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A Proposal
Submitted By: Manisha Gupta
T.U. Registration No.: 7-2-25-742-2019
[Group: Finance]
Nepal Commerce Campus
New Baneshwor , Kathmandu

Submitted to:
Office of Controller of Examination
Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of


Nepal Commerce Campus

The deposit and mobilization are concerned with collecting, classifying and grouping of
figures contained in the deposit and mobilization statement with specific tools and
purpose so that a user can get the required information such as accepts deposits,
disburse loan and render financial services of the company. It involves forming a
meaningful relation between two financial statements that includes deposit and
mobilization of company.
The deposit and mobilization also involve the evaluation of viability, stability and
profitability of business units and projects. An organization can also determine its
strength and weakness by establishing relation between deposit and mobilization.

2. Background of the Study

A bank is an institution, which accepts deposits from the public and in return advances
loan by creating credit. It accepts deposits, disburse loan and render financial services to
the public. The bank is an organization whose principal operations are concerned with the
accumulation of the temporarily idle money of the general public for the purpose of
advancing to other for expenditure.
This bank was established with the objectives of initiating effective approaches to raise
the economic position of the farmers and ensure overall agricultural development availing
agricultural credit in an easy and smooth manner. It has diversified functional areas such
as share capital, borrowing, deposit and debenture.

3.Background of the Organization

Agricultural development bank is the nation first agricultural sector bank. The
commencing its business since 2042 B.S. It is an autonomous organization largely owned
by Government of Nepal. The bank was established for the development and
modernization of Agriculture Bank. It makes available the short-term loans for the
payment of wages and to buy manure, seeds and small implements necessary for
agriculture and also the long-term loans to purchase land, machinery, and expensive
equipment necessary for cultivation. It also knowledge and counseling to the farmers
regarding the modern agriculture management techniques and technologies. The other
types of Agriculture Bank are Mortgage bank and co-operative Banks.
4.Objective of the Study
-To study the deposit collection methods of ADBL.
-To examine the position of ADBL in the deposit gathering.
- To study the pattern of deposit collected by ADBL.
- To identify the problem relating to the collection of deposit of bank.


This report will be useful to know overall picture of ADBL. However, it is mainly
concentrated in ‘Deposit Mobilization and Deposit Outstanding’ of ADBL. So, anyone
who wants information regarding the condition and trend of ‘Deposit Mobilization and
Deposit Outstanding’ of ADBL they will be facilitated from this research to obtain the
valuable information. The procedure of opening account will be helped by this field
report. Also, the student in coming years will look as a reference.

6.Review of literature
Review of literature is an essential part of all studies. It is ways to discover that other
research in area of our problems has uncovered. A literature review is the process of
looking, obtaining, reading and evaluating the area of the researcher's interest. A critical
review of the literature helps researcher to develop through understanding and insight
into previous research work that is related to the present study.

7.Research Design
The analysis of this study is based on certain research design because to accomplish
any type of research, well set research design is necessary, to fulfill the objectives of the
study. The research design selected for this study is analytical as well as exploratory.
The annual reports published by the bank are collection from the bank for the analytical

7.1Sources of data

I. Primary Data
In addition, to secondary data, the primary data used for the collection of primary data
observation. Frequent visit and discussion were held with the bank’s personnel.
II. Secondary Data
This study is primarily based on secondary data and information collection from ADBL.
It constitutes mostly the prospects of the bank, audited annual reports that contain
balance sheet and profit & loss account. Other journals and bulletins have been collected
from various sources.

7.2 Data Processing Tabulation

First of all, collected data are compiled, organized, tabulated and then processed.

7.3 Tools and techniques of analysis

The collected & observed data are tabulated after adjusting necessary amounts at
each overhead.

Financial Tools for the Report:

- Percentage change in deposit
- Saving Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio
- Total Liabilities to Total Deposit Ratio
- Deposit to Working Capital Ratio
- Deposit to Credit Ratio

Statistical Tools for the report:

Arithmetic Mean

Standard Deviation (S.D.)


Trend Analysis

Bar diagram


8. Methods
The research methodology is the process of arriving to the solution of the problem through
planned and systematic dealing with the collection, analysis and interpretation of facts
and figure. To achieve the objectives of the study, descriptive as well as analytical
research design have been used. This study is based on secondary data.
9.Limitation of the study
This study will be bounded by the following key factors:
- This study covers only three years period.
- The study is confined to evaluate the performance of deposits mobilization and
deposits outstanding only therefore, overall performance of ADBL can’t be judged
by this report.

Report Structure

The report has been organized into three parts. The title of these chapters as follows:

Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter includes background, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,
rationale of the study, report structure.

Chapter II: Results and Findings

This chapter includes types of research, population and sample, types of data, data
collection procedure, instruments, techniques of analysis, limitation of the study.

Chapter III: Summary and Conclusion

This chapter includes presentation of data in tables and figures and their analysis, major



Chaudhary Anil & B Roy. (1978) Working Management law house.

Dangol, R.M. & Pradhan M. (2054) Cost and Management Accounting. Kathmandu:
Taleju Prakashan.

Jain S.P & Narang. (3rd Edition). Financial & Management Accounting. New Delhi.
Khan M.Y. & Jain P.K. (2nd edition 1993) Financial Management, Mc Grw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi.

Sukla, S.M. (4th Edition) Advance Accounting. India: Sanitya Bhawan Publication.

Van. Horn J.C. (8th Eidition, 1996) Financial Management and Policy. New Delhi:
Prentice Hall of India.

Wosten & Brighan. (11th Edition, 1196).Essential of Managerial finance. The Dryden

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