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Level: B2-C1 Upper-Intermediate / Advanced Workbook

Title: The Future of Jobs… ANSWER KEY

Task 1 Put a check mark ( ) next to the statements that are true for you.

What will happen in the next five years?

1. I will work at the same or a similar job. student’s idea(s)
2. I will stay in the same position. student’s idea(s)
3. I will probably need reskilling. student’s idea(s)
4. I will have to update some of my skills. student’s idea(s)
5. I will have to upskill. student’s idea(s)
6. Some employees at my company will be displaced. student’s idea(s)
7. My company is likely to expand. student’s idea(s)
8. There might be some new opportunities for me in the industry I work in. student’s idea(s)

Task 2 Watch the video and answer the questions. .

sample answers
1. What two factors are said to have led to losses in jobs? the automation of work and the global recession
2. How is labor divided in the modern world? between humans, machines, and algorithms
3. What might be a solution for this ongoing shift in the division of labor? reskilling and upskilling the workforce
4. What examples of the jobs of the future are mentioned? DevOps Engineers, AI Specialists, Digital Marketing Managers,
Talent Acquisition Specialists, Customer Success Specialists
5. What two conditions need to be met to benefit from the crisis? purposeful leadership and collaboration
6. What criteria should be considered talking about the future of jobs? it should be inclusive, fair and sustainable

Task 3 Choose the correct definitions of the bolded words. Next, answer the questions.

1. COVID-19 has disrupted every sector of our economy. A

a) changed and caused problems
b) slowed down
What other disruptive factors can you think of? student’s idea(s)
2. It led workers to lose their jobs at an accelerated pace compared to previous years. B
a) in bigger numbers
b) faster
What could such a trend lead to? student’s idea(s)
3. 97 million new roles may emerge. B
a) disappear
b) appear
How can organizations adapt to this? student’s idea(s)
4. The most valuable asset to any economy or company is its human capital. A
a) resource
b) benefit
Do you agree with this statement? Why (not)? student’s idea(s)
5. Companies are already experiencing a shortage in relevant skills for future roles. B
a) excess
b) insufficiency
Does your organization offer any employee reskilling programs? student’s idea(s)
6. Governments will also need to step in. B
a) transition into future roles
b) become involved
How should they do this to ensure effectiveness? student’s idea(s)

Task 4 Look at the photos and answer the questions.

1. What will be the future of the jobs in these photos? student’s idea(s)
2. Are these jobs bound to become fully or partly automated soon? student’s idea(s)
3. What new tasks or roles might emerge in these sectors? student’s idea(s)
4. How much of their skill sets will these people have to update to adapt to changes? student’s idea(s)

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