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FUTUR slurry systems use

standard cementing equipment

Self-healing cement technology

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-CE-0062

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■■ Lead and tail systems used
during primary cementing of

Self-healing properties any well section

■■ Wells producing oil, condensate,

preserve well integrity

gas, or a mixture of hydrocarbon
■■ Additional security for plugging
and abandoning wells
A unique solution for a global challenge ■■ Protection against sustained cas-
Achieving long-term zonal isolation is critical in the construction of safer, environmentally
ing pressure, SCVFs, hydrocarbon
sound, and profitable oil and gas wells. Each year, millions of dollars are spent on remedial
crossflows, and other surface leaks
repairs relating to cement sheath failure. Despite modern advances in well construction
that may create environmental or
processes and materials, a high percentage of wells throughout the world suffer from
safety issues during production or
hydraulic seal failure, resulting in problems such as sustained casing pressure or surface
after abandonment
casing vent flow (SCVF). In Western Canada alone, there are detailed reports of more than
18,000 instances of SCVF that, in some cases, require shutting in wells and suspending

FUTUR technology—a new concept for well integrity

Conventional cementing methods cannot respond to damage or loss of hydraulic seal once
the cement has set. FUTUR cement provides long-term zonal isolation with a material that
has self-healing properties within the cement after it has set. This technology is designed
for long-term durability of the cement sheath, as well as cement sheath repair without the
need for expensive well intervention.

Damage to the cement sheath can be caused by unplanned events or operational changes
that can occur during drilling, perforation and stimulation, and subsequent production, and
even after abandonment. This innovative technology can be used in any primary cement
job, in any part of the well where extra protection is needed against future degradation of
FUTUR self-healing cement technology provides the cement sheath caused by unplanned well stresses. You can protect the productivity of
your wells in the future by pumping the right cement today.
a unique cementing solution to future leakage problems
FUTUR solutions, combined with Schlumberger’s
expertise and cementing technologies, assures long-

Leading the way in pon contact with any hydrocarbon- Conventional slurry designs and gas migration term zonal isolation for optimum production
based formation fluid, FUTUR* prevention tools are effective only during ce-
providing innovative self-healing cement reacts to ment placement and before the cement sheath With properties comparable to conventional cement systems, FUTUR slurries can be
close the flow paths. Within hours, has cured. FUTUR self-healing cement tech- pumped without special surface equipment as part of any primary casing or liner cement-
solutions to enhance well cracks are repaired and the cement sheath is nology provides long-term protection. From ing operation.
restored to its original strength and durability. the time it is placed until the end of the well’s
integrity during production, Laboratory- and field-test results demonstrate operational life and onward into abandonment, How the FUTUR self-healing cement technology works
this technology can restore a broken cement FUTUR self-healing cement remains dormant, ■■ Exposure to hydrocarbons initiates the self-healing response when and where it is
abandonment, and beyond. sheath’s integrity when conventional cement- self-activating any time the hydraulic seal of needed.
ing systems cannot. the well is compromised and hydrocarbons ■■ The self-healing matrix reacts to create a complete hydraulic seal across the annulus.
begin to migrate.
Throughout the life cycle of a well, changes ■■ The cement matrix remains active after the cement has set, for as long as there is
occur that can contribute to a loss of hydrau- This innovative technology can extend the pro- cement in the annulus.
lic seal integrity. The resulting uncontrolled ductive life of both oil and gas wells. Because
migration of hydrocarbons is an ongoing of its long-term active ability to automatically
challenge both during production and after self heal, FUTUR technology can lead to an
abandonment. Sustained casing pressure and elimination of remedial well costs.
surface casing leaks, as well as crossflows
that may occur downhole, can result in costly
repairs, lost production, and possibly the loss
of a well.

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