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-According to scientific research, when playing games, a lot of dopamine is released, the more

you play, the more addicted you become ----> you have to pause the game by doing something
else (RESEARCH), and keep interrupting continuously. it will -----> CREATE NEW HABITS,
something called "habit". Just like eating rice, you have to use a spoon and chopsticks... that's a
daily thing. When you try to take a break from having fun and focus on studying ----> studying
becomes a daily thing, you will no longer be discouraged.
3. MY learning method - Step 1:
No matter what job you are doing, what position you are in, what your salary is, how old or
young you are, how smart you are... The first thing you need to remember is:
- I'M TERRIBLE, I'm the worst at this, and now I'll learn anything.
- A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN ME, everyone has good points, I understand where
they are stupid, I ignore them, I CLAIM ABOUT THEIR GOOD.
Next, you must know the KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM and produce EACH RESULT 1.
HUNDRED OR NOT WITH HANDS BY HANDS ----> no matter how much you study, you
must master how to do everything, not just learn knowledge, even if it takes a lot of time GO SO
FAR, practice In many times to get acquainted, take as much time as you want, pay to get
acquainted. Once you get used to it, it will print all the data into the habit section, from there you
will be much less frustrated ----> paying for it is not a waste.
Work with GOALS, from goals, form the habit of PAYING THE PRICE, then start asking about
"how to learn" - learning methods.
After thinking about the above, the PRIORITY FACTOR is to FOCUS ON RESEARCHING
ONE RIGHT THING and study 12-15 hours a day, then study when you have time, don't divide
the day into 2 hours studying marketing, 2 hours studying SEO , 2 hours of language lessons.
Man... this method sucks. JUST FOCUS ON LEARNING ONE THING, continuously 12
hours/day, 7 days a week (including holidays) 4 weeks/month.... STUDY TO DEATH.
- How many VIP pros are there in this industry (list them all, near the lights, the lights are on, sit
down and make friends, whatever group you belong to will be in that group)
- Watch industry overview videos (youtube, tiktok)

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