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Version 1

The two maps show an island both before and after it was developed as a tourist
destination. Overall, most development took place on the western and central areas of the
island, where a small number of tourist amenities have been built, while the eastern coast
has been left in its natural state.

Prior to development, this relatively small island was uninhabited. In terms of its natural
features, there was a beach area on the west coast, and some vegetation , which was dense
on the eastern part of the island. As part of the development programme, this vegetation
has largely been retained, with some buildings work fitting around existing trees.

Following construction, although the island is now more developed, the style of the building
is generally sympathetic to the natural environment, with relatively simple, single-storey
accommodation and only two larger, two-storey buildings. The main structures are a
central reception building and a restaurant just north of this. Visitors can stay in hut-style
accommodation, which is grouped on either side of the reception. In terms of access, while
tracks have been created for vehicles, these are limited to the main buildings. However,
there are footpaths linking the accommodation to the swimming beach and other facilities.
Reaching the island has been made easier with the addition of a pier on the south coast,
which also allows for sailing.

Band 9
(226 words)
Version 2

The maps illustrate how an island has changed following the development of various
facilities for visitors.

Overall, there have been significant constructions in the island in terms of accommodation
and facilities for tourists. It is noteworthy that these developments have occurred without any
noticeable damage to the trees.

The length of the island is over 1200 metres while its width varies from about 200 to 500
metres in different places. The only significant features before the constructions were a
beach in the west and a few palm trees in the eastern and western halves, apart from which
the island was completely bare.

The beach has now been equipped with swimming facilities, and the western woodland is
surrounded by a series of huts which are connected to each other and to the beach via
footpaths. There is also a restaurant in the northern part which is connected to a reception
building in the middle of the island, as well as a new pier to the south, by means of a vehicle
track. Finally, a larger set of huts have been constructed between the reception and the
eastern woodland.

Band 8.0-8.5
(187 words)
Versions 3

The diagrams illustrate some changes to a small island which has been developed for

It is clear that the island has changed considerably with the introduction of tourism,
and six new features can be seen in the second diagram. The main developments are
that the island is accessible and visitors have somewhere to stay.

Looking at the maps in more detail, we can see that small huts have been built to
accommodate visitors to the island. The other physical structures that have been added
are a reception building, in the middle of the island, and a restaurant to the north of the
reception. Before these developments, the island was completely bare apart from a few

As well as the buildings mentioned above, the new facilities on the island include a pier,
where boats can dock. There is also a short road linking the pier with the reception and
restaurant, and footpaths connect the huts. Finally, there is a designated swimming
area for tourists off a beach on the western tip of the island.

Band 8.5 – 9.0

(175 words)
Version 4

The map illustrates the way in which a long narrow island was developed for tourism

Overall, it can be seen that the island went from an uninhabited state with just a few
trees to an island with facilities capable of accommodating and entertaining a
significant number of tourist.

Initially the island contained only a small group of trees and beach on the western edge
and larger group of trees in the east. By the time the island was fully developed a pier
had been added in the south. This was connected to a reception area above it by
vehicle track which continued up to a restaurant in the north. To the west of the
reception block were six huts surrounding the original group of trees and to the east of
the reception block was another accommodation area with each hut connected by a
footpath. A footpath now led the original beach which was designated as a swimming
zone for the tourists.

Band 8.0
(162 words)
Version 5

Band 7

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