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1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to introduce the concept of AutoCAD primitive shapes

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Use AutoCAD 3D primitive shapes in creating 3D objects
2. Apply different techniques in drawing 3D objects using primitive shapes

3. Discussion:

Primitives are more than ready-to-go shapes built into AutoCAD. Think of them as Lego, pieces for
computer-aided design; all you need to do is specify a few dimensional values and place them in your drawing as
needed. The following are the primitives shapes:

1. Box
2. Wedge
3. Cone
4. Sphere
5. Cylinder
6. Torus
7. Pyramid

As with most commands, there are four ways to access these tools:
1. Typing in the desired primitive and pressing Enter.
2. Cascading menus under Draw Modeling.
3. Using the Modeling toolbar; icons 2-8 from the left
4. Using the Ribbon; Solid tab

4. Resources:

Computer with installed AutoCAD software

5.Procedure and Output


Keyboard: Type in box and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Box

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Box

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify first corner or [Center:
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen
o AutoCAD says: Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:
Step 3. A 2D solid rectangle is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can enter a value by
pressing L for length. Click randomly or enter a value
o AutoCAD says: Specify height or [2Point]<7.2545>:
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the shape is automatically extruded into a cube as shown
in figure 8.1

Figure 8.1 Box primitive


Keyboard: Type in wedge and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Wedge

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Wedge

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify first corner or [Center]:
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen
o AutoCAD says: Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:
Step 3. A 2D solid rectangle (the base of the wedge) is drawn based on the movements of your
mouse, or you can enter a value by pressing L for length. Click randomly or enter a value
o AutoCAD says: Specify height or [2Point]<2.0000>:
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the wedge is automatically extruded into a cube as shown
in figure 8.2

Figure 8.2 Wedge primitive


Keyboard: Type in cone and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Cone

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Cone

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify center point of base or
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen or use the 3P, 2P, Ttr features as in the 2D world.
o AutoCAD says: Specify base radius or[Diameter] ]<7.2545>:
Step 3. A 2D solid circle (the base of the cone) is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can
enter a value by pressing typing in a radius or pressing d for diameter. Click randomly or
enter a value
o AutoCAD says: Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint/Top
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the cone shape is automatically extruded into a cube as
shown in figure 8.3

Figure 8.3 Cone primitive


Keyboard: Type in sphere and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Sphere

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Sphere

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify center poit or [3P/2P/Ttr]:
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen or use the 3P, 2P, Ttr features as in the 2D world.
o AutoCAD says: Specify base radius or[Diameter] ]<7.2545>:
Step 3. A 2D solid sphere is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can enter a value by
pressing typing in a radius or pressing d for diameter. The output is shown in figure 8.4

Figure 8.4Sphere primitive


Keyboard: Type in cyliner and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Cylinder

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Cylinder

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify center point of base or
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen or use the 3P, 2P, Ttr features as in the 2D world.
o AutoCAD says: Specify base radius or[Diameter] ]<7.2545>:
Step 3. A 2D solid circle (the base of the cylinder) is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can
enter a value by pressing typing in a radius or pressing d for diameter
o AutoCAD says: Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint]<7.2545>:
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the cylinder shape is automatically extruded into a cube as
shown in figure 8.5

Figure 8.5 Cylinder primitive


Keyboard: Type in torus and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Torus

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Torus

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:

o AutoCAD says: Specify center point of base or
Step 2: Click anywhere on the screen or use the 3P, 2P, Ttr features as in the 2D world.
o AutoCAD says: Specify base radius or[Diameter] ]<7.2545>:
Step 3. A hoop is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can enter a value by pressing
typing in a radius or pressing d for diameter
o AutoCAD says: Specify height tube radius or
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the torus shape is automatically extruded into a cube as
shown in figure 8.6

Figure 8.6 Torus primitive


Keyboard: Type in pyramid and press Enter

Cascading menus: Draw Modeling Pyramid

Toolbar icon: Modeling toolbar

Ribbon: Solid tab Pyramid

Step 1: Use any of the preceding methods:
o AutoCAD says: 4 sides Circumscribed Specify center point of base or
Step 2: You can then click anywhere or use the Sides option to give the pyramid more than four sides, a
useful feature
o AutoCAD says: Specify base radius or [Inscribed]<22.2294>:
Step 3. A pyramid base is drawn based on the movements of your mouse, or you can enter a value.
The inscribed feature works in the same manner as it was used with polygon command.
o AutoCAD says: Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint/Top
Step 4. Drag your mouse up (or enter a value) and the shape is automatically extruded as shown in figure 8.7.
Just like with the cone, you can vary the top radius of the shape

Figure 8.7 Pyramid primitive

Activity 1:

1. Create each primitive shape once via only mouse clicking and once using keyed-in values
(Difficulty level: Easy; Time to completion: 5-10 minutes)

2. Create the following layout using primitive and the rectangle command. All sizes and positioning are
approximate. (Difficulty level: Easy; Time to completion: 10 minutes)

6. Conclusion:

7. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

Outcomes 1 2 3

Was able to draw 3D Was able to finish Was able to finish

Use AutoCAD 3D objects using drawing 3D objects drawing 3D objects
primitive shapes, using primitive using primitive shapes
primitive shapes in however with errors; shapes without without errors and
creating 3D objects needs supervision errors; needs supervision of the
with the faculty supervision with the faculty member
member faculty member

Has difficulty Was able to apply

Apply different Fails to apply
applying different different techniques
techniques in drawing different techniques
techniques in in drawing 3D
3D objects using in drawing 3D
drawing 3D objects objects using
primitive shapes objects using
using primitive primitive shapes
primitive shapes
shapes without difficulty
Other comments/observation: TOTAL SCORE

RATING = (total score) x 100%


Evaluated By: Date:

Faculty Member

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