1.Lecture 13 Respiratory system 1

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General Human Anatomy

Lecture 13:
Respiratory System 1

Anatomy of Respiratory System

• The respiratory system consists of the :

Nose, pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), trachea , bronchi, and lungs.

• Structurally, the respiratory system consists of two parts:

: ‫يتكون الجهاز التنفسي من حيث التركيب من‬
‫المنطقة العلوية‬
 Nose ‫النف‬
 Nasal cavity (and paranasal sinuses) ‫تجويف النف‬
 Pharynx ‫الحلق او البلعوم‬
 Larynx ‫الحنجرة‬
2. The LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT, includes: ‫المنطقة السفلية‬
 Trachea ‫القصبة‬ ‫االلعلوية‬
 Bronchi ‫الشعب الهوائية‬
 Lungs ‫الرئتين‬

Functionally,the respiratory system consists of two parts: : ‫يتكون الجهاز التنفسي من حيث الوظيفة من‬

1. The CONDUCTING ZONE: ‫المنطقة المسؤولة عن توصيل الهواء‬

• Function: Filter, warm, and moisten air and conduct it into

the respiratory zone.

• Include: The nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea,

bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles.

2. The RESPIRATORY ZONE: ‫المنطقة المسؤولة عن تبادل الغازات‬

• Function: Gas exchange occur in these zone.
• Include: The respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts,
alveolar sacs and alveoli.

The Nose ‫النف‬

• It has two portions : the external portions (‫ )خارجي‬and internal portions (‫)داخلي‬

1. The external portion:

• A pyramidal projection of face, and the only visible part of the respiratory system.
• Its is supported by a framework of bone and cartilage
covered with skin

2. The internal portion: A large cavity in the skull (nasal cavity) communicating with the face anteriorly
and with the pharynx (throat) posteriorly.

The External Nose

Nasal Cavity

• Extends from the nostrils in front to the posterior

nasal aperture (choanae) in the back

 Opens anteriorly on the face by the nostrils

 Open posteriorly into the nasopharynx by the

• Divided into right and left halves by the

nasal septum. (‫)الحاجز النفي‬

• The anterior portion of the nasal cavity just inside the

nostrils, called the nasal vestibule, is surrounded by

• Each nasal cavity has a floor, roof, medial wall, and

lateral wall.

Nasal Vestibule


 Posteriorly, nasal cavity opens into the nasopharynx through two openings called the choanae
 Rigid openings completely surrounded by bone.

Roof is formed of: ‫سقف تجويف النف‬

1. Nasal bone.

2. Nasal spine of frontal bone.

3. Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone.

‫صفيحة مخرمة مثل الغربال أو المصفى‬

4. Sloping (‫ )المائل‬body of sphenoid.

Floor (hard palate) is formed of: (‫)أرضية تجويف النف‬
1. Palatine process of maxilla
2. Horizontal plate of palatine bone

Palatine process of maxilla

Horizontal plate
of palatine bone
Medial wall (nasal septum) divides the nasal cavity into right and left
halves, it is formed of:

1. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone (above).

2. Septal cartilage (below and in front).
3. Vomer (below and behind).

Lateral wall

• The lateral wall of each nasal cavity is complex and is

formed bone, cartilage, and soft tissues.

• The surface of the lateral wall is irregular in contour

and characterized by three curved shelves (conchae):

1. Superior concha
2. Middle concha }
Parts of ethmoid bones

3. Inferior concha >> separate bone

• The inferior, middle, and superior conchae extend medially

across the nasal cavity, separating it into four air channels:
- Inferior meatus
- Middle meatus
- Superior meatus
- Spheno-ethmoidal recess.
The Mucous Membrane of the Nasal Cavity

• The nasal cavities are lined with respiratory mucus


• Except:

 The vestibule: lined with modified skin with coarse hair.

 The olfactory region: the region above the superior

concha (Upper 1/3rd) is lined with olfactory mucus
membrane and contain nerve endings (olfactory receptors).

Olfactory bulb

Olfactory nerves

Characteristics of Respiratory Mucus Membrane:

• Has an extensive network of blood vessels

Heat from the blood in these vessels warms incoming air to body temperature and moistens the cavity
through evaporation of water from the mucous layer.

• Contains many goblet cells (secrete mucous)

• Is ciliated (‫)لها شعيرات‬

Cilia push a thin layer of mucus (along with any particles trapped in it) toward the pharynx where it is
swallowed and microorganisms are destroyed by the gastric juice in the stomach.


• They are a group of four paired air-filled spaces that

surround the nasal cavity:

1. Maxillary sinus
2. Sphenoidal sinus
3. Frontal sinus
4. Ethmoidal cells

• Open into the nose (into lateral wall of the nasal


• Functions:
• Resonance chambers of the voice
• Decrease weight of the skull
Each sinus is name after the bone it resides in!
‫شبه القمع‬ Pharynx

• The pharynx is funnel shaped muscular tube that links the oral and Pharynx
nasal cavities to the larynx and esophagus.
Nasal cavity
• 12 – 14 cm long.

• Extends from the base of the skull to the level of the sixth Oral cavity
cervical vertebra (C6). Esophagus

• The pharyngeal cavity is a common pathway for air and food.


Pharynx is divided into three sections by location:

1. Nasopharynx: Posterior to the nasal cavity

2. Oropharynx: posterior to the oral cavity.

3. Laryngopharynx: posterior to the laryngeal inlet


- Location: Nasopharynx
 Posterior to the nasal cavity
 Superior to the soft palate.

• Communicates with:
1. Anteriorly with nasal cavity through

2. Inferiorly, it becomes continuous with the

oropharynx behind the soft palate through the
pharyngeal isthmus.

3. The opening of the auditory tube lies on the

lateral wall, through which the pharynx

with the middle ear. 23

‫مجموعة من الاليا التابعة لجهار المناعة‬

• The roof contains a collection of lymphoid tissue

called the pharyngeal tonsil
• (known as adenoids whnen elarged).

‫التهاب اللحمية بتحصل في الطفال‬


• Location: posterior to the oral cavity Inferior to the

level of the soft palate.

• On the lateral wall, the palatoglossal and

palatopharyngeal arches, and palatine tonsils
between them.

• Common respiratory and digestive pathway

through which both air and swallowed food and
drink pass.

• Two pairs of tonsils, the palatine tonsil (in lateral

wall) and lingual tonsil (in anterior wall) are found
in the oropharynx.

Palatoglossal arches
Palatopharyngeal arches

Palatine tonsil

Palatine tonsils

The palatine tonsils are on the lateral

walls of the oropharynx between the
palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal

Lingual tonsils

The anterior wall of the oropharynx

inferior to the oropharyngeal isthmus is
formed by the upper part of the
posterior one-third of the tongue. The Anterior two third of tongue it is a part of oral
cavity but the posterior one third it is a part of
lingual tonsil is in the mucosa oropharynx.
covering this part of the tongue
• Lies behind the larynx.

• Extends from upper margin of the epiglottis to the lower

border of cricoid cartilage (C6).

• Communicates with:
- Above: oropharynx
- Below: esophagus
- Anteriorly: larynx

• Common respiratory and digestive

pathway through which both air and swallowed food and
drink pass. Esophagus


• Larynx is the organ of voice production

(voice box).

• Acts as protective sphincter of lower respiratory tract.

• Location:
 Located in front of the neck opposite to C3-C6 vertebrae,
lying in front of laryngopharynx.

 Extends from the upper border of epiglottis to the lower

border of cricoid cartilage.

The larynx is the organ of
 Phonation (voice box)
 Respiratory (air) passage
 Acts as protective sphincter of lower
respiratory tract

The larynx is suspended from the

hyoid bone above and attached to
the trachea below by membranes
and ligaments.

The Framework of the Larynx

• The framework of the larynx consists of cartilages, ligaments and membranes.

• Cartilages are 3 unpaired and 3 paired:

 Single
Thyroid cartilage,
Cricoid cartilage ,

 Paired
Arytenoid cartilage,
Corniculate cartilage
Cuneiform cartilage

Cartilages of the Larynx

Thyroid Cartilage

• It is the largest of the laryngeal cartilages

• V-shaped hyaline cartilage with two lamiae

fused in the median plane that forms the
laryngeal prominence ('Adam's apple’).

• Its posterior border continues above with

superior horn and below with inferior horn.

The angle between the

two laminae is more
acute in men (90°) than in
women (120°) so the
laryngeal prominence is
more apparent in men
than women.
Thyrohyoid membrane

Hyoid bone


• Leaf shaped cartilage, ‫شبه ورقة الشجرة‬

• The Upper free end extends up behind the hyoid bone and
the base of the tongue.

• It is connected anteriorly from above downwards to:

1. Tongue.
2. Hyoid bone
3. Thyroid cartilage


Hyoid bone

Thyroid cartilage

lateral glossoepiglottic folds

median glossoepiglottic fold

Cricoid Cartilage
‫شبه الخاتم‬

• Signet ring shaped cartilage with a narrow arch in

front and broad lamina posteriorly.

• It is the only complete ring in the respiratory system.

• Lies at the level of C6 vertebra and its lower border

marks the end of larynx.

Arytenoid cartilages

• The two arytenoid cartilages are pyramid-shaped

cartilages in the back of larynx.

Corniculate cartilage

• lies at the apex of the arytenoid cartilages.

Cuneiform cartilage

• Two Small rod-shaped cartilages, are suspended

in the aryepiglottic folds, and serve to strengthen

Aryepiglottic fold

Corniculate cartilage Cuneiform cartilage

False vocal cords

• They are called so because they don’t take part phonation.

• They are fixed on each side of the larynx.
• They are vascular and pink in color (in Laryngoscopy).

True vocal cords

• They are mobile on each side of the larynx.
• They are concerned with voice production.
• They are avascular and white in color.
• The gap between the vocal folds is called rima glottidis

‫فتحة او شق‬ ‫مزمار‬


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