02 HANA Architecture

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02 HANA Architecture

You welcome back to the next episode on ABAP. On HANA come S/4 HANA developers
training in the last couple of episodes we discussed about the concept of SAP HANA. We
talked about what is code to data paradigm. We have seen the concepts of the benefit of
in memory database. We talked about why and how a SAP HANA was realized by SAP
because of reduction in memory cost and high computing power with a less amount of
memory and good speed with columnar database. We talked about how HANA has evolved
to suit the product line of all the SAP products, be it BW or be it business suite.

We also talked about the use cases which HANA comes with and the job roles and different
job profiles in the company which you and around you people are using to do things in your
company. In today's episode, we will go ahead and discuss architecture of SAP HANA. We
will quickly talk about the development tools which we will be using during our course. And
also the most asked question by all of you about the server access. How do we get server
access? For practicing all the concepts which we will be covering throughout this course, we
will be talking about all of them as well. So let's get started.

Today's episode. Those who have joined today's episode directly without watching the
previous classes, I would humbly request you to please go back and check previous two
classes. One was the demo session and one was our last session to get equal to the others
as they are in this session. So a humble request, please watch after today's class, the last
class, those who have not attended that class in the video mode of training. All right, let's go
back. So now what I'll do is we'll start with the introduction of SAP HANA in memory
computing engine.

What components are part of SAP HANA? So SAP HANA platform architecture. So now
SAP HANA is just not a database. It is more than that. And that's why it's called platform.
Now this platform includes so many powerful features and powerful computation
components which we will be discussing in this episode. So let's start why SAP HANA is
called platform. Because it's no more just a database. No more just a database. It is more
than that. What more than that? So the first component as part of SAP S/4 HANA comes
into the picture is called XS engine. All right, that's the first component inside this HANA
platform called XS engine. What is XSengine? XS engine stands for extension or extended
server. Okay. This is called XS engine. Extended server. What does it mean? It means
there is a lightweight application server which is embedded inside of HANA. So HANA being
the data store which stores just the data. SAP also introduced a lightweight application
server just like your ABAP runs on application layer, right? Netweaver is the technical
platform for ABAP application.

Similarly, SAP HANA introduced another engine inside which is called XS engine. Don't
compare this with ABAP application layer. Many of you immediately start thinking, which
means I can run ABAP program. No, you cannot run an ABAP program on HANA directly.
You need SAP netweaver to run above program, but yet still you can run different other
types of programs on SAP HANA. It provides you different runtime supports which we will
discuss in a minute. But first understand, you cannot run a program in a notepad file. For
example, if I just open a notepad and try to write an above program data lv matner type
Mara can I run this? Can I run this? Guys, is it possible that I can run this program here?
Can I run this?

Anybody you can answer in chat window. Can I run this program over here? Is it possible to
run this in the notepad file? Not possible. Why? Why not possible? Because it doesn't have
a runtime.

The notepad doesn't provide the runtime. To run this above program it needs a runtime, and
that runtime is provided by Netweaver. So Netweaver is the technical platform which
provides runtime for ABAP application. So there is nothing like magic. So basically there is
some engine which is running which is understanding it, which is understanding it. So that
engine is netweaver. Similarly, SAP HANA has a lightweight engine inside, that's why it's
called engine. And this engine can understand different types of runtimes.

So basically there are right now four major runtimes which are supported at the part of this
XS engine. The first runtime is called HTML five runtime which supports Fiori based
apps. The second runtime which it supports is Java, so called JRe Java runtime environment
they have which can run Java apps. The third runtime which they have is Google V eight
engine. Google V8 engine is another runtime which they have which supports node JS
programming language. And then we have also now install your own build packs.

So bring your own build packs inside of HANA and then you can start supporting other
programming language like Python R and other languages. So that is what actually the
XS engine is all about. It's a lightweight application server built in inside of SAP HANA,
which will support different varieties of runtime and only these runtimes are currently

ABAP is not supported here. If you want to run an ABAP program, you still need netweaver
you still need SAP basis SAP netweaver. Okay so that's called SAP HANA XS engine
component which is part of SAP HANA inside. The second component which comes inside
SAP HANA platform is called index server. So this is your actual in memory computing
engine also called your in-memory database which we were saying, right? This is what in
memory database is all about. So this is your actual in memory database, actual in memory
computing engine.

This is where all your data is getting stored. This is the real database part of SAP HANA.
The third component of SAP HANA is called name server. Okay what is it called? It's called
name server. What does the name server does? So guys, in my childhood days we used to
go to book tickets on railway station, right? And somebody want to travel from point a to
point b they used to book the tickets on the railway station itself. So what happens if there
are too many passengers to book the tickets and there is only one counter? What happens
guys? Anyone? What happens if there is only one counter and there are too many
passengers who are willing to book tickets? A queue gets created. Correct. A queue gate
gets created so they all will stand in a queue. Correct.

Now suppose if I want to decrease the size of a queue what will I do? What will I do if I want
to decrease size of a queue? Be it on a ticket counter line, any kind of ticketing which you do
. What do you do to reduce the size of a queue? Exactly. Open another window in parallel.
Perfect answer. Multiple counters. That's what you got to do.

Very simple. Same thing happens. Suppose in SAP HANA if you are running a very large
corporation, corporations like Walmart, Colgate, HuL, ONGC, Reliance like these kind of
players, Tata and these big players, they have humongous data over years. So one HANA

box which is even available in double XL size up to supports up to maybe let's say 100 gigs
of memory. Now the data which these organizations hold is humongous. It is
not even imaginable the data they have and it's beyond let's say 100 gigs. So in that case
you got to run multiple parallel HANA instances to support this humongous data. Yet they
want to coordinate between each other. So that's what the name server does.

In case of distributed system for scaling, the name server is the coordinator. This component
coordinates everything. Yeah, this component is the coordinator between all these different s
ervers. The next engine which comes is called script server. In HANA this is mainly to
manage the other capabilities. What are all those other capabilities? Basically this has three
subcomponents inside in terms of other capabilities which HANA additionally supports.
Just let me write it here. And these three subcomponents are called PAL, EML and AFL. So

So PAL stands for predictive analytics library, application function library fl. And then you
have EML external machine learning library. So enterprises are running their businesses
since years and years and they want some kind of prediction of data. For example, if I just
look into the past, last ten years of data to find out what was my total sales of laptops or total
sales of iPhones in my company, then I can do that by looking at past data which I can have
some prediction done for the future. So I want to do forecasting of my sales, forecasting of m
y revenue, my next year targets. So all this forecasting can be done by these components.
So you can do predictive analytics, you can do application function library which provides
you ready to use functions for prediction. And then also you have EML external machine
learning library algorithms which allows you to HANA to connect to external machine
learning libraries. So machine learning is another field of artificial intelligence where you can
probably go ahead and do some more predictions in a better way.

You can do image recognition, you can do character recognition. All these are advanced
things which are going on in the market, which is part of this. Of course that's not the goal of
this course. We will not be learning this AFL and EML in this course. That's not our goal for
the current course. All right. The next component is called doc store component which is
responsible for storing documents inside of SAP HANA. So that is called doc store
component. So doc store component in HANA.And then comes is the small, small other
subcomponents inside of SAP HANA box which includes integration components, data
lifecycle management, tooling components. And then we have tooling support for tools for
provisioning, tools like bods, SLT and all. So we have tooling support for provisioning, we
have data lifecycle management tooling and we also have integration.

So these are all the main top components. We have it inside of the overall HANA box. And
then how do you access this HANA box? So basically there are different tools which we can
use to talk to HANA.

The first and the foremost tool which these days very popular still though SAP announced it
as a deprecated tool, but still companies and team members around you are using this tool
is so called HANA Studio. This is one tool we use to connect to HANA. Another tool which
we have in the system is called web Ide, HANA web Ide.

Then another tool or another guy who consume your HANA or another system which talks to
HANA is your ABAP system like we have an ABAP on HANA. So an above system would
want to talk to your HANA database or a BW system want to talk to HANA database. So
these are all the different consumers who consume SAP HANA.

Of course there are more consumers like you have let's say an external tool who want to talk
to HANA, a bods tool for data provisioning purpose or a Bo tool, bo/bi tool like maybe for
example crystal report who want to take the data out of SAP HANA from the data models so
that these different people who want to talk to this box outside, they remain outside the box.
If you see this inside box is actually your HANA platform. So the one which I'm highlighting
here, that inside box is your complete HANA platform.

Actually that's your HANA platform which has these many components. The most important
ingredient or the component is index server. That's the actual database, actual data store.
So let's talk about the architecture of index server, how index server works and what is the
architecture of index server which is really nothing but your real in memory database part or
database component of SAP HANA. So as far as index server is concerned you have
something called client side tool who wants to connect to HANA? There is BW tools or there
is bobi tools or there is maybe a HANA studio who wants to talk to HANA. So these are
different consumers who will send a request to your SAP HANA box.

To talk to SAP HANA box. They send you a request. So what happens when a request
comes? Now the HANA will have the first component called connection and session
manager component.

This is now also known as access connection manager access component. So now this
component is responsible for creating a session whenever you send a request hey, I want to
connect to HANAdb. That request comes to this component similar to the dispatcher in
ABAP layer.

So it comes here, the connection manager. Now bypass this request or send it to another
component called something called authentication manager, auth manager. Or there is also
xs advanced architecture where we have access UA user authentication and authorization

That's a component inside HANA. A request is sent by the connection manager to this to
validate. Is it a valid user? So when you say pass your username password and say okay a
request goes in.

It is now authenticated by this component inside HANA. And once this is authenticated user
is securely connected to HANA and there is a session manager who stores the information
about the connection, who connected to HANA at what time that is stored here in session
manager. Now from here the request is sent to something called request pooler or
something called request processing and execution control component.

And this component is then divert this request to the corresponding subcomponents. So
inside of SAP HANA we have so many other subcomponents. And this is by the way, the
whole architecture is for index server, my friends, I'm showing now what is happening inside
the index server.

Now probably not so important for all of you to remember everything of it, but at least gives
you a good picture of what's going on inside the box. That's the whole idea. So it's really not
important for you to remember every component name what's happening inside. But it's
also equally good that you know what is the inner functioning, how it is functioning inside,
how they are actually storing, where they're storing data and all that. These things, you just
get some basic hands on on these things not really so important from the perspective of

working as a developer. So you really don't need to know about these things. So just an
extra knowledge so that you are getting more comfortable with this engine. What's going on
inside this engine. So that's the whole idea here.

By explaining these components you will not directly be dealing with these components as
we are not a basis guy, right? So we'll not be directly dealing with these components inside.
So the first component comes is your SQL processor. This SQL processor is responsible for
managing all the DML commands data manipulation language.

So all your insert your update your delete all these commands which you fire in the form of
an SQL is submitted to this SQL processor engine. SQL processor component. Then there's
another component called MDX engine.

So all your BW related MDX multi dimension queries which you fire on a BW system. The
BEx report which you fire that is processed via the MDX engine. Then second comes is store
procedure engine.

This is the engine which is responsible for processing SQL script which is also part of the
current course. So in this current course I will show you learning SQL script. So that is what
is also processed by the store procedure engine inside of HANA. Then there comes this
planning engine. It's mainly used for planning scenarios in BW. That's a planning engine
component. Then we have the calculation engine. That's where the calculation views are
getting processed. And then we have an analytic engine inside of SAP HANA which is
responsible for processing OLAP queries.

OLAP queries online analytic processing where you want to do aggregation. For example,
what was the total sales quarter on quarter what was the total sales on weekends? Right. So
these kind of queries, if you want to do. That's OLAP engine which is responsible also
processing your analytic views inside of HANA. Don't panic. Right now I will show you how
to create analytic views and then you will understand little more in detail in practicals how
things are working.

But right now just a basic idea. You should know about these components that yeah, there
are so many components inside which are processing different things inside. That's all.
You should know more than that. It's really absolutely not necessary for any developer to
know about it just for information. This is a good information.

You can keep it with you. To get some more confidence on SAP. HANA then comes is the
actual component called store component. This is your in memory store where the data is
kept in the RAM. That's actual store part and this store part is. There are two types of stores
here. The first is called which we discussed already in the last class. Konbataya anybody
wants to try what are all the two types of store we discussed in the last class? Two types of
store. Last class nobody looked at last class.Ppt. What are all the exactly. Arijit has got
fastest? Column store. Exactly. Column store. And the row store. This is where they
are actually kept. This is where they are stored actually. So column store and row store.
Now there's an interview question, how many types of store HANA has? Interview question,
how many types of store HANA has? Perfect answer. Stephen Thomas has got. Finest
answer, three types, row store and column store. And third one just before that you see
here. Doc store is the third type. All right. Doc store is the third type. There are these three
types of store which SAP HANA has. Doc store, column store and row store.

Three types of store which SAP HANA has inside. Now as we also discussed, there has to
be some kind of backup and recovery just in case power goes off. Since the data is kept in
memory, you cannot take a risk with your enterprise data.And that's where HANA also
does an automatic backup and recovery using something called disk store. So this is your
actual disk store where the data on different points of time is sent to the disk, your hard disk
drive. And just in case of disaster or some kind of corruption or power outage you can
recover the data and that's what you are called disk stored.

For this, SAP is using MaxDB component. SAP has an old database called MaxDB. They
are still using it as to store this data secondary database. So here we have page
management and we have the logging logs. So system logs are stored here in this
component along with the backup data. So just in case of any disaster you will be able to
recover your database from that side. Right? So that's what exactly we have it here. Now
comes to the concept of how the HANA has evolved over a period of time. How did SAP
HANA evolved? What is that has happened in the industry over last couple of years in terms
of, in context of SAP HANA.

So guys, please understand the basic concept of release and support pack. It's a very
important concept which we all need to understand, have a common understanding. Now
you may think, Anubhav, this is a very trivial stuff. Support pack and release is a very trivial
stuff. Anubhav, I assume that I understand this and this is maybe something not so important
to discuss. But trust me, your understanding may be great about this stuff, but not
everybody is with the same understanding. It's important for me to cover up these concepts
quickly. So SAP is a product company. They develop software for entire market.

They don't develop software for one customer. And SAP's customers are everywhere.
Almost every Fortune 500 company works on SAP.You name the company, biggest
organization on this planet. They all work on SAP. Be it Walmart, of course, it's used on the
back end side. Many places. Walmart you have then let's say Colgate, you may have let's
say ONGC, Reliance, BSNL in India, they all use the SAP behind the scene, right? So most
of the companies are using SAP. But SAP is not building for Walmart alone.

They're not building for Colgate alone. They're not building for ONGC alone. They are
building a product for entire market. And now SAP has a very big ecosystem. Ecosystem. I
mean the SAP partner companies.

So you name any service company, they are SAP partner companies. Most probably the top
hundred companies you're working today, they are all partner companies of SAP. Okay, so
the companies like Accenture, anybody from Accenture here, say yes. In the chat window,
say yes. Just name it. Accenture.

TCS. Some of you TCS. TCS, guys, Deloitte, anybody? Deloitte. Just name your company.
Accenture. Deloitte.TCS. So these are all the partner companies of SAP. What do they do?
They will buy the actual product from SAP and then they customize it according to the needs
of Walmart or their clients.

They will customize this solution based on the needs and then they do the implementation of
this over here. Right guys, this is what you do. You must be working with some clients which
are across the globe, different clients. You buy a solution from SAP, you customize it. Do a
lot of customizing, custom development on top of it. Implement bodies, implement user exits.

And then you finally implement and make it perfect fit for the Walmart according to their need
s, right? This is what happens. Similarly, the TCS guys, they also does the same thing.
Maybe the different client, of course.

Similarly, the Deloitte, the service companies, and they also do the things. These are really
big ecosystem. Now imagine there is a standard transaction code, let's say VA0.
I'm sure all of you understand, create sales order. Basically basic. Create a sales order.
VA one. So there's a bug in VA one. Standard.Do you think this bug exists for all clients?
For all end customers. Do you think this standard bug, which you have in the standard
VA01, it exists for all the. Yes, of course, it does exist.

So you see this bug is here and here also. Now, the very first time this guy, Walmart has
found this bug, they reported to their partner company and the partner company then
reported this bug to SAP. They say, hey, SAP, there's a problem in the VA01.
What does SAP do to fix this bug? Anybody? How does SAP fix a bug? What do they do?
Actually, they create something. Very good answer. They create a note.

So note is nothing but a smallest piece of correction, which is then delivered by SAP in the
middle. And this note, when you download and you import and the bug is fixed. Now, after,
let's say, five to ten days, Colgate also found the same bug.

So do you think SAP will create another note dedicated to Colgate to fix the same bug? No,
it will give the same note also to the Colgate. Similarly, the same bug exists in all 100,000
customers which SAP has. And SAP keeps giving those notes to different, different bugs to
different, different clients at different different times as and when they report these issues.
That's why they always say, before you report an issue to SAP, just check if there is a note
already exists. So what happens is, over a period of time, if you see there are a lot of issues
which are coming in the standard software and these are reported by all the customers. So
there are so many small, small notes which SAP has created.

There are so many small, small notes which SAP has created in there in a period of time,
let's say period of one month or two. Yeah. They have created so many notes by receiving
different bugs from different, different customers and partners. And the whole ecosystem is
reporting these different, different bugs to SAP. And SAP is now just quickly going ahead and
fixing these bugs. Not just that they fix this bug, but they also keep a track of all these notes
so that if somebody else is facing the same bug later point of time, they can give this same
note to them.

So these are the sequence of notes which are created. There are so many notes at a time
which exist. So maybe there are bugs which you could not unearthen yet, but they are there
in the system and this may be already a note exist. Now, over a period of time, there are
so many notes and more or less similarly, over a period of time, all these customers will tend
to find these bugs. Actually they will start finding these bugs. All of them are affected.
So they all find these bugs and more or less over a period of time, they keep reporting to
SAP. So SAP keep getting these duplicate messages, duplicate tickets of same issues again
and again. So what SAP does is, okay, no problem.

In last three months, whatever bugs you reported, all of you together collectively, I'm going to
pack them up in a packet. Okay. I'm going to put it inside a packet and I will give you this
packet. You put this packet and then only you report an issue to me. Don't report before you
implement this packet. And this packet is called. Very good answer. Support pack. So what

is a support pack? It's a collection of all the issues reported over one quarter. Typical cycle
of a support pack is one quarter. One quarter is equal to three months. Clear? Everybody,
what is a support pack? Everyone? It's a collection of notes.

It's a collection of notes. Now, similarly, if you see over one year, over one year, over one
year, how many support packs will you get over one particular year? Agarthin Maynami
Akarato ak Salma Kitanayaga if in three months you're getting one in one year, how many
get you going to get? Exactly right answer. You're going to get four.

So likewise you get four support packs over one year. Correct? Are you all with me till here?
Now SAP says, okay, no problem. You've given me enough number of issues over this last
one year.

So means there are enough number of support packs at this point of time which exist in the
system. SAP will now combine all these support packs together and make even a bigger
packet. So some customer who have not even applied any support pack because they may
not encounter any issue, then they are not even implementing.

That's an optional thing. You want a support pack, implement it. You don't want escape it.
But then after over the one year, you have got a very huge number of corrections which have
been done. And this is called release. So a release is a collection of all the support packs
plus new functionality.

Are you clear? What is a release? Release is equal to support packs. All support packs of
quarter plus new functionality. Is this clear everybody? What is a support pack, what is a
note and what is a release? Is that clear every one of you? What is a release, what is a
support pack and what is a note? So collection of notes is a support pack.

Collection of support pack is a release along with new functionality. What is the typical
release cycle of a SAP solution? Anyone? What is the release cycle of a solution? After how
many days are you going to receive the release? New release comes after how much time?
365 days or so called one year. Typical.

This is typical scenario till today before S/4. Okay, is that clear everyone? So that is what the
concept of support pack and releases. So what SAP did, SAP similarly evolved SAP HANA.
So there are different releases, different support packs which has come with SAP HANA
also. And this is how even SAP HANA was released. Since it was a new product, support
pack were not just having bug fixes, but they were also having lot of new features also.
It was a new product, so that's why they were having new features also. So the support pack
zero of SAP HANA, SAP HANA release one that was having support pack Zero, that was
just a beta release. SAP not showed the SAP HANA to everyone.

They showed SAP HANA to only few priority customers. They went to top customers and
they said, hey, I have got this new db, would you like to try for free? They said yeah, why not
? Let's try. So that was just a beta release, not used for any customers.

All the ecosystem, but only few customers have experienced SAP HANA. That was SP Zero,
beta release. In SP one, SAP HANA was made publicly available. And that's what called
GA release. GA means general availability. This was generally available.

All the partner companies and support companies and all the customers can now use SAP

HANA as general available. That's what was possible. The next step was support pack two.
In support pack two, SAP HANA supported can now run as secondary database using driver.
And that's what is called sidecar scenario. We discussed this in the last class.

Those who have not attended my last class, I request you to please go back and check the
video in the training blog. Okay, so that's called HANA driver approach where SAP HANA
can run as a sidecar scenario. Together with that they started support for bods business
object data services for data provisioning. And also they have enabled SLT SAP landscape
transformation tool for moving the data from one system to another. In support pack three,
SAP HANA was now enabled to run on SAP BW system. But remember, minimum version of
BW must be 7.31.

Only then SAP HANA can run. Yeah, so that was called Project Orange and so called BW on
HANA. Your BW system can now run on HANA.Remember minimum version of BW must
be 7.31. Minimum version of SAP HANA is support pack three. That's when SAP can run the
BW system on top of SAP HANA with the support pack four.

SAP have enabled DXE direct extraction data provisioning technique. So till now the data
provisioning techniques were push approach. Push approach means I give the data push to
the HANA.In DxE. You can pull the data from another source using HANA and import it in
SAP HANA. Together with that they also enabled PAL predictive analytics library was
introduced in SAP HANA.Then comes is SAP support pack five for SAP HANA. That's where
SAP has released an option to run SAP HANA with XS engine. So now you have got
this lightweight application server, lightweight application engine with a web server inside to
support Java based development and HTML five based development on SAP HANA that
was used starting support pack sp five.

SAP now can also deploy, you can also deploy Java based application or XS engine.
You might have heard about these terms called access Odata access JS server side
javascript. All these things were introduced with support pack five. One words. Now the
most important support pack six is when we come into picture. Now SAP HANA can run on
an ABAP system and that has become ABAP on HANA.

So interview question, certification question what is the minimum HANA support pack
version needed to run ABAP on HANA? What is the minimum version of HANA needed to
support ABAP system running on HANA as a primary database? What is the minimum
version? Support pack six of SAP HANA is minimum needed. And what is the net weaver
version? Net weaver 7.4 is minimum needed.

Not 7.57.4 is minimum needed to run SAP ABAP system on top of HANA as a primary
database. And this has given birth to new products. Earlier you were having a product
called Business suite, SAP business suite. Now this has enabled SAP suite on HANA. So
ABAP on HANA is the technology. Suite on HANA is the solution. Like ABAP is the
technology. ECC, ECC is a solution.

Similarly ABAP is a technology, suite is a solution, solution. What you buy like VA01, MM01
. This is all part of solution. ABAP is the technology, ECC is a solution. ABAP on HANA
is the technology and suite on HANA is the solution. Is that clear guys? The difference
between ABAP on HANA and sUIE on HANA? Everybody in the room, if you have
questions please speak up at this time.

Are you clear? The difference between sweet on HANA and ABAP on HANA. ABAP on
HANA is technology. It's the technology. It's the technology. Like Abap programming is the
technology. ECC is a solution.

Similarly, ABAP on HANA is the technology. Suite on HANA is nothing but a solution which
SAP is selling you. SAP will charge you for solution. When you buy, say I want to create
sales order for my company, SAP will say buy suite on HANA. This is what they will sell you
when they sell you. Suite on HANA solution. Naturally you can run now ABAP programs on
HANA. That becomes ABAP on HANA technology. Then we've got also CRM powered by

Yes, which means suite all your MMPP, Fico, all this comes under suite. MM, PP, FICO, this
all comes under business suite. Actually that's a solution they all can run on top of HANA.
Business suite powered by HANA or business suite on HANA. CRM powered by HANA.
SRM powered by HANA.

You might have heard about these names, which means your above system is running on
top of it. So this is nothing but an ECC running on HANA. Okay, business suite means you're
buying all modules. So you are not just buying core module, but you're buying all modules.
Suite means a suite of solutions. You're buying, you're buying everything packaged inside a

Okay, suppose when you go to restaurant there's an option to eat only, let's say dosa or you
can only eat a burger, but at the same time in the restaurant you might have seen these
combo meals, right? Have you seen combo meals in McDonald's, pizza hut, domino's? Have
you seen combo meals? Anybody? Yes or no? Have you seen combo meals? What is
combo meal? Combo meal is like one french fries, two cold Drinks, two burgers, right?
That's a combo meal. So business suite is a combo. It's a combo of different solutions.

Suppose my company want to integrate all departments. I buy a combo, I don't buy only
materials management, I don't have just a manufacturing, I have a char, I have finance, I
have manufacturing, I have productions, I have delivery, I have shipment. So I buy a combo.
I don't buy just a small solution, a piece of solution, I buy a combo. So minimum combo is I
think the business suite so called core, which includes MM,PP, FICO, okay? MM,PP, Fico,
SD, SD is also part of that combo. SD, MMPP, Fico and HR, this is the minimum combo
called ECC. That's why I call enterprise core component. Any company who running a
company needs these things, you will have sales, distribution, you will have hr, you have
materials management, production, planning and finance. So this is the main bare minimum
combo which your company will buy. And then you have whole bunch of solutions, different

Like I want support for customer sales and service support. Then you buy CRM, I want
specialized delivery and logistics, you buy SRM. So all these are different, different solutions
which you have. They all can now run on HANA, because the ABAP can run on HANA, the
ABAP program can run on HANA, that's where it becomes ABAP on HANA. So this is what
was happened in SP6 from SP7. Then they've started SDA smarted access
provisioning tool.

Please mute your line. Then we had SP8 where HANA appliance can now install on
Red Hat Linux. So earlier HANA can only be installed earlier it was only supporting SUSE
Linux.Okay, now you can install HANA appliance on a Reddit Linux. Also it is possible to

10 | P a g e
install on Linux. It's anyway only Linux operating system where you can install HANA.

So there are these two possible Linux operating systems. So the first one was suse where
they introduced, and now it's also possible to install SAP HANA on a red Hat Linux operating
system. Also that was possible. Then comes is SP9 where they've introduced a
concept of MDC multi day tenant data containers to support cloud. See, imagine guys,
anybody travel with Uber pool here? Anybody Uber poolers like me? Anybody Uber poolers?
Anybody? Please say, raise your hand. Uber poolers who travel by uber pool? What is
uber pool? What is an uber pool? Or what is a mutual fund? Anybody mutual fund
investment? Anybody here? Mutual fund investment? What is mutual fund? Or what is an
uber pool? See, you cannot buy a big chunk, you cannot probably, okay, don't take me, don't
. You cannot afford a car, you cannot afford a car to go to office, it's very expensive. So
what do you do is you pool the car with others, you say, okay, you want to go that direction, I
want to also come along with you. So in the same less expense, because we are sharing the
fare together, right? That's an Uber pool.

What is mutual fund? You want to buy an Apple share, you got to pay up some dollars, it's
very expensive. Maybe for you, you pull the money together and then you invest together.
Because large chunk, when you invest together you can get better returns, right? So that's
also mutual fund. Same thing happens here. If you have a HANA box, you yourself want to
buy you a small company. It's very expensive and costly.

What do you do? You will share a HANADb with other companies and that's called
multitenant data container concept in HANA. This was introduced with SP9 onwards.
This was also possible now to model IM information models.

We discussed in last class information model data modeling basics of data modeling data
models. So it's on web IDE. So web IDE can now support information modeling on HANA.
Then comes is SP10, SP10. They have introduced high availability and disaster recovery. Th
is was introduced SP11.

SAP introduced access Advanced engine which now supports node JS programming access
advanced architecture. Then it also supports Python and bring your own runtime. This was
introduced SP eleven, SP12 where SAP HANA introduced workload analysis. You can
do real time analysis on how much load is there on the system for production system and
Zdo. Anybody heard about Zdo project Zero downtime? Okay, Zdo Zero downtime was
introduced with SP12. Then this was the last support pack of HANA release one.
Then a new release was introduced. SAP HANA 2.0 was released in this support pack.
Zero had a feature of backup encryption, third party tools to support MDC recovery from
snapshot. Then comes his SP1. That's where they store doc store concept in support
pack one of HANA 2.0 and dynamic cache. What is dynamic cache? You fire the same
select query again and again and again and data doesn't change. Do you really need to hit
the database again and again? Do you really need to traverse to the memory to bring that
data? No, you can cache that data quickly so that you can return the results much faster.

So that was a dynamic cache concept to speed up, boost up the performance of read
operation further. They've introduced this concept. Then SP two has come.SP two. They've
introduced the concept of EML with Google's Tensorflow library integration. So for machine
learning integration they've offered Google's tensorflow.

11 | P a g e
These are main highlights of these support packs. Now you may ask Anuba, where can I find
this all information more in detail if I want to read more? Where can I find, where can you
find the documentation and where did you learn all these things? Right? So where did I learn
these things and where you can also read daily routine, you can go and learn and you can
find more details is you can go to help SAP.com\HANA_platform I will give you this link, I will
put it, this link in the PPT.

Guys, let me put it here in the PPT actually. Okay, let me put it in the PPT so I put it here
guys. So this is what you can do and use it actually okay, this is what you can do and use it.
So this is what is used. HANA.com HANA platform just go back.

Never trust on anybody who share you PDF documents. Never trust and never ever trust
any material shared on other website. You never know how old that material is because the
things are changing almost every day. There are new things coming in the market, there
are new technologies, new innovations, new supports coming for the products. And now
you may go easily outdated if you refer some old blog. Suppose somebody written a blog in

If you read that blog that says you cannot support table type export or table type processing
in HANA in SQL script. But today it's possible. And you referring an old blog going and telling
a manager that's not supported, then your manager will ask somebody else and they
support it. It will be bad on your name. So when you say it's not supported means not
supported. You checked enough and where do you check it out? You check it out on the
latest SAP document.

SAP is now offering all the guides and all the documents free of cost. Free of cost guys, you
don't need to rely on anybody. Don't pay for expensive materials which you're buying from
different places though it's all available centrally at free of cost to you. Just go to this link,
press enter and now you'll find complete set of guides. If you're a developer, administrator,
modeler, data provisioning expert, security expert, machine learning expert for HANA or
developer on HANA or ABAP on HANA developer, you find all of them. Over here you see
current support pack is support pack four.

So it's 2.0 support pack three, four two. You see these support packs earlier releases.
So here you can find the documentation for whichever support pack you look. You can
download the pdfs, you can come down. Now you see these guides. Security guide for
HANA machine learning overview for HANA Pal Guide Predictive Library see planning
scenario for HANA Master Guide for HANA Installation Guide, upgrade Guide, update Guide
. You see HANA Studio installation Guide. Then you have developer guide, developer Quick
Guide, HANA Access Advanced Guide.

You see HANA 2.0 sp four revision 44 English Guide, see HANA Accelerator Guide, Data
Warehousing Guide, Dynamic Tiring Guide, Smart Data Integration, SDA Hadoop Integration
Guide, Streamlining guide, real time replication, SLT, SAP Landscape Transformation
Replication Server Guide, Webid Guide, Loader Guide, HANA Admin Guide, you see HANA
Administrator, user performance tuning performance system replication, Tenant Database
Cockpit you see SQL script Guide, HANA SQL reference guide, SQL statements, how to
write and what to write, how to write these SQL queries. Then your SQL script guide, you
see client guide, you see view all. And there are so many bunch of guides further down
there see humongous number of data is there. It's all free of cost. Koisavi Kolo just go inside
any one of them, you find the complete information.

12 | P a g e
One central place, it's humongous and all. Latest up to date documentation absolutely free
can be downloaded in PDF form. Stop running behind the people to get a study material, find
the right place, go to the right place and download from the right place people who are
sharing the material with you. That may be an obsolete material. If you go by that obsolete
material, it can be dangerous for you in your company. It can be seriously dangerous for you.
If you read outdated blogs, outdated material I see still in my company they research on
Google and they find some 2014 guides. They start referring for HANA learning. They end
up learning and then they realize oh my God, that's not even used in industry these days.

Those concepts are no more used itself. I tell you one example of UI5. When SAP UI5
was introduced, they had started with Eclipse concept Eclipse based development of UI5
apps. This is what they started when they started the concept of SAP UI5. But now that
nobody use Eclipse, everybody use Web ide. So remember, very important, you got to stay
up to date.
You got to read the latest and greatest stuff out there which is available on the market and
this is the central place. No other book, no other material I recommend, I strongly and only
recommend this material. Whatever you want is all available here absolutely free of cost.
You can download from here and this is all latest. You can also change the version. Suppose
you are in your company in a specific version.

Suppose 2.0 SP zero you can choose this and now it load all the guides for that particular
support pack. Okay.All the guides for support pack zero of 2.0. It's loaded now here. Okay,
now first question comes where do I check the version of SAP HANA in my company? No

Let me show you. Go to your HANA database. Let me just quickly connect to my HANA box.
Just give me a sec. Just connect to my HANA box and show it to you. Just connect to yeah
all right, so this is where I will go and connect. So I'll talk about this tool in a second. Just
hold on for a minute. Even you are absolute beginner for HANA.

This course is for you. Don't worry, I will show you all these things. I will select this system
HANA box and I click on this admin tool.You see administration this button and now you will
see here something called version. So you see the version of SAP HANA which we are
currently running is HANA two sp three support pack three clear. Everyone.

This is where you can go and check the version of SAP HANA which your company is
currently using. Okay, this is how you can go and check. But don't worry, we will now quickly
start and discuss about the tooling part.

Just give me another minute. So let's take a quick break for 5 minutes. Once we come back
after the break we will start talking about the tooling part. What tools do you need to connect
to HANA to connect to ABAP system for the development of this course and where do you
get server access? How do you get server access for this course guys? How do you practice
all what we will be doing throughout this course? How do you learn all those concepts? How
do you get server access? We'll be discussing that in our next section of this tutorial. So
let's take a quick break for five. All right guys, welcome back.

After the break. So that was about how you can check the version. So you now know about
these things. But what about the server access? This was the most asked question guys.
And yes the answers are here for you now. How do I practice this course? What about

13 | P a g e
server access? How can I get server access? How do you practice HANA? How do you test
my ABAP and HANA programs? How do you try out pocs? Will your server has the data?
Will you give me the server access? How long I will get server access? All these are your
questions guys.

They're all going to answer in this one single slide about server access for practice. How and
where can I get that? So there are these below options you can choose from. The first
server access option is free. Wow. Those who are sleeping now woke up the name of free.
When you hear free, how free? Tell me faster. I want to know free. Yes, I want to know free
option. So this option is free.

Ask your company, ask your company. They must be working on HANA. You must be
working on already above on HANA or your company has S/4 system. Get an access to
that. Talk to your manager, talk to your basis guys. Ask them.

Get a free user access to HANA as well as your above system. Talk to them. What can you
check in your system if you are already on HANA or not? The first thing you can go to SAP
logon and connect to your ABAP system. And there you can actually check whether your
ABAP is already running on HANA or not. That's what you can actually do it in the system.
So let me just show you where can you actually check that.

So when you connect to your ABAP system you can go to systems status and here you will
see HDB, it's a HANA DB. So if it is this then you're already on ABAP on HANA. Next thing
which you can also check is this details and check if you are on SAP, ABAP or SAP basis.
754, seven, five, four and above we are already on 753 which is good, which is already good
. So we are good to go ahead. This is the first thing you can ask your company for free
server access.

Don't bother us. You can take it from your company, talk to them, talk to the people around
you, talk to your manager, just see if they're offering you an option. You can take the server
access from them. Second is you can Google if someone providing ABAP on HANA server
access below our rates. If somebody provides you can take from them option number two,
option number three, Anubo trainings provides you an fully activated which means developer
key is applied to your user it once you get it. So you've fully activated S/4 HANA
appliance 18 eight.

Currently we are on 18 eight appliance to practice this course of ABAP on HANA. Now that's
not all in this. What are all you can practice actually in this server what are all you can
practice? You can practice in this server ABAP on HANA end to end you can practice cds

We will be learning. You can practice SQl script. You get SAP HANA access, you get GUI
download. We will give you a Sep GUI. If you do not have SAP GUI in your personal laptop,
I will give you SAP GUI download. You can download SAP GUI install in your local computer
and connect from your own or company system to our server. Without prerequisite. Yes,
without any prerequisite just you need a computer and Internet, no system configuration,
nothing. As long as you have SepGuI in your system which we will also give you. Download,
install SepGuI and then you can add our system to your company network. Just with the
Internet connection you need. You can access from local SAP GUI.Local SAP GUI. You can
use your local SAP GUI. You see I don't use any RDP.I have a local SAP GUI and it's
opening in my own local computer with the SAPGUI directly over here. Just the way your

14 | P a g e
company system works, same thing, you can do it. We also seen the Mac is also works but
we don't have experience in Mac.

Our team doesn't have experience in Mac. So Mac you are on your own. As long as you
have Windows laptop we will give you very good support without any issues. So windows
we are 100% sure Mac you know better. You are Mac user, you know better. We don't know.
Okay, we don't know. Our server works for Mac also some people confirmed it. It works.
But how to set up GUI and all that you have to check we cannot help. You have to check
how to install GUI in your system. Mac system we don't have experience with Mac.
The next you can connect this ABAP layer ABAP server from Eclipse also which I will show
you next so called ADT above development tool sign eclipse. You can do that. That's
another possibility.

You get SAP Fiori access, Fiori launchpad designer plus launchpad access also along with
this you can connect this server from web IDE personal edition which we will be using also
later point of time in this course to develop our Fury app or web IDE full stack. Both can be
connected to this server to communicate. You can build odata services as part of this server.
You get SAP HANA 2.0 SP3. As you can see all our demo data is also available in this
server to practice.

Okay all the demo data is also available in this server to practice. You get all the demo data,
you get full support technical support in terms of documents we will share documents, how
to connect, how to set up, how to install, how to do the connection to our server step by step
description, videos, materials PDF and also call support for connection and working with the
server. It's a full support from our side.

You will get it if you are on Windows laptop of course Mac we don't give support. We don't
know about how to use Mac. We are not Mac users. We are not that equipped with the Mac
actually. So we don't know how to support Mac. But if you know Mac then of course you can
go ahead and do it.

So we will give you full support in terms of document, videos, materials, PDf call support if
your user gets logged. Also we have sla of 30 minutes. We say 30 minutes but actually
internally we have sla of 10 minutes. I've told my team to give you support within 10
minutes of response time provided indian timing 09:30 a.m. India time to 06:30 p.m. India
time this is our working hours between this time.

If you're sending a query ten minute support response time you have it. From my team we
communicate outside 30 minutes, but from inside internal slas 10 minutes of response time.
Suppose your user gets logged or some issue is coming.

We'll give you ten minute response time with respect to this support. It's a licensed SAP
software which we are using. Every single user which we are using is a licensed user.
There's a revenue share with SAP for every single user we create. That's the reason we are
able to host it on the Internet facing server. That's why it is able to connect to your system
locally from your local computer.

That's the main reason and the benefit of this system. Okay, so this is the server basically in
a nutshell. You can practice all my courses on this, all my courses in this single box.
So all the colleagues from the Armini company please contact Praveen. Mr. Praveen for
accessing the user. Praveen is the single coordinator for all the access you do. Contact

15 | P a g e
Praveen. We will only entertain the mail from Praveen.

So do contact Praveen for the people who are joining from corporate Harmini so they contact
Praveen. Praveen will contact us and we will give you the access your company has already
paid for server access. We will give you the server access as and when you need.
Praveen will be coordinating but those who are willing to take it on their individual basis, you
can email on server@anubotrainings.com and get the server access. The cost of this server
is 2500 INR per month per user.

Please don't call for negotiation. There is no negotiation for this. It's a fixed price. And for
those who are paying in us dollars it will be 40 usd per month per user. So for us it is 40 usd
in other currencies. If you are willing to pay in INR, you can pay in INR.It will be $2,500 INR
per month per user. You're going to get a very good support for Windows system including
videos, step by step guidance, how to set up and all the tools. We will give you all the
required tools to download and set up in your computer.

You can get it started right away. Okay, so this is per month per user cost. This is the right
time today after the class you can shoot up an email on server@anubouttrainings.com
I'll also put it in the chat window. Just drop an email to them and tomorrow morning is when
we will activate your user. Those who are willing to take it so that your today's day doesn't
get a waste.

Okay, so this is the server access time. Please arrange your server. Whichever option out of
those top three options you like please arrange your option your server by tomorrow's class
because actually we would need server in fact from today itself. So please opt for it. If you
want from us, we are there to give you the server access. If you don't want from us, you
arrange it on your own.

But please do arrange it so that you can access every single bit of it. Any questions at this
time anybody? I'm coming to the eclipse part. Hold on, I'm coming to the eclipse part.
Just wait for a second. I'm coming to the HANA studio and Eclipse part. So if you already
paid, this is the time.

Those who have paid I told you earlier, don't request now those who have already paid for
server is the right time. You shoot up an email tomorrow morning or today late in the evening
to get a user and we will arrange the user latest by first slide of tomorrow's morning. Okay?
So please do that so that hi anbo, server access is not included in the course is it? No, this is

Yes. We don't charge for server access because most of you would like to use your
company server. So why do we charge you for server? We don't charge you for server
unnecessarily. Okay, so we only charge when you need it from us. Otherwise you use your
company server. It's no cost for you.

We only charge you for trainings. All right now coming to another question here. What is the
difference between HANA studio and Eclipse? Are both of them same? And can I use the
same for practice? Good question. Let me put up some of these questions out there. Which
are there in your mind or which you would have asked me in the past? Let me put up all
those questions here. Is HANA studio same as eclipse? What is ADT? How can I run ABAP
on eclipse? Can I run ABAP code on HANA studio? Also what is the cost HANA studio, how
to set up Eclipse and tools for ABAP development? All these are the questions.

16 | P a g e
So let me first take up the questions for HANA studio. So these are questions for HANA
studio. Is HANA Studio same as Eclipse? Can I run ABAP code on HANA studio? Also what
is the cost of HANA Studio? Guys, HANA Studio is a modified version of Eclipse.

Now the question comes, what is eclipse? Yes, exactly. Some of you who come from
hardcore above background have no clue about what eclipse is or even you heard about
eclipse. In the past you heard about Java only.

You think that Java is eclipse. No, Java is not eclipse. Eclipse is a development tool like any
other development tool like SAPGUI.SAPGUI is also a tool which you use to connect to SAP
system. Similarly Eclipse is also a tool. That's why Eclipse is also known as Eclipse IDE
Integrated development environment.

It's a development tool. So HANA Studio is a modified version of Eclipse which SAP created.
Okay, we can do HANA development plus ABAP development both on Eclipse also and
HANA Studio also.

Okay we can do that. There are two ways. If you're using my company server then there are
two ways. One is you can install the eclipse in your local computer and connect to ABAP
system. This is option one. Option two you can connect to RDP.

RDP stands for remote desktop. When you take my server access that time my team will
mail you RDP details. They will mail you RDP password and username. You can use the
RDP to connect to our RDP system remote desktop system. This system has HANA Studio
preinstalled and SAPGUI also preinstalled for you. So you can right away start with

These are two options. Those who want to go option number one, I will show you in my next
section how to do that. But those who are willing to go with option two, literally zero
installation required for you to practice this course. Remember HANA Studio can also be
used for HANA development and above development. Both. Even you don't have HANA
Studio. You can also use Eclipse for HANA development or above development. But we
are giving you HANA Studio installed already. You can go back to RDP.

This is our RDP and if you can see this is our system which we will give you an access in
this system in this Windows machine, windows kind of machine. You see here, HANA Studio
is already installed. SAP Logon is also already installed.

We already installing these two over here for you. You will get it out of the box. You double
click, it will launch. Okay, it will launch. So HANA Studio is nothing but Eclipse. It's an
Eclipse software which is a modified version of Eclipse.

It's a modified version of Eclipse. So here you can see system and this is your HANA system
. Even HANA Studio can be used for developing ABAP application. How? You can go to
this button here in HANA studio called Open Perspective. Click on that and now you see an
ABAP option. Just double click.

This is HANA Studio by the way. And now you see here I can create ABAP related
development on HANA Studio also. It is possible. Okay that's the first part. Now both these

17 | P a g e
things can also be done via Eclipse. But remember in case of our server, our server, you will
get HANA access using RDP only.

Okay, just one small asterisk here one conditions apply. You can connect to HANA box using
RDP only, remote desktop only. But above system, you can connect from your local
computer. From your local computer, Eclipse, you can connect from your local computer.
Eclipse, you can connect to above system. That's possible.

This is just in case of our server. Our server, if you're taking this is an asterisk for our server.
Now what is ADT? How can I run ABAP code and Eclipse? How can I set up my eclipse
development environment? So by now, you know, Eclipse is not Java.

Eclipse is just a development environment which allows you to develop different things.
Okay, so you can use Eclipse for developing Java application, you can use it for net
application, you can even build mobile apps using Eclipse. You can build a UI5 app using

There are many things you can do via the Eclipse software. It's a development tool, it's a
free software. The biggest benefit of Eclipse is free. That is why it's so popular amongst
developer, because it is free. So using Eclipse development software, you can connect to
ABAP system and you can develop ABAP programs. Okay, so basically if you go back to the
basics, you remember that we have three tier architecture, we have presentation layer, we
have our application layer and we have our database layer.

So this is your HANAdb now. And this is your ABAP layer, your application layer, ABAP layer
. So till today, what you were doing in your company, you were using SAP GUI, everybody
use SAP GUI, right? You were using SAP Gui and using this, you were connecting to this
above server. You were writing easily your above programs, executing, activating them and
then you were enjoying. This is what you were doing till today. Till today.

Now SAP have got HANA now. So SAP wanted to now connect to HANA. Now the problem
was SAP GUi cannot connect to HANA directly. SAP GUI has no support for HANA
connectivity, no support, zero. So SAP was looking for some kind of tool which SAP can use
to give you a connection to HANA. To give you a connection to HANA, SAP was looking for it
.SAP did market research. Do you know in the market today, in open market all, there are so
many humongous number of developer on this planet Earth. There are Python developer,
Java developer.

Which development tool used the most in the market? What do you think? In the normal
market, your friends are working in other teams, your colleagues are working, right? Which
development tool is used the most in the market? Exactly. Eclipse is that development tool
which was used the most in the market by almost every developer. And the best part is it
was free.

Now eclipse can be used to do Java development, it can be used to web development, it can
be used for Android development, SAP thought since eclipse is a free tool, lots of
developers already used to eclipse. Can't we use eclipse only to also give connection to
HANA? SAP did use their mind and then SAP downloaded the eclipse. It's an open source.
It's an open source. So SAP downloaded the complete code of eclipse. After they download
the complete code of eclipse, they modified it.

18 | P a g e
After modifying, they name it as HANA Studio, HANA Studio, Gardia. So HANA Studio is a
modified version of Eclipse. Actually it's originally eclipse only. Okay, so now the question
comes about how do I install eclipse in my computer? Step number one. But what is the use
case? The use case is this eclipse can be used to connect to HANA box. You can use HANA
studio or eclipse to connect to HANA box.

This is first use case, we have it. Then SAP evolved further. Okay, SAP evolved further.
So this was first use case of eclipse that you can use eclipse for HANA development. The
second use case was later on they introduced ABAP on HANA. So now they wanted to
support new features, new feature for ABAP layer.

So what they did is they also then enabled another powerful thing. Okay, what is that they
enabled? They have enabled also ABAP system to be connected via eclipse. This was the
second powerful thing which they did with eclipse.

So now your eclipse environment is a central environment which can connect to HANA also.
Which can connect to ABAP also. So who will use SAPGUI? Not needed, right? Because
eclipse itself is one single development tool which can do both work for me.
Why do I use sabgui? And this is what I recommend. You've been using Sapgui throughout
your life till today. I know it's very difficult challenge for you to come out of SAPGUI and use

Adapt to eclipse. It will be little challenging initially, but trust me, use as much as eclipse you
can. It will be good for you for future. Because in future all the new developments are
happening on eclipse only. Now the question comes, what are all the prerequisite and how
do I get eclipse? Okay, so enough of theory. How do I get eclipse? As you all know, it's free.
So means you can download it for free for lifetime. How do I get eclipse and how do I then
connect to ABAP system? Okay, so remember first of all, eclipse, what are all the
prerequisite to run eclipse for our context? In our context, prerequisite your computer should
have JDK installed JDK, it must have installed Windows net 3.1 environment and it must
also have SAP GUI install.

These three are our prerequisite. Okay, step by step, line by line, first thing, computer must
have installed JDK. JDk stands for Java development kit. Basically it's a Java. All your
computers already have Java. How do you check it? You have to run command, go to
command prompt and run command Java space Hyphen V. Hyphen V stands for version.
Let me show you, go to command prompt CMd type run CMD and now here type Java
space hyphen V. Oops sorry version. And now you see it shows me that I already have JDK
java installed in my computer. The minimum version is 1.8. Okay, so this is how you can
check if the Java is already installed.

I'm guarantee 100% sure all your computer will already have JDK installed. Okay, now you
say Anuba, you promised Anubao. You never say Java right? I'm afraid of Java.How dare
you Anubao say java. I'm afraid of Java. I joined your course because you said no Java.
Please understand, I'm not going to teach you Java. There is no need of Java. But this
eclipse development tool, this tool internally use Java.

That's why we need Java. It's a prerequisite for the tool, not for us, not for us. For this tool it
is a prerequisite. Just like you need to install any application. Let's say WhatsApp. You
want to install WhatsApp on your phone you need Android operating system. Similarly you
want to run Eclipse, you need JDK. Now if those who don't have this JDK installed in your

19 | P a g e
computer, how do you get it so you can download from here. It's also free.

All of these are free things. Okay, so you can download from here. I would request JDK 1.8
still you can go for the latest one. But my personal request is JDK 1.8. That's the most stable
version of Java development kit. So that's the version you got to choose. Go for it and let
me make it as hyperlink later on you can download this ppt right after today's class and do
this step. So download JDK from here.

Go to this site, oracle site, select accept and now you see based on your operating system
you download the JDK. So mine is Windows 64 bit. So I will go with this one, just download
and run it, restart your computer, go to command prompt again, just check Java space
hyphen version.

You will see the version of Java is installed in your computer. Step number one, prerequisite
step by step. Step number two, Windows 3.1 environment and SAPGUI SAPGUI. You must
already have it in your computer with your company or when you're taking the server access.
If you don't have SAPGUI anyway we will give you SAPGUI installation.

You can also download SAPGUI from service marketplace, SAP service marketplace. If you
have access to s user id, you do that and then install it in your computer. Okay, that's the
SAPGUI part. Now Windows 3.1 runtime environment is also needed. Those who are
running Windows operating system to run Eclipse upon Eclipse later point of time. So this
step and along with Eclipse installation, now you also have to move to the main course. That
was starter, main course is Eclipse and then next part is ADT. So eclipse installation, how
do you do it? So you will go to HTTPs tools HANA ondemand.com hashtag ABAP. This is
the link I'm giving you straight away. Copy this link, copy, copy and now go to the browser
straight away and paste it.

So now this is your ABAP environment. Now you see here they are saying for Windows
installed Microsoft Visual Studio C plus plus 2013. Let me just copy this link and put it also
as a prerequisite here just hyperlink. And now you can also download. This is important
guys. These three prerequisites are important and then only start with other stuff.

So then main course you download eclipse. Where do you download? This is the URL. I go
to this URL. And now here on this URL you see get installation of Eclipse 2019-09 guys,
a good news for you. You can use this eclipse for ABAP on cloud course also have you seen
my demo video on ABAP on cloud? Anybody? Have you seen my video on latest ABAP on c
loud? ABAP restful programming model ABAP on cloud. You can also use it, okay? And
also do that go to ABAP on cloud and see these videos. So you can also set up ABAP on
cloud system using this eclipse. Yes.Watch my demo videos on YouTube. Exclusive videos
on YouTube on ABAPon cloud. Today only Anubao learning series or Anuba learnings or
Anuba trainings is offering ABAP an cloud course on this planet.

There is nobody who is offering this course at this point of time on this entire planet. ABAP
on cloud we are the first one and the pioneer one to launch these kinds of courses.
This kind of techniques for you out of the box for the first in industry. Now here else you'll
find these courses guys. ABAP on cloud. So this can also be used. This development tool
can also be used to practice ABAP on cloud. If you join my ABAP on cloud course, you will
be using the same only.

20 | P a g e
So download from here, click on this button and it will take you to eclipse website where it's
freely available. You see Eclipse foundation absolutely free open source project. And now
here you see Eclipse ide for Java developer download based on operating system size.
So mine is Windows 64 bit. Just click on it, it will download you install it and you are done.
Okay, that is the step number two of the mean course. That's how you download eclipse.
But hey, hold on, downloading and installing eclipse will not allow you to connect to ABAP
layer. Okay? So let me show you. Once you download eclipse and install, it will create an
icon on your desktop.

Actually it will create an icon on your desktop. That's what system will do. So on your
desktop system will create actually an icon, okay, that's what system will be doing.
So let me just quickly show you. So here if you see on my desktop, you see this eclipse icon
is created eclipse Java 2019- 09. Double click on this icon after you install this will get
created. So double click, you will see it will start now. So this is the installation done after
you download, install and this will start now. Eclipse 2019-09. Remember, prerequisites
are very important. You must have met all three before you do. So after that it will start and it
will give you this window.

First of all, select a directory as workspace. Okay. So here you will give some name or you
just say launch. Doesn't matter. You give either some name or launch. Basically it is
actually creating a folder in your computer where eclipse is going to write some files. Okay.
So when you run eclipse, it will create some files. Where will it eclipse keep those files?
That's what it's asking you.

Workspace is nothing but a folder where Eclipse will keep its files. So you just give some
name. Doesn't matter, nothing really carry about it. Just say launch. Okay, it's already
running. So it's already running. Not a problem. So I'll just show you how it looks like when it
runs already. So it will come like this. See, this is how it looked like. It's already running. This
is how it looked like. So this is my eclipse environment. So initially you will see everything
blank actually. Okay. And you will also not see file new. And you see I'm getting above
project, you'll not see this option. You will not see this option actually. Okay. You will not see
this option. So you will get just basic eclipse.

Like when you order a pizza, if you order just a cheese pizza, you get very basic pizza base,
a pan pizza or a basic pizza base and a cheese on top of it. That's all. No flavors, no
special added Flavors, no vegetables, nothing. You got to pay more to get more Flavors
added. Let's say baby corn or paneer or chili paneer or chicken, whatever you want to add,
you got to add more flavors to it. So this is how the base pan pizza, you got it. It is a base.
You've got the base on top of it. Now you have to add the Flavors. Okay, this is your base.
This is a plain vanilla ice cream on top of it. You got to add the butterscotch or your
chocolate ketchup or cherries. And whatsoever you want to add toppings, you got to add it
on top of it. So this is your base. You got a basic base on top of it. Now you have to install
ADT. ADT stands for abap development tools on eclipse. This is mandatory.

This is mandatory. You must have to install ADT on top of eclipse. So use eclipse, install
eclipse and then install ADT on top of eclipse. Step number two. Okay. When you install,
then only then you will get the above project option in Eclipse.

Same applies to Hana Studio. If your company is using just Hana studio. You already have
Hana studio, you can also the same activity which I'm showing now to Hana Studio also.

21 | P a g e
So even Hana studio can be used to develop ABAP programs. Okay, so same activity
because Hana Studio is nothing but eclipse, it's a modified eclipse. So you do the same
activity in Hana studio also you can run above programs on Hana Studio also. Or you can
use the same eclipse which I'm showing you here. There also you can run your above
programs. So now how do you install this? For this again the description is written on the
same site above here.

If you go back to the description you will see here they have clearly written how to do it. So
go to help install new software and then use the URL, this copy this URL copy, copy, copy
and go back to the eclipse. Let me go.And now say help install new software and now here
paste your URL, paste, okay wow. See here ABAP development tools see above
development tools. ABAP development tools for HANA.

Just check this. Only this, okay just check only this. Say next, say next. Accept the license
agreement here and say finish the installation. The installation of ABAP development tool on
eclipse will begin. Installation will get finished in about like five to ten minutes maximum.
And then your eclipse will ask you to restart, just restart your eclipse. That's all.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed eclipse on top of eclipse.

You installed abap development tools on eclipse which will now enable you. Is this step clear
to everybody? How do you get free eclipse? How do you get free ADT? But remember
server is not free, you only getting client here. This eclipse is just a tool but you still need to
connect to above server that is not free.

Okay? That is what we are offering you. You can take it from us and then you can connect to
that server which we will give you from your own eclipse from your local own computer.
Okay, you can develop our programs on our above server. Now the next step, how do you
connect from eclipse to our above server? I'll show you that also. Just let me just delete this
guy from here. So I already added it.

So I'm just deleting it so that you guys can see what I will do. So when you come for the first
time, you will see here in the button called open perspective and then you choose this.
Remember always choose this open perspective and choose ABAP first step.
So now it will open a window like this, okay now here you right click on the left side, right
click or you can also choose file or you can right click new ABAP project. Now many people
has this myth, this creating ABAP project is creating an ABAP program in SE80. No, what is
an ABAP project? An above project is nothing.

But a handler is a handler to an SAP server who talks to it is not. You are not creating above
program. Creating as an above project is like talking to an SAP server. You're adding SAP
server to your eclipse environment. That's what you're doing here by creating an above
project. Watch out. I already before that added my server here you see already added in
SAPGUI. Make sure that you also do that. Please add first your server to SAPGUI.

Double click and just check if it is loading. So you see it's loading fine. This is prerequisite.
Just make sure this is complete. And now you come to ABAP. Right click new above project
and voila. You see, you see here my ABAP server, my above server. It's showing my
SAPGUI entry which is there on the SAPGUI. Same entry is showing here. You can also
use the same technique to connect to your own company systems also. Okay, same
technique. Say next button.

22 | P a g e
It will ask you now this IP address and all the details which are anyway set already to
SAPGUI picked up from Sepui. Say next. And now it asks you the username and password.
Actually. So I will enter my user password. Just enter that and I say finish. Congratulations
everybody. You have successfully installed eclipse, installed ADT and connected to your
ABAP server from eclipse development environment, so called abapon eclipse. So now it's
time to go ahead and explore the features of eclipse.

So basically it's a connection to the server. You see, it's showing you in the local objects of
my user. All my user local object is showing me here. So basically you can do all the types
of developments here using this eclipse environment. What you do from SE80. So whatever
you do from scat you can do. Plus you can do more. You can also do more. So what are
the benefits and features? Why we use ABAP on eclipse? What is the motivation behind it?
What is the main feature and the benefit? So motivation for using ABAP on eclipse? Okay,
what is the benefit or the motivation for that? Remember the first thing which I told you is
about above project.

So what is above project is just a container which holds all the artifacts which you are
working with above server. It is a channel by which you are talking to above layer like
SAPGUI. So SAPGUI also was used for same purpose. Same way this eclipse is also used
for same purpose. Now what is the benefit and motivation for using ADT ABAP development
tool on Eclipse, why we installed it, there's a motivation. The first benefit of using that is it is f
ree, so you don't need to now go to service marketplace and search for SAP GUI.
You can use Eclipse, it's free. Biggest advantage, it's an open source, easy to configure in
any laptop and no licensing cost. Okay, this is the biggest advantage of using those who
even don't want to use Savgo, they can use ADT.

Everything can be possible with ADT. Next advantage, you can work with Dev Q and P
simultaneously. Next, you can talk to, connect to multiple systems and landscapes and
develop using multiple programming languages and types of projects. Why? So anybody
who were doing maybe Android development in your company and recently shifted to above
development, you continue your Android development with Eclipse, same eclipse, you add
ADT and then you also can do above development. Here you can do UI5 development.
Also here you can do HANA development.

Also here you can do Java development, web project, spring Boot project, all the different
variety of development in a single screen. In a single development environment, you can
connect to multiple above systems. So you can right click even the same above system two
times with different users. You can connect many times. In SAPGUI you have to open so
many windows to open quality system, then production system, lot of disadvantage. But here
you can open all the systems in one single window, one single environment.

That is the biggest benefit. Okay, now it is flexible and customizable development
environment. So for example, let me open an above program. So I'll go to this above
package, my local object, and in my local object I will just find some source code library
program. So let me just open an above program. So you see there are so many above
programs I've created randomly, I'm picking, don't worry about what code is written randomly
, I'm just picking. So now you see I could open some above programs, and suppose I want
to compare to ABAP programs, I can just drag from here and drop it on the right side. And
now you see I've got a beautiful view which helps me to compare these two programs side
by side. Suppose one side I've opened development system program, another side open
quality system program, both I can compare side by side.

23 | P a g e
A very good advantage here for using ABAP development tools in eclipse. Very good
advantage actually. Okay, that's what you give flexible and customizable development
environment. Second is it allows you fast search and navigation. Suppose you are working
with a program or a class. Now you want to navigate to the class or to the program. So for
example, let me open one program which has some class used. Just go inside, check one.
Okay, you see there is this class ClSQl connection. Some class is there. I just want to
navigate to this class. You can use control key and click on this guy. So use control key in
your keyboard and just click on the guy and it will take you to the corresponding program.
Actually. So this is a fast navigation.

You can go to fast navigation. You also open here above type hierarchy to see what exactly
is this class is doing. Okay, so you see here, this class is this one. And now you can again
right click and open type hierarchy. So it will also probably if it doesn't have. So it will otherwi
se show you the base class. You see you can traverse to the base class here. From this
class you see it's complete class diagram. You can check it here on these buttons, right?
This is an easy navigation customizable development environment.

You have it. I will show you in a minute about shortcuts which we use very preferably over
here. You can also support extensibility which means. Extensibility means new things, new
extensions to our language which are recently introduced. The new stuff like your CDS views
, your AMDP, your SQL script, all these new features, new extensions can only be developed
using ADT. You cannot use Sapgui to create CDS view.

You must have seen in our demo class we were creating a CDS view. You were not able to
edit that CDS view in the SAPGUI. Not possible. You can only do it with the help of ADT
ABAP development tools in Eclipse. No other way. It also supports the debugging of course
it has support for debugging and transport release, transport creation, transport
management, se one, so called SE01.You can create transports from here. It has also
something called ATC, ABAP test cockpit. We'll be using it heavily later, point of time.
Then we have about profiler. So profiler will tell you all the dumps, okay. Any dump comes in
the system, profiler will tell you.

So in the morning when I was demonstrating my ABAP on cloud system to my students,

in the morning when I was doing it, there were some dumps coming. Those dumps you can
always see in the profiler. So here somewhere we have ABAP profiler where you can
actually go and check all the dumps related to the system in one central place actually.
So that was called above profiler. So all the dumps you can actually see. So you see here
this above profiler feed. You see this dump runtime error caused by me. So this was the
dump which is coming in the morning during some program execution and you can see them
here itself on this single environment. Okay, so you get profiler out there.

This is the only development tool which fully supports ABAP on HAna and ABAP on cloud.
This is the only tool which supports ABAP on HANA and ABAP on cloud. Today there is no
other tool. Even SAPGUI does not support you in some extent. It also supports UI
development for WebdynPro. Anyway, nobody use Webdynpro these days.

It's obsolete technology. But yet UI5 and Fiori apps. You can also develop using this.
But for that also we have better tool called webid. But anyway you can anyway develop UI5
apps also using this. It has inbuilt quick fix option feature. It can fix your code quickly,
automatically. You can modularize code using ABAP on eclipse in an easy way. I'll show you
some example in coming days.

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You also have a feature of code templates. So these are all the benefits of ABAP
development tool. So earlier your doubt was why, why and above why. But now you can see
these many benefits and motivation. So now you'll say why not? Of course I will use ABAP
development tool. Trust me guys.

For me as an ABAP developer, it was so hard to switch to ADT. I'm not so comfortable with
the eclipse environment. Initially when I started with ABAP on HANA, for me it was very
painful experience.

Trust me, you can see okay Anubhav same thing happening with me. Yes, of course it was
painful. But over a period of time I got so used to so immersed in this. It looks like I know
this since years, right? So trust me guys, use ADT even though there is a chance you can
use SAPGUI, but don't use SAPGUI, use ADT as much as you can. Trust me, you're going
to get maximum benefit. In context of abap on hana learning, you will take maximum
benefit out of it. So please, please use ADT as much as you can. Avoid using SAPGUI
because ADT is future, okay? And future is already here. Now the next part is coming to
some quick shortcuts which will help you during your experience with ADT.

So let me tell you some quick shortcuts which I preferably use myself, and I would
recommend you to also use them so that you will be able to test or work with this
environment much faster. So let's start with the first shortcut. My personal favorite is the
main shortcut control shift a. This shortcut you should never forget. It's the most interesting
one to search any objects in whole system yeah, the biggest benefit. So go back, select
control shift a, and now it opens this window. And now I can search any object. Suppose
that you want to search Mara, just search and you see all the objects related to Mara, which
contains mara are popped up. Beta table, beta function module, beta structure, beta table
type, beta pooled table, cluster table, everything it pops up, interfaces, classes, includes.
Wherever it has mara found transaction codes everywhere. Wherever it found Mara, it has
fetched all those things. You can just quickly open it up and then accordingly you will see the
objects will open up on your screen.

So this is what you have it here as your preferred quick shortcut, any kind of object it can
search. You don't have this feature in SAP GUI. You have to specify the type of object first,
and then only you can search that object in the system. So here it's amazingly fast search
and it's a very very powerful feature. You have it control shift a. The second comes is control
F2, which is to do syntax check. Then comes his control plus F3 which is to activate
an object. Then comes is control six. Control six is my personal favorite. It is to open an
SAP GUI window inside eclipse. So let me show you control six. And now, okay, it will launch
SAP GUI like window inside ADT.Oh wow, awesome. You see, it has launched. Eclipse is in
the eclipse SAP GUI window. And now you can go to any t code, let's say SE93. So you can
see here this decode. You can go easily and just check things up so you don't have to switch
between different contexts, different windows, and that will definitely increase developer

That's another USP of eclipse environment which we're using here. Then control o for quick
outline view. I just showed you about outline view which shows you the hierarchy. If there is
a class, it has a parent class, it's a child class. Also you can check all of this quick outline
view if you have a really big class. Let me open just a random object. Just try to open a big
class. Just open that, a big class, guys, just try to open a really big class here. Random class
I'm just opening. Don't go by what I'm coding or what I'm showing. Just open any random

25 | P a g e
class you see, there are so many classes out here. Just open a random class, any class you
can open. And now what you can do is you can go to this outline you see here. And this
outline view will show you which is the current class. And then you can right click and you
can navigate to, and you can see all the methods here you see, so if you have five under or
1000 methods, they will all show it on the outline view here.

This is one of the biggest benefit, you can quickly jump across these different methods of
this class. It's easy to use. You can also navigate like this to the definition of the class, and
you can also check the parent classes. So a lot of these benefits and features are there in
ADT, which you will not find anywhere else on any other programming tools like S.
Okay, so that's a quick outline view we saw. You can also open it with control o. Let me type
control o. You see this outline view. Again I press ctrl o.

It will show you its parent class. Also you see, this is the parent class of the current class
and it shows you all the properties, methods, events, private, public members, properties,
methods, everything. It shows you, including exceptions, table types, types, they all are
visible here. And you can quickly go inside and jump over across these multiple things
here. So that's a very quick real benefit to jump over across different different methods,
functions, types using eclipse, very very powerful option. Then comes this open above type
hierarchy. Above type hierarchy means control t. Control t will show you how the current
class is used. And then again you press ctrl t.

It shows you now the parent class and its relationship with the parent class. Again you press
ctrl t, it will again go to bottom. So this way you can see it above type hierarchy how the
classes are related with each other. So we saw outline view, then we saw control plus t type
hierarchy. Then comes is control shift g to open their use list. Of course there are shortcuts \
on the menu bar. So you can see here we have shortcut for this where use list. You see you
can do activate here you see, you can do check here you see, so those things are there on
the menu bar. But yet these shortcuts at times are very handy.

You can do f eight here you see this f eight run? Yeah, f eight. So all are there, but you can
also use them with menu or you can use shortcut. I personally think that if you have a
shortcut so handy, it increases your speed at times.Control shift g to open the where use
list where all it is used. And you see at the bottom it's now searching, you see, it's searching
where all this class is being used. So it will search and find out and tell you which are all
transactions reports includes. This particular object is being used. So that's all it does. It's
another benefit of using where used regarding this object. So these are all the shortcuts
which you can use actually to be part of abap development tools in eclipse. So try this out.
Install ADT today.

Get a server access ready. In the next class we'll start building some development. Basic
development we'll do and then we'll create a couple of programs and we will learn then new
above syntax in the next class. So we'll start with new above syntax in our next episode.
Time for me to say goodbye. Thank you so much for watching today's episode. Catch you
up tomorrow at the same time. Have a nice day and goodbye. Time for your questions one
by one.

What is the document store? Okay, document store is a new type of store in HANA which
canstore any type of document in form of JSON. Suppose a PDF, if you want to store a PDF,
you can use the doc store feature of SAP HAna to store pdf documents. So another type of
store which can store this doc.

26 | P a g e
So you can find the complete guide of doc store on the HANA platform help page. You can
download there and you can just learn more about Docstore out there. And one more

How do you store from the RAM in the memory to the database how to transfer the data?
You are in memory data used to the normal database. Okay, so you are asking how are we
going to do, we will not do this. This is a database function. That's what you're paying SAP
for building a database. So the whole database management, this is the internal functionality
of HANA, how HANA works. Okay, so this is something which HANA will do it automatically.
It's called sync points. So as an administrator, as a HANA administrator, you have to decide
the sync points after how much time every date you take a backup to the secondary store.
Okay, suppose the system got shut down somehow, how do we record that data in memory?
Okay, so what actually happens is every insert, update, delete statement which you fire, it
also get logged.

You see log management and it's part of MaxDB itself. So if in case the data could not sync
with the secondary store, we also have capability to recover the data by reading the logs
using the logs. System can recover from snapshot from the logs and that's how system does
it. But that's something which is not our job, it's administrator's job. Yet if you are interested
to do this kind of administration work, you can always go to the help SAP.com as usual and
then HANA platform and there is a complete administration guide available. Download this
guide. Start reading through this you will learn how to take backup, how to do recovery, how
to prepare snapshot how to do sync points. These are all HANA administration work. So this
is the job of HANA administrator. You see HANA administration and operations. So you can
always go here and then you can actually learn all this stuff in this Hana administration guide
. So this is where you will find how to take backup, how to recover, how to do transfer from
in memory to the secondary store, time to time basis, how to do scalability, availability, how
to do all that stuff related to administration of SAP HANA box and its storage. You can find
that here. Actually, as I am not an administrator, I cannot guide you through the backup and
recovery process.

That's not my job as a developer. Yes please. Next question.

Anubav I'm having two questions. First is the eclipse installation, I want to understand again
how the eclipse installation you did and ADT installation, is it mandatory as you told that ADT
need to be installed? Yes, it is mandatory. Let's understand it with a simple example of
cooking. So I want to make a pizza. So to make a pizza I need to first buy a dough, right?
Okay, which is the base? Pizza base which is made up of dough. With the dough I will make
a pizza base. Now I can simply put pizza base into the oven, I can bake it or I can cook it
and then I can serve it. This is also pizza. But will the people enjoy it? May not be. So this is
your base. This is your eclipse. Now this eclipse is just a base, okay.

Which is a development tool. This development tool is not equipped to talk to an above
server. It cannot talk to above server. Not possible. Doesn't know what is above. That's
why we have to add toppings and that topping ADT. So ADT is that topping which you
added on top of this, which is nothing but your which is nothing but your onion, capsicum,
whatever. Olives, tomato olives, exactly. Your mionis, your sausages, maybe adding some
flakes, macaroni cheese. Yes, exactly. Okay, name it. So that's what the topping on top of
this. So eclipse is just the base, it doesn't know what is ABAP. ABAP development tool on
eclipse is the topping is the toolkit which makes this relationship strong, makes a bridge
between the above server and eclipse. So this is mandatory.

27 | P a g e
Okay. The site where you have given it, I just went through there are a number of eclipse
options there. So which one is the correct one which we have to install? The first one itself.
Eclipse development tool for Java developers. The first one itself you go with you see they
have also written here. Choose the get installation of eclipse.

This example eclipse id for Java developer. Okay. The one which is installed in my laptop is
2019 but six version. Is that okay? No, it will work. It works. Okay.And other was ADT.
ADT how you installed? I think so. That is not installed in my eclipse.

No problem, simply go there, help install new software, pass on that link which I just showed
you and then it'll show you the app development tools. So this is the link, copy paste, select
it, say next, next finish, restart your eclipse and then you will see this perspective here in this
ABAP will come. So right now if you go and check above is not there.

Okay. So this only come ADT is also free charges, no license and otherwise I'm having SAP
GUI which is an HANA GUI. Okay.I never heard about HANA GUI. I only know one GUI
which is SAP GUI. SAP GUI. It looks like this. If you have this good. Yeah. Okay. If you
have this good. Yeah.

The HANA development in the sense I'm seeing the HANA development. Yeah it should be
good. Then you can get started with the development of our course. As and when we
progress we learn more things. You will realize what is the capability of your company server
. The basic you should have be running on ABAP on HANA.

As long as you have that, most of the course can be helped through that only catch could be
demo data. So we will have a demo data model we will use. So you will have definitely the
demo data tables in your system. But you may not have demo data in those tables. So that
also I'll how to fill those tables your company system with demo data. Okay fine, thanks a lot.
Thank you. I have one question. I'm already having HANA studio in my laptop, so can I use
your server detail and it will work or I have to use RDB only just install ADT.

If you have Hana Studio go to help install new software. Yeah that is already installed means
like once I'll get a server access I can use your server details, right in HANA Studio.
Absolutely.See this is also HANA Studio and I also have exactly eclipse like option in HANA
Studio to say install new software, install ABAP development tools on Eclipse and then you
will get this abap perspective. Click on this, go to Project Explorer, right click and just say
new above project in Hana studio and then you connect to my system. Then you're good to

Not a problem. Yeah actually I was using this AWS but you know every time when I'm
connecting the system it is taking some same ten minutes, 15 minutes. And based on the
reason they charge you like $1.9 an hour and $16 a month, which is a fixed charge they
make you. When I started learning ABAP on HANA, I was using AWS, and that was costing
me whopping $9,000 a month with the practice of just about 20 hours. Yeah it's happening
with me. You are paying double the cost of whole training itself on just server access.
Why are you doing that? They charge you per hour basis which is very costly. Here you will
use this server for 24 x seven in just $2,500 which hardly comes. I was just waiting for this

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Actually he was just asking me to hold it, right? So I was just waiting for this session. I put up
a mail. Exactly.I will ask you to hold for certain many times. Guys, don't feel bad if I stop you
or if I don't answer your questions because you need to get the right dose at right time. If I
give you heavy dose of antibiotic, it is causing heavy reaction in your mind and you will not
be able to learn things in a proper shape.

So you need to wait at certain times, at times to come to the right conclusion and come to
the right time for the right questions. I'm sure many of you had questions about CDS views.
Please park them up because when we reached that chapter, by that time you will be
equipped to understand all of this stuff. I have few questions regarding the installations. If
you install GI, you are giving the SAP instance application server IP address and all and it's
connecting to the SAP system database and application server. But if you install Eclipse
studio, how it is connecting to the system directly without do you need to give the IP address
and instance or how it is that? Yes.So if you take my server access, we'll give you full
document and also video support. With that you can see here. So there you will find the
details how to connect. I am not asking the document which you are providing or not, but I'm
asking the connection details. Means is it mandatory to give the connection or even if you
connect to add your server to Sebgui. If you are able to connect from Sebgi then you later on
Go to Eclipse.Just go to eclipse. Go to right click and add new server. That's all.

You will automatically see that server which is there in your eclipse, in your SAP GUI to the
eclipse here. So how it will connect? They both are independent software. How it both
connected each other by the IP address it will connect. So IP address of SAPGUI or SAP
server. SAP server. SAP GUI doesn't have any IP address. Always server have IP
address. Client doesn't have IP address. My clarification is my doubt is how Eclipse will
determine SAPGUI first. Okay. Eclipse the moment you install ADT ABAP development tool
in Eclipse, that is what understanding GUI. That is what talking to the GUI libraries.
Okay. So you must have installed above development tool in Eclipse. That is what is talking
to the GUI actually.

So this guy, this also talks to server. This also talks to your GUI to load the server details
which are added to GUI. So Sapga is mandated to work on SAP means Ana studio, right?
Yes.Also yes. You can see already put it at this moment. Maybe going forward SAP will
remove SAPGUI completely installation maybe going forward, not right now.
Okay, maybe going forward but not right now. Immediately it's still in use. In index our chart.
What does the MDX engine and planning engine do? So MDX engine and planning engine
are mainly used for BW related queries. I am actually not a BW consultant. So in the BW I
heard that we used to create something called Becks report or some analytic query for
planning scenarios.

We have some certain planning scenarios stored queries in BW. So those kind of
processings which you want to do on Hana, when you submit it from the BW system to
HANA, HANA will be processing those multi dimension queries using BMDX engine and
planning engine. As I am not an expert on BW, I cannot tell internal functionality of the MDX
engine and planning engine. Right now. For that you can again go back and check BW on
HANA documentation. Okay.

Which is preferred development, installation or environment? Is it Hana Studio or Eclipse?

My preference will be Eclipse as preferred development environment. Still you have Hana
studio, you can use that. Also as I can see most of you are asking Hana Studio Eclipse,
HANA Studio Eclipse HANA Studio Eclipse.

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I would also want you to put some more light on one more video of mine which is published
on YouTube. This is by the way by far the most asked question by you guys. Hana Studio
versus Eclipse.

So if you want more detailed comparison, please check my video here on the YouTube
which explains you about what is the difference between Eclipse, Hana Studio and web Ide.
Please, please do watch this video. It's only there on YouTube.

You must watch this video to get some good hands on on. Also more deeper understanding
on these things, these tools. So I just gave you the link. Please watch that after today's
class so you get some more deeper understanding about it. Just one question, could you
please go to the slide where you have explained the different version of support packs
support pack 012345 so my question is when the new customer comes in, right? And they
ask for suggestions. I know it depends upon what features they would like to have it on their
system, but which version? We should suggest a minimum.

What is the current in the market? What should we tell them? Basically as a consultant. As a
consultant of course you cannot decide on version part when your company wants to
implement Hana. SAP will anyway give you the latest version only. They won't give you a
choice that you go with the old version. Okay. Minimum is HANA 2.0 on top of it support
pack. Of course you can choose. Now you cannot install HANA 1.0 anywhere. Not
possible. Okay, because you have highlighted, I was just wondering, you can choose which
one you want that you can decide on the other side in terms of sizing is what is that? They
will ask you what sizing option you can go with.

So HANA is available in different sizing options in option of t shirt size. So they are like large,
extra large, medium, small. So based on different sizing options of SAP HANA you will
recommend which HANA they want to go.

So you can check here HAna platform sizing options and according to that the cost will be
decided by SAP and in what different sizes it's available. So let's say you want 100 gigabyte
store if it's a small then up to four gigabyte of in memory DB. So you see Excel comes with
256 gigs of memory. Then you see application server usage so here you can see this
different sizing options of SAP Hana. So see 32,000 gb if you go with Excel size of
installation. Sorry, please go ahead.

So based on this, your cost will be decided by the company. Okay, so basically what I'm
understanding is this is basically higher level, right? Basis team is involved with the
administrator. Those kinds of people were involved to decide basically the sizing,
the platform size in just general purpose.

If somebody asks you hey, what will be, it will be kind of costing then you should never say
it's costing based on versions. See, based on version things doesn't cost you. So it's based
on size. It's a database. So more data size you want. And according to that you have to take
You mean to say the space, basically the memory. Yes, the memory. The kind of memory
you want. According to this memory, your hardware configuration also change. Okay, and
one more question. I got actually confused. I know that we need a server access. What is
the difference between RDP access and server access is a different fee in terms of it's a
computer running on Internet. This is RDP remote desktop, remote desktop RDP.
Do we need to pay extra for that? No, it is included in this $2,500 or $40 you get this RDP.

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So suppose you're using Mac now in the Mac, or maybe you're using company laptop. They
don't even allow any installation. You can use our RDP, go to RDP, it has everything
installed. See, Hana studio is there. So basically if I don't want to spend time on installing
everything, I can just simply just log in and then start working. Right? I'm just asking. But
only catch here is Internet doesn't work in this server. We don't allow Internet access.

Okay, that's fine. Anyway, we have our laptop in terms of usage server and all you can use it.
So you see we don't allow Internet access here, but you can use server for SAP GUI
development, above development. HANA development can do that actually. Okay, just one
last question. Do we need SAP GUI mandatory to get server access from our eclipse, I
mean HANA studio? So for example, if I don't have SAP GUI, can I still go ahead and add
that ABAP component in my eclipse and then access to your server? Basically what I'm
asking is do we really need SAP GUI in order for me to access your server through eclipse?
If you are using local eclipse, you need GUI in your local computer.

If you use our RDP, you actually don't need anything. Use this RDP. It has everything.
Don't need any because you already have XP logan everything we have. Yes already but
from your local computer if you want to access from your local computer from your local GUI
like I am doing from my local computer, this eclipse is my local computer. From here I'm
talking to ABAP server.T hen you need SAP GUI in local computer also like I have it here.
And if you take our server access we will give you SAP GUI installation free. Sure.
What is 17 918 when you say Hana? That's advanced topic. We will park this question for
S/4 HANA chapter. So let's park it up for S/4 HANA chapter.

Heavy dose of antibiotic for now. All right. Speed doesn't matter. We have a very good
speed connection. It's a thousand gbps speed mbps speed connection we have. It wise
you'll not face any issues with our servers.

24 x seven you can connect anytime with our RDP server. Hi Anubhav, just had a query on
the index server side. Where does the work processes come in? At what stage do we think
about that? It has to go into the memory, collect the aprons and all.

So where does the work processes come in? Good question but please understand this is
database server architecture. This is not ABAP server architecture. In these three layers if
you go back quickly, our three tier architecture once again.

So where is our three tier architecture? It's this one presentation, application and database.
When you learn ABAP course for the first time in your life you were learning this guy in this
dispatcher work process, dialogue, work process, background spool, NQ DQ those things
comes here. We are talking this layer, database layer which is HANA.

You see we are talking about this layer. This layer is different architecture. This is not ABAP
server. There's no work process here. There are engines inside. So that's what we spoke
here.HANA platform, Hana engine, what components do we have it inside? So there's no
work process as such. There are these engines which are doing this processing. Actually
we don't have work process, we have these engines.

This is Hana, it's not ABAP layer it. Okay got it. Thanks.

All right guys, thank you so much. With that it's a wrap on today's class. Catch up tomorrow
at the same time.

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Have a nice day and goodbye.

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