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Chapter 03

Finite Element Method

3.1 Introduction

Finite element method (FEM) is a method for numerical solution of field problems. Useful
for problems with complicated geometries, loadings, and material properties where
analytical solutions cannot be obtained. The finite element analysis can be done for one,
two- & three-dimensional problems. But generally, the easier problems are those including
one & two dimensions & those can be solved without the aid of computer, because even
they give a lot of equations, if they are handled with care, an exact result can be achieved.
But if the analysis requires three dimensional tools, then it would be a lot more complicated,
because it will involve a lot of equations that are very difficult to solve without having an
error. That is why engineers have developed software that can perform these analyses by
computer, making everything easier.

A basic thing to understand how finite element works to know that it divides the whole
element into a finite number of small elements. “The domain of the problem is viewed as
a collection of non-intersecting simple subdomains, called finite elements. The subdivision
of a domain into elements is termed finite element discretization. The collection of elements
is called the finite element mesh of the domain.” (Reddy, 1988).

The FEM is a numerical technique that solves or at least approximates enough to a solution
of a system of a differential equation related with a physics or engineering problem. This
method requires a completely defined geometric shape & then it would be subdivided into
small portions, which together will form a mesh. The difference between FEM & the
method of finite difference (used before FEM) is that in the second one, the mesh consists
of lines & rows of orthogonal lines, while in the method of FEM the division does not
necessary involves orthogonal lines & this result in a more accurate analysis.


3.2 Brief History

of the finite clement method dates back at least a half century.

The mathematical roots
Approximate methods for solving differential equations using trial solutions arc even older
in origin. Lord Rayleigh and Ritz used trial functions (in our context, interpolation
functions) to approximate solutions of differential equations. Galcrkin used the same
concept for solution. The drawback in the earlier approaches, compared to the modern finite
element method, is that the trial functions must apply over the entire domain of the problem
of concern.

While the Galerkin method provides a very strong basis for the finite element method, not
until the 1940s, when Courant introduced the concept of piecewise-continuous functions in
a subdomain, did the finite element method have its real start.

In the late 1940s, aircraft engineers were dealing with the invention of the jet engine and
the needs for more sophisticated analysis of airframe structures to withstand larger loads
associated with higher speeds. These engineers, without the benefit of modern computers,
developed matrix methods of force analysis, collectively known as the flexibility method,
in which the unknowns are the forces and the known are displacements. The finite element
method, in its most often-used form, corresponds to the displacement method, in which the
unknowns are system displacements in response to applied force systems.

The term finite element was first used by Clough in 1960 in the context of plane stress
analysis and has been in common usage since that time. During the decades of the 1960s
and 1970s, the finite element method was extended to applications in plate bending, shell
bending, pressure vessels, and general three-dimensional problems in elastic structural
analysis as well as to fluid flow and heat transfer. Further extension of the method to large
deflections and dynamic analysis also occurred during this time period. An excellent history
of the finite element method and detailed bibliography is given by Noor.

The finite element method is computationally intensive, owing to the required operations
on very large matrices. In the early years, applications were performed using mainframe
computers, which, at the time, were considered to be very powerful, high-speed tools for
use in engineering analysis.

During the 1960s, the finite element software code NASTRAN was developed in
conjunction with the space exploration program of the United States. NASTRAN was the
element software code. It was, and still is, capable of hundreds of
first major finite
thousands of degrees of freedom (nodal field variable computations). In the years since the
development of NASTRAN, many commercial software packages have been introduced
for finite element analysis. Among these are ANSYS, ALGOR, and COSMOS/M. In
today’s computational environment, most of these packages can be used on desktop
computers and engineering workstations to obtain solutions to large problems in static and
dynamic structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, electromagnetics, and seismic

3.3 A General Procedure for Finite Element Analysis

This section represents the general steps included in a finite element method formulation
and solution to an engineering problem.

Fig. 3.1: Procedure for Finite Element Analysis



• Select nnnlysis typo

> Structural Static Analysis
> Transient Analysis
> Buckling Analysis
> Contact
> Steady-state Thermal analysis
> Transient Thermal analysis
• Select element type

2D Truss
3D Shell
• Material Properties
> Length, Area, E, u, p, a etc.

• Make nodes
• Build Elements by assigning connectivity
• Apply boundary conditions and loads

• Solve the boundary value problem

• See the results
> Displacement
> Stress
> Strain
> Natural Frequency
> Temperature
> Time history


3.4 Application* of Finite Elenient Method

I he finite clcincnl method can be used to nnidyzc various criH>riccr problems .inch as,
I Mcchnnicnl/Aerospncc/( ’ivil/Aiilomotivc Engineering
2 Strmlmal/Sticss Analysis
a Static/Dymimie
b Linear/Nonlinear
3 , Fluid How
4. 1 lent Transfer
5 Electromagnetic Helds
6, Soil Mechanics
7 Acoustics
8 . Biomechanics

3.5 Advantages of Finite Element Method

The use of finite clcincnl method has a lol of advantages. Il is a very important tool for
stress & strain analysis, not only because it provides accurate result, but because it saves a
lot money & time by simulating the events in computer. For every engineer it is a very
important tool, because it very specific for each occasion & it is able to perform different
analyses in same model under different circumstances with simple change in boundary
conditions, in the loads, in the material or whatever the problem demands. The advantages
of FEM is given below,

I. Can readily handle very complex geometry

- The heart and power of the FEM
2. Can handle a wide variety of engineering problems
- Solid mechanics - Dynamics - 1 leal problems
- Fluids - Electrostatic problems
3, Can handle complex restraints

- Indeterminate structures can be solved.

4. Can handle complex loading

- Nodal load (point loads)

- Element load (pressure, thermal, inertial forces)

. Time or frequency dependent loading

3.6 Disadvantages of FEM

1. The FEM obtains only "approximate" solutions.

2. The FEM has "inherent" errors.
3. Mistakes by users can be fatal.
4. Unable to handle geometrically nonlinear- large deformation problems: shells,
rubber etc.

3.7 Computer Programs for the Finite Element Method

There are two general computer methods of approach to the solution of problems by the
finite element method. One is to use large commercial programs, many of which have been
configured to run on personal computers: these general-purpose programs are designed to
solve many types of problems. The other is to develop many small, special purpose
programs to solve specific problems.

Some advantages of general purposes programs:

i. The input is well organized and is developed with user ease in in mind. Users do
not need special knowledge of computer software or hardware.

ii. The programs are large systems that often can solve many types of problems of
large or small size with the same input format.

iii. Many of the programs can be expanded by adding new modules for new kind of
problems or new technology.

iv. With the increased storage capacity & computational efficiency of PCs, many
general-purpose programs can now be run on PCs.


Some disadvantages of general-purpose program:

i. The initial cost of developing general-purpose programs is high.

ii. General-purpose programs arc less efficient than special-purpose programs

because the computer must make many checks for each problem, some of which
would not be necessary if special -purpose program were used.

iii. Many of the programs are proprietary. Hence the users has little access to the logic
of the program.

Some advantages of special -purpose programs:

i. The programs are usually relatively short, with low development.

ii. Small computers are able to run the programs.

iii. Additions can be made to the program quickly & at a low cost.

The major disadvantages of special -purposes is their inability to solve different classes of



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