D1-3 Journal

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Off Premise Catering

APRIL 13, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Shiekadato, Suarez,
Alyssa Rena

Perando, Salandron, Sicad,

Jhein Mycah Frtiz Jhon Loyd
Our subject, catering management, requires us to do our off-premise catering. We're so
excited because we know that we can gain basic to advanced knowledge and skills
about how to handle a catering business and also experience something new. We know
that this subject can be constantly challenged and pushed to excel in all aspects of our
work. However, with the right skills, attitude, and dedication, a career in catering
management can be immensely rewarding and fulfilling. Our expectation is to think on
one's feet and solve problems under pressure. Events can be unpredictable, and caterers
must be prepared to handle any issues that may arise. whether it be a last-minute
change in the menu, a guest with a food allergy, or a sudden increase in the number of
attendees. We're also expecting that we will prepare a large amount of food, prepare the
event venue, and lastly, provide good service to our guests.
We went to the baptism and birthday celebration at Paraw
Beach Resort at exactly 9 a.m., saw the location, and had a
short meeting regarding what we needed to do first. The first
thing we do is set up the table, put the plate and utensils in
place, and after that, we arrange the back drop. We pumped
the balloons and had a short discussion on how we could
beautify the design.
We put the food on the table. After that, the guests
came little by little, and we greeted them with a smile
on our faces. We cater them served drinks and assist
thier needs and to thier needs. After lunch, we buss out
the plate that the guest used. We separate the food
waste, plates, utensils, and glass to ensure that it is
organized, and we clean it easily.

We washed the dishes, cleaned the table, and removed the

backdrop. After all the service we rendered to the event, we
successfully finished the work we were assigned and learned things
that can help us broaden our skills in catering services.
Our Off-premise catering services held at Paraw
Beach Resort has been considered an
educational activity due to the valuable skills
and knowledge that we gained from
participating in such event and render service
with passion and dedication. These catering
services provide a unique opportunity for us to
learn about presentation, and customer service
in a real-world setting.
By working with off-premise catering services, us as a group
developed catering skills, learn how to work efficiently under
pressure, and gain valuable experience in event planning and
management. Additionally, these services require teamwork
and communication skills, as we collaborate with others to
ensure that events run smoothly.
We recommend for further improvement of learnings, first is about
the time management. When we gathered during our call time
some of us are late and some member left something in their
home so we had to go back, that consumed a lot of time that we
supposed to be on the road traveling to our event destination.
Also the event place must be visit the day before the event so that
we could plan out the decors and everything that we have to do at
the said event venue.
The accommodation of the guests must be monitor all the time,
especially if the food is already escalated for specific amount of
guests so that it won’t be short in foods and drinks. And lastly,
the plates and utensils and the glass bottles must be taken out
after the guest finish eating, to avoid the overcrowding of staff
and us the volunteer caterer.
Set up & Preparation
Table Set Up
Serving drinks to the guest
Buss out
Group Picture

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