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Open Systems and Interfaces for Distributed

Electronics in Cars (OSEK)

U. Kiencke and K. J. Neumann

IIIT, University of Karlsruhe
L. Frey, J. Graf, and T. Wollstadt
Adam Opel AG

J. Krammer, W. Kremer, F. Lersch, and E. Schmidt


J. Minuth, T. Raith, and T. Thurner

Daimler-Benz AG

H. Kuder and V. Wilhelmi

Mercedes-Benz AG

H.-J. Mathony and D. Schäfer-Siebert

Robert Bosch AG

R. John, M. Reinfrank, and K. Storjohann

Siemens AG

C. Hoffmann
Volkswagen AG

Reprinted from: Automotive Multiplexing Technology


International CongressDetroit,
and Exposition
February 27 - March 2, 1995
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Open Systems and Interfaces for Distributed

Electronics in Cars (OSEK)
U. Kiencke and K. J. Neumann H. Kuder and V. Wilhelmi
IIIT, University of Karlsruhe Mercedes-Benz AG

L. Frey, J. Graf, and T. Wollstadt H.-J. Mathony and D. Schäfer-Siebert

Adam Opel AG Robert Bosch AG

J. Krammer, W. Kremer, F. Lersch, and E. Schmidt R. John, M. Reinfrank, and K. Storjohann

BMW Siemens AG

J. Minuth, T. Raith, and T. Thurner C. Hoffmann

Daimler-Benz AG Volkswagen AG

The individual development process for distributed,
communicating electronic control units hinders the
integration of Automotive systems and increases the
overall costs. In order to facilitate such applications,
services and protocols for Communication, Network
Management, and Operating System must be
standardized. The aim of the OSEK project is to
work out a respective specification proposal in co
operation with several car manufacturers and
suppliers. This will permit a cost-effective system
integration and support the portation of system
functions between different electronic control units. The project "Open Systems and Interfaces for
Electronics in Cars (OSEK)" thus aims to specify an
1. INTRODUCTION open architecture for communicating vehicle
In a distributed control system, several controllers systems [2]. This architecture comprises:
(stations) are connected via a communication link • Communication (Data exchange within and
(Fig. 1), e.g. electronic control units within an between Control Units);
automobile. Generally these control units are • Network Management (Configuration determi
supplied by different companies, and they have nation and monitoring); and
different microcontroller architectures. For the
connection of distributed system functions, stations • Realtime Executive (Operating system for
exchange messages with standardized interfaces. A Control Unit software).
uniform network management guarantees the safe
operation of safety-relevant, distributed systems [1]. With OSEK this expensive investment is only
needed once, and it is possible to re-use it with
The development costs for the communication and minor modifications for various applications.
network management software may be significantly
reduced, if the interfaces and procedures are Particular targets of OSEK are:
standardized not just within one subsystem, but for • company-independent specification of interfaces,
the entire distributed system. The software should be functions and protocols for Communication,
implemented in a uniform operating system. In Network Management and Realtime Executive;
addition, operating systems with uniform interfaces
offer different application programs available from • specification of a hardware- and software
various suppliers which co-exist in a single independent user interface, which enhances
processor. In that way, the multitasking approach portability and re-usability of application
serves as an efficient means to cut costs. programs;

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• efficient architectural adaption to respective electronic control units for production purposes.
applications by reconfiguration and scaling; and Today's extremely costly and error-prone stage
between prototypes and end products is thus
• functional verification and implementation of overcome.
prototypes in selected pilot projects.
It is not the aim of OSEK to engage into an
implementation of products. These should be left
open for e.g. software houses or microcontroller

Another multi company project in the German

Automotive industry is MSR [3][4]. The aim here is
an enhanced development efficiency by an improved
information exchange between car manufacturers
and their suppliers, on the basis of a common
procedural model and - again - uniform interfaces
and tools. There are contacts between OSEK and
the MSR initiative. In the long run, OSEK could offer
the software implementation platform for functions
previously defined within the MSR framework.
When several different suppliers need to co-operate
to incorporate their individual subsystems into a
complete system, the MSR/OSEK approach is even
more beneficial (Fig. 3). Since the OSEK interface
can integrate end products together with prototypes,
different timescales or eventual time delays at one
supplier no longer impede vehicle tests of the
complete system at the car manufacturer.

The aim of an integrated development process is

shown in Fig. 2. A rough specification is supplied in a
commercial contract between a car manufacturer
and a supplier. This functional specification can be
recursively more detailed, until it contains any
specification requirement of the contracted
subsystem. The MSR framework allows for the
simulation of functions in advance, so that the
subsequent development work necessitates
significantly fewer modifications of target functions.
The final MSR specification is done on the basis of
the OSEK interface. From there, functional In this paper, the OSEK project is presented. An
prototypes can be built and tested in vehicles. The overview is given of the rough specifications for
suppliers use the same basis to develop their communication, network management and realtime

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2. OSEK COMMUNICATION • guarantees data consistency by organizing

(OSEK-KOM) simultaneous access to data from concurrent
processes; and
The OSEK sub project communication (OSEK-KOM)
specifies interfaces and protocols for in-vehicle • supports portability of application software which
communications. This comprises communication: can be assigned to different control units as long
as time factors are not adversely affected.
• between interlinked control units;
• within control units; and 2.1 Communication by Variables
• between control units and peripherals. The interaction layer contains a common data buffer
for variables from distributed application tasks. A
The control-unit software is thus simplified and can communication is accomplished, when one
be re-used. The standardized interfaces keep the transmitter actualizes a variable by write, and when
application software independent of special network one or several receivers read that variable by read
protocols, such as CAN, ABUS, VAN, J1850, K-BUS, (1:n communication, Fig. 5). The value of a variable
P-BUS, l-Bus etc.). OSEK communication can be may be read many times. There is no time or
provided for different protocols and microcontrollers. scheduling information in such variables.
As far as it is feasible in realtime systems, the
communication is defined according to the ISO/OSI
layer model [5], consisting of the safety layer, the
interaction layer and optional in-between transport
layer (Fig. 4). The physical layer below will be
integrated in the interface circuitry. It is therefore not
part of OSEK-KOM [6].
The communicating tasks can be located in just one
The safety layer provides services for the station or in several stations. That is why there is a
transmission of single messages via the network distinction into station-global and network-global
protocol used. The next link up is the optional variables, allowing different implementations.
transport layer. It provides services for the
transmission of message packages of any length. Implementation of Network-global Variables
There is a differentiation into transmission without The variable x is stored in the transmitter station. A
acknowledge (1:n communication) and with copy x' of that variable is transferred to the receiver
acknowledge (1:1 communication). The interaction stations. A write access from the transmitter locally
layer connects the interface to the application. Its updates variable x. The interaction layer now takes
services are fully independent of microcontroller care, that the copies x' are also updated by a
architectures and network protocols. Service message transmission. Subsequent read accesses
processes of the interaction layer are concurrent to are again local operations.
application processes.
The interaction layer enables communication by:
• Variables for the transmission of system states,
such as engine speed, engine temperature; and
• Channels for the transmission of various events,
such as transgression of maximum engine
Intertask communication by such means
• offers a well-defined communication interface;
• is based upon a uniform, previously developed Update of Copies of Variables
communication software; Network-global variables can be copied into
receiving stations in different ways:

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• event-driven: A write access triggers the

transmission of respective variable data
(transmission upon request); and
• time-controlled: Variable data are periodically
transmitted, independently of any changes of
their value. The time period is an attribute of the

An eventual combination would transfer variable data

either event-driven in case of changes, or time-
controlled at the end of a given time period.
Monitoring the Actuality of Variables
Any variable can be monitored by giving it a A fixed-capacity attribute is assigned to each
particular timeout. A variable is considered to be no channel, defining how many subsequent messages
longer actual, if its value has not changed during the can be stored in the channel. Messages go through
timeout period. the channel according to the FIFO principle. They
are received in the same sequence as they have
2.2 Communication by Channels been transmitted. In case of an overflow (capacity is
exceeded), the oldest message is deleted in order to
A channel is an object which comprises: prevent transmitters from blocking.
• a data structure for buffering messages;
Fig. 8 shows a 1:3 channel with a capacity of 2. Two
• a data structure for storing task identifications; messages can thus be stored in this channel. A list
and with 3 task identifiers is assigned to each of the
• operations send and receive. message buffers. Whilst reading, the receiving task
leaves its identifier at the buffer. A multiple reception
In a communication by channel, data (messages) of the same message can thus be prevented,
from one task are transferred to other tasks (1:n separately for all tasks. A message is considered to
communication). The execution is done through a be consumed, when all receiving tasks have
channel. The message will be stored into the performed their receive operation.
channel, if the receiver is not yet ready for the
communication. The operation send stores a
message into the channel, receive reads that
message from the channel and 'consumes' it, i.e.
rendering its data in the channel obsolete (empty
channel). The receive operation can only be
performed once by a task, unless there is a new

Communication by channel implies the synchro As in the case of variables, channels are defined as
nization of the communication partners, i.e. the station-global and network-global. A network-global
sequencing of participant tasks over time. A channel is implemented by a channel buffer y in the
message can only be received if it has been transmitting station and channel buffers y' in the
previously stored into the channel. Transmission is
however done asynchronously. There are two receiving stations. The message transfer is
reception modes, either asynchronous (non performed by the interaction layer.
blocking) or synchronous (blocking). In the 3. OSEK NETWORK MANAGEMENT
synchronous mode, the receive task is blocked until
a new message arrives in the channel (Fig. 7). In (OSEK-NM)
order to prevent receivers from blocking The reliability and availability of the communication
continuously, the ready state of the receiver is limited link is guaranteed by an integrated network
by a timeout. management (OSEK-NM). Its essential services are:

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• defined and synchronized initialization of the management at a time t. This set may change,
network communication, determination of the e.g. differing among stations in case of failures,
configuration. Application tasks can only start or stations being switched on or off by the driver.
their operation, after all data transmitting stations • The Reference Configuration is given by the
are fully operational. car manufacturer. It depends on the vehicle
• continuous configuration monitoring, detecting equipment and options available. This reference
the addition or the eventual failure of stations. is used as a comparison to the actual
Changes in configuration are relayed to the configuration, which allows to eventually start
application layer, where a functional operations of the application.
reconfiguration must be decided (e.g. graceful • The Sum of actual Configurations is the union
degradation). of all actual configurations observed since the
• defined and synchronized transfer of the network first start of the distributed system. It may serve
into the "sleep mode". as a substitute for the reference configuration.
This configuration management makes up the core All configurations are accessible through the
services of OSEK-NM. Further optional services are: application layer.
• initialization of operating resources and of The state diagram of the network management
objects defined by OSEK-KOM and OSEK-BS; within a single station is shown in Fig. 9.
• control of operation modes;
• detection, management and messaging of
• diagnostic support, e.g. error statistics,
monitoring; and
• handling of network resources, e.g. temporary

The network management relies upon station-

address-oriented communication services which are
provided by OSEK-KOM.
Configuration Management
A station transmits a status message over the
network, when triggered by the previous station. By Start and Configuration Monitoring
definition of predecessors and successors, a With the Start, stations are initialized one at a time.
sequence develops, in which stations transmit their The duration of initialization depends mostly on the
status messages. A logical ring is thus installed, specific application. This is one reason, why some
where the status is forwarded from a station to its
successor within the given configuration /7,8/. The stations become operational sooner than others, and
additional traffic load on the network due to these why the actual configuration may change at a later
status messages is relatively low.
The configuration is defined as the set of all stations, Configuration management is done in parallel in all
which are operational and accessible by stations without any master function. As a first step,
an eventually still stored previous actual configura
communication. A station is regarded ready by the tion is reset to the reset configuration which consists
network management, first, when it transmits its just of its own station. Immediately thereafter, a
status message cyclically or is triggered by its status message is transmitted through the network,
predecessor, and second, when it receives status by which the station makes itself known to all other
messages of the other stations. stations. Now OSEK-NM is transferred to the state

The configurations are as follows: Operational. All status messages on the network
from other stations are then received, and the actual
• The Actual Configuration is the set of all configuration is derived from that. Without any
operational stations recorded by the network reception of status messages from other stations,
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the own station repeats its own status message after • offer users a variety of services, functions, of
a timeout. It follows, that a logical ring can always be which only a portion is incorporated into the
built up. With the reception of some other status actual application;
messages, available stations are inserted into a • guarantee 100% portability of tasks; and
logical ring according to their given addresses.
• may be dynamically reconfigured and scaled.
Status messages are triggered by a respective
message from the predecessor station, and are Such a complexity appears to be an overkill in high-
directed to the successor station. Since all these volume Automotive applications. OSEK-BS is
data are accessible to the application layer, the therefore deliberately restricted in its capabilities. To
availability of the reference configuration can be overcome this, the basic targets are somewhat
easily checked. similar to those of commercial realtime executives.
However, there are some significant differences.
In case that a station is no longer operational, it OSEK-BS:
reverts to the state Non-operational. From there, a • is configured and scaled just statically. The
respectively adapted status message is cyclically number of tasks, resources and services is
transmitted. A station failure can also be detected,
when its status message is no longer transmitted specified in advance by a user;
within a given timeout. This is diagnosed in all other • also aims at the portability of tasks. There is
stations, which then go back to the Reset state, and however no 100% portability;
determine the actual configuration from scratch. • requires experienced users, since application
Announcement of Stations errors are not always backed up by extensive
routines; and
A new station is detected from its status message by • operates from ROM code.
the other stations within the actual configuration. It is
incorporated into the logical ring.
4.1 The OSEK-BS Concept
Withdrawal of Stations
It is the basis for the independent development of
There is no defined specific procedure. A station just different application programs. Their execution in
discontinues the transmission of its own status realtime is controlled by events from the plant. The
message. control-unit hardware is accessible through uniform
interfaces. This enables the application software to
Sleep Mode have a certain degree of independence from the
control-unit hardware.
The switch-down to sleep mode is initiated by one
station. The corresponding request is entered into its Execution Layers
status message, which is then transmitted from
station to station. If all stations in the logical ring The overall application software is partitioned into
have acknowledged the request for sleep mode by software portions, which are concurrently processed
forwarding it, and when this information transfer has according to their urgency in realtime. In order to
completed a full loop, the entire network can be cover the large variety of realtime constraints,
switched down. OSEK-BS contains 4 different execution layers with
different priority levels (Fig. 10). These priority levels
4. OSEK OPERATING SYSTEM determine the order of processing.
(OSEK-BS) The Interrupt level holds the highest priority. It is
It will provide a uniform and efficient execution dedicated for time-critical activities, which are
environment for all Automotive Electronic Control characterized by short latency and execution times.
Units. Program Modules written e.g. in "C" language In order to match these constraints, the Interrupt
will be readily exchanged. Service Routines (ISR) should not contain any data
processing. The interrupt response and acknow
There seems to be an inherent contradiction
ledge can be very fast, if the real processing of data
between the targets for standardization and and other actions are shifted to the job level.
efficiency. This is due to the commercial realtime
executives which burden applications with huge The next priority level is taken by the internal
overheads. They: operating-system functions, which are defined by
core and optional services.
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The essential elements of task management are the

scheduler and the dispatcher. In case of an event,
the scheduler decides according to priorities and to
realtime constraints, which one of the tasks is going
into the state running. During a task switch, the
dispatcher saves the context of the task running up
to that point, and installs the context of the next task.
At the Job level, programs cover complete functions
which are not interruptable (atomic) by other jobs or Two principle scheduling procedures can be defined:
tasks. Within a job, there can be no status waiting for • Full pre-emptive scheduling allows the
an event. Several attending jobs are sequentially displacement of running tasks, if a higher-
executed. Therefore jobs are a special kind of tasks. priority task becomes ready.
Typical jobs are:
• Non pre-emptive scheduling allows the
• Interrupt postprocessing; displacement of running tasks, only, if intended
• internal functions of the operating system such by the user or if terminated. This can only be
as timer manipulation, acceptance filtering of done in case of short execution times.
arriving messages; and
OSEK-BS also offers:
• execution of application routines reacting on
asynchronous events. • Mixed pre-emptive scheduling which combines
the two alternatives depending on the task.
Because of their atomic nature, such jobs increase Non pre-emptive tasks are useful when the
interrupt latency times. They are however still short execution time comes close to the duration of the
enough not to justify the installation of full tasks. task switch, if RAM space can be saved by not
Task Level and Task Management storing a task context, or if a task may not be
interrupted by another one. For a clean portability of
Tasks are organized by static priorities. They imply non preemptive application software into a full
full context switch and the saving of variables into a preemptive environment, the user must have
stack. There are 4 task states. designed in the interruptability principle beforehand.
running The processor is assigned to the task, Services of OSEK-BS:
the respective instructions are executed.
a) Core Services:
ready All preconditions for execution are met,
the task is waiting for access to the Task Management Management of task
processor. states, scheduling and
waiting At least one precondition for execution is
still lacking. • Interrupt Manage- Procedure for fast even
ment tually bufferd interrupt
passive The task is not part of the execution. handling
Fig. 11 shows the state diagram • Job Management Execution of short pro
gram files (jobs), without
context and without
interruption by other jobs
and tasks.

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• Event Control Management of events When this paper was filed for publication to the SAE
for task synchronization. in July 1994, a rough specification of OSEK had just
• Time Control Cyclical release of certain been completed. Currently a detailed specification is
tasks into the ready being worked out. It should be noted, that the OSEK
initiative is not restricted to a limited region of the
state, which are then world. All potential partners willing to be actively
involved in a fruitful OSEK co-operation are most
• Angle Control Optional version similar welcome onto the OSEK bandwagon.
to time control.
b) Optional Services: /1/
Kiencke U., "Distributed Realtime Processing
• • Time Management Provision
time, services to calcu
of in Automotive Networks", SAE Technical Paper
No. 900696, 1990.
late relative times and to
exchange time units. /2/ Mathony H.-J., Kaiser K.-H., Unruh J., Raith T.,
Thurner T., "Open Systems and their
• • Angle Management Similar to time
control. Interfaces for the electronic in Cars - OSEK",
• • Error Management User sup ort in of
case 13. Tagung 'Elektronik im Kraft-fahrzeug im
Haus der Technik, Essen, 1993.
• Intertask Station-global variables /3/ Besel, K.-G., Hirth, T. "Design systems for the
Communication and channels. MSR-Project", (German-language), VDI-
Exclusive access to
Berichte Nr.: 1009, S. 503, 1992.
• Semaphore
Management atomic operations, com /4/ Leohold, J., "The MSR-Project: Tool support
monly used resources for new ways of cooperation between vehicle
and devices. manufacturer and supplier", (German-
language) VDI-Berichte Nr.: 1009, S. 491,

The concepts and services of OSEK shall be applied /5/ ISO "Information Processing Systems - Open
to all stations of a distributed system, from the top- Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference
end to the bottom-end. They must support different Model", ISO 7498, 1984.
bus protocols such as CAN, ABUS, VAN, J1850, K
BUS, P-BUS, l-BUS etc. An adaption to the required /6/ Mathony H.-J., Kaiser K.-H., Unruh J.,
capabilities and the used resources is done by "Network Architecture for CAN", SAE Technical
scaling and configuring. Paper No. 930004, 1993.
The core services are mandatory basic functions. /7/ Raith T., Thurner T., Kocher H., "Netsoftware
They are part of any implementation. The optional for databus systems in vehicles", (German-
services are then used to extend the performance of language), VDI-Berichte Nr.: 819, S. 171,
OSEK for a specific application. The configuration is 1990.
done by static parameters. /8/ Kühner T., Häußler B., Thurner T., Müller K.
H., "Standardized netsoftware moduls for car
ECU'S - realized on a CAN-System", (German-
The aims of the OSEK initiative are to specify language), VDI-Berichte Nr.: 1009, S. 653,
uniform services, interfaces and protocols for the 1992.
communication, network management and the
operating system of a distributed realtime system.
The cooperative effort of many car manufacturers
and suppliers is not just in order to achieve a
standardization. It guarantees, that practical
application issues are considered on a broad basis
within the OSEK specification, ensuring its
acceptance by development engineers in their daily


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