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11. Has been to another state.

1. Was born in April. 12. Plays videogame.
2. Was born in September. 13. Is left handed.
3. Can use chopsticks. 14. Can whistle.
4. Is taller than you. 15. Likes to read.
5. Is wearing white socks. 16. Plays a musical instrument.
6. Is wearing colorful socks. 17. Hasn’t had breakfast today.
7. Likes pineapple on pizza. 18. Drank milk this morning.
8. Is shorter than you. 19. Doesn’t like broccoli.
9. Enjoys Math. 20. Watches more than 1 hour of TV
10. Has visited a different country. everyday.
1. Was born in April.
2. Was born in September.
3. Can use chopsticks.
When is your birthday?
4. Is taller than you.
When were you born?
5. Is wearing white socks.
6. Is wearing colorful socks.
7. Likes pineapple on pizza.
8. Is shorter than you.
9. Enjoys Math.
10. Has visited a different country.
Can you use the chopsticks?
1. Was born in April.
2. Was born in September.
3. Can use chopsticks.
4. Is taller than you.
Are you taller than me?
5. Is wearing white socks.
6. Is wearing colorful socks.
7. Likes pineapple on pizza.
8. Is shorter than you. Are you wearing white socks?
9. Enjoys Math.
10. Has visited a different country.
Do you like pineapple on pizza?
1. Was born in April.
2. Was born in September.
3. Can use chopsticks.
4. Is taller than you.
5. Is wearing white socks.
6. Is wearing colorful socks.
Do enjoy Math?
7. Likes pineapple on pizza.
8. Is shorter than you.
9. Enjoys Math. Have you ever visited a different
10. Has visited a different country. country?

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