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Humanity Amplified

Understanding the AI World and Augmenting

Our Students’ Intelligence with
Human Deep Learning

May 24, 2024

Copyright 21st Century Forensics

Stefan Bauschard
with Dr. Sabba Quidwai
Intelligence Amplified 2
Intelligence Amplified 3

Key Ideas That Have Influenced Our


Author Jane McDougal talks about “imagining the unimaginable”..and I

think that’s where we are at right now, is we have to ask ourselves, what
are we doing different moving forward? We already know what it looks
like for the past 50 years. How are we going to lead different? How are we
going to reimagine what teaching and learning looks like? Are we going to
look at the skills of the future and the research that’s out there that brings
us forward instead of always looking back?
- Jerry Almendarez, Superintendent, Santa Ana Unified School District

AI is inevitable…and you’re not going to be able to dramatically slow that

-John Chambers, Former Cisco Systems CEO

Change over the next 5 years, 10 years will dwarf everything that's
happened over the last 30...The Fortune 500 companies, they know this.
- Mark Cuban

The question, really, is will schools shape this future or will AI shape the
future of schools
- Byron King, Deputy Head Teacher, Surbiton High School

This—all of this—is barely version 1.0.

Fei Fei Li, Sequoia Capital Professor of Computer Science at Stanford

As AI becomes more advanced, the things that set us apart are going to be
our creativity, our adaptability, and our ability to think outside the box
- Julia McCoy, Creator and Co-founder, Content Hacker
Intelligence Amplified 4

I think it’s worth always putting it in context of this technology that, at

least for the next five or ten years, will be on a very steep improvement
curve. These are the stupidest the models will ever be….That’s the part
that I find potentially a little scary, is the speed with which society is going
to have to adapt, and that the labor market will change.
- Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI (ChatGPT)

The world is changing so fast now in the AI space…This is what our

friend Ray Kurzweil has projected for some time…I mean we're getting
indeed exponential acceleration and as Ray and others have predicted
for a long time …Advanced AI technology in other areas is
accelerating super super-fast and we don't need the acceleration to be
super-fast everywhere to get to a singularity right you just need it to be
super-fast in a few judicious places.
– Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNET

Skate where the puck is going, not where it hits…Almost ignore GPT4, say
it’s a great prototyping tool. Think, where do I want to be in 2 to 3 years
when GPT6 is out…I think what people are expecting is a wave. We are
going to get a tsunami.”
– Vinod Khosla, Billionaire Investor

There has been an assumption that there are certain activities that are
“essentially human,” and that robots would never be able to
replicate…This is no longer the case.
- James Hudson & Daniel Plate, Lindenwood University

I don’t think Gartner’s hype cycle applies here. GenAI is taking education
by storm because the consumers, the students, are adopting the technology
on their own – not through their schools or their teachers or any kind of
edtech B2B offering.
-Jerome Presenti, former Meta
Intelligence Amplified 5

AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on.

It is more profound than electricity or fire.
– Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google

Recent OpenAI and Google announcement have made one thing

abundantly clear…Educators cannot stay on the sidelines.
-- Jason Gulya, English Professor, Berkeley College

There is absolutely no question that machines will eventually surpass

human-level intelligence in all domains. There is basically no question
about that. And it’s going to happen in the lifetimes of most people here.
– Yann LeCun, Chief AI Scientist, Meta; Professor; NYU; AI Turing Prize

By the time we get to 2045, we'll be able to multiply our intelligence many
millions-fold. And it's just really hard to imagine what that will be like.
– Ray Kurzweil, Google

I understand that denial. Most people didn’t ask for an AI that can do
many tasks previously reserved for humans. Teachers did not want to see
almost every form of homework instantly be solvable by a computer.
Employers did not want highly paid tasks that are only meaningful when
done by humans (performance reviews, reporting) to be done by machines
instead. Government officials did not want a perfect disinformation system
released without any useful countermeasures. The world got much
stranger, very quickly. So it is not surprising that so many people are
trying to deal with the implications of AI by assuming that nothing is going
to change, by banning it permanently, or even imagining that the changes
brought by AI can be easily contained. As we have seen, those policies are
not likely to work. Worse yet, the substantial benefits of AI are going to be
greatly reduced by trying to pretend it is just like previous waves of
technology, where changes take decades to occur.
-- Ethan Mollick
Intelligence Amplified 6

One of the things that annoys me most about people who work on AI is
when they stand up and with a straight face say oh this will never cause
any job elimination yeah you know this is just an additive thing this is just
going to it's all going to be great. This is going to eliminate a lot of current
jobs and this is going to change the way that a lot of current jobs function
and this is going to create entirely new jobs. I kind of expect we're only a
generation or two away from models that for the first time show some
degree of real economic impact good and bad.
-Sam Altman

The big issue isn’t student cheating or figuring out how to use AI in the
classroom; it’s that the work that AI is grabbing is the same as schooling’s
focus. Students are set up to compete with AI rather than collaborate with
it. They’ll lose that competition. … AI is gobbling expertise…People will
be responsible for the vaguer, big-picture intellectual cousin—wisdom.
Long sought but mostly unrealized learning goals like critical thinking,
relationship skills, and creativity can no longer be add-ons. We must
design schools so they are the top priorities.
– Tim Dasey, Retired, MIT

I think AI should best be understood as something like a new digital

species. Now, don't take this too literally, but I predict that we'll come to
see them as digital companions, new partners in the journeys of all our
lives. Whether you think we’re on a 10-, 20- or 30-year path here, this is,
in my view, the most accurate and most fundamentally honest way of
describing what's actually coming. And above all, it enables everybody to
prepare for and shape what comes next.
-- Mustafa Suleyman, AI CEO, Microsoft

AI is not just a technology or a business trend. It is a profound shift in how

humans and machines interact….Generative AI has made machines
conversational, and they are quickly moving from being our tools to being
our teammates. Machines are no longer limited to tasks like crunching
numbers and providing information. With generative AI capabilities,
machines can also be our consultants, protectors, coaches, friends,
therapists, bosses, or customers. Machines are going from what they can
DO for us to what they can BE for us.
-- Gartner Inc.
Intelligence Amplified 7

We are now at a point where we have a new type of hybrid learning

and it is not about online or face to face anymore. It’s about humans
and AI.
– B. Mairéad Pratschke, Professor and Chair in Digital Education,
University of Manchester

Education systems must adapt to prepare young people for tomorrow’s

technology-driven economies and to help students learn alongside
these emerging technologies
-- World Economic Forum

(E)veryone in middle school all the way through to getting a PhD. in

comp sci will have to learn about AI.
– Bill Nye, The Science Guy

If these tools have so changed what (someone) can get done that the
educational system no longer has value, then it's the educational system
that needs to adapt to make people better.
Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI (ChatGPT)

Education and educators must prepare students for the new AI order of
things. Educators’ lives are going to change in significant ways, not
because their roles are likely to be automated away but because they
need to teach a different curriculum and probably teach in a different
– Rosemary Luckin, Professor of Learner Centered Design at UCL
Knowledge Lab
Intelligence Amplified 8

What all of us have to do is to make sure we are using AI in a way that

is for the benefit of humanity, not to the detriment of humanity.
-Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

When we begin with a technology, we have a solution in search of a

– Chris Dede, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The school must represent present life - life as real and vital to the
child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighbourhood, or
on the playground
- John Dewey

Sometimes you meet a group of people who restore your faith in the
power of education to change the world.
- Darren Coxon, Coxon Consulting

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether people do.
– B. F. Skinner, Psychologist

Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the
human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as
new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and
opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must
advance also, and keep pace with the times.
- -Thomas Jefferson, 1816
Intelligence Amplified 9

Key Ideas That Have Influenced Our Work 3

Chapter I. Introduction: Prioritizing Machine Intelligence
Over Human Intelligence 1
Prioritizing Machine Intelligence Over Human Intelligence
AI as a Transformative, General-Purpose Technology 7
Artificial Intelligence as More than A Technology 9
Computers as Employees, Productivity, and Economic
Growth 11
Advancing Beyond Human-Level Intelligence 14
Policymakers and Educators Respond 15
While this is a change in the right direction, the bill does not
specify the amount of funding that would be available and
will likely pale in comparison to the hundreds of billions of
dollars being invested in AI. 19
Human Deep Learning to Prepare Students for an AI World
Chapter Overview 25
Chapter 2. Developing Intelligence in Humans: 1765-Present
Early Efforts to Develop Human Intelligence 35
Developing Intelligence through Education in the Agricultural
Era and the First Industrial Era (1765-1869) 37
Developing Intelligence through Education for the Second
Industrial Era (1870-1968) 38
Developing Intelligence in the Third Industrial Era (1969-
2000) Using Second Era Education Methods 41
Developing Intelligence in the Fourth Industrial Era (2000-
Present) Using Education Methods from the Second Era 47
Intelligence Amplified 10

Developing Intelligence in the Fifth Industrial Era or a

‘Cambrian Explosion’? 54
Chapter 3. As Education Slept: Deep Learning and the
Development of Intelligence in Machines: Pong, Agents,
Embodied AI, and Artificial Superintelligence 56
Deep Learning in Computers and Where We Are Today 57
Deep Learning, LLMs, Symbolic AI, Bayesian Approaches,
and Neurosymbolic AI 57
Deep Learning, Data, and Privacy 64
Deep Learning and Understanding Large Language Models
(LLMs) 67
Deep Learning Beyond LLMs 74
Additional Models 74
Image Generation 76
Video Generation 81
Music Generation 84
Deep Learning and Multimodal AI 85
Deep Learning and Industry 88
Deep Learning and the Acceleration of AI 99
Deep Learning, Interactive AI, and our 2027 Graduates’
Capable AI Agents 103
AI Advances 103
AI Agents are Near 108
Introduction 109
Rapid Advances Toward Agents 111
Agent as the Path To AGI? 124
AI Assistants 125
Intelligence Amplified 11

ChatGPT Assistants 126

Google Assistants 128
Microsoft Copilot Assistants 128
Hugging Face 129
The Turing Test 132
Closer to AGI? 135
A Radically Changed World with or Without AGI 137
Deep Learning Beyond 5 Years: Human Level AI and
Superintelligence 141
Super Intelligence 141
Human-Level Intelligence 142
Beyond Human Intelligence to Superintelligence 145
Living in the Exponential (November-April 2024) 148
Exponential Change 151
Building a Robot one Feature at a Time 169
What are the implications of exponential growth? 178
P.S. We Can now Send Hologram teachers. 180
Robots Emerge 180
Beyond Generative AI to World Models 196
We are Just Getting Started and Limitations 200
Models that Run “Locally” 202
AI “Wearables” 204
What is a School’s Value Proposition in a world of AGI? 210
Focusing on Developing Intelligence in Machines instead of
People 212
Chapter 4. Major AI Models, Tools, and Applications 216
Intelligence Amplified 12

Introduction 216
The Major Language and Multimodal Models 218
ChatGPT3.5 & ChatGPT4(o) 218
Google’s Gemini 220
Claude 223
Lllama3 226
Grok 227
Accessing Models 229 229 230 (+integrated web search) 231
Comparing the Models 233
Image Generation 235
Video Generation 237
Model Applications 242
“Wrappers” – SchoolAI, Magic School, Flint, and Khanmigo
Products that Integrate Models 245
Heygen 245
Canva 247
What to Use? 250
Chapter 5. The Education System Under Pressure: Challenges
from AI and Beyond 252
Introduction 253
AI's challenges to education 253
Instructional Challenges Created by AI 254
Intelligence Amplified 13

Challenges to the Integrity of Written Assessment 254

Challenges Related to Proper Use 266
Challenges Related to Alternative Assessment 267
Challenges Related to Ethics 269
Challenges Related to Representations and Bias 271
Challenges Related to Intellectual Property 273
Challenges Related to Retaining Language Instruction
Challenges of Integrating Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
Introduction to Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 281
Bots Focused on Education 289
Generative Agents as Bots 298
Bots + Video Games | Bots as Video Games 300
Additional Competitive Advantages of Bots 301
Considerations for Integration 302
Beyond “Integration” 303
Demonstrated Effectiveness 304
What About the Human Connection? 305
The Absence of Teachers 307
The Power of Teachers 307
Student-Teacher-AI Bots 307
Will the “Smaller” Tutoring Companies Survive? 307
Bots as Teacher Coaches 308
Virtual Reality (VR) and Education 309
Challenges Related to Avoiding Shiny Objects 313
Intelligence Amplified 14

Challenges related to Selecting AI Tools 314

Inequality and Inequity 314
Blocking the Least Advantaged Students from New
Technology 314
It’s About More than Access: Deprivation of Use Training
Inequality, Inequity, and the Role of the Public School
Content Knowledge Challenges 320
Providing AI Literacy for Students 324
Beyond AI Girlfriends and Boyfriends: Personal and
Societal Manipulation 336
Water 347
Labor 347
Privacy 348
The Military 349
Criminals and Terrorists 350
Superintelligence and Existential risks 351
Our Students React: Hyperspeed, Hyperintelligence, and
Consciousness 353
Conclusion 357
Additional References 357
Ethics 359
Participatory AI 363
The Challenge of Preparing Students for the Future of Work
Introduction 367
Intelligence Amplified 15

Likely Job Changes and Loss 368

Differences Between this Technological Change and
Other Technological Changes 386
What About the “Uniquely Human Skills”? 391
But Didn’t they Say the Ais will Just Help Us Do Our
Jobs Better? 394
Robotics? 395
LLMs are now being used to communicate with robots.
Inequality and Problems even in a World of New Job
Creation 396
Problems Beyond the United States and the Industrialized
North 398
The Problem of Income Disparity 398
Preparing Students for Work in an AI World 401
Challenges Related to Preparing Students for a Future of
Life Without Work 409
Challenges Related to Preparing Teachers 411
Challenges Related to the Changing Role of the Teacher in
the World of AI 414
Challenges Related to the Rate of Change 416
Challenges of the Unknown 418
Broader Administrative Challenges Triggered by AI 421
Datafication of Education 427
Challenges To Education That Came Before AI 428
Developing Soft/Durable Skills 428
Teacher Burnout 431
Intelligence Amplified 16

Lack of Student Engagement 432

Time and Day-to-Day Challenges 433
Chapter 6. Using Academic Deep Learning to Support Human
Development in an AI World 434
Introduction 437
Deep, Virtual Immersion 447
Deep Learning Details 450
Deep Learning and Cognitive Flexibility 452
Deep Learning and Emotional Intelligence 453
Deep Learning Applied 456
Deep Learning: Portfolios: Bridging Pedagogy and Personal
Branding 456
Deep Learning: Debate 459
Deep Learning: Entrepreneurship Education 466
Deep Learning: STEM Education 469
Deep Learning: Phenomenological Approaches 471
Deep Learning: Games-Based Approaches 474
Deep Learning Distributed 477
Deep Learning Applied: San Ramon Valley 482
Conclusion 484
Chapter 7. Amplifying Human Capability and Collaborating
with AIs 486
Introduction 487
Human-Computer Collaboration in Education and Amplifying
Humanity 490
Amplifying Cognitive Rigor 492
The Roles of AI in the Student Journey 494
Intelligence Amplified 17

Applying Mollick & Mollick 499

Applying Generativism 504
Digital Twins? 508
Human Teacher at the Center? 508
Challenges of Human-AI Collaboration 509
Replacement vs. Amplification in Practice 510
Specific Applications 512
Human-Computer Collaboration in Debate 512
Human-Computer Collaboration in Entrepreneurship
Education 520
Human-Computer Collaboration in STEM Education 524
Human-Computer Collaboration in Games-Based
Approaches 526
Human-Computer Collaboration in Phenomenological
Education 527
Human-Computer Collaboration: Games-Based
Approaches to Learning 528
Human-Computer Collaboration: Portfolio Development
“Simple” Augments 531
A “Return” to Deep Learning 532
Assessing Deep Learning 533
A More Radical Proposal 534
Beyond Augmentation 535
Chapter 8. Overcoming Education’s Challenges 537
Conclusion 541
Chapter 9. AI Policies & Guidance 542
Intelligence Amplified 18

Chapter 10. Practical Implementation 545

Facilitating Dialogue 546
Assessing Your AI Readiness 546
Your Mission 547
Your Values 547
Your Goals 548
Your Challenges 549
Your Community 549
Your Strengths 552
Your Constraints 553
Conclusion 553
Design Thinking for Administrative Decision-Making and
Strengthening Classroom Instruction 553
Hire Head(s) of AI 556
Support Teacher Professional Learning in AI and Valuable
Instructional Use 557
Support Changes in Assessment 563
Support a Full Integration of Deep Learning 564
Expand Skill-Based and After School Programs 565
Integrate AI Literacy Programs for Students 566
Encourage Faculty Experimentation with AI in the Classroom
Consider a New Role for Writing 569
Lobby for Changes in Curriculum Standards 569
Lobby for Funding 570
Supporting a Reasonable Timeline with Practical Solutions
Intelligence Amplified 19

Consider the Role of Surveillance Technologies 571

Regulatory Compliance 572
Future-Proofing the “Strategic Plan” 573
The Moonshot and International Comparisons 574
What is a Moonshot? 574
Biden’s Executive Order 578
International Comparisons 579
Chapter 11. Imagining the Future Beyond Adaptations and
More Technology 581
Broad Frameworks for Change 581
Case Study: Design 39 583
Chapter 12. Leading Change in Industrialization 4.0/5.0 596
Chapter 13. A Renaissance Beyond Intelligence: Ethics,
Babies, Friends, Lovers, Joy, and Future of the Humanit(ies)
Introduction 602
Historical Horrors Associated with Human Intelligence 603
Developing Human Attributes Beyond Intelligence 604
Renaissance 2.0 606
A Renaissance a Day Keeps the Doctor Away 609
Centering the Human in the Age of AI 610
Conclusion 610
Chapter 14. Conclusion and a Moon Shot 611
Appendixes 614
Appendix A: Sample of Some Days in April and May 614
Appendix B: Phenomenological Approach 617
Appendix C: Games in American History 620
Intelligence Amplified 20

Appendix E: Colleges and Universities 622

AI-Induced Challenges 623
Challenges to Written Assessment & Alternative
Assessment 623
Challenges Proper Use 623
Challenges to Financial Sustainability 624
Challenges to Language Instruction 624
Challenges related to XR/VR and ITS 624
Challenges Related to AI Literacy 625
Challenges Related to Preparing Students for Work 625
Challenges Related to Preparing Professors 626
Pre AI Challenges 626
Instructional Approach 626
Developing Soft/Durable/Universal Skills 627
Teacher Burnout 627
Lack of Student Engagement 627
Time and Day-to-Day Challenges 628
Financial Challenges 628
Broader Administrative Challenges 628
Decentralization of Education 628
AI Policies and Regulating Use 629
Laws and Rules 629
Parents 629
Resistance to Change 629
The Hidden Potential of the University in Industrialization
4.0/5.0 630
Intelligence Amplified 21

Training on “University Data” 631

Additional Resources for Universities 631
Appendix F: Quantum Computing and Brain Computer
Interfaces 632
Quantum Computing 632
Brain Computer Interfaces 632
Appendix G: Schools in Action 640
University 642
Appendix I: Key Vocabulary 643
Endnotes 654
Chapter I. Introduction: Prioritizing
Machine Intelligence Over Human
Prioritizing Machine Intelligence Over Human Intelligence

Developing human intelligence in a way that amplifies an

individual’s capabilities has always been a central goal of not only
the educational system but also society at large for thousands of
years. However, in recent years the focus on developing intelligence
has shifted toward developing artificial intelligence (AI) in
computers that allow them to perform tasks otherwise attributed to
“intelligent beings1.” These efforts have been undertaken with
“colossal computing firepower and brainpower2” and the financial
resources world's largest and most valuable technology companies.
Companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Meta
(formerly Facebook), Nvidia, and now OpenAI and others
(Anthropic, Cohere, Databricks, Mistral, Snowflake) - with a
staggering combined market value of $7+ trillion - are pouring
massive resources into AI research in to develop fully embodied AI
systems that match or exceed human-level intelligence.

The investments have paid off3. “AIFactories” are “generating

intelligence” while computer scientists make progress not only
toward developing machines that can think but are also making
progress in at least simulating traits such as empathy4 and creativity5
that were once thought to be "uniquely human6.” AI is already even
better than people at reframing negative situations to pick you up7,
as it can now visually detect and react to emotional nuances in
Intelligence Amplified 2

As a result of these effort, computers are now projected to equal or

surpass human intelligence in all domains in which humans are
intelligent9, something often referred to as Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI). Before then, we will see computers surpass
human intelligence in particular areas, which is already starting to
happen. We have artificial intelligence bots (“AIs”) that have more
content knowledge than any single human, have greater accuracy in
making predictions in humans, are undertaking aggressive efforts to
improve their factual accuracy, have developed vision, and have
learned how to learn so they can acquire new knowledge on their
own with minimal human intervention. They can engage in written
and verbal conversations with us in more than 200 different
languages and can produce incredible output in image and video as

According to a recent report from the Stanford Institute for Human-

Centered AI, AI already surpasses human performance in image
classification, visual reasoning, and English understanding11. It’s
more capable of persuading12 or manipulating us13 than a fellow
human. A new NVIDIA-MIT model can even reason across images,
learn in context, and understand videos14. A recent study shows AIs
can “outperform financial analysts in its ability to predict earnings
Intelligence Amplified 3

changes” and can “generate useful narrative insights about a

company's future performance,” suggesting that AIs “may take a
central role in decision-making15.”

Academically, AIs are performing exceptionally well on tests that

are traditional measures of intelligence. ChatGPT4 scored a 1410 on
the SAT and got 5s on most AP exams.16 It also did well on the
Uniform Bar Exam17, the Dutch national reading exam (8.3/1018),
and it passed the US National Medical Licensing Exam19 and most
of the Polish Board certification examinations20. The recently
released model from Google, Gemini21, offers some modest
improvements in the abilities that produced the GPT4 scores22.
Grok, a new model from performs reasonably well on multiple
academic texts23.

And now we are starting to see these “artificial brains” placed in

robotic bodies. In this demonstration, the robot uses its intelligence
to choose the apple when the person asks for something to eat
among the items in front of it24.

These abilities will only grow. AI “godfathers” Geoffrey Hinton and

Yoshua Bengio, as well as others, recently noted:
Intelligence Amplified 4

(C)ompanies are engaged in a race to create generalist AI

systems that match or exceed human abilities in most
cognitive work. They are rapidly deploying more resources
and developing new techniques to increase AI capabilities,
with investment in training state-of-the-art models tripling
annually. There is much room for further advances because
tech companies have the cash reserves needed to scale the
latest training runs by multiples of 100 to 1000. Hardware
and algorithms will also improve: AI computing chips have
been getting 1.4 times more cost-effective, and AI training
algorithms 2.5 times more efficient, each year. Progress in
AI also enables faster AI progress—AI assistants are
increasingly used to automate programming, data collection,
and chip design. There is no fundamental reason for AI
progress to slow or halt at human-level abilities. Indeed, AI
has already surpassed human abilities in narrow domains
such as playing strategy games and predicting how proteins
fold. Compared with humans, AI systems can act faster,
absorb more knowledge, and communicate at a higher
bandwidth. already surpassed human abilities in narrow
domains such as playing strategy games and predicting how
proteins fold (see SM). Compared with humans, AI systems
can act faster, absorb more knowledge, and communicate at
a higher bandwidth. Additionally, they can be scaled to use
immense computational resources and can be replicated by
the millions. We do not know for certain how the future of
AI will unfold. However, we must take seriously the
possibility that highly powerful generalist AI systems that
outperform human abilities across many critical domains
will be developed within this decade or the next25.

Some find comfort in claims this is all “hype” and that education,
for example, hasn’t yet been “transformed” by AI. But as Jerome
Presenti notes, “I don’t think Gartner’s hype cycle applies here.
Generative AI is taking education by storm because the consumers,
the students, are adopting the technology on their own – not through
Intelligence Amplified 5

their schools or their teachers or any kind of edtech B2B offering26.”

ChatGPT4-o, and many other applications, are already displaying
impressive abilities as a tutor27 and homework completion assistant.
As Jason Gulya notes, there is no effective way to ban AI from the
classroom, we can only maximize its positive potential by engaging
it,28 and learning how to use it well is one of the few things that will
help protect students’ future employment, which is certain to raise
in an AI world29..

And AI is not just in schools. As Armand Ruiz, VP of Product – AI

Platform, IBM, noted on May 5th: “AI is not hype. At IBM we've
completed 1,000+ Generative AI projects in 2023, prioritizing
business applications over consumer ones30. These include projects
in Customer-facing functions; HR; finance; Supply-Chain functions;
IT development and operations; and core business functions31.” JP
Morgan just unveiled IndexGPT with the help of OpenAI to create
thematic indexes for investments32. The band Washed Out released
the first official music video using Open AI’s text to video tool,
Sora, that was commissioned by an artist33.

Current abilities alone are beginning to disrupt education, work, and

day-to-day life34. Even if AI never advances beyond its current
capabilities, it will radically change our world35. Current AI “tools”
can already replace many job functions and generate image and
video that is often indistinguishable from reality to the “naked eye.”
They have already “demonstrated expert-level performance at tasks
requiring creativity, analysis, problem solving, persuasion,
summarization, and other advanced skills36.” Texas has replaced
4,000 human scorers of its STARR written tests with AIs37, and
others envision robotic snails supporting infrastructure
maintenance38. The Secretary of the Air Force flew in a plane
without a pilot, and the military plans on having more than 1,000
pilotless aircraft in the skies by 202839. AI can grade the STARR
exams many students can’t pass. AI can automatically generate and
test social science hypotheses even though most people do not know
Intelligence Amplified 6

how to do that.40 Companies are investing resources in developing

AIs that can engage in autonomous scientific discovery41.

While machine intelligence grows, we also see disengaged students

who are disappearing from school, and the scores of humans on
knowledge-based exams that we often use to measure our students’
intelligence, our “proxy for educational quality,” decline
internationally42. We have students entering the workforce without
skills and capabilities employers need, while employers increasingly
turn to machines to complete work humans previously did.

The simple reality is that the educational system, largely speaking,

has no plan to prioritizing develop students’ intelligence so they can
live and work in a world of highly intelligent machines. Only a
small percentage of the nation’s students are receiving training
related to understanding or using AI, a technology that will
completely define their future. Despite JP Morgan training every
new hire on AI43, only a small percentage of the nation’s teachers
have been trained on it.

And even training on AI tools can be question-begging, as we must

first decide how to best prepare students for the AI World before
deciding how to maximize AI tool use in the classroom. Preparing
students for this world should not be a controversial idea. It’s no
different from preparing students in the 19th century, at the end of
the agricultural era, to thrive in the 20th century industrial era. We
stopped teaching young people how to use oxen and horses to plow
fields and taught them how to use steam-powered tractors and
threshing machines. We should first think through what and how
we want to teach to prepare students for an AI world before we rush
into using AI as much as possible in the classroom. We certainly
don’t want to use AI to help students learn how to use oxen and
horses to plow fields.

In a recent article in Forbes44, Allison Salisbury notes, that workers

earning less than about $38,000 a year are 14 times more likely to
Intelligence Amplified 7

lose their jobs to all types of automation. In response, she’s seeing a

renewed focus on durable skills from large employers in particular.
Durable skills are those that she describes as “less about what you
know, and more about how you learn and work in the world. They
involve things like self-management, working with others, and
generating ideas. They cross every imaginable career, and as the
name implies, they’re skills that should serve you well no matter
what AI-fueled world ultimately serves up.”

AI as a Transformative, General-Purpose Technology

The ramifications of the development of AI for society will be large.

AI is an advanced omni-use45 or “general-purpose” technology
because it has the potential to transform and disrupt many industries
simultaneously. AI exhibits versatility and broad applicability, with
the ability to perform a wide variety of cognitive tasks at or above
human levels. It can be applied to diverse domains such as
healthcare, education, finance, manufacturing, and more. Like other
general-purpose technologies throughout history, AI is expected to
lead to waves of complementary innovations and opportunities. It
will drastically change how we live and work, and drive economic
growth, similar to how the steam engine and the internal combustion
Intelligence Amplified 8

Saudi Arabia is strategically leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) as a

general-purpose technology to drive a new industrial revolution and
establish itself as a global leader in the data-driven economy. The
kingdom recognizes AI's transformative potential across various sectors,
akin to how previous GPTs like the steam engine and electricity
revolutionized industries during their respective eras.

Through initiatives like the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) and
the National Strategy for Data and AI (NSDAI), Saudi Arabia is
building a robust AI ecosystem spanning research, talent development,
policy frameworks, and infrastructure. The SDAIA aims to position the
kingdom among the top 15 countries in AI by 2030, with plans to create
20,000 AI specialists and attract $20 billion in investments. Partnerships
with global tech giants, such as the $5.3 billion deal with Amazon Web
Services for AI data centers, further bolster Saudi Arabia's AI

By embracing AI as a general-purpose technology, Saudi Arabia is

paving the way for industrial transformation across sectors like energy,
healthcare, smart cities, and manufacturing. The kingdom's visionary
approach, coupled with substantial investments and collaborations,
positions it as a frontrunner in the Fifth Industrial Revolution, driving
economic diversification, innovation, and sustainable growth aligned
with its Vision 2030 agenda.
Intelligence Amplified 9

The difference between AI and previous general-purpose

technologies like the steam engine, electricity, and the internal
combustion engine, is that those technologies took a long time to
permeate and transform society due to the need for building
extensive new infrastructure and hardware. The steam engine
required building entire new transportation networks of railroads
and steamships. Electricity necessitated wiring buildings and
constructing power plants. ChatGPT, on the other hand, took 60
days to reach 100 million users46, making it the fastest adopted
technology in history. It gained 1.6 billion users by June 202347. But
it’s just one AI; it’s not just ChatGPT. The latest AI models from
companies like Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, and others listed above,
are virtually seamlessly updated into software, such as Microsoft
Office and Google docs, running on current hardware people
already own and use daily. Meta, for example, recently released
Llama3, its latest large language model, and integrated it into the
Meta AI assistant across its major social media and messaging
platforms, instantly distributing the technology to its 3.19 billion
daily users48.

Artificial Intelligence as More than A Technology

Unlike any tool that has come before, AI constantly evolving and
improving itself. Fed with vast amounts of data, AI systems uncover
hidden patterns, make predictions, and generate insights that
surpass the limits of human cognition. They learn from every
interaction, every success, and every mistake, growing smarter and
more capable with each passing day. Due to their superhuman
ability to see patterns across the world’s knowledge, they learned to
code and translate languages without being programmed to do so.

Through the magic of natural language processing, AI can

understand and communicate with us in our own words, providing
real-time support and engagement across every sector. Whether it's
a virtual assistant helping you navigate a complex healthcare
Intelligence Amplified 10

system, a financial advisor optimizing your investment portfolio, or

a tutor helping you understand your math, AI is there, ready to lend
its unique blend of intelligence and adaptability. And unlike a Smart
Board, it can make decisions, solve problems, and, with emerging
AI agents, act on its own. Want to return your shoes? Just tell the AI
and it will know to look up where you got them in your emails, find
the return instructions, and print the shipping label49. We’ve never
had a technology like this before.

Scholars and other leaders are already arguing that simply thinking
of this is as a technology is inadequate. Wharton professor Ethan
Mollick has referred to it as a non-sentient “alien mind50” and
argues we should treat “treat AI as if it were human because, in
many ways, it behaves like one.51.” Mustafa Suleyman argues that
thinking about it solely as a technology fails to capture its abilities.
Instead, he, argues, “I think AI should best be understood as
something like a new digital species…I predict that we'll come to
see them as digital companions, new partners in the journeys of all
our lives.”

As acknowledged by Mollick, this perspective highlights the need to

be cautious about anthropomorphizing artificial intelligence
systems. While AIs may exhibit human-like behaviors and
capabilities in many ways, it is crucial to recognize that AIs are
fundamentally a different form of intelligence, one created by
human ingenuity rather than a biological, sentient being.
Anthropomorphizing AI risks underestimating the profound
differences between our "alien minds" and human cognition. At the
same time, failing to appreciate AI’s advanced capabilities and
treating it merely as inanimate technologies that operate only under
human command or action is also misguided. The truth likely lies
somewhere in the middle -AIs are a new kind of entity, one that
blurs the line between human and machine. As we continue to
evolve and become more integrated into human lives and endeavors,
Intelligence Amplified 11

developing an appropriate understanding and set of ethical

principles for relating to artificial intelligences will be crucial.

Computers as Employees, Productivity, and Economic Growth

Application of these growing abilities in the workplace should

enable productivity to soar beyond the current impact they are
already having.52 Ethan Mollick points out that “early studies of the
effects of AI have found it can often lead to a 20 to 80 percent
improvement in productivity across a wide variety of job types,
from coding to marketing. By contrast, “when steam power, that
most fundamental of General Purpose Technologies, the one that
created the Industrial Revolution, was put into a factory, it improved
productivity by 18 to 22 percent53.” In a recent report, Andrew
McAfee from MIT notes that “close to 80% of the jobs in the U.S.
economy could see at least 10% of their tasks done twice as quickly
(with no loss in quality) via the use of generative AI54.” A recent
study found that customer support agents could handle 13.8 percent
more customer inquiries per hour. Business professionals could
write 59 percent more business documents per hour, and
programmers could code 126 percent more projects per week55. This
could generate trillions56 of additional dollars in economic growth
that could drive the development of new industries and jobs and/or
potentially be shared across society. Every day people are starting to
use these technologies in their workflows57.
Intelligence Amplified 12

Once computers can engage in advanced reasoning and planning,

they will be able to overtake more day-to-day tasks, including work
responsibilities that require those skills58, such key job functions in
finance, law, production of creative works, and mid-level

Efforts are underway to enhance AI capabilities beyond simple

inference reasoning (and there is some debate as to whether they can
currently engage in basic inference reasoning (a comprehensive
review of the entire reasoning debate can be found in Sun et al59)),
including with meaningless fillers to enable complex thinking60,
contrastive reasoning61, aiming to enable advanced reasoning skills
such as abstract, systems, strategic, and reflective thinking62. Recent
advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have centered
around enhancing large language models (LLMs) using novel
Intelligence Amplified 13

prompting strategies, particularly through the development of

structured prompt engineering. Techniques like Chain-of-Thought,
Tree of Thoughts, and Graph of Thoughts, where a graph-like
structure guides the LLM's reasoning process, have proven
effective63. This approach has markedly improved LLMs' abilities in
various tasks, from complex logical and mathematical problems to
planning and creative writing64. Additional training that allows
models to abstract more nuanced knowledge have also proven
effective65. As the strength of models advance, this debate will
continue, and a new benchmark – CaLM (Causal Evaluation of
Language Models) has been developed to assess reasoning claims66.
As we will discuss, adding vision and other capabilities to the
models that make them “multimodal” further enhance their abilities.
There is some chance that a version of Open AI’s ChatGPT that
could be released in 2024 will have improved reasoning and
planning abilities67, and Google’s Deep Mind68, as well as Cohere’s
Command R+69 are also offering some evidence of these expanded
abilities in their most recent models. Joseph Resner outlined a
broad approach for building a thinking AI70.Leading computer
scientists expect that within three to ten years AI will be equipped to
perform such complex reasoning and learn to plan based on goals,71
even if, as some say, new architectures will be required72.

There is also ample evidence that AI is creative, as proven by tests,

including the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, the Unusual
Uses Test, and the Remote Associates Test. The Torrance Tests
assess fluency (the ability to generate many ideas), flexibility
(considering a variety of approaches), originality (coming up with
unique and uncommon ideas), and elaboration (adding details to
initial ideas)73. AI systems have shown the ability to generate many
novel ideas, combine concepts in unexpected ways, and expand on
initial prompts - potentially demonstrating creativity on these
measures.74 The Unusual Uses Test requires thinking of creative
uses for a common object75, which AI language models have proven
capable of by proposing innovative repurposing ideas76. The Remote
Associates Test presents three words and requires finding a fourth
Intelligence Amplified 14

word that relates to all three77 - an ability AI has displayed by

making insightful analogy connections78.

Creativity is the driving force behind innovation and economic

growth. It fuels the development of new products, services, and
business models that meet evolving consumer needs and desires79.
Creative minds conceive groundbreaking ideas that disrupt
industries, spark technological advancements, and open entirely new
markets. From the light bulb to the smartphone, many of humanity's
most transformative inventions stemmed from creative thinking.
And creativity powers industries like entertainment, fashion, and
advertising that rely on generating fresh concepts to captivate
audiences and influencers. Emerging AIs will be able to do way
more than choose an apple among a set of objects.

Advancing Beyond Human-Level Intelligence

As little as five years ago, scientists did not think that AI would be
able to communicate in natural language80 or crack protein folding81,
both of which it can now do. And as noted by Yoshua Bengio and
Geoff Hinton previously, advances in AI technology won’t stop.
The advancement of artificial intelligence in areas such as
linguistics, cognition, logical deduction, and strategic forecasting
will be significantly amplified when AI systems begin to operate
independently, cooperate with others, exhibit emotional awareness,
and eventually embody themselves in robotic entities that blend
silicon-based and bioengineered components. These abilities will all
be magnified if they are able to generate genuine understandings of
the world82, incorporate common sense, and, potentially, develop
sentience and consciousness83, with some arguing that
consciousness may already be emerging in machines84.

Given the investments in the race to develop human-level

intelligence, it is likely that we can expect to see AI systems exceed
our intelligence in at least most these areas (and maybe some newly
Intelligence Amplified 15

discovered areas) in the next two to three decades, with many

arguing that it will be much sooner than that. Even more aggressive
projections should not be dismissed, especially by those not
qualified to dismiss them. Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei envisions
a seismic shift in artificial intelligence within the next two to five
years. If the projected scaling laws hold true, he believes AI models
will become so immensely capable that they will effectively
transcend human control or oversight. The futuristic AI systems,
Amodei warns, may arrive not in decades but within this remarkably
short timeframe of just a couple of years. His perspective paints an
unsettling picture of a potential intelligence explosion happening
vastly sooner than many expect85.

So, the question is more when it will exceed human intelligence in

all domains, not if it will happen. These advances, combined with
accelerating developments in virtual and augmented worlds, 5/6G,
blockchain, and synthetic biology, are leading us into a “social-
technical revolution that will dramatically change who we are, how
we live, and how we relate to one another86.” The world of 2044,
when our students are adults, will be nothing like the world of 2024.

Policymakers and Educators Respond

Policymakers are certainly starting to pay attention to AI’s growing

AI capabilities. Internationally, in early November 2023, an “AI
Safety Summit” involving industry leaders and government officials
kicked off in the UK87 and the U.N. launched a high-level body on
AI88. In early December, the EU adopted the EU AI Act89, which
was approved by its members in May90. A follow-up safety summit
was held in Seoul where some minimal commitments were made91.

In the US, on October 30th, 2023, the Biden administration issued a

comprehensive Executive Order92 that covers many areas related to
concerns about AI that have been expressed in numerous meetings93
with lawmakers and in Congressional testimony94. On November
Intelligence Amplified 16

1st, 2023, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

released implementation guidance95. In early April 2024, the OMB
required all federal agencies to create a Head of AI position96,
something Bauschard has been advocating for schools to do97. The
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has recently announced Dr.
Radha Iyengar Plumb, a former debater, as its new Chief Digital and
Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO)98.

In April, A new Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board

was also established by the Department of Homeland Security to
evaluate the utilization of AI technologies in critical infrastructure
systems. This advisory committee comprises 22 distinguished
individuals, including prominent figures from leading AI
companies. Among them are Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, and
Dario Amodei, the CEO and co-founder of Anthropic.

The primary objective of this board is to formulate

recommendations concerning the secure and responsible
development and implementation of AI solutions within the nation's
crucial infrastructure. By assembling a panel of experts from the
forefront of the AI industry, the Department of Homeland Security
aims to ensure that these transformative technologies are harnessed
in a manner that prioritizes safety and security for the broader

At the legislative level, a bipartisan group of Senators released long-

awaited guidance on an AI legislative roadmap – Driving US
Innovation in Artificial Intelligence100 --for the fall of 2024. Their
priorities include --

• Boosting funding for AI innovation

• Tackling nationwide standards for AI safety and fairness
• Using AI to strengthen U.S. national security
• Addressing potential job displacement for U.S. workers
caused by AI
Intelligence Amplified 17

• Tackling so-called “deepfakes” being used in elections, and

“non-consensual distribution of intimate images”
• Ensuring that opportunities to partake in AI innovation
reach schools and companies

States such as Pennsylvania are getting involved in AI regulation

and policymaking.101 At the local level, Seoul102, New York City103,
and Singapore104 (a “city-state” that just rolled out a learning bot
that supports student-teacher-AI collaboration for 500,000
students105) have launched major initiatives around AI.

At the education level, seven states have issued AI Guidance

reports, which we summarized and analyzed in a recent report of our
own106. A few districts have followed with their guidance
documents, including the Santa Ana Unified School District (CA); a
document we had the opportunity to help draft.

Although there has been an exponential rise in the intelligence of

machines and that is pushing us to the development of human-level
robotics in both mind and body, as well as efforts to manage and
integrate it, we do not see “colossal firepower” combined with
astronomical financial investments, being invested in the
development and amplification of intelligence in humans in the
ways needed for our students to be able to productively collaborate
with people and intelligent machines. The few million dollars
committed to helping schools adapt to this era pales in comparison
to the hundreds of billions that have been invested in creating it.

The administration’s efforts in the Order were a good start, but only
required the Secretary of Education to produce resources to be
available within one year and offer rather vague ideas for different
potential legal protections107. The Department of Education (DOE)
does have discretion over its resources to provide support, but
significant engagement with nearly 100,000108 public schools will
require Congress to appropriate more resources both to the schools
and to the DOE. The $1.7 million the DOE recently committed to
Intelligence Amplified 18

updating computer science curriculum standards is useful109, but it is

far from the support that will be needed for schools to adapt to an
AI World.

Many of America’s tuition-driven colleges and universities will also

need support, not only to help integrate AI into their schools but to
engage fundamental questions about how education will need to be
restructured for a world where machine intelligence is at least
competitive with human intelligence and machines will be able to do
many current jobs for a fraction of the cost to an employee.

On May 23, Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Maria Cantwell (D-
WA) introduced the NSF AI Education Act of 2024110, a bipartisan
bill introduced by that aims to bolster the U.S. workforce in
artificial intelligence (AI) and related emerging technologies like
quantum computing.

The key provisions include:

n Authorizing the National Science Foundation (NSF) to

award scholarships and fellowships at various levels for
studying AI, quantum computing, and blended programs,
with a focus on fields like agriculture, education, and
advanced manufacturing.
n Establishing AI "Centers of Excellence" at community
colleges to collaborate with educators on developing AI
instructional materials.
n Directing NSF to develop guidance and tools for
introducing AI into K-12 classrooms, especially in rural and
economically disadvantaged areas.
n Launching an "NSF Grand Challenge" to devise a plan for
educating at least 1 million workers in AI-related areas by
2028, with emphasis on supporting underrepresented groups
like women and rural residents.
Intelligence Amplified 19

n Providing grants for research on using AI in agriculture

through land-grant universities and cooperative extension
n The overarching goal is to expand educational opportunities
and workforce training in AI from K-12 through graduate
levels to maintain U.S. leadership in this transformative
technology across various sectors.

While this is a change in the right direction, the bill does not specify
the amount of funding that would be available and will likely pale in
comparison to the hundreds of billions of dollars being invested in

Human Deep Learning to Prepare Students for an AI World

This book emphasizes the importance of changing educational

approaches to incorporate academic human deep learning,
highlighting the importance of learning fundamental knowledge,
cultivating expertise, and developing critical thinking skills rooted
in real-world experiences. This can support the “social basis of
intelligence and human development”, the “interpersonal activity
that is essential to human thinking…as advanced human
intelligence...the type of intelligence that we need as we progress
through the 21st century, an intelligence that is human that emanates
from our emotional, sensory, and self-effective understanding of
ourselves and our peers111.” As Stanford computer scientist and
“Godmother” of AI explains:

Simply seeing is not enough. Seeing is for doing and

learning. When we act upon this world in 3D space and
time, we learn, and we learn to see and do better. Nature has
created this virtuous cycle of seeing and doing powered by
“spatial intelligence.”… And if we want to advance AI
beyond its current capabilities, we want more than AI that
can see and talk. We want AI that can do… As the progress
Intelligence Amplified 20

of spatial intelligence accelerates, a new era in this virtuous

cycle is taking place in front of our eyes. This back and
forth is catalyzing robotic learning, a key component for
any embodied intelligence system that needs to understand
and interact with the 3D world112.

Shouldn't "human education "create a virtuous cycle of seeing,

learning, and doing?”

And this is not only Fei Fei Li’s idea. All of world’s leading
computer scientists (Hinton, LeCun, Bach, etc., as will be
discussed), neuroscientists113, and psychologists114 believe we need
computers to develop “worldly knowledge” to develop “common
sense115” and, eventually, higher-order reasoning116 so they can
plan,117 predict118, and talk about the world119. These leading
scientists believe it is possible to incorporate the human “lived
experience” that children develop through “active, self-motivated
exploration of the real external world120” into machines and to make
it possible for them to potentially achieve human-level intelligence.
Some (Altman, Murati, Sutskever, Bach; cited elsewhere throughout
Intelligence Amplified 21

this book) believe this could potentially be accomplished through

current121 multi-modal models122 supported by text, audio, and
video (vision)123, but others (LeCun, Choi) cited elsewhere
throughout this report, and Yiu et al124 believe a greater focus on
these new, objective-driven “world models,” which will
significantly reduce hallucinations125, are needed.

A shift toward greater experiential learning will be a challenge, as

education continues to be grounded in educational theories that
became dominant at the turn of the 20th century, over 100 years
ago, learning facts and knowledge and then, in the 1990s, starting to
think about it and analyze that knowledge. Due to this gap between
how students are taught and how the world works, students are ill-
prepared for a rapidly changing world and have not been for quite
some time126.

We only have ourselves to blame for this situation. While efforts

were able to advance intelligence in machines, we did not pay
attention and begin efforts to change. While scientists and industry
worked on deep learning models that enabled machines to learn
largely on their own, using principles of initial supervised learning
and then self-learning combined with fine-tuning and reinforcement
learning with human feedback127 (in a classroom, we think of this as
a “guide on the side128”), education largely continued along the
trajectory established in the 1920s and reinforced by A Nation at
Risk in the early 1980s. Relying largely on a “supervised,” sage on-
the-stage129 teaching process that fills students’ heads with more
predetermined content, insists they reorganize it in some manner,
and then tests to assess it. As a result, we keep teaching students to
do what machines can do best and will forever be better at than us:
learning a lot of content, analyzing it, and passing tests. Almost
ironically, some students are passing these tests by only predicting
the answer the teacher expects and parroting it on the test without
necessarily needing any level of understanding, something critics
are quick to criticize today’s AIs for, even though their abilities to
Intelligence Amplified 22

“understand” are arguably starting to develop and almost certainly

will exist in the future130.

Today, however, the stakes are much higher, as the number of jobs
that exist for high school and college graduates who have not
developed higher-order thinking skills will be very limited. Many
lower-level administrative and factory/warehouse jobs will be lost
to automation, and even mid-level management jobs will be at-risk
as machines learn how to reason and plan. The demand for
employees who are capable of higher-order thinking and have the
skills needed to interact both with humans and intelligent
machines131 will be difficult to meet without fundamental adaptions
by the educational system.132 Ultimately, teams solve hard
problems133, and now those teams include AIs.

Photo from Fei Fei Li’s talk cited above.

Students who are educated through the deep learning approaches we

advocate, combined with AI literacy and who have experience with
human-AI collaboration, will be better prepared for both the present
and a future. In the future, more than 60-100% of jobs will involve
using AI tools, and many current jobs could be entirely replaced by
Intelligence Amplified 23

AIs. To prepare students for the future, education can no longer

ignore these bots that “have evolved from being topics in
intellectual discussions to challenging realities134” and instead must
help students develop the metacognitive capacities and AI skills
needed to interact with them.

The book emphasizes the need to prioritize academic programs that

promote human deep learning as well as methods that integrate
human deep learning approaches and AI tools, including those
“where humans and AI agents preserve, exchange, and improve
knowledge during human-AI collaboration135.” It suggests that this
kind of human-computer interaction (HCI) will amplify all
capacities of human intelligence, ensuring that people thrive even
though machines will likely surpass human intellectual capabilities
in all or nearly all domains over the next few decades or less,
possibly by the time today’s first graders graduate from high school.
We also make the case that schools should support developing many
essential human attributes such as courage, kindness, love, and
patience in students, traits that are not only difficult to develop in
machines but that will be required to thrive regardless of any
progress made in developing human intelligence and other
capabilities in machines. Our approach does require a change to the
underlying grammar of education, but without it, we risk employing
AI tools to simply hyperscale approaches to education developed in
the early twentieth century that were meant for that century. These
approaches are arguably not only inappropriate for today, but they
will certainly be inadequate in a future where we live and work with
multiple machines that possess superior intelligence to us in many
aspects and where the massive rate of constant change will require
individuals to learn on their own to thrive. In fact, focusing on these
characteristics may open the doors to a new human renaissance.

Students (and all of us) need to strengthen our abilities to

collaborate with one another, both as co-pilots and as all “forms” of
co-workers. Based on the current level of technology advancement,
AIs depend on to co-pilot with them, but as they become more
Intelligence Amplified 24

autonomous and develop their own agency, the same way we hope
our students will, we will also need to communicate and collaborate
with them136.

We recognize that educational leaders who push these deep learning

approaches grounded in experiential and self-learning approaches,
as well as to help students learn with AI tools, are often met with
both resistance (“I have no voice in the curriculum and feel that all
the teacher-autonomy is being choked out of us137”) and lip service,
leaving students and parents to hold bake sales to fund important
deep learning opportunities like debate teams, bands, and robotics
clubs138, while funding is invested in traditional classroom
approaches focused on learning content and is not correlating with
work place preparation. Of course, this is no different than how the
original deep learning computer scientist researchers had to fight for
funding or use their own resources to advance their deep learning
approaches to AI139, but as they learned: resistance is not futile, and
at the end of the report we outline practical steps for positive

Jerry Almanderez, Superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School

District, stated it’s time to imagine the unimaginable for education.
Intelligence Amplified 25

It is time for that. It’s time for what we call a “moonshot,” and not
just for AI140, but for education as well.

Chapter Overview

The book begins in Chapter 2 by looking at some of the

fundamental ideas and “grammars” that have shaped education over
the past 100 years, showing how early ideas that might have been
appropriate for earlier times persisted despite a variety of social
changes, including revolutionary technological advancements that
reshaped society and the workplace and we begin making our case
for helping educators adapt to this era141.

In Chapter 3, we discuss the emergence of AI, including early

symbolic systems, use of Bayesian logic, and the development of
deep learning approaches. We look at the classic video game Pong,
one of the earliest digital games, worked by having a computer
program render two vertical paddles on the screen that could move
up and down, with a square ball traveling across and bouncing off
the paddles and walls. While rudimentary, it demonstrated how code
could simulate motion and respond to user input on a screen. Games
became increasingly complex from those early days, eventually
incorporating advanced AI algorithms for gameplay strategy and
decision-making in games such as chess. The ancient Chinese game
of Go, with its vast configuration space and profound gameplay
depth, became a grand challenge for AI mastery, pushing developers
to create self-learning systems that could "intuit" optimal moves
through neural networks - a breakthrough towards more general
intelligence. From those humble 2D graphics origins to conquering
one of humanity's most cerebral games, the capabilities grew to
produce conversational AI like Cicero that could engage in freeform
dialog across multiple players and alliances. This paved the way for
increasingly capable virtual assistants and autonomous agents that
could start to reason, plan, and act in the real world, which is what
we are starting to see today.
Intelligence Amplified 26

The chapter also includes a discussion of how scientists believe

computers need to incorporate the lived experience of humans to
develop human-level intelligence. These include concepts borrowed
from cognitive science142 that stress the importance of
understanding objects with three-dimensional properties143, scenes
with “spatial structure and navigable surfaces144,” and agents with
beliefs and desires145 that work to replicate what the reader might
think of as “social knowledge146.” Like empiricist philosophers147
and educators who support more project-based, experiential
approaches to learning, computer scientists who support the
development of objective-driven world AI models argue that to
achieve human-level intelligence, computers must interact with the
environment, learn from it, and build models of the world.

In Chapter 4, we review the major models that are publicly

accessible – ChatGPT (OpenAI), Claude (Anthropic), Gemini
(Google), Llama (Meta), Grok (X), as well as applications in
semantic search - Bing and Perplexity. We also look discuss how to
download open models (LM Studio) and access them through tools
such as and Finally, we look at popular
integrations into the application layer such as Copilot, school
“wrappers (Magic School, SchoolAI, Flint, Khanmigo), and others.
We conclude with a review of image and video generators.

In Chapter 5, we concentrate on challenges the educational system

is dealing with, such as those brought on by the widespread
consumer adoption of AI, especially generative AI. We also look at
non-AI related concerns, as any suggestion for systemic change
must consider how the proposed change will impact all challenges
schools are facing.

In Chapter 6, we unpack how our deep learning approach to

education will help students prepare to thrive in this world. Deep
learning in education is an instructional approach developed in
response to the changing needs of the information economy. It
Intelligence Amplified 27

focuses on developing students' higher-order skills such as critical

thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication that
allow students to learn on their own and strengthen their
intelligence. It provides students with some supervised learning but
focuses on developing their capacities to learn on their own, with
“fine tuning’ support and feedback from other humans and even
AIs. These are the essential abilities and skills humans have always
needed since at least the development of the information economy
and are now critical to adapt and thrive in a world of accelerating
machine intelligence that, in a completely unpredictable way, many
render any knowledge or skills learned today completely irrelevant

Will Richardson explains:

I think one thing we're going to have to come to grips with

in education is that no amount of teaching is going to
prepare children for the world that's coming at them. I
mean, that's always been true to some extent. But it feels
even more the reality now.

Kids are going to have to learn their way through their lives.
Change is only going to speed up, and if they're relying on
what they've been "taught," they'll soon find themselves
struggling to keep up and to make sense of what's

And all of that will be centered on inquiry. Their learning

will be driven by asking relevant questions and having the
dispositions, skills, and literacies to suss out the answers.

I'll say it again: If we're putting kids out into the world who
are waiting to be told what to learn, when to learn it, how to
learn it, and how to be assessed on it, good luck to them.
Intelligence Amplified 28

As the philosopher Eric Hoffer is thought to have written,

"Learners will inherit the earth, while the learned will be
beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists."

And it's not just individual learning. We need to learn

together, both as individuals and as societies. As change
buffets all of our lives, our beliefs, worldviews, and our
values need to be relearned collectively. And again, inquiry
is the path forward.

Unfortunately, most schools are still teacher-centric

institutions that see their role as delivering an education.
What we need are learner-centric spaces where adults and
children do the daily work of interrogating the current
reality and creating paths forward that serve the best of what
it means to be human and the health of all living things on
the planet148.

We know the AIs will not stop learning. Rose Luckin adds:

(W)e need to remember that artificial intelligence does not

get tired of learning, and the fact that AI is always learning
means it is always improving. We must therefore accept that
we must continually learn. Learning is the holy grail of
success and intelligence. If we are good at learning, the
world is our oyster, and we can continually progress149.

We already have the methods we need to tackle this challenge, and

we can start immediately. For example, imagine the following
scenario developed by ChatGPT4:
The Solar-Powered Stories Project

Objective: Understand the historical evolution of energy

sources and their representation in literature, emphasizing
the transition to sustainable energy like solar power.

Historical Context: Students begin by exploring the

timeline of humanity's energy sources, from the
discovery of fire, the use of windmills and worwater
wheels, to the coal-driven industrial revolution and the
present-day shift towards renewables.

Literary Exploration: Students read excerpts from

literature across different eras that reference or are
influenced by the predominant energy sources of their
times. For instance, they might read descriptions of coal-
driven London in Charles Dickens' novels or references
to windmills in Don Quixote.

Creative Writing: Drawing inspiration from their

historical and literary studies, students are tasked with
writing a short story or a scene set in a future solar-
powered world. How do these energy sources influence
daily life, culture, or even conflicts in their imagined

School's Solar Potential: As a practical application,

students assess areas in their school that could
theoretically benefit from solar energy. They don't need
to go into technical details but should think about how
such a transition might influence school life, routines,
and even the local community.

Local Connection: The class invites a local historian or

author to discuss how the environment and technology
Intelligence Amplified 30

have influenced literature and historical narratives in the


Presentation: Students share their solar-powered stories,

highlighting historical and literary influences. They also
present their vision for a solar-powered school,
discussing potential changes in school life and routines.

Throughout the project, the teacher ensures that students

are making connections between history, literature, and
the potential future of solar energy, emphasizing critical
thinking and creativity.
Image generated from MidJourney. The prompt was to ask it to
generate an image based on the lesson, with the full lesson being
inserted as a prompt into MidJourney.

In Chapter 7, we articulate how experience with deep learning will best

prepare students to amplify their intelligence by working
collaboratively with both machines and people throughout the deep
learning process. This approach is grounded in the work of educational
theorists and researchers, philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists,
Intelligence Amplified 32

and computer scientists who have spent decades studying how humans
learn and prioritize immersive experiences in the real world, including
real virtual worlds. Beyond what we hope are valuable suggestions for
helping to develop the capacity of humans to thrive in our new world,
we hope this book contributes to the synthesis of knowledge related to
learning across these fields and can serve as a springboard for
redefining contemporary approaches to learning.

In Chapter 8, we outline reasons why integrating deep learning

across a school in a way that augments human intelligence with AI
will help reduce some of the challenges schools are facing. Given
the significant efforts and investments being made in the
development of artificial intelligence, we also need to concentrate
on creating a symbiotic relationship between humans and AIs. To
do this, we need to create an environment where students, faculty,
and staff are trained to use AI, including potentially super intelligent
AI, as collaborators that can enhance their own cognitive capacities
and productivity. This approach aims to fortify human intelligence
and amplify it through collaboration with AIs and the larger world,
thereby unlocking unprecedented possibilities for the advancement
of human intelligence in a world preoccupied with the development
of intelligence in machines.

As much as we believe that focusing on human deep learning will

strengthen our cognitive capacity, we do not believe it is likely that
we will be able to compete with AIs or otherwise retain enough
unique attributes to win a long-term competition against these
machines. Eventually, there is a good chance that machines will
meet or exceed human-level intelligence capabilities in all domains
in which humans are intelligent, and the rate of change is just too
fast; even important capabilities that we thought were “uniquely
human” such as empathy150 and creativity151, are now exhibited to
some degree by machines. In the same way that humanity has
adapted to using every previous technology, we must learn how to
use AIs to enhance our capabilities.
Intelligence Amplified 33

Students who regularly engage in deep learning and develop skills

in communication, collaboration, creativity, and communication,
among others, will be best prepared for a world where they will
thrive based on their continued interaction with both AIs and
humans. And just as machines have learned how to learn, these
approaches will enable students to learn how to learn and to thrive
in a constantly changing and unpredictable world. We can’t have
regular daily announcements of billions of dollars being invested in AI
while we don’t have any announcements of even millions being
invested to help schools and students prepare for the AI World.

In Chapter 9, we review some of the most influential guidance related

to the adoption of AI polices and guidance related to K-12 schools.

In Chapter 10, we offer practical advice for educational administrators

who want to start the process of incorporating deep learning and AI
into the classroom immediately in a way that improves human
capabilities without magnifying current harms. We, and other experts,
recognize that this will require radical changes in both what students
learn and how they are taught. There is no better time to begin than
now, especially since these changes will be needed even if the
technology does not move beyond where it is today. Public education
needs a “moonshot” and it’s a moonshot that must succeed. We can’t
have regular daily announcements of billions of dollars being invested
in AI152 while we don’t have any announcements of even millions
being invested to help schools and students prepare for the AI World.

In Chapter 11, we outline a longer-term vision for the kind of

revolutionary change we believe is needed. Without this type of
change, we will simply use our new AI magic to reify and hyperscale
an educational system that was designed for society 100 years ago and
magnify the most significant problems that education is facing. As
Harvard professor Chris Dede notes, “Changing the outcomes of
education is even more important because otherwise we're training
people to think in ways that are not necessary anymore because AI is
going to take them over.153”
Intelligence Amplified 34

Chapter 12 focuses on what one needs to do to lead this type of

significant change.

In Chapter 13, we look back at the difficult moral questions

surrounding the growth of both human and artificial intelligence,
including the problematic ways intelligence has been used in history.
We propose that education may also want to emphasize developing
"non-intelligence-based" human attributes like responsibility that can
also be learned through human deep learning. At this time, as we enter
the largest technological change in human history at a substantially
faster rate than any previous one has occurred, we believe that all doors
should be opened and that those who both understand and practice deep
learning will be most prepared to thrive in this new world.

We conclude the book in Chapter 14 with a call to action, including a

public ‘moon shot’ to support an educational transformation.

Such changes will require educators to embrace significant change,

overcome entrenched grammars, and attract funding, but it is no
different than the struggle deep learning computer scientists endured
for decades: opponents who thought computers had to be fed hand-
crafted instructions that would help models make decisions rather
than allowing them to largely learn on their own. Eventually, the
computer scientists who promoted deep learning approaches that
allowed computers to largely learn on their own won out and
changed the world forever. The same changes are possible in
education, though they may require a moonshot, and they will
certainly require immediate and impactful leadership. But like the
AI scientists advocating deep learning approaches to machine
intelligence we will eventually succeed on advocating for schools to
prioritize deep learning approaches to human intelligence. Without
this change in mindset and approach, we risk using AIs to simply
“hyperscale” educational practices that contribute to our students’
failure to thrive in a world that requires humans to engage in higher-
order thinking to flourish.
Intelligence Amplified 35

Of course, we do not have all the answers, or maybe any of the

answers. Never in human history have we invented and used
artificially intelligent machines in any area of society, let alone in
education. But we do hope that by reading this book you will be
able to have the knowledge you need to think through some critical
questions. Our objectives are to equip readers with the knowledge
they need to engage in the conversation, to engage in critical
thinking about our shared future, to provide suggestions for working
collaboratively, and to engage in the mindset shift required to
address the use of AI to enhance our capabilities to succeed in an AI

Chapter 2. Developing Intelligence in

Humans: 1765-Present
Early Efforts to Develop Human Intelligence

For hundreds of years, humans have celebrated intelligence and

focused on the question of how to advance it. The term ‘homo
sapiens,’ which is how we classify ourselves as a species, means
“humans” (homo), the “wise” or “knowledgeable” (sapiens). In
1758, Swedish physician and zoologist Carl Linnaeus published
Systema Naturae,154 in which he developed a hierarchical
classification system for various organisms, including humans. He
placed humans in the genus Homo and specifically named our
species Sapiens to emphasize our unique cognitive abilities.

It is not at all surprising that we ended up classifying our species

based on our intelligence, given our extensive efforts to develop and
Intelligence Amplified 36

improve it through education. Many believe the first structured

educational institution was established as far back as the Middle
Kingdom of Egypt,155 nearly 4,000 years (2061-2010 BC) before
Linnaeus penned his work.

Societies around the world have determined that education is so

important that it is now compulsory in all but four countries,156 with
the goal of creating equal opportunity for all.157 Providing equal and
equitable access has always been a goal of education.158 Many
individuals now spend a quarter of their lives in educational
institutions, and, collectively, society has invested billions of life
years and trillions of dollars in improving human intelligence with
the goal of advancing the quality of human life and our species.

Throughout history, we have used our intelligence to build tools that

have augmented our capabilities. The earliest stone tools, marking a
pivotal leap in human evolution, allowed our ancestors to hunt, cut,
and process food more efficiently, leading to a shift in diet and
lifestyle. The development of agricultural tools, such as plows and
irrigation systems, facilitated large-scale food production, leading to
settled communities and the growth of civilizations. The 15th-
century invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg
democratized knowledge, making books more accessible and
contributing to the spread of literacy, scientific knowledge, and the
Reformation159. The Industrial Revolution brought forth machinery
and tools like the steam engine, spinning jenny, and power loom160,
transforming manufacturing processes and fueling economic
growth. Innovations in medical tools and equipment, including the
microscope, stethoscope, and X-ray machine, have enhanced our
ability to diagnose and treat diseases, improving healthcare and life
Intelligence Amplified 37

Developing Intelligence through Education in the

Agricultural Era and the First Industrial Era (1765-

For most of the millennia, humans spent most of their time foraging
for food, with their brains focused most of the day on how to eat.
Early tools, such as the hammerstone, helped them increase their

Starting in the 1700s, several innovations and improvements in

farming tools and practices emerged during this period. Notable
inventions include Jethro Tull's seed drill (1701), which allowed for
more efficient planting of seeds, and Andrew Meikle's threshing
machine (late 18th century), which mechanized the separation of
grain from stalks. This led to the development of more sophisticated
agriculture approaches, but most people still worked in farming,
though the numbers declined. In the late 1700s, approximately 90%
of people were still focused on farming day-to-day. By the mid
1850s, it was approximately 60% of the population. Students spent
most of the day on the farm, learning how to be farmers. They were
the industrial era’s apprentices and today’s interns.

Farm children received an apprenticeship education, which

involved imitating adults in the skills needed to run a family
farm. Youngsters learned by watching and doing. Boys
tended the animals, cleared the land, repaired machinery,
and helped their fathers with the harvests. Meanwhile, girls
worked alongside their mothers as they learned to cook,
clean, sew, and garden. This education was not offered for
the benefit of the children but because necessity required all
members of the family to contribute their labor to putting
food on the table and clothes on their backs162.

It is not easy to cleanly separate history into eras, but during this
time we started to enter the first industrial revolution, where coal
Intelligence Amplified 38

and its mass extraction, as well as the development of the steam

engine and metal forging, completely changed the way goods were
produced. As a result, the agriculture era bled into the First
Industrial Era, which also started some transition into the first
remnants of modern schooling. Students were taught rudimentary
reading and writing skills they would need to farm and sell goods in
markets163 that were starting to emerge.

Developing Intelligence through Education for the

Second Industrial Era (1870-1968)

The transition to the second industrial era164 was accompanied by a

greater decline in agriculture work and a movement of labor to cities
in search of employment in large factories. As the shift from an
agrarian to industrial landscape began taking form, the National
Education Association convened a group of educators, the
Committee of Ten, led by Charles W. Eliot of Harvard University
and William Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Education, to determine
the direction of public education165. Whether this outcome was
intentional or not is widely debated; however, it is the work of this
committee that laid the foundation of the traditional public-school
system, outlining subject matter knowledge along with
recommended years per subject area and creating a standardized
approach to education. As noted in the book, they wanted a system
where “every subject which is taught at all in a secondary school
should be taught in the same way and to the same extent to every
pupil so long as he pursues it, no matter what the probable
destination of the pupil may be, or at what point his education is. To
ease that would facilitate education for the masses and shape a
uniform workforce powering the era of industrialization166.”

This approach didn’t spring from nowhere, and it didn’t come with
bad intentions. In fact, it came from three values: equality,
efficiency, and supporting preparation for an industrial workforce.
As in every era, values shape our future.
Intelligence Amplified 39

Advocates of this approach at the time focused on the practical need

to provide education to millions of people, including newly arriving
immigrants167 and those who poured into cities. This was a part of
the drive for “mass schooling” that was part of the progressive era168
of social reform169. It included a strong push to provide millions of
students with equal opportunity170 for education, and they had to
build it all basically from scratch. Their starting place was the one-
room schoolhouse, where students only learned basic literacy, and
now they needed to be prepared to work in industry. To do this, they
needed to learn a lot of facts: "The old education, except as it
conferred the tools of knowledge, was mainly devoted to filling the
memory with facts. The new age is more in need of facts than the
old, and of more facts, and it must find more effective ways of
teaching171.” Practically speaking, theorists suggested that the only
way to do this efficiently was through a common and standardized
curriculum as well to prepare teachers in mass to teach it, an
approach that persists to this day172. Things needed to be simple.
“To go beyond what someone needed to know in order to perform
that role successfully was simply wasteful.173”

The dominant theories of the day reinforced these practical needs. In

the early 1900s, education system was focused on the need to teach
students a lot of facts, simplify jobs, and prepare students for work
in industry, especially the factory.

This push for efficiency in education174 was also influenced by the

dominant Taylorist management175 school of thought that focused
on the optimization and simplification of jobs to increase
productivity. Social efficiency theory, which supported fast efforts
to maximize things for society’s benefit, reinforced both Taylorist
management and its application in education, and psychologists
John Watson, Edward Thorndike, and B.F. Skinner created a
psychological basis to support this theory176. The needs and values
of the time had a big impact on these decisions. Ahmed explains
that “ideas from industrial revolution transformed into ideas for
Intelligence Amplified 40

industrial education so that learners’ skills at the end of schooling

met the needs of employers in factory assembly lines.177”

Although the desire to create a “factory” model of education is

heavily criticized today, it was not unreasonable for education at
that time to focus on the knowledge and skills students needed to
work well in a factory178, just as education in the 1990s and early
2000s helped students develop information management skills. As
we will see in a later section, the development of job skills is one of
the reasons for the calls we will make later.

This standardized approach also won out over other ideas. The
competing views of John Dewey179 and his successor Charles
Hubbard Judd at the University of Chicago ultimately led to
schooling and learning to defined as the same. In 1896, Dewey
opened the Laboratory School, where the mission was to create a
school that could become a cooperative community while
developing in individuals their own capacities and satisfying their
own needs. Furthermore, he imagined a curriculum that would
engage students in real-world problems. These ideas did not win
out, but they are the foundations of ideas that we will argue for later
in this book.

It is also worth noting that while many point out that education has
not changed in 100 years (you will see this basic approach to
education carry through for the next 100 years), essentially
entrenching a grammar of schooling180 that created a divide between
active education as a life-long pursuit and schooling, where students
are immersed in traditional classroom environments from ages 5–
18/21. Although some argue that system wide change is impossible,
this era proves it is not the case181. This era proves that when values
and interests converge and when leaders step up to initiate change,
system-wide reform is possible.
Intelligence Amplified 41

Developing Intelligence in the Third Industrial Era

(1969-2000) Using Second Era Education Methods

The debates of that era were largely focused on K-12 education. As

technology advanced after World War II, we started to enter the
third industrial era.182 We had put men on the moon, developed
nuclear weapons, had our first computers, and started to seriously
consider the possibility of artificial intelligence.183 We had more
students go to college and created the GI Bill after World War II to
subsidize tuition for students. Students studied, memorized, and
thought, contributing to the development of the hard sciences.
Federally guaranteed loans made university education possible for

We pushed our education system to develop these technologies, and

computer science advanced. It was a slow take-off, but as the
education system remained focused on students learning content and
learning was measured by time spent in the classroom plus
standardized test results, the information age/technology revolution
enabled by that focus on science and computers after World War II
began to take off. The first hard drive that had more than 2
gigabytes (2GB) of capacity was the IBM 3380 (2.52GB), which
was as large as a refrigerator and cost approximately $100,000.
Nonetheless, it was a radical improvement over the 1950s 5MB
“disk.” Of course, storage capacity improved through the 80s and
90s with CD-ROMs, flash memory, cartridges, hard drives, compact
flash disks, video discs, and zip drives. The 2000s saw flash drives,
optical disks, the first 1 terabyte hard drives, and the launch of cloud
services such as DropBox and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Today, our iPhones have 500-1,000 GB of storage. Over that time,
the amount of information produced and permanently recorded

In the 1970s, we started entering a third wave of technological

advancement, known as the information society, which was part of a
Intelligence Amplified 42

“third wave” of technological advancement, a "post-industrial

society” that followed the “agricultural revolution” and the large
polluting factories. There was more information and more facts than
one could possibly manage thanks to databases that resided on
computers, local CDs, and then the internet. It seems students were
supposed to learn it all, or at least learn the subset of information
taught to them in school.

During this time, the United States did try to advance its educational
system. As a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
education spending rose from 2 percent in 1950 to 3.6 percent in
1971. It declined a bit in the 1970s, bottoming out at 3.1 percent in
1984.185 But education did not improve. In 1983, the government
released A Nation at Risk186, which was deliberately designed to
stoke the public’s angst about the decline of the nation’s public
schools and relied heavily on a decline in across-the-board
standardized test scores for its critique.187 Society’s response to the
report triggered an even greater rise in education spending, and
leaders pushed more of the same approach to education that it
pushed for the industrial era:

It focused on content, expectations, time in the

classroom…about setting high standards and expectations in
education, and that we should have the same expectations
for all kids. Out of that would come the effort to create
standards in each of the content areas. The report sparked a
discussion about the need for extended schools days, weeks
and calendars…For the next 35 years, these are things that
would be the focus of reform efforts in in K-12…They
created the framework for debate about the need for testing
and accountability188

And it kept pushing for the second industrial-era approach. Efforts

of this era expanded the demand and use of testing, trying both
nationally (NAEP) and at the state level to push progress to ensure
Intelligence Amplified 43

that students mastered standardized knowledge,189 continuing the

approach developed in the early 1900s.

As we saw in the previous era, there were certainly overall tensions

as the one era passed from the previous: In 1970, the top three skills
employers asked for were reading, writing, and arithmetic190, but in
1971, the US Army produced a document about the importance of
developing soft skills191. And although the “industrial model,” from
the last generation dominated, critics such as Paulo Friere (1978)
criticized the “banking model” of education, where children were
treated as empty vessels where teachers deposited knowledge (AKA
“facts”)192. A bit later, in a 1993 book, Teaching for Understanding,
Milbrey McLaughlin, and Joan Talbert wrote of their book’s
proposal: “These visions depart substantially from conventional
practice and frame an active role of students as explorers,
conjecturers, and constructors of their own learning. In this new
way of thinking, teachers function as guides, coaches, and
facilitators of students’ learning through posing questions,
challenging students’ thinking, and leading them in examining ideas
and relationships.”

There were, of course, efforts made to strengthen the development

of critical thinking and reasoning in the sea of information that
educators realized students were drowning in. It was common to
find articles in the early 2000s about the need to teach management
information skills and critical thinking in the information age,193
Although the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)194 are often
criticized for reinforcing this standardized approach to education,
they did encourage students to engage in critical thinking, problem
solving and creativity195. National 196 and international organizations
such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD)197 started discussing “21st Century Skills,”
which include collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.
Apple funded XQ: The Super School Project competition to
reinvent schools198.
Intelligence Amplified 44

That SAT encouraged educators to teach students these skills by

adding an evidenced-based reading and writing section in 2014199.
Students were encouraged to read information, think about it,
analyze it, and interact with it in creative ways, including by writing
papers and reports200. Advocates started to push inquiry and
project-based approaches201. They are pushing these approaches not
only to move away from assignments that can be easily produced by
AI tools but also to develop essential durable skills such as critical
thinking and collaboration202.

In 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act was enacted by Congress,

replacing No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in an effort to shift control
over school performance back to the states, encouraging a move
away from standardization in summative assessment, but still
measured school success based on standardized test scores,
requiring states to “test students in reading and math in grades 3
through 8 and once in high school203.”

Since the Obama administration (2004-2012) continued Reagan and

Bush era policies, a theme of higher standards and accountability,
driven by a “race to the top204,” equating school success with
standardized test scores, continued. Federal funds for Title I and the
Free and Reduced Lunch program would be distributed in a way
that would force compliance with federal regulations205 that
demanded progress.

While these education reforms were designed to strengthen the link

between education systems and economic mobility, in many ways,
the opposite happened, leading to an era of standardization driven
by testing with a desire to improve “accountability206.” This has
created an environment that nurtures the antithesis of the skills and
dispositions required by the workforce in the age of the information
explosion and now automation.207

And the standardization doesn’t just apply to the curriculum but to

the organization of the school day itself. Sir Ken Robinson explains:
Intelligence Amplified 45

Schools are still pretty much organized on factory lines;

ringing bells, separate facilities, specialized into special
subjects, we still educate children by batches (you know we
put them through the system by age group). Why do we do

Why is this assumption that the most important things kids

have in common is how old they are? It's like the most
important thing about them is their date of manufacture.
Well, I know kids that are much better than other kids in
different disciplines, or different times of the day, or better
in small groups than large groups, or sometimes want to be
on their own. If you're interested in the model of learning,
you don't start from this production line mentality.

It's essentially about conformity, and it's increasingly about

that as you look at the growth of standardized testing and
standardized curricula. It's about standardization. I believe
we have to go in the exact opposite direction. That's what I
mean about changing the paradigm208.

Of course, we are not arguing there has been no change in the

education system; and it is certainly the case that the “factory”
model can be overplayed. There is certainly less of a focus on
memorization, schools have developed many non-academic
approaches, educators pay more attention to how material is taught,
and schools have made more and more efforts to focus on the
individual. What we are arguing for is something much more

As will be discussed in the section on intelligent tutoring systems,

this will now happen regardless as whether brick and mortar schools
enable it. Fortunately, today, organizations push for project-based
approaches that “that encourage peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and
focus on real-world problem-solving with AI209,” as all problem-
Intelligence Amplified 46

solving in the present+ involves solving them with AIs. There is

strong evidence of the effectiveness of these approaches210.
Intelligence Amplified 47

Developing Intelligence in the Fourth Industrial Era

(2000-Present) Using Education Methods from the
Second Era

Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution,

represents the latest phase in industrial advancement and is focused,
among other things, on connectivity – connecting everyone through
devices so that we can access and interact, first with information
(1980-2003) and then with each other (2004 (Facebook) – present)).

Although the connections were initially facilitated first by desktop-

to-desktop, then laptop-to-lap-top, eventually smart/mobile phone
use also grew211.

The same trend can be seen in tablets such as iPads212.

Intelligence Amplified 48

In education, an estimated 90% of middle and high school students

have these devices and 84% of elementary students have the

Devices such as desktops and laptops, cell phones, and tablets are
all “things” that are connected to the internet and can collect, share,
and receive information (“Internet of Things” (IoT)214. The number
of “things” that can connect, share, and receive information has
grown, however, and now includes our cars, toys, Smartwatches
(e.g., Apple Watch, Fitbit), fitness trackers, smart glasses (e.g.,
Google Glass), health monitoring wearables, smart thermostats
(e.g., Nest), smart lighting systems, smart locks, security cameras,
smart appliances (refrigerators, ovens, washing machines), voice
assistants (e.g., Amazon Echo, Google Home), remote patient
monitoring devices, smart pill bottles, connected cars, smart parking
meters, fleet management devices, industrial machinery with
sensors, asset tracking systems, smart agriculture equipment (e.g.,
moisture sensors, automated tractors), smart TVs, connected toys,
drones, smart speakers, smart grids, smart street lights, waste
management systems (e.g., smart trash cans), water supply
monitors, smart retail shelves, NFC payment systems, inventory
Intelligence Amplified 49

trackers, weather stations, ocean buoys for tsunami warnings, air

quality monitors, livestock wearables, agricultural drones, precision
farming systems, pet trackers, smart doorbells, connected water
bottles. We now have billions of connected devices215 that are
collecting, sharing, and receiving information. Many of these now
include supplemental vision support, including binoculars that can
identifies species216, and their usability can be improved by
technologies such as ChatGPT217. Imagine your lamp with a large
language model218.

Since these connected devices not only share information with us

but also collect it, we have so many more facts for students to learn
than we did in 1918, when The Curriculum was published.
Intelligence Amplified 50

This chart measures data in zettabytes. As a point of comparison,

your iPhone most likely has 254-512 gigabytes of storage. There are
a trillion gigabytes in a zettabyte. We generate approximately 125
trillion gigabytes of information every year.

Fortunately, unlike in 1918, we don’t have to rely on students

needing to learn and make sense of all these facts. Industrialization
4.0 is also characterized by advanced data analytics, including the
use of classical rules-based AI systems and now deep learning
approaches to help make those predictions. The focus has shifted
from mere automation to a comprehensive integration of systems
across production and supply chains219, leading to more flexible
manufacturing processes, enhanced human-machine collaboration
that could help us make sense of all the information so we wouldn’t
have to rely on humans to learn trillions of facts, and the ability to
harness vast amounts of data for better decision-making and
innovation. And we now have machines that can converse with us in
natural human language about (and because of) all the information
that is stored and that we are ubiquitously connected to. The
information age made the age of machine learning and intelligence
Intelligence Amplified 51

The collection of this information made it possible to develop and

advance today’s AIs. Why? Because underneath every AI model is
data that helps make predictions. As will be explained below, the
more data a system has, the better predictions and judgments it can
make. This includes everything from predictions related to what
stocks to pick to how to best respond to your query or prompt.

The explosion in information was public, but largely behind the

scenes, practitioners continued to work on the development of
artificial intelligence we saw emerge, which is also known as the
replication of human-level intelligence in machines. This had been a
goal of computer scientists since at least the 1950s, but scientists
were always stymied by a lack of memory or storage in computers,
and they argued internally over the best approaches to developing
this intelligence. But as information storage and computing capacity
expanded radically over the third and fourth industrial revolutions,
radical advances became possible, and, as we all now know, we now
have computers that can interact with us.

This happened because Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua

Bengio, now known as the “Godfathers” of AI, pushed for an
approach that was based on modeling the processes of the human
brain and developed an approach based on “neural networks,” an
idea that can be traced back to the 1940s when scientists had the
idea of creating mathematical representations of the 86 billion
neurons and 100 trillion connections220 in the human brain221. By
the early 2010s, they began to focus on Deep Learning, or using
multiple neural networks222; this was made possible by large
datasets created by the information economy, and the expanded
memory and processing power of computers overcame previous
technological barriers223.

This “deep learning” is what has made technologies such as

ChatGPT and continued likely radical advances in AI possible, as
they enable the machines to learn on their own when they are
exposed to greater sets of data and provided with more
Intelligence Amplified 52

computational power,224 something referred to as “scaling” that

many believe there aren’t limits to225. Conceptually, it’s not
complicated. An input neuron layer receives data—a piece of text,
for example. A middle layer processes the data using prediction, and
the output lawyer relays the prediction. Over time, the model adjusts
its answers and makes better predictions, and the more data it is fed,
the better its predictions. The total number of adjustments is
represented by the total number of parameters. ChatGPT3.5 has 175
billion parameters226. The total number of parameters in ChatGPT4
has not been disclosed but is estimated to be approximately 1.7
trillion227. The Chinese company Alibaba has developed a model
that some claim has 10 trillion parameters228. China now has at least
130 LLMs, representing 40% of the global total and behind only the
United States' 50%229.

In this machine age, we will not just see advances in artificial

intelligence but also advances in new technologies, many of which
are accelerated because of AI. These included robotics230 and the
development of synthetic biology, “an emerging field of research
where researchers construct new biological systems and redesign
existing biological systems231.” There is obviously a lot of potential
for synergy between artificial intelligence in machines and the
creation of synthetic biological systems, including the development
of intelligence within these systems.232 We are already approaching
a point where Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) can improve the
functioning of existing biological systems233. We will also see
developments in gene editing234, quantum computing (see appendix
F), micro bots that will swim in the body235, and bots that will assert
claims of legal identity236. Combined, these technologies will trigger
radical changes in our world237.

You can see from the discussion in the last few sections how
technology development has accelerated rapidly over the last 100
years. This change has already been rapid, but as noted by
McKinsey in a 2021 report (citing Peter Diamandis who attributes
the quote to Ray Kurzweil238) written even before the recent rapid
Intelligence Amplified 53

advances in AI, the rate of technological change over the next 10

years is likely to exceed the rate of change over the last 100 years239.

We need an education system that prepares today’s youth for this

change, and it needs to be one that fortifies their intelligence as well
as their capacity for love, endurance, and courage.

And how are we developing intelligence in this 4th industrial

revolution? We are developing human intelligence in this era
largely the same way we developed it in the second industrial
revolution: by monitoring time spent on tasks and memorization of
facts, with some information management/organization and critical
Intelligence Amplified 54

thinking related to the information imported from the third industrial


Developing Intelligence in the Fifth Industrial Era or a

‘Cambrian Explosion’?

Intellectuals may soon tackle the question of whether we are

entering a fifth industrial revolution marked by human-machine
interaction240. Factors that play into whether a new industrial era
develops include whether they can be marked by key technological
innovations if an economic transformation occurred/is occurring, if
there are significant changes in labor patterns and productivity, and
if the revolution occurred over a specific period241.

Given these criteria, an argument could be made that we are

entering a fifth industrial revolution, AKA Society 5.0242. Deep
learning in computers has led to the development of computers that
can learn on their own, laying the foundation for developing
machines that are at least as intelligent as humans within a
generation. Developments in synthetic biology are making it
possible to develop artificial life forms that will co-exist with this
artificial intelligence. Gene editing may dramatically alter life spans
and will only be further enabled by AI243. AIs that can monitor brain
activity will change how people interact with each other and how
wars are fought244. Developments in augmented and virtual realities
mean we will start to live and work in worlds that are substantially
non-physical. Advances in 5G and even 6G technology mean this
experience will become rich and “real,” enabling the seamless
blending of physical and non-physical worlds. These new
technologies will be fully interactive. As noted above, bots will
make claims for legal rights. Disruption of the labor markets,
especially in the automation of at least lower knowledge work and
new opportunities in these high-tech spaces will significantly alter
the labor markets while also substantially boosting productivity,
triggering a transformation in the “way we live, 245” a “socio-
Intelligence Amplified 55

technical revolution that will dramatically change who we are, how

we live, how we relate to one another246”, and how we relate to
machines247. Stanford University is working hard to inform
policymakers about these technologies248. Who is informing the

Others (Liang249, Tuomi250) argue it is the equivalent of a “Cambrian

explosion,” which refers to a relatively short period in the Earth's
evolutionary history during which there was a rapid diversification
of life forms251. This era introduced hard body parts such as shells,
offering both defense against predators and improved fossil
preservation. This rapid diversification led to an evolutionary "arms
race" with evolving predator-prey dynamics and the emergence of
complex marine ecosystems with intricate food webs. Will artificial
brains and synthetic limbs be our new life forms? Is there Internet of
Bodies (IoB), a system that connects bodies to the internet through
devices that are swallowed, implanted (think: brain computer
interfaces), or worn (think fitness trackers252 and smart contact
lenses253) reconstitute life? If so, will we still be human, or will we
become something else254? Will this augment our ability to defend
against existing “predators” that take human life? We don’t know
the answers to these questions, but we know our students will
graduate into a fundamentally different world.

Whether or not we are entering a fifth industrial revolution,

experiencing a Cambrian explosion, or simply plodding along
through the fourth industrial revolution will be for others to
determine, but regardless of whether or not we are entering a new
one by name, we are about to enter a transformed world, and it will
be unfortunate if we continue to try to teach and relate to students
the way we chose to teach them at the beginning of the second
industrial revolution. Industry is waiting to teach them, or at least
those who can afford their fees, if we do not adapt255.
Intelligence Amplified 56

Chapter 3. As Education Slept: Deep

Learning and the Development of
Intelligence in Machines: Pong,
Agents, Embodied AI, and Artificial
(Ilya Sutskever) thinks the world needs to wake up to the true power
of the technology his company and others are racing to create.
– Will Douglas Heaven256

AI is advancing dramatically, and there is no end in sight to that

- Tim Dasey, retired, MIT

AI is inevitable…and you’re not going to be able to dramatically

slow that down258.
- John Chambers,
Former Cisco Systems CEO

Our lives are going to be so different over the next few years, in all
industries, every single part of it. You are experiencing parts of it right
now and you don’t even know it259.
- Glenn Fogel, CEO, Brookings Holdings

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