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Josue Omar Ramirez Osorio

Written production “SCARFACE”

My favorite movie is “scarface” this movie talk about the violence and the form of an
immigrant can get the successful in his life, the principal actor is Al Paccino as Tony
Montana, in the movie we can see like Tony Montana and Many (Many is the best friend of
Tony Montana) they where in a prison for inmigrnts in USA and they had to kill a person for
can leave this prison, they knew the street and othes bad things like the drugs and the drug
trafficking. Tony was a ambitious person and for the drug trafficking he does a fortune, but
the ambitous took him to death.

My favorite part of this movie is when Tony Montana arrives at Frank's house (he is the one
who helped him grow up in the world of drugs) and sees a painting which says "the world is
yours" then he starts to think that he can get everything he wants by b so much work and
effort, I also really like the part that continues later, in this part is when Elvira, who is Frak's
wife, goes down the elevator in the house, but when Tony sees her he automatically falls in
love and from there another iconic phrase is born. of the movie which says "the eyes never
lie" I actually like the whole movie, it is quite captivating and makes all the moments
entertaining, another part which I really liked is when Tony tells many that he doesn't want to
what he has, he wants what he deserves, many ask him what do you deserve? and Tony
answers: the world and what's in it.

The message that the movie leaves me is that we can achieve everything we want but we will
only do it if we work hard to achieve it, in addition to the fact that success never comes by
itself, but rather has consequences, in this case it was the death of Tony. for taking bad steps,
but this is related to everyday life since many times having so much of something is not good.
Finally, I stick with the part that says "the world is yours" since it inspires me to fight to
achieve my goals.

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