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ECRM System :

● Classification = Confidential / Sensitive (High)

● Resides on EDBDC on-premise, running on OS

2016, MS SQL 2019 Enterprise, Dynamics CRM ver
8.2, uses SSRS, email router, interface with ADFS,
API gateway and sFTP

Next Plan for ECRM System:

● Move system to GCC+, run on OS 2019, MS SQL

2019 Enterprise, Dynamics CRM ver 9.2, SSRS,
email router, interface with ADFS, API gateway
and sFTP
● Business enhancements
Purpose: To test basic understanding of Dynamics
Question: Explain entity, plugin, security role in
Dynamics CRM?
In Dynamics CRM, several fundamental concepts play key roles in defining the structure,
functionality, and security of the system. Here's an overview of these concepts:

1. Entity:
- In Dynamics CRM, an entity represents a type of record or data that can be stored in the system.
Examples of entities include "Account," "Contact," "Opportunity," "Lead," and custom entities that
can be created to store specific types of data relevant to an organization's business processes.
- Each entity consists of fields, relationships, forms, views, and business logic that define how data
is structured, displayed, and processed within the CRM system.
- Entities are the building blocks of the CRM system, and they represent the various types of data
that users interact with, such as customer information, sales opportunities, service cases, and more.

2. Plugin:
- A plugin in Dynamics CRM is a custom business logic component that can be integrated into the
CRM platform to extend its functionality and automate processes.
- Plugins are designed to respond to specific events or messages that occur within the CRM system,
such as creating, updating, or deleting records, and they can execute custom code in response to
these events.
- Plugins are commonly used to enforce business rules, validate data, perform calculations,
integrate with external systems, and customize the behavior of the CRM system to meet specific
business requirements.
- Plugins are typically developed using the .NET framework and are registered within the CRM
system to execute in response to predefined events, allowing organizations to tailor the CRM system
to their unique business processes.

3. Security Role:
- In Dynamics CRM, a security role is a fundamental component that defines the access rights and
permissions granted to users or teams within the CRM system.
- Security roles play a crucial role in controlling the actions and data access levels that users or
teams are allowed to perform within the CRM environment.
- Security roles define the specific access rights and privileges granted to users or teams, including
privileges such as create, read, write, delete, append, append to, assign, and share for various
entities within the CRM system.
- Security roles also define the scope of data access for users, specifying which records or types of
records users can access based on their role and responsibilities.

These concepts form the foundation of Dynamics CRM, providing the structure, extensibility, and
security necessary to support an organization's business processes and data management within the
CRM system.
Purpose: To test their awareness of the new features/
key differences as the system will be upgraded to a
newer CRM version
Question: Differences between Dynamics CRM v8.2
and CRM v9.2 under customer engagement
Under the customer engagement aspect, the differences between CRM v8 and CRM v9 are
significant. Here are some key differences specifically related to customer engagement:

1. Unified Interface: CRM v9 introduced the Unified Interface, which provides a consistent
and responsive user interface across all devices. This interface offers a more streamlined
and efficient user experience for customer engagement activities, such as managing leads,
opportunities, and customer interactions.

2. App Modules: CRM v9 introduced the concept of app modules, allowing users to organize
and present related customer engagement entities, dashboards, and business processes in a
single, unified experience. This enhances the customization and personalization of the
customer engagement interface, making it easier to access and manage customer-related
data and activities.

3. Timeline Control: CRM v9 introduced the timeline control, which provides a consolidated
view of customer interactions, activities, and notes for a record. This feature enhances the
visibility and management of customer engagement interactions, such as emails, calls, and
meetings, related to specific customers or accounts.

4. Multi-Select Option Sets: CRM v9 introduced the ability to create multi-select option sets,
allowing users to capture and categorize multiple customer preferences or attributes within
a single field. This feature provides more flexibility in capturing and analyzing customer
engagement data.

5. Enhanced Business Process Flows: CRM v9 introduced enhancements to business process

flows, including the ability to define multiple business process flows for the same customer
engagement entity. This allows for more tailored and specific customer engagement
processes based on different scenarios or customer segments.

These enhancements in CRM v9 under customer engagement contribute to a more cohesive

and efficient approach to managing customer interactions, leads, opportunities, and overall
customer relationship management.
Purpose: To test their understanding the technical
impacts of retaining UI of a lower CRM version when
system is on a newer CRM version
Question: Technical impacts of retaining UI of CRM
v8.2 when system moves to CRM v9.2
The technical impact of retaining the user interface (UI) of Dynamics CRM v8.2 when transitioning to
CRM v9.2 can have several implications for the organization's CRM system and its technical
environment. Here are some key technical impacts to consider:

1. Compatibility and Integration:

- Impact: Retaining the v8.2 UI may impact compatibility and integration with new features,
enhancements, or customizations introduced in CRM v9.2. This could lead to potential issues with
existing custom code, plugins, workflows, and integrations that are designed to work with the v8.2

2. Customizations and Extensions:

- Impact: The technical impact on customizations and extensions can be significant. Retaining the
v8.2 UI may require an assessment of existing customizations, JavaScript web resources, and client-
side logic to ensure compatibility with the updated UI components and controls in CRM v9.2.

3. User Interface Components:

- Impact: The technical impact on user interface components, such as forms, views, and web
resources, may require adjustments to align with the changes in the v9.2 UI. This could involve
updating or redesigning UI components to leverage new capabilities and controls introduced in CRM

4. Web Resource Compatibility:

- Impact: Retaining the v8.2 UI may impact the compatibility of existing web resources, such as
HTML web resources, JavaScript libraries, and custom CSS, with the updated UI framework and
components in CRM v9.2. This may require modifications to ensure seamless integration with the
new UI.

5. Performance and Scalability:

- Impact: The technical impact on performance and scalability can vary. While retaining the v8.2 UI
may initially support system performance, it's important to consider the long-term implications on
performance and scalability, as newer versions may introduce optimizations and improvements that
are not leveraged with the older UI.

6. Technical Debt and Maintenance:

- Impact: Retaining the v8.2 UI may contribute to technical debt and maintenance challenges. Over
time, the organization may face increased maintenance efforts, technical complexities, and potential
limitations in leveraging new features and enhancements introduced in future CRM versions.

In summary, the technical impact of retaining the UI of Dynamics CRM v8.2 when transitioning to
CRM v9.2 can affect compatibility, customizations, user interface components, web resource
compatibility, performance, scalability, and technical debt. It's important to conduct a thorough
technical assessment and consider the implications on custom code, integrations, and technical
maintenance when making decisions about UI retention and system upgrades.
Purpose: To test their technical knowledge of
Microsoft Product
Question: What is the alternative to SSRS (SQL Server
Reporting Services) in cloud environment?
In a cloud environment, an alternative to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is Microsoft
Power BI. Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics service provided by Microsoft that
offers a range of reporting, data visualization, and business intelligence capabilities. It serves
as a powerful alternative to SSRS in the cloud environment. Here are some key features and
benefits of Power BI as an alternative to SSRS in the cloud:

1. Cloud-Native Solution: Power BI is designed specifically for cloud-based deployment and

integration with other cloud services. It leverages the scalability, flexibility, and accessibility
of cloud infrastructure to deliver reporting and analytics capabilities.

2. Data Visualization: Power BI provides interactive data visualization tools that enable users
to create compelling and insightful reports, dashboards, and visualizations. It offers a wide
range of visualization options and interactive features for exploring and presenting data.

3. Self-Service Analytics: Power BI empowers users to perform self-service analytics,

allowing them to connect to various data sources, create data models, and generate reports
and dashboards without extensive technical expertise.

4. Integration with Cloud Data Sources: Power BI seamlessly integrates with a variety of
cloud-based data sources, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure
Synapse Analytics, and other cloud-based services, enabling users to access and analyze
data from diverse sources.

5. Collaboration and Sharing: Power BI facilitates collaboration and sharing of reports and
dashboards within organizations. Users can publish and share reports securely, and
stakeholders can access and interact with the reports through web and mobile interfaces.

6. AI and Advanced Analytics: Power BI incorporates advanced analytics and artificial

intelligence (AI) capabilities, such as natural language querying, predictive analytics, and
machine learning integration, to derive deeper insights from data.

Overall, Power BI offers a modern, cloud-native approach to reporting and analytics, making
it a compelling alternative to SSRS in the cloud environment. It provides a comprehensive
suite of tools for data visualization, self-service analytics, and collaborative reporting,
catering to the evolving needs of organizations in the cloud era.
Purpose: For assessing the Dynamics 365 migration
1. Can you outline the major differences between Dynamics 365 on-premise version 8.2 and
version 9.2?

Ans: Dynamics 365 on-premise v9.2 introduced several enhancements, including a unified
interface, improved form rendering, and updated client APIs.

2. What steps would you take to assess the compatibility of customizations and
configurations between Dynamics 365 v8.2 and v9.2 during migration?

Ans: Review Custom Code: Assess and update custom code to align with changes in APIs and
deprecated features.

Test Customizations: Rigorous testing of existing customizations, including forms, views, and
scripts, to ensure they function correctly in the v9.2 environment.

Update Deprecated Features: Identify and replace any features deprecated in v9.2, adapting
the system accordingly.

3. How do you handle potential challenges related to the transition from the classic web
interface to the unified interface during migration?

Ans: To address this transition:

Unified Interface Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the impact of the unified
interface on existing forms and views.

Update Forms: Modify and update forms to align with the new unified interface design

User Training: Provide training to users on the changes in the interface to ensure a smooth
user experience.

4. Explain the significance of the "App Modules" feature introduced in Dynamics 365 v9.2
and how it affects the migration process.

Ans: The "App Modules" feature organizes app components into logical groupings,
streamlining the user interface. During migration:

- Review Existing Apps: Evaluate the current app structure and reorganize components to
fit the new module structure.

- Update Navigation: Adjust navigation elements to reflect the changes introduced by App
- User Communication: Inform users about the updated app structure to minimize

5. Can you discuss the steps involved in migrating custom entities and their data from
Dynamics 365 v8.2 to v9.2?

Ans: The steps would typically include:

- Backup Data: Ensure a secure backup of custom entity data in the v8.2 environment.

- Update Customizations: Modify customizations related to custom entities, addressing

any deprecated features.

- Data Migration: Migrate custom entity data to the v9.2 environment, validating data
integrity through thorough testing.

6. How do you handle potential issues with third-party integrations during the migration
process from Dynamics 365 v8.2 to v9.2?

Ans: - Review Integration Documentation: Examine documentation related to third-party

integrations to understand dependencies.

- Communication with Vendors: Contact third-party vendors to ensure compatibility with

Dynamics 365 v9.2 and obtain updated integration components if necessary.

- Testing: Conduct extensive testing of integrations to identify and resolve any issues
before and after migration.

7. How do you approach the transition from client-based scripting using JavaScript in
Dynamics 365 v8.2 to the usage of the new client API in v9.2 during migration?

● Identify JavaScript Functions: Identify and update client-side scripts using Xrm.Page
to use the new formContext.
● Adopt New Client API: Modify the JavaScript code to leverage the new client API
introduced in v9.2.
● Testing: Rigorous testing to ensure the updated scripts function correctly in the v9.2

8. Can you describe a scenario where you faced unexpected issues during a Dynamics 365
migration, and how did you troubleshoot and resolve them?

9. What considerations should be taken into account when migrating large volumes of data
in Dynamics 365?

10. Can you explain the key steps involved in migrating Dynamics 365 to an on-premise
1. Assessment and Planning:
- Evaluate your current Dynamics 365 environment, including version, customizations,
extensions, and integrations.
- Understand the requirements and limitations of the on-premise environment.
- Identify any deprecated features that may affect your migration.

2. Backup and Data Export:

- Perform a comprehensive backup of your Dynamics 365 instance to ensure data safety.
- Export necessary data, configurations, and customizations from your Dynamics 365

3. Prepare On-Premise Infrastructure:

- Set up the on-premise infrastructure, ensuring that it meets the system requirements for
the desired Dynamics 365 version.
- Install and configure the necessary components, such as SQL Server and Active Directory.

4. Install Dynamics 365 Server:

- Install Dynamics 365 Server on your on-premise environment.
- Follow the installation wizard, providing necessary information such as SQL Server details
and organization settings.

5. Import Data and Configurations:

- Import the data and configurations you exported from the online environment into the
on-premise Dynamics 365 instance.
- Pay attention to any discrepancies or changes needed due to differences between online
and on-premise environments.

6. Update Customizations and Extensions:

- Review and update customizations and extensions to ensure compatibility with the on-
premise version.
- Address any issues related to deprecated features or changes in the target environment.

7. Test and Validate:

- Conduct thorough testing to ensure that data, customizations, and functionalities are
working as expected in the on-premise environment.
- Validate integrations and third-party solutions.

8. User Training:
- Provide training to users if there are significant changes or if the on-premise version
introduces new features.

9. Go-Live:
- Plan a cutover strategy for migrating users and operations from the online environment
to the on-premise environment.
- Execute the migration during a scheduled maintenance window to minimize disruption.
10. Post-Migration Support:
- Monitor the on-premise environment for any issues that may arise post-migration.
- Address and resolve any issues promptly.

11. Update Documentation:

- Update documentation, including user manuals and system documentation, to reflect
the changes introduced by the migration.

11. Which tools I can use for data migration?

Ans: SSIS, Kignswaysoft, Scribe are some of the popular tool for data migration.

12. Discuss your experience with integrating third-party applications or services during a
Dynamics 365 migration project.

13. Describe your approach to handling custom code and plugins during the migration
process. How do you ensure they are compatible with the on-premise environment?


Inventory Custom Code: Identify all custom code, including plugins, custom workflows,
JavaScript, and other extensions, in your existing Dynamics 365 environment.

Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation for each custom component,

detailing its purpose, dependencies, and any external services or libraries it interacts with.

Review Dynamics 365 Versions: Analyze the compatibility of your custom code with the
target version of Dynamics 365. Check for any deprecated features, changes in SDK, or other
factors that might impact your customizations.

SDK Updates: If applicable, update the SDK versions used in your custom code to match the
SDK versions supported by the target Dynamics 365 environment.

External Dependencies: Identify any external dependencies such as third-party libraries, web
services, or integrations. Ensure that these dependencies are compatible with the on-
premise environment.

Dependency Updates: If there are newer versions of external dependencies compatible with
the target environment, consider updating to those versions.

Code Review: Conduct a thorough review of your custom code for best practices,
performance optimizations, and adherence to coding standards.

Refactoring: If necessary, refactor code to align with any changes in SDK, API, or coding
standards. Address any deprecated methods or functionalities.
Unit Testing: Test each custom component individually to ensure it functions correctly in the
on-premise environment. This includes plugins, workflows, and client-side scripts.

Integration Testing: Test the interaction between custom components and standard
Dynamics 365 features. Ensure that the custom code works seamlessly with other system

Data Dependencies: If custom code is closely tied to specific data conditions or structures,
consider how data migration may impact these dependencies.

Migration Testing: Conduct testing during the data migration process to verify that custom
code continues to operate as expected with the new data.

Create a roll back plan incase of any issues.

Documentation update if any.

14. Discuss your experience with managing and resolving conflicts that may arise between
customizations and configurations during migration.

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