Improving the Gas and Condensate Relative Permeability Using Chemical Treatments (SPE-100529-MS-P)

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SPE 100529

Improving the Gas and Condensate Relative Permeability Using Chemical Treatments
V. Kumar, SPE, G.A. Pope, SPE, and M.M. Sharma, SPE, U. of Texas at Austin

Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers

When the pressure near the production wells falls below
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2006 SPE Gas Technology Symposium held the dew point pressure, condensate blockage occurs near the
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15–17 May 2006.
production wells even before the average reservoir pressure
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
drops below the dewpoint pressure of the fluid. Even for lean
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to gas (1% liquid dropout), significant liquid saturations can
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at build up near the wells. Liquid saturations near the wells can
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
reach 50 to 60% under pseudo steady-state flow of gas and
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is condensate.3-6 Productivity reductions of 40-80% have been
reported for some fields.5 Reductions in relative permeability
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
of greater than 95% in laboratory cores at low capillary
number have been reported for both low and high permeability
Abstract rocks.7-10 Significant reduction in productivity index has also
Production from gas-condensate reservoirs having a bottom been reported.11-13
hole flowing pressure below the dewpoint pressure results in Since the reduction in well productivity is primarily
an accumulation of condensate near the wells causing a large associated with the reduction in gas relative permeability, a
decrease in both the gas and condensate relative permeability. great deal of effort has gone into measuring and modeling the
Several methods such as hydraulic fracturing and solvents relative permeability of gas condensate fluids. Several recent
have been proposed to restore production rates but all of these studies have been made using the pseudo pressure method for
methods have limitations or they are only effective for short measuring relative permeability.5-9,12-16 In this method, a gas
periods of time. We have evaluated new surfactants using a mixture above its dew point pressure is flashed into the core at
methanol-water mixture as the solvent to treat cores under a reservoir pressure less than the dew point pressure and
reservoir conditions. The surfactants have been tested under flowed until steady state is reached. This process is similar to
reservoir conditions using a variety of cores and found to be what happens around the wells, is easy to control with the
promising since they significantly increased the steady state backpressure on the core, and is very efficient since
relative permeability. Experiments were performed to evaluate saturations do not have to be measured.
the effectiveness of these surfactants at high temperature and A model for predicting gas relative permeability as a
high gas flow rates over a range of capillary numbers on the function of trapping number (a generalization of the capillary
order of those near production wells. The productivity index and Bond numbers) was developed by Pope et al.17 This
for sandstone cores was improved by a factor of 2 to 3 for model includes the dependence of gas relative permeability on
temperatures over the temperature range of 145 to 275 °F for interfacial tension, pressure gradient and buoyancy forces. In
the Novec FC 4430 polymeric surfactant in the methanol- general, regions of high trapping numbers such as high
water mixture. These treatments have the potential to greatly permeability layers with high flow rates show lower
increase production at low cost since only the near well region condensate saturations and thus higher gas and condensate
of the reservoir blocked by the condensate needs to be treated. relative permeabilities.
Non-Darcy flow can be significant in high rate gas wells.
Introduction Narayanaswamy et al.2 showed that reservoir heterogeneity
Gas-condensate reservoirs show a decline in productivity plays an important role in determining the effective β (non-
when the bottom hole flowing pressure drops below the Darcy flow coefficient) for gas inflow into high rate gas wells.
dewpoint pressure of the fluid. Liquid condensate builds up The additional pressure drop caused by non-Darcy flow is
near the well restricting the flow of gas. Capillary forces trap closely coupled with the pressure profile near the well and
some of the condensate phase in the pores, which causes a thus the phase behavior.
reduction in the relative permeability of both the gas and Many strategies have been proposed for stimulating wells
condensate. The degree of condensate blocking depends that show condensate blockage effects. A common stimulation
indirectly on a combination of factors including fluid method is hydraulic fracturing.18 It is possible to increase the
properties, formation characteristics, flow rate and pressure. A bottom hole pressure by increasing the flowing area by
well-established example of condensate blocking and a inducing a fracture. This allows the production at higher
reduction in productivity of more than a factor of two occurred bottom hole pressure, both delaying the condensate bank
in the Arun field.1,2 formation and mitigating its impact. However, it is sometimes
2 SPE 100529

not feasible or prudent to induce a fracture due to presence of perform experiments at 145 °F, 250 °F and 275 °F. Fluid III
a water zone or because of economic or other considerations was used to perform experiments in reservoir rock. The
including cost. Horizontal and inclined wells can also be used composition of the synthetic fluid was selected to match the
to delay and mitigate the effect of condensate blockage. reservoir fluid properties. The PVT properties were initially
Du et al.7, Walker et al.19 and Al-Anazi et al.9 found that computed using the Peng-Robinson equation-of-state
methanol was effective in removing both water and (PREOS) for different compositions until a good match was
condensate and thereby restoring the gas productivity for a obtained. Liquid dropout data for each gas mixture used in a
short period of time in both low permeability limestone cores core flood were measured with a windowed PVT cell using a
and high permeability sandstone cores. Methanol provides an constant composition expansion process. Table 2 shows the
enhanced flow period by delaying the condensate bank fluid mixture properties at the experimental conditions. Figure
formation. A successful methanol stimulation treatment was 2 shows the phase envelope for the gas mixtures calculated
done in the Hatter’s Pond field.9 A significant increase in using the PREOS. The calculated liquid dropout curves for the
production occurred for several months, which is longer than three gas mixtures are shown in Fig. 3. The gas and
expected based upon the laboratory tests. condensate viscosities were measured using a capillary tube
Li and Firoozabadi20 were the first to study the alteration viscometer. The capillary tube is placed in parallel with the
of rock wettability with the idea this would increase the core. The pressure drop across the capillary tube was
productivity of gas condensate wells. They measured the measured and Poiseuille's law was used to calculate viscosity.
effect of chemical treatment of Berea sandstone on the
imbibition of water and oil at room temperature. Tang and Rocks. Berea sandstone and reservoir sandstone core plugs
Firoozabadi21, 22 measured the effect of chemical treatment on from a gas-condensate well in the North Sea were used in the
the water and oil relative permeability of Berea sandstone. core flood experiments. Table 3 lists the core plug properties.
Both of these studies used polymeric surfactants in water as The cores were dried for 24 hours in the oven and then were
the treatment solution. They did not use gas-condensate fluids wrapped in aluminum foil and Teflon heat shrink tubing was
at reservoir conditions. Fahes and Firoozabadi23 measured a applied to eliminate the diffusion of gases and possible
strong reversal of wetting in a gas-water-rock system at interaction of fluids with the Viton sleeve. The wrapped core
284 °F, but the treatment was less successful in a gas-oil- is placed in the core holder and confining pressure is applied.
reservoir-rock system. All of these studies were done at low
pressure and none of them used gas-condensate fluids. Chemical Treatment. Several different fluorinated
In this study, we report steady state gas-condensate relative surfactants were used to treat the cores in the initial screening
permeability data before and after treatment with several study. Fluorolink S10 from Solvey-Solexis, Fluorosyl from
fluorinated polymeric surfactants in methanol-water mixtures. Cytonix, FSO Zonyl from DuPont, and Novec FC4430 and
We present for the first time experimental data that show a FC4432 from 3M were evaluated. Table 4 lists the chemical
significant improvement in gas and condensate relative properties. All chemicals have a fluorochemical group to
permeability after chemical treatment at reservoir conditions provide water and oil repellency and either a silanol or alkoxy
in reservoir rocks with gas-condensate fluids. The fluorinated group to provide bonding onto the rock surface. The cores
polymeric surfactant with the best performance (Novec were treated with 2% surfactant in either methanol or a blend
FC4430) has a different chemistry than any of those of water-methanol solvent. The treatment step consists of
previously tested. flowing approximately 20 pore volumes of the surfactant
solution at reservoir conditions and pressure and allowing 24
Experimental hours of shut-in time for interaction with the rock.
Core Flood Setup. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of
the core flood apparatus. Positive displacement pumps were Solubility Measurements. The solubility of each surfactant
used to inject fluid at constant rate. Multiple pressure ports on was measured in methanol, water, and blends of methanol and
the core holder were used to measure pressure drop across water (Table 5).
four sections (2 inches in length each) of the core. Two back-
pressure regulators were used to control the flowing pressure Core Flooding Procedure. The pseudo pressure method was
upstream (BPR-1) and downstream (BPR-2) of the core. A used for performing coreflood experiments at different
DBR PVT visual cell was used to measure liquid drop out. reservoir conditions to obtain the steady state gas and
The flow is through a vertical core to avoid gravity condensate relative permeabilities after condensate
segregation of the gas. A Phoenix high-pressure core holder, accumulation in the cores. The single-phase gas permeability
the Temco back-pressure regulators, fluid accumulators and was first measured by flowing methane through the core at
tubing are placed inside a temperature-controlled oven. The different constant flow rates using a Ruska pump until a
apparatus is rated for temperatures up to 400 °F and pressures steady state was reached. The synthetic mixture was then
up to 10,000 psig. The maximum flow rate that can be attained injected in the core at different flow rates to study the effect of
is in the range of 7,000 cc/hr. More details about the capillary number on gas and condensate relative
experimental apparatus and procedures can be found in permeabilities. The upstream back-pressure regulator 1 was
Kumar.10 set at a pressure above the dew point pressure of the fluid and
the downstream back-pressure regulator 2 was set at a pressure
Gas Mixtures. Table 1 shows the composition of the three below the dew point pressure corresponding to the bottom
different synthetic gas-condensate fluids that were used to hole flowing well pressure. This was done so that the high-
SPE 100529 3

pressure gas mixture would flash into a two-phase mixture of Figure 5 shows the pressure drop in Berea sandstone cores
gas and condensate as it flowed into the core. This procedure during dynamic condensate accumulation at 1,500 psig and
mimics the dynamic accumulation of condensate around the 250 °F at different flow rates ranging from 330 cc/hr to 3811
wellbore as the bottom hole pressure drops below the dew cc/hr (Experiments 14 and 15). The gas relative permeability
point. The condensate injected into the core accumulates with decreases by 90% of the initial value during condensate
time and reduces the relative permeability to gas. The gas and accumulation corresponding to a condensate bank. Figure 4
condensate reach a steady state fractional flow that depends on shows the overall pressure drop and sectional pressure drops
the relative permeability characteristics of the core at the given across the Berea sandstone core during dynamic condensate
connate water saturation. accumulation at 1,500 psig and 250 °F at a flow rate of 302
Figure 4 illustrates the typical pressure drop data observed cc/hr. The pressure drop reaches a steady-state value in the
across different sections and the total length of the core as the core after injection of 20 pore volumes of the gas-condensate
process of condensate accumulation occurs. The condensate mixture. The gas relative permeability decreased 90%
builds from inlet end to outlet end as shown by pressure drop compared to its original value.
increase in different sections as the bank progresses along the Figure 6 shows the pressure drop across the reservoir core
lentgth of the core. The relative permeability of the gas and during dynamic condensate accumulation at 1,500 psig and
condensate was then calculated from the steady state pressure 275 °F at different flow rates ranging from 330 cc/hr to 3811
drop. Next the treatment solution was injected into the core. cc/hr. The gas relative permeability decreased 90% compared
Approximately 20 pore volumes of the solution were injected to its original value.
and 24 hours of shut-in time was allowed for the interaction of Figure 7 shows the steady state values of relative
chemical with the rock. The condensate accumulation step was permeability as a function of capillary number (Nc) for
then repeated at the same conditions and the steady state gas different experiments at 145 °F and 250 °F without initial
and condensate relative permeabilities were again measured. water saturation. The experiments clearly show an increase in
To investigate the durability of the chemical treatment, a large gas relative permeability as the capillary number increases. In
number of pore volumes of gas mixture were injected. this work, the capillary number is defined as
k g ΔP
Results and Discussion Nc = (3)
Table 2 shows estimated fluid properties for the three different σL
synthetic fluid mixtures used in this study. Table 5 shows the
The pressure gradient increases as the flow rate increases, so
solubility of chemicals in water and methanol at different
high flow rates correspond to high capillary numbers. The
temperatures. All the chemicals are highly soluble in
gas/oil interfacial tension was approximately 4 dynes/cm in
methanol. The solubility test was performed up to 20 weight
these experiments.
percent of the chemical. The solubility in water was low
(< 1 weight percent).
Chemical Treatment. Coreflood experiments were
performed after the chemical treatment to investigate the
Condensate Blocking. Coreflood experiments were
improvement in gas and condensate relative permeability.
conducted in both Berea sandstone and reservoir sandstone
Parameters affecting the improvement such as temperature,
cores at reservoir temperatures and pressures. Initial gas
water concentration in the solvent, rock type, treatment flow
permeability was measured using methane gas. Table 6 shows
rate, and gas injection rate were evaluated.
the gas permeability at 100% gas saturation. The fluid flashes
Figure 8 shows the pressure drop in a Berea sandstone core
in the core giving gas flow rate (qg) and oil flow rate (qo) at the
during dynamic condensate accumulation at 1,500 psig and
core pressure set by BPR-2. Applying the conservation of
250 °F before and after chemical treatment at 330 cc/hr. The
mass equation across BPR-1, the gas and oil rates in the core
reduction in pressure drop after treatment shows an
can be calculated from the pump flow rate (q) and density at
improvement in the gas relative permeability and suggests less
the single-phase pressure set by BPR-1:
blocking due to condensate dropout. In this and all other
fg qρ experiments, the steady state condensate relative permeability
qg = (1) increases by the same factor as the gas relative permeability
fg ρ g +fo ρ o
since the ratio of the gas to condensate relative permeability is
fixed by the PVT ratio Vgμg/Voμo at a given core pressure.10,
fo qρ 15,24
qo = (2)
fg ρ g +fo ρ o Table 6 shows the effect of temperature on improvement in
gas relative permeability by chemical treatment with different
The condensate is labeled as oil in these equations. The chemicals. The surfactants with silanol chemistry did not give
densities are calculated from the PREOS at the pump pressure an improvement in the gas relative permeability at 250 °F.
for flow in the pump and the core pressure for flow in core. Fluorolink S10 did show an improvement at 145 °F. The
The fractional flows are calculated from the CCE and silanol chemistry is reactive in nature and is extremely
viscosity data10,15,24 at the core pressure. At steady state, the sensitive to temperature and water. The silanol surfactants
fractional flows of gas and oil have been measured and found reacted at high temperature leaving behind a solid yellow
to agree within experimental uncertainty with the values precipitate in the accumulator while they were being injected.
computed from the PVT data.16
4 SPE 100529

Novec FC4430 gave an improvement at all temperatures following the treatment of a Berea sandstone core at 250 °F.
tested. Novec FC4432 performed well at l45 °F but did not The treatment solution was 2 wt% FC4430, 4 wt% water and
improve the relative permeabilities at 250 °F. The Dupont 94 wt% methanol. The improvement factor of 2.1 did not
FSO surfactant did not give an improvement at 250 °F. The change during the entire time the gas mixture was injected.
Fluorosyl chemical plugged the core at 145 °F. It is inferred Following the chemical treatment and then injection of the
from the experiments that the chemistry most stable towards gas mixture to measure the post-treatment steady state relative
temperature is that of FC4430, which is a non-ionic surfactant permeability, methane was injected to displace the condensate
that does not depend on chemical reactions with the rock. and measure the final (single phase) gas permeability at the
Figure 9 shows the effect of water concentration in the end of the experiment. The final gas permeability was the
treatment solution on improvement of gas relative same as the original (single phase) gas permeability in each of
permeability after chemical treatment at different the experiments where this procedure was performed. Thus,
temperatures. The concentration of water was varied from 0% no damage has been observed in any of the sandstone cores
to 25%. There was no improvement in the gas relative due to chemical treatment.
permeability when no water was present in the treatment Figures 12 and 13 show all of the gas and condensate
solution for the experiments done without initial water relative permeability data before and after treatment and
saturation. There was improvement with no water in the compares these data with relative permeability curves
treatment solution for experiments done at 40% initial water computed using the UT relative permeability model as a
saturation. Methanol is miscible with water, so it displaces the function of capillary number.17 The average value of the
initial water saturation when present, which modestly improvement factor is about 2.1. The relative permeability
increases the gas relative permeability. Therefore, most curves increase sharply at a capillary number on the order of
experiments were done without initial water saturation so that 10 . This value corresponds to the critical capillary number
the improvement in gas relative permeability could be on a capillary desaturation curve.17 A critical capillary number
attributed entirely to the effect of the treatment on the on the order of 10-4 is typical of a non-wetting phase in a
condensate blockage. In addition, some experiments were homogeneous sandstone.
done without surfactant in the methanol so the results could be
compared. Summary and Conclusions
With both 4% and 10% water in the treatment solution, the Steady state relative permeability data for several gas-
chemical treatment showed an improvement in gas relative condensate mixtures and both outcrop and reservoir sandstone
permeability, but the performance decreased when the water cores were measured at reservoir pressures for temperatures
concentration increased to 25%. Although some water in the up to 275 °F. The cores were then treated with surfactant
treatment solution improves its performance, the water solutions and the same gas mixtures injected to measure the
reduces the solubility of the surfactant in the solvent and gas and condensate relative permeabilities after treatment.
eventually it reaches a cloud point since it is a non-ionic Several fluorinated polymeric surfactants were evaluated in
surfactant. The solubility of the surfactant also decreases as methanol-water solvents. A solution of Novec FC4430 in a
temperature increases. Thus, we expect there will be an methanol-water solvent gave the best improvement in the
optimum concentration of water for each application relative permeability of any of the surfactants tested. The use
depending on the surfactant, temperature and the initial water of both this particular non-ionic surfactant and the methanol-
saturation in the rock. water solvent is new to this study. The solvent plays an
Figure 10 shows the effect of treatment flow rate on important role in the treatment process and its optimum
improvement of gas relative permeability after chemical composition is expected to depend on the temperature. This
treatment at different temperatures. The treatment flow rate treatment solution increased the steady state relative
was varied from 32 cc/hr to 1,200 cc/hr. There is no permeability by a factor of 2 to 3 over a temperature range of
significant correlation between the improvement and the 145 to 275 °F. Up to 4,000 pore volumes of gas mixture were
treatment flow rate. It can be speculated that after a certain injected following the treatment without any change in the
critical flow rate the improvement will not be affected to a improvement factor. The final methane gas permeability was
great extent. The residence time in the core is a key factor in the same as the original gas permeability in each of the
determining the treatment flow rate. It is preferred to perform experiments indicating the treatment does not damage the
the treatment at low flow rates to give enough time to the rock. Measurements were made for capillary numbers on the
chemical with the porous media. order of 10-6 to 10-3 corresponding to values near high-rate gas-
Figure 11 shows the effect of chemical treatment on condensate wells. Methanol by itself has been shown to
reservoir cores. These experiments were carried out at the stimulate gas-condensate wells with condensate blocking, but
reservoir temperature of 275 °F. Chemical treatment was done is a temporary solution. Methanol is both a very good solvent
using FC4430 with different water concentrations in the for all of the fluorinated surfactants tested and is inexpensive.
treatment solution. Gas and condensate relative permeabilities However, the treatments were not successful when methanol
both increased by a factor of two for water concentrations in by itself was used as the solvent. Adding water changes the
the treatment solution of 4% or 10%. There was no solvency in a way that is essential for the success of the
improvement at 25% water concentration. The cloud point treatment. Since only the near well region needs to be treated
with 25% water in the solution is close to 275 °F. to mitigate condensate blocking, such treatments should be
The durability of the treatment was evaluated by injecting cost effective if they last more than a few days.
almost 4,000 pore volumes of gas mixture at 300 cc/hr
SPE 100529 5

Acknowledgements the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,

We would like to thank Vishal Bang, Glen Baum, Tony Houston, TX, October 3-6.
Bermudez, Bruce Rouse, and Bob Savicki for their help with 6 Cable A., Mott, R. and Spearing, M.: "X-Ray In-Situ Saturation
the experiments. We would also like to thank the sponsors of in Gas Condensate Relative Permeability Studies", SCA 2003.
7 Du, L., Walker, J.G., Pope, G.A., Sharma, M.M. and Wang, P.:
the Gas-Condensate JIP in the Center for Petroleum and "Use of Solvents to Improve the Productivity of Gas Condensate
Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin: Wells," paper SPE 62935 presented at the 2000 SPE Annual
Aramco, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, PDO Oman, Petrobras, Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, October 1-4.
and Shell. We would further like to thank 3M Company for 8 Al-Anazi, H. A., Pope, G. A., and Sharma, M. M.: "Laboratory
supplying the chemicals and to Jimmie Baran with 3M for Measurement of Condensate Blocking and Treatment for Both
useful discussions and suggestions. Low and High Permeability Rocks", paper SPE 77546,
presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Nomenclature Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, 29 September-2 October 2002.
BPR-1 = Upstream back pressure regulator 9 Al-Anazi, Hamoud, Walker, Jacob G., Walker, Pope, Gary A.,
Pope, Sharma, Mukul M., Sharma, Hackney, David F. Hackney:
BPR-2 = Downstream back pressure regulator "A Successful Methanol Treatment in a Gas-Condensate
fg = Fractional flow of gas Reservoir: Field Application", SPE 80901, presented at the SPE
fo = Fractional flow of oil Production and Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City,
kg = Initial gas permeability, md Oklahoma, U.S.A., 22-25 March 2003.
krg = Gas relative permeability 10 Kumar, V: "Chemical Stimulation of Gas Condensate
kro = Oil relative permeability Reservoirs: An Experimental and Simulation Study", PhD
L = Core length, inches Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, May 2006.
k g ΔP 11 Boom, W., Wit, K., Zeelenberg, J.P.W., Weeda, H.C. and Maas,
Nc = Capillary number, N c = J.G.: "On the Use of Model Experiments for Assessing
σL Improved Gas-Condensate Mobility Under Near-Wellbore Flow
PV = Pore Volume of the core Conditions," paper SPE 36714 presented at the 1996 SPE
q = Gas flow rate in pump, cc/hr Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
qg = Gas flow rate in core Colorado, October 6-9.
12 Ayyalasomayajula P., Silpngarmlers N., Berroteran J., Sheffield
qo = Oil flow rate in core J. and Kamath J.: "Condensate Relative Permeability Data For
Swi = Initial water saturation Well Deliverability Predictions For A Deep Marine Sandstone
Vg = Volume fraction of gas Reservoir," paper SCA 2003-33.
Vo = Volume fraction of oil 13 Nagarajan, N. R, Honarpour, M. M., Sampath, K., McMichael,
ΔP = Pressure drop, psi D.: "Comparison of Gas-Condensate Relative Permeability
ρ = Density of gas in pump Using Live Fluid vs. Model Fluids," SCA2004-09.
ρg = Density of gas in core 14 Chen H. L., Wilson S. D. and Monger-McClure: "Determination
of Relative Permeability and Recovery for North Sea Gas
ρo = Density of oil in core Condensate Reservoir", SPEREE August 1999.
μg = Viscosity of gas 15 Whitson, C.H., Fevang, ø. and Saevareid, A.: "Gas Condensate
μo =Viscosity of oil Relative Permeability for Well Calculations," paper SPE 56476
σ = Interfacial tension presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Houston, TX, October 3-6.
References 16 Al-Anazi, Hamoud: "Experimental Measurements of
1 Afidick, D., Kaczorowski, N.J. and Bette, S.: "Production Condensate Blocking and Treatments in Low and High
Performance of Retrograde Gas Reservoir: A Case Study of the Permeability Cores", Ph.D. dissertation, The University of
Arun Field," paper SPE 28749 presented at the 1994 SPE Asia Texas At Austin, 2003.
Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7- 17 Pope, G.A., W. Wu, G. Narayanaswamy, M. Delshad, M.M.
10. Sharma, P. Wang: Modeling Relative Permeability Effects in
2 Narayanswamy, G., Pope, G.A. and Sharma, M.M.: "Predicting Gas-Condensate Reservoirs With a New Trapping Model, SPE
Gas Condensate Well Productivity Using Capillary Number and 62497, published in SPEREE, April 2000.
Non-Darcy Effects," paper SPE 51910 presented at the 1999 18 Mohan, J: "Modeling of Gas Condensate Wells with and
SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, TX, February without Hydraulic Fractures", MS Thesis, The University of
14-17. Texas at Austin, August 2005.
3 Henderson, G.D., Danesh, A., Tehrani, D. H., Al-Shaidi, S., 19 Walker, J.G.: "Laboratory Evaluation of Alcohols and
Peden, J.M.: "Measurement and Correlation of Gas Condensate Surfactants to Increase Production from Gas-Condensate
Relative Permeability by the Steady-State Method" SPE 30770, Reservoirs," M.S. Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin,
presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference & December 2000.
Exhibition, Dallas, TX, October 22-25. 20 Li, K. and Firoozabadi, A., Experimental study of wettability
4 Henderson, G. D., Danesh, A., Tehrani, D. H., Al-Shaidi, S. and alteration to preferential gas-wetting in porous media and its
Peden, J. M.: "Measurement and Correlation of Gas Condensate effects, SPE Reservoir Evaluation Engineering, 3(2), 2000.
Relative Permeability by the Steady-State Method", SPEREE 21 Tang, G.Q. and Firoozabadi, A.: "Relative Permeability
April 1998. Modification in Gas Liquid Systems Through Wettability
5 Mott, R., Cable, A. and Spearing, M.: "A New Method for Alteration to Intermediate Gas-Wetting," SPEREE (2002).
Measuring Relative Permeabilities for Calculating Gas 22 Tang, Guo-Qing and Firoozabadi, Abbas, “Wettability
Condensate Well Deliverability," paper SPE 56484 presented at Alteration to Intermediate Gas-Wetting in Porous Media at
6 SPE 100529

Elevated Temperatures,” Transport in Porous Media, 52(2), Table 2—Synthetic Gas Mixture Properties at Experimental
August, 2003. Conditions
23 Fahes, M. and Firoozabadi, Abbas, Wettability Alteration to Fluid I Fluid II Fluid III
Intermediate Gas-Wetting in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs at (145 °F) (250 °F) (275 °F)
High Temperatures, Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical
Dewpoint (psig) 2,875 3,850 4,153
Conference and Exhibition, v SIGMA, 2005, Conference:
Proceedings 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Core pressure (psig) 1,200 1,500 1,500
Exhibition, Dallas, TX, Oct 9-12. Liquid dropout (V/Vt) % 7.1 10.2 3.2
24 Chopra, A.K., Carter, R. D.: "Proof of the Two-Phase Steadt- Gas viscosity (cP) 0.0173 0.0170 0.0165
State Theory for Flow Through Porous Media", paper SPE
14472, published in SPE Formation Evaluation, December Oil viscosity (cP) 0.128 0.167 0.216
1986. Interfacial tension (dynes/cm) 4.2 4.3 5.0

Table 1—Fluid Composition of Synthetic Gas Mixtures Table 3—Core Specification and Properties
Component Mole % Berea Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir
Fluid I at 145 °F Methane 78.5 Sandstone Core A Core B Core C
n-Butane 15 Diameter (inch) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
n-Heptane 5 Length (inch) 8.0 3.65 4.8 3.75
n-Decane 1.5 Pore volume (cc) 20.6 8.4 10.5 8.01
Fluid II at 250 °F Methane 83 Porosity (%) 20.0 17.8 16.9 16.6
n-Butane 4
n-Heptane 7.2
n-Decane 4
n-Dodecane 1.8
Fluid III at 275 °F Methane 93
n-Butane 4
n-Decane 2
n-Pentadecane 1

Table 4—Properties of Fluorochemicals Evaluated

Commercial name Fluorolink S10 Fluorosyl Zonyl FSO Novec FC4430 Novec FC4432
Vendor Solvey-Solexis Cytonix Dupont 3M 3M
Perfluoropolyether Perfluorooctal Ethoxylated Fluoroaliphatic 100% fluoroaliphatic
Scientific name
ethoxysilane trimethoxysilane alkylfluorosurfactant polymeric ester polymeric ester
Chemistry Silanol Silanol Alkoxy Alkoxy Alkoxy
Molecular weight 1,850 2,000 725 ~10,000 ~10,000
Specific gravity 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.14 1.21
Boiling point (°C) N/A 52 N/A 200 212
Viscosity at room
173 1 5 4,000-6,000 4,000-6,000
temperature (cP)

Table 5—Solubility of Fluorochemicals in Water and Methanol (wt %)

Fluorolink S10 Fluorosyl Zonyl FSO Novec FC4430
Solubility in water at 78 °F Insoluble 0.032 2.2 1.0
Solubility in water at 145 °F Insoluble 0.108 2.7 1.0
Solubility in methanol at 78 °F > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20
Solubility in methanol at 145 °F > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20
SPE 100529 7

Table 6—Improvement in Relative Permeability in Berea Sandstone

Exp-3 Exp-4 Exp-5 Exp-14 Exp-17 Exp-15 Exp 18 Exp-23 Exp-24
Gas permeability, md 230.0 230.0 220.0 230.0 216.0 236.0 225.0 512.0 348.0
Initial water saturation 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Temperature (°F) 145 145 145 250 250 250 250 250 250
Water concentration (wt%) 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 25.0 10.0
FC4430 FC4432 FS10 FC4430 FC4430 FS10 FC4432 FC4430 FC4430
Surfactant concentration (wt %)
(2.0) (2.0) (2.0) (2.0) (0.25) (2.0) (2.0) (2.0) (2.0)
Capillary number 1.38x10-5 1.38x10-5 1.01x10-5 7.76x10-6 6.34x10-5 7.77x10-5 8.35x10-5 5.07x10-5 5.28x10-5
Gas relative permeability before treatment 0.011 0.011 0.014 0.08 0.067 0.062 0.064 0.074 0.062
Gas relative permeability after treatment 0.030 0.042 0.028 0.246 0.181 0.072 0.072 0.108 0.126
Improvement factor 2.73 3.82 2.00 3.08 2.70 1.16 1.13 1.46 2.03

Table 7—Improvement in Relative Permeability in Reservoir

Sandstone Cores 5000
Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Fluid III 275°F
Core A Core B Core C 4000
Gas permeability, md 55.0 8.3 72.0
Fluid II 250°F
Initial water saturation 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pressure, psig 3000
Temperature (°F) 275 275 275
Water in treatment solution (wt%) 4.0 10.0 4.0 2000 Fluid I 145°F
FC4430 FC4430 FC4430
Surfactant concentration (wt %)
(2.0) (2.0) (2.0)
Capillary number 1.93x10-5 2.40x10-5 1.03x10-5
Gas relative permeability before
0.071 0.162 0.119 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
Gas relative permeability after
0.10 0.281 0.248 Temperature, °F
Improvement factor 1.41 1.73 2.08 Fig. 2—Phase envelope of synthetic gas mixtures predicted by


Fluid II 250°F
Liquid Dropout, %



15 Fluid I
Fluid III
5 275°F

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Pressure, psig
Fig. 1—Schematic of core flood set-up.
Fig. 3—Synthetic gas mixtures liquid dropout predicted by
8 SPE 100529

30 0.3

Gas Relative Permeability

Pressure Drop, psig

20 0.2


10 Top-Middle 0.1

Middle-Bottom Inlet-Top
0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3
Pore Volumes Injected Capillary Number
Fig. 4—Pressure drop during dynamic condensate accumulation. Fig. 7—Gas relative permeability from experiments.

50 20
Pressure Drop, psig
Pressure Drop, psig

q=1747 cc/hr
q=819 10 Pre-treatment
20 q=
cc/hr 5 Post-treatment

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150
Pore Volumes Injected Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 5—Pressure drop during dynamic condensate accumulation Fig. 8—Pressure drop before and after chemical treatment with
at different flow rates in Berea sandstone at 250 °F. FC4430 during dynamic condensate accumulation at 250 °F and
302 cc/hr in Berea sandstone.
q=3832 cc/hr

Pressure Drop, psi

Improvement Factor

200 cc/hr

100 q=1389
cc/hr 1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0
Pore Volumes Injected 0 5 10 15 20 25
Water Concentration, wt %
Fig. 6—Pressure drop during dynamic condensate accumulation
at different flow rates in Reservoir Core B at 275 °F. Fig. 9—Effect of water concentration in treatment solution on
improvement in gas relative permeability.
SPE 100529 9

4 0.4 Pre-Treatment, Measured

Pre-Treatment, UT Rel. Perm. Model
Post-Treatment, Measured
Post-Treatment, UT Rel. Perm. Model

Oil Relative Permeability

3 0.3
Improvement Factor

2 0.2

1 0.1

0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3
Treatment Flow Rate, cc/hr Capillary Number
Fig. 10—Effect of treatment flow rate on improvement. Fig. 13—Comparison of pre-treatment and post-treatment oil
relative permeability.

Pressure Drop, psig



0 100 200 300 400 500
Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 11—Pressure drop before and after chemical treatment with
FC4430 during dynamic condensate accumulation at 275 °F and
739 cc/hr in Reservoir Core C.

Pre-Treatment, Measured
Pre-Treatment, UT Rel. Perm. Model
Gas Relative Permeability

Post-Treatment, Measured
0.3 Post-Treatment, UT Rel. Perm. Model



10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3
Capillary Number

Fig. 12—Comparison of pre-treatment and post-treatment gas

relative permeability.

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