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Foundry study



What are the concept of foundry

A foundry is a facility that produces metal castings through a process
known as founding. It involves melting metal, pouring it into a mold,
and allowing it to solidify and take the shape of the desired product.

The concept of a foundry includes:

1. Melting: Metal is melted in a furnace to create a liquid molten metal.

2. Mold-making: A mold is created with a cavity in the shape of the

desired product.

3. Pouring: The molten metal is poured into the mold.

4. Solidification: The metal is allowed to cool and solidify in the mold.

5. Finishing: The solidified metal is removed from the mold and

undergoes additional processing, such as cleaning, machining, and heat

Foundries produce a wide range of products, including engine blocks,

cylinder heads, gears, bearings, and other metal components for
various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction.

What are the historical development of foundry?

some historical developments in foundries ¹ ²:

- 300-645 BC: The oldest relics of metal casting were found, with most
of them in Mesopotamia

- 4000 years ago: The technique of melting and casting metal was
established in Britain, with Cornwall being one of the few European
sources of tin for making bronze.
- Mid-first millennium BC: Wrought iron working followed.

- 15th century: Production of cast iron began.

- 18th and 19th centuries: Technical breakthroughs enabled cast iron

and steel production in large quantities at a lower cost than wrought
iron, leading to their use in the industrial age.

- Early 20th century: The industry expanded as engineering

requirements increased and motorized vehicles were developed.

- 1907: The first student chapter of the American Foundry Society (AFS)
was established in Minnesota, where a patent for high-pressure die
casting machinery was also issued in the same year.

- 1940s: The Ministry of Supply set up 36 specialized foundries, mostly

for production of bombs and track links.

- 1950s: The larger and strategically important iron and steel foundries
were nationalized under the British Steel Company.

- 1960s: The production of iron, copper-based, and zinc castings

remained strong, but the whole sector entered a decline in the
following decade.

- 1980s: Production of iron and steel castings had fallen to 40% of their
previous peak levels.

- Late 20th century: The UK industry declined as heavy manufacturing

in the UK began to collapse.

: The importance of foundry manufacturing criteria for choice of

foundry processes
Foundry manufacturing involves several key criteria for choosing the
appropriate foundry process, including:

1. *Material*: Different metals and alloys require specific foundry

processes (e.g., ferrous, non-ferrous, aluminum, copper).

2. *Size and weight*: Larger or heavier parts may require specialized

equipment and processes.

3. *Complexity*: Intricate designs or complex geometries may require

advanced processes like investment casting or 3D printing.

4. *Tolerance and precision*: Tight tolerances or high precision

requirements may necessitate specific processes like die casting or sand

5. *Surface finish*: Desired surface finish and texture influence the

choice of process (e.g., rough, smooth, machined).

6. *Production volume*: High-volume production may require

automated processes like die casting or low-pressure die casting.

7. *Cost*: Economic considerations can influence the choice of process,

with some methods being more cost-effective than others.

8. *Lead time*: Urgent production needs may require faster processes

like rapid prototyping or 3D printing.

9. *Environmental impact*: Some foundry processes have a higher

environmental impact than others, and eco-friendly options may be
10. *Industry standards and regulations*: Compliance with industry-
specific standards and regulations (e.g., aerospace, automotive) may
dictate the choice of foundry process.

Considering these criteria helps foundries select the most appropriate

process to produce high-quality castings efficiently and effectively.

Define foundry and casting and it's difference's

: *Foundry*: A foundry is a facility that produces metal castings

through a process known as founding. It's a industrial operation that

- Melting metal

- Pouring it into a mold

- Allowing it to solidify

- Producing a desired shape or product

*Casting*: Casting is the process of creating a metal object by pouring

molten metal into a mold. It's a manufacturing technique used to
produce a wide range of metal products, from small parts to large

*Key differences*:

- *Foundry* refers to the facility or operation where casting takes


- *Casting* refers to the process of creating a metal object itself.

- A foundry can produce multiple castings, but a casting is a single
output of the foundry process.

- Foundry is a broader term that encompasses the entire production

process, while casting is a specific step within that process.

To illustrate:
- A foundry might produce 100 castings (e.g., engine blocks) per day.

- Each of those 100 engine blocks is a individual casting.

- The foundry is the facility where the casting process takes place.

What's the departments in typical foundry workshop

A typical foundry workshop consists of various departments that work
together to produce metal castings. Here are some common
departments found in a foundry:

1. *Pattern Shop*: Creates patterns, molds, and cores used to

produce castings.

2. *Melting Department*: Responsible for melting metal in furnaces

to produce molten metal

3. *Molding Department*: Prepares molds and cores for casting, and

pours molten metal into them.

4. *Casting Department*: Oversees the casting process, including

pouring, solidification, and extraction of castings from molds.
5. *Cleaning and Finishing Department*: Cleans, trims, and finishes
castings to remove excess material and imperfections.

6. *Heat Treatment Department*: Subjects castings to various heat

treatments to achieve desired properties (e.g., annealing, hardening).

7. *Quality Control Department*: Inspects castings for defects, tests

mechanical properties, and ensures compliance with specifications.

8. *Maintenance Department*: Responsible for maintaining

equipment, furnaces, and facilities to ensure smooth operations.

9. *Tool Room*: Produces and maintains tools, dies, and equipment

used in the foundry.

10. *Laboratory*: Conducts chemical analysis, metallography, and

other tests to ensure material quality and process control.

11. *Administration*: Oversees management, sales, and logistics.

These departments work together to transform raw materials into high-

quality castings. The specific departments and their functions may vary
depending on the foundry's size, type, and production requirements.

Safety measures in foundry workshop

: Foundry workshops can be hazardous, so implementing safety

measures is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure a safe working
environment. Some essential safety measures in a foundry workshop
1. _Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)_: Provide and ensure the use
of PPE like hard hats, safety glasses, earplugs, gloves, and steel-toed

2. _Respiratory Protection_: Use respirators or masks to prevent

inhalation of dust, fumes, and gases.

3. _Fire Safety_: Install fire extinguishers, ensure proper storage of

flammable materials, and have a fire evacuation plan.

4. _Heat Stress Prevention_: Provide hydration stations, regular breaks,

and monitor temperatures to prevent heat-related illnesses.

5. _Proper Ventilation_: Ensure adequate ventilation to remove dust,

fumes, and gases.

6. _Machine Guarding_: Install guards on machinery to prevent

accidental contact.

7. _Lockout/Tagout_: Ensure proper lockout and tagout procedures for

equipment maintenance.

8. _Regular Maintenance_: Regularly inspect and maintain equipment

to prevent accidents.

9. _Training and Education_: Provide regular training on safety

procedures, first aid, and emergency response.

10. _Emergency Preparedness_: Develop an emergency response plan,

including evacuation procedures and first aid kits.
11. _Proper Storage_: Store chemicals, fuels, and other hazardous
materials properly.

12. _Electrical Safety_: Ensure proper electrical installations, wiring, and

equipment maintenance.

Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility in a foundry workshop.

Encourage a safety-first culture and regularly review

and update safety measures to ensure a safe working environment.

Typical flow chart of foundry processes

Here is a typical flow chart of foundry processes ¹:

- Scrap acquisition

- Sorting

- Bailing

- Weighing

- Charge mixing

- Melting and holding

- Casting

- Cold rolling

- Embossing and slitting

- Weighing and sales

- Charging preparation
- Melting

- Casting operations

- Machining of the particular product is outsourced

Other activities that are included in the process map include:

- The study of the flow of processes

- The identification of waste/defects

- A consideration of whether the process can be rearranged in a more

efficient sequence

- A consideration of a better flow pattern, involving different flow

layout or transport routing

- A consideration of whether everything that is being done at each

stage is really necessary and what would happen if superfluous tasks
were removed

Casting techniques and procedures

Some common casting techniques and procedures:

1. *Sand Casting*: Creating a mold from sand and pouring molten

metal into it.

2. *Investment Casting* (Lost-Wax Casting): Creating a wax pattern,

surrounding it with a refractory material, and melting out the wax to
create a cavity for the metal.
3. *Die Casting*: Forcing molten metal into a metal mold (die) under
high pressure.

4. *Centrifugal Casting*: Rotating a mold at high speed to distribute

molten metal evenly.

5. *Vacuum Casting*: Pouring molten metal into a mold in a vacuum


6. *Lost-Foam Casting*: Creating a foam pattern, surrounding it with

sand, and pouring molten metal into it.

7. *Shell Molding*: Creating a mold from a resin-coated sand mixture

and pouring molten metal into it.

8. *Plaster Molding*: Creating a mold from plaster and pouring molten

metal into it.

9. *Squeeze Casting*: Forcing molten metal into a mold using a

hydraulic press.

10. *Gravity Die Casting*: Pouring molten metal into a metal mold
under gravity.

11. *Low-Pressure Die Casting*: Pouring molten metal into a metal

mold under low pressure.

12. *Ceramic Molding*: Creating a mold from ceramic materials and

pouring molten metal into it.

These techniques and procedures are used to produce various castings,

including engine blocks, cylinder heads, gears, bearings, and other
metal components for various industries.
Casting defect

Casting defects are irregularities or imperfections that occur during the

casting process, resulting in a faulty or unusable casting. Here are some
common casting defects:

1. *Porosity*: Holes or voids in the casting, often due to gas

entrainment or solidification shrinkage.

2. *Shrinkage*: Cavities or shrinkage holes that form as the metal

solidifies and contracts.

3. *Inclusions*: Foreign particles or impurities trapped in the casting,

such as sand, slag, or metal oxides.

4. *Misrun*: A casting that fails to fill completely, often due to

inadequate melting or pouring techniques.

5. *Cold Shut*: A defect that occurs when two streams of metal fail to
fuse properly, resulting in a weak spot.

6. *Hot Tears*: Cracks that form in the casting as it cools and contracts.

7. *Warpage*: Distortion or warping of the casting due to uneven

cooling or shrinkage.

8. *Surface defects*: Imperfections on the casting surface, such as

cracks, scales, or rough spots.

9. *Core shift*: Movement of the core during casting, resulting in a

defective casting.
10. *Mold damage*: Damage to the mold or pattern, affecting the
casting's accuracy or surface finish.

These defects can be caused by various factors, including:

- Poor mold design or preparation

- Inadequate melting or pouring techniques

- Incorrect metal composition or temperature

- Insufficient core support or shifting

- Inadequate cooling or solidification rates

By understanding the causes of these defects, foundries can implement

measures to prevent or minimize them, ensuring the production of
high-quality castings.

: The preventing and curative measures to defect

some preventing and curative measures for common casting defects:

*Preventing Measures:*

1. *Proper mold design* and construction to avoid mold damage and

core shift.

2. *Accurate metal composition* and temperature control to prevent

porosity, shrinkage, and inclusions.
3. *Effective pouring techniques* to minimize turbulence and prevent
misruns and cold shuts.

4. *Adequate core support* and secure core placement to prevent core

shift and mold damage.

5. *Proper cooling and solidification rates* to prevent warpage, hot

tears, and shrinkage.

6. *Regular maintenance* of equipment and molds to prevent damage

and ensure proper functioning.

7. *Quality control measures* to detect and correct defects early in the


*Curative Measures:*

1. *Repairing or replacing* damaged molds or cores.

2. *Re-melting and re-casting* defective castings.

3. *Welding or brazing* to repair cracks or holes.

4. *Machining or grinding* to remove surface defects or imperfections.

5. *Heat treatment* to relieve stresses and improve microstructure.

6. *Chemical treatment* to remove impurities or inclusions.

7. *Inspection and testing* to identify and rectify defects.

By implementing these preventing and curative measures, foundries
can minimize the occurrence of casting defects, reduce

scrap rates, and produce high-quality castings consistently.

Different types of casting pattern

There are several types of casting patterns, including:

1. _Solid Pattern_: A single, solid piece that is used to create a mold.

2. _Hollow Pattern_: A pattern with a hollow interior, used to create a

casting with a hollow core.

3. _Split Pattern_: A pattern divided into two or more parts, used to

create a mold with multiple pieces.

4. _Segmented Pattern_: A pattern made up of multiple segments, used

to create a large or complex casting.

5. _Shell Pattern_: A thin, shell-like pattern used to create a casting with

a thin wall.

6. _Skeleton Pattern_: A pattern with a skeletal structure, used to

create a casting with a complex internal shape.

7. _Loose Piece Pattern_: A pattern made up of individual pieces that

are not attached, used to create a casting with multiple parts.
8. _Gated Pattern_: A pattern with a gate (a channel) that connects the
pattern to the sprue (a channel that leads to the mold cavity).

9. _Riser Pattern_: A pattern with a riser (a channel that allows

molten metal to flow into the mold cavity).

10. _Match Plate Pattern_: A pattern made up of two plates that match
each other, used to create a casting with a symmetrical shape.

These patterns are used in various casting processes, including sand

casting, investment casting, and die casting, to produce different types
of castings. The choice of pattern type depends on the specific
requirements of the casting, such as its size, shape, and complexity.

Construction of patterns

The construction of patterns involves several steps and considerations:

1. *Design*: Create a design or blueprint for the pattern, considering

the casting's shape, size, and tolerances.

2. *Material selection*: Choose a material for the pattern, such as

wood, metal, or plastic, depending on the casting process and desired

3. *Fabrication*: Cut, shape, and assemble the pattern pieces using

various techniques, like machining, carving, or gluing.

4. *Joinery*: Use joints or fasteners to secure the pattern pieces

together, ensuring accuracy and stability.
5. *Surface finish*: Apply a finish to the pattern surface, such as
sanding or coating, to achieve the desired texture and durability.

6. *Core boxes*: Create core boxes or inserts to produce cores or

internal features in the casting.

7. *Gates and risers*: Add gates and risers to the pattern to facilitate
during casting.

8. *Inspection and testing*: Verify the pattern's accuracy and integrity

through inspection and testing.

Some common pattern construction techniques include:

- *Carpentry*: Building patterns using wood and traditional

woodworking joints.

- *Metalworking*: Fabricating patterns using metal sheets, plates, or

bars, and techniques like welding or machining.

- *Model making*: Creating precise patterns using specialized materials

and techniques, like stereolithography (SLA) or selective laser sintering

- *3D printing*: Building patterns using additive manufacturing

technologies, like fused deposition modeling (FDM) or selective laser
sintering (SLS).
The chosen construction method depends on the specific requirements
of the casting, the pattern material, and the available resources.

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