Test 1 part 1 (1)

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Cambridge Preliminary English Test 2 by University of Cambridge ESOL examinations

in conjunction
with Cambridge University Press.
This recording is copyright.
CD1 This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test
There are four parts to the test.
You will hear each part twice.
For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions
and time for you to check your answers.
Write your answers on the question paper.
You will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the
The recording will now be stopped.
Please ask any questions now because you must not speak during the test.
Now open your question paper and look at part one.
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it.
Before we start, here is an example.
What's the time?
Have you got the time?
Yes, it's twenty past three.
The first picture is correct, so there is a tick in box A.
Look at the three pictures for question one now.
Now we are ready to start.
Listen carefully.
You will hear each recording twice.
Where will the girls meet?
Will you meet me in the park?
By the entrance?
No, at the ice cream kiosk.
You know the one by the lake.
Now listen again.
Will you meet me in the park?
By the entrance?
No, at the ice cream kiosk.
You know the one by the lake.
What do you do?
Which chair does the man want?
Good afternoon.
Can you show me your office chairs?
I'm looking for something with a high back and arms.
Now listen again.
Good afternoon.
Can you show me your office chairs?
I'm looking for something with a high back and arms.
Which picture shows what the girls need?
Now have we got everything?
Flour, butter, lemon, milk.
Don't we need eggs?
Of course.
Two eggs.
Which picture shows what happened?
Look at that mirror.
How did it get broken?
We were playing ball and I missed it.
I've told you before you are not to play ball in the house.
Well, you will both have to buy a new mirror.
Now listen again.
Look at that mirror.
How did it get broken?
We were playing ball and I missed it.
I've told you before you are not to play ball in the house.
Well, you will both have to buy a new mirror.
What is Sarah's mother doing?
When can we go out, Mum?
In about half an hour, Sarah, when I've finished doing the washing up.
What luggage is the man taking on holiday?
I thought you were only taking two suitcases on holiday with you.
Well, I was, but I decided to take my overnight bag as well.
I couldn't get everything.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
I was.
All right, now we get started.
I can do the ladies.
Let it get donuts all the time.
Let it get to the other side.
Let it get on.
Right, your dog.
I was?
I had never run out of time.
This is a bonus card atM Clyde.
What is it that you had to do in here in your house?
A now?
You must never be.
Get it off O O O a a?
It would be technical.
Talk to me.
I was.
Time to move.
I've got to tell you.
Keep it safe.
It is beating.
Show me what it's like being as a team.
All right, now you early Ol.
Now listen again.
7. Which photograph does the man like?
I'm really disappointed with my holiday photos. The only good one is the one of us
all standing together on the cliff top looking down at the beach.
Now listen again.
I'm really disappointed with my holiday photos. The only good one is the one of us
all standing together on the cliff top looking down at the beach.
That is the end of part one.

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