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Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis

of Clinical Practice 42th Edition Susan

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The Lost Art of Connecting Susan Mcpherson [Susan

Publisher: Jeremy Bowes
Senior Content Development Specialist: Trinity Hutton
Deputy Content Development Manager: Joanne Scott
Project Managers: Julie Taylor, Joanna Souch
Production Manager: Deena Burgess
Designer: Amy Buxton
Illustration Manager: Paula Catalano
Illustrators: Antbits (Paul Richardson, Richard Tibbitts), Edanart (Ethan Danielson)
Copyeditor: Elaine Leek
Proofreaders: Glenys Norquay and Susan Stuart
Indexer: Jan Ross, Merrall-Ross International
Marketing Manager: Michele Milano
Susan Standring MBE, PhD, DSc, FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy
King’s College London
London, UK

SECTION EDITORS Alistair Ross MB, FRCS Caroline B Wigley BSc, PhD
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Retired Preclinical Tutor
Neel Anand MD The Bath Clinic University of Exeter Medical
Clinical Professor of Surgery Bath, UK School
Director, Spine Trauma, Exeter, UK
Minimally Invasive Spine
R Shane Tubbs MS, PA-C, PhD
Spine Center
Professor Stephanie J Woodley PhD,
Departments of Neurosurgery, MSc, BPhty
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Neurology and Structural and Associate Professor
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Cellular Biology Department of Anatomy
Tulane University School of School of Biomedical Sciences
Marco Catani MD, PhD Medicine University of Otago
Professor of Neuroanatomy & New Orleans, LA, USA Dunedin, New Zealand
Psychiatry Professor of Human Gross and
NatBrainLab Developmental Anatomy
Department of Forensic and Department of Anatomical
Neurodevelopmental Sciences Sciences
Institute of Psychiatry, Surface Anatomy
St George’s University
Psychology and Neuroscience Grenada, West Indies Richard Tunstall BMedSci,
King’s College London Faculty PhD, FHEA
London, UK National Skull Base Foundation
Thousand Oaks, CA, USA Imaging
Patricia Collins BSc, PhD, FHEA Faculty
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy Department of Neurosurgery
Tom Turmezei MPhil, MA,
AECC University College and Ochsner Neuroscience BMBCh, PhD, FRCR
Bournemouth, UK Institute Consultant Radiologist
Ochsner Health System Norfolk and Norwich
Alan R Crossman BSc, PhD, New Orleans, LA, USA University Hospital
Norwich, UK
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy Richard Tunstall BMedSci, University of East Anglia, UK
The University of Manchester PhD, FHEA Royal College of Radiologists
Manchester, UK Professor of Clinical Anatomy 2020 Roentgen Professor
and Imaging
Michael Gleeson MD, FRCS, Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick, UK Cell and Tissue Microstructure
Professor of Skull Base Surgery Professor of Clinical Anatomy Caroline B Wigley BSc, PhD
University College London West Midlands Surgical
The National Hospital for Training Centre
Neurology and Neurosurgery UHCW NHS Trust
London, UK Coventry, UK
Applied Surgical Anatomy Lead
Royal College of Surgeons
London, UK

Forty-Second Edition
© 2021, Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.

Forty-first edition published 2016 Get the most out of your Gray’s Anatomy
Forty-Second Edition
Fortieth edition published 2008

First edition JW Parker & Son 1858 Included in your purchase is a rich variety of BONUS electronic
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ISBN: 978-0-7020-7705-0 COVER IMAGE

The cover image for this edition is a cinematically rendered 3D
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processing was performed on a SIEMENS syngo.via Frontier workstation
by Dr Julia Sun (Clinical Fellow in Radiology, Royal Papworth Hospital) with
further editing by Dr Jonathan Weir-McCall (Honorary Consultant
Radiologist, Royal Papworth Hospital) and Dr Tom Turmezei (Consultant
Radiologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital).

A common definition of a preface is that it is ‘an introduction to a book, in Gray’s Anatomy was described as ‘stultifying’ (Tansey 1995).1
typically stating its subject, scope or aims’. It is often the only place where The text of the 42nd edition of Gray’s Anatomy is almost entirely
an author or editor speaks directly to their readership, and in this Terminologia Anatomica 2-compliant.2 However, on occasion the pre-
respect, a preface is akin to an actor breaking the conceptual ‘fourth ferred term that is used is a synonym that may not be TA2-compliant:
wall’ in the theatre or on film. In the Preface to the first edition in 1858 it has been chosen either because it is the agreed term in the relevant
Henry Gray wrote that ‘This Work is intended to furnish the Student and clinical consensus document or, as my editors frequently remind me,
Practitioner with an accurate view of the Anatomy of the Human Body, and because it enjoys widespread clinical usage, whereas the TA-compliant
more especially the application of this science to Practical Surgery’. Subsequent term does not.3 Wherever this occurs, all terms are included at first
editions of Gray’s Anatomy not only upheld that intention, but devel- meeting, with synonyms in parentheses.
oped it, in order to embrace and engage a wider readership. The use of eponyms is contentious: detractors argue that they are
The first two editors to succeed Gray were Timothy Holmes (1863– inherently inaccurate, non-scientific and often undeserved, while pro-
1880) and Thomas Pickering Pick (1883–1905). They both wondered ponents point out that eponyms are deeply embedded in the anatomi-
in their Prefaces whether it was appropriate to include findings from cal and clinical literature and that they remind us of the giants on whose
the burgeoning discipline of anatomical science in a book intended shoulders we stand. On balance, I believe that Gray’s Anatomy is an
specifically for students of surgery: ‘so long as the Examining Bodies do appropriate repository for anatomical eponyms: they are cited in paren-
not exact a knowledge of this branch of science as a necessary part of Medical theses on first usage of a preferred term in the text and an updated list
Education, it would be unwise to encumber the pages of a work designed of eponyms is available in the e-book for reference purposes. I recognize
specifically for students with matter which, however interesting and valuable the irony in the exclusion of Henry Vandyke Carter’s name from the
in itself, could hardly be regarded as essential’ (Holmes, 3rd edition, 1863). eponymous title of Gray’s Anatomy, particularly since Carter’s drawings
Pickering Pick pointed out that microscopical anatomy had been invariably attracted praise: ‘those excellent images which have … contrib-
revised in the 10th edition ‘in order to keep pace with the ever-increasing uted so materially to smooth the thorny path of the student of human anatomy’
activity of research in the branch of the science of Anatomy’ (1883), and (Carter’s obituary, BMJ May 15 1897); ‘The splendid illustrations in Gray
while not intending the 13th edition for the ‘scientific anatomist’, he have long been known as the most effective and intelligible presentations of
was anxious not ‘to disparage, for an instant, the study of Philosophical or anatomical structure ever produced …’ (Preface to the American 15th
Scientific Anatomy’ (1893). edition, 1901).
Future editions slowly assimilated findings in the fields of cell As a general rule, the orientation of diagrams and photographs
biology, embryology, neuroanatomy and imaging: just as the discipline throughout the book has been standardized to show the left side of the
it describes has evolved, so a book originally intended for students of body, irrespective of whether a lateral or medial view is presented.
surgery has morphed into the great reference book that is published Transverse sections have been drawn from below to facilitate compari-
today. Our current view of the detailed internal landscape of the body, son with axial clinical images: the conventional ‘top down’ orientation
from molecular to whole body and from conception onwards, owes has been retained in diagrams in Section 3 (neuroanatomy).
much to the enormous technological advances that have taken place in Clinicopathological examples have been selected where the pathology
the last half century. Our ‘anatomical gaze’ has been enlightened by is either a direct result, or a consequence, of the anatomy, or where the
progress in bioinformatics, molecular biology, experimental genetics, anatomical features are instrumental in the diagnosis/treatment/man-
light and electron microscopy, diagnostic imaging (including X-rays, agement of the condition. Unless otherwise indicated, the photomicro-
magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and ultrasonogra- graphs illustrate human histology and embryology.
phy), and the use of ‘soft’ perfusion techniques and frozen–thawed, In the Preface to the 39th edition I explained that the editorial team
unembalmed cadavers for dissection-based studies and surgical train- had decided that, in order to provide the greatest benefit to clinicians,
ing. That gaze is not only informed by, but also informs, the design and Gray’s Anatomy would better mirror their daily practice if anatomy was
negotiation of minimally invasive surgical access routes to structures described in the way that they use it, i.e. regionally. That said, including
and regions that were once regarded as inaccessible ‘tiger territories’. regional and systematic descriptions of topographical anatomy has
The momentum created by these changes powered the radical modern- remained my goal and I am therefore delighted that the anatomy of the
izing revisions seen in the 36th to 38th editions under the editorship nervous and vascular and lymphatic systems is included in the online
of Roger Warwick and Peter Williams: ‘The discipline of Anatomy has version of the 42nd edition (in Chapters 80 and 81).
changed out of all recognition because it is no longer just “Descriptive and Neel Anand, Marco Catani, Pat Collins, Alan Crossman, Michael
Applied”’ (Editorial team, Preface to the 38th edition, 1995), and has Gleeson, Alistair Ross, Shane Tubbs, Richard Tunstall, Caroline Wigley
continued to drive subsequent editions. and Stephanie Woodley brought a wealth of scholarship and experience
Terminological disputes have long entertained anatomists: ‘one cynic as anatomists, cell biologists, research scientists, educators and clini-
has commented that anatomists would rather use each other’s toothbrushes cians to their roles as Section Editors. They recognize that a knowledge
than employ their terminology’ (Tansey 1995).1 Henry Gray’s anatomical of clinically relevant and evidence-based anatomy is essential for safe
terminology in the first edition can be little different from the language and effective clinical practice across all specialisms. It is with great
he used when teaching and operating at St George’s Hospital: his words pleasure that I thank them for their dedication and enthusiastic support,
were written long before the publication of the Basle Nomina Anatomica both in selecting and interacting with the authors in their Sections and
(BNA) in 1895. The exasperated comments of TB Johnston, in his in meeting Elsevier’s deadlines, despite the ever-increasing demands on
Preface to the 25th edition, have a familiar ring almost 90 years later: their time from their university and/or clinical managers. Richard
‘It is my earnest hope that before another edition of this work is published, the
question of terminology will have been settled and an unproductive subject will
have ceased to occupy attention’ (Johnston 1932). These hopes have not been
entirely satisfied. An early attempt to reconcile differing terminologies 2
Terminologia Anatomica 2, 2019; Terminologia
Histologica, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008; Terminologia
Embryologica, 2017; Terminologia Neuroanatomica,
Jeppson PC, Balgobin S, Washington BB et al 2018 Recommended standardized ter-
Tansey EM 1995 A brief history of Gray’s Anatomy. In Gray’s Anatomy 38th ed minology of the anterior female pelvis based on a structured medical literature
(Williams PL et al eds). pp. xvii–xx. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. review. Am J Obstet Gynecol 219:26–39. ix

Tunstall and Caroline Wigley also worked closely with many authors I offer my sincere thanks to the editorial team at Elsevier, under the
to update the text and artworks for evidence-based surface anatomy and leadership of Jeremy Bowes, for their guidance, professionalism, good
microstructure, respectively, across Sections 3 to 9. Tom Turmezei has humour and unfailing support at all times. I particularly thank Trinity
been an enthusiastic ‘go to’ editor for sourcing images throughout the Hutton, Joanna Souch, Julie Taylor and Elaine Leek, for being at the
book: Tom and his team have produced a superb collection of addi- end of a phone or available by e-mail whenever I needed advice or
tional labelled images (see Bonus imaging collection). Owen Arthurs support. I thank the artists who have worked to produce new artworks
and his colleagues at Great Ormond Street Hospital provided microCT under Richard Tibbitts’ leadership, continuing the tradition of Henry
images for Section 2 (Embryogenesis and development). Over a Vandyke Carter, the first great illustrator of Gray’s Anatomy.
hundred highly experienced clinicians and anatomists have contributed I dedicate my work on this edition of Gray’s Anatomy to my daugh-
new text and/or artworks, original micrographs or other images to ters, Helen and Caroline.
individual chapters and I thank them all for their input – as ever, it has Susan Standring
been an enriching experience to read their revisions. February 2020


It was with great sadness that we learned that Professor Emeritus Karl architecture of each area under different conditions (Zilles et al 1986,
Zilles, who co-authored the updated chapter on the cerebral hemi- Zilles and Palomero-Gallagher 2017).
spheres (Chapter 32), died while the proofs of this edition of Gray’s In the last 15 years, Karl Zilles and his collaborators introduced an
Anatomy were being finalized. He was an outstanding neuroscientist and ultra-high resolution method for axon and white matter fibre visualiza-
‘…his dedication, rigor, and scientific approaches have been transformative tion based on polarized light imaging (Axer et al 2011). Future develop-
in the field of neuroanatomy…’ (Zaborszky 2020). The quantitative his- ments and applications of this technique will offer an invaluable tool
tological methods that he developed have played a significant role in with which to describe the organization of neural connections in the
bridging the gap between classical post-mortem neuroanatomy and brain and to validate current descriptions of white matter tracts based
neuroimaging of the living human brain. on in vivo diffusion MRI tractography.
Karl Zilles graduated in medicine from the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe To his students, collaborators and friends, Professor Karl Zilles was
University in Frankfurt in 1971 and received a PhD in Anatomy from an inspirational and encouraging figure, always ready to converse and
the Medical School of Hannover in 1977. He became full Professor of write about neuroanatomy, history of neuroscience, epistemology, phi-
Anatomy and Neuroanatomy at the University of Cologne in 1981 and losophy and ethics: he will be deeply missed.
was Director of the prestigious Cécil and Oscar Vogt Institute for Brain
Research at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf from 1991 to 2012
and the Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine at the Forschungszentrum
in Jülich from 1998 to 2012. References
During a long and highly productive career, Karl Zilles explored the
Amunts K, Schleicher A, Bürgel U, Mohlberg H, Uylings HBM, Zilles K 1999
structural, molecular and functional organization of the marsupial, Broca’s region revisited: Cytoarchitecture and intersubject variability.
rodent, non-human primate and human cerebral cortices. Very early, he J Comp Neurol 412: 319–341.
introduced TV cameras connected to a microscope for extracting quan- Axer M, Amunts K, Grässel D, Palm C, Dammers J, Axer H, Pietrzyk U, Zilles
titative morphometric parameters from histological sections (Zilles et al K 2011 A novel approach to the human connectome: Ultra-high resolu-
1978). The realization of the existence of significant inter-individual tion mapping of fiber tracts in the brain. NeuroImage 54: 1091–1101.
differences in brain architecture led him to propose and establish the Schormann T, Dabringhaus A, Zilles K 1995 Statistics of deformations in
use of 3D cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps of cortical areas (Amunts histology and application to improved alignment with MRI. IEEE
et al 1999, Schormann et al 1995). The rapid development of in vivo Transactions on Medical Imaging 14: 25–35.
neuroimaging methods combined with a quantitative probabilistic Zaborszky L 2020 Karl Zilles (1944–2020): a personal tribute. Brain Struct
approach to cytoarchitectonic brain mapping produced reference atlases Funct 225:1185–1187.
and digital databases for the precise localization of cortical areas and Zilles K, Schleicher A, Kretschmann HJ 1978 A quantitative approach to
functions in the human brain (Zilles and Amunts 2010). cytoarchitectonics. I. The areal pattern of the cortex of Tupaia belangeri.
He developed a method for the quantitative autoradiograpical analy- Anat Embryol 153:195–212.
sis of the laminar and regional distribution of multiple transmitter Zilles K, Amunts K 2010 Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and
receptors. He introduced neurotransmitter fingerprints, which reflect fate. Nature Rev Neurosci 11:139–145.
the balance between different receptors and neurotransmitter systems Zilles K, Schleicher A, Rath M et al 1986 Quantitative autoradiography of trans-
that characterize each cortical area. He demonstrated that receptor fin- mitter binding sites with an image analyzer. J Neurosci Meth 18: 207–220.
gerprints differ across species and between healthy and diseased brains, Zilles K, Palomero-Gallagher N 2017 Multiple transmitter receptors in
and therefore represent a very powerful tool to study the molecular regions and layers of the human cerebral cortex. Front Neuroanat 11:78.


Elsevier and the Gray’s Anatomy 42nd edition editorial team would like to offer sincere thanks to the Department of
Radiology at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK, for their support in sourcing and prepar-
ing over 140 superb new radiological imaging figures for this edition. Guided by Imaging Editor Dr Tom Turmezei,
these include cutting-edge images that showcase the impact of radiology on anatomical education, harnessing
different modalities and image processing techniques to show living internal human anatomy in detail. In particular,
we would like to thank consultant radiologists Tariq Ali, Phyllis Mezue and Iztok Caglic; musculoskeletal radiology
clinical fellow Elliott Rees; and radiology trainees Julia Sun, Ramona-Rita Barbara, Fatma Eminaga, Amr Moussa,
Nathan Chan and Emily Pearlman.
The following images were sourced by the Department of Radiology at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital:
33.1B,C; 33.2B; 33.3B; 34.1C; 34.2B; 34.3B; 34.4C; 35.4C; 35.24H-L; 37.11B; 37.40B,C; 37.41; 37.45D,E; 38.14C–E;
39.6B–F; 40.2B; 41.6B; 44.5B; 44.6C; 44.7B; 44.13B–E; 46.6B,C; 46.20C; 46.23B; 46.25B,C; 46.27B,C; 46.44B;
46.45; 46.46A–C; 46.51C–G; 46.60B–D; 46.63B,C; 46.66B; 46.74; 47.1G; 48.3B–D; 48.4B–E; 48.7B–G; 49.15B;
49.22C; 49.23A,B; 49.30B; 50.13E–G; 50.16; 50.17B; 50.27B; 50.31B; 50.32B; 51.19D; 51.20A–D; 52.2B; 53.12B;
54.4C–H; 54.5B; 54.6F–O; 55.1B–E; 56.9B–E; 57.4F; 57.7BC; 57.17B; 57.21B; 57.27B; 57.46; 57.47; 57.48; 57.49;
57.50; 57.51; 57.59C; 58.3; 59.5B; 60.1B; 60.3C; 60.9C,D; 63.10B,C; 64.14A–C; 65.37A,B; 65.44C; 66.9B; 66.12;
67.10; 71.5B; 71.6B; 72.6A–D; 73.1B; 73.2D; 73.15C;76.3C; 77.2B; 77.17B; 77.24B; 77.28B; 77.43C,D; 77.48B,C;
78.6C; 78.14B; 78.24B; 79.4B; 79.8B; 79.9D,E; 79.10B; 79.15B; 79.17B; 79.19B
Elsevier and the Gray’s Anatomy 42nd edition editorial team would also like to offer sincere thanks to Mr Peter Helliwell
(Head Biomedical Scientist, Department of Cellular Pathology, Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Truro, UK) for
contributing numerous high resolution photomicrographs of specially prepared histological sections of human
tissues for the 40th, 41st and 42nd editions of Gray’s Anatomy, many prepared in collaboration with the late Dr
Joseph Mathew.

CONTRIBUTORS to the forty-second edition

The editor(s) acknowledge and offer grateful thanks for the input of all contributors to previous editions, without whom this new edition would
not have been possible.

Michael A Adams BSc, PhD Eli Baron MD Kevin Gerard Byrnes MB BCh BAO, MCh,
Professor of Biomechanics, and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery MRCS, PhD
Senior Research Fellow Co-Director Spine Trauma Program Graduate Entry Medical School
Centre for Applied Anatomy Spine Surgeon University of Limerick
University of Bristol Cedars-Sinai Spine Center University Hospitals Group Limerick
Bristol, UK Los Angeles, CA, USA Dooradoyle, Ireland

Mohamad E Allaf MD Barry KB Berkovitz BDS, MSc, PhD, FDS Alison Campbell BSc (Hons), M Med Sci,
Professor of Urology Emeritus Reader in Dental Anatomy Dip RCPath
Johns Hopkins University School of King’s College London Group Director of Embryology
Medicine London, UK CARE Fertility Group
Baltimore, MD, USA Nottingham, UK
Christopher D Bernard MD
Neel Anand MD Department of Orthopedic Surgery Marco Catani MD, PhD
Clinical Professor of Surgery Mayo Clinic Professor of Neuroanatomy & Psychiatry
Director, Spine Trauma, Minimally Invasive Rochester, MN, USA NatBrainLab
Spine Surgery Department of Forensic and
Spine Center Ranjeev Singh Bhangoo MBChB (Hons), Neurodevelopmental Sciences
Cedars Sinai Medical Center FRCS (Eng), FRCS (SN) Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Los Angeles, CA, USA Clinical Director of Neuroscience and Neuroscience
Consultant Neurosurgeon King’s College London
Praveen Anand MD, MRCP, FRCP Department of Neurosurgery London, UK
Professor of Clinical Neurology King’s College NHS Foundation Trust
Faculty of Medicine London, UK Carmen Cavada MD, PhD
Department of Brain Sciences Professor, Human Anatomy and Neuroscience
Head, Centre for Clinical Translation Jasneet Singh Bhullar MD, MS, FACS, Director, Chair in Neuroscience UAM-
Imperial College London, Hammersmith FASCRS Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el
Hospital Colorectal Surgeon Bueno
London, UK UPMC Susquehanna Department of Anatomy, Histology and
Williamsport, PA, USA Neuroscience
Nihal Apaydin MD, PhD Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Professor of Anatomy Rolfe Birch MChir, FRCPS(Glasg), FRCS(Ed), Madrid, Spain
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of FRCS(Eng)
Medicine Faculty of Medicine Paul H Chung MD
Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Imperial College London Assistant Professor of Urology
Health Sciences Hammersmith Hospital Sidney Kimmel Medical College
AU Brain Research Center London, UK Thomas Jefferson University
Ankara University Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ankara, Turkey Kelly Brown MBBS, MRCPCH
Consultant Neonatologist John Calvin Coffey BSc, B MedSci, MB,
Tipu Zahed Aziz FMedSci University Hospital Southampton NHS PhD, AFRSCI, FRCSI
Professor of Neurosurgery Foundation Trust Foundation Chair of Surgery
John Radcliffe Hospital Southampton, UK Graduate Entry Medical School
University of Oxford University of Limerick
Oxford, UK Graham J Burton MD, DSc, FMedSci University Hospitals Group Limerick
Mary Marshall and Arthur Walton Professor Dooradoyle, Ireland
Stuart Ballantyne MBChB, FRCS, FRCR of the Physiology of Reproduction
Department of Radiology Department of Physiology, Development and Patricia Collins BSc, PhD, FHEA
Gartnavel General Hospital; Neuroscience Emeritus Professor of Anatomy
Queen Elizabeth University University of Cambridge AECC University College
Hospital Cambridge, UK Bournemouth, UK
Glasgow, UK
Andrew Bush MB BS MD FHEA FRCP Gerardo Conesa Bertran MD, PhD
Winfried Banzer FRCPCH FERS FAPSR ATSF Director of the Neurosurgical Department
Institute of Sports Science Professor of Paediatrics and Paediatric Hospital de Sant Pau and Hospital del Mar
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Respirology, and Consultant Paediatric Barcelona, Spain
Germany Chest Physician
Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Claudius Conrad MD, PhD
Imperial College and Royal Brompton Department of Surgery
Harefield NHS Foundation Trust Saint Elizabeth Medical Center
London, UK Boston, MA, USA


Declan Costello MA, MBBS, FRCS Quentin Fogg BSc (Hons), PhD, Simon Holmes BDS, MBBS, FDS, RCS,
Consultant Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon Associate Professor Professor of Craniofacial Traumatology
specializing in voice disorders Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Wexham Park Hospital The University of Melbourne Royal London Hospital, Queen Mary
Slough, UK Melbourne, VIC, Australia University of London
London, UK
Alan R Crossman BSc, PhD, DSc Matthew J Forshaw MA, MSc, MB, BChir,
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy FRCS Claire Hopkins MA (Oxon), FRCS (ORLHNS),
The University of Manchester Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal and DM
Manchester, UK General Surgeon Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon
Glasgow Royal Infirmary Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals;
Craig Andrew Cunningham BSc (Hons), Glasgow, UK Professor of Rhinology
PhD, FRAI King’s College London
Senior Lecturer of Human Anatomy David Nicholas Furness BSc, PhD London, UK
Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification Professor of Cellular Neuroscience
University of Dundee School of Life Sciences Joe Iwanaga DDS, PhD
Dundee, UK Keele University Associate Professor
Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK Department of Neurosurgery
Anthony V D’Antoni MS, DC, PhD Tulane University School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Anatomy in Radiology Donna Geddes DMU, PostGrad Dip (Sci), New Orleans, LA, USA
Division of Anatomy, Department of PhD
Radiology Professor Eric Jauniaux MD, PhD, FRCOG
Weill Cornell Medicine School of Molecular Sciences Professor in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine
New York, NY, USA Faculty of Science EGA Institute for Women’s Health
The University of Western Australia Faculty of Population Health Sciences,
Ignacio Delgado-Martínez MD, PhD Perth, WA, Australia University College London
Department of Neurosurgery London, UK
Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Andrew George MBE, MA, PhD, DSc,
(IMIM) FRCPath, FHEA, FRSA, FRSB Bjarke Jensen PhD
Barcelona, Spain Emeritus Professor of Immunology Assistant Professor
Brunel University London Department of Medical Biology
Emmanuel D’Heygere MD London, UK Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Otolaryngologist Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Otolaryngology Michael Gleeson MD, FRCS, FRACS, FDS
AZ Groeninge Hospital, Professor of Skull Base Surgery Mickey Karram MD
Kortrijk, Belgium University College London Director of Urogynecology
The National Hospital for Neurology and The Christ Hospital
Peter Dockery BSc, PhD Neurosurgery Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and
Established Professor of Anatomy London, UK Gynecology
Anatomy School of Medicine University of Cincinnati
National University of Ireland, Galway James J Going MB, ChB, PhD, MRCP, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Galway, Ireland FRCPath
Consultant Pathologist Abraham L Kierszenbaum MD, PhD
Ronald H Douglas BSc, PhD, FLS Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Emeritus Medical (Clinical) Professor of Cell
Professor of Visual Science Glasgow, Scotland Biology and Anatomy
Division of Optometry and Visual Science The City University of New York School of
City, University of London Leonard G Gomella MD, FACS Medicine/Sophie Davis Biomedical
London, UK Professor and Chair Education Program
Department of Urology New York, NY, USA
Klaus D Engel MSc, PhD Thomas Jefferson University
Senior Principal Key Expert Visualization Philadelphia, PA, USA Uday Kishore PhD
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SHS TE DTI, Brunel University London
Erlangen, Germany Michael A Gorin MD Uxbridge, London, UK
Assistant Professor of Urology
Jaeike Welmoed Faber MD, MSc PhD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Aaron J Krych MD
candidate Baltimore, MD, USA Professor
Department of Medical Biology Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Amsterdam University Medical Centers Michael A Hall MB ChB, FRCPCH, FRCP, Mayo Clinic
Amsterdam, The Netherlands DCH Rochester, MN, USA
Visiting Professor of Neonatology
Juan C Fernandez-Miranda MD School of Health Sciences Shigeru Kuratani PhD
Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery; University of Southampton Chief Scientist
Associate Director, Center for Cranial Base Southampton, UK Evolutionary Morphology Laboratory
Surgery; RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR)
Director, Surgical Neuroanatomy Laboratory Nobutaka Hirokawa MD, PhD Kobe, Japan
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Project Professor
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy Joey Edward Lai-Cheong BMedSci (Hons),
Graduate School of Medicine, University of MBBS, PhD, FRCP
Erin P Fillmore BA, MPH, PhD Tokyo Consultant Dermatologist
Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy Tokyo, Japan Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Warwick Medical School, University of Windsor, UK
Warwick Andrea Hofbauer MA
Coventry, UK Global Product Manager Simon Lambert BSc, MBBS, FRCS,
Siemens Healthcare GmbH FRCSEdOrth
Roland A Fleck FRCPath, FRMS Erlangen, Germany Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Professor of Ultrastructural Imaging Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics
Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging University College London Hospital NHS
King’s College London Foundation Trust
London, UK Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
London, UK

Robert F LaPrade MD, PhD Antoon FM Moorman PhD Alistair Ross MB, FRCS
Complex Knee Surgeon Emeritus Professor of Embryology Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Twin Cities Orthopedics Department of Medical Biology The Bath Clinic
Edina, MN, USA Amsterdam University Medical Centers Bath, UK
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
John Gerard Lawrenson BSc, MSc (Oxon), Martin Scaal PhD
PhD, FCOptom Gillian Morriss-Kay DSc, Hon FAS Professor of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
Professor of Clinical Visual Science Emeritus Professor of Developmental Anatomy University of Cologne
Division of Optometry and Visual Science Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Cologne, Germany
City, University of London Genetics
London, UK Emeritus Fellow of Balliol College Jeremy D Schmahmann MD, FAAN, FANA,
University of Oxford FANPA
Roger Lemon BSc, PhD, MA, FMedSci Oxford, UK Professor of Neurology
Sobell Professor of Neurophysiology Harvard Medical School;
Queen Square Institute of Neurology Thomas P Naidich MD, FACR Founding Director, Massachusetts General
University College London Professor of Radiology, Neurosurgery & Hospital Ataxia Center
London, UK Pediatrics Director, Laboratory for Neuroanatomy and
Irving and Dorothy Regenstreif Research Cerebellar Neurobiology
James Logan MBBS, BSc, PGDip (SEM), Professor of Neuroscience (Neuroimaging) Cognitive Behavioral Neurology Unit
FRCS (Tr and Orth) Department of Radiology Senior Clinical Neurologist
Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai Department of Neurology
Royal Surrey County Hospital New York, NY, USA Massachusetts General Hospital
Guildford, UK Boston, MA, USA
Donald Anthony Neumann PT, PhD, FAPTA
Marios Loukas MD, PhD Professor, Physical Therapy Program Justine Schober MD
Professor of Anatomy, Dean of Basic Marquette University Director of Academic Research
Sciences Milwaukee, WI, USA Department of Medical Education
Department of Anatomical Sciences Pediatric Urologist
St George’s University Shigeo Okabe MD, PhD Department of Urology
Grenada, West Indies; Department of Cellular Neurobiology UPMC Hamot
Department of Anatomy The University of Tokyo Erie, PA, USA
University of Warmia and Mazury Tokyo, Japan
Olsztyn, Poland Andrew J Sidebottom BDS, FDSRCS (Eng),
Dylan M Owen MSci, MRes, PhD MBChB, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (OMFS)
Ellen A Lumpkin PhD Department of Physics; Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Nottingham University Hospitals
and of Neurobiology Biophysics Honorary Assistant (Consultant) Professor
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology King’s College London University of Nottingham
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute London, UK Nottingham, UK
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, USA Eric M Pauli MD, FACS, FASGE Jonathan MW Slack FMedSci
Professor of Surgery Emeritus Professor of Developmental Biology
Andrew Macdonald BSc (Hons), MB BS, Director of Endoscopic Surgery Department of Biology and Biochemistry
MPhil, FRCSEd (Gen) Chief, Division of Minimally Invasive and University of Bath
Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon Bariatric Surgery Bath, UK
Glasgow Royal Infirmary Department of Surgery
Glasgow, UK Penn State Hershey Medical Center Guirish Solanki MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (SN)
Hershey, PA, USA Consultant Neurosurgeon
M Makarova MD BMI The Priory & Edgbaston Hospital
Institute of Microbiology and Infection Erlick AC Pereira MA, BM, BCh, DM, Birmingham, UK
University of Birmingham FRCS (Neuro Surg), SFHEA
Birmingham, UK Senior Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Honorary Jane C Sowden PhD
Consultant Neurosurgeon Professor of Developmental Biology and Genetics
John A McGrath MD, FRCP, FMedSci St George’s University of London National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
Mary Dunhill Chair in Cutaneous Medicine St George’s University Hospitals Senior Investigator
St John’s Institute of Dermatology London, UK Head of Stem Cells and Regenerative
King’s College London Medicine Section
London, UK Jeffrey L Ponsky MD UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child
Professor of Surgery Health
Seyed Ali Mirjalili MD, PhD, PGDipSurg Department of General Surgery University College London
Senior Lecturer of Anatomy Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine; London, UK
Anatomy and Medical Imaging Department Professor of Surgery
University of Auckland School of Medicine Robert J Spinner PhD
Auckland, New Zealand Case Western Reserve University Chair, Department of Neurologic Surgery
Cleveland, OH, USA Burton M Onofrio MD Professor of
Zoltán Molnár MD, DPhil Neurosurgery
Professor of Developmental Neurobiology Eitan Prisman MD, MA, FRCSC Professor of Orthopedics and Anatomy
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Mayo Clinic
Genetics and St John’s College University of British Columbia Rochester, MN, USA
University of Oxford Vancouver, BC, Canada
Oxford, UK Jonathan D Spratt MA(Cantab), FRCS(Eng),
Ruth Richardson MA, DPhil, FRHistS FRCR
Garrett D Moore MFA, DPM Senior Visiting Research Fellow Clinical Director of Diagnostic Radiology
Instructor Centre for Life-Writing Research City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation
Department of Orthopedics King’s College London; Trust
University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Affiliated Scholar in the History and Sunderland, UK;
Campus Philosophy of Science, University of Visiting Professor of Anatomy
Aurora, CO, USA Cambridge, UK Former Anatomy Examiner for the Royal
College of Surgeons of England and Royal
Charles B Rosen MD College of Radiologists
Professor of Surgery
Division of Transplantation Surgery
Mayo Clinic
xiv Rochester, MN, USA

Susan Standring MBE, PhD, DSc, FRBS, Richard Tunstall BMedSci, PhD, FHEA John C Watkinson MSC, MS, FRCS,
FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS Professor of Clinical Anatomy and Imaging FRCS(ENT), DLO
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy Warwick Medical School Honorary Senior Lecturer and Consultant ENT
King’s College London University of Warwick, UK; Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University of
London, UK Professor of Clinical Anatomy Birmingham NHS Trust
West Midlands Surgical Training Centre Royal Marsden and Brompton Hospitals
Mark D Stringer MS, FRCP, FRCS, FRCSEd, UHCW NHS Trust Honorary Consultant Head and Neck and
FRACS Coventry, UK; Thyroid Surgeon
Honorary Professor, Applied Surgical Anatomy Lead University Hospital, Coventry, Warwick NHS
University of Otago Wellington Royal College of Surgeons Trust
Paediatric Surgeon London, UK Honorary Consultant ENT/Head and Neck
Wellington Children’s Hospital and Thyroid Surgeon
Wellington, New Zealand Tom Turmezei MPhil, MA, BMBCh, PhD, FRCR Great Ormond Street Hospital
Consultant Radiologist Honorary Senior Anatomy Demonstrator
Julia Sun MB BCh BAO, BSc, FRCR Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital University College London
Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic Radiology Norwich, UK Business Director, Endocrine MDT
Royal Papworth Hospital Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of East The BUPA Cromwell Hospital
Cambridge, UK Anglia, UK London, UK
Royal College of Radiologists 2020 Roentgen
Andrew T Strong MD Professor Adam C Watts MBBS, BSc, FRCS Ed
Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Tr and Ortho)
Department of General Surgery Albert van Schoor BSc MedSci, BSc (Hons) Consultant Elbow Surgeon
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Neuroanatomy, MSc, PhD Upper Limb Unit
of Case Western Reserve University Professor Wrightington Hospital
Cleveland, OH, USA Department of Anatomy Wigan, UK
University of Pretoria
Yosuke Takei MD, PhD Pretoria, South Africa Jonathan Weir-McCall MBChB, PhD, FRCR
Professor University Lecturer and Consultant in
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience Francesco Vergani MD, PhD, FRCS (Surg Cardiothoracic Radiology in the Royal
Faculty of Medicine Neurol) Papworth Hospital and University of
University of Tsukuba Consultant Neurosurgeon Cambridge
Tsukuba, Japan King’s College Hospital Cambridge, UK
London, UK
Cheryll Tickle CBE, FRS, FRSE, FMedSci, Caroline B Wigley BSc, PhD
HonFRSB, HonFAS Andry Vleeming PhD Retired Preclinical Tutor
Emeritus Professor Professor of Clinical Anatomy University of Exeter Medical School
University of Bath University of New England Exeter, UK
Bath, UK College of Osteopathic Medicine
Biddeford, ME, USA; Jan Wilke
Andoni P Toms MBBS, PhD, FRCR Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Department of Sports Medicine
Honorary Professor of Radiology Physiotherapy Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Radiology Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Germany
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Ghent University
Norwich, UK Ghent, Belgium Frank H Willard PhD
Professor of Anatomy
Kimberly S Topp PT, PhD, FAAA, Hon FAS Dara Walsh BSc University of New England College of
Professor and Chair Emeritus Biomedical Communicator Osteopathic Medicine
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Graduate Entry Medical School Biddeford, ME, USA
University of California San Francisco University Hospitals Limerick Group
San Francisco, CA, USA University of Limerick Stephanie J Woodley PhD, MSc, BPhty
Limerick, Ireland Associate Professor
R Shane Tubbs MS, PA-C, PhD Department of Anatomy, School of
Professor Jeremy PT Ward PhD, FTPS Biomedical Sciences
Departments of Neurosurgery, Neurology and Emeritus Professor of Respiratory Cell University of Otago
Structural and Cellular Biology Physiology Dunedin, New Zealand
Program Director of Anatomical Research King’s College London
Clinical Neuroscience Research Center London, UK Patrick J Woodman DO, MS, FACOOG
Director of Surgical Anatomy (Dist.), FACS
Tulane University School of Medicine Peter J Ward PhD Clinical Professor of Osteopathic Surgical
New Orleans, LA, USA; Professor of Anatomy Specialties
Professor of Human Gross and Department of Biomedical Sciences Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Developmental Anatomy West Virginia School of Osteopathic Urogynecology Division
Department of Anatomical Sciences Medicine Michigan State University College of
St George’s University Lewisburg, WV, USA Osteopathic Medicine
Grenada, West Indies; East Lansing, MI, USA
Faculty David Warwick MD, BM, Dip IMC, Eur Dip
National Skull Base Foundation Hand Surg, FRCS FRCS (Orth) Hoi Tik Hyde Yuen MD
Thousand Oaks, CA, USA; Consultant Hand Surgeon and Honorary Fellow
Professor Professor, Faculty of Medicine Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive
Institute for Systems Biology University Hospital Southampton, Surgery
Seattle WA, USA Southampton, UK The Christ Hospital
Faculty Cincinnati, OH, USA
Department of Neurosurgery and Ochsner Koichi Watanabe MD, PhD
Neuroscience Institute, Ochsner Health Professor of Anatomy Karl Zilles MD, PhD, ML†
System Department of Anatomy Professor of Neuroanatomy
New Orleans, LA, USA Kurume University School of Medicine Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine
Kurume, Japan Research Center Jülich
Abigail Saffron Tucker DPhil, MA, BA Jülich, Germany
Professor of Development & Evolution
Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology
King’s College London
London, UK

Gray’s Anatomy is now more than 160 years old. The book is a rarity in with Gray’s publisher, JW Parker & Son, before decisions were taken
textbook publishing in having been in continuous publication on both about the size and girth of the new book, and especially the size of its
sides of the Atlantic Ocean since 1858, an exceptionally long era for a illustrations. While Gray and Carter were working on the book, a new
textbook. Of course, the volume now is very different from the one Mr edition of Quain’s was published; this time it was a ‘triple-decker’ – in
Henry Gray first created with his colleague Dr Henry Vandyke Carter in three volumes – of 1740 pages in all.
mid-Victorian London. In this introductory essay, I shall explain the The two men were earnestly engaged for the following 18 months
long history of Gray’s, from those Victorian days right up to today. in work for the new book. Gray wrote the text, and Carter created the
The shortcomings of existing anatomical textbooks probably illustrations; all the dissections were undertaken jointly. Their working
impressed themselves on Henry Gray when he was still a student at St days were long – all the hours of daylight, eight or nine hours at a
George’s Hospital Medical School, near London’s Hyde Park Corner, in stretch – right through 1856, and well into 1857. We can infer from the
the early 1840s. He began thinking about creating a new anatomy
textbook a decade later, while war was being fought in the Crimea. New
legislation was being planned that would establish the General Medical
Council (1858) to regulate professional education and standards.
Gray was 28 years old, and a teacher himself at St George’s. He was
very able, hard-working and highly ambitious, already a Fellow of the
Royal Society and of the Royal College of Surgeons. Although little is
known about his personal life, his was a glittering career so far, achieved
while he served and taught on the hospital wards and in the dissecting
room (Fig. 1) (Anon 1908).
Gray shared the idea for the new book with a talented clinical col-
league on the teaching staff at St George’s, Henry Vandyke Carter, in
November 1855. Carter was from a family of Scarborough artists, and
was himself a talented artist and experienced microscopist (Fig. 2). He
had produced fine illustrations for Gray’s scientific publications before,
but could see that this idea was a much more complex project. Carter
recorded in his diary:

‘Little to record. Gray made proposal to assist by drawings in bringing

out a Manual for students: a good idea but did not come to any plan
… too exacting, for would not be a simple artist’ (Carter 1855).
Fig. 1 Henry Gray (1827–1861) is shown here in the foreground, seated by
Neither of these young men was interested in producing a pretty the feet of the cadaver. The photograph was taken by a medical student,
book, or an expensive one. Their purpose was to supply an affordable, Joseph Langhorn. The room is the dissecting room of St George’s Hospital
accurate teaching aid for people like their own students, who might Medical School in Kinnerton Street, London. Gray is shown surrounded by
soon be required to operate on real patients, or on soldiers injured at staff and students. When the photo was taken, on 27 March 1860, Carter
Sebastopol or some other battlefield. The book they planned together had left St George’s, to become Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at
was a practical one, designed to encourage youngsters to study anatomy, Grant Medical College, in Bombay (nowadays Mumbai). The second edition
help them pass exams and assist them as budding surgeons. It was not of Gray’s Anatomy was in its proof stages, to appear in December 1860.
simply an anatomy textbook, but a guide to dissecting procedure, and Gray died just over a year later, in June 1861, at the height of his powers.
to the major operations.
Gray and Carter belonged to a generation of anatomists ready to
infuse the study of human anatomy with a new, and respectable, scien-
tificity. Disreputable aspects of the profession’s history, acquired during
the days of body-snatching, were assiduously being forgotten. The
Anatomy Act of 1832 had legalized the requisition of unclaimed bodies
from workhouse and hospital mortuaries, and the study of anatomy
(now with its own Inspectorate) was rising in respectability in Britain.
The private anatomy schools that had flourished in the Regency period
were closing their doors, and the major teaching hospitals were erecting
new, purpose-built dissection rooms (Richardson 2000).
The best-known student works when Gray and Carter had qualified
were probably Erasmus Wilson’s Anatomist’s Vade Mecum, and Elements
of Anatomy by Jones Quain. Both works were small – pocket-sized – but
Quain came in two thick volumes. Their small pages of dense type, and
even smaller illustrations, were somewhat daunting, seeming to demand
much nose-to-the-grindstone effort from the reader.
The planned new textbook’s dimensions and character were serious
matters. Pocket manuals were commercially successful because they
appealed to students by offering much knowledge in a small compass.
But pocket-sized books had button-sized illustrations. Knox’s Manual
of Human Anatomy, for example, was only 6 inches by 4 (15 × 10 cm) Fig. 2 Henry Vandyke Carter (1831–1897). Carter was appointed Honorary
and few of its illustrations occupied more than one-third of a page. Gray Physician to Queen Victoria in 1890. (Self portrait painted while Carter
and Carter must have discussed this matter between themselves, and was in India, courtesy of Professor Susan Standring.) xv.e1
Historical introduction

warmth of Gray’s appreciation of Carter in his published acknowledge- have allowed him to purchase the long-wished-for microscope he took
ments that their collaboration was a happy one. with him to India.
The first edition print-run of 2000 copies sold out swiftly. A parallel
‘The Author gratefully acknowledges the great services he has derived edition was published in the United States in 1859, and Gray must have
in the execution of this work, from the assistance of his friend, Dr. H. been deeply gratified to have to revise an enlarged new English edition
V. Carter, late Demonstrator of Anatomy at St George’s Hospital. All in 1859–60, though he was surely saddened and worried by the death
the drawings from which the engravings were made, were executed by of his publisher, John Parker junior, at the young age of 40, while the
him, (Gray 1858). book was going through the press. The second edition came out in the
December of 1860 and it too sold like hot cakes.
With all the dissections completed, and Carter’s inscribed wood- The following summer, in June 1861, at the height of his powers and
blocks at the engravers, Gray took six months’ leave from his teaching full of promise, Henry Gray died unexpectedly at the age of only 34.
at St George’s to work as a personal doctor for a wealthy family. It was Gray had contracted smallpox while nursing his nephew. A new strain
probably as good a way as any to get a well-earned break from the dis- of the disease was more virulent than the one with which Gray had
secting room and the dead-house (Nicol 2002). been vaccinated as a child; the disease became confluent, and Gray died
Carter sat the examination for medical officers in the East India in a matter of days.
Company, and sailed for India in the spring of 1858, when the book Within months, the whole country would be pitched into mourning
was still in its proof stages. Gray had left a trusted colleague, Timothy for the death of Prince Albert. The creative era over which he had pre-
Holmes, to see it through the press. Holmes’s association with the first sided – especially the decade that had flowered since the Great Exhibition
edition would later prove vital to its survival. Gray looked over the final of 1851 – would be history.
galley proofs, just before the book finally went to press.


Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical could have died too. With Carter in
The book Gray and Carter had created together, Anatomy, Descriptive and India, the death of Gray, so swiftly after that of the younger Parker,
Surgical, appeared at the very end of August 1858, to immediate acclaim. might have spelled catastrophe. Certainly, at St George’s there was a
Reviews in The Lancet and the British Medical Journal were highly com- sense of calamity. The grand old medical man Sir Benjamin Brodie,
plimentary, and students flocked to buy. Sergeant-Surgeon to the Queen, and to whom Anatomy had been dedi-
It is not difficult to understand why it was a runaway success. Gray’s cated, was a great supporter of Gray and cried forlornly: ‘Who is there
Anatomy knocked its competitors into a cocked hat. It was considerably to take his place?’ (Anon 1908).
smaller and more slender than the doorstopper with which modern But old JW Parker ensured the survival of Gray’s by inviting Timothy
readers are familiar. The book held well in the hand, it felt substantial, Holmes, the doctor who had helped proof-read the first edition, and
and it contained everything required. To contemporaries, it was small who had filled Gray’s shoes at the medical school, to serve as Editor for
enough to be portable, but large enough for decent illustrations: ‘royal the next edition. Other long-running anatomy works, such as that of
octavo’ – 9½ × 6 inches (24 × 15 cm) – about two-thirds of modern A4 Quain, remained in print in a similar way, co-edited by other hands
size. Its medium-size, single-volume format was far removed from (Quain 1856).
Quain’s, yet double the size of Knox’s Manual. Holmes (1825–1907) was another gifted St George’s man, a scholar-
Simply organized and well designed, the book explains itself confi- ship boy who had won an exhibition to Cambridge, where his brilliance
dently and well; the clarity and authority of the prose are manifest. But was recognized. He was a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons at
what made it unique for its day was the outstanding size and quality 28. John Parker junior had commissioned him to edit A System of
of the illustrations. Gray thanked the wood engravers Butterworth and Surgery (1860–64), an important essay series by distinguished surgeons
Heath for the ‘great care and fidelity’ they had displayed in the engrav- on subjects of their own choosing. Many of Holmes’s authors remain
ings, but it was really to Carter that the book owed its extraordinary important figures, even today: John Simon, James Paget, Henry Gray,
success. Ernest Hart, Jonathan Hutchinson, Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard
The beauty of Carter’s illustrations resides in their diagrammatic and Joseph Lister. Holmes had lost an eye in an operative accident, and
clarity, quite atypical for their time. The images in contemporary he had a gruff manner that terrified students, yet he published a lament
anatomy books were usually ‘proxy-labelled’: dotted with tiny numbers for young Parker that reveals him capable of deep feeling (Holmes
or letters (often hard to find or read) or bristling with a sheaf of num- 1860).
bered arrows, referring to a key situated elsewhere, usually in a footnote, John Parker senior’s heart, however, was no longer in publishing.
which was sometimes so lengthy it wrapped round on to the following His son’s death had closed down the future for him. The business, with
page. Proxy labels require the reader’s eye to move to and fro: from the all its stocks and copyrights, was sold to Messrs Longman and Parker
structure to the proxy label to the legend and back again. There was retired to the village of Farnham, where he later died.
plenty of scope for slippage, annoyance and distraction. Carter’s illustra- With Holmes as editor, and Longman as publisher, the immediate
tions, by contrast, unify name and structure, enabling the eye to assimi- future of Gray’s Anatomy was assured. The third edition appeared in
late both at a glance. We are so familiar with Carter’s images that it is 1864 with relatively few changes, Gray’s estate receiving the balance of
hard to appreciate how incredibly modern they must have seemed in his royalty after Holmes was paid £100 for his work.
1858. The volume made human anatomy look new, exciting and
The first edition was covered in a brown bookbinder’s cloth embossed THE MISSING OBITUARY
all over in a dotted pattern, and with a double picture-frame border. Its
spine was lettered in gold blocking: Why no obituary appeared for Henry Gray in Gray’s Anatomy is curious.
Gray had referred to Holmes as his ‘friend’ in the preface to the first
GRAY’S edition, yet it would also be true to say that they were rivals. Both had
ANATOMY just applied for a vacant post at St George’s, as Assistant Surgeon. Had
Gray lived, it is thought that Holmes may not have been appointed,
with ‘DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL’ in small capitals underneath. despite his seniority in age (Anon 1908).
Gray’s Anatomy is how it has been referred to ever since. Carter was given Later commentators have suggested, as though from inside knowl-
credit with Gray on the book’s title page for undertaking all the dissec- edge, that Holmes’s ‘proof-reading’ included improving Gray’s writing
tions on which the book was based, and sole credit for all the illustra- style. This could be a reflection of Holmes’s own self-regard, but there
tions, though his name appeared in a significantly smaller type, and he may be some truth in it. There can be no doubt that, as Editor of seven
was described as the ‘Late Demonstrator in Anatomy at St George’s subsequent editions of Gray’s Anatomy (third to ninth editions, 1864–
Hospital’ rather than being given his full current title, which was 1880), Holmes added new material, and had to correct and compress
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at Grant Medical College, passages, but it is also possible that, back in 1857, Gray’s original
Bombay. Gray was still only a Lecturer at St George’s and he may have manuscript had been left in a poor state for Holmes to sort out. In other
been aware that his words had been upstaged by the quality of Carter’s works, Gray’s writing style was lucid, but he always seems to have paid
anatomical images. He need not have worried: Gray is the famous name a copyist to transcribe his work prior to submission. The original manu-
on the spine of the book. script of Gray’s Anatomy, sadly, has not survived, so it is impossible to
Gray was paid £150 for every thousand copies sold. Carter never be sure how much of the finished version had actually been written by
xv.e2 received a royalty payment, just a one-off fee at publication, which may Holmes.

It may be that Gray’s glittering career, or perhaps the patronage that second-rate half-tones altogether. Most of the next edition’s illustrations
unquestionably advanced it, created jealousies among his colleagues, were either Carter’s, or old supplementary illustrations inspired by his
or that there was something in Gray’s manner that precluded affection, work, or newly commissioned wood engravings or line drawings,
or that created resentments among clever social inferiors like Carter and intended ‘to harmonize with Carter’s original figures’. They successfully
Holmes, especially if they felt their contributions to Gray’s brilliant emulated Carter’s verve. Having fewer pages and lighter paper, the 1905
career were not given adequate credit. Whatever the explanation, no (sixteenth edition) weighed less than its predecessor, at 4 lb 11 oz/2.1 kg.
reference to Gray’s life or death appeared in Gray’s Anatomy itself until Typographically, the new edition was superb.
the twentieth century (Howden et al 1918). Howden took over as sole editor in 1909 (seventeenth edition) and
immediately stamped his personality on Gray’s. He excised ‘Surgical’
from the title, changing it to Anatomy Descriptive and Applied, and
A SUCCESSION OF EDITORS removed Carter’s name altogether. He also instigated the beginnings of
an editorial board of experts for Gray’s, by adding to the title page ‘Notes
Holmes expanded areas of the book that Gray himself had developed on Applied Anatomy’ by AJ Jex-Blake and W Fedde Fedden, both St
in the second edition (1860), notably in ‘general’ anatomy (histology) George’s men. For the first time, the number of illustrations exceeded
and ‘development’ (embryology). In Holmes’s time as Editor, the one thousand. Howden was responsible for the significant innovation
volume grew from 788 pages in 1864 to 960 in 1880 (ninth edition), of a short historical note on Henry Gray himself, nearly 60 years after
with the histological section paginated separately in roman numerals his death, which included a portrait photograph (1918, twentieth
at the front of the book. Extra illustrations were added, mainly from edition).
other published sources.
The connections with Gray and Carter, and with St George’s, were
maintained with the appointment of the next editor, T. Pickering Pick, THE NOMENCLATURE CONTROVERSY
who had been a student at St George’s in Gray’s time. From 1883 (tenth
edition) onwards, Pick kept up with current research, rewrote and inte- Howden’s era, and that of his successor TB Johnston (of Guy’s), was
grated the histology and embryology into the volume, dropped Holmes overshadowed by a cloud of international controversy concerning ana-
from the title page, removed Gray’s preface to the first edition, and tomical terminology. European anatomists were endeavouring to stan-
added bold subheadings, which certainly improved the appearance and dardize anatomical terms, often using Latinate constructions, a move
accessibility of the text. Pick said he had ‘tried to keep before himself the resisted in Britain and the United States. Gray’s became mired in these
fact that the work is intended for students of anatomy rather than for the debates for over 20 years. The attempt to be fair to all sides by using
Scientific Anatomist’ (thirteenth edition, 1893). multiple terms doubtless generated much confusion amongst students,
Pick also introduced colour printing (in 1887, eleventh edition) and until a working compromise was at last arrived at in 1955 (thirty-second
experimented with the addition of illustrations using the new printing edition, 1958).
method of half-tone dots: for colour (which worked) and for new black- Johnston oversaw the second retitling of the book (in 1938, twenty-
and-white illustrations (which did not). Half-tone shades of grey com- seventh edition): it was now, officially, Gray’s Anatomy, finally ending
pared poorly with Carter’s wood engravings, still sharp and clear by the fiction that it had ever been known as anything else. Gray’s suffered
comparison. from paper shortages and printing difficulties in World War II, but suc-
What Henry Vandyke Carter made of these changes is a rich topic cessive editions nevertheless continued to grow in size and weight,
for speculation. He returned to England in 1888, having retired from while illustrations were replaced and added as the text was revised.
the Indian Medical Service full of honours, and in 1890 he was made Between Howden’s first sole effort (1909, seventeenth edition) and
Honorary Physician to Queen Victoria. Carter had continued research- Johnston’s last edition (1958, thirty-second edition), Gray’s expanded
ing throughout his clinical medical career in India, and became one of by over 300 pages – from 1296 to 1604 pages, and almost 300 addi-
India’s foremost bacteriologists/tropical disease specialists before there tional illustrations brought the total to over 1300. Johnston also intro-
was really a name for either discipline. He made some important dis- duced X-ray plates (1938) and, in 1958 (thirty-second edition), electron
coveries, including the fungal cause of mycetoma, which he described micrographs by AS Fitton-Jackson, one of the first occasions on which
and named, and he was a key figure in confirming scientifically in India a woman was credited with a contribution to Gray’s. Johnston felt com-
some major international discoveries, such as Hansen’s discovery of the pelled to mention that she was ‘a blood relative of Henry Gray himself’,
cause of leprosy, Koch’s discovery of the organism causing tuberculosis perhaps by way of mitigation.
and Laveran’s discovery of the organism that causes malaria. Carter
married late in life, and his wife was left with two young children when
he died in Scarborough in 1897, aged 65. Like Gray, he received no AFTER WORLD WAR II
obituary in the book, but unlike Gray, Carter received an obituary in
the British Medical Journal that celebrated not only his achievements in The editions of Gray’s issued in the decades immediately following
India but also ‘those excellent illustrations for Gray’s Anatomy which have World War II give the impression of intellectual stagnation. Steady
… contributed so materially to smooth the thorny path of the student of human expansion continued in an almost formulaic fashion, with the insertion
anatomy’ (BMJ 1897). of additional detail. The central historical importance of innovation in
When Pick was joined on the title page by Robert Howden (a profes- the success of Gray’s seems to have been lost sight of by its publishers
sional anatomist from the University of Durham) in 1901 (fifteenth and editors: Johnston (1930–1958, twenty-fourth to thirty-second edi-
edition), the volume was still easily recognizable as the book Gray and tions), J Whillis (co-editor with Johnston, 1938–1954), DV Davies
Carter had created. Although many of Carter’s illustrations had been (1958–1967, thirty-second to thirty-fourth editions) and F Davies (co-
revised or replaced, many others still remained. Sadly, though, an entire editor with DV Davies 1958–1962, thirty-second to thirty-third edi-
section (embryology) was again separately paginated, because its revi- tions). Gray’s had become so pre-eminent that perhaps complacency
sion had taken longer than anticipated. Gray’s Anatomy had grown, crept in, or editors were too daunted or too busy to confront the
seemingly inexorably, and was now quite thick and heavy: 1244 pages, ‘massive undertaking’ of a root and branch revision (Tansey 1995). The
weighing 5 lb 8 oz/2.5 kg. Both co-editors, and perhaps also its pub- unexpected deaths of three major figures associated with Gray’s in this
lisher, were dissatisfied with it. era, James Whillis, Francis Davies and David Vaughan Davies – each of
whom had been ready to take the editorial reins – may have contributed
to retarding the process. The work became somewhat dull.
Serious decisions were taken well in advance of the next edition, which KEY EDITION: 1973
turned out to be Pick’s last with Howden. Published 50 years after Gray
had first suggested the idea to Carter, the 1905 (sixteenth) edition was DV Davies had recognized the need for modernization, but his unex-
a landmark one. pected death left the work to other hands. Two Professors of Anatomy
The period 1880–1930 was a difficult time for anatomical illustra- at Guy’s, Roger Warwick and Peter Williams, the latter of whom had
tion, because the new techniques of photo-lithography and half-tone been involved as an indexer for Gray’s for several years, regarded it as
were not as yet perfected, and in any case could not provide the bold an honour to fulfil Davies’s intentions.
simplicity of line required for a book like Gray’s, which depended so Their thirty-fifth edition of 1973 was a significant departure from
heavily on clear illustration and clear lettering. Recognizing the inferior- tradition. Over 780 pages (of 1471) were newly written, almost a third
ity of half-tone illustrations by comparison with Carter’s wood-engraved of the illustrations were newly commissioned, and the captions for the
originals, Pick and Howden courageously decided to jettison the illustrations were freshly written throughout. With a complete xv.e3
Historical introduction

re-typesetting of the text in larger double-column pages, a new index The influence of the Warwick and Williams edition was forceful and
and the innovation of a bibliography, this edition of Gray’s looked and long-lasting, and set a new pattern for the following quarter-century. As
felt quite unlike its 1967 (thirty-fourth edition) predecessor, and much has transpired several times before, wittingly or unwittingly, a new
more like its modern incarnation. editor was being prepared for the future: Professor Susan Standring (of
This 1973 edition departed from earlier volumes in other significant Guy’s and subsequently King’s College London), who created the new
ways. The editors made explicit their intention to try to counter the bibliography for the 1973 edition of Gray’s, went on to serve on the
impetus towards specialization and compartmentalization in twentieth- editorial board, and has served as Editor-in-Chief for the last three edi-
century medicine, by embracing and attempting to reintegrate the com- tions before this one (2005–2016, thirty-ninth, fortieth and forty-first
plexity of the available knowledge. Warwick and Williams openly editions). These editions are important for different reasons.
renounced the pose of omniscience adopted by many textbooks, believ- For the thirty-ninth edition, the entire content of Gray’s was reorga-
ing it important to accept and mention areas of ignorance or uncer- nized, from systematic to regional anatomy. This great sea-change was
tainty. They shared with the reader the difficulty of keeping abreast in not just organizational but historic, because, since its outset, Gray’s had
the sea of research, and accepted with a refreshing humility the impos- prioritized bodily systems, with subsidiary emphasis on how the
sibility of fulfilling their own ambitious programme. systems interweave in the regions of the body. Professor Standring
Warwick and Williams’s 1973 edition had much in common with explained that this regional change of emphasis had long been asked
Gray and Carter’s first edition. It was bold and innovative – respectful for by readers and users of Gray’s, and that new imaging techniques had
of its heritage, while also striking out into new territory. It was visually raised the clinical importance of regional anatomy (Standring 2005).
attractive and visually informative. It embodied a sense of a treasury of The change was facilitated by an enormous collective effort on the part
information laid out for the reader (Williams and Warwick 1973). It of the editorial team and the illustrators. The subsequent and current
was published simultaneously in the United States (the American Gray’s editions, now also containing a substantial online-only component
had developed a distinct character of its own in the interval), and sold including an imaging library, consolidate that momentous change (see
extremely well there (Williams and Warwick 1973). Table 1).

TABLE 1 Gray’s Anatomy Editions

Edition Date Author/Editor(s) Publisher Title
1st 1858 Henry Gray JW Parker & Son Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical
The drawings by Henry Vandyke Carter. The dissections jointly by the author and Dr Carter
2nd 1860 Henry Gray JW Parker & Son
3rd 1864 T Holmes Longman
4th 1866 T Holmes Longman
5th 1869 T Holmes Longman
6th 1872 T Holmes Longman
7th 1875 T Holmes Longman
8th 1877 T Holmes Longman
9th 1880 T Holmes Longman
10th 1883 TP Pick Longman
11th 1887 TP Pick Longman
12th 1890 TP Pick Longman
13th 1893 TP Pick Longman
Gray’s preface removed
14th 1897 TP Pick Longman
15th 1901 TP Pick & R Howden Longman
16th 1905 TP Pick & R Howden Longman
17th 1909 Robert Howden Longman Anatomy Descriptive and Applied
Notes on applied anatomy by AJ Jex-Blake & W Fedde Fedden
18th 1913 Robert Howden & Blake & Fedden Longman
19th 1916 Robert Howden & Blake & Fedden Longman
20th 1918 Robert Howden & Blake & Fedden Longman
First edition to feature a photograph and obituary of Henry Gray
21st 1920 Robert Howden Longman
Notes on applied anatomy by AJ Jex-Blake & John Clay
22nd 1923 Robert Howden Longman
Notes on applied anatomy by John Clay & John D Lickley
23rd 1926 Robert Howden Longman
24th 1930 TB Johnston Longman
25th 1932 TB Johnston Longman
26th 1935 TB Johnston Longman
27th 1938 TB Johnston & J Whillis Longman Gray’s Anatomy
28th 1942 TB Johnston & J Whillis Longman
29th 1946 TB Johnston & J Whillis Longman
30th 1949 TB Johnston & J Whillis Longman
31st 1954 TB Johnston & J Whillis Longman
32nd 1958 TB Johnston & DV Davies & F Davies Longman

xv.e4 Continued

TABLE 1 Gray’s Anatomy Editions­­—cont’d

Edition Date Author/Editor(s) Publisher Title
33rd 1962 DV Davies & F Davies Longman
34th 1967 DV Davies & RE Coupland Longman
35th 1973 Peter L Williams & Roger Warwick Longman
With a separate volume: Functional Neuroanatomy of Man – being the neurology section of
Gray’s Anatomy, 35th edition, 1975
36th 1980 Roger Warwick & Peter L Williams Churchill Livingstone
37th 1989 Peter L Williams Churchill Livingstone
38th 1995 Peter L Williams & Editorial Board Churchill Livingstone
39th 2005 Susan Standring & Editorial Board Elsevier The Anatomical Basis of Clinical
40th 2008 Susan Standring & Editorial Board Elsevier The Anatomical Basis of Clinical
41st 2016 Susan Standring & Editorial Board Elsevier The Anatomical Basis of Clinical
42nd 2021 Susan Standring & Editorial Board Elsevier The Anatomical Basis of Clinical

City Museum and Art Gallery, University of Reading, Wellcome Institute

THE DOCTORS’ BIBLE Library, Westminster City Archives and Windsor Castle; and the follow-
ing individuals: Anne Bayliss, Gordon Bell, David Buchanan, Dee Cook,
Neither Gray nor Carter, the young men who – by their committed hard Arthur Credland, Chris Hamlin, Victoria Killick, Louise King, Keith
work between 1856 and 1858 – created the original Gray’s Anatomy, Nicol, Sarah Potts, Mark Smalley and Nallini Thevakarrunai. Above all,
would have conceived that so many years after their deaths their book my thanks to Brian Hurwitz, who has read and advised on the evolving
would not only be a household name, but also be regarded as a work text.
of such pre-eminent importance that a novelist half a world away would
rank it as cardinal – alongside the Bible and Shakespeare – to a doctor’s
education (Sinclair Lewis 1925, Richardson 2008). From this forty- References
second edition of Gray’s Anatomy, we can look back to appraise the
long-term value of their efforts. We can discern how the book they Anon 1908 Henry Gray. St George’s Hospital Gazette 16:49–54.
created triumphed over its competitors, and has survived pre-eminent. BMJ 1897 Henry Vandyke Carter, M.D.Lond. [Obiturary]. Br Med J 1:1256.
Gray’s is a remarkable publishing phenomenon. Although the volume Carter HV 1855 Diary. Wellcome Western Manuscript 5818; 25 Nov.
now looks quite different to the original, and contains so much more, Gray H 1858 Preface. In: Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical. London: JW
its kinship with the Gray’s Anatomy of 1858 is easily demonstrable by Parker & Son.
direct descent, every edition updated by Henry Gray’s successor. Works Holmes T (ed.) 1860 I: Preface. In: A System of Surgery. London: JW Parker
are rare indeed that have had such a long history of continuous publica- & Son.
tion on both sides of the Atlantic, and such a useful one. Howden R, Jex-Blake AJ, Fedde Fedden W (eds) 1918 Gray’s Anatomy, 20th
ed. London: Longman.
Ruth Richardson, MA, DPhil, FRHistS Nicol KE 2002 Henry Gray of St George’s Hospital: a Chronology. London:
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Life-Writing Research, published by the author.
King’s College London; Quain J 1856 Elements of Anatomy. Edited by Sharpey W, Ellis GV. London:
Affiliated Scholar in the History and Philosophy of Science, Walton & Maberly.
University of Cambridge, UK Richardson R 2000 Death, Dissection and the Destitute. Chicago: Chicago
University Press; pp. 193–249, 287, 357.
Richardson R 2008 The Making of Mr Gray’s Anatomy. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sinclair Lewis H 1925 Martin Arrowsmith. New York: Harcourt Brace; p. 4.
Standring S (ed) 2005 Preface. In: Gray’s Anatomy, 39th ed. London:
For their assistance while I was undertaking the research for this essay, Elsevier.
I should like to thank the Librarians and Archivists and Staff at the Tansey EM 1995 A brief history of Gray’s Anatomy. In: Williams PL (ed),
British Library, Society of Apothecaries, London School of Hygiene and Gray’s Anatomy, 38th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone.
Tropical Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, Royal Society of Medicine, Williams PL, Warwick R (eds) 1973 Preface. In: Gray’s Anatomy, 35th ed.
St Bride Printing Library, St George’s Hospital Tooting, Scarborough London: Churchill Livingstone.


Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body. Conventionally, it is and lower limbs together with the toes facing forwards (Fig. 1).
divided into topographical (macroscopic or gross) anatomy (which Descriptions are based on four imaginary planes – median, sagittal,
may be further divided into regional anatomy, surface anatomy, neuro- coronal and horizontal – applied to a body in the anatomical position.
anatomy, endoscopic and imaging anatomy); developmental anatomy The median plane passes longitudinally through the body and divides
(embryogenesis and subsequent organogenesis); and the anatomy of it into right and left halves. The sagittal plane is any vertical plane paral-
microscopic and submicroscopic structure (histology). lel with the median plane; although often employed, ‘parasagittal’ is
Anatomical language is one of the fundamental languages of medi- therefore redundant and should not be used. The coronal (frontal)
cine. The unambiguous description of thousands of structures is impos- plane is orthogonal to the median plane and divides the body into
sible without an extensive and often highly specialized vocabulary. anterior (front) and posterior (back). The horizontal (transverse) plane
Ideally, these terms, which are often derived from Latin or Greek, is orthogonal to both median and sagittal planes. Radiologists refer to
should be used to the exclusion of any other, and eponyms should be transverse planes as (trans)axial; convention dictates that axial anatomy
avoided. In reality, this does not always happen. Many terms are ver- is viewed as though looking from the feet towards the head.
nacularized and, around the world, synonyms and eponyms still Structures nearer the head are superior, cranial or (sometimes)
abound in the literature, in medical undergraduate classrooms and in cephalic (cephalad), whereas structures closer to the feet are inferior;
clinics and operating theatres. The 2nd edition of the Terminologia caudal is most often used in embryology to refer to the hind end of the
Anatomica,1 drawn up by the Federative Committee on Anatomical embryo. Medial and lateral indicate closeness to the median plane,
Terminology (FCAT) and newly published in 2019, continues to serve medial being closer than lateral; in the anatomical position, the little
as our reference source for the terminology for macroscopic anatomy, finger is medial to the thumb, and the great toe is medial to the little
and the text of the 42nd edition of Gray’s Anatomy is almost entirely toe. Specialized terms may also be used to indicate medial and lateral.
TA2-compliant. However, where terminology is at variance with, or, Thus, in the upper limb, ulnar and radial are used to mean medial and
more likely, is not included in, the TA, the alternative term used either lateral, respectively; in the lower limb, tibial and fibular (peroneal) are
is cited in the relevant consensus document or position paper, or enjoys used to mean medial and lateral, respectively. Terms may be based on
widespread clinical usage. Synonyms and eponyms are given in paren- embryological relationships; the border of the upper limb that includes
theses on first usage of a preferred term and not shown thereafter in the the thumb, and the border of the lower limb that includes the great toe
text; an updated list of eponyms and short biographical details of the are the pre-axial borders, whilst the opposite borders are the post-axial
clinicians and anatomists whose names are used in this way is available borders. Various degrees of obliquity are acknowledged using com-
in the e-book for reference purposes (see Preface, p. ix, for further dis- pound terms, e.g. posterolateral.
cussion of the use of eponyms). When referring to structures in the trunk and upper limb, we have
When medical students begin dissection classes they are often sur- freely used the synonyms anterior, ventral, flexor, palmar and volar, and
prised by the range of anatomical variation that they encounter amongst posterior, dorsal and extensor. We recognize that these synonyms are
the cadavers in the laboratory. As they progress to clinical examination not always satisfactory, e.g. the extensor aspect of the leg is anterior with
and study their patients’ X-ray, CT, MRI or ultrasound images, they respect to the knee and ankle joints, and superior in the foot and digits;
encounter further variations that prompt the age-old question, ‘what is the plantar (flexor) aspect of the foot is inferior. Dorsal (dorsum) and
normal, and what is beyond the range of anatomical normality?’ The ventral are terms used particularly by embryologists and neuroanato-
interested reader is directed to Bergman’s Comprehensive Encyclopedia of mists; they therefore feature most often in Sections 2 and 3.
Human Anatomic Variation, which ‘attempts to capture many of the Distal and proximal are used particularly to describe structures in
known variants of the human form’.2 the limbs, taking the datum point as the attachment of the limb to the
trunk (sometimes referred to as the root), such that a proximal struc-
ture is closer to the attachment of the limb than a distal structure.
PLANES, DIRECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS However, proximal and distal are also used in describing branching
structures, e.g. bronchi, vessels and nerves. External (outer) and inter-
To avoid ambiguity, all anatomical descriptions assume that the body nal (inner) refer to the distance from the centre of an organ or cavity,
is in the conventional ‘anatomical position’, i.e. standing erect and e.g. the layers of the body wall, or the cortex and medulla of the kidney.
facing forwards, upper limbs by the side with the palms facing forwards, External and internal can also describe rotation that is lateral or
medial, respectively, e.g. at the hip or shoulder joints. Superficial and
deep are used to describe the relationships between adjacent struc-
tures. Ipsilateral refers to the same side (of the body, organ or struc-
Terminologia Anatomica 2 (2019) is the joint creation of the Federative Committee on ture), bilateral to both sides, and contralateral to the opposite side.
Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) and the Member Associations of the International
Teeth are described using specific terms that indicate their relation-
Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
Tubbs RS, Shoja MM, Loukas M 2016 Bergman’s Comprehensive Encyclopedia of ship to their neighbours and to their position within the dental arch;
Human Anatomic Variation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley–Blackwell. these terms are described on page 646.



Coronal plane

Anterior or ventral

Posterior or dorsal

Median or sagittal plane

Inferior or caudal

Superior or cranial
Transverse or horizontal plane Lateral



Lateral (external) rotation

Medial (internal) rotation





Lateral (external) rotation

Medial (internal) rotation



Fig. 1 The terminology widely used in descriptive anatomy. Abbreviations shown on arrows: AD, adduction; AB, abduction;
FLEX, flexion (of the thigh at the hip joint); EXT, extension (of the leg at the knee joint).

1 Basic structure and function of cells

Epithelial cells rarely operate independently of each other and com-

CELL STRUCTURE monly form aggregates by adhesion, often assisted by specialized inter-
cellular junctions. They may also communicate with each other, either
General characteristics of cells by generating and detecting molecular signals that diffuse across inter-
cellular spaces, or more rapidly by generating interactions between
The shapes of mammalian cells vary widely depending on their interactions membrane-bound signalling molecules. Cohesive groups of cells con-
with each other, their extracellular environment and internal structures. stitute tissues, and more complex assemblies of tissues form functional
Their surfaces are often highly folded when absorptive or transport func- systems or organs.
tions take place across their boundaries. Cell size is limited by rates of Most cells are between 5 and 50 μm in diameter: e.g. resting lym-
diffusion, either that of material entering or leaving cells, or that of diffusion phocytes are 6 μm across, red blood cells 7.5 μm and columnar epithe-
within them. Movement of macromolecules can be much accelerated and lial cells 20 μm tall and 10 μm wide (all measurements are approximate).
also directed by processes of active transport across the plasma membrane Some cells are much larger than this: e.g. megakaryocytes of the bone
and by transport mechanisms within the cell. According to the location of marrow and osteoclasts of the remodelling bone are more than 200 μm
absorptive or transport functions, apical microvilli (Fig. 1.1) or basolateral in diameter. Neurones and skeletal muscle cells have relatively extended
infoldings create a large surface area for transport or diffusion. shapes, some of the former being over 1 m in length.
Motility is a characteristic of most cells, in the form of move-
ments of cytoplasm or specific organelles from one part of the cell
to another. It also includes: the extension of parts of the cell surface Cellular organization
such as pseudopodia, lamellipodia, filopodia and microvilli; loco-
motion of entire cells, as in the amoeboid migration of tissue Each cell is contained within its limiting plasma membrane, which
macrophages; the beating of flagella or cilia to move the cell (e.g. encloses the cytoplasm. All cells, except mature red blood cells, also
in spermatozoa) or fluids overlying it (e.g. in respiratory epithe- contain a nucleus that is surrounded by a nuclear membrane or enve-
lium); cell division; and muscle contraction. Cell movements are lope (see Fig. 1.1; Fig. 1.2). The nucleus includes: the genome of the
also involved in the uptake of materials from their environment cell contained within the chromosomes; the nucleolus; and other sub-
(endocytosis, phagocytosis) and the passage of large molecular nuclear structures. The cytoplasm contains cytomembranes and several
complexes out of cells (exocytosis, secretion). membrane-bound structures, called organelles, which form separate

Surface projections
(cilia, microvilli)

Surface invagination

Actin filaments
Vesicle Mitochondrion

Cell junctions
Plasma membrane

Desmosome Peroxisomes
Nuclear pore
filaments Nuclear envelope

Smooth endoplasmic Nucleus

Rough endoplasmic


Golgi apparatus Centriole pair


Cell surface folds

4 Fig. 1.1 The main structural components and internal organization of a generalized cell.
Basic structure and function of cells

Transmembrane protein
pore complex
of proteins


surface Lipid bilayer
in electron
Intrinsic microscope
protein Extrinsic Transmembrane
protein Transport Non-polar tail
or diffusion of phospholipid
channel Cytoskeletal
Polar end of element
EN phospholipid

Fig. 1.3 The molecular organization of the plasma membrane, according to

the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. Intrinsic or integral membrane
proteins include diffusion or transport channel complexes, receptor proteins
and adhesion molecules. These may span the thickness of the membrane
(transmembrane proteins) and can have both extracellular and cytoplasmic
domains. Transmembrane proteins have hydrophobic zones, which cross
Fig. 1.2 The structural organization and some principal organelles of a the phospholipid bilayer and allow the protein to ‘float’ in the plane of the
typical cell. This example is a ciliated columnar epithelial cell from human membrane. Some proteins are restricted in their freedom of movement
nasal mucosa. The central cell, which occupies most of the field of view, is where their cytoplasmic domains are tethered to the cytoskeleton.
closely apposed to its neighbours along their lateral plasma membranes.
Within the apical junctional complex, these membranes form a tightly membrane proteins, which are membrane-bound only through their
sealed zone (tight junction) that isolates underlying tissues from, in this association with other proteins. Carbohydrates in the form of oligosac-
instance, the nasal cavity. Abbreviations: AJC, apical junctional complex; charides and polysaccharides are bound either to proteins (glycopro-
APM, apical plasma membrane; C, cilia; Cy, cytoplasm; EN, euchromatic teins) or to lipids (glycolipids), and project mainly into the extracellular
nucleus; LPM, lateral plasma membrane; M, mitochondria; MV, microvilli; domain (Fig. 1.3).
N, nucleolus. (Courtesy of Dr Bart Wagner, Histopathology Department, Combinations of biochemical, biophysical and biological tech-
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK.)
niques have revealed that lipids are not homogeneously distributed in
membranes, but that some are organized into microdomains in the
bilayer, called ‘detergent-resistant membranes’ or lipid ‘rafts’, rich in
sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The ability of select subsets of proteins
and distinct compartments within the cytoplasm. Cytomembranes to partition into different lipid microdomains has profound effects on
include the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi appa- their function, e.g. in T-cell receptor and cell–cell signalling. The highly
ratus, as well as vesicles derived from them. Organelles include lyso- organized environment of the domains provides a signalling, trafficking
somes, peroxisomes and mitochondria. The nucleus and mitochondria and membrane fusion environment.
are enclosed by a double-membrane system; lysosomes and peroxi- In the electron microscope, membranes fixed and contrasted by
somes have a single bounding membrane. There are also non membrane- heavy metals such as osmium tetroxide appear in section as two densely
bound structures, called inclusions, which lie free in the cytosolic stained layers separated by an electron-translucent zone – the classic
compartment. They include glycogen aggregates and pigments (e.g. unit membrane. The total thickness of each layer is about 7.5 nm. The
lipofuscin). In addition, ribosomes and several filamentous protein overall thickness of the plasma membrane is typically 15 nm. Freeze–
networks, known collectively as the cytoskeleton, are found in the fracture cleavage planes usually pass along the hydrophobic portion of
cytosol. The cytoskeleton determines general cell shape and supports the bilayer, where the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids meet, and
specialized extensions of the cell surface (microvilli, cilia, flagella). It is split the bilayer into two leaflets. Each cleaved leaflet has a surface and
involved in the assembly of specific structures (e.g. centrioles) and a face. The surface of each leaflet faces either the extracellular surface
controls cargo transport in the cytoplasm. The cytosol contains many (ES) or the intracellular or protoplasmic (cytoplasmic) surface (PS). The
soluble proteins, ions and metabolites. extracellular face (EF) and protoplasmic face (PF) of each leaflet are
artificially produced during membrane splitting. This technique has
Plasma membrane also demonstrated intramembranous particles embedded in the lipid
bilayer; in most cases, these represent large transmembrane protein
Cells are enclosed by a distinct plasma membrane, which shares fea- molecules or complexes of proteins. Intramembranous particles are
tures with the cytomembrane system that compartmentalizes the cyto- distributed asymmetrically between the two half-layers, usually adher-
plasm and surrounds the nucleus. All membranes are composed of ing more to one half of the bilayer than to the other. In plasma mem-
lipids (mainly phospholipids, cholesterol and glycolipids) and pro- branes, the intracellular leaflet carries most particles, seen on its face
teins, in approximately equal ratios. Plasma membrane lipids form a (the PF). Where they have been identified, clusters of particles usually
lipid bilayer, a layer two molecules thick. The hydrophobic ends of each represent channels for the transmembrane passage of ions or molecules
lipid molecule face the interior of the membrane and the hydrophilic between adjacent cells (gap junctions).
ends face outwards. Most proteins are embedded within, or float in, the Biophysical measurements show the lipid bilayer to be highly fluid,
lipid bilayer as a fluid mosaic. Some proteins, because of extensive allowing diffusion in the plane of the membrane. Thus proteins are able
hydrophobic regions of their polypeptide chains, span the entire width to move freely in such planes unless anchored from within the cell.
of the membrane (transmembrane proteins), whereas others are only Membranes in general, and the plasma membrane in particular, form
superficially attached to the bilayer by lipid groups. Both are integral boundaries selectively limiting diffusion and creating physiologically
(intrinsic) membrane proteins, as distinct from peripheral (extrinsic) distinct compartments. 5

Transport across cell membranes plays a significant role in organ transplant compatibility. The glycocalyx
Most biological molecules cannot diffuse through the phospholipid found on the apical microvilli of enterocytes, the cells forming the
bilayer. Specific transport proteins, such as carrier proteins and channel lining epithelium of the intestine, consists of enzymes involved in the
proteins, mediate the selective passage of molecules across the mem- digestive process. Intestinal microvilli are cylindrical projections
brane, thus allowing the cell to control its internal composition. (1–2 μm long and about 0.1 ts}μm in diameter) forming a closely
Molecules (such as oxygen and carbon dioxide) can cross the plasma packed layer called the brush border that increases the absorptive func-
membrane down their concentration gradients by dissolving first in the tion of enterocytes (see Fig. 1.26).
phospholipid bilayer and then in the aqueous environment at the
cytosolic or extracellular side of the membrane. This mechanism, Cytoplasm
known as passive diffusion, does not involve membrane proteins. Lipid
and lipid-soluble (e.g. steroid) substances can also cross the bilayer. Compartments and functional organization
Other biological molecules (such as glucose, charged molecules and The cytoplasm consists of the cytosol and two cytomembrane systems,
small ions H+, Na+, K+ and Cl–) are unable to dissolve in the hydro- the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, all enclosed by the cell
phobic interior of the phospholipid bilayer. They require the help of or plasma membrane. The cytosol is a gel-like material made up of col-
specific transport proteins (Fig. 1.4) and channel proteins, which facili- loidal proteins such as enzymes, carbohydrates and small protein mol-
tate the passage or facilitated diffusion of most biological molecules. ecules, together with ribosomes and ribonucleic acids. The cytoplasm
Facilitated diffusion requires carrier proteins, which can bind specific also contains membrane-bound organelles (lysosomes, peroxisomes
molecules to be transported, or channel proteins, which form open and mitochondria), membrane-free inclusions (glycogen and pigments)
gates through the membrane. Carrier proteins transport sugars, amino and the cytoskeleton. The nuclear contents, the nucleoplasm, are sepa-
acids and nucleosides. Channel proteins are ion channels involved in rated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope.
the rapid transport of ions (faster transport than that mediated by
carrier proteins), are highly selective of molecular size and electrical Endoplasmic reticulum
charge, and are not continuously open. Ligand-gated channels open The endoplasmic reticulum is a system of interconnecting membrane-
‘gates’ in response to the binding of a signalling molecule, whereas lined channels within the cytoplasm (Fig. 1.5). These channels take
voltage-gated channels open in response to changes in electric potential various forms, including cisternae (flattened sacs), tubules and vesicles.
across the membrane. Similar to passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion The membranes divide the cytoplasm into two major compartments.
of biological molecules is determined by concentration and electrical The intramembranous compartment, or cisternal space, is where secre-
gradients across a membrane. tory products are stored or transported to the Golgi complex and cell
There are three types of transport protein: uniporter, symporter, and exterior: it is continuous with the perinuclear space.
antiporter (see Fig. 1.4). Uniporter transport proteins can be either Structurally, the channel system can be divided into rough or granu-
channel proteins or carrier proteins. They are involved in facilitated lar endoplasmic reticulum (RER), which has ribosomes attached to its
diffusion and carry a single molecule at a time from one side of the outer, cytosolic surface, and smooth or agranular endoplasmic reticu-
membrane to the other along its concentration gradient. Symporter and lum (SER), which lacks ribosomes. The functions of the endoplasmic
antiporter transport proteins are involved in active transport, where the reticulum vary greatly and include the synthesis, folding and transport
transporter utilizes energy, in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) of proteins; the biosynthesis and transport of phospholipids and
to mobilize molecules against their concentration gradient in order to
maintain the correct concentrations of ions and molecules in cells.
Symporter transport proteins are co-transporters (such as the glucose–
sodium co-transporter): they carry two molecules simultaneously or
sequentially in the same direction. Antiporter transport proteins, such
as the sodium–potassium pump, carry two molecules simultaneously
or sequentially in the opposite direction to each other.

Translocation of proteins across intracellular membranes

Proteins are generally synthesized on ribosomes in the cytosol or on
the rough endoplasmic reticulum: a few are made on mitochondrial
ribosomes. Once synthesized, many proteins remain in the cytosol,
where they carry out their functions. Others, such as integral membrane
proteins or proteins for secretion, are translocated across intracellular
membranes for post-translational modification and targeting to their
destinations. This is achieved by the signal sequence, an addressing
system contained within the protein sequence of amino acids, which is
recognized by receptors or translocators in the appropriate membrane. A
Proteins are sorted by their signal sequence (or set of sequences that
become spatially grouped as a signal patch when the protein folds into
its tertiary configuration), in order that they are recognized by and enter
the correct intracellular membrane compartment.
Plasma membrane proteins also provide surfaces for the attachment
of enzymes; sites for the receptors of external signals, including hor-
mones and other ligands; and sites for the recognition and attachment
of other cells. Internally, plasma membranes can act as points of attach-
ment for intracellular structures, in particular those concerned with cell
motility and other cytoskeletal functions. Cell membranes are synthe-
sized by the rough endoplasmic reticulum in conjunction with the
Golgi apparatus.

Cell coat (glycocalyx)

The external surface of a plasma membrane differs structurally from
internal membranes in that it possesses an external, fuzzy, carbohy-
drate-rich coat, the glycocalyx, composed of the carbohydrate portions
of glycoproteins and glycolipids embedded in the plasma membrane B
(see Fig. 1.3). The cell coat forms an integral part of the plasma mem-
brane, projecting as a diffusely filamentous layer 2–20 nm or more from Fig. 1.5 A, Smooth endoplasmic reticulum with associated vesicles. The
the lipoprotein surface. dense particles are glycogen granules. B, Rough endoplasmic reticulum
The precise composition of the glycocalyx varies with cell type; many (R), where enclosed cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum are studded with
tissue and cell type-specific antigens are located in the coat, including ribosomes on their cytoplasmic surfaces. (A, Courtesy of Rose Watson,
the major histocompatibility complex of the immune system and, in Cancer Research UK. B, Courtesy of Dr Bart Wagner, Histopathology
6 the case of erythrocytes, blood group antigens. The glycocalyx therefore Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK.)
Basic structure and function of cells

Membrane transporters The glycocalyx plays a significant role in maintenance of the integrity
of tissues and in a wide range of dynamic cellular processes, e.g. serving
as a vascular permeability barrier and transducing fluid shear stress to
Uniporter Symporter Antiporter the endothelial cell cytoskeleton (Weinbaum et al 2007). Disruption of
the glycocalyx on the endothelial surface of large blood vessels precedes
inflammation, a conditioning factor of atheromatosis (e.g. deposits of
cholesterol in the vascular wall leading to partial or complete obstruc-
tion of the vascular lumen).


Passive transport Active transport

Fig. 1.4 Transporter proteins. Uniporter transport proteins are involved
in facilitated diffusion (passive transport without an energy source). They
carry a single molecule at a time from one side of the membrane to the
other along its concentration gradient. Symporter and antiporter trans-
port proteins are involved in active transport. In active transport, unlike
passive transport, the transporter utilizes energy, in the form of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) to mobilize molecules against their concentration
gradient. Symporter transport proteins are co-transporters (such as the
glucose–sodium co-transporter); they carry two molecules simultaneously
or sequentially in the same direction. Antiporter transport proteins, such
as the sodium–potassium pump, carry two molecules simultaneously or
sequentially in the opposite direction. (With permission from Kierszenbaum
AL, Tres LL Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th
ed. Elsevier. Copyright 2019.)

Basic structure and function of cells

steroids; the degradation of glycogen; and the maintenance of calcium Protein synthesis on ribosomes may be suppressed by a class of RNA
homeostasis. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation molecules known as small interfering RNA (siRNA) or silencing RNA.
(ERAD) is part of the cellular protein quality control system and is These molecules are typically 20–25 nucleotides in length and bind (as
responsible for the clearance of misfolded proteins from the ER for a complex with proteins) to specific mRNA molecules via their comple-
cytosolic proteasomal degradation. mentary sequence. This triggers the enzymatic destruction of the mRNA
In general, RER is well developed in cells that produce abundant or prevents the movement of ribosomes along it. Synthesis of the
proteins, whereas SER is abundant in steroid-producing cells and encoded protein is thus prevented. Their normal function may have
muscle cells. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a variant of the endoplasmic antiviral or other protective effects; there is also potential for developing
reticulum in muscle cells: it is involved in calcium storage and release artificial siRNAs as a therapeutic tool for silencing disease-related genes.
for muscle contraction. For further reading on the endoplasmic reticu-
lum, see Bravo et al (2013). Golgi apparatus (Golgi complex)
The Golgi apparatus is a distinct cytomembrane system located near the
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum nucleus and the centrosome. It is particularly prominent in secretory
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 1.5A) is associated with carbo- cells and can be visualized when stained with silver or other metallic
hydrate metabolism and many other metabolic processes, including salts. Traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi appara-
detoxification and synthesis of lipids, cholesterol and steroids. The mem- tus is bidirectional and takes place via carrier vesicles derived from the
branes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum serve as surfaces for the donor site that bud, tether and fuse with the target site. Carrier vesicles
attachment of many enzyme systems, e.g. the enzyme cytochrome P450, in transit from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus
which is involved in important detoxification mechanisms and is thus (anterograde transport) are coated by coat protein complex II (COPII),
accessible to its substrates, which are generally lipophilic. The smooth whereas COPI-containing vesicles function in the retrograde transport
endoplasmic reticulum in hepatocytes (which are able to store glycogen) route from the Golgi apparatus (reviewed in Spang (2013)).
contains the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase, which converts glucose- Golgins are long coiled-coil proteins attached to the cytoplasmic
6-phosphate to glucose, a step in gluconeogenesis. The membranes also surface of cisternal membranes, forming a fibrillar matrix surrounding
cooperate with the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi appara- the Golgi apparatus to stabilize it; they have a role in vesicle trafficking
tus to synthesize new membranes; the protein, carbohydrate and lipid (Witkos and Lowe 2015). The Golgi apparatus has several functions:
components are added in different structural compartments. it links anterograde and retrograde protein and lipid flow in the secre-
tory pathway; it is the site where protein and lipid glycosylation occurs;
Rough endoplasmic reticulum and it provides membrane platforms to which signalling and sorting
The rough endoplasmic reticulum is a site of protein synthesis; its proteins bind.
cytosolic surface is studded with ribosomes (Fig. 1.5B). Ribosomes only Ultrastructurally, the Golgi apparatus (Fig. 1.6A) displays a continu-
bind to the endoplasmic reticulum when proteins targeted for secretion ous ribbon-like structure consisting of a stack of several flattened mem-
begin to be synthesized. Most proteins pass through its membranes and branous cisternae, together with clusters of vesicles surrounding its
accumulate within its cisternae, although some integral membrane pro- surfaces. Cisternae differ in their enzymatic content and activity. Small
teins, e.g. plasma membrane receptors, are inserted into the rough transport vesicles from the rough endoplasmic reticulum are received at
endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where they remain. After passage one face of the Golgi stack, the convex cis-face (entry or forming surface).
from the rough endoplasmic reticulum, proteins remain in membrane- Here, they deliver their contents to the first cisterna in the series by
bound cytoplasmic organelles such as lysosomes, become incorporated membrane fusion. The protein is transported from the edges of this
into new plasma membrane, or are secreted by the cell. Some carbohy- cisterna to the next cisterna by vesicular budding and then fusion, and
drates are also synthesized by enzymes within the cavities of the rough this process is repeated across medial cisternae until the final cisterna at
endoplasmic reticulum and may be attached to newly formed protein the concave trans-face (exit or condensing surface) is reached. Here,
(glycosylation). Vesicles are budded off from the rough endoplasmic larger vesicles are formed for delivery to other parts of the cell.
reticulum for transport to the Golgi as part of the protein-targeting The cis-Golgi and trans-Golgi membranous networks form an inte-
mechanism of the cell gral part of the Golgi apparatus (Fig. 1.6B). The cis-Golgi network is a
region of complex membranous channels interposed between the
Ribosomes, polyribosomes and protein synthesis rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi cis-face, which receives and
Ribosomes are macromolecular machines that catalyse the synthesis of transmits vesicles in both directions. Its function is to select appropriate
proteins from amino acids; synthesis and assembly into subunits takes proteins synthesized on the rough endoplasmic reticulum for delivery
place in the nucleolus and includes the association of ribosomal RNA by vesicles to the Golgi stack, while inappropriate proteins are shuttled
(rRNA) with ribosomal proteins translocated from their site of synthesis back to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
in the cytoplasm. The individual subunits are then transported into the The trans-Golgi network, at the other side of the Golgi stack, is also
cytoplasm, where they remain separate from each other when not a region of interconnected membrane channels engaged in protein
actively synthesizing proteins. Ribosomes are granules approximately sorting. Here, modified proteins processed in the Golgi cisternae are
25 nm in diameter, composed of rRNA molecules and proteins assem- packaged selectively into vesicles and dispatched to different parts of
bled into two unequal subunits. The subunits can be separated by their the cell. The packaging depends on the detection, by the trans-Golgi
sedimentation coefficients (S) in an ultracentrifuge into larger 60S and network, of particular amino acid signal sequences, leading to their
smaller 40S components. These are associated with 73 different pro- enclosure in membranes of appropriate composition that will further
teins (40 in the large subunit and 33 in the small), which have structural modify their contents, e.g. by extracting water to concentrate them
and enzymatic functions. Three small, highly convoluted rRNA strands (vesicles entering the exocytosis pathway) or by pumping in protons to
(28S, 5.8S and 5S) make up the large subunit, and one strand (18S) is acidify their contents (lysosomes destined for the intracellular sorting
in the small subunit. pathway). The membranes contain specific signal proteins that may
A typical cell contains millions of ribosomes. They may form groups allocate them to microtubule-based transport pathways and allow them
(polyribosomes or polysomes) attached to messenger RNA (mRNA), to dock with appropriate targets elsewhere in the cell, e.g. the plasma
which they translate during protein synthesis for use outside the system membrane in the case of secretory vesicles. Vesicle formation and
of membrane compartments, e.g. enzymes of the cytosol and cytoskel- budding at the trans-Golgi network involves the addition of clathrin on
etal proteins. Some of the cytosolic products include proteins that can their external surface, to form coated pits.
be inserted directly into (or through) membranes of selected organelles, Within the Golgi stack proper, proteins undergo a series of sequen-
such as mitochondria and peroxisomes. Ribosomes may be attached to tial chemical modifications by Golgi resident enzymes synthesized in
the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (see Fig. 1.5B). the rough endoplasmic reticulum. These include glycosylation (changes
In a mature polyribosome, all the attachment sites of the mRNA are in glycosyl groups, e.g. removal of mannose, addition of
occupied as ribosomes move along it, synthesizing protein according N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid); sulphation (addition of sulphate
to its nucleotide sequence. Consequently, the number and spacing of groups to glycosaminoglycans); and phosphorylation (addition of
ribosomes in a polyribosome indicate the length of the mRNA mole- phosphate groups). Some modifications serve as signals to direct pro-
cule and hence the size of the protein being made. The two subunits teins and lipids to their final destination within cells, including lyso-
have separate roles in protein synthesis. The 40S subunit is the site of somes and plasma membrane. Lipids formed in the endoplasmic
attachment and translation of mRNA. The 60S subunit is responsible reticulum are also routed for incorporation into vesicles.
for the release of the new protein and, where appropriate, attachment
to the endoplasmic reticulum via an intermediate docking protein that Exocytic (secretory) pathway
directs the newly synthesized protein through the membrane into the Secreted proteins, lipids, glycoproteins, small molecules such as amines,
cisternal space. and other cellular products destined for export from the cell are 7

transported to the plasma membrane in small vesicles released from correct plasma membrane domains is achieved by sorting sequences in
the trans-face of the Golgi apparatus. This pathway is either constitutive, the cytoplasmic tails of vesicular membrane proteins.
in which transport and secretion occur more or less continuously, as
with immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells, or it is regulated by Endocytic (internalization) pathway
external signals, as in the control of salivary secretion by autonomic The endocytic pathway begins at the plasma membrane and ends in
neural stimulation. In regulated secretion, the secretory product is lysosomes (see below) involved in the degradation of the endocytic
stored temporarily in membrane-bound secretory granules or vesicles. cargo through the enzymatic activity of lysosomal hydrolases. Endocytic
Exocytosis is achieved by fusion of the secretory vesicular membrane cargo is internalized from the plasma membrane to early endosomes
with the plasma membrane and release of the vesicle contents into the and then to late endosomes. Late endosomes transport their cargo to
extracellular domain. In polarized cells, e.g. most epithelia, exocytosis lysosomes, where the cargo material is degraded following fusion and
occurs at the apical plasma membrane. Glandular epithelial cells secrete mixing of contents of endosomes and lysosomes. Early endosomes
into a duct lumen, as in the pancreas, or on to a free surface, such as derive from endocytic vesicles (clathrin-coated vesicles and caveolae).
the lining of the stomach. In hepatocytes, bile is secreted across a very Once internalized, endocytic vesicles shed their coat of adaptin and
small area of plasma membrane forming the wall of the bile canalicu- clathrin, and fuse to form an early endosome, where the receptor mol-
lus. This region, the apical plasma membrane, is the site of exocrine ecules release their bound ligands. Membrane and receptors from the
secretion, whereas secretion of hepatocyte plasma proteins into the early endosomes can be recycled to the cell surface as exocytic
blood stream is targeted to the basolateral surfaces facing the sinusoids. vesicles.
Packaging of different secretory products into appropriate vesicles takes Clathrin-dependent endocytosis occurs at specialized patches of
place in the trans-Golgi network. Delivery of secretory vesicles to their plasma membrane called coated pits: this mechanism is also used to

Vesicles derived from the

trans-Golgi constitute the
trans-Golgi network (TGN). TGN is
the sorting site of cargoes for
secretion or transport to lysosomes

Vesicles shuttling trans-Golgi

between cisternae

Ribbon cisternae of the medial-Golgi


Endoplasmic reticulum

endocytosis pathway
B Secretory pathway

Phagocytic pathway LDL receptor

Lysosome pathway
Phagosome Clathrin-coated pit
Phagolysosome lysosome Secretory
vesicle Early endosome
Secondary lysosome

Residual body trans-Golgi Clathrin uncoating

Late endosome

Macroautophagy medial-Golgi

Mitochondrion Recycled membrane and

Autophagosome LDL receptor

Smooth endoplasmic
Free cholesterol

Vesicles shuttling between

Rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae

Fig. 1.6 A, The Golgi apparatus consists of four major functionally distinct compartments. Products derived from the
endoplasmic reticulum enter the Golgi apparatus at the cis-Golgi. Cargoes exit at the trans-Golgi. The medial-Golgi is a
stack of ribbon-like cisternae interposed between the cis-Golgi and the trans-Golgi. Cargoes destined for transport to
lysosomes or secretion (exocytosis) are sorted in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). B, There are three major pathways for
the intracellular degradation of materials. Extracellular particles can be taken up by phagocytosis and receptor-mediated
endocytosis. Aged intracellular components are degraded by macroautophagy, a non-selective process. The Golgi apparatus
releases vesicles for secretion or lysosome-containing vesicles that remain in the cell. Lysosomes are organelles that
8 contain about 40 types of hydrolytic enzymes active in an acidic environment (pH approximately 5.0).
Basic structure and function of cells

Primary lysosomes Mitochondrion Secondary lysosomes

Fig. 1.6, cont’d C, Primary lysosomes are inactive storage sites for hydrolytic enzymes. D, Secondary lysosomes are
engaged in degradation and contain remnants of the degraded structures. (A, C and D with permission from Kierszenbaum
AL, Tres LL Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th ed. Elsevier. Copyright 2019.)

internalize ligands bound to surface receptor molecules and is also inert residual body. Considerable numbers of residual bodies can accu-
termed receptor-mediated endocytosis. Caveolae are structurally dis- mulate in long-lived cells, often fusing to form larger dense vacuoles
tinct pinocytotic vesicles most widely used by endothelial and smooth with complex lamellar inclusions. As their contents are often darkly
muscle cells, where they are involved in transcytosis, signal transduc- pigmented, this may change the colour of the tissue; e.g. in neurones,
tion and possibly other functions. In addition to late endosomes, lyso- the end-product of lysosomal digestion, lipofuscin (neuromelanin or
somes can also fuse with phagosomes, autophagosomes and plasma senility pigment), gives ageing brains a brownish-yellow coloration.
membrane patches for membrane repair. Lysosomal hydrolases process Lysosomal enzymes may also be secreted – often as part of a process
or degrade exogenous materials (phagocytosis or heterophagy) as well to alter the extracellular matrix, as in osteoclast-mediated erosion
as endogenous material (autophagy). Phagocytosis consists of the cel- during bone resorption. For further reading on lysosome biogenesis,
lular uptake of invading pathogens, apoptotic cells and other foreign see Saftig and Klumperman (2009).
material by specialized cells. Lysosomes are numerous in actively
phagocytic cells, e.g. macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes, where Lysosomal dysfunction
they are responsible for destroying phagocytosed particles, e.g. bacteria. The transcription factor EB (TFEB) is responsible for regulating lyso-
These cells may contain phagosomes, vesicles that potentially contain somal biogenesis and function, lysosome-to-nucleus signalling and
a pathogenic microorganism and that may fuse with several lipid catabolism (for further reading, see Settembre et al (2013)). If
lysosomes. there is a failure of any of the actions of lysosomal hydrolases, of the
Specialized cells of the immune system, antigen-presenting cells lysosome acidification mechanism or of lysosomal membrane pro-
(APCs), degrade protein molecules (antigens) transported by the endo- teins, there is progressive lysosomal dysfunction in several tissues and
cytic pathway for lysosomal breakdown, and expose their fragments to organs. This may be due to faulty degradation and recycling of extra-
the cell exterior to elicit an immune response, that is mediated initially cellular substrates delivered to lysosomes by the late endosome or the
by helper T cells. defective degradation and recycling of intracellular substrates by
Late endosomes receive lysosomal enzymes from primary lysosomes autophagy.
(Fig. 1.6C) derived from the Golgi apparatus after late endosome–lyso- Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a consequence of lysosomal
some membrane tethering and fusion followed by diffusion of lyso- dysfunction. Approximately 60 different types of LSD have been identi-
somal contents into the endosomal lumen. The pH inside the fused fied on the basis of the type of material accumulated in cells (such as
hybrid organelle, now called a secondary lysosome, is low (about 5.0): mucopolysaccharides, sphingolipids, glycoproteins, glycogen and
this activates lysosomal acid hydrolases to degrade the endosomal con- lipofuscins).
tents. The products of hydrolysis are either passed through the mem-
brane into the cytosol, or they may be retained in the secondary Peroxisomes
lysosome (Fig. 1.6D). Secondary lysosomes may grow considerably in Peroxisomes are small (0.2–1 μm in diameter) membrane-bound
size by vesicle fusion to form multivesicular bodies; the enzyme con- organelles present in most mammalian cells. They contain more than
centration may increase greatly to form large lysosomes. 50 enzymes responsible for multiple catabolic and synthetic biochemi-
cal pathways, in particular the β-oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids
Lysosomes (>C22) and the metabolism of hydrogen peroxide (hence the name
Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles 80–800 nm in diameter, peroxisome). Peroxisomes may be derived from pre-existing peroxi-
often with complex inclusions of material undergoing hydrolysis (sec- somes that divide by fission. Alternatively, they may arise de novo by
ondary lysosomes). Two classes of protein participate in lysosomal budding as pre-peroxisomal vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum
function, namely soluble acid hydrolases and integral lysosomal mem- and possibly from mitochondria (Farré et al 2019). All matrix proteins
brane proteins. Each of the 60 or more known acid hydrolases (includ- and some peroxisomal membrane proteins are synthesized by cytosolic
ing proteases, lipases, carbohydrases, esterases and nucleases) degrades ribosomes and contain a peroxisome targeting signal that enables them
a specific substrate. There are about 25 lysosomal membrane proteins to be imported by proteins called peroxins (Braverman et al 2013,
participating in the acidification of the lysosomal lumen, protein Theodoulou et al 2013).
import from the cytosol, membrane fusion and transport of degrada- Peroxisomes often contain crystalline inclusions composed mainly
tion products to the cytoplasm. Material that has been hydrolysed of high concentrations of the enzyme urate oxidase. Oxidases use
within secondary lysosomes may be completely degraded to soluble molecular oxygen to oxidize specific organic substrates (such as l-
products, e.g. amino acids, which are recycled through metabolic path- amino acids, d-amino acids, urate, xanthine and very-long-chain fatty
ways. However, degradation is usually incomplete and some debris acids) and produce hydrogen peroxide that is detoxified (degraded) by
remains. A debris-laden vesicle is called a residual body or tertiary lyso- peroxisomal catalase. Peroxisomes are important in the oxidative detox-
some (see Fig. 1.6B), and may be passed to the cell surface, where it is ification of various substances taken into or produced within cells. They
ejected by exocytosis; alternatively, it may persist inside the cell as an are particularly numerous in hepatocytes. 9
Basic structure and function of cells

LSDs are characterized by severe neurodegeneration, mental decline, myopathy and cardiomyopathy with neurodegeneration in hemizygous
and cognitive and behavioural abnormalities. Autophagy impairment males, lysosomes fail to fuse with autophagosomes because of a muta-
caused by defective lysosome–autophagosome coupling triggers a patho- tion of the lysosomal membrane protein LAMP-2 (lysosomal-associated
genic cascade by the accumulation of substrates that contribute to neu- membrane protein-2).
rodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's Peroxin mutation is a characteristic feature of Zellweger syndrome
disease, Huntington's disease and several tau-opathies. In Tay–Sachs (craniofacial dysmorphism and malformations of brain, liver, eye and
disease (GM2 gangliosidosis), a faulty β-hexosaminidase A leads to the kidney; cerebrohepatorenal syndrome). Neonatal leukodystrophy is an
accumulation of the glycosphingolipid GM2 ganglioside in neurones, X-linked peroxisomal disease affecting mostly males, caused by defi-
causing death during childhood. In Danon disease, a vacuolar skeletal ciency in β-oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids.


The build-up of very-long-chain fatty acids in the nervous system whereas those of the cytochrome system and oxidative phosphorylation
and suprarenal glands determines progressive deterioration of brain are localized chiefly in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The inter-
function and suprarenal insufficiency (Addison's disease). For further membrane space houses cytochrome c, a molecule involved in activation
reading, see Braverman et al (2013). of apoptosis.
The number of mitochondria in a particular cell reflects its general
Mitochondria energy requirements; e.g. in hepatocytes there may be as many as 2000,
Mitochondria appear in the light microscope as long, thin structures in whereas in resting lymphocytes there are usually very few. Mature eryth-
the cytoplasm of most cells, particularly those with a high metabolic rocytes lack mitochondria altogether. Cells with few mitochondria gen-
rate, e.g. secretory cells in exocrine glands. In the electron microscope, erally rely largely on glycolysis for their energy supplies. These include
mitochondria usually appear as round or elliptical bodies 0.5–2.0 μm some very active cells, e.g. fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibres, which are
long (Fig. 1.7), consisting of an outer mitochondrial membrane; an able to work rapidly but for only a limited duration. Mitochondria are
inner mitochondrial membrane, separated from the outer membrane by distributed within a cell according to regional energy requirements, e.g.
an intermembrane space; cristae, infoldings of the inner membrane that near the bases of cilia in ciliated epithelia, in the basal domain of the
harbour ATP synthase to generate ATP; and the mitochondrial matrix, a cells of proximal convoluted tubules in the renal cortex (where consid-
space enclosed by the inner membrane and numerous cristae. The per- erable active transport occurs) and around the proximal segment, called
meability of the two mitochondrial membranes differs considerably: the the middle piece, of the flagellum in spermatozoa. In living cells, mito-
outer membrane is freely permeable to many substances because of the chondria constantly change shape and intracellular position; they mul-
presence of large non-specific channels formed by proteins (porins), tiply by growth and fission, and may undergo fusion.
whereas the inner membrane is permeable to only a narrow range of Mitochondria may be involved in tissue-specific metabolic reactions,
molecules. The presence of cardiolipin, a phospholipid, in the inner e.g. various urea-forming enzymes are found in liver cell mitochondria.
membrane may contribute to this relative impermeability. Moreover, a number of genetic diseases of mitochondria affect particu-
Mitochondria are the principal source of chemical energy in most lar tissues exclusively, e.g. mitochondrial myopathies (skeletal muscle)
cells. They are the site of the citric acid (Krebs') cycle and the electron and mitochondrial neuropathies (nervous tissue).
transport (cytochrome) pathway by which complex organic molecules are The mitochondrial matrix is an aqueous environment. It contains a
finally oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. This process provides the variety of enzymes, and strands of mitochondrial DNA with the capac-
energy to drive the production of ATP from adenosine diphosphate ity for transcription and translation of a unique set of mitochondrial
(ADP) and inorganic phosphate (oxidative phosphorylation). The various genes (mitochondrial mRNAs and transfer RNAs, mitochondrial ribo-
enzymes of the citric acid cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix, somes with rRNAs). The DNA forms a closed loop, about 5 μm across
and several identical copies are present in each mitochondrion. The
ratio between its bases differs from that of nuclear DNA; the RNA
sequences also differ in the precise genetic code used in protein synthe-
A sis. At least 13 respiratory chain enzymes of the matrix and inner
membrane are encoded by the small number of genes along the mito-
chondrial DNA (mtDNA). The great majority of mitochondrial proteins
are encoded by nuclear genes and made in the cytosol, then inserted
through special channels in the mitochondrial membranes to reach
their destinations. Their membrane lipids are synthesized in the endo-
plasmic reticulum.
Mitochondrial ribosomes are smaller and quite distinct from those
of the rest of the cell in that they (and mitochondrial nucleic acids)
resemble those of bacteria. This similarity underpins the theory that
mitochondrial ancestors were oxygen-utilizing bacteria that existed in
a symbiotic relationship with eukaryotic cells unable to metabolize the
oxygen produced by early plants.
It has been shown that mitochondria are of maternal origin because
the mitochondria of spermatozoa are not generally incorporated into
the ovum at fertilization. As mitochondria are formed only from previ-
ously existing ones, it follows that all mitochondria in the body are
descended from those in the cytoplasm of the ovum. Thus mitochon-
dria (and mitochondrial genetic variations and mutations) are passed
only through the female line. For further information on mitochondrial
genetics and disorders, see Chinnery and Hudson (2013).

B Mitochondrial replacement therapies

Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book

Outer membrane Cytosolic inclusions

The aqueous cytosol surrounds the membranous organelles described
Inner membrane above. It also contains various non-membranous inclusions, including
free ribosomes, components of the cytoskeleton, and other inclusions,
Cristae (folds)
such as storage granules (e.g. glycogen), pigments (such as lipofuscin
granules, remnants of the lipid oxidative mechanism seen in the supra-
Elementary renal cortex).

Lipid droplets
Lipid droplets are spherical bodies of various sizes found within
many cells, but are especially prominent in the adipocytes (fat cells)
of adipose connective tissue. They do not belong to the Golgi-related
vacuolar system of the cell. Lipid droplets, suspended in the cytosol,
are surrounded by perilipin proteins, which regulate lipid storage
and lipolysis. (See Smith and Ordovás (2012) for further reading on
obesity and perilipins.) In cells specialized for lipid storage, the
vacuoles reach 80 μm or more in diameter. They function as stores
Fig. 1.7 A, Mitochondria in human cardiac muscle. The folded cristae of chemical energy, thermal insulators and mechanical shock
(arrows) project into the matrix from the inner mitochondrial membrane. absorbers in adipocytes. In many cells, they may represent end-
B, The location of the elementary particles that couple oxidation and products of other metabolic pathways, e.g. in steroid-synthesizing
phosphorylation reactions. (A, Courtesy of Dr Bart Wagner, Histopathology cells, where they are a prominent feature of the cytoplasm. They may
10 Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK.) also be secreted, as in the alveolar epithelium of the lactating breast.
Basic structure and function of cells

Cristae are abundant in mitochondria within cardiac muscle cells and maternal and paternal nuclei are assembled as a pronucleus. Because
in steroid-producing cells (in the suprarenal cortex, corpus luteum and it is difficult to distinguish between male and female pronuclei, pro-
Leydig cells). The protein, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), nuclear transfer (PNT) involves transplantation of both the maternal
regulates the synthesis of steroids by transporting cholesterol across the and paternal pronuclei, clearly visualized by light microscopy. mtDNA
outer mitochondrial membrane. A mutation in the gene encoding StAR resides within mitochondria, separately from the genes housed in
causes defective suprarenal and gonadal steroidogenesis. each cell nucleus. Since mitochondria are inherited only through the
Mitochondrial replacement therapies have been developed to maternal germline, mutated mitochondria are thus replaced with
resolve mitochondrial disorders of maternal origin, e.g. by transplan- normal mitochondria from enucleated oocytes provided by the unaf-
tating the pronucleus from an egg containing mutant mtDNA from a fected donor. An alternative procedure involves transfer of the nuclear
carrier mother to an enucleated egg from an unaffected donor (Fig. genetic material from the affected female (maternal spindle transfer,
1.8). This procedure can be performed after in vitro fertilization using MST) into an enucleated donor egg with normal mitochondria, prior
sperm from the intended father. Soon after fertilization, the haploid to fertilization.

Discarded egg with

mutant mtDNA

The pronucleus of the

First polar body First and second carrier mother is placed
polar bodies into the donor’s enucleated
fertilized egg containing
Spindle (completion normal mtDNA. The egg
of meiosis II) (zygote) is implanted into
the carrier mother.

Fertilizing sperm from

the intended father

Fertilization in vitro of a Removal of the pronucleus (paternal

carrier mother’s oocyte and maternal nuclei) from the
containing mutant mtDNA fertilized carrier mother’s egg

Fertilizing sperm from

the intended father Discarded
Fertilization in vitro of a Removal of the pronucleus
donor’s oocyte containing (paternal and maternal nuclei)
normal mtDNA from the donor’s egg
Fig. 1.8 Mitochondrial replacement by pronuclear transfer. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is transmitted by the mother
(maternal inheritance). Both males and females can be affected by mitochondrial diseases, but males do not transmit
the disorder to their offspring. One mitochondrial replacement therapy involves the transplantation of the pronucleus
from an egg containing mutant mtDNA from a carrier mother to an enucleated egg from an unaffected donor. This can
be performed after in vitro fertilization using sperm from the intended father. (With permission from Kierszenbaum AL,
Tres LL Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th ed. Elsevier. Copyright 2019.)

Basic structure and function of cells

Cell signalling inside the cell unless they first bind to a plasma membrane receptor
protein. Ligands are mainly proteins (usually glycoproteins), poly-
Cellular systems in the body communicate with each other to coordi- peptides or highly charged biogenic amines. They include classic
nate and integrate their functions, through a variety of processes known peptide hormones of the endocrine system; cytokines, which are
collectively as cell signalling, in which a signalling molecule produced mainly of haemopoietic cell origin and involved in inflammatory
by one cell is detected by another, almost always by means of a specific responses and tissue remodelling (e.g. the interferons, interleukins,
receptor protein molecule. The recipient cell transduces the signal, tumour necrosis factor, leukaemia inhibitory factor); and polypeptide
which it most often detects at the plasma membrane, into intracellular growth factors (e.g. the epidermal growth factor superfamily, nerve
chemical messages that change cell behaviour. growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, the fibroblast growth
The signal may act over a long distance, e.g. endocrine signalling factor family, transforming growth factor beta and the insulin-like
through the release of hormones into the blood stream, or neuronal growth factors). Polypeptide growth factors are multifunctional mol-
synaptic signalling via electrical impulse transmission along axons and ecules with more widespread actions and cellular sources than their
subsequent release of chemical transmitters of the signal at synapses or names suggest. They and their receptors are commonly mutated or
neuromuscular junctions. A specialized variation of endocrine signal- aberrantly expressed in certain cancers. The cancer-causing gene
ling (neurocrine or neuroendocrine signalling) occurs when neurones variant is termed a transforming oncogene and the normal (wild-
or paraneurones (e.g. chromaffin cells of the suprarenal medulla) secrete type) version of the gene is a cellular oncogene or proto-oncogene.
a hormone into interstitial fluid and the blood stream. Alternatively, The activated receptor acts as a transducer to generate intracellular
signalling may occur at short range through a paracrine mechanism, in signals, which are either small diffusible second messengers (e.g.
which cells of one type release molecules into the interstitial fluid of the calcium, cyclic adenosine monophosphate or the plasma membrane
local environment, to be detected by nearby cells of a different type that lipid-soluble diacylglycerol), or larger protein complexes that amplify
express the specific receptor protein. and relay the signal to target control systems.
Neurocrine cell signalling uses chemical messengers found also in Some signals are hydrophobic and able to cross the plasma mem-
the central nervous system, which may act in a paracrine manner via brane freely. Classic examples are the steroid hormones, thyroid hor-
interstitial fluid or reach more distant target tissues via the blood stream. mones, retinoids and vitamin D. Steroids, for instance, enter cells
Cells may generate and respond to the same signal. This is autocrine non-selectively, but elicit a specific response only in those target cells
signalling, a phenomenon that reinforces the coordinated activities of that express specific cytoplasmic or nuclear receptors. Light stimuli also
a group of like cells, which respond together to a high concentration of cross the plasma membranes of photoreceptor cells and interact intra-
a local signalling molecule. The most extreme form of short-distance cellularly, at least in rod cells, with membrane-bound photosensitive
signalling is contact-dependent (juxtacrine) signalling, where one cell receptor proteins. Hydrophobic ligands are transported in the blood
responds to transmembrane proteins of an adjacent cell that bind to stream or interstitial fluids, generally bound to carrier proteins, and they
surface receptors in the responding cell membrane. Contact-dependent often have a longer half-life and longer-lasting effects on their targets
signalling also includes cellular responses to integrins on the cell surface than do water-soluble ligands.
binding to elements of the extracellular matrix. Juxtacrine signalling is A separate group of signalling molecules that are able to cross the
important during development and in immune responses. These differ- plasma membrane freely is typified by the gas, nitric oxide. The principal
ent types of intercellular signalling mechanism are illustrated in Fig. 1.9. target of short-range nitric oxide signalling is smooth muscle, which
relaxes in response. Nitric oxide is released from vascular endothelium
Signalling molecules and their receptors as a result of the action of autonomic nerves that supply the vessel wall,
The majority of signalling molecules (ligands) are hydrophilic and so causing local relaxation of smooth muscle and consequent dilation of
cannot cross the plasma membrane of a recipient cell to effect changes the vessel. This mechanism is responsible for penile erection. Nitric oxide

A Endocrine B Paracrine
Short-range signalling
Endocrine cell A
Receptor Y Signalling
Endocrine cell B cell

Receptor X
Target cell B

Different Target cell A

Blood stream hormones

C Autocrine D Synaptic

Membrane receptor Axon

Hormone or Cell body Neurotransmitter Target cell

growth factor

E Neurocrine F Contact-dependent
Neuroendocrine Neuropeptide
cell or amine
Stimulus Signalling cell Target cell

Blood vessel
Distant target cell signal molecule

Fig. 1.9 The different modes of cell–cell signalling. 11


is unusual among signalling molecules in having no specific receptor In addition, the cytoskeleton provides tracks for intracellular transport
protein; it acts directly on intracellular enzymes of the response pathway. (e.g. shuttling vesicles and macromolecules, called cargoes, among cyto-
plasmic sites), the movement of chromosomes during cell division
Receptor proteins (mitosis and meiosis) or movement of the entire cell during embryonic
There are some 20 different families of receptor proteins, each with morphogenesis or the chemotactic extravascular migration of leuko-
several isoforms responding to different ligands. The great majority of cytes during homing. Examples of highly developed and specialized
these receptors are transmembrane proteins. Members of each family functions of the cytoskeleton include the contraction of the sarcomere
share structural features that indicate either shared ligand-binding char- in striated muscle cells and the bending of the axoneme of cilia and
acteristics in the extracellular domain or shared signal transduction flagella.
properties in the cytoplasmic domain, or both. There is little relationship The catalogue of cytoskeletal structural proteins is extensive and still
either between the nature of a ligand and the family of receptor proteins increasing. The major filamentous structures found in non-muscle cells
to which it binds and activates, or the signal transduction strategies by are microfilaments (7 nm thick), microtubules (25 nm thick) and inter-
which an intracellular response is achieved. The same ligand may acti- mediate filaments (10 nm thick). Other important components are pro-
vate fundamentally different types of receptor in different cell types. teins that bind to the principal filamentous types to assemble or
Cell surface receptor proteins are generally grouped according to disassemble them, regulate their stability or generate movement. These
their linkage to one of three intracellular systems: ion channel-linked include actin-binding proteins such as myosin, which in some cells can
receptors; G-protein coupled receptors; or receptors that link to enzyme assemble into thick filaments, and microtubule-associated proteins.
systems. Other receptors do not fit neatly into any of these categories. Pathologies involving cytoskeletal abnormalities include ciliopathies
All the known G-protein-coupled receptors belong to a structural (resulting from the abnormal assembly and function of centrioles, basal
group of proteins that pass through the membrane seven times in a bodies and cilia); neurodegenerative diseases (a consequence of defec-
series of serpentine loops: these receptors are thus known as seven-pass tive anterograde transport of neurotransmitters along microtubules in
transmembrane receptors or, because the transmembrane regions are axons); and sterility (determined by defective or absent microtubule-
formed from α-helical domains, as seven-helix receptors. The best associated dynein in axonemes, e.g. Kartagener's syndrome).
known of this large group of phylogenetically ancient receptors are the
odorant-binding proteins of the olfactory system; the light-sensitive Actin filaments (microfilaments)
receptor protein, rhodopsin; and many of the receptors for clinically Actin filaments are flexible filaments, 7 nm thick (Fig. 1.13A). Within
useful drugs. A comprehensive list of receptor proteins, their activating most cell types, actin constitutes the most abundant protein and in
ligands and examples of the resultant biological function is given in some motile cells its concentration may exceed 200 μM (10 mg protein
Pollard et al (2016). per ml cytoplasm). The filaments are formed by the ATP-dependent
polymerization of actin monomer (with a molecular mass of 43 kDa)
Major signalling pathways into a characteristic string of beads in which the subunits are arranged
Most cell surface receptors stimulate intracellular target enzymes to in a linear tight helix with a distance of 13 subunits between turns
transmit and amplify a signal upon ligand binding. A signalling (Dominguez 2010). The polymerized filamentous form is termed
pathway can activate a series of intracellular targets located downstream F-actin (filamentous actin) and the unpolymerized monomeric form is
of the receptor, in particular the activity of intracellular proteins, or, like known as G-actin (globular actin). Each monomer has an asymmetric
neurotransmitter receptors, control the flow of water (aquaporins) and structure. When monomers polymerize, they confer a defined polarity
electrolytes across ligand-gated ion channels located on the plasma on the filament: the plus or barbed end favours monomer addition,
membrane. An amplified signal can be propagated to the nucleus to and the minus or pointed end favours monomer dissociation.
regulate gene expression in response to an external cell stimulus. Treadmilling designates the simultaneous polymerization of an
The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) pathway is a major actin filament at one end and depolymerization at the other end to
intracellular signalling pathway. For example, there is an increase in the maintain its constant length.
intracellular concentration of cAMP when adrenaline (epinephrine) See Bray (2001) for further reading.
binds to its receptor. Adrenaline breaks down glycogen into glucose
before muscle contraction. cAMP is formed from ATP by the action of Actin-binding proteins
the enzyme adenylyl cyclase and degraded to adenosine monophos- A wide variety of actin-binding proteins are capable of modulating the form
phate (AMP) by the enzyme cAMP phosphodiesterase. This mechanism of actin within the cell. These interactions are fundamental to the organiza-
led to the concept of a first messenger (adrenaline) mediating a cell- tion of cytoplasm and to cell shape. The actin cytoskeleton is organized as
signalling effect by a second messenger, cAMP. closely packed parallel arrays of actin filaments forming bundles or cables,
Signalling pathways play important roles in embryonic and fetal or loosely packed criss-crossed actin filaments forming networks (Fig.
development, body axis patterning, cell migration and cell prolifera- 1.14A). Actin-binding proteins hold together bundles and networks of actin
tion. They all contain components subject to diverse regulatory steps filaments. Actin-binding proteins can be grouped into G-actin (monomer)
and crosstalk mechanisms and some use different downstream effectors binding proteins and F-actin (polymer) capping, cross-linking and severing
activated by specific transcription factors. The following signalling path- proteins. Actin-binding proteins may have more than one function.
ways have clinical relevance: the JAK–STAT, Hedgehog (Hh), Wingless Capping proteins bind to the ends of the actin filament either to
(Wnt) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signalling pathways. For stabilize an actin filament or to promote its disassembly (see Fig. 1.13A).
example, erythropoietin stimulates the development of the erythroid Cross-linking or bundling proteins tie actin filaments together in
lineage (red blood cell formation) in bone marrow by a mechanism longitudinal arrays to form bundles, cables or core structures. The
that involves the JAK–STAT pathway (Fig. 1.11). bundles may be closely packed in microvilli and filopodia, where paral-
lel filaments are tied tightly together to form stiff bundles orientated in
Cytoskeleton the same direction. Cross-linking proteins of the microvillus actin
bundle core include fimbrin and villin.
The cytoskeleton is a three-dimensional network of filamentous Other actin-bundling proteins form rather looser bundles of fila-
intracellular proteins of different shapes, sizes and composition ments that run antiparallel to each other with respect to their plus and
distributed throughout the cytoplasm. It provides mechanical minus ends. They include myosin II, which can form cross-links with
support, maintains cell shape and rigidity, and enables cells to adopt ATP-dependent motor activity, and cause adjacent actin filaments to
highly asymmetric or irregular profiles. It plays an important part in slide on each other in the striated muscle sarcomere, and either change
establishing structural polarity and different functional domains the shape of cells or (if the actin bundles are anchored into the cell
within a cell. It also provides mechanical support for permanent membrane at both ends), maintain a degree of active rigidity. Filamin
projections from the cell surface (see below), including persistent interconnects adjacent actin filaments to produce loose filamentous
microvilli and cilia, and transient processes, such as the thin finger- gel-like networks composed of randomly orientated F-actin.
like protrusions called filopodia (0.1–0.3 μm) and lamellipodia F-actin can branch. The assembly of branched filamentous actin
(0.1–0.2 μm). Filopodia consist of parallel bundles of actin fila- networks involves a complex of seven actin-related proteins 2/3
ments and have a role in cell migration, wound healing and neurite (Arp2/3) that is structurally similar to the barbed end of actin.
growth. The protrusive thin and broad lamellipodia, found at the See Rotty et al (2013) for further reading.
leading edge of a motile cell, contain a branched network of actin Branched actin generated by the Arp2/3 protein complex localizes at
filaments. the leading edge of migrating cells, lamellipodia and phagosomes
The cytoskeleton restricts specific structures to particular cellular loca- (required for the capture by endocytosis and phagocytosis of particles
tions. For example, the Golgi apparatus is near the nucleus and endoplas- and foreign pathogens by immune cells). Formin can elongate pre-exist-
12 mic reticulum, and mitochondria are near sites of energy requirement. ing actin filaments by removing capping proteins at the barbed end.
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jotka kiduttavat viisaimpiakin ihmisiä, ja korvata tässä maailmassa
esiintyvät näennäiset epäoikeudenmukaisuudet ja epätasaisuudet
tulevan maailman yhdenvertaisuudella ja palkitsevalla
oikeudenmukaisuudella. Tuo yksi päivä on sisältävä kaikki edellä
kuluneet päivät, ja niin sanoaksemme viimeisessä kohtauksessa
täytyy kaikkien näyttelijäin astua esille, täydentämään ja loppuun
suorittamaan tätä suurta esitystä. Ja tämä on se päivä, jonka
muistaminen on kyllin tehokas tekemään meidät rehellisiksi
pimeässäkin ja hyveellisiksi tarvitsematta todistajia.

Ipsa sui pretium virtus sibi,

hyve on oma palkintonsa,

on vain kylmä järkilause, joka ei kykene pitämään huikentelevaa

tahtoamme muuttumattomasti ja pysyvästi hyvyyden uralla. Minä
olen yrittänyt toteuttaa kelpo Senecan neuvomaa keinoa: kuvitellut
yksinäisyyden hiljaisuudessa, pysyäkseni vapaana paheiden
saastutuksesta, olevani parhaiden ja rakkaimpien ystävieni parissa,
joiden nähden mieluummin menettäisin pääni kuin harjoittaisin
jotakin pahetta. Kuitenkin huomasin sen olevan vain siveellistä
rehellisyyttä, mikä ei vielä merkitse hyveellisenä olemista hänen
tähtensä, joka meidät lopullisesti palkitsee.

Olen koettanut noudattaa Senecan suurta ohjetta: olla hyveellinen

ajattelematta taivasta tai helvettiä. Ja tosiaankin huomasin, että,
ollen luonnostani taipuvainen hyveeseen ja sitä kunnioittamaan,
saatoin sitä palkattakin palvella, mutta en kuitenkaan niin
päättäväisesti ja kunnioitettavalla tavalla, että oman luonteeni
heikkous ei pienenkin kiusauksen esiintyessä voisi viekoitella minua
sitä unhottamaan.
Siitä syystä on kaiken toimintamme elinvoimana ja henkenä usko
ylösnousemukseen ja se vakaa tieto, että tomumajamme saa nauttia
hurskaiden ponnistustemme hedelmiä. Ilman tätä olisi kaikki uskonto
pelkkää harhaa, ja Lukianoksen, Euripideen ja Julianuksen
jumalattomat ajatukset eivät olisikaan mitään herjausta, vaan
ylevintä totuutta, ja ateistit olisivat olleet ainoita oikeita filosofeja.

Kysymys siitä, miten kuolleet nousevat, ei koske minun uskoani.

Mahdollisuuksien olettaminen ei ole uskoa, vaan filosofiaa. Monet
jumaluusopin kohdat ovat tosia siitä huolimatta, ettei niitä järki voi
johdella enempää kuin aistimetkaan vahvistaa, ja monet filosofian
kysymykset aistimilla varmennettavia, vaikka järki ei niihin pysty.
Niinpä on esimerkiksi mahdotonta pätevillä, kouraantuntuvilla
järkisyillä saada ketään uskomaan kompassineulan kääntymistä
pohjoista kohti, vaikka tämä ilmiö on sekä mahdollinen että
todellinen, vieläpä helposti uskottavakin, kunhan vain aistimilla
teemme kokeen.

Uskon, että muuttunut ja hajaantunut tomumajamme jälleen yhtyy,

että sen ainekset, suoritettuaan niin monta kiertokulkua ja muutosta
kivennäisten, kasvien, eläinten ja muiden olioiden kautta, Jumalan
äänen kutsumina palaavat alkuperäiseen muotoonsa ja yhtyvät
jälleen olemaan entisenä alkuperäisenä kokonaisuutena.

Niinkuin luomisessa sekava ainejoukko erotettiin eri lajeihinsa,

samoin maailman häviössä tapahtuu erittely eri yksilöiksi. Niinkuin
luomisessa kaikki eri lajit, joita nyt näemme, piilivät yhdessä
ainejoukossa, kunnes Jumalan hedelmöittävä ääni eroitti ne
toisistansa, niin on viimeisenäkin päivänä, kun kaikki pilaantuneet
tähteet ovat hajallaan lukemattomissa muodoissa ja näyttävät
unohtaneen varsinaiset ominaisuutensa, Jumala väkevällä
kädellänsä ne palauttava varsinaisiin muotoihinsa ja kutsuva ne esiin
kunkin paikallensa.

Silloin esiintyy Aatamin jälkeläisten paljous ja sen siemenen taika,

joka on paisunut niin moniksi miljooniksi. Olen usein ihmeenä
katsellut elohopean uudelleen ilmestymistä ja eri hahmoja, kuinka se
oltuaan ikäänkuin muuna aineena palautuu omaan muotoonsa.
Puhuaksemme luonnollisesti ja filosofien tapaan, voimme sanoa,
että muuttuvaisten kappaleiden muodot eivät häviä näissä
ulkonaisissa turmeluksissa eivätkä, kuten luulottelemme, kokonaan
jätä asuntopaikkojansa, vaan kiintyvät niiden salaisiin soppiin, joissa
ne parhaiten voivat suojella itseään hävittäjältään. Niinpä kasvi, joka
on poltettu tuhaksi, saattaa kamarifilosofeista näyttää kokonaan
hävinneeltä ja sen muoto ainaiseksi menneeltä, mutta herkän
taiteilijan silmissä eivät sen muodot ole hävinneet, vaan kätkeytyneet
palamattomaan olomuotoonsa, missä ne säilyvät turvassa kuluttavan
liekin vaikutukselta. Sen voi näyttää toteen kokeella, sillä kasvin
tuhasta saatamme uudelleen herättää eloon kasvin runkoineen ja
lehtineen. Jos ihmisen taito voi näissä vähäpätöisissä esineissä
jotakin aikaan saada, kuinka suurta pilkkaa onkaan puhua, ettei
Jumalan sormi voisi tehdä samanlaista täydellisemmissä ja
ylevämmissä rakenteissa! Tämä kuuluu siihen salaiseen filosofiaan,
joka ei ketään todellista tiedemiestä tee ateistiksi, vaan
tarkastaessaan luonnon silminnähtäviä ilmiöitä hän kehittyy
todelliseksi jumaluusoppineeksi, joka ei näe vain unessa, kuten
Hesekiel, vaan todellisissa esineissä kuolleistanousemisensa

Meidän kuolleista nousseen olemuksemme asunnoiksi on

määrätty nämä kaksi vastakohtaista ja toisiinsa soveltumatonta
paikkaa: taivas ja helvetti. Niiden määrittelemiseen tai tarkoin
selittääkseni mitä ja missä ne ovat, ei minun jumaluusoppini riitä.
Sulopuheinen apostoli, joka näyttää saaneen nähdä vilahduksen
taivaasta, on antanut siitä vain kielteisen määrittelyn: mitä silmä ei
ole nähnyt eikä korva kuullut, mikä ei ole ihmisen sydämeen
noussut. Hän oli siirretty pois itsestään, voidakseen sitä nähdä,
mutta saatuaan jälleen palata itseensä ei voinut sitä ilmi lausua. Kun
apostoli Johannes kuvaa taivaan asunnoita rakennetuiksi
smaragdeista, krysoliiteistä ja muista kalliista kivistä, on se liian
laimeata ilmaisemaan todellista taivasta.

Senvuoksi saatamme sanoa, että missä sielulla on täydellinen

onnellisuus, missä henkemme rajaton kaipuu on täydellisesti
tyydytetty, niin ettei se enää toivo lisäystä eikä muutosta, siellä
lienee todella taivas. Ja tämä voi toteutua ainoastaan sen olennon
yhteydessä, joka rajattomassa hyvyydessään kykenee täyttämään
kaikki omat toivomuksensa, samoin kuin meidänkin pohjattomat
kaipuumme. Missä Jumala siten ilmaisee itsensä, siinä on taivas,
vaikka se jäisikin tämän näkyväisen maailman piiriin.

Näin ihmisen sielu voi olla taivaassa missä hyvänsä, vieläpä oman
ruumiinsa sisäpuolella, ja kun se lakkaa elämästä ruumiissa, voi se
jäädä asumaan omassa sielussaan, se on Luojassaan. Ja niin
voimme sanoa, että apostoli Paavali, kun hän ei sanonut tietävänsä
oliko hän ruumiissaan vai ulkona siitä, oli kuitenkin taivaassa.
Taivaan asettaminen kymmenennen kehän ulkopuolelle on
ristiriidassa sen tiedon kanssa, että maailma on häviävä, sillä kun
tämä näkyväinen maailma hävitetään, silloin on kaikki täkäläinen
samanlaista kuin nyt siellä eli tavallaan tyhjyyttä. Jos kysymme,
missä taivas siis on, merkitsee se samaa kuin kysyä, missä on
Jumalan olopaikka tai missä meille se kunnia tulee, että saamme
nähdä hänet.
Mooses, joka oli perehtynyt Egyptin kaikkeen viisauteen, teki
filosofian kannalta suuren erehdyksen tahtoessaan ruumiillisilla
silmillään nähdä Jumalan ja siis pyytäessään tekijäänsä, joka on itse
totuus, kumoamaan itsensä. Niillä, jotka kuvittelevat taivaan ja
helvetin olevan naapureita ja ajattelevat niiden välistä rajaakin,
perustaen käsityksensä Jeesuksen vertaukseen Latsaruksesta ja
rikkaasta miehestä, on liian karkea käsitys noista kirkastetuista
olennoista, jotka silmillänsä voivat helposti katsoa auringonvalonkin
taakse ja nähdä pisimpienkin matkojen päähän. Sillä jos
kirkastetuissa silmissämme tulee olemaan kyky nähdä ja tuntea
esineitä, tahtoisin ajatella näkemiskykymme olevan yhtä rajattoman
kuin nyt ajatuksemme on.

Myönnän, että jos kaksi olentoa on sijoitettu kymmenennen kehän

ulkopuolelle eli tyhjyyteen, niinkuin Aristoteleen filosofiassa
esitetään, eivät he voisi nähdä toisiansa, koska puuttuu välittävä
aine, joka siirtäisi esineen valonsäteet aistimiimme. Mutta missä ei
ole valonsäteitä siirtävää väliainetta eikä edes valoa, joka käyttäisi
tuota välittäjää, ja kuitenkin on olemassa täydellinen kyky nähdä,
siinä meidän tulee syrjäyttää filosofiamme säännöt ja selittää kaikki
johtuvaksi täydellisemmästä näöstä.

En voi ymmärtää, että tuli on helvetin varsinainen olemus, enkä

ymmärrä, mitä ajattelisin kiirastulesta, enkä liioin voi käsittää
sellaista liekkiä, joka voisi kuluttaa tai puhdistaa sielua. Tulikiven
palavat liekit, joita on raamatussa mainittu, eivät mielestäni kuulu
tähän puheena olevaan helvettiin, vaan tulevaiseen, jossa tulella on
täydentävä tehtävä meitä kohtaavassa rangaistuksessa ja jolloin se
voi ruumiillisia olennoita kohtaan valtaansa käyttää.
Muutamat, joilla on ollut kunnia selittää raamattua, ovat sitä mieltä,
että tuli sielläkin on samaa lajia kuin nyt meillä. Sitä on vaikea
käsittää. Mutta voin ymmärtää, että sekin voi polttaa ruumistamme,
kuitenkaan kuluttamatta sitä, sillä tässä aineellisessakin maailmassa
on kappaleita, jotka voittamattomina kestävät ankarimmissakin
liekeissä, ja vaikka ne tulen voimasta syttyvät ja sulavatkin, eivät ne
siinä kuitenkaan häviä. Haluaisin mielelläni tietää, kuinka Mooses
tavallisessa tulessa poltti kultaisen vasikan tuhaksi, sillä tuo
salaperäinen kultametalli, jonka aurinkoista laatua ihailen, tulen
vaikutukselle alttiiksi annettuna vain kuumenee ja sulaa, mutta ei
kulu. Samoin, kun palavat ja haihtuvat osat ruumiistamme
puhdistuvat kestävämmiksi, kiinteämmiksi, siis kullan kaltaisiksi,
jotka tosin kärsivät liekkien vaikutuksesta, eivät ne kuitenkaan häviä,
vaan pysyvät tulessakin kuolemattomina.

Varmasti siis, jos tämä ruumiimme saa kärsiä vain tämän

alkuaineen vaikutuksesta, jää monta ruumista jäljelle. Ja silloin sekä
taivas että myöskin maa pikemmin on vasta kehityksensä alussa.
Sillä nykyjään tämä ei ole maa, vaan tulen, veden, maan ja ilman
kokoomus, mutta tulevaisena aikana, kun se on näistä aineksistaan
vapautunut, se esiintyy itsensä kaltaisemmassa tilassa, tuhkanansa.

Filosofit, jotka arvelivat maailman häviävän tulessa, eivät

kuitenkaan uneksineet sen tyhjään katoavan, mikä on maallisten
syiden vaikutuspiirin ulkopuolella. Sillä tulen viimeinen ja varsinainen
tehtävä on muuttaa ja sulattaa lasiksi, ja senvuoksi muutamat
kemisteistämme naljaillen väittävätkin, että viimeinen palo kiteyttää
ja muuttaa kaiken olevaisen lasiksi.

Ei meidän myöskään tarvitse pelätä häviämistä tai kummeksia,

että Jumala tahtoo tuhota luomistöitänsä. Sillä kun on jäljellä
ihminen, joka nyt on ja sitten vasta oikein on mikrokosmos eli
pienoismaailma, ei maailmaa voi sanoa hävinneeksi. Sillä Jumalan
silmät, samoin kuin ehkä omatkin kirkastetut silmämme, saavat yhtä
todellisesti nähdä maailman tämän supistetussa olemuksessa kuin
se nyt on nähtävissä summakaupalla ja paisutettuna. Niinhän
Jumalan silmissä, samoin kuin ihmisenkin ymmärryksen kannalta,
kasvin siemenessä on jo olemassa, vaikka näkymättömällä tavalla,
sen täydellinen runko, lehdet, kukat ja hedelmät. Sillä se, mikä on
aistimillemme vain mahdollista, on ymmärryksemme kannalta todella
olemassa. Näin siis Jumala näkee kaikki, tuntien omat työnsä yhtä
täydesti niiden vähäisessä alussa kuin täydellisyydessä; hän näki
myös koko maailman yhtä täydesti kuudennen päivän
pienoismaailmassa kuin edellisten viiden päivän hajallisissa ja
moninaisissa tuloksissa.

Ihmiset tavallisesti selittelevät laajalti helvetin tulen tuskia ja

ruumiillisen kidutuksen ankaruutta ja kuvailevat helvettiä yhtä
selkeästi kuin Muhammed kuvasi taivasta. Tosin se on
kouraantuntuvaa ja jylisee jotenkin rahvaan korvissa, mutta jos sen
on esitettävä asian pelottavaa puolta, ei sitä kannata panna
vastakohdaksi taivaalle, siellä kun onnellisuus perustuu siihen
osaan, joka on kykenevin sitä tajuamaan, eli sieluun, Luojan
siirrettyyn jumaluusvoimaan ja uutisasuntoon. Ja vaikka sijoitamme
helvetin maan alle, on paholaisen alue sen ympärillä. Perin
lapsellista taas on selittää sen olevan tulivuorissa, jotka alkeellisen
käsityksen mukaan edustavat helvettiä.

Mutta ihmisen sydän on paholaisen asuinsija, ja joskus tunnen

helvetin suorastaan itsessäni; Lucifer pitää hoviansa rinnassani, ja
koko legiona paholaisia on asettunut minuun. On siis olemassa yhtä
monta helvettiä kuin Anaksagoraan mukaan on maailmoja. Olihan
Magdaleenassa useampia kuin yksi helvetti, koska hänessä asusti
seitsemän paholaista ja jokainen paholainen on helvetti itsellensä,
saaden riittävästi kidutusta omassa olinpaikassansa, tarvitsematta
enää ympäristön kurjuutta lisäksi kärsimyksiinsä. Ja niinhän paha
omatunto on täällä jo tutustuttamista vastaiseen helvetin tuskaan.
Kuka voi muuta kuin säälien ajatella niiden armeliaita aikomuksia,
jotka lopettavat oman elämänsä? Niinhän paholainenkin tekisi, jos
voisi, mutta kun se on mahdotonta, on sen kurjuus loppumaton ja se
kärsii enimmin sen ominaisuuden vuoksi, jossa se on kestävin,
nimittäin kuolemattomuutensa takia.

Kiitän Jumalaa ja ilomielin mainitsen, etten ole milloinkaan

pelännyt helvettiä enkä kauhusta kalvennut, kun sitä on kuvattu.
Olen niin kiinnittänyt katseeni taivaaseen, että olen melkein
tykkänään unohtanut helvetin ajatuksenkin ja pelkään pikemmin
edellisen riemujen menettämistä kuin joutumista kärsimään
jälkimäisen kurjuutta. Edellisten menettäminen on täydellinen helvetti
eikä tarvitse mielestäni mitään lisää täydentämään kärsimyksiämme.
Tuo julma nimitys ei ole minua koskaan pidättänyt synnistä, enkä
sen takia liioin ole mitään hyvää tehnyt. Pelkään Jumalaa enkä
kuitenkaan ole kauhuissani hänen edessänsä; hänen armonsa
saattaa minut häpeämään syntejäni, ennenkuin hänen tuomionsa
minua pelottaa. Tuomiot ovat hänen viisautensa pakollisia ja
toisarvoisia menettelytapoja, joita hän käyttää vain viime keinona ja
siihen yllytettynä, ja pikemmin ne estävät kehnoja aikomuksissaan
kuin innostavat hurskasta häntä palvelemaan. Tuskinpa on ketään
pelotettu taivaaseen. Ne, jotka tahtovat ilman helvetinpelkoa palvella
Jumalaa, pääsevät suorempaakin tietä taivaaseen, kun taas
sellaiset, jotka helvetinpelossa matelevat hänen edessään, ovat siitä
huolimatta, että nimittävät itseänsä Kaikkivaltiaan palvelijoiksi,
kuitenkin vain hänen orjiansa.
Puhuakseni totta ja ilmaistakseni sieluni vakaumuksen, en voi, kun
katselen elämäni tapauksia ja johdatan muistiini Jumalan sormen
jälkiä, havaita muuta kuin rajattoman paljon armotekoja niin hyvin
koko ihmiskunnalle kuin itselleni erityisesti. Ja lisäksi (johtuneeko se
sitten rakkauteni ennakkoluulosta tai hänen armonsa puolueellisesta
käsittämisestä, sitä en tiedä) minusta sellaiset asiat, joita muut
pitävät ristinä, kärsimyksinä, Jumalan tuomioina, onnettomuutena,
tarkastellessani niitä lähemmin kuin vain niiden näkyviä seurauksia,
näyttävät olevan ja perimmälti aina ovat hänen laupeutensa salaisia,
verhottuja osoituksia.

Erikoinen viisauden lahja on oikein ja kiihkottomasti arvostella

Jumalan tekoja, voidakseen niin hyvin eroittaa hänen
vanhurskautensa hänen armostansa, ettei väärin nimitä noita yleviä
ominaisuuksia. Samoin on oikeata logiikkaa selittää Jumalan teot
sillä tavoin, että hänen tuomionsakin on hänen laupeutensa ilmaus.
Sillä Jumala on armollinen kaikille, ollessaan pahimmillekin
laupiaampi kuin parhaat ansaitsevat. Ja jos sanomme, ettei hän
ketään rankaise tässä maailmassa, ei se suinkaan ole järjettömyyttä,
vaikka siltä saattaa tuntua. Järjetöntä olisi nimittää rangaistukseksi
sitä, että tuomari määräisi murhaajalle sakon, ja nureksia tuomiota
sensijaan että pitäisi kiittää tuomarin lempeyttä. Kun siis
rikkomuksemme ovat kuoleman ansainneita ja lisäksi ansaitsevat
kadotuksen, niin jos Jumalan hyvyys tyytyy sivuuttamaan ne vain
jollakin tappiolla tai onnettomuudella tai sairaudella, eikö olisi
järjetöntä nimittää tätä rangaistukseksi eikä hänen armonsa
ylenpalttisuudeksi ja valittaa hänen kurituksensa alaisena pikemmin
kuin ihailla hänen armonsa valtikkaa! Senvuoksi olemme velvolliset
ylistämään ja kunnioittamaan häntä kiitollisina kaikesta siitä, mitä
olemme saaneet ja mitä olemme. Ja kun mielessäni on näitä
ajatuksia, ei Hän, joka ne parhaiten tuntee, ole tunnustamatta, että
minä häntä ihailen. Jos saan osakseni taivaan ja sen autuuden, on
se aivan satunnaista eikä suinkaan hurskauteni tarkoitettu tulos, sillä
se on onnellisuus, jota en uskalla ajatella ansaitsevani enkä
häveliäänä oikein odottaakaan; nämä molemmat kohtalot, sekä
palkinto että rangaistuskin, annetaan meille armosta, aivan
epäsuhteessa tekoihimme, koska toinen niistä on suunnattomasti
kaikkien ansioittemme yläpuolella ja toinen taas rikoksiamme niin
suunnattomasti pienempi.

Niillä ei ole mitään pelastusta, jotka eivät usko Kristukseen,

nimittäin, kuten muutamat sanovat, hänen syntymisensä jälkeen, tai
niinkuin jumaluusoppineet esittävät, jo sitä ennenkin. Tämä saa
minut hyvin pelkäämään niiden rehellisten, kunnianarvoisain ja
viisasten puolesta, jotka ovat kuolleet ennen hänen ihmiseksi
tulemistaan. Vaikeata on ajatella noiden sielujen olevan helvetissä,
sillä heidän arvokas elämänsä on ollut omiansa johtamaan meitä
hyveisiin maan päällä. Ehkäpä heille on varattu helvetin monissa
esikartanoissa jokin helpotus. Kuinka ihmeellistä lieneekään heidän
nähdä runolliset mielikuvituksensa luomat muutettuina
todellisuudeksi ja kuvitellut hornanhenget todellisiksi paholaisiksi!
Kuinka kummalta heistä kuuluneekaan kertomus Aatamista, kun he
saavat kärsiä hänen vuoksensa, josta eivät milloinkaan olleet mitään
kuulleet, ja kun ne, jotka juontivat alkunsa jumalista, huomaavatkin
olevansa syntisen ihmisen onnettomia jälkeläisiä!

On röyhkeätä käydä järjen avulla vastustamaan Jumalan tekoja tai

epäillä hänen toimiensa oikeudenmukaisuutta. Jospa nöyryys saisi
opettaa muitakin, niinkuin se on minua opettanut, muistamaan
ääretöntä ja käsittämätöntä eroa Luojan ja luodun välillä, ja jospa
tutkisimme vakavasti seuraavaa apostoli Paavalin vertausta:
Sanooko saviastia valajalleen: »miksi olet minut tällaiseksi tehnyt?»
niin se estäisi järkeä tuollaisista ylpeistä kiistoista, emmekä
myöskään silloin moittisi Jumalan lopullisia tuomioita, joko hän
tuomitsee taivaaseen tai helvettiin. Ihmiset, jotka elävät järkensä
nojassa, elävät vain omaa elämää niinkuin eläimetkin. He
noudattavat luontonsa vaatimuksia eivätkä senvuoksi kohtuullisesti
voi vaatia palkkaa teoistansa, koska tottelevat vain järkensä
luonnollisia käskyjä. Niinpä siis täytyy lopultakin ilmetä, että kaikki
pelastus tulee Kristuksen kautta. Ja pelkään että nuo suuret hyveen
esikuvat joutuvat vahvistamaan tämän totuuden, jolloin käy ilmi,
etteivät parhaatkaan maan päällä tehdyt työt oikeuta vaatimaan
pääsyä taivaaseen.

Toisaalta en usko, että näiden edellä mainittujen tai kenenkään

muunkaan elämä olisi aina ollut joka kohdassa heidän oppinsa
mukainen. On ilmeistä, että Aristoteles rikkoi omia
siveyssääntöjänsä vastaan. Stoalaiset, jotka tuomitsevat intohimot ja
kehoittavat ihmisiä nauramaan Phalariksenkin sonnissa [Muinaisen
hirmuvaltiaan Phalariksen kerrotaan poltattaneen
kuolemaantuomituita hehkuvassa vaskisonnissa. Suom], eivät
ähkimättä kestäneet sappikiven tai vatsanvaivojen puuskaa.
Skeptikot, jotka väittivät olevansa mitään tietämättä, joutuivat juuri
tuossa väitteessään ristiriitaan itseänsä vastaan, luullen tietävänsä
enemmän kuin kaikki muut. Diogenes on minusta aikansa
turhamielisin ihminen ja paljon kunnianhimoisempi hylätessään
kunnianosoitukset kuin Aleksanteri Suuri, joka ei kieltäytynyt

Paheet ja paholaisen vehkeet virittävät ansoja järjellemme ja

kiihoittaen meitä liian kiireesti pyrkimään pakoon sotkevat meidät
niihin sitä pahemmin. Venetsian herttua, joka vihki itsensä
avioliittoon meren kanssa heittämällä siihen kultaisen sormuksen, ei
minun mielestäni haaskannut, sillä sellaista juhlallista toimitusta
pidettiin valtion asioissa hyvänä ja merkitsevänä, mutta filosofi, joka
heitti rahansa mereen välttääkseen ahneuteen lankeamista, oli
ilmeinen tuhlari.

Hyveeseen ei ole mitään valmiiksi muokattua oikotietä, eikä

meidän ole suinkaan helppo vapauttaa itseämme synnin seiteistä.
Päästäksemme kehittymään täydellisiksi hyveissä samoin kuin
uskonnollisestikin, tarvitaan panoplia eli täydellinen asevarustus, niin
ettemme ollessamme varuilla yhtä pahetta vastaan joutuisi toisen
hyökkäykselle alttiiksi. Ja tosiaankin viisaat ja arvostelukykyiset, joilla
on järjen johto käytettävänään, rikkovat anteeksiantamattomasti,
jotavastoin heikompiälyiset voivat kompastua ilman häpeää. Yhden
ainoan hyvän työn toimittamiseen vaaditaan niin monta asianhaaraa,
että hyväksi tullakseen täytyy perinpohjin harjoitella ja hyveellisyyttä
suorastaan opiskella.

Toistan vielä, että ihmisten käytös ei kulje rinnakkain teorian

kanssa, vaan usein käy tykkänään sitä vastaankin. Luonnostamme
kyllä tiedämme, mikä on hyvää, mutta luonnostamme teemme
myöskin pahaa; se kaunopuheisuus, jolla tahdon toisille jotakin
vakuuttaa, ei tehoa itseeni. Meissä on luonnottomasti kehittynyt halu,
joka kyllä tahtoo kärsivällisesti kuunnella järjen neuvoja, mutta ei
kuitenkaan pane toimeen mitään muuta kuin sen omiin oikkuihin
soveltuu. Lyhyesti sanottuna: me olemme kaikki hirviöitä, se on:
ihmisen ja eläimen sekoituksia, joissa meidän täytyy koettaa esiintyä
niinkuin runoilijat kuvaavat erään Chiron-nimisen viisaan eläneen,
nimittäin pitämällä ihmisen aluetta eläimen tyyssijan yläpuolella ja
aistillista puolta istumassa vain järjen jalkojen juuressa.
Lopuksi toivon, että Jumalan avulla kaikki ihmiset tulisivat
tuntemaan pelastuksen, vaikka tosin ilmenee, että vain muutamat
harvat sen päämäärän saavuttavat. Elämäntie on soukka ja sille
johtava silta kapea; kuitenkin ovat ne, jotka ovat Jumalan
seurakunnan rajoittaneet johonkin erikoiseen kansakuntaan,
kirkkoon tai sukuun, tehneet sen kapeammaksi kuin Vapahtajamme
milloinkaan tarkoitti.

Ne arki-ihmiset, jotka kietovat Jumalan seurakunnan Strabon

viittaan ja rajoittavat sen Eurooppaan, tuntuvat minusta yhtä
huonoilta maantieteilijöiltä kuin Aleksanteri Suuri, joka luuli
valloittaneensa koko maailman, vaikka ei ollut lannistanut vielä
puoltakaan. Sillä emmehän voi kieltää, että Jumalan seurakunta on
myös Aasiassa ja Afrikassa, jollemme tahdo unohtaa apostolien
lähetysmatkoja ja marttyyrien kärsimyksiä, samoin kuin useiden
(meidänkin reformeeratun käsityksemme mukaan laillisten)
kirkolliskokousten istuntoja, joita pidettiin noissa seuduissa silloin,
kun me vielä olimme alaikäisyyden tilassa. Sitäpaitsi eivät pienet
eroavaisuudet, jotka ovat ehkä enemmän huomattavia meidän
silmissämme kuin Jumalan, oikeuta ketään sulkemaan toista pois
taivaan osallisuudesta, saatikka sellaisia kristityitä, jotka kaikki ovat
olleet jollakin tapaa marttyyrejä, ylläpitäen uskoansa jalosti
vainojenkin aikana ja palvellen Jumalaa yksinpä polttoroviollakin,
kun taas me kunnioitamme häntä vain päiväpaisteessa. Totta on,
niinkuin mekin kaikki myönnämme, että monta on kutsuttu, mutta
harvat ovat valitut. Mutta kuitenkin, jos meidän kaikkien mielipiteet
koottaisiin yhteen, ei niiden yleisestä sekasotkusta lainkaan löytyisi
sellaista asiaa kuin pelastus, eikä yksikään tulisi autuaaksi.

Sillä ensiksikin Rooman kirkko tuomitsee meidät ja me

puolestamme heidät; uusreformistit ja lahkolaiset tuomitsevat
meidän kirkkomme opit, ja atomistit eli familistit kiroavat nämä kaikki,
jotka sitten puolestaan sinkauttavat kirouksensa heitä vastaan. Kun
siis Jumalan armo lupaa meille taivaan, niin meidän käsityksemme ja
mielipiteemme sulkevat meidät pois siitä paikasta. Siten on meillä
useampia kuin yksi Pyhä Pietari, sillä erinäiset kirkot ja lahkot
valtaavat taivaan portit ja kiertävät oven toisilta lukkoon, ja niin me
menemme taivaaseen vastoin toistemme tahtoa, käsityksiä ja
mielipiteitä, yhtä armottomina kuin tietämättöminäkin erehtyen, kuten
pelkään, ei ainoastaan oman, vaan myöskin toisten pelastuksen

Uskon, että monet pelastetaan, jotka ihmisten mielestä näyttävät

kadotukseen tuomituilta, ja monta sellaista joutuu kadotukseen, joita
pidetään valittuina. Viimeisenä päivänä on ilmestyvä outoja ja
odottamattomia esimerkkejä sekä Jumalan vanhurskaudesta että
armosta. Ja senvuoksi on yritys tarkoin määritellä kumpaakaan
suoranaista hulluutta ihmisessä ja yksinpä paholaistenkin puolelta
röyhkeyttä. Nämä viimemainitut viekkaat henget kykenevät tuskin
kaikella sukkeluudellaankaan saamaan selville, kutka pelastuvat.
Sillä jos he kykenisivät sen edeltäpäin tietämään, olisi niiden työ
lopussa eikä niiden tarvitsisi enää kiertää maita mantereita
etsimässä, kenen saisivat niellä.

Ne, jotka turhantarkkaan lakia soveltaen tuomitsevat Salomonin

kadotukseen, eivät tuomitse ainoastaan häntä, vaan itsensäkin ja
koko maailman. Sillä Jumalan kirjoitetun sanan mukaan me olemme
kaikki poikkeuksetta ansainneet kuoleman. Mutta Jumalalla on
etuoikeus ja vapaa valta tehdä mielensä mukaan oman lakinsakin
kirjainta vastaan. Ja yksin sen nojalla me voimme odottaa
pelastusta, ja siten Salomokin saattoi yhtä helposti pelastua kuin
nekin, jotka hänet tuomitsevat.
Niiden lukumäärä, jotka luulevat tulevansa pelastetuiksi, ja se
ääretön joukko, joka luulee voivansa pujahtaa neulansilmän läpi, on
hämmästyttänyt minua suuresti. Nimitys »piskuinen lauma» ei
rohkaise, vaan päinvastoin masentaa hartauttani, etenkin kun
ajattelen omaa arvottomuuttani, jossa suhteessa oman nöyrän
pelkäilyni mukaan olen kaikkia muita alempana. Uskon, ettei
taivaassa koskaan ole anarkiaa, vaan niinkuin enkelien kesken on
eri arvoasteita, samoin siellä on Pyhienkin joukossa eri asteita
etevyyden nojalla. Vakuutan kuitenkin, etten suinkaan pyri
ensimmäisille sijoille; toivoni on vain (ja siinä olen onnellinen) saada
olla edes viimeisenä miehenä, taivaan joukkojen jälkipäässä. Olen
vakuutettu pelastuksestani, vaikka en sitä uskalla valalle ottaa. Olen
niin sanoakseni varma ja uskon epäilemättä, että on sellainen
kaupunki kuin Konstantinopoli. Kuitenkin olisi sen vannominen minun
puoleltani tavallaan väärä vala, koska minulla ei ole siitä omin
aistimin saatua pettämätöntä vakuutta. Ja vaikka tosin monet
vakuuttavat ehdotonta varmuutta pelastuksestaan, niin kuitenkin
nöyrä sielu, tarkastaessaan omaa arvottomuuttaan, kohtaa monta
epäilyksen syytä ja äkkiä huomaa, kuinka vähän tarvitsemme
apostoli Paavalin neuvoa: toimikaa pelvolla ja vavistuksella niin että
pelastutte. Sama perustus, jonka nojassa on valitsemiseni, on uskoni
mukaan pelastuksenikin, nimittäin Jumalan armo ja hyvä suosio,
joka oli olemassa ennen minua, vieläpä ennen maailman
perustamista. Ennenkuin Abraham oli, olin minä, sanoo Kristus.
Samaa voin sanoa jossakin merkityksessä myös itsestäni, sillä minä
en vain ollut olemassa ennen itseäni, vaan Aatamiakin, nimittäin
Jumalan ajatuksissa ja iankaikkisessa päätöksessä. Ja siinä
merkityksessä saatan sanoa maailmankin olleen ennen luomista ja
myös loppuneen ennen alkuaan. Ja siten olin kuolleena ennen kuin
sain elämän: vaikka haudakseni koituu Englanti, oli kuolinpaikkanani
paratiisi, ja Eeva synnytti minut keskoisena, ennenkuin Kain sikisi.

Röyhkeät kiihkoilijat, jotka kieltävät hyvät työt ja luottavat

yksinomaan uskoon, eivät kuitenkaan tee tyhjäksi ansiota. Sillä kun
he nojaavat uskonsa tehoon, vahvistavat he Jumalan asemaa ja
näyttävät rikkiviisaasti uhmaavan taivasta. Jumala oli määrännyt,
että vain ne, jotka latkivat vettä koirien tavoin, saivat kunnian päästä
midianilaisia hävittämään, eikä silti yksikään heistä voinut
oikeudenmukaisesti vaatia tai kuvitella ansainneensa tuota kunniaa.
En kiellä, että oikea usko, sellainen, jota Jumala vaatii, on
pelastuksen tuntomerkki ynnä sen välikappalekin. Mutta mistä se
usko on löydettävä, se on minulle yhtä hämärää kuin viimeinen
hetkenikin. Jos Vapahtaja saattoi moittia omia oppilaitaan ja
suosikkejaan uskon puutteesta, joka kuitenkin, vaikka se olisi
sinapinsiemenen kokoinen, kykenisi vuoria siirtämään, kuinka sitten
meidän uskomme, josta kerskaamme, voisi olla muuta kuin tyhjää tai
korkeintaan juuri vähän enemmän kuin tyhjää. Tämä on uskoni
perusajatus. Jos siinä onkin monta eriskummaista kohtaa, johtuen
luonteeni ominaisuuksista, olen valmis, jolleivät ne kestä
kehittyneempien arvosteluja, ne peruuttamaan enkä niitä edusta
enempää kuin mikäli oppineemmat ja kykenevämmät niitä

Mitä tulee toiseen hyveeseen eli laupeuteen, jota ilman usko on

pelkkä käsite, vailla todellista olevaisuutta, niin minä puolestani olen
aina koettanut kehittää sitä lempeätä ja inhimillistä taipumusta, jonka
sain jo vanhemmiltani, sekä soveltaa sitä rakkauden kirjoitettujen ja
säädettyjen lakien mukaan. Ja jos tutkin itseäni totuudenmukaisesti,
niin luullakseni olen alusta asti suunniteltu ja muovaeltu juuri sitä
hyvettä harjoittamaan. Sillä rakenteeni on niin yleislaatuinen, että se
myötätuntoisesti soveltuu ja mukautuu kaikkiin asioihin. Minussa ei
ole minkäänlaista vastenmielisyyttä tai erikoista mielihalua, olkoonpa
puhe ruuasta, ilmasta tai mistä tahansa. En ihmettele lainkaan, että
ranskalaiset voivat syödä sammakoita, käärmeitä ja tatteja, enkä
sitäkään, että juutalaiset söivät heinäsirkkoja, vaan heidän
joukossaan asuessani syön niitä tavallisina ravintoaineina ja
havaitsen niiden soveltuvan vatsaani yhtä hyvin kuin heidänkin
vatsaansa. Voisin sulattaa hautuumaalta kerättyä salaattia yhtä hyvin
kuin vihannestarhasta saatua. En hätkähdä nähdessäni käärmeen,
skorpionin, sisiliskon tai salamanterin. Kohdatessani rupikonnan tai
kyykäärmeen en tunne mitään halua siepata kiveä niitä tuhotakseni.

Yleensä en tunne mitään noista tavallisista vastenmielisyyksistä,

joita on muissa. Kansalliset vastakohtaisuudet eivät koske minua
enkä ennakkoluuloisesti kohtele ranskalaisia, italialaisia,
espanjalaisia tai hollantilaisia, vaan missä huomaan heidän
toimintansa olevan sopusoinnussa oman maani asukkaiden kanssa,
kunnioitan, rakastan ja hyväksyn heitä vastaavassa määrässä.

Olen syntynyt lauhkeassa ilmanalassa, mutta minusta tuntuu, että

sopisin asumaan kaikissa. Minä en ole sellainen kasvi, joka ei
menestyisi puutarhan ulkopuolella. Kaikki paikat, kaikki ilmanalat
ovat minulle kuin yksi ainoa maa. Minä olen Englannissa kaikkialla ja
jokaisen leveysasteen kohdalla ollessani. Olen joutunut
haaksirikkoon enkä kuitenkaan ole meren tai tuulten vihamies. Voin
lukea, huvitella ja nukkua myrskynkin raivotessa. Lyhyesti sanoen:
en viero mitään, ja omatuntoni sanoisi minun valehtelevan, jos
väittäisin jyrkästi inhoavani tai vihaavani jotakin olentoa, paitsi
paholaista, tai ainakin kammoavana siinä määrin, etten voisi siihen
mukaantua. Jos yleisten vihattujen asioiden joukossa on jotakin, mitä
tuomitsen tai halveksun, niin se on tuo kaiken järjen, hyveen ja
uskonnon vihollinen, joukko, monipäinen hirviö, joka eri osiinsa
jaettuna näyttää ihmisiltä, Jumalan luomilta järkeviltä olennoilta,
mutta toisiinsa sekaantuneena on vain yksi ainoa valtava peto,
hirveämpi epäsikiö kuin mikään monipäinen lohikäärme.

Laupeuden kanssa ristiriitaista ei ole nimittää sellaisia olennoita

hulluiksi. Sillä tavoin kaikki pyhät kirjoittajat ovat heitä nimittäneet
Salomonin antaman esimerkin mukaan, ja meidän uskomme
mukaan se tulee hyväksyä. Myöskään en joukkonimityksellä tarkoita
pelkästään alhaisempia ja vähäarvoisempia ihmisiä, sillä
ylempienkin joukossa on huonompia aineksia, jonkinlaista rahvasta,
jonka mieli on yhtä oikullinen kuin edellistenkin ja joka on
käsityöläisten tasolla, vaikka varallisuus jonkun verran kultaa
heikkouksia ja kukkaro on vastapainona hassutuksille. Mutta samoin
kuin lukua laskiessa kolme tai neljä miestä yhteensä voi joutua
takapajulle yhden ainoan rinnalla, joka pitää itseään heitä
heikompana, samoin myös kokonainen joukko noita tietämättömiä
kultakaloja ei ansaitse todellista kunnioitusta senkään vertaa kuin
moni kurja ihminen, joka asemansa puolesta on heidän jalkainsa
juuressa. Puhukaamme poliitikkojen tapaan: on olemassa aatelisia
ilman sukutaulua, luonnollista jaloutta, jonka nojalla pääsee
kohoamaan toisen tasalle vieläpä yläpuolellekin ansioittensa ja
eteväin ominaisuuksiensa mukaan. Vaikka aikamme turmelus ja
nykyiset pyrinnöt näyttävät viittaavan toiseen suuntaan, olivat asiat
edellämainitulla kannalla alkuperäisissä valtioissa, ja siihen perustuu
vieläkin kaikkien oikeinjärjestettyjen yhteiskuntien elämä, kunnes
väärinkäytökset pääsevät valtaan, karkeammat vietit pyrkivät
saavuttamaan sitä, mitä viisaammat ylenkatsovat, ja kullakin on
vapaus koota ja keinotella itselleen rikkauksia, joiden avulla taas
voidaan hankkia, mitä kukin himoitsee.

Luonteeni yleinen ja puolueeton laatu taivuttaa minut etusijassa

yllämainittuun jaloon hyveeseen. Onnellista on olla syntymästään ja
luonnostaan taipuvainen hyveeseen ja niinmuodoin kasvaa kuin
siemenestä, tarvitsematta joutua kasvatuksen kautta oksastetuksi ja
siihen pakotetuksi. Kuitenkaan emme ole muuta kuin siveellisyyden
saarnaajia, jos noudatamme vain omia luonnollisia taipumuksiamme
emmekä anna minkään korkeamman lain kuin järjen niitä
säännöstellä, ja Jumalan sanan mukaan olemme silloin vielä
pakanoita. Siksi täytyy rakkauden suurella työllä olla muitakin
vaikuttimia ja päämääriä. En anna almuja vain tyydyttääkseni veljeni
nälkää, vaan täyttääkseni Jumalan tahtoa ja käskyjä. En ota esiin
kukkaroani pelkästään hänen tähtensä, joka pyytää, vaan Hänen
tähtensä, joka on sen minulle antanut. En tahdo auttaa ketään sen
vuoksi, että hän kaunopuheisesti puhuu kurjuudestaan, enkä
tyydyttääkseni säälintunnettani, sillä se olisi pelkkää moraalista
armeliaisuutta ja johtuisi enemmän intohimosta kuin järjestä. Sillä se,
joka auttaa toista pelkän säälin vaikutuksesta, ei anna apuansa niin
paljon hänen kuin oman itsensä vuoksi, sillä säälien toisten
onnettomuutta otamme sen omaksemme, ja auttaessamme heitä
siitä autamme samalla itseämme. Samoin on erehdyttävää koettaa
korjata toisten onnettomuutta sitä armeliaitten luonteitten tavallista
ajatusta seuraten, että voimme itsekin kerran joutua samanlaiseen
asemaan. Sillä se on nurjaa ja ovelaa laupeutta, koska sitä
osoittamalla näytämme houkuttelevan ihmisten sääliä kaiken varalta.

Olen muuten pannut merkille, että varsinaiset almuihin

turvautuvat, vaikka liikkuvatkin suuressa kansanjoukossa, kuitenkin
osaavat pyynnöillään kääntyä määrättyjen, valittujen henkilöiden
puoleen. Nämä kokeneet ja ammatissaan taitavat kerjäläiset ovat
varmastikin perehtyneet kasvojen ilmeitä tuntemaan, ja sen avulla he
oitis keksivät armeliaan ihmisen. Sillä kasvoissamme on joitakin
salaperäisiä merkkejä, jotka ilmaisevat sielumme laadun ja joista
sekin, joka ei tunne edes aakkosia, voi lukea luonteemme

Olen myös sitä mieltä, että ilmeitä on tavallaan havaittavissa, ei

ainoastaan ihmisissä, vaan kasveissakin, joten kussakin niistä on
jokin ulkonainen piirre ilmaisemassa sisällistä muotoa. Jumalan
sormi on jättänyt merkin kaikkiin töihinsä, ei tosin kuviolla tai
kirjaimilla ilmaistuna, vaan niiden erinäisissä muodoissa,
rakenteessa, osissa ja toiminnoissa, joista yhteensä saadaan niiden
laatua kuvaava sana. Näillä sanoilla Jumala antaa tähdille nimet ja
samojen aakkosten avulla Aatami pani kullekin luontokappaleelle
sen erikoista laatua vastaavan nimen.

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