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Deprtment of Education

Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Lake Sebu West District


SY 2021-2022


 Maintain Classroom Cleanliness

 Show respect in anytime to classmates and teachers
 Pay attention/participative on the class discussion

To become an effective teacher, I must have minimum number of classroom rules, which
tend to focus on expectations of how to act toward one another, maintain a safe environment, and
participate in learning process. I would have to offer clear explanations of the rules, model the rules,
rehearse the expectations with the students, and offer students opportunities to be successful. And I
would teach the rules as it would be the regular lesson. I would discuss each rule individually, explaining
the rationale behind it and ask for examples of how it could be broken. I would explain that rules help
make everyone’s time in enjoyable, and use examples to illustrate this point. It is also a good idea to
post the rules as a reminder and send a copy home with each student.


As for my teaching experience, it’s not easy to keep students motivated. A system of rewards
and consequences at school could be just the incentive my student’s need. Incentives isn’t a
bribe. It’s something my student earns for correctly doing what I would ask. I would consider to
use both tangible and intangible rewards.
INTANGIBLE REWARDS includes stickers, treats, privileges(like exemptions from the quiz), or
earning additional points for the quiz.
TANGIBLE REWARDS include heartfelt thanks and acknowledgements.
Giving my students a say about the incentives they receive can make them feel enticing. I would
also make my students understand the consequences that it is not a punishment – although
they may feel that way at times. They’re good way for my students to learn that there are
natural outcomes in life. This knowledge can help them structure and organize their behavior. In
most instances, a consequence should simply involve withholding an agreed – upon reward.
Here are some ways on how to use consequences appropriately;
 Follow through with a consequence as soon as it’s clear my student hasn’t complted a
task on time or in the way we agreed.
 Do not go overboard. Taking away privileges for an entire week may be tempting ,but
prolonged consequences can lose their power and meaning.
 Avoid being overly critical. Let the consequence do its job. It will remind my student
what he reward might have been.
 Use positive consequences, too. I would try to catch my student veing good. The
positive attention may encourage repeat performances.


Classroom organization focuses on the physical environment. To become an effective

teacher’ I would organize a safe and conducive classroom environment, I would strategically place
furniture if possible, learning centers, and materials in order to optimize student learning and reduce


I will make seating arrangement to my classroom so that I can easily recognize my students
and to avoid the from roaming around to other seats. I would arrange them alphabetically so that I
would help me take the role as the classes tend to start. Having the students in alphabetical order
would make the learning process more efficient in the sense all programs will be used to take the
roll that I would work with.
I would also consider that the needs of my students is my most priority. The classroom that I
am going to manage will be the environment that is least restrictions for the students not only
students but all of those who are wiling to learn.

5. PARENTAL Involvement

Parental involvement is a combination of commitment and active participation on the part of

the parents to the school and to the student. There are many problems concerned with
involvement. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to reach out and call the attention of the parents of
my students if ever there would be problems occur. I would also conduct a home visitation for my
students for me to be able to connect with the parents and talk about the progress or may it be the
failure of their children so we can find the possible solutions or remedy to the unfinished tasks of
the students.

Prepared By: LORIE B. BENOSA


My Reflection

Classroom management is an integral teaching skills. When executed well, it minimizes

student misbehavior that impedes learning. However, any other aspect in teaching, I will learn
what works and what doesn’t as I go. Some of these tips will work for me – others will need slight
adjustments. Some situations will call for the reformation of the entire school system. It is in the
corner stone of a positive learning environment. It includes nestablishing a positive classroom
community where my students can learn and achieve. Well managed classrooms are structured
environment with focused, on - task students.
As the time goes by, while I am making my classroom management plan, I’ve come to
realized that it is very important for me to become an effective teacher because it directly effects
my students’ ability to teach. It impacts my teaching ability to be effective and actually ENJOY my
teaching. It builds a healthy student- relationship and it is essential in establishing a positive, and
safe environment. I could focus on getting to know my stunts’ on a personal level, taking time to
learn each of my students’ interests, strengths, and needs. I could invest my students as
individuals builds trust and positive relationships between me and my students, which is
absolutely critical to successful classroom management.
Most importantly, a well managed classroom highly impacts my students’ academic success.

Prepared By: Lorie B. Benosa

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