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@ ANAC CERTIFICADO SUPLEMENTAR DE TIPO. (Supplemental Type Certificate) NUMERO: 2013S08-14 (Viet) Este Certificado, emitido com base na Lei n° 7565 "Cédigo Brasileiro de Aeroniutica”, de 19 de dezembro de This Certificate, issued in the basis of the Law No 7565 "Cédigo Brain de Aerondutica™ dated 19 December 1986, é conferido a0 (i): Garmin International, Inc. 1986 is granted 0: 1200 East 151** Street Olathe, KS 66062 USA por ter a modificasio a0 projeto de tipo do produto abaixo citado, observadas as limitagdes € condicdes Jor having the change to the ype design of the product mentioned below with the linitalons and conditions cespecificadas, satisfeito aos requisitos de acronavegabilidade aplicaveis. conditions there foras specified hereon, met the applicable airsorhiness requirement Produto Original - Nimero do Certificado de Tipo: Original Product ~Type Certifiate No: * See attached ANAC Approved Model List (AML), Rev. 5, dated 15 Sep. 2021, or later approved revision, Fabricante: * Manufacture: Modelo(s Model: DESCRICAO DA MODIFICAGAO AO PROJETO DE TIP. Description of Type Design Change Installation of Garmin Transponders: (a) GTX 330/330D/33/33D or GTX 335/33SR/335D/33SDR with ADS-B Out functionality; () GTX 345/345R/345D/345DR with ADS-B Out and In functionality; (¢) GTX 335R/335DR with ADS-B Out functionality in select airplanes installed with G950/G1000 Systems; or (2) GTX 345R/345DR with ADS-B Out and In functionality in select airplanes installed with G950/G1000 systems in accordance with Garmin International, Inc. Master Drawing List, Document No, 005-00734-04, Rev. 17, dated 16 June 2021, or later approved revision. This CST validates in Brazil the S LIMITAGGES E CONDICOES: Limitations and Conditions > No. SA01714WI, issued by FAA (USA), See continuation sheet for applicable data. DATAS: Do requerimento: 21 June 2013, Da emissio: 20 Aug. 2013 Dates of Aplication Irsuance Dareemissio: 21 Dee. 2017 Da emenda: 15 Sep. 2021 Reisner: Amendment Superintendéncia de Aecronavegabilidade Geréncia de Certificagio de Projeto de Produto Aerondutico Fane a aroranees (Aeronautical Product Design Cetfation Branch) Certificado assinado digitalmente (Digitally signed Certificate) 400.016 Bon deoe uonaisio a) Este Certificado e os dados téenicas com base nos quais ele foi emitide sio vilidos até que sejam cancelados, (This Certificate and the supporting techical data used for approval shall remain in effect wnt surended, suspensos, revogadas ou um prazo limite seja estabelecido pela Agéncia Nacional de Aviagdo Civil "suspended, revoked ora termination date is otheratse establuhed by the Agéncia Nacional de Avago Chil) b) _Nocaso de transferéncia de propriedade deste Certficado, o transferente deve proencher o quadro "Endasso Un case of oansfer of the property of the Cenifeate, the grantor should fl the Blanks of de Transferéncia", e o adquitente deve enviar este Certificado 4 Geréncia Geral de Certficagao de Transfer Endorsemon!" and the transferee mast remit this Certificate to the Gerincia Geral de Certieagto de Produto Acronéutico para que seja reemitido em seu nome, Produto Aeronutico to permit riseuance of the Cerificate i his name) :NDOSSO DE TRANSFERENCIA, (Transfer Endorsement) ‘Transfiro a propriedade deste Certificado Suplementar de Tipo para: (transfer the property of this Supplemental Type Cerificate t0:) ADQUIRENTE (Cransferee) Nome: (Wane) Rua: (Siren) Estado: Gp) (cin) (State:) ‘TRANSFE} (Granior ‘Nom ame’) Rus: (Siret) CEP: Cidade: .. Estado: Pais: 7 ep) (Gin) (Stare) (Country) Data de Transferéncia: (Date of Transfer) Assinatura do “Transferent (Signature of the Grantor’) (Function) MITAGOES E CONDICOE @ ANAC Fotha de Continuagao a0 (Continuation Sheet 10) CERTIFICADO SUPLEMENTAR DE TIPO (Supplemental Type Certificate) NUMERO: 2013S08-14 (Number) Limitations and Condition: L UL 1. Vy. VL VIL Vu Xl XL XIIL F-400-016 ‘The approval of this type design change should not be extended to other aircraft of these models on which other previously approved modifications are incorporated unless it is determined by the installer that the relationship between this change and any of those other previously approved modifications, including changes in Type Design, will introduce no adverse effect upon the airworthiness of that aircraft If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to alter the product, the holder shall give the other person written evidence of that permission. Operation must be performed in accordance with the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS), Garmin Intemational, Ine. Document No. 190-00734-15, Rev. 5, dated 16 June 2021, or later approved revision. ‘The maintenance of the aircraft shall be performed in accordance with the Garmin International, Inc. Maintenance Manual (which contains the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness — ICA), Document No. 190-00734-11, Rev. 8, dated 16 June 2021, or later accepted revision. Aireraft installations involving the Garmin transponder models without an internal GPS require the previous installation of an approved ADS-B position source. Refer to the design data specified in the Master Drawing List (MDL) listed above for specific hardware and software requirements, Aircraft with G950 or G1000 display systems are limited to Garmin transponder GTX 335R/33SDRI345R/345DR models; see Table II of the attached ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14, Refer to the design data specified in the Master Drawing List (MDL) listed above for specific hardware and software requirements, The Certification Basis for parts changed or affected by this change, as specified on the FAA STC ‘No. SAOI714\WI is applicable. A copy of this Certificate, the ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14 and the Supplement referred on item III above shall be maintained as part of the permanent records of the modified aircraft Amended on 16 Sep. 2013 to correct the ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14, Amended on 09 Feb, 2015 to include the item 100 in the ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14, Amended on 1 Oct, 2017, to update the MDL, AFMS, ICA and ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14 Reissued on 21 Dee. 2017, to correct minor errors on the "Description of the Type Design Change” and on the ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14 Amended on 15 Sep. 2021 to include various aircraft models on the ANAC Approved Model List (AML) for CST 2013808-14, in order to reflect the changes to the corresponding FAA AML since the last ANAC issuance of CST 2013808-14, and to update all the CST applicable documents. END— F102 de 02 Seno 11,02-4151-0 SET a |Decsnatts sina cloronicamente por Méria Igawa, Gerente de Certifiagio de Prete de Produto Asrontutics, i (F) | em 16/09/2021, as 14:08, conforme horério oficial de Brasilia, com fundamento no art. 4°, do Decreto n° 13 de jnovembro de 2020, ‘em 17/09/2021, as 19:10, conforme hordrio oficial de Brasilia, com fundamento no art. 4, do Decrsto n* 10.543, de 13 de novembro de 2020, seil 8 /Pocumento assinado eletronicamente por Roberto José Silveira Honorato, Superintendente de Acronavegabilidade, A autenticidade deste documento pode ser conferida no site bitpss/sei anac, rou br/sci/autenticidade, informando o cédigo verificador 6212457 ¢ o cédigo CRC E360C781. eter: Proceso n# 00066571603/2017 32 seine 6212657 hed ANAC ANAC LISTA DE MODELOS APROVADOS (LMA) PARA CST (ANAC APPROVED MODEL LIST (AML) FOR (CST)) NOMERO: 2013S08-14 umber) ‘Table |- Approved Aircraft WITHOUT GX000 Equipped Flight Deck System for installation of GTX 33/330 or GTX 335/345 Transponders TYPE CERTIFICATE trem | AIRCRAFT MAKE [AIRCRAFT MODELS) NUMBER Dynac Aerospace 700 71021 (FAA) Ale Tractor ARGOR, W802, AFBODA ZOOTTOS (ANAC) B-N Group BN-2A9, BN-2A-21, BN-2A-TT, ENDED BAB (CAA/UK) , 525 4 | Textron Aviation = 9308 (ANAC) 3_|__Textron Aviation 301, 551 RICE FAR) 310, 510A, 3108, 310C, 3100, 310, 310F, 3106, 6 | Textron Aviation 310h, 3101, 310), 310K, 310, 310N, 3102, 3100, 3810 (FAA) 310R, £3104, £310), T310R 5 172, 172A, 1726, 172C, 1720, 172E, 172F, 1726, 7 Textron Aviation 172H, 1721, 172K, 172L, 172M, 172N, 172P- 3A12 (FAA) @_|__ Cessna Airraft 172K, 1725 9705 (ANAC) @2, 182A, 1826, 182C, 1820, 1826, 182F, 1826, 9 | Textron Aviation 182H, 1821, 182K, 1821, 162M, 182N, 182P, 3A13 (FAA) 1820, 1828, R182, 7182, TRI82 70_| Textron Aviation 1825, 1871, T1827 3706 (ANAC) 11_| Textron Aviation T72RG,RI72K, 175, 175A, 1758, 175C 317 (FAA) 750, 150A, 1508, 150C, 1500, 150E, 150F, 1506, 150H 150), 2 Textron Aviation 150K, 1501, 150M, A1SOK, ALSOL, A1SOM, 152, A1S2 3A19 (FAA) 210, 210-5 (205), 210-5A (205A), 210A, 2108, 210C, 2100, 240E, 220F, 120%, 2106, 12106, 210H, T210H, 2301, 7210), B Textron Aviation 210K, T210K, 210L, T210L, 210M, 210M, 210N, P210N, 3021 (FAA) T240N, 210%, P210R, T2I0R 7a_| Textron Aviation TH5, T85A, 1858, 185C, 1850, 1856, ALOSE, ATESE Aza (FAA) 15_| Textron Aviation 320A, 320C, 320,340, 340A 3A25 (FAA) 16 | Textron Aviation 1408 5A (FAA) 780, 180A, 1808, 180C, 1800, 1806, 17 | Textron Aviation ao a at eo 5A6 (FAA) 78_| Textron Aviation 177, 1778, 1778 TATSCE FAA] 19_| Textron Aviation 207, 207A, 1207, T207A (AI6CE (FAA) 20_| Textron Aviation T77RG AZOCE (FAA) 21_| Textron Aviation 404 AZ5CE (FAA) 22_| Textron Aviation 336 TICE (FAA) 23_| Textron Aviation 208, 2088 3805 (ANAC) 206, P206A, P2068, P2OBC, P2060, P2OGE, TP206K,TP2068,, “TP206C, TP206D, TP2O6E, TUZOEA, TU206B, TUZO6C, 24 ‘Textron Aviation TU206D, TU206E, TU206F, TU206G, U206, U206A, U206B, ‘ACE (FAA) U206C, U2060, U206E, U206F, U2066 75_| Textron Aviation 206, T206H 7995706 (ANAC) 26__| Textron Aviation 33IA, 337¢, 3370, HBTS TAGCE (FAA) 27_| Textron Aviation 120,140 18-768 (FAA) F-400-01-Anexo (AML) FI. 01 de 0S: H.02-4151-0 ‘Table |~ Approved Aircraft WITHOUT GX000 Equipped Flight Deck System {or installation of GTX 33/330 or GTX 335/345 Transponders TYPE CERTIFICATE trem | AIRCRAFT MAKE AIRCRAFT MODELS) NUMBER 28__| Textron Aviation 190, 195 [9-790 (FAA) 29__|__Textron Aviation 170, 170A, 1708, (8-799 (FAA) 440i, 401A, 4038, 402, 402A, 4028, 402C, 30 |__ Textron Aviation 411, 411A, 414, 414A, 421, 4218, 421¢ A0CE (FAA) ‘cirrus Design BL Corporation '5R20, SR22 2005705 (ANAC) 32 PAC 12,104 [A1250 (FAA) 33 | Diamond Alrraft DA 40, DA 40F 2008704 (ANAC) 34 mond Aircraft Da20-c1 2009704 (ANAC) Industries 35 Dornier Do 28 AT ‘A360 (EASA) 36 Embraer EMB-110P1, EMB-110P2 7202 (ANAC) 7 F52003 Corp. PAZ [8-780 (FAA) 38_| _ Textron Aviation 2007, ‘A2ACE (FAA) 39 | Textron Aviation 300 93008 (ANAC) 300, B300C 135-33, 35-A33, 35-833, 35-C33, 35-C33A, E33A, E33C, 40 | Textron Aviation F33A, F33C, G33, H35, 135, K35, M35, N35, P35, S35, 3A15 (FAA) \V35, V35A, V35B, 36, A36, A36TC, B36TC 95, 95-55, 95-AS5, 95-B55, 95-C55, B95, BISA, 41 | Textron Aviation Oss E56, sere sere 28 3A16 (FAA) 65, AGS, 65-80, 65-AB0, 65-B80, 65-88, 65-AS0, 70, 42 | Textron Aviation £890, C90, C90A, E90, 65-90, CIOGT 3420 (FAA) 43_| Beechcraft Corporation 1D50, DSOA, D508, 150) 54 (FAA) “44_| Beechcraft Corporation 60, AGO, BGO ‘A12CE (FAA) 45_| Beechcraft Corporation 99, C99, 100, A100, AL00A, 8100 ‘ALACE (FAA) 46 _| Beechcraft Corporation 23, A23, A23-24, C23, AZAR, BAR ‘AACE (FAA) 47_|__ Textron Aviation 7200, A200, 8200, 8200T, 82006T. ‘A2ACE (FAA) 48_| Textron Aviation F30 ABILCE (FAA) 49_| Beechcraft Corporation 3NM, D185, E185, G18S, H18, C-45H, TASH [9-765 (FAA) 50_| Beechcraft Corporation 35, A35, 835, C35, D35, £35, F35, G35 [ATT (FAA) 51_| Beechcraft Corporation '58P, SBTC ‘AZ3CE (FAA) 52 Hello Aircraft 1295, HT-295, H-3918 ‘1A8 (FAA) 53 | leckheed Aircraft 18 A723 (FAA) Corporation| 34 M7 Aerospace SART-AC 2007705 (ANAC) 35 M7 Aerospace SA227-CC, SA22V-DC 2007706 (ANAC) 36 M7 Aerospace SA227-AT 2007707 (ANAC) : Mitsubishi Heavy MU-28-25, MU-2B-35, MU-2B-26, MU-28-36, 87 Industries MU-23-26A, MU-28-36A, MU-28-40, MU-2B-60 25 (CAB JAPAN) 5 Mitsubishi Heavy MU-28, MU-28-10, MU-2B-20, MU-28-15, MU-26-25, 58 Industries MU-28-26, MU-28-30, MU-2B-35, MU-28-36 19 (CAB JAPAN) sq | Mooney Airplane M20), M20K, M20M, M20R 8701 (ANAC) Company 60 | Mooney Airplane M20A, M20B, M20C, M20E, M20F 203 (FAA) Company Gi_| Sierra Hotel Aero Navion , Navion €, Navion G, Navion H [A728 (FAA) 62_[ Piaggio Aero industries P:180 “Avanti I” 2010708 (ANAC) 63 Pilatus Aircraft PC-6/B2-H4 2011704 (ANAC) 64 Pilatus Aircraft PC-12, PC-12/45, PC-12/47 ‘9605 (ANAC) F-400-01-Anexo (AML) F102 de 0s H.02-4151.0 ‘Table |~ Approved Aircraft WITHOUT GX000 Equipped Flight Deck System {or installation of GTX 33/330 or GTX 335/345 Transponders TYPE CERTIFICATE trem | AIRCRAFT MAKE AIRCRAFT MODEL(S) Nuern 6_| Piper Airerafe PACTS, PADI-6D, PADI IS5, PAISISO 1A20 (FAA) 66_| Piper Aireraft A-24, PA-24-250, PA-24-260, PA-24-400 TAIS (FAA) PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA28-15, PA28-160, ser A PA-28-180, P-28-235, PA-28R-280, PA2BR-200, eo Piper Aircraft PA-28R-2011, PA-28RT-201, PA-28RT-201T, PA-28-236, PA-28- 2013 (FAA) 164, PA-28-184, PA-2ER-202 ©@_| Piper Alrrate PA30, PA'39 IEA FAA) @ per Aircraft PAI, PABI-300, PASI-375, PABTSO 72050 (FAA) 70, per Aircraft PA-A2, PA42-720, PA-42-1000 5206 (ANAC) , PAAG-350P, PA46-500TP PA-46-6OOTP, 71 | Piper Airerate Pa46:5007F 9501 (ANAC) PR-3E-260, P-32-300, PASDSOI, h-32R- 300, PA-32RT-300, PA:32RT-300T 72 | Piper airratt 18350 (FAA ne PA-32R-3O1(HP), PA-32R-301(SP), PA-32-3OIXTC, (ran) PA-22R-301T, PA32-301FT 73_|__Piper Aircraft 7h34-700, PA-34-200T, PA-34-220T "APSO FAA) 74 per Aircraft PA-31P, PASIT, PA-SITI, PASTT2 ABEA (FAA) 75_| Piper Airraft PA3B-112 2402 (ANAC) 76_| Reims Aviation F406 ZOOGTOI (ANAC) 77 | Revo Incorporated Take 1A, Lake VAR, Lake (04200 TAT3 (FAA) 78_| Revo Incorporated Lake Model 250 3708 (ANAC) 73__|___ short Brothers SC Series 3 (ALSEU (FAA) TBM TOOA, TBM 7008, TBM TOOCH, 80 Socata oon aM 7008 aM 9307 (ANAC) of Socata SEBS A377 (EASA 82 Socata MSEB4E (A379 (EASA) 8 Socata 39,1810, 1870, 1871 3211 (ANAC) 84 _ Shy Enterprises RCS 1-769 (FAN) . ; S607, 680, 6807, 680-1, BON, 6B0.W, 683, 8 Twin Commander 690, 690A, 6908, 690C, 6900, 695, 695A 24 (FAA) 36_|_Twin Commander 500, 500-8, 500-5, S00, 520, 560, S60-E EAL FAN) 87__| True Fight Holdings AAT TALEA (FAA) 88_| True Fight Holdings AAS AI6EA FAA) 89_| Viking Air Limited HG Mik DHC-2 Mk, OHG-2 Mic 1-806 (FAN) 30 Vuleanaie G8 "Observer 2”, REBC, PBR “Victor” 2008710 (ANAC) Tndistria Aerondutica a ria Aeron EMB 710¢, £MB 7100 7508 (ANAC) Tndistria Aerondutica 2 tia Aeron EM® 711A, EMB 7118, €MB 711C, €MB 71ST, EMB711T | 7502 (ANAC) Tndistria Aerondutica 93 ria Aeron EMB 712 7801 (ANAC) oa_| era Aarondis «a 720, em 7200 704 aNAe) 95, | Indistria Rerondutica EMB 7236, EMB 7210 7506 (ANAC) Nelva S.A Tndistria Aerondutica 96 tri Aeron EMB 810C, EM 8100 7501 (ANAC) Tndistria Aerondutica 7 ria Aeron emp 620¢ 7508 (ANAC) 38_| GAB Avan PTY GAB, GAETCHIO TOATOS (ANAC F-400-01-Anexo (AML) 1.03 de 05 H.02-4151.0 ‘Table |~ Approved Aircraft WITHOUT GX000 Equipped Flight Deck System {for installation of GTX 33/330 or GTX 335/345 Transponders TYPE CERTIFICATE rem | AIRCRAFT MAKE AIRCRAFT MODELS) NUMBER ‘ATAOL, ATAOIB, ATAO2A, ATAODB, ATSO2, 99 AirTractor soba kon Arsoe £8801 (ANAC) 100 17-30, 14-193 TAS (FAA) 101 T7-30A. TRIBE (FAA) 102 TGCB, TECAA, TECRC, TKCAB, TECA A759 (FAR) 103 BKCAB, BGCBC (RZICE (FAA) 104 | __Aviat Aireraft BL ‘9801 (ANAC) 105 _| Beechcraft Corporation DIS 7649 (FAR) 106 | Britten-Norman NDA MKT BAG (CAA UK} 107 Boeing Company _ AT-6D (SNJ-5), L6G A:2:575 (FAA) 108 | Cessna aireraft = A722 (FAR) 109_| Cessna Aircraft LCAT-S50FG, LCAD-S50FG 2007701 (ANAC) Costruzioni 110 | ero a P2006T 2011712 (ANAC) 111 Extra EA 300/L, EA 300/LC 2012714 (ANAC) 11g | Howard Aircraft DGA15P A717 (FAR) Foundation ‘i M4, Moa-D10C, M6235, MO7-235, M7 2358 113 Maule Aircraft MX-7-235, MX-7-180, MXT-7-180, MT-7-235 3423 (FAA) 5 MX-7-420, M-8-235, MX-7-160, MXT-7-160, ua Maule Aircraft MX-7-1808, MXT-7-180A, MX-7-1808, M-7-235C 9310 (ANAC) TiS | _ Pacifie Aerospace 50x. 20I5TOS (ANAC) ir PA-18, PA-18 “105” (Special), PA-18A, PA-18 "135", ue Piper Aircraft PA-18A “135”, PA-18 “150”, PA-18A "150" 102 (FAA) 117_| Piper Aircraft PA-20, PA20 "13 TAG FAA) 118 Piper Aircraft PA-22, PA-22-108, PA-22-135, PA-22-150, PA-22-160_ 1A6 (FAA) 119 | __ Piper Aireraft PA-da-180, 2013706 (ANAC) 154 120 | Reims Cessna FRae2 (ocac saaNce) Univair Aircraft 121 a 108, 108-1, 108-2, 1083 A767 (FAR) 12g | Waco Alrraft YF 2016105 (ANAC) Company 123 | Waco Aircraft 2r4A2 2015711 (ANAC) company 124_| Aviat Aireraft 33a [RESO (FAA) Costruzioni 225 | Tem P2010 2016710 (ANAC) 126 | _ Thrush Aircraft S2R-T66O, S2R-T34, SAR HBO 2006702 (ANAC) F-400-01-Anexo (AML) Fi. 04 de 05, H02-4151.0 Table Approved Ara WITH G950/61000 Equipped Fight Deck Sytem fr installation of GTX 335R/345R (remote-mount) Transponders ONLY TPE GRTIRCATE ITEM AIRCRAFT MAKE AIRCRAFT MODEL(S) NUMBER. mE 1 | Textron aviation 35 (m8) Textron Aviation Gas 3A15 (FAA) 2 ‘Textron Aviation 58, G58 BAG (FAA) Costraron 3 | peronautiche Tecnam P2006T 2011712 (ANAC) a | Pamend Ara DAA, DAA0¥, OA AONG 2008708 (ANAC) 5 | Diamond Aer DaaznG 2020703 ANAC 6 Mooney Airplane M20M, M20R, M20TN 8701 (ANAC) company 7 Piper Aircraft PA-28-181 2A13 (FAA) Piper Aircraft PA-32R-301T, PA-32-301FT A3SO (FAA) 9 Piper Aircraft PA-34-220T_ ASO (FAA) 10 | Piper reat Pat-180 DoLaO6 (ANAC 11 Piper Aircraft PA-46-350P, PA-46R-350T, PA-46-SOOTP. 9501 (ANAC) TEM 7O0A, TBM TOU, TEN 700d, TBM 7OOCz, 12 Socata “TBM 70ON 9307 (ANAC) 13 Cessna Aircraft 172R, 1725 ‘9705 (ANAC) 14 ‘Textron Aviation 1825, 1827, T1827 9706 (ANAC) 15 ‘Textron Aviation 206H, T206H 1999706 (ANAC) 16 Textron Aviation 208, 2088 8805 (ANAC) a7 Cessna Aircraft LC41-S50FG, LC42-5S0FG 2007701 (ANAC) P.68 “Observer 2", P.68C 16 | Wear wabeeret 2 # 2008120 ANAC) =| Gru been $20, $2, SRO 2005705 NAS Contrason : 20 | pee Pato DoT (ANAC) na | Damend Aira pase 204710 (ANAC) 22 Pilatus Aircraft PC-6/B2-H4 2011704 (ANAC) 23 ‘Textron Aviation 501 A2TCE (FAA) Aprovacio ANAC: MARIO IGAWA. NAC prove) Gerente de Ceriticasao do Projeto de Produto Asrondticn (Aeronautical Product Design Certification Branch, Manager) Data da aprovacgio ANA (ANAC Approval Date:) Revisio: 5 Rev.) 15 Sep. 2021 F-400-01-Anexo (AML) Fi. 05 de os, H.02-4151-0 Sea |, | Pecumento assinado eletronicamente por Mario Igawa, Gerente de Certificagao de Projeto de Produto Sienna Jn’ 10.543, de 13 de novembro de 2020, A autenticidade deste dacumento pode ser conferida no site https:/sei.anac., informando 0 cédigo verificador 6212621 co cédigo CRC 75514948, Referenda: Processon® 00085 521603/2017-32 Sein 6712621,

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