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Experimental Determination of

Relative Permeabilities for a Rich

Gas/Condensate System Using Live Fluid
J.F. App, SPE, and J.E. Burger, SPE, Chevron Energy Technology Company

Summary fluids or recombined reservoir fluids with krg/kro ratios primarily

Measurement of gas and condensate relative permeabilities typi- within the range of 1 to 90. The lower krg/kro ratios represent
cally is performed through steady-state linear coreflood experi- richer fluids, while the higher krg/kro ratios represent leaner fluids.
ments using model fluids. This study addresses experimental The fluids studied in this paper, however, are significantly richer,
measurement of relative permeabilities for a rich gas/condensate with krg/kro ratios in the range of 0.05 to 0.15 on the basis of fluid
reservoir using a live, single-phase reservoir fluid. Using a live, compositions at initial reservoir conditions.
single-phase reservoir fluid eliminates the difficulties in designing Non-Darcy, or inertial, effects reduce relative permeabilities.
a relatively simple model fluid that replicates the complicated This has been demonstrated through linear coreflood experiments
thermodynamic and transport properties of a near-critical fluid. by several investigators (Lombard et al. 2000; Henderson et al.
Two-phase-flow tests were performed across a range of pressures 2000; Mott et al. 2000). Multirate non-Darcy single-phase
and flow rates to simulate reservoir conditions from initial experiments were performed as part of this study because of the
production through depletion. A single-phase multirate experi- anticipated high flow rates from this reservoir.
ment was also performed to assess inertial, or non-Darcy, effects. The objectives of this study were (1) to experimentally mea-
Correlations were developed to represent both the gas and con- sure gas and condensate relative permeabilities for a rich gas/
densate relative permeabilities as a function of capillary number. condensate system using a live, single-phase reservoir fluid;
A nearly 20-fold increase in gas relative permeability was ob- (2) assess the magnitude of inertial effects through the measure-
served from the low- to high-capillary-number flow regime. Com- ment of the non-Darcy coefficient; and (3) evaluate the impact of
positional simulations were performed to assess the impact of the the capillary-number-dependent relative permeabilities and non-
experimental results for vertical- and horizontal-well geometries. Darcy effects on the performance of vertical and horizontal wells.

Introduction Coreflood Experiments

Well deliverability estimates for gas/condensate systems require Three pseudosteady-state linear coreflood experiments were con-
accurate prediction of both gas and condensate effective ducted using a live, single-phase reservoir fluid to estimate the
permeability. This is particularly important within the near- effective gas and condensate permeabilities for a rich gas/
wellbore region where the pressures often fall below dewpoint condensate system. A single-phase multirate test was performed
causing retrograde condensation. Within this region, pressure gra- to evaluate inertial effects. Core and fluid properties in addition to
dients in both flowing phases are large and the interfacial tension the experimental technique employed will be discussed in the
between the gas and condensate is low. This results in relative following.
permeabilities that are rate sensitive. Under these conditions, both
capillary number and non-Darcy effects must be considered in Core. Core plugs located approximately 15 ft apart in depth were
modeling of gas/condensate flows. The relative permeabilities taken from a conventional core. Core properties are given in
increase with increasing capillary number and are reduced by Table 1. Absolute permeability values were relatively high, with
inertial, or non-Darcy, flow effects. an average value of 217 md. The effective permeability to gas at
Gas and condensate relative permeabilities are typically deter- the irreducible water saturation ranges between 115 and 130 md.
mined by steady-state linear coreflood experiments. Numerous The connate-water saturation was established by the porous-plate
experimental studies have been performed demonstrating an method.
improvement in both gas and condensate relative permeability at
high velocities and at low interfacial tension (Henderson et al. Fluids. The fluids used in the core experiments were live, single-
1998; Henderson et al. 1997; Ali et al. 1997). These studies phase-fluid samples obtained with a wireline sampling tool. The
used model fluids to represent the reservoir fluid, which samples were obtained within 25 ft total vertical depth (TVD) of
generally represented leaner gas/condensate systems. Chen et al. each other. The sampling pressures for both fluid samples were
(1995) performed similar experiments using a recombined gas/ within the single-phase region of the fluid phase envelope
condensate system from a North Sea field. Proper recombination corresponding to a near-critical fluid. Recombination of conden-
with surface gas and condensate samples, however, assumes that sate and gas was not required since single-phase samples were
the correct condensate/gas ratio is known. Using single-phase obtained.
downhole samples obtained at pressures above the dewpoint elimi- Two fluid samples were used in the coreflood tests. On the
nates this uncertainty. basis of the results of constant-composition-expansion (CCE)
Fevang and Whitson (1996) have shown that krg for a steady tests, one was characterized as a volatile oil, while the other was
state process is a function of the krg/kro ratio, where the krg/kro characterized as a near-critical gas condensate. The CCE results
ratio is a function of pressure. The dependency of krg on both the for both samples are shown in Fig. 1. These results were repli-
capillary number (Nc) and the krg/kro ratio for a pseudosteady-state cated by multiple CCE tests performed on each fluid sample. The
process has been demonstrated experimentally by Whitson et al. volatile-oil sample is the upper curve in Fig. 1, with a bubblepoint
(1999) and Mott et al. (1999). These studies used either model pressure of 5,705 psia. The lower curve represents the gas/
condensate sample with a dewpoint pressure of 6,220 psia. The
richness of both fluids is apparent from the high liquid saturations.
Copyright ã 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
For the gas/condensate fluid, the maximum condensate dropout is
This paper (SPE 109810) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical 62% occurring approximately 700 psia below the dewpoint.
Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, USA, 11–14 November 2007, and revised
for publication. Original manuscript received for review 2 August 2007. Revised manuscript
A multistage separator test of the gas/condensate fluid yielded
received for review 14 October 2008. Paper peer approved 24 October 2008. a condensate/gas ratio of 350 STB/MMscf, corresponding to a

April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 263

As Whitson et al. (1999) illustrated, the krg/kro ratios for a gas/
condensate fluid increase with decreasing reservoir pressure as the
composition of the reservoir fluid changes. The gas becomes
leaner, which generally translates into higher krg estimates. Given
the low krg/kro values for the fluids in this study, however, it was
gas/oil ratio (GOR) of 2,857 scf/STB. A GOR of 2,857 scf/STB is
deemed acceptable to use only the initial reservoir-fluid composi-
considered low for a gas condensate; however, the fluid characteri-
tion in the experimental studies. This was justified given that at
zation was based on the CCE liquid-volume vs. pressure behavior
low krg/kro ratios, the variation in krg with capillary number is not
and not the GOR.
as large as at higher krg/kro ratios.
There is no evidence to support a compositional change to
cause one fluid to be characterized as a volatile oil and the other
fluid to be characterized as a near-critical gas condensate. The Fluid Properties. Interfacial tension has a strong impact on the
difference in the fluid characterization is believed to be caused effective permeabilities of both gas and condensate. Interfacial
by the degree of oil-based-mud contamination. The contamination tension vs. pressure can be determined either from an equation of
level of the volatile oil sample was 4.6% compared to less than state (EOS) or from laboratory measurements. Without experi-
0.5% for the near-critical gas/condensate sample. The sample with mental measurements, however, the EOS derived values can be
the higher contamination level may have had more intermediates in error. Laboratory measurements were performed for this exper-
introduced from the drilling mud, causing the initial position on imental set to reduce the uncertainty in the interfacial-tension
the phase envelope to fall to the left of the critical point on a values. Table 2 lists the three interfacial-tension measurements
pressure-vs.-temperature diagram. To substantiate this hypothesis, obtained for the near-critical gas/condensate fluid. These mea-
a sample of the low-contaminated near-critical gas/condensate surements were determined by the pendant drop method per-
fluid was spiked with drilling mud to increase the contamination formed at reservoir temperature. For the purposes of calculating
level to 4.6%. A CCE test performed on this spiked sample con- a capillary number, the same interfacial-tension-vs.-pressure
firmed that this degree of contamination was sufficient to trans- relationship was used for both the volatile oil and the gas/condensate
form the fluid from a near-critical gas/condensate to a volatile oil. fluid. The capillary-number definition used in this study is
The initial coreflood-test program involved developing a rela- given by
tively simple model fluid (four or five components) to provide mv
sufficient fluid quantity. The desired characteristics of the model Nc ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
fð1  Swi Þs
fluid were: (1) krg/kro ratios similar to those of the reservoir fluids
for the range of pressures considered; (2) saturation pressures where s is the interfacial tension, m is the gas viscosity, and v is
similar to those of the reservoir fluids; and (3) low interfacial the gas superficial velocity. This is the definition of the capillary
tension between the gas and condensate. Attempts to develop an number used in the graphical illustration of the dependence
appropriate model fluid meeting the above specifications were of both gas and condensate relative permeabilities on capillary
unsuccessful because of the extremely rich nature of the subject number.
fluids. The krg/kro ratio of the two fluid systems is in the range of Gas- and condensate-viscosity values within the two-phase
0.05–0.15 on the basis of fluid compositions at initial reservoir region are required to estimate the effective permeability of each
conditions. These values are substantially lower than typical krg/ phase. Often two-phase viscosity values are estimated from corre-
kro ratios for moderately rich and lean gas condensate systems. lations. This is generally acceptable for gas but can be proble-
For lean fluids, the krg/kro ratios range from 10–100, and for richer matic for condensates unless the correlations have been tuned to
fluids, the krg/kro ratios vary from 1–10. experimental data. For this reason, the condensate-viscosity
values were measured experimentally across a range of pressures
for both fluid samples. The volatile-oil- and gas/condensate-
viscosity values, both single-phase and two-phase, are listed in
Table 3.

Experimental Equipment. The experimental apparatus used to

perform the coreflood experiments is shown in Fig. 2. The proce-
dure involved injecting the single-phase fluid through the first
backpressure regulator (BPR1), located immediately upstream of
the core inlet. This regulator was required to maintain the injected
fluid at single-phase conditions in the feed tank. Once it has
passed through BPR1, the two-phase mixture flows through the
core and then into a pressurized-piston storage vessel. A back-
pressure regulator (BPR2) is located downstream of the pressur-
ized storage vessel to regulate the vessel and core static pressures.
This also enabled the reuse of the downhole samples. Water was
used as the second fluid in the piston storage vessel and also to
flow through the BPR2 to minimize multiphase pressure effects
through BPR2. Both the fluid and core temperature were main-
tained at 170 F for all tests. The orientation of the core was
Fig. 1—CCE test for gas/condensate and volatile-oil downhole- vertical. Differential pressure across the core was measured using
fluid samples performed at 170 F. dual-pressure transducers. The pressure was measured at the inlet

264 April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

and outlet face of the sample. A constant-flow-rate high-pressure Experimental Results
syringe pump was used to pump the single-phase fluid. Volatile-Oil Fluid. Gas and condensate relative permeabilities
plotted against capillary number for the volatile-oil fluid (Test 1)
Experimental Procedure. The two-phase experiments involved are shown in Fig. 3. Clearly, the relative permeability of both
multirate injection tests performed at four core static pressures for phases increases with capillary number. It is also apparent that
each fluid sample and core pair. Table 4 lists the test number with the condensate relative permeability (denoted in this paper as krc
the core and fluid pair. The static pressures were selected to cover instead of kro) is many times greater than the gas relative perme-
the range of reservoir pressures during field development. For ability, particularly at high capillary numbers. At the maximum
Test 1, the volatile-oil-fluid test, the static pressures were 5,500, capillary number of 2.110-4, the condensate relative perme-
5,000, 4,000, and 2,000 psia. The static pressures selected for ability is nearly 20 times greater than the gas relative perme-
Tests 2 and 3, which used the gas/condensate fluid, were 5,500, ability. The threshold capillary number for the condensate phase,
4,500, 3,500, and 2,000 psia. The injection rates at each static defined as the capillary number at which the relative permeabil-
pressure were selected to span a range of capillary numbers from ities start to increase above the immiscible relative permeability
approximately 110-8 to 110-3 corresponding to the expected level, is on the order of 510-7. At a capillary number of 110-5,
capillary numbers at field conditions throughout the life of the a sharp increase in the condensate relative permeabilities occurs.
development. The injection rates through BPR1 ranged from a The gas relative permeability as a function of capillary number
minimum of 0.2 cm3/min to a maximum of 18 cm3/min. Seven is plotted on a reduced scale in Fig. 4. The pressure values denote
injection rates were performed at each static pressure. For each the core static pressure. As expected, the measured gas relative
test, which consisted of multirate injection at the four previously permeability values are higher at the higher static pressures be-
stated static pressures, approximately 1 L of fluid was required. cause of the reduced interfacial tension between the gas and con-
Injection rates of each phase into the core were determined densate. The threshold capillary number for the gas phase appears
from the constant composition expansion experiments. The post- to be on the order of 310-7; however, a dramatic increase in the
BPR1 inlet rate to the core was assumed to be equal to the core gas relative permeability occurs at a capillary number of 110-5.
outlet rate since the maximum pressure drop across the core in any
of the flow experiments was 25 psi. Gas/Condensate Fluid. The gas and condensate relative perme-
At the conclusion of two-phase Test 3, the core was repressur- abilities plotted against capillary number for the near-critical gas/
ized to above the fluid-saturation pressure and a single-phase condensate fluid from Tests 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 5. Similar
multirate injection test was performed to evaluate the single-phase to that of the volatile-oil fluid, the condensate relative perme-
non-Darcy coefficient, b. The effective permeability at connate- ability is many times greater than the gas relative permeability.
water saturation for each core was determined with both methane At the maximum measured capillary number of 3.610-4, the
and single-phase hydrocarbon before commencing the two-phase condensate relative permeability is six times greater than the gas
tests. relative permeability. The threshold capillary number for the
condensate appears to be 110-6.
The gas relative permeability as a function of capillary number
is shown in Fig. 6 on a reduced scale. The threshold capillary
number also appears to be 110-6 with a sharp increase in relative
permeability at a capillary number of 110-5. Similar to those of
the volatile-oil fluid, the gas relative permeability values of the
are low.

Comparison. Comparing the measured gas relative permeability

values between the volatile-oil and gas/condensate fluids indicates
that the maximum gas relative permeability for the gas/condensate
fluid is nearly twice that for the volatile-oil fluid. The condensate

Fig. 2—Experimental apparatus for coreflood experiments.

April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 265

Fig. 4—Test 1, krg vs. capillary number, volatile-oil fluid.
Fig. 3—Test 1, krg and krc vs. capillary number, volatile-oil fluid.

relative permeabilities compare more favorably, the condensate for this is that the krg/krc ratios of the fluids used in this study are
relative permeability values for the volatile-oil fluid being only significantly lower than the krg/krc ratios of the fluids in the com-
slightly higher than the condensate relative permeability values parison study.
for the gas/condensate fluid. The impact of varying krg/krc on the measured relative perme-
However, the measured condensate relative permeabilities are abilities is primarily apparent only in the high-capillary-number
significantly greater than the gas relative permeabilities for both range. In the high-capillary-number range, the gas relative perme-
the volatile-oil and gas/condensate fluids. This is because of the abilities (Fig. 7) increase by more than two-fold between the krg/
low krg/krc ratios that are characteristic of rich gas/condensate krc ratio of 0.05 and 0.15. The impact of the krg/krc ratio on the
fluids. For krg/krc ratios less than unity, the condensate relative condensate relative permeabilities in the high-capillary-number
permeability is greater than the gas relative permeability. As the range (Fig. 8) is less pronounced than for the gas relative perme-
krg/krc ratio falls well below unity, which is the case for the fluids abilities.
in this study, the condensate relative permeability can be many It should be noted that phase saturations were not required to
times greater than the gas relative permeability. Furthermore, this estimate the gas and condensate relative permeabilities according
rationale also explains the low measured values for gas relative to the model of Whitson et al. (1999). Furthermore, given the low
permeability observed for both the volatile-oil and gas/condensate pressure drop across the core (maximum of 25 psi), variations in
fluids. phase saturations and interfacial tension values would be minimal.
Gas and condensate relative permeabilities are functions of
both the krg/kro ratio (krg/krc) and the capillary number, as Whitson Non-Darcy Experiments. The experimental data from the single-
et al. (1999) have suggested. They showed that for a given capil- phase non-Darcy test are shown in Fig. 9. This test was performed
lary number, the relative permeabilities vary with the krg/krc ratio. at the conclusion of two-phase Test 3. Fig. 9 plots the pressure
Hence, gas relative permeabilities will decrease as the krg/krc ratio drop across the core against the mass flow rate. The injected fluid
decreases. Figs. 7 and 8 represent, respectively, the gas and con- was the gas/condensate fluid with Core 2. The departure from the
densate relative permeabilities plotted against capillary number straight line indicates the onset of non-Darcy effects. The non-
for the range of krg/krc evaluated. Because of the rich nature of Darcy coefficient, b, was determined on the basis of a pressure
these fluids, the range of krg/krc is limited and extremely low; analysis of the Forchheimer equation (Forchheimer 1914) and not
varying from 0.05 to 0.15. For comparison purposes, measured a p2 analysis. This is based on minimal variations in the fluid
krg values from Whitson et al. (1999) at low capillary numbers density, deviation factor, and viscosity given an average core
and krg/krc ratios between 0.4 and 0.9 are plotted. These krg values static pressure of 6,500 psia and a maximum pressure drop across
are several times higher than the krg values measured for either the the core of 12 psi. A non-Darcy coefficient, b, of 5.6105 cm-1
volatile-oil or gas/condensate fluid in this study. An explanation was estimated from this test.

Fig. 5—Test 2 and 3, krg and krc vs. capillary number, near- Fig. 6—Test 2 and 3, krg vs. capillary number, near-critical gas/
critical gas/condensate fluid. condensate fluid.

266 April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 7—krg as a function of capillary number for a range of krg/ Fig. 8—krc vs. capillary number for a range of krg/krc ratios; for
krc ratios; for volatile-oil and gas/condensate fluids. volatile-oil and gas/condensate fluids.

Fig. 10 illustrates a range of non-Darcy coefficients obtained range. The characteristic flattening of the predicted gas relative
from literature vs. value determined in Fig. 9. The b value deter- permeabilities at high capillary numbers was not achieved with
mined from our experiment, 5.6105 cm-1, is consistent with the Eq. 2. This was probably caused by the limited range of the
published data. measured gas relative permeabilities.
A match to the condensate relative permeability experimental
Relative Permeability Correlation. The correlation proposed by data using Eq. 2 is shown in Fig. 12. The parameter values used in
Whitson et al. (1999) was used to fit both the gas and condensate this match were b=30,000 and n=1.4. The characteristic flattening
relative permeability data. In this correlation, the phase relative of the relative permeabilities at high capillary number was
permeability is dependent upon both the capillary number and the achieved for the condensate because of the extended range of the
krg/krc ratio. For a given krg/krc ratio, therefore, the phase relative measured condensate relative permeabilities. Because of the mini-
permeability is expressed as mal variation in the krg/krc ratios observed in the experimental
data, the correlations for both the gas and condensate relative
kra ¼ fkimm þ ð1  f Þkrm ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) permeabilities were developed on the basis of one krg/krc ratio.
where krimm is the immiscible, or low capillary number, relative
permeability; krm is the miscible, or high capillary number, rela- Compositional Simulation
tive permeability; and f is an interpolation function. The interpo- A compositional, single-well radial model was developed to as-
lation function is given by sess the impact of the capillary-number-dependent gas and con-
1 densate relative permeabilities and the experimentally determined
f ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) non-Darcy coefficient, b. The radial grid was logarithmically gen-
ðbNc Þn þ1
erated with an outer radius of 7,000 ft, and the producing interval
where b and n are empirical parameters. The value of f was divided into five layers of equal thickness. The producing
varies between 1 at low capillary numbers and 0 at high capillary constraints were a maximum gas rate of 30 MMscf/D and a mini-
numbers. mum flowing bottomhole pressure of 2,000 psia.
A match to the experimental data for the gas/condensate fluid Fig. 13 compares the gas- and condensate-production profiles
(Tests 2 and 3) was obtained with values for b and n of 800 and for a vertical well between immiscible relative permeabilities
0.75, respectively. Fig. 11 represents a match to the gas relative and capillary-number-dependent relative permeabilities. Non-
permeability experimental data using Eq. 2. The match is excel- Darcy effects were not included in this simulation. The impact of
lent throughout the low- and mid-capillary number range but capillary-number-dependent relative permeabilities is to extend
deteriorates in the high-capillary number range. The model slight- the production plateau by 6 months. The production profiles were
ly overpredicts the gas relative permeability in the high capillary impacted marginally when non-Darcy effects, based on the

Fig. 9—Analysis of single-phase multirate experiment to deter- Fig. 10—Comparison of non-Darcy coefficients from literature
mine the non-Darcy coefficient, b. with the value determined in Fig. 9.

April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 267

Fig. 11—krg correlation match to experimental data using gas/ Fig. 12—krc correlation match to experimental data using gas/
condensate fluid. condensate fluid.

experimentally determined non-Darcy coefficient, b, were Nomenclature

incorporated in the simulations. b = parameter in interpolation function
A compositional full-field model was developed to simulate a f = interpolation function for relative permeability
horizontal well with a drainhole length of 2,000 ft. The producing kr = relative permeability
constraints were the same as for the vertical well; a maximum gas n = parameter in interpolation function
rate of 30 MMscf/D and a minimum flowing bottomhole pressure
of 2,000 psia. A higher gas rate could not be modeled because of Nc = capillary number
pipeline constraints. The impact of capillary-number-dependent Swi = irreducible water saturation, fraction
relative permeabilities on the production profiles from a horizon- v = superficial velocity, cm/sec
tal well with this drainhole length and production constraints was VL = liquid volume
minimal. This is because the capillary numbers near the horizontal VT = total volume, liquid and gas
drainhole are low because of the reduced velocities based on the b = non-Darcy coefficient, cm-1
increased surface area provided by the horizontal-well drainhole. m = viscosity, cp
s = interfacial tension, dyne/cm
Conclusions f = porosity, fraction
Relative permeability tests for a near-critical fluid were performed
successfully using two live, single-phase reservoir-fluid samples.
Significant findings from this study are as follows: Subscripts
• A dramatic increase in both the gas and condensate relative c = condensate
permeabilities with increasing capillary numbers was observed. g = gas
• The measured condensate relative permeabilities for both fluid o = oil
systems were significantly greater than the measured gas rela-
a = phase index
tive permeabilities.
• The measured gas relative permeabilities are low compared
with most gas/condensate systems. This is reflective of the
richness of the fluid samples.
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Lombard, J.-M., Longeron, D.G., and Kalaydjian, F.J.M. 2000. Influence J. App has more than 30 years of experience in the upstream
of Connate Water and Condensate Saturation on Inertial Effects in E&P business in both operational and research activities. He is
Gas/Condensate Reservoirs. SPE J. 5 (3): 301–308. SPE-65430-PA. currently a senior engineering advisor at Chevron Energy
DOI: 10.2118/65430-PA. Technology Company in Houston. Email:
com. App has a BS in civil engineering from Rice U. and MS
Mott, R., Cable, A., and Spearing, M. 2000. Measurements and Simulation
and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the U. of Hous-
of Inertial and High Capillary Number Flow Phenomena in Gas- ton. J. Burger has a BS in petroleum engineering from West
Condensate Relative Permeability. Paper SPE 62932 presented at the Virginia U. and a PhD in chemical engineering from the U. of
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 Octo- Houston. He is currently a team leader of a core analysis group
ber. DOI: 10.2118/62932-MS. with Chevron in Houston.

April 2009 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 269

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