Ms Access Notes

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Introduction of MS Access :-
 A computer is an electronic device which performs mathematical and non-mathematical
operations with the help of information to process the data in order to achieve desire
 It process the data to give information , we use computers to process data.

 Data :
 Data simply refers to raw facts and figures. These may be information of numbers ,
letters , images , sounds or a combination of these.
 Data needs to be processed to make it meaningful and useful.
 When data is processed for some meaning it becomes an information.
 Database :
 A collections of related tables with data is called a database. A simple example of a
database is attendance register. It contains the name of each student of class with his/her
roll no.
 Database are very useful in maintain data.


To Add Fields :-
 Select the required fields from the available dialog box.
 Click on the single forward arrow button [ > ] or just double
click on the field.
 We will see that the selected fields is shifted to the selected
field box.
 In case , we want to add on the fields of the table , click on
the double forward arrow button [>>] , it will shift all the fields
at once.

To Move The Selected Fields :-

 We can remove the selected fields from the selected field box.
To remove them one by one click on the single backward arrow
button [<] or to remove all at once , click on the double backward
arrow button [<<].
 Once we have selected the required fields , click on the next
 A new screen appears. For now , skip it and click on the next
 Now , enter a new title for your query.
 Ensure that ; open the query to view information. Radio button
is selected by default.
 Now , click on the finish button.
 The created query will be added in the queries navigation pane.
 Also , the query table which displays the records of the table as
per hour query appear.


Creating Query Using Design View :-

 The design view also allows us to create a query.
 We can follow these steps to create a query using query design option.
 Open the database and click on the create tab.
 Click on the query design option in the queries group.
 The query design view appears with the show table dialog box.
 Select the table on which we want to apply the query to fetch the data.
 Click on the add button or double click on the tables name. The table
window is added in the upper part of the main query window.
 The main query window is divided into two panes , i.e., top and bottom.
 The top pane display the table with their field names in the form of field
list. It also shows the relationship between two tables.
 The bottom pane displays the design greed. It has these following
properties :-
 Field : It displays the selected field in the form of table.
 Table : It displays the name of the existing table.
 Sort : It is used to filter the data either in ascending or descending.
 Show : The field with the check marks, displays the information
when the query is being run.
 Criteria : It has the condition to filter out the data retrieved from the
table or it can be used to set multiple criteria in the table.
 With fields row of design greed , we can add fields to the query by dragging
them from the field list of the table or double click on the field. In the same
way we can add other fields such as name , class or roll no.
 We can also select the desired field , from the field drop – down list in the
design greed. Now , click on the run button in the results group of design tab.

Saving The Query :-
 Save the query using the same button located on quick access toolbar.
 The save as dialog box appear. Enter a suitable name for the query in the
name text box.
 Click on the OK button.

Editing The Query :-

 After creating a query we may need to make changes in it.
 When we open a existing query , it is displayed in the datasheet view. To edit
a query , we need to open it in the design view by following steps.
 Right click on the navigation pane.
 Click on the design view option.
 The query will be displayed in the design view.
 Make the required changes in the query , i.e., selected the percentage field in
the place of address field in the field row.
 Save the query again and click on the run button to execute it.
 We will get the updated result in the data sheet view.

Specifying Criteria In A Query :-

 Criteria is specified in the criteria row of design greed. We need to specify
the criteria value and the data view by which data will be filtered accordingly
in the query output. We can apply criteria on the single field and also on
multiple fields.
 To apply criteria in a single field or multiple fields , follow these steps :-
 Select the query in the navigation pane.
 Now click on the home tab.
 Select the view > design view option from the drop – down menu.
 The selected query option in the design view specify criteria and click on the
run button.

Wild Card Characters And Like Operators :-

 Wild card characters are also used with the operator. The like operator
searches for a specified pattern in the field.
 A pattern may include regular or wild card character.
 There are two wild card characters often used in the conjunction with like
operators. { * , ? } .
Form :-
 MS Access provides a data sheet view which is a convenient way for entering
data but it is not an appropriate tool for every data entry scenario. Sometimes
when we work with the different users and do not want to expose the inner
working of MS Access we make choose to Access forms.
 A form is a printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion of the
required or requested information. MS Access provide forms which prompt
the users to provide information , they can feed into a database.
 Form allows us to add an update data on record at a time in table.
 To creating forms for our database , can make entering data much more
convenient. We can design the forms according to our requirement.
 Although , a form can have a different names from a table but they both
manipulate the same information and data. If we change a record in a form , it
will be reflected in the table as well.
 MS Access provides three main views in which a form is displayed.
 Form view :
This view is used to enter or edit the data.
 Design view :
This view is used to adjust the design of our form. It gives more detailed view
of structure of the form like header detail and footer section.
 Layout view :
This view is used to change the look and fill the form. It is used to setting the
size of control and changing their appearance.

Creating A Form Using Form Wizard :-

 Select the table from the navigation pane and click on the create tab.
 Click on the form wizard option from group.
 The form wizard dialog box appears on the screen, select the table or query on
which the form is to be created ; from the table\query drop-down box.
 Select the fields from the available field. Transfer all the fields or the selected fields
from the available fields box. Click on the next button.
 In the next step of form wizard, we can choose a layout for our form. There are four
options available for setting the layout of the form. #Column R, #tabular, #datasheet
and #justify . Select the one we like.
 Click on the next button to move on the next step.
 In the next step, give a desire name to our form, make sure that the option opened
the form to view or enter information is selected.
 Click on the finish button and the new form will appear in access work space.

Entering or removing data in the forms :-

 When we create a form, it opens in the form view by default.
 The view comprises the report navigation toolbar that normally appears at the bottom
of the form view window. It enables us to navigate the records, add a new record, and
search of the record.
Report :-
 A report is a summary of our database. It is effective way to organize and summarize
the data, for viewing and printing.
 It consists of information obtained from the tables, queries and forms presented as
per users requirement.
 Reports are generally prepared and presented in hard copy. If we need to share
information from our database with someone but do not want that person , to actually
work with our database.
 Report also provide the facilities to group and short the items. Thus, making it much
more readable.
Report Section :-
 In MS Access, a report is divided in the following sections.
 Report Header :-
This section contains the information that generally appears on the cover page such
as a logo, data. It appears at the top of each page in the report.
 Page Header :-
It contains the information that is to be displayed at the top of the report.
 Detail :-
This is where we place the control that make up the main body of the report.
It displays the record and appears between header and page footer.
 Page Footer :-
This section is printed at the end of every page. It is used to print the page no. and
total no. of page.
 Report Footer :-
It prints the total report or the other information for the entire report. It appears on the
last page of the report and displays the summary of the report.

Creating A Report Using Wizard :-

 A report can be created in the same way as we have create a form. The only
difference is that after selected the create tab we have to click on the crate button. In
the report group, Access creates a report and displays all the fields of the selected
tables in the report.
Editing A Report :-
 By opening it in the design view \ to open the report in the design view, follow these
 Select the report in the navigation pane.
 Click on the view button in the home tab and select the design view option from the
drop-down list.
 Right click on the report in the navigation pane and select the design view from the
contents menu. The report will be open in the design view where we can make the
required changes.

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