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FIANAL REPORT – Academic year 2022-2023

The Course: E-commerce project management

Instructor: Dr. Nguyễn Phương Liên

Student’s group number:……….
Full name Code Contribution Signature

Ho Chi Minh City, date.........

Integrity commitment

The undersigned I/we hereby declare that this report has been prepared by the students
themselves in compliance with the university's academic integrity regulations.

Sign and full name here

Table of contents

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List of figures and tables

Abbreviation used


1. Reason for choosing topic

2. Report objectives
3. Structure of the report
Excluding the Introduction and Conclusion, this report consists of three main parts:
- Section 1 Project charter
- Section 2 Project implementation plan
- Section 3 Controlling and closing project

Section 1: Project charter

1.Project objectives
3. Related law and regulation
4. Stakeholder
5. Project specification
- Timeline: + Starting
+ Ending
- Total cost
- Quality requirements
- The important Milestone
6. Project resources:
- Human resources
- Equipment
- Material
- Capital resources
- How to perform
- Managing method
- Necessary information

Section 2: Project planning

1. Schedule (Gantt chart).

2. Organization, human resources planning, and job description.
3. Budget planning, material, machine and equipment planning.
4. Risk management.
5. Complete project

Section 3: Controlling and closing project

1. Control schedule, quality and cost.

- Control process with pert chart
- Control budget
- Control important document and records
- Training, teamwork skill

2. Closing.
3. Learning experience.


1. Give your evaluation and comment on the project making process

2.Points to pay attention, suggestions, recommendations


1.Following APA 7th

Appendecies (if any)


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