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| MINDBEE CLASSES/CLASS 10/LIFE PROCESS LIFE PROCESSESS Life processes are those process which together keep living organisms alive & perform the job of body maintenance and repair. ‘The life process are a) Nutrition b)Respiration c)Transport d)Growth e)Reproduction f)Excretion g)Control and & Coordination NUTRITION 1. Since maintenance process needed to prevent damage and break down, energy is needed for them. This energy comes from outside the body of organism in terms of food. 2. Defination : The process to transfer a source of energy from outside the ae ra food to the inside is called Nutrition, 3. Since life on earth depends upon carbon based molecules, most of food me id Depending ri upon the complexity of these carbon sources different organisms use different Ayt rocess. airs especially plants. 4. Inorganic substances like water ,CO;, minerals lke iron and 2n are needed. bi These substances are called inorganic Nutrient. Green plant convert these iriorga arganic substances to organic. 5. Organic substances obtained form plants and animals are carbohydrates, ‘Fats , Proteins , Vitamins and minerals.These are called organic nutrients. AN ‘SIGNIFICANCE OF NUTRITION OR FOOD: Sey a. Food provides energy for biological activities b. Helps in growth of organism through buildin fas \ ¢. Helps in formation of body components as 4. Helps in formation of enzymes and hordjoné e. Helps in defence system of body“ 7. MODES OF NUTRITION i aurorionc a rman rnse Ba om aod ang meine Sra ced ht od hn hr ete Pone tse sar ao ecarae pworo-aurornorc o.ozo1e ee ptr pepag ad Teton opin el Mana eoaurornonec SAPROTROPHIC neyo nual hued rpg dion enn ci cin Pg atiecwal Parasmic non naar pie Taper, cea 8. The hog Pier Producers use food materials obtained from inorganic sources and convert them into organic ruutglgnt, Sore bacterial catalyst called Enzymes break down these complex substances into simpler for the growakvotbody, ‘AUTC /PHIC NUTRITION AUTOTROPHIC NUTRITION queer Auto=Self ; Trophe = Nutrition j eee The green plants have autotrophic mode of nutrition as they synthesises their own food by the process of photo synthesis, Photosynthesis 1, The process by which green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water by using sunlight energy in the presence of chlorophyll is called photosynthesis . 2 | MINDBEE CLASSES/CLASS 10/LIFE PROCESS | 2 7 Photosynthesis synthesize the simple sugar or glucose which isa simple carbohydrates, The glucose unit combine to form starch or they join with fructose (another simple sugar ) to form sucrose. Food is transported to various parts as sucrose and is stored in the farm of Starch.In animals food is stored as Glycogen. . Chemical reaction : 6COz +12H20 sunlight/Chlorophylly CeH::05 + 6H:0 + 602 Major Steps /Events During Photosynthesis: a. Absorption of solar energy by chlorophyll b. Conversion of solar energy into chemical energy and s Reduction of COs to glucose and organic food Basic Requirements of Photosynthesis, a) Light Light energy is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This pf of photosynthesis is affected by the quality and quantity ie int fion of light. b) Chlorophyll The plastid which contain the light absorbing green chloroplast present in the mesophyll cells of leave,gnd i green. ©) Carbon Dioxide a. The terrestrial plants takes their CO: frd minute pores present on the 7 close at night. : 3 b. Each pore of stomata is aN wey is surrounded by two kidney shaped guard cells help in the opening and closing of stem; 4 . Two function of a ike of gases d chlorophyll found inside the Neh like algae the whole plant is re and the aquatic plants from water through zalled Stomata. Which remain open during day and ‘Transpiration d. To prevent 9) i through stomata the plant closes the ah enyplant does not need CO, for e. The g om water flows into them and fen , similarly the stoma closes if the | lls Shrinks. sorb water from the soil with the help of roots | ‘Sa ao. ough the xylem due to Osmosis. Minerals from the sail are also transported along with water %y, Only 1% of absorbed water Is used for the photosynthesis and rest 99% is lost through transpirati Site of Photosynthesis: In the typical leaf , the cuticle covers the outer most cellular ae epidermis.Bellow the epidermis , mesophyll tissues are present .These mesophyll cels ae living chlorenchymatous cells having a large number of chloroplast .These chloroplast are actual site of photosynthesis, chanism Of PhotoSynthesis: The mechanism of photosynthesis Is divided into two major events a MINDBEE CLASSES/CLASS 10/LIFE PROCESS a, Light Reaction [ Hill Reaction] Itis the light dependent process which is a photochemical process.During this reaction light energy captured by chlorophyll and converted into chemical energy or ATP.Photolysis occurs during this reaction. 2H,0 —Light/Chlorophyll» 4H* + 02+ 4e" ATP b. Dark Reaction [Blackman’s Reaction] It isa light independent process. This process occurs simultaneously with light reaction.The steps of dark reaction occur one after the other in cyclic form and convert CO; into carbohydrates(Sucrose).This cycle is known as Calvin cycle. 6CO2 + 12H,0 + ATP > Cis0s + 64:0 + 602 & ™ 8 Factors affecting Photosynthesis Light intensity and quality ;Availability of CO2 ;Availability of water : reduced gona ‘ Ko in plants causes closing of stomata to prevent transpiration and also prevent the entry of COz Temperate uti 9. End Product of Photosynthesis Reedy Sucrose or Starch; Water ;Oxygen we Soe HETEROTROPHIC NUTRITION ty Hetero =Other; Trophe =Nutrition : S 1. Since heterotrophs depend on other for their food , they, are, o cOqsumers.All animals and non green plants like fungi come under this category. 2. Saprophytic:Some animals break down the food matitgtGusitine body and then absorb it are called saprophyte and the nutrion is saprophytic. vm, 6%“ Eg + Bread Mould , Yeast, Mughitgom's *é ‘ad 3. Holozoic: Some animals take the whole fod) inside apa break it down inside their bodies is called Holozoic nutrition, 2 ot Eg: Amoeba, Paramecif, Py fan beings , animals 4. Parasitic: Some animal deriy tlt nubition from plans or animals without kling them are called parasites and the nutrition is called pérasitic nutrition. Eg:-Cuscuita , Lice, leeches tapworm SB To demonstrate that light necessary forphotosyathesis eared Oestrche post pla. Mack per, scsory colle oe Spuit, dropper, totecey at Mlipod sti, wie gauze, spirit lamp, seater bah, hodine 1) SSiunion, blowing pape rare ac rere ‘Ghisce ofa Teal of es nsf cellotape oF clips. Exposath plantio sunlight (oraday, “Aiterthat, remove the black paper trom the lea. Geil the leaf in water for 5-10 minutes. Dry “wth blony and dip Serums EBS mins ‘Again, waEh orth fot water ated put few drops "The covered part of the leaf remains yellow while bitch. Bipiah black colour dates the presence of starch of occurrence of partof lea shows photosynthesis oF dark room for about three parate glass plate. Place a m hydroxide (KOH) by the Cover bath plants with jars and seal their edges with vaseline. Now, keep the plants in sunlight for about two hou: “After two hours, leaf from each pota for. thi h si ly as,in the. bservation and discussion’ : ‘ photosynthesis. The leaf detached from plant A gives negative test: yellow-coloured while the leaf detached from plant B gives positive test for starch and turns - that the leaf - of set B.has synthesised starch through photosynthesis. This bel ~ Digestion > Absorption > Assi FOOD INGESTED BY PARAMECIUM The food is moved to the spot a special opening called Cytostome by the movement of cilia. Food enclosed in a cell Bais: ‘ membrane forms a food vacuole and then throw out after digestiot lation > Egestion

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