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Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang paling sering dan mudah untuk digunakan. Bahasa dapat
digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan siapa diri kita dan juga kegiatan yang kita lakukan sehari-
hari. Apa yang kita lakukan sehari-hari dapat mencerminkan seperti apa karakter kita. Melalui
bab ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan siapa diri mereka dan juga kegiatan sehari-
hari apa yang dilakukan menggunakan bahasa kedua mereka.

Kegiatan Belajar

1. Reading and Vocabulary

My Life

My name is Regina Ayunda. I am 19 years old. I am a student at a community college

in my town. I am majoring in education. I have wavy black hair, round eyes, and white skin.
I have an average tall. My father tells me that I look like my mother.
During the pandemic, my activities are just at home. After having breakfast, I water the
plant and help my mother clean the house. At a half past seven, I follow my lecture by
online. I finish my lecture at one o’clock.
I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a
bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my
spare time. My bedroom is my favorite room. Its wall color is blue, which is my favorite
color. It has one comfortable bed that faces the window. Every morning the sun shines

Chapter I – Self Introduction 1

through my window and wakes me up. On the corner of the room is my desk where I usually
study and do my assignments.
a. Definition
The text that you read above is called descriptive text. Descriptive text is a type of text
which is used by the writer or speaker to describe particular thing, person, animal, place
and or event to the readers or hearers.
b. Purpose
The purpose of the descriptive text is to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object,
either abstract or concrete.

2. Language Features
a. Parts of Speech
Parts of speech are sentence elements that work together to make up a sentence. The
basic parts of speech include: noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), verb (kata
kerja), adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan),
conjunction (kata hubung), and interjection (kata seru).
Part of
Function Words Example Sentences Example

(to) be, have, do,

Verb action or state like, work, sing, My mother work as a doctor
can, must

pen, dog, work,

music, town,
Noun thing or person This is my cat. He lives in my house.
London, teacher,

good, big, red, well, I have wavy black hair, round eyes, and
Adjective describes a noun
interesting white skin

quickly, silently,
describes a verb,
Adverb well, badly, very, My bother like to ride his bicycle quickly
adjective or adverb

I, you, he, she, it,

Pronoun replaces a noun Diana is my friend. She is beautiful.
they, we

links a noun to
Preposition to, at, after, on, but We went to school on Monday.
another word

2 Chapter I – Self Introduction

Part of
Function Words Example Sentences Example

I like pizza and I like burger. I like

joins clauses or
Conjunction and, but, when pizza and burger. I like pizza but I don’t
sentences or words
like brocolli.

short exclamation,
Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are
Interjection sometimes inserted oh!, ouch!, hi!, well
you? Well, I don’t know.
into a sentence

b. Simple Present
1. Function
a) Expressing habits, example:
➢ I always drink tea in the office
➢ Rita gets up at 7 a.m. every morning
b) General facts or truth, example:
➢ The sun rises in the east
➢ The earth is not flat
c) True in the present, example:
➢ We live in New York
➢ She is sixty years old

2. Formula
a) Verbal Sentences
1) Positive
S + V1+ s/es + O ( for He, She, It)
S + V1 + O ( for I, You, They, We )
➢ Linda lives in Hongkong
➢ Mike and Jimmy play football every Sunday
2) Negative
S + do/does + not + V1 + O
( Do use for I, You, They, We . Does for He, She, It, Name )
➢ Linda does not live in Hongkong
➢ Mike and Jimmy do not play football every Sunday
Chapter I – Self Introduction 3
3) Questions
Do/does + S + V1 + O + ?
➢ Does Linda live in Hongkong ?
➢ Do Mike and Jimmy play football every Sunday?
b) Nominal Sentences
1) Positive
S + is, am, are + Noun/Adjective/Adverb
➢ She is smart
➢ They are doctors
2) Negative
S + is, am, are + not + Noun/Adjective/Adverb
➢ She is not smart
➢ They are not doctors
3) Questions
Do/does + S + V1 + O + ?
➢ Is she smart?
➢ Are they doctors?
• Is = She, he, It,
• Are = you, we, they
• Am = I
c) Frequency Adverb
1) Always ( Lisa always eats lunch at school )
2) Usually ( Lisa usually eats lunch at school )
3) Often ( They often go to the book store after school )
4) Sometimes (They sometimes go to the book store after school )
5) Seldom ( I seldom use bike to go to school )
6) Rarely (I rarely use bike to go to school )
7) Never (I never use bike to go to school )

4 Chapter I – Self Introduction

3. Speaking
Introduce yourself
a. Formal Introduction
Mary: James, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Jones Hunt. He is one of the manager
in our store
James: Hello, Mr. Hunt. Pleased to meet you. I am James Waltz, purchasing manager.
Jones: Good evening, Mr. Waltz. It’s a pleasure to meet you too. It seems that we will
see each other more during this project. I look forward to our partnership
James: Of course, sir. I look forward to working with you too.
Jones: It was nice meeting you.
James: It was nice meeting you too.
Jones: Have a good day, Mr. Waltz
James: Thank you. You too, sir.

Language Expressions for Formal Introduction

1) Hello 10) Have a good day
2) Good morning 11) Hello. My name is ...
3) Good afternoon 12) I don't think we've met. May I
4) Good evening introduce myself?
5) How are you? 13) How do you do?
6) I’d like to introduce you to… 14) Pleased to meet you. My name
7) It’s a pleasure to meet you is ...
8) Pleased to meet you 15) Hello. It's a pleasure to meet
9) It was nice meeting you you.

Chapter I – Self Introduction 5

b. Informal Introduction
Tina: Hi, Lisa! How are you?
Lisa: I’m good, thanks. You?
Tina: I’m great. Listen, I want to introduce
you to someone. Lisa, this is Tony, my
high school friend.

Tony: Hi, you must be Lisa. Tina told me a lot about you.
Lisa: All good things I hope. Nice to meet you, Tony.
Tony: Nice to meet you too. I heard that you just got back in town?
Lisa: Yeah, I did. After a few hard years pursuing my degree. It feels pretty weird being
here actually.
Tony: Really? How so?
Lisa: Just a lot of people that seems to know and be friendly towards me even if I don’t
really know them. See, now someone I don’t know is inviting me over there. Do
you mind?
Tony: Not at all. Go ahead. I’ll see you around.
Lisa: Okay. See you later, Tony.

Language Expressions for Informal Introduction

1) Hi 9) I gotta go
2) What’s up? 10) See you later
3) How’s it going? 11) Bye
4) I’m good. 12) Hi. I'm ...
5) This is… 13) It's great meeting you!
6) Nice to meet you 14) Are you new here? What's up?
7) Take it easy 15) Hey! How's it going?
8) Take care 16) How you doing?

6 Chapter I – Self Introduction

a) Working in pairs and practice the dialogue with your friend
b) Work with your friend and make a new dialogue using the language expression

4. Writing
Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a type of text which is used by the writer or speaker to describe particular
thing, person, animal, place and or event to the readers or hearers. The purpose of the
descriptive text is to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object, either abstract or
a. Generic Structure
When writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures that we can follow. The
arrangement is:
1) Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object that
will be described
2) Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or
person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer
b. Language Feature of a Descriptive Text
1) Specific participant: has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for
example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim, and others
2) The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful
beach, a handsome man, the famous place in Jepara, and others
3) The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because
it tells the fact of the object described.
4) Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut, etc)

Chapter I – Self Introduction 7

Example of a Descriptive Text
My Life
My name is Regina Ayunda. I am 19 years old. I am a student at a community college
in my town. I am majoring in education. I have wavy black hair, round eyes, and white skin.
I have an average tall. My father tells me that I look like my mother.
During the pandemic, my activities are just at home. After having breakfast, I water the
plant and help my mother clean the house. At a half past seven, I follow my lecture by
online. I finish my lecture at one o’clock.
I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a
bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my
spare time. My bedroom is my favorite room. Its wall color is blue, which is my favorite
color. It has one comfortable bed that faces the window. Every morning the sun shines
through my window and wakes me up. On the corner of the room is my desk where I usually
study and do my assignments.

Write minimum of two paragraph of a descriptive text. Choose one of the theme below:
a. Describe about your family
b. Describe about your house, or
c. Describe about your favorite place for vacation

8 Chapter I – Self Introduction

Video Pembelajaran (Daily Activities) (Descriptive Text)


1. Reading Comprehension
Read again the passage above and try to answer these questions!
a. What are the writer descriptions about herself in the text?
b. What is it in p 3 line 1 refer to?
c. How many rooms that the writer have?
d. Write down the description of the writer bedroom!
e. Where does the writer usually do her assignment?

Chapter I – Self Introduction 9

2. Parts of Speech
Write down the right word in the column
Sentences Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Pronoun Preposition Conjunction Interjection
She drives the
car slowly
Andy will go
home on
Ouch! My legs
are hurt
Tom collects
I usually walk to
school but my
mother drives
me today

3. Fill in the blank with the correct verb form of simple present
a. Janet _______________ (watch) a film on TV.
b. Jewels ___________________ (not / disappear) just like that!
c. The children ______________ (visit) the museum every school year.
d. _______________________ (Mum / cook) dinner every day?
e. My mother always ______ (divide) the cake in six
f. Caroline __________________ (not / like) to be disturbed.
g. _______________________ (the cats / scratch) the front door?
h. Katy ____________ (admire) her grandmother
i. _______________________ (your sister / cook) well?
j. Peter _________________ (not / close) the door when he enters
k. I ___________________ (not / like) to wait too much long.
l. _______________________ (secretary / make) hotel reservations?
m. My parents _________________ (not / go) to restaurants
n. Karen and Sara _____________ (play) the guitar.
o. _______________________ (you / visit) the museum regularly?


1) Descriptive text is a type of text which is used by the writer or speaker to describe particular
thing, person, animal, place and or event to the readers or hearers.
2) The purpose of the descriptive text is to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object,
either abstract or concrete.

10 Chapter I – Self Introduction

3) The generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description
4) Language Feature of a Descriptive Text
➢ Specific participant: has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one).
➢ The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun
➢ The use of simple present tense and action verb
5) Parts of speech are sentence elements that work together to make up a sentence. The basic
parts of speech include noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction
and interjection.
6) Simple Present functions are expressing habits, general facts or truth and true in the

Tes Formatif

Chapter I – Self Introduction 11

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