Scientific Research is Conducted in Various Fields for Diffe

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Scientific research is conducted in various fields for different

types of reasons. Although the majority of them result in life-

saving discoveries and revolutionizing people’s lives , there are
certain humans that misuse science for creating military
weapons or generating money. This essay will firmly agree that
the main objective of science should be to enhance citizen’s
lives as it provides substantial amounts of positive impact
compared to other usages of science.
Firstly, health represents the most vital aspect of humanity , so
it should be the first in the list of science’s priorities. The
advancements in medicine in the last 100 years were so
exponential that it led to the huge rise of health standards and
extended the life expectancy by tens of years.
Moreover, diseases that were considered uncurable in the
past , are now easily treated with developed vaccines or drugs ,
avoiding tragical deaths and ilnesses .
In addition , in technology field , science revolutionized every
process of our life , helping us advance and focus on the things
that truly matter. For example , it automatized most of the
factories and lots of workplaces , removing the need for
countless hours of work from ordinary residents.
Despite all these remarkable inventions , some scientists were
corrupted to develop prototypes that could harm the entire
world. For instance, the atomic bomb, created by Robert
Oppenheimer , is able to destroy vast areas and kill millions of
people. Therefore , not only does it not improve people’s lives ,
but threatens it .
In conclusion , I believe that the most crucial target for science
should be to improve people’s lives as it did in numerous ways
in medicine with cures to diseases and in technology with the
automatization and optimization of the workflow , in contrast
with the destructive and dangerous researches like the atomic

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