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Concepción 1

Karelys Concepción

Professor Stephania Uwakweh

English 10, Sec. MJ 1:00

8 March 2024

The CROEM I will always remember

CROEM, in its essence, has been a challenge throughout generations. Today, this statement has been proven true. CROEM is a school filled with its difficulties, tests,

and situations. However, it is also a place filled with strengths, positivity, and hope. Here I have seen, in the faces of the professors, hope for the future generation, I

want to be an inspiration to others, and CROEM allows me that experience. CROEM has made me.

God granted me the opportunity to take the admission exam on April 2022, and gave me the chance to enter the best school in the country. I was fourteen when I

entered CROEM, and I did not feel ready. However, staying in Mayagüez was difficult for the first day; I am not joking. The first day was the toughest, but after that, I

clicked with the people. I had found my people! I had always felt left out in my other school because I was “too smart”. There was a caliber I exceeded, and people did

not like that. Quite frankly, I have never looked back ever since I entered CROEM. I am glad I entered because it has allowed me to meet amazing people, and learn

difficult life lessons.

When you are away from home, surrounding yourself of people that get that feeling soothes the pain in your soul. That happened to me when I met my closest friend

right now, Alía. At first, I found Alía annoying (I think it was her voice; I do not remember well.) Then,I realized she was someone that could help shape me.I wanted

to surround myself of people that helped me grow, and that is what she has done for me. Alía has become an anchor in my life. I think that, without her friendship, my

life would not be the same. Alía is one of the smartest people I know in this school, yet we help each other. There are moments where I do not understand a certain

subject, but she does; there are moments where she is the one that needs help. We have grown so much together, and if God asks me for one thing I am grateful for, I

would say Alía.

Concepción 2

I have always found professors interesting. My Grandma is a teacher, so I know how difficult the job actually is. Here in CROEM, there are three that have helped me

so much more than they currently do. The one that has shaped me and has inspired me the most is Professor Cabrera. She is an icon! A person dedicated to his/her job

for as long as she has been is worth more than employers realize. Personally, CROEM would not be the same without her; she is a key piece. If there was one thing I

would tell her, it is that she deserves so much more she has been given. The world is her oyster; I would implore her to explore it and live her best life. I am proud of

her, more than she will ever know. She has taught me that resilience and motivation go beyond talent. Being talented is not enough; sometimes motivation can do so

much more than talent. If she ever reads this, I want her to know that a piece of me stays with her, and that my life would not be the same if she was not around.

The other professor that has shaped me more than they know is Professor Alexis Rosario. I have taken one class with him so far, but his impact on my life has been

huge. Quite frankly, I do not get it either. I have known him for a small amount of time, yet he has done so much in my life. I am, unconsciously, a copy of him. We are

not the same in personality or anything similar to that, but he possesses traits that have resonated within me. He is a competitive person. A person that appreciates

competition for what it is will always have my admiration. Currently, we are in the same Volleyball team for the school competition, and there is a chemistry that is

different. He gets the frustration I get when things do not go our way when we play. We both know we can do so much, and that is something I appreciate. I love a

person willing to sacrifice time and strength for sports. He has taught me that I can have different tastes, that being versatile is better than most people think. I can be a

mathematician or a scientist, and be an athlete, artist, anything! Why limit yourself to one hobby, when you can be good at many of them. He has also taught me that if

I am going to do something, I need to be the best. If I want to win, I need to be the best. If he ever reads this, I want him to know that all the things he does are

appreciated and valued. He deserves absolutely everything good in this life. If I will miss anything in CROEM, it will be his jokes at 8:00am. In my previous essay, I

stated that “Dad Jokes” are my favorite types of jokes. He is the embodiment of that! Imagine the scene: it is 8:00 am, and you are tired . You are almost falling asleep,

but you are in Geometry; you cannot lose any valuable information. Then, out of the blue, the professor makes a dumb joke. Suddenly, your humor spikes, your energy

increases, and you are not so tired anymore. That is what Alexis does for me. He gives me strength to continue with my day,and he will never know how much it means

to me that he is here. I appreciate his life more than he will ever know; thank you for everything you do.

Lopecito is my doppelgänger. His way of being is an exact copy of who I am. I take classes with him at 4:00pm, and it is a different vibe entering his classroom. He has

so much energy, it is contagious. Lopecito is a sweet soul that has passed through situations that have made him wiser than his age suggests. He may seem energetic,
Concepción 3

and hyper (which he is), but he knows when to be mellow and when the time calls for wise words. Lopecito has taught me that, no matter what has happened to you, a

smile should always grace your face. Life is full of difficult moments, but positivity and optimism will get you through those moments. Sure, life is hard, but how you

face those troubles will define who you are and what you are capable of. If he ever reads this, I want to tell him two things. Firstly, thank you for being the sweet

person you are. Having someone that gets your flow, and can read the room, is appreciated so much more than he can ever guess. Thank you for the advice, and your

worried comments toward me. I may be crazy, but I am not mad. The second thing I want to tell him is that, if he ever needs someone to scream with, or sing with,

maybe even dance with, he can count me. In the moments he feels down and needs a boost, he can count on me to make him laugh. As I said, I may be crazy, but that is

just because I am hyper. I promise that I am fine, mentally of course.

A big part of my heart will stay in CROEM the moment I graduate. I tend to say that, the minute I leave, I am not coming back. It is partially true; I do not wish to

come back if it is up to me. CROEM has brought its situations and burn-outs with it, so I would not come back to the facility after I graduate (unless, of course,

someone asks me to come. I will say yes; I promise). Nevertheless, an intense part of me will stay here because CROEM has shaped me. It has changed me for the

better. The students have changed my perspective of friendship and competition, and the professors have taught me more than they will know (unless they read this, of

course). This school has made me come out of the already half-broken shell, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I am proud of the establishment I call my

school,and I am proud of the people that fill it. I wish for CROEM the absolute best, and I hope I can be part of the future generation that will make schools like these

shine brighter. Thank you, for everything.

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