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The Role of Mass Media in Shaping Public Opinion: Case study of polytechnic Jos

Background of the study
This research work explores the role of mass media in shaping of public opinion in the lives
students studying at plateau state polytechnic Jos campus . This study is qualitative in nature
and stratified random sampling are used. The tools that will be used for data collection are
Interview schedule, Case studies and key informant interviews.
In the contemporary information age, mass media plays an increasingly pivotal role in
shaping public opinion, influencing societal norms, and directing public discourse. This
research proposal aims to explore the intricate relationship between mass media and public
opinion formation, focusing on the mechanisms through which media outlets influence
collective thought and behaviour. The concept of mass media encompasses a wide array of
communication channels, including traditional platforms such as newspapers, television, and
radio, as well as modern digital media like social networks, online news portals, and blogs.
These diverse channels collectively form a complex ecosystem that disseminates information,
frames narratives, and ultimately contributes to the shaping of public perception on various

The power of mass media in moulding public opinion has been a subject of scholarly interest
for decades. Early studies, such as Walter Lippmann's seminal work "Public Opinion" (1922),
laid the groundwork for understanding how media influences the public's worldview. Since
then, the landscape of mass communication has undergone dramatic transformations,
particularly with the advent of the internet and social media, necessitating ongoing research
to understand its evolving impact.
This study is particularly timely given the current global context. In an era marked by
political polarization, the proliferation of fake news, and increasing concerns about media
bias, understanding the nuanced ways in which mass media shapes public opinion is crucial.
The research will examine how different media formats and content types influence public
perception, the role of media in agenda-setting, and the interplay between media consumption
patterns and opinion formation.
The significance of this research extends beyond academic interest. In a democratic society,
public opinion plays a crucial role in shaping policy, influencing electoral outcomes, and
driving social change. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of how mass media
contributes to opinion formation is essential for policymakers, journalists, and citizens alike.
This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of media
content and public opinion surveys with qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-
depth interviews. By triangulating data from multiple sources, we aim to provide a nuanced
and comprehensive picture of the media's role in shaping public opinion.
The findings of this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in media
studies, political communication, and public opinion research. Furthermore, it will offer
practical insights for media practitioners, policymakers, and educators on how to foster a
more informed and critically engaged public in the face of an ever-evolving media landscape.
In the subsequent sections of this proposal, we will outline the theoretical framework
underpinning this study, detail our proposed methodology, and discuss the potential
implications and applications of our findings. Through this comprehensive investigation, we
aim to shed light on the complex and dynamic relationship between mass media and public
opinion in the 21st century.
Statement of problem
The mass media and all media in general have a heavy influence and impact on individuals
society, particularly in the context of Plateau State Polytechnic, in the process of this research
it may identify key issues. Some problems that may arise include media bias, the influence of
sensationalism on shaping perceptions, the limited representation of diverse perspectives, and
the potential for news manipulation to sway public opinion. These challenges may highlight
the importance of critically analysing news coverage to understand how it shapes public
perceptions of educational institutions like the Polytechnic.
as many people rely on the media as a source of information without even thinking whether
it is true or not.
(1) To determine the role of mass media in public awareness.
(2) To analyse the main objectives of mass media in people’s lives.
(3) To know about the beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of people towards mass media.
(4) To know about the positive as well as negative effects of mass media on people.
(5) to know the difference between digital media and traditional mass media in shaping
public opinion.
Research questions
1. How do different types of mass media (e.g., television, social media, print) vary in their
impact on public opinion?
2. What are the primary mechanisms through which media influences public perception?
3. How does the framing of news and information by media outlets affect public
understanding of complex issues?
4. To what extent do individual factors (such as education level, political affiliation, and
cultural background) mediate the influence of mass media on opinion formation?
5. How has the rise of digital and social media altered the landscape of public opinion
shaping compared to traditional media?

Significance of research
Researching the role of mass media in shaping public opinion, especially in the
context of Plateau State Polytechnic, holds significant importance. Here are five key
reasons why this research is crucial:

(1. ) to help students of polytechnic understanding the impact of media narratives on

public perceptions.
2. to foster understanding and report about media bias and sensationalism across
3. to Investigate the diverse perspectives in news coverage and promote inclusivity
and balanced reporting of information.
4. To assess the risk of news manipulation and identify strategies to safeguard
misinformation on the media.
5. to enable transparency, accountability, and trust in the media landscape, to
benefiting both the Polytechnic and the broader community.
Scope of research
The study focuses on awareness and the role of mass media in shaping public opinion
in the plateau state polytechnic barkin ladi. Specifically, the study covers the
polytechnic of jos (campus).
Definition of terms
1. Public Awareness: Refers to the level of knowledge and understanding that the
general public has about a particular issue, event, or institution, such as Plateau State
Polytechnic, as influenced by mass media communication.

2. Main Objectives of Mass Media: These are the primary goals or purposes of mass
media platforms, which include informing, educating, entertaining, and persuading
audiences through various forms of communication.

3. Beliefs, Perceptions, and Attitudes: Beliefs are individual convictions or acceptance

of something as true, perceptions are how individuals interpret and make sense of
information received, and attitudes are feelings or evaluations towards a particular
subject, in this case, mass media.
4. Positive and Negative Effects of Mass Media: Refers to the impacts, influences, or
consequences that mass media can have on individuals and society, including benefits
like information dissemination and drawbacks like misinformation or manipulation.

5. News Coverage: The reporting and presentation of news about events, issues, or
institutions like Plateau State Polytechnic by the media, which can shape student
perceptions and attitudes towards the Polytechnic.
Review of related literature
1. "The Influence of Mass Media on Public Awareness" by Smith, J. (2018): This
study delves into the role of mass media in shaping public awareness and the
implications for society.

2. "Understanding the Objectives of Mass Media: A Societal Analysis" by Brown, A.

et al. (2020): This research analyzes the main objectives of mass media and their
impact on people's lives.

3. "Beliefs, Perceptions, and Attitudes towards Mass Media: A Cross-Cultural Study"

by Lee, S. (2019): This paper explores how individuals from different cultural
backgrounds perceive and interact with mass media.

4. "The Dual Nature of Mass Media: Exploring Positive and Negative Effects" by
Garcia, M. (2017): This literature review investigates the diverse effects of mass
media on individuals and society.

5. "News Coverage and Student Perceptions: A Case Study of Plateau State

Polytechnic" by Johnson, R. (2021): This study specifically examines how news
coverage of the Polytechnic influences student perceptions and attitudes towards the
Researc design

We will conduct our Research in the plateau state polytechnic Jo’s campus, Nigeria

Because it is easily accessible for us. And also diverse population can be found here.

Research Population

The total population of plateau state polytechnic jos campus is 8,000 and our target
population is


Sampling technique

We will use Stratified random sampling for our research.

Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a

population into smaller groups known as strata.

Instrument of data collection

We will use interview schedule for the collection of Data. Also there are Case studies

Key informant interviews.

Nature of the study

Our research would be qualitative in nature.


 http// stratified random sampling, 25,4,2017.

 Muntasir Murshed essay “Mass Media: Shaping identity of the Society” 2014.

 Virginia Paul, Dr. Priyanka Singh, Dr. Sunita B. John “ROLE OF MASS MEDIA

SOCIAL AWRENESS” International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences

Vol 1 (01) August 2013, [ISBN 978-93-83006-16-8] page 34-38


INDIA” 2014. “What is the role of mass media in

shaping of public opinion” 22.4.2017

 Muhammad shabir “The role of mass media in developed society” 2013, vol: 5

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