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SUPPORTING Employee caregivers are

labour force participants who
simultaneously take on an unpaid

CAREGIVERS caring role for someone in need.

Shaping future workplaces

Who are 50 % Cost to employee caregivers

In order to care for their loved ones,

between the ages of caregivers lose opportunities:
45-65 …their peak
earning years
Lost Decreased
up to wages
30 hr/w
of provied Loss of extended
unpaid care for an health benefits

average of 3 years

Caregivers are substantially more likely

million to experience an array of negative
emotional, social and health outcomes.
caregivers are
in the workforce,
representing 1 in 4 19%
35% of employed
balance child rearing,
caregiving, paid work 28 %
of caregivers found of caregivers indicated that
providing care to their physical & emotional
Caregiving impacts work be stressful health suffered

Employee caregivers are labour force participants who

simultaneously take on an unpaid caring role for someone in need.

Cost to employers
15 reduce their
% work hours 6%
quit their jobs
Productivity losses to employers are enormous:

Loss of Increased

take a leave
work days
of absence per year

10% Loss
down job 4 in 10 miss days of work skilled
opportunitites employees

Cost to economy $ 1.3 billion $ $ $


in lost productivity per year $


Canadian employers need caregiver friendly policies and

programs as a part of their future workplaces.

CIHR/SSHRC Healthy Productive Work Partnership Grant “Mobilizing a Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Standard:
A Partnership Approach ” FRN: HWP – 146001 (CIHR); 890-2016-3018 (SSHRC)

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