Nhóm 2

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Nhóm 2:

Nguyễn Viết Minh Anh

Lê Phạm Mạnh Cường

Đỗ Nhựt Đăng

Lê Bạch Thanh Tuyền

Trần Tấn Phong

- Lê Bạch Thanh Tuyền: Introduction (Giới thiệu)

Hello everyone,

Today, let's explore an essential part of daily life that many people often overlook
- lunch. Lunch is not just a meal, but also an opportunity to replenish energy,
provide nutrition, and create memorable moments.

In today's era, when life becomes hectic and the pressure increases, emphasizing
the importance of lunch is undeniable. Lunch not only meets the body's nutritional
needs but also provides an opportunity to relax and recharge for the rest of the

In today's presentation, we will explore an ideal lunch - one that is not only
delicious but also healthy and creative. We will learn about the basic principles of
creating a nutritious and enjoyable lunch, as well as the benefits of focusing on
making sensible food choices for lunch every day.

Let's embark on this journey of exploration together!

- Nguyễn Viết Minh Anh:Introducing the Menu and ingredients

Hello everybody. Today, we will embark on a journey through the wonderful

flavors of cuisine, from main courses to desserts, as well as unique and diverse
ingredients. Starting with introducing the menu and dishes, we will begin this
culinary journey.

-Menu and Ingredients:

I: Món chính: Caramelized Pork (Thịt Kho)
- Nguyên Liệu:
-Pork: about 500g - 1kg (usually pork belly or pork shoulder)
-Garlic: 3-4 cloves
-Sugar: 2-3 tablespoons
-Salt: about 1-2 teaspoons
-Fish sauce: 1-2 tablespoons
-Cooking oil or lard: 1-2 tablespoons
-Fresh coconut water: about 200ml - 300ml
II: Món Phụ: pumpkin soup (Súp bí đỏ)
- Nguyên Liệu:
-Pumpkin: 500g - 700g
-Garlic: 2-3 cloves
-Carrot: 1 small
-Turnip: 1 small
-Onion: 1 small
-Cooking oil or butter: 1-2 tablespoons
-Coconut water: about 400ml - 500ml
-Coconut milk: 200ml
-Salt and pepper
-Coriander: for garnish and extra flavor
III. Món Tráng Miệng: Salad
- Nguyên Liệu:
-Green vegetables: Spinach, kale...
-Fresh vegetables: Carrots, tomatoes...
-Fruits: Mangoes, watermelons...
-Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts...
-Cheese: Cheddar cheese...
-Onions and garlic: Onion, garlic...
-Olive oil: Extra virgin olive oil...
-Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar...
-Salt and pepper: Himalayan pink salt, black pepper...
-Seasonings: Seasoning powder, fish sauce, soy sauce...
-Other spices: Fried shallots, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder,
cayenne pepper...
IV. Đồ Uống: Lemonade (Nước chanh)
- Nguyên Liệu:
-Lemon: 2-3 fruits
-Sugar: 2-4 tablespoons
-Water: 1-1.5 liters
-Ice: 1-2 cups
- Đỗ Nhựt Đăng: Preparation (Sơ chế)
I: Preparation of Ingredients for Braised Pork ( Sơ chế nguyên liệu làm thịt
1: Meat Preparation:
- Choose good quality pork, usually pork belly or pork shoulder, with moderate
fat to enhance the flavor of the dish.
- Rinse the meat under cold water to remove dirt and any impurities.
- Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces, either squares or rectangles, ensuring even
pieces for uniform cooking.
2: Seasoning Preparation:
- Peel and finely chop onions and garlic to create the distinctive flavor for the
- Mix chopped onions and garlic with salt, sugar, fish sauce, pepper, and any
other desired spices according to taste.
3: Marinating the Meat:
- Spread the meat on a tray and coat evenly with the seasoning mixture, massage
the meat to ensure the flavors penetrate each piece.
- Allow the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or
overnight to allow the flavors to infuse deeply.
4: Preparing Coconut Water (if needed):
- If using coconut water, you can use either fresh coconut water or canned
coconut water prepared in advance.
II: Preparation of Ingredients for Pumpkin Soup (Sơ chế nguyên liệu làm súp bí
1: Preparing Pumpkin:
- Choose a fresh pumpkin, preferably small to medium-sized, and wash
thoroughly with cold water.
- Peel the pumpkin using a vegetable peeler or a knife, then remove the seeds and
fibrous strands from the center.
- Cut the pumpkin into small cubes or large pieces for ease of cooking.
2: Preparing Vegetables:
- Peel and finely chop 2-3 cloves of garlic.
- Peel and finely chop 1 small carrot.
- Peel and finely chop 1 small onion.
- Peel and finely chop 1 small potato (optional, for added creaminess).
3: Additional Ingredients:
- Olive oil or butter: 1-2 tablespoons for sautéing.
- Vegetable or chicken broth: about 4-5 cups for soup preparation.
4: Salt and pepper.
- Herbs and spices: such as thyme, bay leaves, or nutmeg, to enhance flavor
- Fresh cream or coconut milk: to add creaminess.
III. Preparation of Ingredients for Salad (Sơ chế nguyên liệu làm salad)
1: Wash the greens: Wash various greens and fruits under cold water to remove
any dirt.
2: Cut into small pieces: Cut the greens and fruits into small pieces according to
desired size and shape.
3: Combine ingredients: Mix the prepared ingredients in a large bowl.
4: Add seasoning and dressing: Add seasoning and dressing to the bowl and mix
well so that all ingredients are evenly coated with seasoning.

- Trần Tấn Phong: Making (Cách làm)

I: How to make braised caramelized pork
-B1: Prepare the meat: Rinse the meat thoroughly, then drain the water.
-B2: Sauté onion and garlic: Sauté the onion and garlic in a bit of cooking oil in a
pot until fragrant.
-B3: Cook the meat: Once the onion and garlic are fragrant, add the meat and cook
until it's evenly browned.
-B4: Cook in coconut water: When the meat is browned, add coconut water to the
pot. If there's not enough coconut water, you can add regular water.
-B5: Season: Add shrimp paste, sugar, and pepper to the pot, seasoning to taste.
About 1-2 tablespoons of shrimp paste and a few tablespoons of sugar (depending on
-B6: Simmer the meat: Simmer the pot over low heat to allow the meat to absorb
the seasoning and coconut water. Around 30-45 minutes should be enough for the
meat to become tender and flavorful.
-B7: Finish: Optionally, you can add pandan leaves to the pot and simmer them
with the meat for an additional 5-10 minutes to enhance the aroma.

II: How to make red pumpkin soup

B1: Prepare the red pumpkin by peeling and cutting it into small pieces.
B2: Heat a little oil in a large pot, then add chopped onions and minced garlic and
sauté until fragrant.
B3: Add the red pumpkin to the pot and sauté until they are soft.
B4: Pour coconut water into the pot and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and
simmer gently until the red pumpkin is completely soft.
B5: Once the red pumpkin is soft, use a blender or food processor to puree the
B6: Pour the mixture back into the pot and add coconut milk. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
B7: When the soup is warm, ladle it out from the pot and garnish with fresh

III: How to make salad.

B1: Spread green vegetables on a salad plate.
B2: Add sliced vegetables on top.
B3: Sprinkle seeds or nuts over the layer of vegetables.
B4: If using, add cheese or yogurt to the salad.
B5: Pour salad dressing over the top according to taste.
B6: Toss well.

IV: How to make lemonade

B1: Cut the lemons in half and squeeze out the lemon juice.
B2: In a bowl, combine the lemon juice with sugar and stir until the sugar is
completely dissolved.
B3: Add cold water and stir well.
B4: Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor (if desired).
B5: Add ice cubes and mint leaves to add more flavor and chill the lemonade (if
B6: Stir well.

- Lê Phạm Mạnh Cường: Conclusion (Kết luận)

In daily life, focusing on lunch is not only about providing nutrition but also about
creating an important part of the living experience. Lunch is not just a time to enjoy
delicious food but also a time to connect with family, friends, or colleagues. It's an
opportunity to rest and recharge, as well as to relax and create memorable moments.

We hope that through this presentation, everyone has recognized the value of
emphasizing lunch and how to create a nutritious, delicious, and meaningful lunch.
Remember that every lunch is an opportunity to do good for yourself and for your
loved ones around you.

Thank you all for attending our presentation. Wishing you all a happy and
meaningful lunchtime!

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