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individuals whereas walker is the stable device which is used by the patient to stand and

give support to the patient to walk and stretchers are mobility devices used to transport the

patients from one place to other. These medical mobility aids are used in hospitals and

clinics for helping the patients. Stretchers are simple in construction and the patient needs

the support of an assistant to transport from one place to other. Whereas walker is used by

patient to walk without any help of any assistance and wheelchair is designed in such a way

that either patient can control the device manually or with the help of someone’s

assistance. According to Peter Axelson[1], selection of an appropriate wheelchair will lead a

comfortable living to the user. Performance, safety and dimensions are the three categories

which have to be considered while selecting a manual or powered wheelchair. An excellent

approach to the wheelchair selection is to set priorities based on user’s mobility and seating

needs. It is highly recommended that a novice can consult with there habilitation specialists

in order to select the appropriate wheelchair. James Kauzlarich [2], says self excited

vibrations one of the most interesting topics in the field of vibrations and is the science

prevailing caster wheel shimmy. Self excited vibration is characterized by vibration that is

produced by the motion of the system like wheelchair speed. It can be observed that in

most of the cheapest wheelchairs, the design of the casters makes use of a sliding frictional

damper in the spindle support to improve the shimmy characteristics. Understanding the

theory of damping for the casters show how shimmy prevention works in ultra-light and

powered wheelchairs.

Lack of access to mobility for people with disabilities, particularly in less-resourced settings,

continues to be widespread. Despite challenges to wheelchair delivery, the benefits to

health, employment, social integration and life satisfaction are apparent.

Disability literally refers to some kind of restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in

the manner considered normal for a person in human society. As a result of disability the

patient finds it increasingly difficult to carry on his day-to-day activities including that of

daily living. The activities of daily living refer to practical skills needed to care for one’s basic

survival needs and to function in the society.

Disability serves as a multi-definition that is associated with people who have mental,

physical and intellectual challenges. Disability has also been classified into biomedical and

social modes. In reference to biomedical modes, it means disability that accredited to

medical challenges and social modes refer to disability that is associated with social

challenges. Literary disability can be defined as ‘‘a fixed condition of preset illnesses which

cannot be changed.’’ (Smith, 2009) This definition may have been debatable because the

advancement of technology has brought about positive development to medicine. And this

has further brought about changes to the world of disability. This can be associated with

disabilities that have been corrected by medical procedures. To this end, disability can also

be defined as any form of impairment that negatively affects the ability of a person to

function by and large.

People who have walking disabilities unfortunately don’t have the chance to experience

walking. As for us, we walk for a living and with that we thought about how fortunate we
are to be able to walk, and we wanted those disabled people to experience something that

they would dream of doing. This project is developing a modern wheelchair for easy

transport of handy cafe and injured persons. We could improve our wheelchair/crutches by

making it simpler so the crutches won’t be so difficult to take out of handles of the

wheelchair. We could also improve it by making the wheelchair/crutches more comfortable

by adding cushions or pillow pets.We thought of a bunch of ideas but we thought this idea

was best because we thought people that have a hard time walking or can’t walk at all,

would learn from their experience from using our convertible wheelchair. Canes, crutches

and walkers can be used with or without orthoses to normalize gait pattern, reduce energy

expenditure, and enhance balance, safety, and mobility. These aids can be considered

extensions of the upper limbs; therefore, the maintenance of upper limb strength and range

of motion can prolong their use. Device selection is based on strength, tone, and range of

motion in the trunk and upper and lower extremities, degree of body weight support

needed, degree of fatigue present, rate of disease progression, individual desires and goals

and economic capabilities. Training by a physical therapist on any aid prescribed is


In general, canes provide the least support for gait stability and can be recommended for

individuals with mild lower extremity weakness or balance impairments. Canes can be

wooden or aluminum, solid or adjustable height, with one or four points of contact with the

ground, and with narrow or wide bases. Grips on handles can be enlarged to accommodate

handgrip weakness. A cane should be held in the arm opposite the weakest side and should

be fitted for 20 degrees of elbow flexion. One should lead with the stronger limb on flat

ground and in ascending stairs and with the weaker limb when descending stairs. Quad

canes, which provide four points of contact with the ground, can be of standard or wide

base, and provide additional stability as compared with standard canes.


The idea is to have a modified wheelchair that can be folded and converted into a crutch so

that it is easy to take stairs as well for the user

Budget: Estimating the cost for developing thr product, the budget must include marketing

Cost. The budget of our product will not be very much only modifications are done in the

manufactured wheelchair. We will definitely keep the price of the product very low so that

it can be used by every classes of disabled people.

Value: The product not only satisfy the need of the disabled people but also very budget

Friendly. People who have alking disabilities unfortunately do not have the chance to

experience walking. As for us, we walk for a living and with that we thought about how

fortunate we are to be able to walk and we wanted those disabled people to experience

something they would dream of doing. So is going to be a very valuable product for the


Feasibility : This idea is to have a modified wheelchair that can be folded and converted into

crutches so that it is easy to take stairs as well for the users. With the help of our product

the users will be benfitted as they can use stairs without any kind of depency on anyone.

Therefore we are providing a very feasible product to our customers.

Risk: There is a danger of slipping and causing additional injury to thr disabled users. On the

other hand the users may not accept the product due to its new modifications. There are

not very severe risks against our product.

Strengths: The product has a very few limitations are it has many pros about this

innovation. Our study was intended to develop a concept of wheelchair convertible

stretcher with the motivation of saving space and prevent exertion of patient as well as by

making sure that thepatient does not get hurt. The mechanism and safety of patient were

our main priorities whiledesigning the conceptual model of wheelchair convertible

stretcher. Our study shows that it ispossible to save 80% space by using wheelchair

Convertible stretcher rather than using wheelchairwalker and stretcher separately. This

design eliminates the steps of shifting patients fromwheelchair to stretcher and vice versa

as nurturing of disabled people becomes difficult. Our designwill thus be an efficient

mobility aid for the medical field Adding the features of Walker would makethe product

more reliable be much more innovative and can satisfy the needs of the patients tomuch

higher extent.

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