Final draft Section 4

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Concepción 1

Karelys Concepción

Professor Stephania Uwakweh

English 10, Sec. MJ 1:00

27 February 2024

Who I am.

Even though I talk a lot, not many people know me. They have heard of me,

heard the things I do, maybe even talk to me often, but almost no one knows me for me. Before writing this essay, I had to sit down with myself, and think about the

things that people do not know of me; turns out, I am quieter than people perceive. There are things in my heart that were locked, meant to not be shared. However, the

best way to know me is knowing the deepest parts of me. My name is Karelys Dalet Concepción Ortiz, and I have a story to tell.

The first time I gained conscience was when I was six. I woke up from a nap at

6pm, and as far as I am concerned, that is the start of my memories. Since then, the person I have become started to develop. A vivid memory I have was when I was

seven, and I saw a crocodile climb the outside of my balcony’s door. Granted, I was half asleep, but it still feels like it actually happened. To this day, memories like

these are more present than many recent events. It is crazy!

When people say “you do not know where God rescued me from”, that is the realest thing anyone can say. In my case, God rescued me from an identity

crisis. At my lowest, I suffered from hypersexuality and dependency. I did not know I was. I thought I was gay, for starters, and that my life would be fine if I lived that

way. I became dependent of people that understood that part of “me”. I had lost myself. What hurt me the most, and what made me realize I was in the wrong road was

when someone close to me said that if I was gay, I was no longer a daughter of God. That made me snap back to the reality that I had to choose. I was either going to

follow the world, or follow Christ. I chose Christ. Since then, the rest has been dedicated to God. My actions, my

feelings, all of it, I have decided to put them in the hands of Jesus Christ. I do not regret a single
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thing that happened because it made me who I am today; it shaped me. I needed to realize that I

needed God; that was exactly what happened.

I hope people remember me for my heart. God has shaped me to love everyone, with no exceptions. Often, I have friends that tell me that a certain person

is unlikeable or they are annoying, etcetera; however, I have caught myself telling them that I actually like the person. I learned to not judge a book by its cover.

Another thing I would like people to remember by is my versatility. I have worked all my life to be as diverse in my skills as I can. I would like to to be remembered

for is my impact on the World. I want to be the cause of change, lead a revolution, bring people to a deeper understanding. I want my name to recorded in history.

On a sweeter note, my sense of humor revolves around “Dad jokes”. I love jokes that are so stupid, they are funny. I learned most of the jokes I do from

my grandfather. He is an expert in “Dad jokes”. They are so bad, but I love them! Those types of jokes remind me of my family, and how much they have impacted my

life. I love my grandpa, and my Dad.

Speaking of which, my inspiration is my Dad. My Dad has been a key part of my life. My humor, my way of loving, my way of thinking, my way of

treating people, all of it comes from my Dad. However, I cannot leave my mother behind. While my Dad shaped my personality, my Mom shaped my taste. My mom

and I tend to like the same clothes, the same food, the same shows, etcetera. My parents made me, literally. I have the blessing that, even after 25 years, my parents still

love each other. Often I am told that my parents are the epitome of love, and I strive to have a love like theirs.

I love hard. When I fall in love, I am insufferable. For some strange reason though, I do not tell the person I love them. Sure, I tell my friends, family, even

strangers that I love them, but I have never told the people I have fallen in love with that I love them. When thinking and reflecting on this truth, I realized that I am

afraid of rejection. I am afraid that, if I tell that person that I love them, I will lose a key relationship in my life, and I do not want that! So, instead of telling them I love

them, I write about it. I have notes FILLED with things I would say to that person if I could, poems centered around my thoughts on that person, and others. Most
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of those poems and notes are not meant to be shared, but there are their exceptions. An example

of this is my poem “Perspective” (which you will find in section 7 of the scrapbook).

My name is Karelys Dalet Concepción Ortiz. I am sixteen years old, and I have my whole life ahead of me. I am not scared of the future; bring it! All I do

is for Christ and I would not have it any other way. I have many things to tell, and many stories to tell. God has made me new, and I am not afraid to say it. It is an

honor to meet you!

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