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What is sin? Why Why do people
understand the choose to sin
Concept of sin?
Sin a human act.

Sin is a morally bad human act

(It is not in conformity with
the eternal moral law of God)
intellectual constituent of the
volitive constituent of the act
For Sr. Kieran Sawyer
There are five general
reasons why people sin:

1. Choosing ‘good’ for

oneself but bad for
2. Choosing the
lesser good
over a greater
3. Choosing ‘good
for now’ but may
be bad later.
4. Choosing ‘good’
that will definitely
be bad later.
what one
knows is BAD!
According to the Bible:

Sirach 15: 11-20 describes that

it arises in the abuse by
created persons of their
power of free choice.
“It was he who created man in the
beginning, and he left him in the
power of his own inclination.
If you will, you can keep the
and to act faithfully is a matter
of your own choice. Before a
man are life and death,
and whichever he chooses will be
given to him.
For great is the wisdom of the
Lord; he is mighty in power and
sees everything;”
It corrupts all that is good and noble in us.

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your

earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil
desires and greed, which is idolatry.
Colossians 3:5
Mortal sin =
full knowledge
full consent
act is a grave
CCC# #1033
“We cannot be united with God
unless we freely choose to love
him. But we cannot love God
if we sin gravely against him,
against our neighbor or against

Thus, Mortal sin is that sin

which destroys sanctifying
grace in the soul and separates
us from God.
Venial Sin =
full knowledge
full consent
act is not a
grave matter
Venial sin: that sin which is
not grave sin. Venial sin is
slight or small sin, such as
gossip or excessive
talkativeness. Another
example of venial sin
would be impatience.
CCC# 1863
Venial sin weakens charity; it
manifests a disordered affection for
created goods; it impedes the soul’s
progress in the exercise of the
virtues and the practice of the
moral good; it merits temporal
Deliberate and unrepented venial sin
disposes us little by little to
commit mortal sin. With God’s
grace it is humanly reparable.
Venial sin does not destroy sanctifying
grace (the ability to live life in
heaven, or a share in the divine life)
in the soul.
That is not to say one shouldn’t strive
to avoid it. We must work constantly
to avoid all sin. The danger in taking
venial sin lightly is that it can lead
to grave sin, even mortal sin.
Sin is an offense against reason,
truth, and right conscience.
It is failure in genuine love for
God and neighbor caused by a
perverse attachment to certain
It wounds the nature of man
and injures human solidarity.
It has been defined as "an
utterance, a deed, or a desire
contrary to the eternal law.”
-CCC 1849
Sin is an offense against

Sin sets itself against

God's love for us and
turns our hearts away
from it.
Like the first sin, it is
disobedience, a revolt
against God.
Sin is thus "love of
oneself even to
contempt of God.”
-CCC 1850
Spiral – it is contagious, a pathological habit of
vice that acts like a virus, infecting social
attitudes and structures such as family, and
social groups, etc.

Sickness – it causes ‘paralysis’; it needs


Addiction- a process by which we become

powerless as it becomes progressively more
compulsive and obsessive. -CFC 773
1. What were my misconceptions
about sin?

2. What is sin according to the

Bible and the Church?

3. Generally, what are the types of

sin I deliberately commit?

4. What should I should about sins

in my life?
All sin is the result of a
personal action.

Every sin produces social

and institutional
moments that are contrary
to God’s will.

Every sin brings about evil

in society and can entice
people into committing

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