we divided the partici- ence between sex (18.2% male in hypertensive group; 53.6%
pants into the older (60 years) and younger (<60 years) male in normotensive controls; v2(1) ¼ 5.38, p ¼ .020,
groups, and examined the performance differences between u ¼ 0.36) but not in age (t(39) ¼ 0.08, p ¼ .934, d ¼ 0.03) or
hypertensive and normotensive groups using independent t- education (t(39) ¼ 1.25, p ¼ .220, d ¼ 0.39). Independent t-
tests. Missing values were noted in a few tests (Trail Making tests showed significant difference between hypertensive and
Test-B: 1; CES-D: 3; NPI: 3; and IQCODE: 36). The large normotensive groups on the Trail Making Test A (t(39) ¼
amount of missing data for IQCODE was because hyperten- 2.04, p ¼ .048, d ¼ 0.64) and immediate recall total scores of
sive patients tended to visit the clinics alone, and some of the Chinese Version Verbal Learning Test (t(39) ¼ 2.04, p
them or their informants refused to receive additional phone ¼ .048, d ¼ 0.62), and a trend of difference on the Digit
interview to complete the questionnaire. To test for clinical Symbol Substitution (t(39) ¼ 1.86, p ¼ .070, d ¼ 0.58).
significance of cognitive impairments and to delineate the Hierarchical logistic regression showed that after controlling
types of cognitive impairment, frequency of cognitive defi- for sex (b ¼ 1.66, SE ¼ 0.77, Wald’s v2 ¼ 4.71, p ¼ .03,
cits was calculated for each test and defined as 1.5 standard OR ¼ 0.19 [CI: 0.04  0.85]), there were marginal contribu-
deviation (SD) below means of the normotensive group. The tions of Trail Making Test A (b ¼ 0.08, SE ¼ 0.04, Wald’s v2
percentage of patients showing cognitive deficit on at least ¼ 3.42, p ¼ .064, OR ¼ 1.08 [CI: 1.00  1.17]) and immedi-
one test within each cognitive domain was calculated. ate recall total scores (p ¼ .071; OR ¼ 0.83 [CI: 0.68  1.02])
to the group assignment. There was no significant contribu-
tion of the Digit Symbol Substitution (p ¼ .095; OR ¼ 0.96
[CI: 0.91  1.01]) to group assignment after controlling for
There was no significant difference between groups on age sex. In the older group, there was a significant difference
or education (Table 2; age, t(100) ¼ 1.39, p ¼ .167, d ¼ 0.28; between sex (54.5% male in hypertensive group; 79.5% male
education, t(100) ¼ 1.01, p ¼ .316, d ¼ 0.20). However, in normotensive controls; v2(1) ¼ 4.21, p ¼ .040, u ¼ 0.26)
42 Y.-H. HSU ET AL.

Table 2. Summary of demographic variables and cognitive performance.

t Test
Hypertension participants Normotensive controls
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t p d
Age (years) 62.45 (7.27) 60.45 (7.04) 1.39 .167 0.28
Education (years) 10.07 (3.23) 10.73 (3.32) 1.01 .316 0.20
Handedness (RH: LH: BH) 58: 0: 0 43: 0: 1
Systolic blood pressure 139.00 (13.83) 126.11 (14.14) 4.62 <.001 0.92
Diastolic blood pressure 82.28 (9.57) 78.52 (10.41) 1.89 .062 0.38
Executive function
Semantic fluency 8.52 (1.64) 8.89 (1.43) 1.19 .237 0.24
DSS 53.48 (15.54) 60.95 (15.78) 2.39 .019 0.48
TMT-A 54.40 (33.50) 42.07 (14.55) 2.28 .025 0.46
TMT-B 109.90 (51.82) 94.77 (49.18) 1.48 .142 0.30
Character fluency 13.69 (14.18) 18.39 (16.27) 1.55 .123 0.31
Language function
BNT (short-form) 9.16 (2.68) 9.23 (2.52) 0.14 .891 0.03
Visuospatial function
Copy 34.15 (2.46) 33.72 (5.17) 0.56 .578 0.11
Immediate recall 15.47 (7.26) 16.11 (6.80) 0.46 .647 0.09
Delayed recall 15.10 (7.20) 15.72 (6.46) 0.45 .652 0.09
Memory function
Immediate recall total scores 23.88 (5.40) 26.61 (3.90) 0.28 .005 0.57
30-Second delayed recall 6.67 (1.82) 7.36 (1.38) 2.10 .038 0.42
Short-term retention rate 0.88 (0.18) 0.89 (0.13) 0.12 .904 0.06
10-Minute delayed recall 6.48 (2.07) 7.02 (1.69) 1.41 .162 0.28
Long-term retention rate 0.85 (0.21) 0.84 (0.17) 0.20 .846 0.05
Dementia Screening Tests
MMSE 27.55 (1.14) 27.34 (1.46) 0.82 .415 0.16
MoCA 25.50 (2.62) 25.64 (2.62) 0.26 .795 0.05
Informants’ report†
IQCODE 3.55 (2.49) 3.10 (0.27) 1.06 .293 0.07
p < .05; p < .01; †30 responses from informants of hypertension participants and 36 responses from informants of the normotensive group;
DSS indicates Digit Symbol Substitution subtest of the Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale – the Third Edition (WAIS-III); TMT-A: Trail Making
Test A; TMT-B: Trail Making Test B; BNT: Boston Naming Test; RCFT: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Copy Test; CVVLT: Chinese Version Verbal
Learning Test; NPI: Neuropsychiatric Inventory; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; MMSE: Mini-Mental State
Examination; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; CASI: Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument; IQCODE; Informant Questionnaire for
Cognitive Decline in the Elderly.

but not in age (t(59) ¼ 0.10, p ¼ .924, d ¼ 0.026) or educa- effect of sex, hierarchical logistic regression with group
tion (t(39) ¼ 0.07, p ¼ .942, d ¼ 0.02). Independent t-tests assignment (hypertensive vs. normotensive) as dependent
showed no significant difference between groups, but only a variable was performed. Sex first entered Model 1 and sub-
marginal group difference on the short-delay recall of the sequently the additional test score entered Model 2.
Chinese Version Verbal Learning Test (t(39) ¼ 1.95, p ¼ Regarding the anxiety scores, the results remained non-sig-
.056, d ¼ 0.54). Logistic regression showed that after control- nificant (b ¼ 0.36, SE ¼ 0.53, Wald’s v2 ¼ 0.46, p ¼ .50,
ling for sex (b ¼ 1.32, SE ¼ 0.63, Wald’s v2 ¼ 4.48, p ¼ OR ¼ 1.43 [CI: 0.51  4.05]) after controlling for sex (b ¼
.03, OR ¼ 0.27 [CI: 0.08  0.91]), there was significant con- 1.61, SE ¼ 0.45, Wald’s v2 ¼ 12.82, p ¼ < .001, OR ¼ .20
tribution of short-delay recall of the Chinese Version Verbal [CI: 0.08  0.48]; Cox and Snell R2 ¼ 0.13; Nagelkerke R2 ¼
Learning Test (b ¼ 3.65, SE ¼ 1.46, Wald’s v2 ¼ 6.29, p ¼ 0.18). Regarding the irritability scores, the results also
.048, OR ¼ 0.68 [CI: 0.47  0.997]). remained non-significant (b ¼ 0.54, SE ¼ 0.47, Wald’s v2 ¼
Figure 1 indicates the frequency of cognitive deficits in
1.31, p ¼ .25, OR ¼ 0.25 [CI: 0.68  4.36]) after controlling
the hypertensive group. Twenty-three patients (39.7%)
for sex (b ¼ 1.66, SE ¼ 0.45, Wald’s v2 ¼ 13.58, p ¼ <
showed executive dysfunction and 21 patients (36.2%) had
.001, OR ¼ 0.19 [CI: 0.08  0.46]; Cox and Snell R2 ¼ 0.14;
memory impairment. There were also eight and five patients
Nagelkerke R2 ¼ 0.19).
showing visuospatial (13.8%) and language (8.6%) impair-
ments, respectively. There were 35 out of 58 patients
(60.3%) with cognitive deficits on at least one test scores. Discussion
Regarding the number of cognitive domains that were
affected, 19 patients (54.3%) showed deficit in one cognitive The present study aimed to investigate the clinical utility of
domain, and 11 (31.4%), 4 (11.4%) and 1 (2.9%) patients in the NINDS-CSN neuropsychological protocol in hyperten-
two, three, and four cognitive domains, respectively. sion using a case-control study design. The results showed
Regarding emotional and behavioral symptoms (Table 3), that the 30-minute protocol captured selective cognitive
there was no significant difference between groups on the impairments associated with hypertension with better time
ratings of depressive symptoms on the CES-D, t(97) ¼ 0.03, efficiency than the full-length 60-minute protocol, while the
p ¼.974, d ¼ 0.01, or other symptoms on the NPI (jt(97)j 5-minute protocol that constitutes of cognitive screening
¼ 0.88  0.11, p ¼ .38  .91). To examine the confounding tools did not show expected sensitivity to cognitive

Figure 1. Percentage of patients with cognitive impairment in different cognitive domains. DSS: Digit Symbol Substitution; TMTA: Trail Making Test part A; TMTB:
Trail Making Test part B; BNT: Boston Naming Test; RCFT: Rey Complex Figure Test; CVVLT: Chinese Version Verbal Learning Test.

Table 3. Emotional and behavioral symptoms between the hypertensive and normotensive groups.
t Test
Hypertensive participants Normotensive controls
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) T p d
CES-D 7.98 (8.53) 7.93 (7.10) 0.03 .974 0.006
NPI (severityfrequency)
Delusions 0.02 (0.13) 0.05 (0.31) 0.63 .531 0.13
Hallucinations 0.02 (0.13) 0 (0) 0.88 .384 –
Agitation/Aggression 0 (0) 0 (0) – – –
Depression/Dysphoria 0.27 (0.73) 0.23 (0.72) 0.24 .810 0.06
Anxiety 0.11 (0.41) 0.12 (0.39) –0.11 .911† 0.02
Euphoria 0 (0) 0 (0) – – –
Apathy 0 (0) 0 (0) – – –
Disinhibition 0 (0) 0 (0) – – –
Irritability 0.11 (0.56) 0.07 (0.34) 0.39 .701† 0.09
Aberrant motor disturbance 0.05 (0.40) 0.02 (0.15) 0.47 .639 0.10
Sleep/Night-time behaviors 0.70 (1.56) 0.56 (1.45) 0.45 .653 0.09
Appetite/Eating 0.29 (0.93) 0.23 (0.87) 0.29 .772 0.07

Non-significant after controlling for sex. CES-D indicates the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale; NPI indicates
Neuropsychiatric Inventory.

impairments in hypertension. Memory and executive func- group, including the list learning test, the Trail Making Test,
tions were the most affected cognitive domains in hyperten- and the Digit Symbol Substitution. However, the 60-minute
sion, while there was no remarkable neuropsychiatric protocol did not provide incremental value as the additional
manifestation in our hypertensive participants as compared Rey-Complex Figure Test and IQCODE did not demonstrate
to normotensive controls. sensitivity to our hypertensive participants. Meanwhile, the
The 60-minute NINDS-CSN protocol was designed for 5-minute protocol was unable to capture the patients’ cogni-
studies with interest to tease apart cognitive abilities into tive impairment unless a supplementary Trail Making Test
different domains, including executive/activation, language, was also administrated.
visuospatial, and memory domains. Evaluation of neurobe- Comparisons of the three versions of the NINDS-CSN
havioral change was also included in this protocol. The protocol have been conducted among stroke and/or demen-
30-minute protocol was extracted from the full-length proto- tia patients in previous studies. Kennedy et al. (2014) dem-
col and designed as a screening instrument. The 5-minute onstrated that the 5-minute protocol was sufficient to
protocol was recommended as beside brief screening tool discriminate people with and without stroke in a popula-
for primary care physicians. Our results showed that mul- tion-based study. Lim et al. (2017) also reported that the 5-
tiple tests in the 60- and the 30-minute protocols were able minute protocol revealed significant performance difference
to reflect cognitive impairments of memory, attention-execu- between individuals with and without post-stroke dementia.
tive function and psychomotor speed in the hypertension However, Xu et al. (2016) examined a less specific
44 Y.-H. HSU ET AL.

participant group, and found that even though the 30- In Wolf et al.’s (2007) study, hypertension was associated
minute protocol was as good as the 60-minute version in with either immediate or delayed memory performance in
detecting dementia, the 5-minute one showed similar sensi- verbal or visual memory task, depending on the presence of
tivity only in individuals with lower education. In Jaywant central obesity. Furthermore, Ihle et al. (2018) examined the
et al.’s (2018) study on stroke patients, they adopted the 30- influence of cognitive reserve, and found that when consid-
minute protocol and found that the Symbol Digit Modality ering the effect of education, occupation and leisure time
Test, which is similar to the Digit Symbol Substitution in activities, the impact of hypertension no longer existed on
the present study, was the most sensitive to post-stroke cog- either immediate or delayed recall performance. Therefore,
nitive impairment, even in patients who appeared normal it awaits future study to elucidate the nature of memory
on MoCA. This is partly consistent to our study, in which problems in hypertension.
the 5-minute protocol was not sensitive enough for the The present study did not show a full-blown dysexecutive
hypertensive participants with relatively subtle cognitive syndrome in our hypertensive participants as indicated in
impairment, and in which the Digit Symbol Substitution literatures (Gottesman et al., 2014; K€ohler et al., 2014; Reitz
demonstrated some sensitivity to hypertension, although not et al., 2007). de Menezes et al.’s (2021) study has shown
as much as the list learning test. Overall, the 30-minute similar finding of a lack of relationship between hyperten-
protocol appeared to be more suitable for testing cognitive sion and the Trail Making Test B. It is likely that the hyper-
disorders in hypertension due to its clinical sensitivity and tensive patients in our study have been under well
time efficiency. Therefore, we are in agreement with Han et medication control (systolic and diastolic blood pressure was
al.’s (2014) view that the 30-minute protocol showed clinical 139.00 and 82.28 on average, respectively), thereby showing
feasibility with a wide range of cognitive information and a more preferable cognitive outcome. Indeed, previous stud-
offered a solution for clinical settings that do not allow for a ies have shown that hypertension treatment was related to
more comprehensive neuropsychological testing. cognitive status (de Menezes et al., 2021; Naing & Teo,
Hypertension is generally considered a risk factor of MCI 2020). Nonetheless, it is still recommended to explore the
(Casado Naranjo et al., 2015; Cherbuin et al., 2009; Ganguli utility of incorporating additional executive function tests in
et al., 2013; Luck et al., 2010). In a case-control study of 105 studies of hypertension, such as the Stroop, Wisconsin Card
consecutive individuals with amnestic MCI, a direct associ- Sorting, or prospective memory tests.
ation was found between MCI and arterial hypertension The present results showed significant associations
(Casado Naranjo et al., 2015). However, studies also between hypertension and cognitive impairment in both
reported association between hypertension and non-amnes- younger and older hypertensive groups. Walker et al. (2017)
tic MCI (Ganguli et al., 2013). Villeneuve et al. (2009) found concluded that the relationship between hypertension and
that vascular factors were associated with executive function cognitive impairment is less consistent among patients older
impairment in people with amnestic MCI. The population- than 80, which indicates a “U- or J-shaped” relationships.
based Sydney Memory and Aging Study recruited 757 non- However, the participants in our study were aged between
demented community-welling individuals aged 70 to 90 and 50 and 81, with only one patient older than 80. This may
discovered that non-amnestic MCI was more common in explain the reason why there was a linear relationship in
women with hypertension (Sachdev et al., 2012). In line our sample. Similar findings of hypertension-related cogni-
with previous studies, the present results showed that hyper- tive impairment regardless of age have also been reported in
tension affected both memory and executive functions. previous studies with younger samples (de Menezes et al.,
Nonetheless, when inspecting the pattern of memory per- 2021; Farron et al., 2020). Interestingly, de Menezes et al.
formance, the hypertensive participants as a group only per- found that hypertension was associated with cognitive
formed worse on the immediate recall but not on the long- decline in different domains in middle-age hypertension
delay recall phase. Thus, it was more likely that the learning (55 years; global cognition and the memory domain) as
process, rather than the retention process, was compro- compared to late hypertension (<55 years: memory domain).
mised. This pattern indicates that the dysexecutive function This is somewhat in accordance to our finding of worse
observed in our hypertensive patients may in turn affect immediate memory recall (before sex-adjusted), executive
other cognitive performance through deficient concept for- function (i.e. Trail Making Test A) and processing speed
mation or strategy use. The relationship between hyperten- (i.e. Digit Symbol Substitution; before sex-adjusted) in the
sion and memory impairment was not consistent in the middle-aged younger hypertensive group (60 years), while
literature. Some studies reported selective impairment of worse memory performance (i.e. short-delay recall) in the
executive function with relatively spared memory ability older hypertensive group even after being adjusted for sex.
(Gottesman et al., 2014; Kuo et al., 2004). The component(s) The pathology underlying hypertension-related cognitive
and process(es) that were affected by hypertension also have impairment has not been clearly elucidated. Some research-
not been clarified. Vicario et al. (2005) reported both ers proposed that severe atherosclerosis may induce cerebral
impaired immediate and delayed recall among hypertensive hypoperfusion, ischemia, and hypoxia in the brain (Iadecola,
participants. However, although Harrington et al. (2000) 2014; Obisesan, 2009; Qiu et al., 2005; Tadic et al., 2016).
found slowed response in both immediate and delayed word These atherosclerosis-related changes in small or large ves-
recognition tests in hypertensive participants, defective sels then induce imbalance in autoregulation of cerebral
accuracy was only noted during delayed word recognition. blood flow, causing cerebral vascular alterations and

disruption of neurovascular coupling. These functional and Funding

structural changes eventually compromise cognitive capaci-
This work was supported by the Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial
ties and facilitate neurodegenerative process. Morphological Hospital (CMRPG6I0051; CMRPG6K0191), and partly supported by a
changes have also been observed in hypertension, where grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
smaller volume of prefrontal cortex and pathological frontal (MOST 107-2410-H-194-066), and the Center for Innovative Research
white matter changes were evident (Raz et al., 2003, 2007). on Aging Society (CIRAS) from The Featured Areas Research Center
Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project
This is consistent with the findings that hypertension-related by Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan.
cognitive impairments involved frontal-related executive
function in our study and in previous reports (Jacobs et al.,
2013; Vicario et al., 2005). It also explains the observation in ORCID
our study that the memory impairment merely manifested Yen-Hsuan Hsu
in the immediate recall phase that largely relies on frontal- Meng Lee
related encoding and learning abilities, instead of hippocam-
pal-related consolidation processes. Data availability statement
There are several limitations in the present study. First,
the sample size was relatively small, and the sex ratio was The data that support the findings of this study are available on
request from the corresponding authors. The data are not publicly
not matched between the hypertensive and normotensive available due to information that could compromise the privacy of
groups. We performed sensitivity analyses using hierarchical research participants.
logistic regression after ANOVA to examine the potential
influence of sex. Second, the current analysis did not include
neuroimaging data. Thus, the relationship between cognitive References
dysfunction and brain pathology could not be established by Casado Naranjo, I., Portilla Cuenca, J. C., Duque de San Juan, B.,
the present study. Third, we did not analyze the influence of Garcıa, A. F., Sevilla, R. R., Serrano Cabrera, A., Hij on, C. C.,
severity of hypertension on cognitive impairments, which Romero Chala, S., Fuentes, J. M., & Ramırez Moreno, J. M. (2015).
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