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Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

David J. Goldberg, Mussarrat Hussain


ondary to genetics or medical conditions. These

Core Messages
individuals may be classified as having hir-
 A wide variety of lasers can now sutism or hypertrichosis. More commonly,
induce permanent changes in un- those seeking hair removal have hair that would
wanted hair. be considered normal in distribution and den-
 Hair removal lasers are distinguished sity. However, these individuals, for emotional,
not only by their emitted wave- social, cultural, cosmetic, or other reasons,
lengths, but also by their delivered want the hair to be removed.
pulse durations, peak fluences, spot There has always been the need for an ideal
size delivery systems, and associated method of hair removal that is both practical
cooling. and effective. Traditional hair removal tech-
 Nd:YAG lasers with effective cooling niques have included shaving, waxing, tweez-
represent the safest approach for the ing, chemical depilation, and electrolysis.
treatment of darker skin. In the early twentieth century, radiograph
 Complications from laser hair re- machines were widely used for removal of facial
moval are more common in darker hair in women. Unfortunately, these treatments
skin types. were associated with a high risk of complica-
 Pain during laser hair removal is gen- tions and the potential for subsequent treat-
erally a heat-related phenomenon ment-induced carcinogenesis.
and is multifactorial. Maiman, using a ruby crystal in 1960, devel-
 Laser treatment of nonpigmented oped stimulated laser emission of a 694-nm red
hairs remains a challenge. light. This was the first working laser, and it is
from this prototype that today’s lasers are
derived. Since 1960, research and technical
advances have led to modern day lasers. Leon
Goldman, the father of laser surgery, published
History preliminary results on the effects of a ruby laser
for the treatment of skin diseases. Ohshiro et al.
Human hair, its amount and distribution, plays noted hair loss from nevi after treatment with a
an important role in defining appearance in ruby laser (Ohshiro et al. 1983).
contemporary society. Hair also functions in Early reports described the use of a CO2
many mammals as a sensory organ, reduces laser to eliminate unwanted hair on flaps used
friction in certain anatomic sites, protects for pharyngoesophageal procedures. A continu-
against the environment by providing thermal ous-wave Nd:YAG laser has also been shown to
insulation and thermoregulation, aids in remove hair in urethral grafts All of this early
pheromone dissemination, and plays both work described lasers using ablative techniques
social and sexual roles (Wheeland 1997). with the effect of nonspecific vaporization of
Individuals, seeking consultation for the skin cells. These methods are not commonly
removal of unwanted body hair, generally have used for hair removal today because of their
increased hair in undesirable locations sec- limited effectiveness as well as their commonly
62 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

induced permanent pigmentary changes and to be damaged by heat diffusion from the highly
scarring. pigmented/strongly absorbing portion of the
chromophore (the heater or absorber). Such
nonspecific thermal damage evokes the concept
Selective Photothermolysis of thermal damage time (TDT). The TDT of a
target is the time required for irreversible target
A detailed understanding of laser-tissue inter- damage with sparing of the surrounding tissue.
action emerged in 1983 as the theory of selective For a nonuniformly absorbing target structure,
photothermolysis was conceived for the laser the TDT is the time it takes for the outermost
4 treatment of pediatric port wine stains (Ander- part of the target to reach a target damage tem-
son et al. 1983) perature through heat diffusion from the heated
The theory of selective photothermolysis led chromophore.
to the concept of a laser-induced injury con- According to the concept of extended selec-
fined to microscopic sites of selective light tive photothermolysis, target damage can still
absorption in the skin, such as blood vessels, be selective even though the TDT is many times
pigmented cells, and unwanted hair with mini- as long as the thermal relaxation time (TRT) of
mal damage to the adjacent tissues. To achieve the actual target.
this selective effect, lasers would need to fulfill This new extended theory of selective ther-
three requirements: mal damage of nonuniformly pigmented struc-
1. They should emit a wavelength that is highly tures in biological tissue postulates that the tar-
absorbed by the targeted structure. get is destroyed by heat diffusion from the
2. They should produce sufficiently high ener- absorbing chromophore to the target but not by
gies to inflict thermal damage to the target. direct heating from laser irradiation, as is seen
3. The time of tissue exposure to the laser with selective photothermolysis. This theory
should be short enough to limit the damage has now been applied to the treatment of
to the target without heat diffusion to the unwanted hair. Ultimately, the use of hair
surrounding tissues. This is known as the removal lasers expanded rapidly with the sub-
thermal relaxation time (TRT). sequent development of appropriate cooling
devices that minimized epidermal injury.
These concepts revolutionized cutaneous laser
treatment and led to the development of success-
ful laser and light-based hair removal devices. Physical Basis of Laser Hair Removal

Successful treatment of unwanted hair is depen-

dent on an understanding of the optical proper-
Extended Theory ties of the skin. It is these properties that deter-
of Selective Photothermolysis mine the behavior of light within the hair shaft
and bulb, including the relative amount of
The concept of selective photothermolysis (An- absorption of incoming photons.
derson et al. 1983) emphasizes both the selective Different physical factors including deliv-
damage and minimum light energy require- ered fluence, wavelength, pulse duration, and
ments seen with current laser technology. How- spot size diameter play an important role in
ever, the use of such a short pulse width laser maximizing the efficacy and safety of laser-
system may become inapplicable when the tar- assisted hair removal.
get absorption is nonuniform over a treatment For optimal laser hair removal, one needs to
area. This may be seen when the actual target use an optimal set of laser parameters based on
exhibits weak or no absorption, yet other sur- anatomic and physical principles. This is deter-
rounding portions of the target exhibit signifi- mined by a time–temperature combination
cant absorption. If this is the case, the weakly with the ultimate effect being transfollicular
absorbing part of the target chromophore has denaturation.
Factors Affecting Efficacy/Results 63

Pulse Duration Fluence

Laser pulse width seems to play an important In general, higher-delivered laser fluences lead
role in laser-assisted hair removal. Thermal to better laser hair removal results. However,
conduction during the laser pulse heats a region the higher the utilized fluence, the greater the
around each microscopic site of optical energy discomfort and risk of complications. The effec-
absorption. The spatial scale of thermal con- tive fluence for any one area of hair is deter-
finement and resultant thermal or thermome- mined mainly by hair color, whereas the toler-
chanical damage is therefore strongly related ated fluence is determined mainly by skin color.
to the laser pulse width. Q-switched laser The tolerance fluence can be increased sub-
nanosecond pulses effectively damage individ- stantially by various means, such as cooling the
ual pigment cells within a hair follicle by con- skin surface before, during, and/or after the
finement of heat at the spatial level of melano- optical pulse.
somes (Zenzie et al. 2000). They can induce
leukotrichia and cause a temporary hair growth
delay, but do not inactivate the follicle itself. Factors Affecting Efficacy/Results
On the other hand, lasers with longer pulse
durations not only allow gentle heating of the Hair Color
melanosomes, but also target the entire follicu-
lar epithelium by allowing thermal conduction Hair color is genetically determined, and is a
from the pigmented hair shaft and pigmented result of both the type and amount of melanin
epithelial cells to the entire follicular structure. within the hair shaft. Melanin production occurs
Therefore, lasers emitting longer pulse only during the anagen phase, by melanocytes in
durations can achieve two goals: (1) Epidermal the bulb that transfer melanin granules to hair
melanosomes are preserved. This then helps to keratinocytes. Distinct types of melanosomes
preserve the epidermis. (2) Adequate heat diffu- exist in hair of different colors. Dark hair con-
sion occurs to the surrounding follicle from the tains large numbers of eumelanin granules,
light-absorbing melanized bulb and shaft. whereas light hair contains mostly pheomelanin.
The use of a longer laser-emitted pulse Red hair contains erythromelanin granules that
width may necessitate the use of higher fluences are rich in pheomelanin. In gray hair, melano-
because the longer pulse now heats a larger vol- cytes show degenerative changes such as vacu-
ume of tissue. This may be of some benefit in oles and poorly melanized melanosomes,
allowing higher fluences to be used on dark whereas in white hair melanocytes are greatly
skin types with both less risk of epidermal reduced in number or are absent.
injury and increased chances of transfollicular Most individuals demonstrate greater
damage. melanin density in their hair as compared to
their skin epidermis such that the absorption
coefficient of the hair shaft and bulb is roughly
Spot Size 2–6 times that of the epidermis. Thus, hair will
generally absorb more of the melanin-absorb-
Large diameter laser exposure spots (e.g., ing wavelengths emitted from today’s laser and
> 10 mm) are associated with substantially less light source hair removal systems.
loss of energy intensity with depth of dermal Thus, color contrast between the epidermis
penetration as compared to small-diameter and the hair shaft are paramount in determin-
exposure spots. This is because optical scatter- ing the optimal wavelengths and pulse duration
ing by dermal collagen causes light to diffuse as for successful treatment. For high contrast
it penetrates into the dermis. The larger the (dark hair and light skin) high fluences, shorter
spot, the less is the associated scattering. wavelengths, and relatively short pulse dura-
tions can be used without risking epidermal
injury. Conversely, low contrast areas (dark hair
64 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

and dark skin) require lower fluences, longer son, anatomic region, sex, hormonal levels, and
wavelengths, and longer pulse durations for safe certain genetic predispositions. It is these varia-
treatment. tions that have led to the tremendous disparity
in hair cycles reported by various investigators.
The catagen stage is relatively constant and
Growth Centers of Hairs is generally of 3 weeks duration, whereas the
telogen phase usually lasts approximately
The hair follicle is a self-regenerating structure 3 months.
and contains a population of stem cells capable The overall length of the hair is determined
4 of reproducing themselves. It has been noted, at primarily by the duration of the anagen phase.
least in animal models, that a complete hair fol- Human hair appears to grow continuously,
licle can be regenerated even after the matrix- because the growth cycles of different hair folli-
containing hair follicle is surgically removed. cles are in dysynchrony with each other.
Although the dermal papilla is not technically The histologic appearance of a hair follicle
part of the actual hair, it remains a very impor- also differs dramatically with the stages of
tant site for future hair induction, and melanin growth. The anagen follicle penetrates deepest
production in terminal hairs. in the skin, typically to the level of subcuta-
Long-term hair removal has been tradition- neous fat. Catagen is characterized by pyknotic
ally thought to require that a laser or light changes in the nuclei of the kerotinocytes, fol-
source impact on one or more growth centers of lowed by apoptosis of the transient portion of
hair. The major growth centers have always the follicle. The entire transient portion (which
been thought to be in the hair matrix. However, begins at the level of the insertion of arrector
research evaluating growth of new hair has pili muscle and extends to the deepest portion)
revealed that the matrix is not the only growth is absorbed, except for the basement mem-
center. New hairs may evolve from the dermal brane. As the new anagen progresses, the sec-
papilla, follicular matrix, or the “bulge.” These ondary hair germ descends, enlarges, and begin
stem cells are usually found in a well-protected, to produce a hair shaft.
highly vascularized and innervated area, often Although reports of anagen duration, telo-
in close proximity to a population of rapidly gen duration, and the percentage of telogen
proliferating cells. They always remain intact hairs represent an inexact science, most discus-
and, in fact, are left behind after hair plucking. sions of laser hair removal take into account dif-
Stem cells are relatively undifferentiated both ferent anatomic areas in terms of anagen and
ultrastructurally and biochemically. They have telogen cycles.
a large proliferative potential, and are responsi- It is the sensitivity of the anagen hair to a vari-
ble for the long-term maintenance and regener- ety of destructive processes, including laser and
ation of the hair-generating tissue. They can be light source damage, that leads to a metabolic
stimulated to proliferate in response to wound- disturbance of the mitotically active anagen
ing and certain growth stimuli. matrix cells. The response pattern is dependent
both on the duration and intensity of the insult.
Lin et al. (Lin et al. 1998) postulate that folli-
Hair Cycle cles treated in the telogen phase show only a
growth delay for weeks, whereas, when those
All human hairs show various stages of hair follicles are treated in the anagen phase they
growth. The hair cycle is divided into three may be susceptible to lethal damage, may have a
stages: anagen, the period of activity or growth growth delay, or may simply switch into telogen
phase; catagen, the period of regression or phase. This could partly explain the growth
regression phase; and telogen, the period of dynamics of the hair cycle. Repeated treatments
quiescence or resting phase. could lead to a synchronization of the anagen
Anagen growth phase varies greatly (and phase by induction and/or shortening of the
can last up to 6 years) depending on age, sea- telogen phase, which could increase the effec-
Factors Affecting Efficacy/Results 65

tiveness of hair removal with each consecutive eralized increased growth in hair. Estrogens
treatment. Another explanation might be that have only minimal effects on hair growth.
the follicle is not destroyed immediately, but Androgens are the most important determinant
shows a growth arrest after only one (short- of the type of hair distributed throughout the
ened) anagen cycle. Some have questioned the body. The principal circulating androgen,
assumption that effective laser hair removal is testosterone, is converted in the hair follicle
determined solely by treating hairs in the ana- by 5-alpha reductase to dihydrotestosterone
gen cycle. These investigators suggest that (DHT), which stimulate the dermal papilla to
melanin within a hair follicle may be more produce a terminal melanized hair. The effect of
important than the actual time of treatment. androgens on hair growth is skin area-specific,
due to local variations in androgen receptor and
5-alpha reductase content). While the effect of
Cooling androgens on hairs (i. e., terminalization of vel-
lus hairs) will be more readily apparent in skin
Laser hair removal-associated epidermal cool- areas with a greater numbers of hair follicles,
ing can be achieved by various means, including hair follicle density does not correlate with fol-
ice, a cooled gel layer, a cooled glass chamber, a licular sensitivity to androgens. Some areas of
cooled sapphire or copper window, a pulsed the body, termed nonsexual skin (e. g., that of
cryogen spray, or solid air flow. the eyelashes, eyebrows, and lateral and occipi-
Epidermal melanin and melanized hairs tal aspects of the scalp), are relatively indepen-
present competing sites for absorption of light dent of the effect of androgens.
energy. Selective cooling is essential to effec- Other areas are quite sensitive to androgens.
tively minimize photothermal-induced epider- In these locations hair follicles are terminalized
mal adverse effects. In addition, epidermal even in the presence of relatively low levels of
cooling also permits higher fluences to be deliv- androgens. Such areas include the pubic area
ered to the treated follicular structures. Ideally, and the axilla, which begin to develop terminal
the epidermal temperature should be signifi- hair even in early puberty when only minimally
cantly but harmlessly decreased by the cooling increased amounts of androgens are observed.
procedure, while the target follicular tempera- Finally, some areas of skin respond only to high
ture should remain unchanged or changed levels of androgens. These sites include the
insignificantly. If this condition is not met, the chest, abdomen, back, thighs, upper arms, and
laser fluences must be increased to compensate face. The presence of terminal hairs in these
for the lower target temperature. areas is characteristically masculine, and if pres-
ent in women is considered pathological, i. e.,
Age Hirsutism is defined as the presence in
women of terminal hairs in a male-like pattern.
In an isolated study a significant negative corre- This affects between 5% and 10% of surveyed
lation was noted between successful hair women. Hirsutism above all else should be
removal and the age of the patients, suggesting principally considered a sign of an underlying
that hair removal was more effective in younger endocrine or metabolic disorder, and these
patients. However, other studies on hair re- patients should undergo a thorough evaluation.
moval have not found age to be a factor in deter- The hormonal therapy of hirsutism consists of
mining efficacy. medications that either suppress androgen pro-
duction, or block androgen action.
The main purpose of hormonal therapy is to
Hormones stop new hairs from growing and potentially
slow the growth of terminal hairs already pre-
A number of hormones affect hair growth, with sent. Although hormonal therapy alone will
thyroid and growth hormones producing a gen- sometimes produce a thinning and loss of pig-
66 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

mentation of terminal hairs, it generally will not ness, a single pulse of 3 ms or twin pulses (i. e.,
reverse the terminalization of hairs. two 3-ms pulses delivered with a delay of
100 ms) can be chosen. The E2000 uses a sap-
phire-cooled handpiece (Epiwand) to protect
the epidermis during laser irradiation. The sap-
Currently Available Lasers and Light phire lens is actively cooled to 0° or –10°C and
Sources Used for Hair Removal put in direct contact with the skin.
The long-pulsed EpiPulse Ruby laser (Lume-
In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration nis) employs triple-pulse technology with
4 (FDA) has traditionally used electrolysis results 10-ms intervals between pulses. This train of
as a benchmark to evaluate laser treatment effi- pulses keeps the follicle temperature sufficiently
cacy, despite the near lack of significant scien- high to cause destruction. Epidermal cooling is
tific data about electrolysis. In the initially sub- achieved by applying a thick layer of cooled
mitted studies, all hair removal devices were transparent gel on the skin.
required to show a 30% decrease in hair growth The RubyStar (Aesculap-Meditec) is a dual-
at 3 months after a single treatment (Tope et al. mode ruby laser that uses a contact skin cooling
1998). method. It can operate in the nanosecond Q-
This criterion clearly does not equate with switched mode for the treatment of tattoos and
permanent hair loss, as a delay in hair growth, pigmented lesions and in the normal millisec-
which usually lasts for 1–3 months, is simply ond mode for hair removal. Its integrated cool-
consistent with the induction of the telogen ing device consists of a cooled contact hand-
stage. Permanent hair reduction results should piece which precools the skin before laser pulse
be based on the cyclic growth phases for hair delivery.
follicles, and should refer to a significant reduc- Although the mechanism of ruby laser
tion in the number of terminal hairs after a induction of follicular injury is likely to be ther-
given treatment. There must be a reduction that mal, the precise contributions of photomechan-
is stable for a period of time longer than the ical damage or thermal denaturation to follicu-
complete growth cycle of hair follicles at any lar injury are unknown. It is possible that after
given body site. absorption of radiant energy, the large temper-
Multiple laser systems are currently avail- ature differences between the absorbing mela-
able and approved by the FDA for hair removal. nosomes and their surroundings produce a
The lists below include the more popular sys- localized rapid volume expansion. This would
tems. They are not meant to be all-inclusive. then lead to microvaporization or “shock
waves,” which cause structural damage to the
hairs (Anderson et al. 1983). On the other hand,
Ruby Lasers thermal denaturation leading to melanosomal
damage is also possible. Histologic evaluation
Ruby lasers (694 nm), used for hair removal of laser-treated mouse skin has revealed evi-
includes: dence of thermal coagulation and asymmetric
 Epilaser/E2000 (Palomar, Lexington, MA) focal rupture of the follicular epithelium (Lin
 EpiPulse Ruby (Lumenis, Santa Clara, CA) et al. 1998). Secondary damage to adjacent
 RubyStar (Aesculap Meditec., Irvine, CA) organelles could theoretically result either from
thermal diffusion or from propagation of shock
Epilaser/E2000 (Palomar). With this laser, waves.
light is delivered through a fiber, and two differ- Because of its comparatively short ruby
ent spot sizes (10 mm and 20 mm) are available. laser wavelength, this hair removal system is
A retroreflector is built into the hand piece, best suited for the treatment of dark hair in
allowing photon recycling and therefore higher light skin. It also may be more efficacious than
energy delivery (Anderson et al. 1999; Ross et al. longer wavelength devices for the treatment of
1996). Depending on skin type or hair thick- light hair or red to red-brown hair (Ross et al.
Currently Available Lasers and Light Sources 67

1999). Because of the high melanin absorption The GentleLase (Candela) delivers a 3-ms
coefficient at 694 nm, the ruby laser must be pulse duration, spot sizes of 8–18 mm, and flu-
used with caution in darkly pigmented or tan ences ranging from 10 to 100 J/cm2. It employs a
patients. dynamic cooling device (DCD) to protect the
A number of reports have documented the epidermis. The DCD cooling method uses short
efficacy of ruby laser hair removal in varying (5–100 ms) cryogen spurts, delivered to the skin
types of skin using different laser parameters. surface through an electronically controlled
The published hair reduction rates have ranged solenoid valve; the quantity of cryogen deliv-
from a 37% to 72% reduction 3 months after one ered is proportional to the spurt duration.
to three treatments to a 38%–49% hair reduc- There are a number of advantages in using
tion 1 year after three treatment sessions long-pulsed alexandrite lasers for hair removal.
(Williams et al. 1998). As would be expected, Some of the long-pulsed alexandrite laser sys-
multiple treatments at 3- to 5-week intervals tems are compact and can be used in small
produce a greater degree of hair reduction than rooms if adequate ventilation is available. Their
is seen after a single session. In general, higher flexible fiberoptic arm is easy to manipulate and
delivered fluences do lead to better hair removal provides access to hard-to-reach body areas.
success, although complications also increase. The large spot sizes and frequency (1–5 Hz)
Studies with larger numbers of patients have improves the possibility of rapidly treating
confirmed that hair counts are reduced by large body areas.
approximately 30% after a single treatment The alexandrite laser wave length of 755 nm
with ruby laser (Williams et al. 1998). The is absorbed about 20% less strongly by melanin
effects of multiple treatments sessions are addi- compared with the ruby laser wavelength of
tive, as hair counts are reduced by approxi- 694 nm. Its absorption by the competing chro-
mately 60% after three or four treatment ses- mophore, oxyhemoglobin, is substantially in-
sions. Whether 100% permanent hair removal creased as compared to the 694-nm wavelength.
can be achieved remains open to debate. However, the longer wavelength of 755 nm pene-
trates more deeply into the dermis and is less
absorbed by epidermal melanin. This theoreti-
Alexandrite Lasers cally decreases the risk of epidermal damage,
especially in individuals with darker skin types.
Several long-pulsed alexandrite lasers (755 nm) Because dermal scattering decreases with
are being used for hair removal, including: increasingly longer wavelengths, 755-nm light
 Apogee series (Cynosure, Chelmsford, MA) penetrates deeper into tissue than does shorter
 Epitouch ALEX (Lumenis, Santa Clara, CA) wavelengths. In theory, the use of longer wave-
 GentleLase (Candela, Wayland, MA) lengths should increase the ratio of energy
deposited in the dermis relative to the epider-
The Apogee system (Cynosure) provides pulse mis. This would result in relatively increased
durations between 5 and 40 ms and fluences up bulb heating while at the same time promoting
to 50 J/cm2. A cooling handpiece (SmartCool) epidermal sparing (Ross et al. 1999).
blows a continuous flow of chilled air into The reported hair removal success rate
the treatment area. The scanner option using an alexandrite laser has ranged from 40%
(SmartScan) enables treatment of large areas to 80% at 6 months after several treatments
with an unobstructed view, speedy treatment, (Gorgu et al. 2000) In a controlled randomized
and ease of use with minimal operator fatigue. study using a single 20 J/cm2, 5- to 20-ms
The Epitouch ALEX (Lumenis) delivers a alexandrite laser on various anatomic sites,
2-ms pulse duration, spot sizes of 5–10 mm, and investigators reported a 40% reduction in
fluences of 10–25 J/cm2. A cooling gel is applied hair growth 6 months after treatment. This
to the skin before treatment, and a scanning increased to > 50% (on the upper lip) if a sec-
device can be used to treat larger body-surface ond treatment was performed after 8 weeks. In
areas. another study, one treatment with a variable
68 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

pulsed alexandrite laser produced maximum expected, repeated treatments, generally at 4-

hair growth reduction at 6 months of 40%–56% week intervals, appears to improve results (Lou
for the lip, leg, and back. Finally, one study has et al. 2000).
noted a mean 74% bikini hair reduction 1 year
after five alexandrite laser treatments.
Nd:YAG Lasers

Diode Lasers Millisecond Nd:YAG lasers (1064 nm) used for

hair removal include:
4 Diode lasers (800 nm) used for hair removal  Lyra (Laserscope, San Jose, CA)
include:  CoolGlide (Cutera, Brisbane, CA)
 LightSheer (Lumenis, Santa Clara, CA)  Yaglase (Depilase, Irvine, CA)
 Apex-800, (Iriderm, Mountain View, CA)  Image (Sciton, Palo Alto, CA)
 LaserLite, (Diomed, Boston, MA)  VascuLight (Lumenis, Santa Clara, CA)
 SLP 1000 (Palomar Medical Technologies,
Lexington, MA) The longer Nd:YAG laser wavelength provides
 MeDioStar (Aesculap-Meditec, Irvine, CA) deeper penetration, a necessary factor in the
 EpiStar (Nidek, Freemont, CA) attempt to achieve optimal laser hair removal
results. In addition, the 1064-nm wavelength is
Although the myriad diode lasers vary in their relatively less absorbed by epidermal melanin
delivered energies, spot sizes, pulse duration, than are the 694- to 810-nm wavelengths. It is
and associated cooling devices, they all set a this decreased melanin absorption that leads to
popular standard for efficiency, reliability, and the greater pigmented epidermal safety seen
portability. with these systems.
Because of reduced scattering at the longer Although the 1064-nm wavelength is less
810-nm diode wavelengths, light from the diode well absorbed by melanin than shorter wave-
laser penetrates more deeply into the skin. At lengths, the absorption appears to be enough to
800 nm, 24% of incident fluence reaches a achieve the selective photothermolysis of the
depth of 3 mm, whereas only 5% reaches the pigmented hair follicle (Lin et al. 1998). The use
same depth with 700-nm light (Ross et al. 1999). of appropriate fluences and effective epidermal
Also, 800-nm energy is 30% less absorbed by cooling devices leads to an effective hair
melanin than that of the ruby laser, yet the 800- removal device with little risk of complications
nm wavelength leads to better optical penetra- when such lasers are used correctly. Although
tion. the relatively low melanin absorption would
In general, the diode laser system has been appear to be a disadvantage in the treatment of
found to be better tolerated by patients with pigmented hair, the Nd:YAG laser’s advantage is
darker skin types (V–VI) as compared to the its ability to reduce the thermal damage of the
ruby laser (Adrian et al. 2000). This is likely due laser-treated melanin containing epidermis.
to its longer wavelength, longer pulse width, Thus, side effects are decreased in darker-
and associated active cooling. skinned patients).
In a prospective controlled trial, the 810-nm Although Nd:YAG laser treatment usually
diode laser demonstrated a significant reduc- leads to less dramatic results when compared to
tion in hair growth (Lou et al. 2000). Overall, other laser systems available for hair reduction,
clinical studies with the diode laser system have its 1064-nm wavelength decreased absorption
reported variable success rates ranging from by melanin may also cause a lesser incidence of
65–75% hair reduction at 3 months after one to epidermal side effects, including blistering and
two treatments with fluences of 10–40 J/cm2. abnormal pigmentation (Nanni et al. 1999).
This was increased to > 75% hair reduction in Short-term hair reduction in the range of
91% of subjects 8 months after three to four 20%–60% has been obtained with the long
treatments at 40 J/cm2 (Williams et al. 1999). As pulsed Nd:YAG lasers.
Currently Available Lasers and Light Sources 69

Early clinical studies have demonstrated less Different studies have compared the effec-
hair reduction/laser session with Nd:YAG lasers tiveness of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser hair
as compared to the published results with either removal with ruby and alexandrite laser treat-
ruby or alexandrite lasers ments. Millisecond pulse ruby and alexandrite
However, preliminary studies suggest that lasers showed greater hair reduction than was
newer, high powered long-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers seen with Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers. Relatively
may provide hair loss comparable to that seen weak absorption by the innate target chro-
with other devices. The long-term efficacy and mophore melanin of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
precise role of the long-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers energy translates into less energy available to
remains to be established. damage the follicle. Therefore, a lesser hair
removal effect is seen.
Several studies have examined the 1064-nm
Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with and without a
topically applied chromophore. However, in one
Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers have been used to controlled study (Nanni et al. 1997), using a sin-
target topically applied carbon particles that gle Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment, 100%
have previously been applied to the hair follicle. hair regrowth was observed at 6 months irre-
This method was one of the first available laser spective of the treatment. Although capable of
hair removal techniques. This short term hair inducing delayed regrowth, Q-switched Nd:YAG
removal technique has also been used without laser treatment appears to be ineffective at pro-
the prior application of carbon. ducing long-term hair removal.
Immediately after Q-switched 1064-nm
laser irradiation of carbon coated hairs, the car-
bon is heated to its vaporization temperature of Intense Pulsed Light Systems
about 3,700 °C. Vaporization leads to a huge vol-
ume expansion with resultant supersonic prolif- Intense pulsed light (IPL) systems are high
eration of high pressure waves. These shock intensity pulsed light sources which emit poly-
waves, in turn, produce mechanical damage, as chromatic light in a broad wavelength spectrum
well as the development of heat. It is not clear of 515–1200 nm. The emitted wavelengths deter-
how much mechanical and/or heat energy pro- mine not only the absorption pattern of the
duced by this mechanism is required for emitted light but also the penetration depth of
destruction of a hair follicle. However, histo- the light. With the aid of different cut-off filters
logic evidence of follicular damage is seen after (515–755 nm), which only allow a defined wave-
such a laser exposure. This results in a clinical length emission spectrum, the optimal wave-
delay of hair growth. length spectrum can be filtered to correspond
Depending on the position and amount of to the depth of the target structure (i. e., hair fol-
the topically applied chromophore, as well as licles). Similarly, the emitted wavelengths can
the energy administered, it may be possible to be adopted to the patient’s individual skin type.
occasionally irreversibly damage a hair follicle Higher cutoff filters reduce the emission of
even with a Q-switched laser. melanin-absorbing wavelengths; thus being
Histologic studies have documented the safer for darker skin types.
presence of carbon in the follicle after low flu- The pulse duration of IPL systems can be set
ence Nd:YAG lasing. This carbon appears to to a wide range of parameters. The use of single
penetrate superficially in a large number of fol- pulses is possible. In the alternative, high flu-
licles with and without a hair shaft in place; ences can be divided into multiple pulses. The
deep follicular penetration is rare. The disad- intervals between individual pulses can be set at
vantages of this technique, therefore, appear to values between 1 and 300 ms. This delay, in the-
relate to the fact that that the carbon granules ory, allows the epidermis and smaller vessels to
may not consistently reach the requisite hair cool down between pulses while the heat is
bulge or bulb. retained in the larger target (hair follicles). This
70 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

results in selective thermal damage. The extent

of maximum delivered fluences and the spot
size vary, depending on utilized IPL.
When an IPL is used, a transparent refriger- Laser-assisted hair removal is now an accepted
ated gel is placed on the skin to cool the epider- successful treatment for the removal of un-
mis and to improve light delivery to the skin wanted hair. It has been proven to be more
during treatment. The large rectangular spot effective than electrolysis and clearly represents
sizes associated with most IPL hand pieces the best method for removing large areas of
allows a large number of hairs to be treated hair in a relatively short period of time.
4 simultaneously.
The IPL delivery of a broad range of wave-
lengths has some advantages. The presence of Disadvantages
longer wavelengths provides better penetration
depth into the dermis, while shorter wave- The theoretical explanations behind laser-
lengths can be filtered out to protect the epider- assisted hair removal seem logical. However,
mis in darker-skinned individuals. Shorter questions do remain. It is very difficult to pre-
emitted wavelengths may also be useful to treat dict the ideal patient and ideal treatment
red-brown hair (Ross et al. 1999). parameters for each patient. Even the same
One of the greatest technical advantages of patient may respond differently to the same
IPL systems is the large exposure area that is parameters on two different treatment sessions.
used. This improves the resultant damage of It is impossible to estimate the exact amount
deep follicles. A disadvantage is that the rectan- of energy absorbed by each hair follicle after
gular spot size prevents treatment of hair-bear- laser irradiation owing to skin nonhomogene-
ing areas on marked convexities or concavities ity, multilayering, and anisotrophic physical
(Ross et al. 1999). properties of hair growing at different angles
Several studies have demonstrated the long- in relation to the laser impact. In addition,
term efficacy of IPL hair removal devices (Gold because growing hair depths vary between 2
et al. 1997; Weiss et al. 1999). In one study of 67 and 7 mm depending on the body location, laser
subjects of Fitzpatrick skin phototypes I-IV, absorption characteristics will vary depending
mean hair loss was 48% at 6 months or more on the anatomic site. Finally, the percentage of
after a single treatment. In another study, after anagen and telogen hairs varies from site to site,
a single treatment, hair reduction ranging from person to person, and from season to sea-
from 33% to 60% was observed at 6 months son. It is not even clear whether the treatment of
after treatment. Further studies of 14 subjects anagen as compared to catagen or telogen hairs
treated with this technology and followed for even matters.
> 12 months after their last treatment showed a Many studies now show the hair follicle to
mean of 83% hair reduction was obtained after be an incredibly resilient structure, regrowing
two to six treatments. As would be expected, after a seemingly lethal injury. It is the delivery
repeated treatments appear to improve out- of adequate fluences, optimizing wavelengths,
come. Despite this, some have suggested that and pulse durations, while reducing unwanted
more than three IPL treatments do not appear epidermal injuries that leads to the optimal
to increase the success rate. Not all would agree treatments of pigmented hair. Unfortunately,
with this. Finally, treatment with IPL, with and the treatment of unwanted light or white hairs
without bipolar radiofrequency, has been said remains a challenge.
to be useful for the treatment of light-colored
hair. Generally, more treatments are required
and the results are not expected to be as good as Indications
those seen when treating darker-colored hairs.
Individuals may seek laser hair removal because
of excess hair induced by genetics or associated
Personal Laser Approach 71

medical conditions. More commonly, laser hair Patients having photosensitivity disorders,
removal patients simply have unwanted hair or using systemic medications known to be
that would be considered normal in distri- photosensitizing, should be carefully screened.
bution and density. Yet, these individuals for Although laser treatment in itself is inher-
emotional, social, cultural, cosmetic, or other ently safe in pregnancy, the treatment does
reasons want the hair to be removed. Also, indi- cause pain and can be distressing, and is best
viduals with pseudofolliculitis barbae, a rela- deferred in some patients until after delivery.
tively common disorder seen with coarse, curly All patients should be instructed to postop-
hairs that occurs in glabrous skin, often seek eratively avoid sun exposure and wear a broad
laser hair removal. spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher on
The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is treated exposed areas.
a dark-haired, fair-skinned individual with little
melanin within the overlying epidermis. Such
patients tolerate the use of more effective higher Consent
fluences and relatively shorter wavelengths. In
darker-skinned individuals it may be preferable Informed consent is mandatory and should
to utilize a longer wavelength laser device. Epi- include treatment options, potential reasonable
dermal protection is also afforded by utilizing risks and benefits. One should avoid any guar-
longer pulse durations and active cooling. antees. Figure 4.1 is a suggested consent for
laser/light source hair removal.

Personal Laser Approach
There are a number of relative contraindica-
tions that the laser physician should consider Alexandrite Laser
before treatment. The physician should ascer-
tain that the patient has realistic expectations Most individuals are no longer using ruby
from the laser treatment. Patients with a history lasers. However, the same general approach to
of hypertrophic or keloidal scarring should be alexandrite laser treatments would apply if the
treated more conservatively, using test spots ruby laser was used for hair removal in lighter
and lower fluences. Likewise, patients with a skin types. We have found the alexandrite lasers
history of recent isotretinoin use should be to be very helpful in treating Fitzpatrick I–III
treated less aggressively. skin phenotypes (Figs. 4.2–4.14). Although it
Any patient with a history of herpes simplex has been suggested that alexandrite lasers, with
infections should be given prophylactic antivi- their longer 755-nm wavelength, are safer in
ral therapy prior to any laser treatment at that treating darker complexions than are ruby
anatomic site. Patients who regularly take lasers, we have not consistently found this to be
aspirin or anticoagulant therapy should discon- the case. It would appear that the ability to treat
tinue taking these medications at least 10 days darker complexions with alexandrite lasers may
prior to treatment, if possible. If these medica- be more related to the longer pulse durations
tions are not discontinued, patients may have emitted by some of these systems. It should be
more bruising, as these medications can predis- noted that unless appropriate cooling is uti-
pose to vessel extravasation after treatment. It is lized, some Fitzpatrick skin phenotype III and
recommended that patients having a history of even sun-tanned type II complexioned indivi-
persistent postinflammatory hyperpigmenta- duals tend to have postinflammatory pigmen-
tion, darkly tanned skin, or skin types greater tary changes after laser treatment.
than Fitzpatrick phototype III, not be treated
with lasers having shorter wavelengths, as such
individuals are at a greater risk of postinflam-
matory hyperpigmentation.
72 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair


Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am aware that laser/light source hair removal is a relatively new procedure. My doctor has explained to
me that much of what has been written about these methods in newspapers, magazines, television, etc.
4 has been sensationalized. I understand the nature, goals, limitations, and possible complications of this
procedure, and I have discussed alternative forms of treatment. I have had the opportunity to ask ques-
tions about the procedure, its limitations and possible complications (see below).

I clearly understand and accept the following:

1. The goal of these surgeries, as in any cosmetic procedure, is improvement, not perfection.
2. The final result may not be apparent for months postoperatively.
3. In order to achieve the best possible result, more than one procedure will be required. There will be a
charge for any further operations performed.
4. Strict adherence to the postoperative regimen (i.e., appropriate wound care and sun avoidance) is
necessary in order to achieve the best possible result.
5. The surgical fee is paid for the operation itself and subsequent postoperative office visits. There is no
guarantee that the expected or anticipated results will be achieved.

Although complications following laser/light source hair removal are infrequent, I understand that the
following may occur:
1. Bleeding, which in rare instances could require hospitalization.
2. Infection is rare, but should it occur, treatment with antibiotics may be required.
3. Objectionable scarring is rare, but various kinds of scars are possible.
4. Alterations of skin pigmentation may occur in the areas of laser surgery. These are usually temporary,
but rarely can be permanent.
5. A paradoxical increased hair growth may occur at or near treated sites. This generally responds to
further treatments.

This authorization is given for the purpose of facilitating my care and shall supersede all previous autho-
rizations and/or agreements executed by me. My signature certifies that I understand the goals, limita-
tions and possible complications of laser surgery, and that I wish to proceed with the operation.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Witness Date

Fig. 4.1. Consent form

Personal Laser Approach 73

Fig. 4.2. Before alexandrite laser hair removal Fig. 4.3. Six months after five alexandrite hair
removal sessions

Fig. 4.4. Before alexandrite laser hair removal Fig. 4.5. Six months after five alexandrite hair
removal sessions

Diode Laser As a general rule, somewhat lower fluences

are required for effective hair removal than are
We have found the 810-nm diode lasers very required with the ruby lasers. This may be
useful in treating Fitzpatrick I–IV skin pheno- related to the deeper penetration of the 800-nm
types (Figs. 4.15–4.18). The laser should always wavelength.
be used with a cooling device. When used with
the longer emitted 30-ms pulse durations, some
darker Fitzpatrick skin phenotypes can be Nd:YAG Laser
treated with a lessening of postinflammatory
pigmentary changes. Diode systems are small, We have found the nanosecond Q-switched
portable and very user-friendly. Nd:YAG lasers to be highly effective in inducing
74 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

Fig. 4.6. Before alexandrite laser hair removal Fig. 4.7. Six months after three alexandrite hair
removal sessions

Fig. 4.8. Nine months after three alexandrite hair Fig. 4.9. Before alexandrite laser hair removal
removal sessions
Personal Laser Approach 75

Fig. 4.10. Six months after three alexandrite hair Fig. 4.11. Nine months after three alexandrite hair
removal sessions removal sessions

Fig. 4.12. Before alexandrite laser hair removal Fig. 4.13. Six months after three alexandrite hair
removal sessions
76 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

temporary short-term hair removal. Skin cool-

ing is not required when a nanosecond laser is
used. This contrasts with the requisite need for
some form of epidermal cooling with virtually
all millisecond hair removal lasers.
When the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser tech-
nique is utilized with a topical carbon suspen-
sion, there is often a greenish hue to the area
being treated when visualized through goggles.
4 This is presumably due to the interaction
between the 1064-nm wavelength and the
carbon chromophore. When the 1064-nm Q-
switched Nd:YAG laser is used without topical
carbon chromophore, dark terminal hairs often
turn white on laser impact. Usually no post-
Fig. 4.14. Nine months after three alexandrite hair
removal sessions

Fig. 4.15. Before diode laser hair removal Fig. 4.16. Six months after two diode hair removal

Fig. 4.17. Before diode laser hair removal Fig. 4.18. Six months after five diode hair removal
Personal Laser Approach 77

Fig. 4.19. Before Nd:YAG laser hair removal Fig. 4.20. Six months after five Nd:YAG laser hair
removal sessions. Note not only decreased hair but
also improvement in pseudofolliculitis barbae

Fig. 4.21. Before IPL hair removal Fig. 4.22. Six months after three IPL hair removal

treatment crusting is noted. Erythema may vary IPL

from nonexistent to significant in its extent. It is
quite safe to treat individuals who have darker We have found intense pulsed light sources to be
complexions with nanosecond Q-switched useful in treating Fitzpatrick I and IV skin phe-
Nd:YAG laser. notypes (Figs. 4.21–4.24). Although some IPL
Millisecond Nd:YAG laser systems are the sources are FDA cleared in the USA for Fitz-
safest laser hair removal systems for Fitzpatrick patrick skin phenotypes V, we have found that
skin types V–VI (Figs. 4.19, 4.20). Although they the incidence of postinflammatory changes may
can also be used for lighter skin types, we have be too high for practical use in some of these
not found the same degree of success when individuals. In choosing emitted pulse dura-
these lasers are compared to the shorter wave- tions, we have noted that shorter pulse durations
length systems. Although postinflammatory are more helpful for finer hairs, while longer
pigmentary changes from this laser are rare, pulse durations appear to have greater efficacy in
such changes can be occasionally expected in treating thicker hairs. In addition, longer pulse
some individuals with dark complexions. durations, because of their epidermal pigment
sparing capacity, are chosen for darker skin phe-
notypes. The choice of pulsing mode and inter-
78 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

Fig. 4.23. Before IPL hair removal Fig. 4.24. Six months after three IPL hair removal

pulse times are also dictated by complexion. tory pigmentary changes are still to be expected
Darker complexions are usually treated with a in individuals who have darker complexions.
double/triple pulse and longer interpulse times, All of the lasers and intense pulsed light
in comparison with the parameters chosen with sources described in this chapter, when used
lighter skin complexions. As is true for all lasers with almost all fluences, can lead to temporary
used for hair removal, the higher the fluences, the hair loss at all treated areas. However, choosing
better the results. The fluence chosen should be appropriate anatomic locations and using higher
as high as can be tolerated without creating an fluences will increase the likelihood of perma-
epidermal blister. nent hair reduction after multiple treatments.
Intense pulsed light sources have shown the Even though permanent hair loss is not to be
greatest safety when used with optimal skin expected in all individuals, lessening of hair
cooling. density and thickness is an expected finding.
The ideal treatment parameters must be
individualized for each patient, based on clini-
Treatment Approach cal experience and professional judgment. For
individuals who have darker complexions, the
The hair removal treatment technique with all novice might consider delivering the laser
lasers and intense pulsed light sources com- energy in several individual test pulses at an
mences with preoperative shaving of the treat- inconspicuous site with lower energy fluences.
ment site. This reduces treatment-induced The delivered energies are then slowly in-
odor, prevents long pigmented hairs that lie on creased. Undesirable epidermal changes such as
the skin surface from conducting thermal whitening and blistering are to be avoided.
energy to the adjacent epidermis, and promotes Prolonged and permanent hair loss may
transmission of laser energy down the hair fol- occur following the use of all the aforemen-
licle. A small amount of posttreatment crusting tioned described millisecond systems. However,
and erythema is to be expected. In darkly pig- great variation in treatment results is often
mented or heavily tanned individuals, it may be seen. Most patients with brown or black hair
beneficial to use topical hydroquinones and obtain a 2- to 6-month growing delay after a
meticulous sunscreen protection for several single treatment. There is usually only mild dis-
weeks prior to treatment in order to reduce comfort at the time of treatment. Pain may be
inadvertent injury to epidermal pigment. Indi- diminished by the use of topical or injected
viduals with recent suntans should not be anesthetics.
treated until pretreatment hydroquinones have Transient erythema and edema are also
been used for at least 1 month. Postinflamma- occasionally seen and irregular pigmentation of
Complications 79

1- to 3-months duration is often noted. These Pigmentary Changes

changes are far less common after treatment
with an Nd:YAG laser. Permanent skin changes, There is a remarkable variation in the reported
depigmentation, or scarring is rare. incidence of postoperative pigmentary changes
Finally, it is true for all hair removal lasers after laser hair removal. Unfortunately most
that the higher the delivered fluences, the better studies have not been carried out under stan-
the results. The fluence chosen should be as dardized conditions. In different studies, varied
high as can be tolerated without creating an epi- laser parameters have been used, follow-up
dermal blister. periods have varied from 90 days to 2 years, and
the preoperative skin characteristics were not
standardized (hair color, skin pigmentation,
Postoperative Considerations anatomical region). Finally, the majority of
studies estimate the incidence of side effects by
The use of ice packs may reduce postoperative subjective clinical evaluation.
pain and minimize swelling. Analgesics are usu- In general, laser-induced pigmentary
ally not required unless extensive areas are changes depend on the degree of preoperative
treated. Prophylactic courses of antiviral agents pigmentation. Lighter skin types potentially
should be considered in patients with a history experience more postoperative hyperpigmenta-
of herpes simplex infections in the to-be- tion. Darker skin types experience more sub-
treated area. Topical antibiotic ointment applied clinical hypopigmentation. This finding is in
twice daily is indicated if posttreatment epider- accordance with the fact that laser light in dark-
mal injury occurred. Mild topical steroid skinned types is strongly absorbed by the epi-
creams may be prescribed to reduce swelling dermal melanin, leading to potential mela-
and erythema. Any trauma, such as picking or nocytic damage (Anderson 1994). Conversely,
scratching of the area, should be avoided. Dur- thermal effects in lighter skin may provoke
ing the first week of healing, sun exposure postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
should be avoided or sunblocks used. Make-up
may be applied on the next day unless blistering
or crusts have developed. The damaged hair is Hypopigmentation
often shed during or after the first week of the
treatment. Patients should be reassured that Transient posttreatment hypopigmentation
this not a sign of hair regrowth. occurs in 10%–17% of patients (Grossman et al.
1996; Bjerring et al. 1998; Williams et al. 1998).
The exact etiology of postlaser hair removal-
Complications induced hypopigmentation is unclear, but may
be related to the destruction of melanocytes,
The incidence of cutaneous adverse effects after suppression of melanogenesis, or the redistri-
laser hair removal is both patient and laser bution of melanin in the keratinocytes.
parameter related. Patients with darker-colored
skin, especially skin types V and VI, are more
likely to experience cutaneous adverse effects, Hyperpigmentation
related to the abundance of melanin in their
epidermis. However, such complications are not Transient posttreatment hyperpigmentation
limited to patients with genetically determined occurs in 14%–25% of patients (Grossman et al.
dark skin. This may also be seen in patients 1996; Bjerring et al. 1998; Williams et al. 1998),
with darker skin due to other reasons, such as and is normally related to melanocytic-induced
sun-tanning and lentiginous photoaging. The stimulation. The causes of this hyperpigmenta-
incidence of adverse effects will be modified by tion include delayed tanning, epidermal injury,
utilized wavelength, fluence, pulse duration, or an immediate pigment darkening phe-
and associated cooling. nomenon resulting from photo-oxidation of
80 Chapter 4 Laser Treatment of Unwanted Hair

pre-existing melanin. The darkening is usually Infections

transient, lasting only 3–4 weeks and resolves
without sequelae in most individuals (McDaniel Herpes simplex infections are uncommon after
1993). laser and light source treatment of hair
A potentially more serious hyperpigmenta- removal, but may occur, especially in patients
tion resulting from epidermolysis and blister- with strong prior history of outbreaks. Erup-
ing can occur at energy thresholds higher than tions most commonly are seen on or around the
those associated with immediate pigment dark- lip. Although the risk of bacterial infection is
ening. This can be associated with permanent extremely low, it may occur if there is laser-
4 dyschromia. induced epidermal damage.

Pain Plume

Laser and light source heat-induced destruction The plume generated by the vaporized hair
of hair follicles is not pain free, as the hair folli- shaft has a sulphur smell and in large quantities
cle is well endowed with pain fibers arranged in can be irritating to the respiratory tract. A
a well-organized neovascular bundle. The smoke evacuator is advised.
intensity of pain varies with the delivered flu-
ence, utilized wave length, pulse duration, spot
size, repetition rate, laser interpulse spacing, The Future
and skin pigmentation. Regional body areas
such as the lip and groin, and chronically sun- The incredible amount of attention attracted by
exposed and tanned areas, also have been asso- laser and light source hair removal techniques
ciated with greater amounts of pain perception. reflects a demand for more practical, tolerable,
In addition, with increasing pulse duration, effective, and safer epilation techniques. At this
heat diffusion is likely to raise the temperature time, effective light and white hair removal
around the follicle and increase the level of techniques do not exist. Research into tech-
pain. Finally, pain can be perceived differently niques that light activate hair may be a part of
at different times of the month. During men- the future treatment of nonpigmented hairs.
struation, the skin appears to be more sensitive
to pain and laser hair removal can be more
Adrian RM, Shay KP (2000) 800 nanometer diode laser
Scarring and Textural Changes hair removal in African American patients: a clini-
cal and histologic study. J Cutan Laser Ther 2:
Despite the presence of severe macroscopic 183–190
cutaneous damage, collagen and elastin net- Altshuler GB, Anderson RR, Smirnove MZ, et al (2001)
works in the dermis are found to be normal in Extended theory of selective photothermolysis.
the majority of the laser hair removal-treated Lasers Surg Med 29:416–432
patients. Scarring can occur, but is rare. Anderson RR (1994) Laser-tissue interactions. In: Bax-
ter SH (ed) Cutaneous laser surgery. The art and
science of selective photothermolysis. Mosby, St
Louis, p 1–19
Effects on Tattoos and Freckles Anderson RR, Parrish JA (1983) Selective photothermo-
lysis: Precise microsurgery by selective absorption
Lightening of tattoos and loss of freckles or pig- of pulsed radiation. Science 220:524–527
mented lesions after laser-assisted hair removal Anderson RR, Dierickx CC, Altshuler GB, et al (1999)
are common. Patients should be made aware of Photon recycling. A new method of enhancing hair
this possibility. removal Lasers Surg Med 11 Suppl:190
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