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IELTS Writing

Recent Actual Tests


IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 01

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the number of enquiries received by

the Tourist Information Office in one city over a six-month
period in 2011.

Write at least 150 words.

The line chart illustrates the number of inquiries sent to the Tourist
Information Office in a particular city via three means of communication,
between January and June in 2011.

It is clear that visitors to the city made more inquires in person and via
telephone, while written letters and emails became the least common choices.
Additionally, the number of enquiries in person experienced the most
dramatic change among the different options.
In January, the Tourist Information Office received 900 telephone enquiries,
while just under 800 letters and emails were received. Not many tourists
chose to ask for information in person, with just over 400 queries. Over the
next three months, the telephone still remained the most popular method
of enquiry, at approximately 1000 queries. Meanwhile, the number of
enquires made in person saw considerable growth to 800, surpassing the
figures for emails and postal enquires. From March to June, enquires in
person were the most common method of inquiry. By June, the number of in
person enquires soared by more than 1,000 to peak at 1,900. During this
period, there was also a significant rise in the figure for telephone enquiries,
from 1000 to 1600. By contrast, fewer people sent emails or letters to make
enquires, with slightly less than 400 enquires in May and June.

(216 words)

- variety of forms/ structures (word choice, grammar)

- cohesion: sự liền mạch (with transitions…)
- coherence: tính mạc lạc, tính chặt chẽ (in meanings)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports

which are played in teams, like football, while other people think
that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is
better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Some people argue that playing team sports provides people with more
benefits as opposed to participating in individual sports. Personally, I believe
that both types of sports can provide a range of benefits to people, and it
depends on what benefits each individual wish to achieve as to which sport
they should choose to play.

On the one hand, team sports, such as football and basketball, provide a
number of benefits to those who play. For example, team sports give
players the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills, like teamwork
and communication skills, which will not only help people in their day-to-
day social interactions but also benefit them in their workplace. In
addition, team sports also offer players the chance to develop a sense of
unity, friendship, and sportsmanship between teammates, which can
really add value to people’s lives by making them feel a part of something.

On the other hand, individual sports, like tennis and swimming, also have their
merits. When someone plays an individual sport, it usually gives them more
opportunities to enhance their personal skills, such as being able
to manage emotions, cope with stress, and build confidence and self-
esteem. When people are playing an individual sport, they usually have no
one else to rely on for support during the game or match, and therefore,
individuals will need to develop a strong mindset to be able to deal with
and overcome any setbacks they may face. Individual sports also provide
better opportunities for people to challenge themselves by setting
goals and achieving personal bests.

Overall, I feel that all sports offer great benefits for people’s mental and
physical health, and that people should choose whatever sport they are most
interested in playing.
(284 words)


IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 02

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the number of employees and factories

producing silk in England and Wales between 1851 and 1901.

Write at least 150 words.

The table provides information about the workforce in silk production in two
countries, England and Wales, over a period of 50 years, starting from 1851.

It is clear that the total number of silk workers in the two countries declined
over the period, and that significantly more women were employed than men
in this industry. Also, the number of silk manufacturing factories increased
over the 50-year period, despite some fluctuations.

In 1851, the silk workforce was at its peak, with 130,750 employees, including
76,786 females and approximately 54,000 males. In contrast, the number of
silk factories was at its lowest in 1851, at only 272. However, ten years later,
the number of silk factories had almost tripled, reaching 761, while the total
number of employees experienced a significant fall of over 20,000 people.

Over the following 40 years, the total number of female and male workers
gradually decreased throughout the period, to 25,567 and 13,375 respectively,
which resulted in a drop in the total number of employees, at 38,942 in 1901.
Meanwhile, the number of silk factories experienced a gradual decline over
these 40 years, from 761 in 1861 to 623 in 1901.
194 words

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

People living in large cites today face many problems in their

everyday life. What are these problems? Should governments
encourage people to move to smaller regional towns?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

In recent years, there have been a number of everyday problems that people
in big cities have to cope with. This essay will discuss two major problems,
pollution and information overload, which I believe should lead
governments to encourage people to move to regional areas.

These days, increased levels of pollution have been a great cause for concern
among residents of big cites. Due to high volumes of traffic, large quantities
of pollutants are being released into the atmosphere, causing
the degradation of air quality, which is said to be a significant contributor
to various types of respiratory disease, such as lung cancer. Additionally,
people in big cities are being bombarded with too much information from
the media, including TV, social media, and advertising, with a large proportion
of this information being fake or exaggerated. This can lead to confusion or,
in some cases, social anarchy.

In my opinion, governments should do what they can to encourage city

residents to move to regional areas. Firstly, it will reduce the number of
vehicles in cites, which will definitely reduce the levels of air pollution, which
is hazardous to the health of citizens. Furthermore, fewer people living in big
cities will relieve the pressure on the housing supply, where many people are
forced to live in small, uncomfortable spaces. Studies have shown that
people’s living spaces have a direct impact on their mental health and how
they perform at work.

In conclusion, severe air pollution and a bombardment of information are

among the most serious problems facing city residents nowadays, and
personally, I feel that authorities should encourage people to relocate to other
areas to live.

(274 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 03
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words.
The diagram below shows how orange juice is produced.

The diagram illustrates the process of producing of orange juice.
There are various stages in the process of making orange juice, beginning with
the collection of fresh oranges and ending with the distribution of packaged
juice to supermarkets.
Firstly, oranges are picked, loaded onto trucks, and delivered to a processing
plant where they are thoroughly washed by a machine. Following this, the
juice is extracted from the oranges by a squeezing machine, and the solid
waste, including orange peels and seeds, is collected and used to feed
animals. The squeezed juice can then either be packaged and sent to the
supermarket, or transferred to another factory to undergo an evaporation
During the evaporation process, the fresh orange juice is processed by an
evaporator machine where the water is removed. The concentrated juice is
then canned and transported to a warehouse before being combined with
water again. After that, it is packaged and distributed to supermarkets, ready
to be purchased.
(160 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer

technology can replace their functions. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

It is often argued that maintaining public libraries is no longer necessary in
today’s world because the development of computer technology has allowed
us to access a great deal of information on the internet more efficiently. While
I accept that there are clear benefits of online libraries over public libraries, I
believe that it is still worth spending money on maintaining public libraries.

There are two main advantages of online sources of information. Firstly,

online sources can store a huge amount of information that is greater than
any physical library. This allows researchers to easily get the information they
need without having to travel to a local library. Furthermore, people can look
for information on the Internet whenever they want, while most libraries can
only be visited during several hours per day. This is therefore particularly
beneficial to those who have a hectic schedule and cannot visit these places
during the operating hours.
However, the preservation of local libraries is still necessary because of their
distinguishing features which cannot be substituted by online sources.
Libraries, in some countries, are still one of the most popular means of
accessing information among senior citizens, regardless of the
availability of online information. In fact, most elderly people these days
are technophobes and therefore physical libraries are their preferred option.
Furthermore, public libraries can be considered a more reliable source of
information, compared with online sources. Indeed, there is an abundance
of inaccurate and unreliable information on the Internet, while libraries
have proved to be a more reliable information source, with the information
being carefully categorized by library staff members.
In conclusion, despite the benefits of computer technology in providing
information, in my opinion, there are good grounds for rejecting the view that
spending money on maintaining public libraries is unnecessary.
(296 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 04

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar shows the percentage of people going to cinemas

in one European country on different days.

Write at least 150 words.

The chart illustrates the proportion of people visiting a cinema during seven
days of the week in a European nation from 2003 to 2007.

It is clear that there were only small fluctuations in people’s preference of
which day to go to the cinema over the examined period. People in this
country tended to go to the cinema on the weekend rather than on Monday
to Friday.
In 2003, 40% of people went to cinemas on a Saturday, compared to 30% on
Friday or Sunday each. On the other days, the proportion of movie-goers was
higher on Tuesday, at 20%, while the lowest figure can be seen on Monday, at
only 10%.

Over the next four years, the percentage of people going to the cinema on
weekends increased slightly to 45% and 35% for Saturday and Sunday
respectively. Similarly, Thursday and Monday became more popular
among cinema-goers, with about 2% more people choosing these days.
However, fewer people went to see movies on Tuesday and Wednesday, with
the figures falling to 19% and 9% respectively. Finally, the proportion
of movie-goers choosing to go to the cinema on a Friday remained at 30%
during the three examined years.
(196 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Research shows that business meetings, discussions and

training are happening online nowadays. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Holding business meetings and training via the internet has gained

enormous popularity in recent years. Although the drawbacks of this are

varied, in my opinion, the benefits are greater.

On the one hand, conducting meetings and training sessions online may have

some major disadvantages. The first drawback is the technical

limitations that participants may have, which may reduce the effectiveness

of discussions or meetings. For example, the elderly may find it hard to

understand and make use of latest programs and software, while other

participants may lose track of the progress of a meeting due to a slow

internet connection or platform malfunction. The second disadvantage is

the lack of face-to-face interaction which is often considered as the key

to a successful meeting or training session. While online attendants may be

easily distracted by other interesting, yet non-productive online activities,

the physical presence of hosts or trainers would no doubt provide a more

engaging and active meeting or training session.

However, I am convinced that the advantages of virtual meetings are more

significant. Compared to traditional face-to-face meetings, those held online

consume much less time and money. In the past, attendants had to make long

trips just to meet with other employees from other branches, however with

online meetings, all team members can join the conference from any place,

without the need to travel. Another advantage of online communication is that

members who join meetings and training can share and organise files and

presentations easily and conveniently. The files can also be edited or revised

by other members, facilitating collaboration within the whole team.

In conclusion, it seems that the merits of virtual meetings and trainings are
more significant than the downsides.
(282 words)
IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 05

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the percentages of the population

by age groups in one town who rode bicycles in 2011.

Write at least 150 words.

The table compares the proportions of people who rode a bike, by age and
gender, in 2011.
In general, children under nine years old used bicycles the most, while middle-
aged people were the least likely to ride a bicycle. Also, men tended to cycle
more than women during the period shown.
Among males, children under 9 years old made up the largest proportion of
cyclists, at 52%. However, with the older groups, the rates were only 42% for
teenagers aged from 10 to 17, and 17% for people aged between 18 and 39.
The proportion of 40 to 50-year-old male cyclists was the lowest, at just 12%,
while only nearly a fifth of men aged over enjoyed this activity.

The percentage of girls younger than 9 years old who cycled was slightly
higher than boys of the same age, at 52%. However, the figure for girls aged
10 to 17 was just under a quarter, much lower than that of their counterparts.
Similar to men in the same age groups, cycling was not very popular amongst
women aged 40 to 59, and 60 or over, accounting for only 8% and 14% of
females respectively.
(196 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by

governments rather than private companies. Do you
agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Scientific research plays an important role in the development of humanity.

Some people think that the responsibility for conducting and managing it
should be taken by governments, and not by private companies. Personally, I
believe that both governments and private businesses should have the right
and duty to carry out research.

I believe that governments should play the leading role in performing
research due to a number of reasons. Firstly, scientific research is the key
to finding solutions to the pressing concerns of society. Thorough medical
research, for example, needs to be conducted by governments to develop
vaccines against potential epidemics. Research into renewable energies is
also crucial to deal with global warming. These kinds of research require a
great deal of spending, which can only be afforded by the government. In
addition, scientific studies controlled by governments will ensure that reliable
and ethical methods are used, and minimize the risk of these studies being
used for criminal activity. For instance, studies related to nuclear power or
weapons must be carried out or supervised by governmental organizations to
protect a country from terrorism or other warfare.
However, private companies can do research which is not carried out by
governments. In fact, many useful scientific discoveries have been made by
private institutions. To illustrate, the invention of the iPhone by Apple, a
corporation in the US began the era of smartphones and facilitated
modern forms of interaction between people all over the world.
Furthermore, encouraging profit-driven companies to conduct scientific
investigations will help them develop their own products and create
competition in the marketplace. Society will therefore benefit from new
inventions and better products.
In conclusion, although governments should control and carry out major
scientific studies, private companies should not be deprived of the right to do
(297 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 06
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pictures show information about average income and

spending on food and clothes by an average family in a
city in the UK.

Write at least 150 words.

The table illustrates how much money an average family in a UK city earned
and paid for food and clothes, while the pie charts represent the proportion
of spending on those categories in 2010 and 2013.
It is clear that while the total income of an average British family decreased
between 2010 and 2013, the amount of money spent on food and clothing
increased. Additionally, British people spent much more money on food than
on clothes in both years.
According to the table, in 2010, an average British family earned £29,000, while
nearly half of that amount was used for food and clothes. In 2013, the average
income of a family in Britain fell to about £25,000, while there was a growth of
£1,000 in the expenditure for food and clothes.
Regarding the pie charts, the percentage for spending on meat and fish was
highest among all categories in 2010, at 29%, but three years
later experienced a drop to 23%. Similarly, a downward trend was seen in
the figure for clothes, from 15% to 13% in 2013. On the other hand, people
seemed to spend more money on fruit, vegetables, and dairy products as the
figures went up to 30% and 16% respectively. Meanwhile, the proportion of
spending on other food remained unchanged at exactly 18%.
(217 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

The only way to improve safety on our roads is to give

much stricter punishments for driving offences. What
extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about measures to
ensure road safety. However, whether imposing stricter penalties for driving
offenses is the only way to protect people is still a controversial issue.
Although I agree that harsher punishments can act as an effective way
to deter people from committing road offenses, I believe that there are
better methods to protect the welfare of road users.
Firstly, it is obvious that the implementation of rules can act as a deterrent
to would-be lawbreakers. For example, in Vietnam, a motorist not wearing
helmet can be fined with $20 to $40, and thus he will be in fear of facing
further punishment and avoid committing another offense. Furthermore,
more stringent punishments for traffic crimes can be efficient way to reduce
traffic accidents. For instance, in the past, China witnessed a significant
number of annual road casualties when it had very loosely enforced
regulations. However, once harsher laws related to road safety were
implemented in 2009, there was a notable reduction in the total number of
traffic accidents.
This is not to say that only by using stricter rules can we enhance the safety of
our roads. It is true that there are still other effective measures to ensure
people’s safety, such as heightening people’s awareness through the media
about the consequences of committing driving offenses, or promoting the use
of public transport systems such as buses or trains. To achieve the best
results, the most effective method may be to combine all
the aforementioned ideas.
In conclusion, I believe that stricter punishments are not the only way to deal
with minimizing driving offenses. Measures, including raising people’s
awareness and promoting the use of public transport systems, can also
contribute to maintaining road safety.
(293 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 07
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts show the results of a survey conducted by

a university on the opinions of full-time and part-time
students about its services.

Write at least 150 words.

The pie charts compare the opinions of full-time and part-time students about
their university services, including IT support and opening hours.
Overall, it is clear that there was more positive feedback with regard to the
opening hours than the IT support. Also, full-time students tended to be more
satisfied with the two services than their part-time counterparts.
Regarding IT support, over half of the surveyed full-time students said that
they were very happy with this service, while only a fifth of part-time students
reported that they were very happy. In contrast, just 15% of the students
studying full-time were not satisfied with IT support, in comparison with 45%
of part-time students. The proportion of both types of students being quite
happy with this service was relatively the same, at about one third.
The majority of full-time and part-time students felt very happy with the
current opening hours, at 87% and 72% respectively. Only 1% of the examined
full-time students were not satisfied with the opening hours whereas the
figure for part-time students was a little higher, at 5%. The remaining 12% of
the surveyed full-time students felt quite happy with this service, as opposed
to nearly a quarter of part-time students. (201 words)
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

The tradition of families getting together to eat meals is

disappearing. What are the reasons? What are the

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Nowadays, it seems that families tend to eat together less frequently. This
essay will put forward some explanations for this trend and an analysis of the
potential impacts.
The fact that family members choose not to eat with each other can be
attributable to two reasons. Firstly, since people these days tend to have
heavier workloads and more hectic schedules than in the past, sitting
down to share a meal with their family members might not be a convenient
choice. Instead, these individuals usually eat out with their friends, colleagues
or business partners near their workplace which can be more suitable for their
timetable. Secondly, the fast-food culture of modern life can change
people’s eating habits because fast food can be found everywhere and is
usually an inexpensive food choice. For instance, young people in Vietnam
often grab a quick meal after a busy day at work or school, which leads them
to skipping meals with their family when they go home.
The trend has both positive and negative impacts on people. In terms of the
benefits, people are able to be much more flexible with their time. They will
not have to show up at a fixed hour to have meals with their family and can
eat whatever and whenever they want. However, in terms of the negative
effects, this can lead to a weaker family bond. If a family continuously eats
separately, family members may not be able to share their thoughts, feelings
with each other, and therefore may feel isolated from each other. This will
result in a lack of deep family connection.

In conclusion, the tendency of family members eating separately is mainly
caused by the difference in their schedules or the preference to eat fast food,
which can have both positive and negative impacts.
(300 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 08

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the percentage of the population

in the UK who consumed the recommended daily amount
of fruit and vegetables in 2002, 2006 and 2010.

Write at least 150 words.

The chart illustrates the percentage of men, women and children who
consumed the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis
in three different years.

Overall, women came out first in term of fruit and vegetable consumption
while the opposite was true for children. In all three years, there was a small
difference in the percentage of males and females who consumed enough
fruit and vegetables every day. The highest figure for women was 32% in 2006
compared to 28% of men. 2010 witnessed the second highest rank for both
women and men’s figures. While 27% of women consumed fruit and
vegetables, the percentage of men was 24%. And the smallest figure for both
women and men, which was nearly the same as the 2010 figures, was
recorded in 2002.
The smallest percentage of people consuming the daily recommended
amount of fruit and vegetables was children with only 11% in 2002, half as
much as that of men and women in the same year. Following that, the figure
for children slightly increased to 16% in 2006 before falling marginally to
14% in the last.
(187 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Nowadays, some employers think that formal

academic qualifications are more important than life experience
or personal qualities when they look for new employees. Why is
it the case? Is it a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
These days, formal academic qualifications are more highly appreciated than
life experience or personal qualities when it comes to the recruitment
process. There are many reasons for this, and in my opinion, this is a positive

The main reason for this tendency is that academic degrees are considered a
tool to measure the level of knowledge that students are capable of. To be
more specific, to achieve a good degree in most universities, students need to
pass many examinations focusing on testing their knowledge and take part in
practical training courses. These factors ensure that students have gained
sufficient in-depth knowledge in the field that the company is looking for.
That is why recruiters place higher value on employers holding formal
academic qualifications. Whereas, in terms of people having life experience or
personal qualities, these people are likely to lack a suitable amount of
academic knowledge in their field, and therefore, they need to be trained for
a long time by employers. This results in the reluctance of employers to hire
them for vacant positions.
This trend, therefore, will bring about some positive effects on society as a
whole. Students will be motivated to pursue tertiary education for the sake
of their better career prospects. By attending university, students can gain
insights into their chosen field and have a chance to compete with others. As
for society, thanks to this trend, there will be more and more people entering
university, which will contribute to a society of more well-informed and
educated citizens.
In conclusion, employers prefer people with better qualifications because
qualifications are to prove that their holders are sufficiently trained at
university. I think that there are many positives for both students and society
when employers place emphasis on formal academic qualifications instead of
life experience or personal qualities.

(301 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 09
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the annual pay (thousands of US

dollars) for doctors and other workers in seven countries
in 2004.

Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart compares seven countries regarding the yearly payment for
doctors and other jobs in the year 2004.
It is clear that doctors generally made more money than other types of work
in each country during the research period. Also, the average incomes of
American doctors and other workers were the highest among the seven
The US doctors earned the largest amount of money compared to those in
the other six countries, receiving nearly $120,000, while the figures for
Switzerland and France were significantly lower, at close to 70,000 each. In
contrast, there was only about $50,000 earned by doctors in Finland, as
opposed to doctors in the other countries, who received around $61,000
Regarding the average salaries of other workers, the amount of money earned
by other workers in the US, at approximately $45,000 and in Switzerland, at
exactly $40,000 was higher than in any of the other nations. Roughly $30,000
was given to French other workers, about $5,000 higher than that of
Finnish counterparts. By contrast, the figures for the remaining countries
were lowest, at exactly $20,000 each.
(183 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some people think that newly built houses should follow

the style of old houses in local areas. Others think that
people should have freedom to build houses of their own
style. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

It is a controversial issue as to whether newly built houses should be designed
in the same style as existing homes in the same area, or, whether the residents
should have permission to construct their houses in a style of their own
preference. My view is that people should be given the permission to build
their houses to their own design, as long as these designs satisfy all
necessary safety requirements.
On the one hand, there are some reasons why all buildings in a particular area
should have the same style. Firstly, when houses look similar it will enhance
a sense of community and equality within a residential area. This is because
a house often reflects the wealth and social status of its owner. If a house
looks older, smaller, and less attractive than others, the people living there
may feel inferior and less confident when socialising with their neighbours. In
contrast, a house which stands out in the neighbourhood could potentially
make its owner the target of gossip or burglary. Secondly, when
houses share a common design, it will be easier for the local government to
supervise the process of construction, and to make sure that these
buildings are safe for both the inhabitants and neighbours.
On the other hand, it should be people’s right to build their own house in their
own style. A good building should satisfy all three principles of durability,
utility, and beauty. It should not only be strong in design and be built to last a
long time, but also inspire the people who live there by its aesthetic design.
It is extremely important for a person to live in a house that they feel
comfortable with as it largely affects their spirit. Furthermore, if each house in
an area is built in a unique style, it will greatly contribute to the diverse image
of the town.
In conclusion, even though there are certain justifications for houses in an
area to be constructed in the same style, I am of the opinion that governments
should permit people to build their houses according to their own ideas.
(352 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 10
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the amount of money given to developing

countries by the USA, EU countries and other countries from
2006 to 2010 (Figures are in millions of dollars).

Write at least 150 words.

The table illustrates how much money was given to developing countries by
the USA, European countries, and other countries, between 2006 and 2010.
Overall, it can be seen that the USA was the biggest contributor to developing
nations in all measured years. In addition, European countries and other
countries gave similar amounts of money to developing nations each year.
In 2006, the USA gave over three times as much money to developing nations
as European countries did, with a donation of $9.8 million. European and
other countries donated $3.1 million and $2.8 million respectively. All

countries increased their donations to developing nations over the following
two years, reaching a total of $24.4 million.
In 2009 however, the donations from all countries slightly decreased from the
2008 figures, with a total figure of $23.5 million. However, these figures saw
an increase again in 2010, with a total contribution of $28.1 million. Of this,
the USA donated $20.3 million, while European and other countries gave $4.1
and $3.7 million respectively.
(168 words)

The table illustrates the amount of money that the United States, Europe, and other
developed nations allocated to developing countries between 2006 and 2010.

Overall, it is evident that the amount of money donated increased throughout the
surveyed years. While the USA was the largest donor, the EU and other countries
also contributed relatively small amounts over the period.

In 2006, the United States supported developing countries with $9.8 million, followed by
$3.1 million from Europe and $2.8 million from other countries. The amount of money
provided by the USA, Europe, and other countries went up steadily over the course of the
following two years before slightly declining by about 0.3 million in 2009.

At the end of the period, the USA continued to head the list, with 20.3 million dollars being
given to developing countries. The figures for the EU and other regions were around five
times lower than the financial aid from the USA, with 4.1 million dollars for the former and
3.7 million dollars for the latter. With the exception of a drop of $0.9 million USD in 2009,
the total donations from all nations rose from 15.7 to 28.1 million.

• allocate (v): to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to

use in a particular way (phân bổ)
• evident (a): easily seen or understood (rõ ràng)
• donate (v): to give money or goods to help a person or organization (quyên
• donor (n): a person who gives money or goods to an organization (người
quyên góp)
• contribute (v): to give something, especially money, in order to provide or
achieve something together with other people (góp phần)
• head the list: to be number 1 on the list (dẫn đầu danh sách)
• financial aid: official help given to a person, organization, or country in the
form of money, loans, reduced (viện trợ tài chính)
• exception (n): someone or something that is not included in a rule, group, or
list or that does not behave in the expected way (ngoại lệ)
• donation (n):money or goods that are given to help a person or organization,
or the act of giving them (sự quyên góp)

1. Reveal = indicate = give = show (verb): trình bày

2. Developing countries/ nations (noun): các quốc gia đang phát triển

3. Massive increase (noun): sự tăng trưởng mạnh mẽ

4. Donation (noun)/ donate (verb): từ thiện

5. A biggest contributor (noun): nước đóng góp nhiều nhất

6. Declining slightly (verb): giảm ít

7. The sum of money (noun): tổng số tiền

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

When designing a building, the most important factor is the

intended use of the building rather than its outward
appearance. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

People have different views regarding the importance of a building’s function

in comparison to its exterior appearance. In my opinion, I agree with the idea
that a construction’s purpose should be more highly valued than the
appearance for a number of reasons.

On the one hand, it cannot be denied that a magnificent looking
structure can bring a wide range of benefits that should be taken into
consideration. Firstly, it can remarkably raise the value of a building, especially
a commercial or shopping center, as it looks more attractive, professional
and high-class. The more customers are attracted to the building, the more
profit it can potentially generate, which can benefit the building’s owners
enormously. Secondly, a building with an aesthetic design can contribute a
lot to the appearance of a city, and may make it become one of the most
distinguishing places on the map. A lot of cites nowadays which are well-
known for their architectural beauty have become popular destinations for
On the other hand, the purpose of a building, in my opinion, is the key
consideration when designing it. There are a variety of different building types
such as office buildings, commercial buildings, shopping centers, hospitals
and schools. Each one of these has its own purpose and a particular interior
design to serve those purposes. Therefore, only by focusing on the
functionality of a design first, can we bring out the best use of a construction.
In addition, people use a particular place because of what it offers inside, not
merely because of what it looks like on the outside. For example, if a company
intends to erect a new office building, they will tend to choose the design
based on the inner working spaces to enhance the operation of the staff
and the enterprise.
In conclusion, while the exterior of a building is an important factor, I believe
its function should receive greater attention.

(318 words)

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 11
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart shows the proportion of people in a UK survey

carried out in three different years who said they were
interested in certain sports.

Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart shows the percentage of UK residents interested in six different
sports, in three years (1995, 2000 and 2005).
It is clear that walking was by far the most popular physical activity in all
surveyed years, while golf was the least popular activity. Additionally, the
percentages of people who enjoyed walking, swimming and rugby increased,
whereas the figures for those who enjoyed other sports decreased over the
measured years.
In 1995, walking was the most popular activity, chosen by 40% of the survey
participants, while playing snooker and tennis accounted for around 30%.
In contrast, about 23% of people chose swimming, while only 18% said they
were interested in golf. Meanwhile, approximately 25% of survey
respondents chose rugby as their preferred sport.
In 2005, slightly more people preferred walking, with the figure rising to just
under 45%, but there was a significant decline in the figures for tennis and
snooker, to about 22% each. The figures for golf remained the same, at
around 15%, as opposed to the figures for swimming and rugby, which
experienced considerable gains in popularity to over 25% each.
(184 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is more important to teach

children the literature of their own country than other
countries. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

It is argued by some people that local literature is of greater importance in
children’s education compared to foreign literature. From my perspective, I
disagree with this view since both types of literature play equal roles in the
development of children.
On the one hand, locally written works come with numerous benefits to
students. Firstly, these pieces of art can enrich student’s skills to use their own
language. Indeed, through learning literature of their mother tongue,
students can learn the art of using the language such as the flexibility in the
vocabulary highlights used, the syntax of sentences, different ways to convey
ideas. Hence, linguistic knowledge will gradually be built up and benefit the
students not only in their study but also in social communication. Secondly,
national literary works give students an insight into their own culture. For
example, through traditional literature, namely fairy tales, legends and fables,
students can become familiar with their traditions, native terms and also
national values which have been passed down from generation to
generation. As a result, they will naturally develop a sense of national
identity and patriotism.
On the other hand, studying foreign literature is also advantageous for the
following reasons. To begin with, it gives learners opportunities to expand
their horizons by showing them a bigger picture of the outside world. Having
access to foreign historical events and cultures, commentaries on politics,
society, and stereotypes in literature from countries abroad will foster
students’ awareness of the diversity of the world. Additionally, the students
will be equipped with a broader range of knowledge to help them be more
prepared for the globalized world that we are living in today. To be more
specific, the students will have a grasp of the culture of foreign countries and
how to adapt themselves in terms of manners, customs or behaviours if they
live in that new environment or dealing with foreigners.
In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a need to teach both local and
foreign literature at schools so that students can develop comprehensively.
(342 words)


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