5. Well Integrity process_04 Apr 11

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Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

Well Integrity – A Cementing Perspective

Schlumberger Private
Cement Integrity – Internal Drivers

 Cement integrity is related to permeability NOT to

acoustic impedance
All logging tools (CBL, USIT, IBT) give us access to A.I.
Schlumberger Private

 Finding technical differentiator is getting challenging

 To be committed in our business approach

 To having faith in our technology

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 1

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

What is at stake ? – Well Integrity


Schlumberger Private
⇒Well Lost,
⇒ Rig Lost

Schlumberger Private
Reservoir =(oil/gas)
Energie (T,P)

Well Integrity

Well Cement Integrity Objectives

Exploration = Be able to test the well as per plan

Schlumberger Private

Development = Well life no shorter than the expected


Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 2

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

Well Cement Integrity

To prevent the possible unscheduled influx or losses

of fluid (formation or wellbore) because either of the

Schlumberger Private
failure of the cement sheath or the lack of cement
during the cementing operation, for the duration of the
anticipated life of the well

Schlumberger Private
Well Integrity

Life Cycle of the Well


Abandonment Construction
Schlumberger Private

Suspension Production


Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 3

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

Current Parallel Processes

Cementing Process Wireline Process
Cementing job request from Client Wireline job request from Client

Data gathering from client (Info required in Data gathering from client
CemCADE & information related to rig lay out

Cementing job Job Design / Tool Preparation

Schlumberger Private
Technical design using CemCADE

Perform lab test using Field samples Job Execution

Final report approval by client Job Evaluation/Log interpretation

Job Preparation & Job Execution Job Report/Logs submitted to client after
completion of Job

End of Well Report submitted to client

after completion of well

Schlumberger Private
SQ Review & lesson learned

SQ Review with Client

Well Integrity

Current Parallel Process

 Many cement integrity failures

 Not optimized communication between logging and WSV
 A lot of questions raised when the log is not good.
Schlumberger Private

 Very few written reports on cement integrity evaluation

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 4

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012


Schlumberger Private
for CemenT

Schlumberger Private
Well Integrity

INTACT Process Core Value

All wells shall be designed, constructed, operated, maintained
and abandoned in a manner that protects their integrity, and
ensures their planned availability throughout their life-cycle.
Schlumberger Private

It’s applicable across the whole of the well life-cycle; or to a

specific part of the well life-cycle where there are perceived to
be particular risks

Cementing is a critical part of that process

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 5

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

INTACT Process

Schlumberger Private

Schlumberger Private
Well Integrity

Data Requirement for Cement Design for INTACT

1. Well objective depending on Cement integrity
2. Casing /Liner Information
3. Drill Pipe information
4. Caliper Data
5. Trajectory
Schlumberger Private

6. Lithology Information
7. Pore pressure / frac pressure
8. Temperature (Including Sea Profile Information)
9. Stress Analysis for the well (Sensitivity analysis etc )
10. Mud program
11. Fluid Information (Slurry/Spacer)
12. Centralizer Information
13. Fluid Placement information/requirements
14. Critical conditions (Gas Zone/Loss zone etc expected based on offset well data??)

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 6

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

Current practices Additional practices

on the rig to be conducted
1. QA/QC of Spacer and Mud
1. Cement Slurry Density Measurement
2. QA/QC of Water/Mix Fluid
2. Pump Rate data recording
3. Cement slurry test results followed
3. Volume data recording
4. Pressure data recording
4. Recommended Pre job circulation as per

Schlumberger Private
cement program
5. Accuracy of the chemical added to mix
fluid (Calibrate LAS metering tank etc?)
6. Tank inventory updates & checklist for
any intercommunication
7. Mud type, fluid loss, chloride content,
base oil content (for an emulsion mud)
8. Mud Density & rheology readings (300,
200, 100, 6, 3)

Schlumberger Private
9. Pipe movement (rotated or reciprocated)
during mud conditioning and during
cementing based on the program ??

Well Integrity

Current Lab Additional Lab

Testing Testing

1. Fluid loss 1. Downhole Rheology for cement

2. Free water 2. Free fluid at downhole
Schlumberger Private

3. API Rheology
3. Fluid Loss at Downhole
4. Thickening time Condition
5. Compressive Strength 4. Mud compressibility
6. Settling 5. Cement mechanical properties
7. Mud compatibility / 6. Downhole Rheology of spacer
7. CHA

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 7

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

Business Model

 One section to be cemented

 One CBL done

Schlumberger Private
 3 squeezes before drilling ahead
 2 more squeezes after drilling ahead because of annuli

Schlumberger Private
Well Integrity

Pricing – Lump Sum

Services Standard Job INTACT Job

Job Ticket (Cementing &

150k$ 378 k$
Schlumberger Private


Remedial Cementing
70 k$ -228 k$

TOTAL Price 220 k$ 150 k$

Potential Lost rig time 1400 k$

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 8

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

INTACT Itemization

Standard Job (k$) INTACT (k$) Services

Specialized Chemicals + Loss

116 200
Prevention Products

Schlumberger Private
14 18 Services+One Laboratory technicians
20 60 USIT
20 Geomechanics (DCS)
30 INTACT Team (1 month)
20 Additional log while drilling
25 INTACT Report
5 Add Laboratory Tests
150 378 Total

Schlumberger Private
Well Integrity

Implementation model
INTACT Job Request

Data collection and Job

program preparation
Schlumberger Private

Business Model / pricing

INTACT green light

Complete the Job/Section as INTACT Pricing

Conventional defined in INTACT Process flow

Job Objectives met??

No Yes

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 9

Well Services Technology Day 2012 HCMC, 18th April 2012

InTACT Process – Multi-Disciplined Teams

• Optimize design with • Open hole
real time data services
• Cementing Services
• Cased hole
• Interpretation services
• Interpretation

Schlumberger Private
Must have

Would be nice
to have Others MI
• D&M Real time • Hydraulic Management

Schlumberger Private
caliper data & • Managing lost
survey circulation
• DCS Team Leads • Laboratory support

Well Integrity

Schlumberger Private


Well Integrity

Schlumberger Well Services Vietnam 10

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