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United International Journal for Research & Technology

Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

Enhancing Scientific Skills among Students Through

Engaging in Active Learning Activities
Mark Joseph B. Balaoro
School of Graduate Studies, St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon, Sorsogon City, Philippines

Abstract— This study investigates the enhancement of scientific skills among students through engaging active learning
activities in educational settings. Active learning, characterized by hands-on experiments, interactive discussions, and
problem-solving tasks, offers a dynamic approach to science education. The rationale for this research lies in the
recognition of the importance of scientific literacy and critical thinking skills among students to prepare them for success
in a technologically-driven world. The study encompasses diverse active learning strategies employed by science teachers
in private schools in Bulan, Sorsogon, emphasizing engagement, collaboration, and practical application of scientific
concepts. Methodological aspects include surveys, discussions, and analysis of responses from science teachers to identify
prevalent active learning activities, challenges faced, and effective teaching strategies. Findings reveal a range of active
learning methods, such as hands-on experiments and group discussions, which enhance students' understanding and
retention of scientific principles. Interpretations emphasize the importance of addressing these challenges through
comprehensive training programs and systemic changes in curriculum design. The study underscores the significance of
integrating active learning modules into the curriculum to create engaging learning environments that promote scientific
skills development.

Keywords— active learning, scientific skills, science education, student engagement, curriculum design

I.INTRODUCTION students, highlighting the need for innovative teaching

In the contemporary educational landscape, amidst the methods. In this context, active learning activities stand
rapid globalization and technological advancements of out as a promising approach to enhance scientific skills
the digital era, there's an urgent need to adapt teaching among students (DepEd, 2018). These activities involve
methods. This necessity arises from the demand to hands-on experiences and interactive tasks that
empower students with scientific skills that are essential encourage students to engage directly with scientific
for navigating the complexities of today's world. One concepts, fostering deeper understanding and
effective strategy for achieving this goal is through proficiency.
active learning activities. Active learning engages
students directly in the learning process, encouraging Despite the promising potential of incorporating active
them to inquire, think critically, and develop skills for learning activities into Philippine classrooms, their
lifelong learning (Brown, 2022). widespread implementation is still in its early stages,
leaving much untapped potential. Therefore, it is crucial
In today's rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by to conduct empirical research to understand how these
technological advancements and dynamic socio- activities impact students' academic achievement and
economic trends, the imperative to cultivate robust laboratory skills. This study aims to address this gap by
scientific literacy among students has never been more exploring how active learning activities, aligned with
pressing. Recognizing this urgency, UNESCO the promotion of scientific skills, influence student
advocates for the enhancement of science education performance in general science education. Specifically,
worldwide, emphasizing the pivotal role of academic the research will examine the relationship between
achievement and laboratory competence in preparing active learning methods and academic outcomes, as well
learners for the challenges of the 21st century. as laboratory competencies. Through this investigation,
valuable insights can be gained to guide evidence-based
Within the Philippine context, the Department of teaching practices and shape the direction of science
Education (DepEd) faces significant challenges in education towards excellence (Smith & Johnson, 2019).
improving educational standards, especially in science
teaching. Many schools struggle with low academic Enhancing scientific skills among students through
performance and inadequate laboratory skills among engaging active learning activities embodies a

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United International Journal for Research & Technology
Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

significant departure from conventional educational Philippines. By conducting empirical investigations and
practices, prioritizing student involvement and upholding scholarly standards, this study endeavors to
independence in the learning process. Unlike traditional demystify the process of student learning, revealing the
teaching methods centered on passive reception of potential of active learning approaches to revolutionize
knowledge, this approach empowers students to take science education in the Philippines. Navigating through
charge of their learning with guidance from instructors. the intricate pathways of educational discourse, it
The effectiveness of this approach, showing that remains steadfast in its mission to elucidate the
students engaged in active learning activities exhibited underlying principles of effective teaching and learning,
notably enhanced academic performance and offering insights that can shape policies and practices in
proficiency in laboratory skills across various scientific the science education domain.
disciplines (Santos and colleagues, 2019).
In the realm of education, this study serves as a crucial
The research aims to explore how active learning guidepost for ushering in positive changes, paving the
activities can enhance students' scientific skills. By way for improved teaching methods and enhanced
examining the effectiveness of active learning methods learning outcomes. By delving deeply into the dynamics
in promoting a better grasp of scientific concepts, this of student learning, it aims to shed light on effective
study seeks to uncover their specific advantages. strategies that foster academic success and mastery of
Through thorough analysis and practical investigation, scientific skills.
it delves into the various ways in which active learning
contributes to a deeper understanding of science among The study at hand serves as a testament to the enduring
students. This research sheds light on the potential of curiosity that drives academic exploration, inspiring
active learning strategies to revolutionize science researchers to uncover the secrets nestled between
education in the Philippines (Garcia et al., 2019). theory and practice. Employing a rigorous methodology
and thorough analysis, it aims to break free from
In pursuit of enhancing scientific skills among students conventional teaching methods, paving the way for
through engaging in active learning activities, this study innovative approaches to learning. Amidst the myriad of
sets sail on a journey driven by evidence-based practice. voices and perspectives, this study shines as a symbol of
It navigates unexplored territories to uncover insights intellectual rigor and academic curiosity, urging
that could revolutionize science education in the educators and policymakers to embrace its call for
Philippines. By exploring the relationship between change. By offering sharp analysis and nuanced
teaching methods and student outcomes, it aims to gain observations, it seeks to initiate conversations that
a deeper comprehension of the intricate dynamics that bridge disciplinary gaps, promoting cooperation and
contribute to successful teaching and learning joint efforts in revitalizing education (Wang et al.,
experiences (Smith & Jones, 2018). 2019).

At its core, this study embodies the essence of scientific In pursuit of knowledge and understanding, this study
inquiry, inviting researchers to explore new horizons in embodies the essence of academic investigation. By
pursuit of knowledge and insight. With its thorough gathering evidence and presenting reasoned arguments,
approach and insightful examination, it aims to uncover it seeks to illuminate pathways toward enlightenment.
the fundamental aspects of successful teaching and Within the realm of education, it remains dedicated to
learning, providing valuable perspectives that can guide unraveling the complexities of student learning,
policies and practices in science education (Smith, shedding light on how active learning activities can
2018). Within the realm of inquiry, this study embraces enhance scientific skills among students. This research,
scholarly rigor and intellectual exploration, encouraging conducted within the educational context of the
researchers to delve into unexplored territories of Philippines, serves as a catalyst for intellectual growth.
educational research in their quest for truth and Through a rigorous examination of various teaching
comprehension. Through its meticulous analysis and methods and careful analysis, it aims to surpass
rigorous methodology, it seeks to unravel the conventional thinking, paving the way for innovative
complexities surrounding student learning, shedding teaching practices and improved educational outcomes
light on the transformative power of active learning (Johnson, 2016).
activities within the educational context of the

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United International Journal for Research & Technology
Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

In advancing the enhancing scientific skills among approach facilitated a thorough understanding of the
students through engaging in active learning activities, implementation and outcomes of active learning
this study is deeply rooted in gathering solid evidence activities in science education.
from empirical sources, avoiding mere guesswork, and
prioritizing thoroughness and accuracy. As it delves into The participants were science teachers from private
the realm of education, dedication lies in uncovering the schools in Bulan, Sorsogon. A total of 15 teachers from
secrets that surround student learning, paving the way St. Louise de Marillac School of Bulan, Inc. (11
for both academic success and mastery of laboratory teachers) and Solis Institute of Technology, Inc. (4
techniques. teachers) were selected using a simple random sampling
method. This approach ensured a representative sample,
In the pursuit of enhancing scientific skills among mitigating bias and enhancing the validity of the
students through engaging in active learning activities, findings. Participants were informed about the study's
this study embodies the relentless curiosity driving objectives and procedures, and informed consent was
academic exploration. It invites researchers to delve into obtained to adhere to ethical standards. Confidentiality
new realms of understanding, aiming to uncover insights and anonymity were maintained throughout the
that illuminate the learning process. By employing research.
thorough analysis and robust methodology, this research
seeks to demystify the intricacies of student learning Various research instruments were employed to evaluate
within the Philippine educational context, highlighting the effectiveness of active learning in science education.
the transformative power of engaging learning These included survey questionnaires administered to
experiences. science teachers to gather data on their perceptions and
experiences with active learning activities. Focus-group
II.OBJECTIVES discussions were conducted to gain qualitative insights
This study was conducted to enhance scientific skills into students' development of practical scientific skills
among students through engaging in active learning through these activities. Classroom observations
activities. Specifically, it aims to identify the different documented interactions, participation levels, and
activities employed by science teachers that engage in engagement during active learning sessions, providing
active learning and examine the specific scientific skills qualitative insights into instructional dynamics.
that are cultivated through these activities. To analyze Additionally, semi-structured interviews with teachers
the various strategies used by teachers to implement delved deeper into their perspectives on the
active learning effectively, as well as to investigate the effectiveness and challenges of active learning
factors that hinder teachers from employing these activities.
Data gathering procedures involved several steps.
Furthermore, the study aims to propose a comprehensive Permissions and approvals were obtained from school
teaching-learning package that incorporates active administrations and relevant authorities to conduct the
learning techniques to improve the scientific skills of study within the schools. Informants were selected
learners, addressing the identified challenges and based on teaching experience, subject expertise, and
enhancing the overall educational experience in science willingness to participate, ensuring a comprehensive
classrooms. sample. Active learning activities were implemented in
selected science classes, with teachers receiving training
III.METHODOLOGY and guidance to ensure consistent and effective
This study employed a mixed-method research design to implementation. Surveys were administered, and focus-
evaluate the impact of active learning activities on group discussions were held to collect qualitative
student engagement and scientific skills development. feedback.
The explanatory sequential method was used to
comprehensively examine the effectiveness of active Data were treated through both quantitative and
learning strategies. Quantitative data were collected qualitative analyses. Survey responses were subjected to
through surveys administered to science teachers, while frequency counts to identify prevalent themes and
qualitative data were gathered via classroom perspectives among the informants. Qualitative data
observations and focused group discussions. This from focus-group discussions and interviews were

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Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

analyzed using thematic analysis, involving coding and 1. Activities Employed by Science Teachers that
identifying patterns within the data. This dual approach Promote Active Learning
provided deeper insights into teachers' experiences and The study delves into how science teachers actively
perceptions. engage their students in the learning process. It seeks to
understand the various methods and activities utilized by
By integrating quantitative and qualitative data, the teachers to promote active learning in science
study provided a robust understanding of the classrooms. Active learning involves techniques where
effectiveness of active learning activities in enhancing students are actively involved in the learning process
scientific skills among students in private schools in rather than passively receiving information. By
Bulan, Sorsogon. The combined analysis allowed for investigating these activities, the research aims to
meaningful conclusions and recommendations based on uncover the diverse approaches teachers employ to
the comprehensive perceptions and experiences of the make science education more interactive and engaging
participating science teachers. for students. From hands-on experiments to group
discussions and interactive demonstrations, the study
IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION explores the spectrum of strategies teachers use to foster
The following results were gathered, analyzed, and a dynamic learning environment where students are
interpreted by the researcher based on the objectives of actively involved in their own education.
the study. Frequency count and thematic analysis were
also used.

Table 1.0 Activities Employed by Science Teachers that Promote Engaging Active Learning
Activities Frequency Rank
Interactive/Group Discussion 15 1.5
Problem-solving Activities 15 1.5
Hands-on Experiments 14 3
Online Quizzes and Games 12 4
Concept Mapping 11 5
Simulations and Virtual Labs 9 6
Jigsaw Activities 7 7.5
Science Debates 7 7.5
Role-playing 5 9
Field Trips 0 10

Table 1.0 provides insights into the frequency and practical skills. Online Quizzes and Games obtained a
ranking of various activities that promote engaging frequency of 12 and ranked of 4. This suggests that
active learning in science, as perceived by the informant perceive the integration of technology-
informants. Interactive/Group Discussion and Problem- mediated activities as beneficial for promoting active
solving Activities emerged as the most frequently cited learning in science. Online quizzes and games can
activities, with both obtained a high frequency of 15 and enhance student engagement and motivation while
sharing the top rank of 1.5. This suggests that informant providing opportunities for self-assessment and
highly value interactive discussions and problem- reinforcement of scientific concepts.
solving tasks as effective means to engage students
actively in science learning. These activities likely Furthermore, Concept Mapping obtained a frequency of
encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and 11 and obtained the rank of 5. Concept mapping is
application of scientific concepts. Hands-on valued for its ability to visually represent relationships
Experiments also garnered a significant frequency of 14 between scientific concepts, aiding in comprehension
and obtained the rank of 3. This indicates that hands-on and retention. Its inclusion in the list indicates
experiments are widely recognized as valuable active recognition of its effectiveness in promoting active
learning tools in science education. They provide learning. Simulations and Virtual Labs were mentioned
students with tangible experiences, allowing them to by 9 informants and rank of 6. While slightly less
explore scientific phenomena firsthand and develop frequent than other activities, simulations and virtual

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United International Journal for Research & Technology
Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

labs offer valuable opportunities for students to explore understanding of scientific concepts but also develop
complex scientific phenomena in a controlled virtual essential interpersonal skills such as communication and
environment, fostering inquiry and experimentation. teamwork.
Jigsaw Activities and Science Debates were cited by 7
respondents each, sharing the rank of 7.5. These Theme 5&6 Problem-solving and Critical Thinking
activities promote cooperative learning and critical skills are honed through activities like problem-solving
thinking, allowing students to analyze and synthesize tasks and simulations. These methods engaged students
information from different perspectives. Role-playing in analyzing data, evaluating hypotheses, and drawing
activities cited by 5 respondents and obtained the rank informed conclusions, preparing them to tackle complex
of 9. While less frequently mentioned, role-playing can scientific challenges. Theme 7 Real-world Application
be an engaging way to contextualize scientific concepts of Knowledge is facilitated by active learning activities
and promote empathy and perspective-taking. And Field that enable students to apply their scientific knowledge
Trips obtained 0 frequency from the informants and and skills to practical scenarios. By bridging the gap
placed the rank of 10, indicating that it is not commonly between theoretical learning and practical application,
perceived as a primary activity for promoting active students developed the complex scientific skills
learning in science among the informants. necessary for success in academic and professional
environments. Theme 8 Immersive Experiences, such as
The data highlight the diversity of activities that simulations and virtual labs, provide students with
educators perceive as effective in promoting active opportunities to interact with complicated scientific
learning in science. Interactive discussions, problem- phenomena. Through these experiences, students
solving tasks, hands-on experiments, and technology- develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
mediated activities are particularly valued, while others essential for scientific inquiry and discovery.
like field trips may be less commonly implemented or
considered. These findings underscore the importance of 3. Teaching Strategies Employed by Science Teachers
incorporating a variety of active learning strategies to in Active Learning
cater to diverse learning styles and foster meaningful Science teachers employed a diverse range of teaching
engagement in science education. strategies to foster active learning in their classrooms.
Among these, Theme 1 Discussion and Expression of
2. Scientific Skills Developed in Using Active Ideas stand out as pivotal components of science
Learning Activities education. These practices created collaborative
The responses from science teachers highlighted the learning environments where students can share, debate,
effectiveness of active learning activities in fostering the and refine their understanding of scientific concepts.
development of scientific skills among students. Theme Through facilitated discussions and prompts for
1&2 Hands-on Learning and Conceptual Understanding expression, teachers encourage critical thinking and
are promoted through active learning activities like engagement, fostering the construction of knowledge
hands-on experiments and group discussions. These through dialogue and interaction.
methods enable students to construct their
understanding of scientific concepts, resulting in deeper Theme 2 Discovery Learning Approach represents a
comprehension and retention. Additionally, Theme 3 fundamental shift in the educational paradigm,
Contextualized Learning integrates these activities into empowering students to actively explore and discover
real-life contexts, ensuring students develop new knowledge through hands-on experiences and
fundamental scientific skills in a meaningful and problem-solving activities. By assuming the role of
engaging manner. By teaching scientific concepts within facilitators rather than lecturers, teachers guide students
relevant contexts, educators create opportunities for in inquiry, investigation, and independent discovery.
students to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, Through this approach, students develop critical
fostering a deeper understanding of scientific principles. thinking and problem-solving skills while taking
Theme 4 Collaboration and Engagement are also ownership of their learning journey.
emphasized, as active learning encourages students to
share ideas, discuss concepts, and work together towards Theme 3 Differentiated Instruction serves as a
common goals. Through collaborative learning cornerstone in science education, allowing teachers to
experiences, students not only enhance their address the diverse learning needs, interests, and

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United International Journal for Research & Technology
Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

abilities of students within the classroom. By tailoring among students. Addressing these challenges requires
instruction to individual needs, educators ensure that all comprehensive solutions that prioritize resource
students have opportunities to engage effectively with allocation, professional development opportunities, and
the curriculum. Through the use of differentiated strategies for enhancing classroom management
instructional materials and activities, students are practices.
empowered to leverage their strengths and contribute
meaningfully to the learning community. 5. Proposed Teaching-Learning Package on Active
Learning to Improve Scientific Skills of the Learners
Theme 4 Gamification and Game-Based Teaching The proposed teaching-learning package on active
represent innovative approaches to science education, learning aims to enhance students' scientific skills by
integrating game elements into the instructional process integrating innovative instructional methods into the
to enhance engagement and motivation. Techniques curriculum. It recognizes the importance of active
such as points, badges, and challenges are utilized to learning methodologies in promoting deeper
create interactive and experiential learning understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving
environments. Through gamification, teachers promote among learners. Through hands-on exploration, inquiry-
active learning, critical thinking, and collaboration based learning, and collaborative activities, the package
among students, making science education more seeks to create an engaging learning environment where
engaging and effective. students can develop essential scientific skills such as
critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.
4. Factors that Hinder Teacher’s Employment of
Active Learning Comprising active learning modules, tailored
Science teachers encounter several challenges when it assessment tools, and teacher support materials, the
comes to effectively implementing active learning package is designed to provide comprehensive resources
methods in the classroom. These hurdles are for both students and educators. The active learning
multifaceted, encompassing factors like Theme 1 Lack modules will offer interactive lessons and activities that
of Resources, Theme 2 Time Constraints, Theme 3 encourage student engagement and exploration of
Classroom Management and Student Engagement, and scientific concepts. Assessment tools will be specifically
Theme 4 Curriculum Constraints Training. designed to measure students' progress in developing
scientific skills, while teacher support materials will
One significant challenge is the lack of resources, which equip educators with the necessary resources and
includes limitations in time, materials, technology, and guidance to effectively implement active learning
support personnel. Time constraints within the strategies in the classroom. Together, these components
curriculum often restrict teachers from integrating aim to promote a student-centered approach to learning
hands-on activities, experiments, and group projects into and foster the development of scientific skills among
their lesson plans, impacting the practical application of students in Private Schools in Bulan, Sorsogon.
scientific concepts. Additionally, inadequate access to
laboratory equipment, science kits, and other essential V.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
materials further impedes the implementation of active Based on the preceding findings, the researcher
learning strategies. concludes that the inquiry-based approach is the most
common activity in engaging students and enhancing
Moreover, challenges related to classroom management scientific skills employed by science teachers. Both the
present significant obstacles to creating an environment basic and the complex scientific skills are developed
conducive to active learning. Maintaining discipline and through active learning activities.
managing student behavior are vital aspects of
facilitating effective learning experiences. Furthermore, In implementing active learning, the strategies used by
the lack of access to materials and insufficient training science teachers include, allowing learners to involve
in implementing active learning activities pose themselves in discussions and expression of ideas,
significant hurdles for educators. Without proper exposing them to discovery learning, employing
training and support, teachers may struggle to differentiated instruction, and adopting gamification
incorporate innovative teaching methods effectively, techniques. The factors that hinder teachers from
ultimately impacting the promotion of scientific skills employing active learning activities include limited

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Volume 05, Issue 07, 2024 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

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